Inspiring?If you are inspired by brilliant politics machinations. It was entirely manipulative and the politically naive and shallow fall all over it. He played them like a fiddle. The writing is great but few actors other than Alda could have pulled this off. Machiavellian politics.
The thing is, obviously every word of that speech was politically calculated, but still, Vinnick seems so sincere. That’s why he was so great. You never felt like he was lying to you.
Both Bartlet and Toby saw through what Vinick was doing. The GOP convention had been 3 days of Bartlet bashing. But here comes the nominee who praises Bartlet. Suddenly blue dog Democrats and independents see Vinick as a "different" kind of Republican, one they could vote for.
@@coena9377 As a speechwriter Toby is superior but overall political acumen Jed was probably the best in the series. It's just he was too busy to use it most of the time.
@@EsquilaxM I don't think Toby could have made as good of a president as Jed, but I don't think Jed's overall political insight was greater than Toby's, unless you're talking specifically about the economy.
You can see clearly in this scene that they were building toward a Vinick win before John Spencer passed away. It was one of those speeches where they afforded him the "Bartlet reverence."
@@afieldingaf An amoeba could have done a better job than the psychopathic, sociopathic, narcissistic, self-aggrandizing, racist, corrupt, sexual predator and compulsive liar that was the Commander-In-Insurrection.
@@anthonymitchell9793 see right there you displayed the hypocrisy of the left which is absolutely breathtaking you accused Trump and his supporters of spreading hate and look at all the horrible hateful vengeful words you said about President Trump, you are just like the rest of the left and the Democrats you are all hypercrites, you call Trump a sexual predator what dies that make the current President
Boy, did you say it. I remember being up all night blowing coke and then watching WW and ER reruns on the TNT network. This gave me a sense of normalcy and kept me tied to reality long enough to make changes to my life. What a ride it’s been.
Arnold Vinick is perhaps the embodiment of everything I'd like to see out of a Republican. He's smart and honest. I'm a liberal Democrat, but I might actually be able to vote for someone like Arnold Vinick.
John Landon There are no “Vinick” Republicans left. The remaining Republicans have proactively chosen to work with the enemies of freedom and democracy to destroy our nation. Those, like Romney, who aspire to appear uncorrupted are careful to make a stand only when it is irrelevant.
The benefit of the final season was they made both Vinick and Santos moderates, at least in their respective parties. They made them both likable candidate. They knew it was hard to pick a winner. Much like the Kennedy v Nixon election, or even the Bush v Gore election.
I’m old enough to remember when there were Republicans like that. Decent, respectable, kind, well spoken and with an intellectual political argument to offer instead of fear and jingoism. Damn I’m old.
@@wac9280 No. Neither of them were Eisenhower Republicans. Neither would’ve increased taxes on the wealthy nor would they have protected Social Security. We haven’t SEEN a Republican as progressive as Eisenhower since 1960.
And I’m old enough to remember Dems like Bartlett, not radicals that want to ban oil and have biological ales go to women’s prisons if they self identify. Demos are so quick if to point out the failures of the opposition but never self analysis. Why do you assume they fault is externally, maybe you’re looking at it with your mind made up. Why do old people always talk about the olden days being better? They’re not better you just remember them better because you were young and didn’t have joint pain at the time.
Yeah, and then Democrats and their friends in the media decided to treat a boy scout choir boy goody two shoes in Mitt Romney like he was the second coming of Adolf and Republicans realized they'd never be given a fair shake or treated with humanity ever again. And now the Democrats even arrest any of their political opponents.
Classy example of honoring the Presidency. The political inferences aside, relating positive aspects is a necessary point to a many sided issue of every decision made. All trade offs for all decisions made is what creates balance for all.
To be honest, I probably would have voted for Arnold Vinick. While my esteem for him as a character diminished a bit as I got to know him better, Santos never seemed to possess that X factor one looks for in a President. He had good policy ideas and made some very stirring speeches, but he wasn't so candid or such a unifying figure in equal measure as Vinick. However now it's 2014 and one week to the election which, in the West Wing universe, and presuming Santos was re-elected, would replace Santos. I'd like to imagine Sam Seaborn would be on the Democratic ticket. I would DEFINITELY watch a West Wing reboot with Sam as President (written by Sorkin, of course).
I honestly felt Santos would be a one term president. No party sense FDR and Truman has held the White House for 4 straight terms. Also Santos was entering into a mess with the intervention in Central Asia, and likely spending most of his political capital in a fight over his VP.
