Leung Sir, is it possible that I can download or send email the data for practice from you. This is my way of practice, I place my tablet which load up your video besides my laptop and doing the exercise, side by side. Thank you.
I am so sorry that I have checked with my team member and confirm the file is no longer available. Let us know if you have any problems during the practice of the subject video. Thanks
👍非常清晰和有用,謝謝KK sir🙏
Hi Alice 多謝你嘅好評。
@@besslau3570 多謝收看
如果可以提埋快速鍵會更好,如 "Ctrl + T to create a Table"
小小提案 望見諒:)
@@TheHappyCheng 多謝分享你的建議👍
Thank you
You're welcome
Thank you! Excellent, I have learned a lot from you.
Very useful👍
Your workbook is important to me, I do not understand Kuangdongnese :)
Thanks for your watching
Leung Sir, is it possible that I can download or send email the data for practice from you. This is my way of practice, I place my tablet which load up your video besides my laptop and doing the exercise, side by side. Thank you.
Currently, I cannot access my data files. Update you a few days later. Thanks
@@KKLeung thanks
I am so sorry that I have checked with my team member and confirm the file is no longer available. Let us know if you have any problems during the practice of the subject video. Thanks
@@KKLeung It is ok. I am studying or trying to understand the VBA CODE which you wrote for one of your subscribers. We interesting. Thanks anyway.
Hi KK 老師,我想問下在file ,option 加custom list 之後,我試過這個custom list 都係其他workbooks 出現,可唔可以只是for this workbook only? 唔好在其他workbook list 出嚟?
@@besslau3570 custom list 是記錄在 Excel application 裏面,所以Excel workbook 在你電腦開始𢓭都可使用。
請問如果sale金額有不同currency,例如USD & HKD,我想在Pivot Table最底分別顯示USD & HKD的Grand total,有可能嗎?
@@KKLeung 是的
建議做多一個 Pivot table 將貨幣單位放置到 Pivot Table Row 位置, 可以展示HKD and USD 總和
Hi KK Sir, 第一個方法是做Pivot Table前Create Table先, 如果Title名稱太長分了兩行, 可否做到Pivot Table?
Hi Patrick
1 多謝你嘅提問,會安排時間處理,遲啲回覆你。
2 但名稱內容唔可空位。
Hi KK Sir, 好的,例如第一行是公司名,第二行是戶口類別如S/A或者C/A,第三行是戶口號碼,Title名稱巳經有三行,不是一般做法只得一行名稱分類
Hi Patrick,
已經試過分行數是不可行, 你可以考慮用 Underscore 作為分隔. Format可參考如下. 我試過超過30個字母都冇問題.
Hi KK Sir, 好的, 謝謝您幫忙! 因為每次收到對方send嚟個file, 就是這個Format, 所以每都要用人手去執