No patient support group accessed. Fontan( Tricuspid Atresia) Exhaustion. What I've found is low tolerance to exercise, significant desaturation on exertion, sleeping between 10-16hrs per night. Longer when going through a growth spurt. At 10yrs no cognitive dysfunction.
Age 10yrs, 6.5yrs post fenestrated TCPC, Prolific collateral growing : venous & arterial! Haemoptisis x3 total 900mls age 10yrs 4mths. Closure of fenestration planned.
No patient support group accessed. Fontan( Tricuspid Atresia) Exhaustion. What I've found is low tolerance to exercise, significant desaturation on exertion, sleeping between 10-16hrs per night. Longer when going through a growth spurt. At 10yrs no cognitive dysfunction.
Age 10yrs, 6.5yrs post fenestrated TCPC, Prolific collateral growing : venous & arterial! Haemoptisis x3 total 900mls age 10yrs 4mths. Closure of fenestration planned.