Jaron Ehlers I thought Santos appointing Vinick as Secretary of State was essentially horse trading to get the Republicans in Congress to confirm his pick for VP.
mjakes20 2020 now, I would take Arnie Vinick, I would take Arnie Vinick’s dog, if he had one; for President. Funny how you don’t think much about Freedom, Democracy, and the Blessings of Liberty; until you lose them.
Before Leo McGarry - John Spencer died it was plan to led Vinick win, Santos should be the latino with big talents but does be a Statesman. Then Spencer died all plans were altered.
Max Schön I thought it was really amazing that in the cold open for the first episode of Season 7, “The Ticket”, when all of the regulars of the Bartlett White House were gathering three years later to celebrate the dedication of his Presidential library. Only Leo was nowhere to be seen. This aired on network television almost three months before John Spenser died, so it really was a chance decision that kept them from having a huge inconsistency in their historical timeline. (Yes, calling him Leo versus Mr. Vice President might have spoiled the election surprise.)
It's scenes like these that I kind of wish that Vinick had won. Though I understand, that with the passing of Leo's actor the writers could not possibly make Santos lose after such a personal loss to the viewer. Alan Alda to me breathes Presidentialitly. Statesmanship and indeed, a bit of nobility.
+SonOfGod3000 No he is not. He is unreallistic, cause it's what you would want republican candidate to look like. That is sometinh that GOP had, but not anymore. Last guy that was like that was sen. McCain. Awsome guy! And now, looking at candidates for GOP ticket, we all wish for Arnold Vinnick
+Jitesh Shahani and they also made it very clear that Vinnick would have walked away with the election if not for the nuclear accident. If that scenario had happened in real life to someone like Vinnick, it would have torpedoed his campaign in much the same way.
In less than 2 decades and compared to our world today, the decency and basic patriotism shown in this series, comes off like science fiction. How far we've fallen.
+John Randall Banks They'd instantly have my vote and I'm a liberal. The left has let the their own personal clown car get way out of control. The authoritarian left makes Green Peace look like conservatives.
Too bad there aren't any Democrats running for office like Matt Santos. Or even Bingo Bob for that matter. Today we get to choose between two flavors of shit.
There are. And they get shot down in primaries, if they even get that far. Because the sheeple tuned out 30 seconds into that speech to look at a tweet crowing "FAKE NEWS LIBERALS, SAD!"
How many openly out-of-closet atheists are there in American politics, let alone within GOP? I enjoy wet dreams, too. When I leave the screens, I know it is time to be awake. That is why I appreciate the fact that this screenwriter did not attempt to draw any parallels to the real-life occurrences.
if you live in a fairy tale, then yes. of course u just had 8 years of obama failures to realize what reality is, and still didn't figure anything out, so go back to smoking pot and living a lie.
We do have a real-life Arnold Vinick: his name is Jon Huntsman. But he'll never get the nomination, because the GOP is different in real life. So please, vote to re-elect Barack Obama, the most Bartlett-like person running!
Man! Alan Alda should run for president! He was so so good in season 7 . I really wanted him to win! If not for the nuclear meltdown in California, he had it all sewn up!
I kind of wanted Vinnick to win. He had more of a presidential feel than Santos. This speech was amazing. He dismissed Santos and Russell just like that.
Can't we do the world a favour and have all the West Wing episodes avaliable for free to show how polictics should be and also how TV drama should be made.
there is no difference. You're giving a similar amount of your life for your country, and you are a human being who deserves the same decency and respect.
Yeah, but Huntsman was a decent human being like Vinick. That's what I was going for. Also Huntsman was the closest thing the Republicans had for a lineup. Even most democrats I knew liked him.
Yep, we need another democrat President who skullf*#ks interns in the oval office and then lies about it under oath. Or maybe one who will send $1.5 billion in cash to the nation sponsoring most of the terrorism around the globe.
Just how good was this show? Simply the very best American TV series ever made. Grows in stature as the years pass. Prescient politically, not dated by the issues of the day it addressed, utterly superb acting throughout and, above all presented the romantic ideal that decent civilized people can rule effectively as believable. Every Trump Cultist should be required to watch the entire series 3x before being allowed to believe the votes for Biden were rigged! 🤣
@Waltham1892 You say that, but in the opening episode it was Josh how was about to introduce the new president to Bartlett et al. and Josh becomes Santos' chief of staff. It looked to me that it was always set up for a democrat victory and that season 7 was more a story on how that would happen, not whether it would happen.
@justforlescomments Vinick WAS going to win, but after John Spencer died suddenly they changed it so that Santos would win, figuring that having both Leo McGarry die and Santos losing the race would be a little too negative.
Vinick was supposed to have won. But, the death of John Spencer changed that ending. It was thought to be too sad, for Santos to lose his running mate AND the election.
At 1:55, he wasn't being a jerk, he just knew there was a political ploy behind the kind words. He's been a politician too long to think this was just praise for the sake of praise. His wife could give as good as she got. His son-in-law's kind of an idiot. Hoynes is also in many ways a jerk.
@Ichiro20 The payoff for Vinick fans was his being appointed Secretary of State. Santos knew he was the man for the job and didn't care he was a republican. In a show that's centered on democrats and democratic issues, that's a win for a republican. (It is fiction after all!!)
John Huntsman was the closest thing they had to Vinick in terms of ideology, but the Old Guard couldn't have a moderate like that. That's why the events of the West Wing remain fictional, unfortunately.
@VolumeTurnedDown I dunno, I felt it made him even more honourable in the fact that the temptation to turn dirty was there but he didn't use it. It's not enough for him to say he's a good guy, we have to see him be a good guy.
Fantastic speech! (For what we hear) Although he said "Every Everything", as if he were groping for words. McCain and Obama could not say this about Bush. Us Republicans need an Arnold Vinick. Vinick really should have won that election.
John McCain deserves a lot of credit for those comments. BUT he was talking about SENATOR OBAMA. Do you think he would say those things today about PRESIDENT OBAMA?
@TheJUMBOJAM Not quite true. I read an interview with one of the script writing team that they wrote the election on the fly, and enjoyed the fact that it developed into a genuine contest, but that no decision had ever been made early on that Vinick would win. You know this because Josh introduces the president in episode 1 (i.e. as Santos' Chief of Staff). This idea that Vinick was supposed to win has been kicking around erroneously for a while now,
Don’t think it’s ironic. When was the last time a Democrat gave a good speech? Joe is mentally gone, Obama so painfully arrogant. To these writers Democrats can go to a brokered convention, have all sorts of issues but they’ll never actually lose. That’s how they would always write it. Just another reason so many people ignore the media and their step child, Hollywood.
@@staleydu1 Not quite. Vinick was apparently going to win originally, but they changed it after John Spencer passed because the crew felt that would’ve been too sad. You might want to check your sources before you hit the keyboard next time.
Of course Vinick can praise Bartlet, he's not running against him. It would be a smart move really, you'd get the support of everyone who supported the previous administration byt saying you intend to pick up where they left off and uphold their ideals.
@@Mark-xh8mdI’m a rank-and-file Democrat, but not even I could say that about either Bush. It would require unmitigated gall for me to say that about either of them because it would be an outright lie. And that goes double for Reagan and off the scales for saying that about Trump!
god, what I would give for an orator like that this election. Sanders just repeats the same shit over and over and over again. Clinton comes off as awkward and uncomfortable. Trump spews vile bigotry everywhere. Cruz seems too snide and too smug.
+Andrew Wang John Kasich, from a style perspective (though unsure if he's thought out all of his positions, I'm pretty sure he has a general understanding for things), comes rather close; I doubt he wins the Republican nomination though (if he did, he'd beat both Hillary and Bernie).
Andrew Wang Watch John Kasich in a town hall setting, and compare that to Vinnick. Vinnick never actually had soaring oratory; he was a honest truth-teller who everyone (Democrat, Republican, or otherwise) saw as a good an honest man.
+Andrew Wang Sanders though, I like him a lot, because he has his focus concentrated on one big target, which when taken down, it could pave an easier path for bringing the Presidency closer to the people and providing what the people want, instead of taking payoffs from Wall St.
Tim Schnell his target is unrealistic as hell, and his speeches are probably the most boring out of all the candidates for the sole fact that he says the same 2 or 3 lines over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
i agree...the closest thing the repubs have to vinick right now is probably ron paul...and although his popularity has grown...i'm not sure he can move the party back to its true self
@ifyoufilmmeiwillkilu He was supposed to win the election--that's what the writers planned. But when John Spencer passed away they didn't want Santos to lose the election for that reason, and they didn't want the audience to lose a great character and an election. Too emotionally painful. So they re-wrote it so that Santos won.
If only we were graced with two such candidates. While I've become a committed Democrat in the last two decades (Newt Gingrich was the straw that broke this camel's back - but Reagan did a lot of the heavy lifting) - but I KNOW I could/would vote for a Republican who had the clarity, integrity, sincerity, and gravitas of a Vinick (e.g. a Dick Lugar, a Mitt Romney, a Jon Huntsman, ... ). We're in steep decline now - pray that such candidates emerge in the coming years, regardless their party affiliation.
@Ichiro20 They didn't want to give Vinick the win because the actor who played Leo died just before the end of the series. They didn't want to hit fans with a double loss...but I agree with you; as a moderate, I agree a Vinick win would have been a better ending of the series.
I love everyone's reaction here, particularly Toby's. A grumpy, calculated, shrewd response to an inspiring speech.
Given the fact that the Democrats were in meltdown mode and couldn't get a floor vote to save their lives, he wasn't that far off.
Inspiring?If you are inspired by brilliant politics machinations. It was entirely manipulative and the politically naive and shallow fall all over it. He played them like a fiddle. The writing is great but few actors other than Alda could have pulled this off. Machiavellian politics.
@@misslegacyatheartit’s fiction!
The thing is, obviously every word of that speech was politically calculated, but still, Vinnick seems so sincere. That’s why he was so great. You never felt like he was lying to you.
because he DID believe it (for the story purpose)
Vinnick likely had more in common ideologically with Bartlet than he did with the conservative wing of his own party.
@@theevilascotcompany9255absolutely. They were prob in sync 80%.
Yes, and one of the first things th8ngs he did was lie to the christians about judge appointments!
Both Bartlet and Toby saw through what Vinick was doing. The GOP convention had been 3 days of Bartlet bashing. But here comes the nominee who praises Bartlet. Suddenly blue dog Democrats and independents see Vinick as a "different" kind of Republican, one they could vote for.
Toby and the President are so sharp, they instantly saw through his speech as something beyond the typical "praise the honourable enemy" speech.
+AJBfc Toby was always just a half step behind Jeb ,nothing more
@@timmullens9479 When? I think they were both pretty equally sharp but I liked Toby more.
@@coena9377 As a speechwriter Toby is superior but overall political acumen Jed was probably the best in the series. It's just he was too busy to use it most of the time.
@@EsquilaxM I don't think Toby could have made as good of a president as Jed, but I don't think Jed's overall political insight was greater than Toby's, unless you're talking specifically about the economy.
Alan Alda is truly great, but the little comment of Toby at the end of the clip is priceless.
Great post! Someone needs to put more Vinick scenes like this up. Especially the one where he announces his candidacy. Vinick is great!
You can see clearly in this scene that they were building toward a Vinick win before John Spencer passed away. It was one of those speeches where they afforded him the "Bartlet reverence."
Hearing that voice as I had for countless hours of my childhood. He will always be Hawkeye Pierce.
I like the idea of Hawkeye getting back from the war and ending up in high office...
Toby and the President both understood the implications very clearly.
Watching this in 2020 fills me with such a sad nostalgia....
Have faith, the Age of Orange is over.
@@imcallingjapan2178 You seriously think dementia Joe is better really
@@afieldingaf An amoeba could have done a better job than the psychopathic, sociopathic, narcissistic, self-aggrandizing, racist, corrupt, sexual predator and compulsive liar that was the Commander-In-Insurrection.
@@anthonymitchell9793 see right there you displayed the hypocrisy of the left which is absolutely breathtaking you accused Trump and his supporters of spreading hate and look at all the horrible hateful vengeful words you said about President Trump, you are just like the rest of the left and the Democrats you are all hypercrites, you call Trump a sexual predator what dies that make the current President
Boy, did you say it. I remember being up all night blowing coke and then watching WW and ER reruns on the TNT network. This gave me a sense of normalcy and kept me tied to reality long enough to make changes to my life. What a ride it’s been.
Arnold Vinick is perhaps the embodiment of everything I'd like to see out of a Republican. He's smart and honest.
I'm a liberal Democrat, but I might actually be able to vote for someone like Arnold Vinick.
You're not alone
Arnie Vinivk was portrayed as a Eisenhower Republican... Freedom and Deomcracy.
John Landon There are no “Vinick” Republicans left. The remaining Republicans have proactively chosen to work with the enemies of freedom and democracy to destroy our nation. Those, like Romney, who aspire to appear uncorrupted are careful to make a stand only when it is irrelevant.
@@RobynHarris I'm inclined to agree with you.
The benefit of the final season was they made both Vinick and Santos moderates, at least in their respective parties. They made them both likable candidate. They knew it was hard to pick a winner. Much like the Kennedy v Nixon election, or even the Bush v Gore election.
I’m old enough to remember when there were Republicans like that.
Decent, respectable, kind, well spoken and with an intellectual political argument to offer instead of fear and jingoism.
Damn I’m old.
I'd vote for a Teddy Roosevelt Republican right now.
I’d vote for an Eisenhower Republican in a heartbeat…
@@wac9280 No. Neither of them were Eisenhower Republicans. Neither would’ve increased taxes on the wealthy nor would they have protected Social Security. We haven’t SEEN a Republican as progressive as Eisenhower since 1960.
And I’m old enough to remember Dems like Bartlett, not radicals that want to ban oil and have biological ales go to women’s prisons if they self identify.
Demos are so quick if to point out the failures of the opposition but never self analysis.
Why do you assume they fault is externally, maybe you’re looking at it with your mind made up.
Why do old people always talk about the olden days being better?
They’re not better you just remember them better because you were young and didn’t have joint pain at the time.
Yeah, and then Democrats and their friends in the media decided to treat a boy scout choir boy goody two shoes in Mitt Romney like he was the second coming of Adolf and Republicans realized they'd never be given a fair shake or treated with humanity ever again. And now the Democrats even arrest any of their political opponents.
after a speech like that, democratic party are going to need a nuclear powered solution to beat vinick.
hah, i get it
hashirama senju lol
I see what ya did there. :-P
His name is Josh Lyman
Classy example of honoring the Presidency. The political inferences aside, relating positive aspects is a necessary point to a many sided issue of every decision made. All trade offs for all decisions made is what creates balance for all.
To be honest, I probably would have voted for Arnold Vinick. While my esteem for him as a character diminished a bit as I got to know him better, Santos never seemed to possess that X factor one looks for in a President. He had good policy ideas and made some very stirring speeches, but he wasn't so candid or such a unifying figure in equal measure as Vinick. However now it's 2014 and one week to the election which, in the West Wing universe, and presuming Santos was re-elected, would replace Santos. I'd like to imagine Sam Seaborn would be on the Democratic ticket. I would DEFINITELY watch a West Wing reboot with Sam as President (written by Sorkin, of course).
I honestly felt Santos would be a one term president. No party sense FDR and Truman has held the White House for 4 straight terms. Also Santos was entering into a mess with the intervention in Central Asia, and likely spending most of his political capital in a fight over his VP.
Jaron Ehlers I thought Santos appointing Vinick as Secretary of State was essentially horse trading to get the Republicans in Congress to confirm his pick for VP.
mjakes20 2020 now, I would take Arnie Vinick, I would take Arnie Vinick’s dog, if he had one; for President.
Funny how you don’t think much about Freedom, Democracy, and the Blessings of Liberty; until you lose them.
Before Leo McGarry - John Spencer died it was plan to led Vinick win, Santos should be the latino with big talents but does be a Statesman. Then Spencer died all plans were altered.
Max Schön I thought it was really amazing that in the cold open for the first episode of Season 7, “The Ticket”, when all of the regulars of the Bartlett White House were gathering three years later to celebrate the dedication of his Presidential library. Only Leo was nowhere to be seen.
This aired on network television almost three months before John Spenser died, so it really was a chance decision that kept them from having a huge inconsistency in their historical timeline. (Yes, calling him Leo versus Mr. Vice President might have spoiled the election surprise.)
It's scenes like these that I kind of wish that Vinick had won. Though I understand, that with the passing of Leo's actor the writers could not possibly make Santos lose after such a personal loss to the viewer. Alan Alda to me breathes Presidentialitly. Statesmanship and indeed, a bit of nobility.
Vinnick should've won the election. By far the superior, idealistic candidate out of the final two.
+SonOfGod3000 No he is not. He is unreallistic, cause it's what you would want republican candidate to look like. That is sometinh that GOP had, but not anymore. Last guy that was like that was sen. McCain. Awsome guy! And now, looking at candidates for GOP ticket, we all wish for Arnold Vinnick
+SonOfGod3000 he was supposed to win the election but then Leo died so they changed the ending
+Jitesh Shahani and they also made it very clear that Vinnick would have walked away with the election if not for the nuclear accident. If that scenario had happened in real life to someone like Vinnick, it would have torpedoed his campaign in much the same way.
+gibson3lespaul Maybe Sen McCain in 2000. By the time he ran in 2008 he had moved quite far to the right.
Jackington X You sir are probably right. However, even in 2008 he was by far superior candidate to everything that GOP offered since long ago.
In less than 2 decades and compared to our world today, the decency and basic patriotism shown in this series, comes off like science fiction. How far we've fallen.
It came off like science fiction even in its time.
@@jdb316 Yeah, I know what you're saying.
@@jdb316 My, aren't we cynical?
Ah, and excellent editorial by Toby Ziegler of the Coney Island Killjoy.
Too bad there aren't any GOPers running for office like Alan Alda's Vinick.
+John Randall Banks
They'd instantly have my vote and I'm a liberal. The left has let the their own personal clown car get way out of control. The authoritarian left makes Green Peace look like conservatives.
Too bad there aren't any Democrats running for office like Matt Santos. Or even Bingo Bob for that matter. Today we get to choose between two flavors of shit.
There are. And they get shot down in primaries, if they even get that far. Because the sheeple tuned out 30 seconds into that speech to look at a tweet crowing "FAKE NEWS LIBERALS, SAD!"
You're pretty shallow. Are there any Dems that fit the bill? Btw, this is a tv show that was written by Dems. My, oh my, what a dunce you are.
How many openly out-of-closet atheists are there in American politics, let alone within GOP?
I enjoy wet dreams, too. When I leave the screens, I know it is time to be awake.
That is why I appreciate the fact that this screenwriter did not attempt to draw any parallels to the real-life occurrences.
These days the Republican convention would probably boo their candidate for saying that.
LOL, imagine what the Democratic convention would do if anyone praised Donald Trump. They'd be liable to lose the nomination wholesale.
@@steveprice33Could you honestly blame the delegates for revoking the nomination and finding someone else in such a scenario? I definitely couldn’t.
I think I would rather watch the west wing constantly for the next four years than have to deal with a trump presidency
if you live in a fairy tale, then yes.
of course u just had 8 years of obama failures to realize what reality is, and still didn't figure anything out, so go back to smoking pot and living a lie.
potterpotty01 I feel you to, I just woke up to the news reporting about him tweeting about something stupid. This is gonna be a long 4 years.
Ha, nice troll attempt.
Seaborn-Lyman 2020
8 years
That kind of sentiment and reflection would be useful today in 2020.
Vinick was awesome. I was still rooting for Josh and Santos, but this made it hard.
MattyF I think that was the idea....
@@nickcurry7986 Thanks. I've spent the past 8 years wondering.
@@nickcurry7986 Again. Thank you. If you hadn't come along, I would've never understood nuance in storytelling.
We do have a real-life Arnold Vinick: his name is Jon Huntsman. But he'll never get the nomination, because the GOP is different in real life. So please, vote to re-elect Barack Obama, the most Bartlett-like person running!
Man! Alan Alda should run for president! He was so so good in season 7 . I really wanted him to win! If not for the nuclear meltdown in California, he had it all sewn up!
I kind of wanted Vinnick to win. He had more of a presidential feel than Santos. This speech was amazing. He dismissed Santos and Russell just like that.
IIRC he was originally meant to win but they changed the storyline when the actor playing Leo died
Can't we do the world a favour and have all the West Wing episodes avaliable for free to show how polictics should be and also how TV drama should be made.
there is no difference. You're giving a similar amount of your life for your country, and you are a human being who deserves the same decency and respect.
Respect the office! Respect the President! Hate the politics! Not the other way around🤓🇸🇪
The writers were planning to have him win, but they decided not to because John Spencer (the actor who plays Leo) died.
I always found that faulty reasoning
Its also a widely spread falsehood.
Yeah, but Huntsman was a decent human being like Vinick. That's what I was going for.
Also Huntsman was the closest thing the Republicans had for a lineup. Even most democrats I knew liked him.
Alan Alda is a great actor with the right material...
With every fiber of my Being.
God Loves You and so do I.
Compare this to the current "standard bearer" of the GOP and it's so sad.
And so the stupid gallery has put in their two cents.
Yep, we need another democrat President who skullf*#ks interns in the oval office and then lies about it under oath. Or maybe one who will send $1.5 billion in cash to the nation sponsoring most of the terrorism around the globe.
Where has such honor gone in our country?
Was Vinnick cynically trying to appeal to Bartlett voters?
Or was he genuine in what he said?
Or could it be both?
If only republicans were actually like Arnold Vinick.
Just how good was this show? Simply the very best American TV series ever made. Grows in stature as the years pass. Prescient politically, not dated by the issues of the day it addressed, utterly superb acting throughout and, above all presented the romantic ideal that decent civilized people can rule effectively as believable. Every Trump Cultist should be required to watch the entire series 3x before being allowed to believe the votes for Biden were rigged! 🤣
@Waltham1892 You say that, but in the opening episode it was Josh how was about to introduce the new president to Bartlett et al. and Josh becomes Santos' chief of staff. It looked to me that it was always set up for a democrat victory and that season 7 was more a story on how that would happen, not whether it would happen.
Can anyone even imagine today's GOP nominee making a speech like that? Ever?
That's Toby Ziegler for you!
@justforlescomments Vinick WAS going to win, but after John Spencer died suddenly they changed it so that Santos would win, figuring that having both Leo McGarry die and Santos losing the race would be a little too negative.
Those were the days
The “prime time” mention was funny
Where are Trapper John & BJ Hunnicutt :-)
Something tells me Biden will not be saying this about Trump in a few months.
Nor would I blame him.
McCain didn't have Vinick's intelligence, integrity, charisma or eloquence. Can you imagine Vinick choosing Sarah Palin as a potential VP?
Palin was a religious fanatic. So no.
I would vote for this guy a thousand times IRL if i could, haha.
It’s on! (Josh Lyman)
Vinick was supposed to have won.
But, the death of John Spencer changed that ending.
It was thought to be too sad, for Santos to lose his running mate AND the election.
Where did you hear this?
Not the case at all
Partially but the Nuclear plant disaster also sealed his fate.
@downunderdemocrat I thought for a second you were using the west wing timeline, so it made sense to me!
At 1:55, he wasn't being a jerk, he just knew there was a political ploy behind the kind words. He's been a politician too long to think this was just praise for the sake of praise.
His wife could give as good as she got.
His son-in-law's kind of an idiot.
Hoynes is also in many ways a jerk.
Television can be great.
"picked up 5 million votes" how do you know that hahahahhaa
@Ichiro20 The payoff for Vinick fans was his being appointed Secretary of State. Santos knew he was the man for the job and didn't care he was a republican. In a show that's centered on democrats and democratic issues, that's a win for a republican. (It is fiction after all!!)
If only the Republicans were really like Vinnick. If only the Democrats were really like Bartlett.
John Huntsman was the closest thing they had to Vinick in terms of ideology, but the Old Guard couldn't have a moderate like that. That's why the events of the West Wing remain fictional, unfortunately.
Vinnick was by far, the superior candidate; I'd have voted for him. ----------Wolfsky9, 73 y/o
@VolumeTurnedDown I dunno, I felt it made him even more honourable in the fact that the temptation to turn dirty was there but he didn't use it. It's not enough for him to say he's a good guy, we have to see him be a good guy.
Arnold Vinick is like a Join Huntsmn Jr.
Doesn't Vinick in this video look like he could have been Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars?
Higher age doesn't automatically mean IQ increase , though when you get to an age where it automatically goes down, that's what worries me.
Fantastic speech! (For what we hear)
Although he said "Every Everything", as if he were groping for words. McCain and Obama could not say this about Bush.
Us Republicans need an Arnold Vinick. Vinick really should have won that election.
Vinick = political lion.
Maybe recent candidates should have watched this....
Vinick deserved to win
John McCain deserves a lot of credit for those comments. BUT he was talking about SENATOR OBAMA. Do you think he would say those things today about PRESIDENT OBAMA?
It’s ironic that both men who played the liberal Hawkeye Pierce in MASH both played conservative politicians in later life
@TheJUMBOJAM Not quite true. I read an interview with one of the script writing team that they wrote the election on the fly, and enjoyed the fact that it developed into a genuine contest, but that no decision had ever been made early on that Vinick would win. You know this because Josh introduces the president in episode 1 (i.e. as Santos' Chief of Staff). This idea that Vinick was supposed to win has been kicking around erroneously for a while now,
Who knew that he was right, and that in 2020 both major candidates were older than 75.
Ironicly, whether they intended this or not, the show writers made this better than Santos' speech at the DNC.
Don’t think it’s ironic. When was the last time a Democrat gave a good speech? Joe is mentally gone, Obama so painfully arrogant. To these writers Democrats can go to a brokered convention, have all sorts of issues but they’ll never actually lose. That’s how they would always write it. Just another reason so many people ignore the media and their step child, Hollywood.
@@staleydu1 Not quite. Vinick was apparently going to win originally, but they changed it after John Spencer passed because the crew felt that would’ve been too sad.
You might want to check your sources before you hit the keyboard next time.
Of course Vinick can praise Bartlet, he's not running against him. It would be a smart move really, you'd get the support of everyone who supported the previous administration byt saying you intend to pick up where they left off and uphold their ideals.
Is there any leading Republican today who would make that statement about President Obama?
Is there any leading Democrat who would make that statement about President Bush?
@@Mark-xh8mdI’m a rank-and-file Democrat, but not even I could say that about either Bush. It would require unmitigated gall for me to say that about either of them because it would be an outright lie. And that goes double for Reagan and off the scales for saying that about Trump!
Christie, Mccain? but yeah, very few house republicans might even consider doing something like this.
MY vote would have been for Vinnick-------Alan Alda----------------------------WolfSky9
thats what happens when u do more than call each other sexist and racist. and the people dont come off as insane
I want you to type "Most Democrats liked Romney" again with a straight face.
god, what I would give for an orator like that this election. Sanders just repeats the same shit over and over and over again. Clinton comes off as awkward and uncomfortable. Trump spews vile bigotry everywhere. Cruz seems too snide and too smug.
+Andrew Wang John Kasich, from a style perspective (though unsure if he's thought out all of his positions, I'm pretty sure he has a general understanding for things), comes rather close; I doubt he wins the Republican nomination though (if he did, he'd beat both Hillary and Bernie).
Kasich's speeches put me to sleep. No charisma at all.
Andrew Wang Watch John Kasich in a town hall setting, and compare that to Vinnick. Vinnick never actually had soaring oratory; he was a honest truth-teller who everyone (Democrat, Republican, or otherwise) saw as a good an honest man.
+Andrew Wang Sanders though, I like him a lot, because he has his focus concentrated on one big target, which when taken down, it could pave an easier path for bringing the Presidency closer to the people and providing what the people want, instead of taking payoffs from Wall St.
Tim Schnell his target is unrealistic as hell, and his speeches are probably the most boring out of all the candidates for the sole fact that he says the same 2 or 3 lines over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
i agree...the closest thing the repubs have to vinick right now is probably ron paul...and although his popularity has grown...i'm not sure he can move the party back to its true self
this makes me sad we cant have this in the country today how both sides just has to blame and attack either other. very sad.
Arnie would have made a better president
why do you people always record these in shit res?
This is what McCain should have done - but he has only a 10th of Vinnick's Charisma
Sighs in 2021.
Vinick was suppose to win but when John Spencer died, they changed it
@ifyoufilmmeiwillkilu He was supposed to win the election--that's what the writers planned. But when John Spencer passed away they didn't want Santos to lose the election for that reason, and they didn't want the audience to lose a great character and an election. Too emotionally painful. So they re-wrote it so that Santos won.
Urge … to vote … rising …
Se gli USA avessero un presidente come VINICK sarebbero fortunati
Vinick 2020.
I would've voted for Vinick over Santos 10x out of 10.
Now as good as Alan Alda is you'd need some actor to give that speech about Mr Tiny Hands.
Immenso è il senatore WINICK
If only we were graced with two such candidates. While I've become a committed Democrat in the last two decades (Newt Gingrich was the straw that broke this camel's back - but Reagan did a lot of the heavy lifting) - but I KNOW I could/would vote for a Republican who had the clarity, integrity, sincerity, and gravitas of a Vinick (e.g. a Dick Lugar, a Mitt Romney, a Jon Huntsman, ... ). We're in steep decline now - pray that such candidates emerge in the coming years, regardless their party affiliation.
I’ll bet Anna Beth is one wild little ride
No one will be able to say this about Obama either...
The fact the writers did not allow Vinick to win is proof of the shows ultimate cowardice and partisanship.
Actually, he was going to win originally. They just figure Leo's actor dying AND Santos losing would be too much of a double-hit.
Alan Alda 2020
@Ichiro20 They didn't want to give Vinick the win because the actor who played Leo died just before the end of the series. They didn't want to hit fans with a double loss...but I agree with you; as a moderate, I agree a Vinick win would have been a better ending of the series.