Developing Reads Quickly A Little Coffee with Jonathan Little, 2 18 2019

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ส.ค. 2020
  • In this re-run of A Little Coffee, I talk about how to develop reads quickly. To join PokerCoaching for up to 70% off, check out
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  • @preflopstore9718
    @preflopstore9718 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I believe you can make half decent somewhat quick reads online as well (with or without a hud), by paying attention, did they get a run of good hands to raise or are they just loose raising anything they perceive as good and paying attention can help you categorize them, sometimes it can be quick other times it may take sometime, maybe a player never puts a chip in the pot (that’s a read ;)), that’s all I have for now (onto the video :)) a lot of what JL says also work online 😉

  • @blueXtwoplustwo
    @blueXtwoplustwo 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Good content, thanks Mr. Little!

  • @its_garcia
    @its_garcia 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    What does it mean if a player is arguing with his baby momma on the phone about his gambling addiction and this is the second time he has spent the diaper money at the casino?

    • @ryceryder85
      @ryceryder85 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      He’s angling you. He doesn’t have a woman or a baby.

    • @theejayzeeable
      @theejayzeeable 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Luis Garcia It means he likes to call river all-ins light with 5-high on extremely wet boards.

  • @anthonyaung2912
    @anthonyaung2912 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @Matt-checkandraise
    @Matt-checkandraise 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I definitely agree that stereotyping reads are useful until and unless that player shows you they're playing differently than what you thought. You can use it to assess if you're sitting down in what seems like a good game or if players change in the game your in to consider switching tables if your table gets tight. My basic stereotyping is don't play at a table against 2 or more women because they usually play solid and don't give much action. The same in general is true for senior citizens and black people. And play between 6pm and 6am since people generally play looser at night.

    • @Matt-checkandraise
      @Matt-checkandraise 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@gregorykelly8000 Right. That's the whole idea. Using this info in conjunction with how the table is actually playing to decide if your table has decent action or should you look to table change.

  • @samuelnemetsky4088
    @samuelnemetsky4088 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I had no idea about the difference between "a set" and "trips". Thank you. Is there another weird terminology that I don't know still?

    • @ThechessGuy2330
      @ThechessGuy2330 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I honestly get annoyed when people say they have a set when they have trips. All sets are trips but not all trips are sets
      The difference really is how visible the hand is, trips (2 of a kind on the board) is more visible than a set

    • @typelogin
      @typelogin 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      deuce for two and trey for three. When a dealer describes a two they are supposed to say deuce and for a three they are supposed to say trey to avoid confusion over saying two pair and three of a kind.

    • @imluvinyourmum
      @imluvinyourmum 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Juanda actually had trips

    • @PokerCoaching
      @PokerCoaching  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Most likely!

    • @nickchoporis5901
      @nickchoporis5901 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Trips, by definition, is 3 of a kind, just like 'quads ' is 4 of a kind. Poker has been around a lot longer than Hold-em or Doyle Brunson. No need to reinvent the wheel. ...

  • @baconwingz
    @baconwingz 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    there are no casinos in hawaii..

  • @dpollak59
    @dpollak59 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Eating an energy drink is correlated with being a bad player? Don't you know out of shape people who play well?

    • @PokerCoaching
      @PokerCoaching  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Some. I also know some cocaine addicts who play well.

    • @theejayzeeable
      @theejayzeeable 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@PokerCoaching Stop putting my business out there like that JL.

    • @theejayzeeable
      @theejayzeeable 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@gregorykelly8000 No. Stu did a lot coke outside of playing poker.

    • @killwalker
      @killwalker 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@PokerCoaching Say that on twitter and watch the fireworks 🍿🍺

  • @killwalker
    @killwalker 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Honestly, Poker feels rigged against me. Im not a pro and i make mistakes, but i have won tournaments so i know im ok at the least. but here is my problem with trying to grow a bankroll.
    Every time i run hot for a few hands, the same thing happens over 90% of the time. I get 3-5 hands in a row that are strong preflop. i play TA in tourneys as much as i can and try to mix it up with bluffs once in a while. But i run hot and then 1 of 3 things happen. almost every time.
    i get AA. or AK. or KK. I get 3 betted by a larger stack. sometimes i call sometimes i 4 bet. it doesnt matter. I never win. AA always lose to a straight or a flush. (on the river) AK always loses to KK or AA with nobody hitting on either street. Or my KK loses to the turn or River A, or They flop one. It happens way more than the statistics suggest it should. im so fuckin afraid to ship it now. so i play so tight i miss my spots.
    almost every tourney i play, a high percentage of hands that i fold end up being the winning hand that would have busted 4 players at once. and its always the times i make smart folds. like 9 3 off UTG. Im so discouraged amd disillusioned with 888, the only mobile app that i can seem to get to work on my phone. no laptop or pc so 888 is my only option for live poker. I just dont know what to do. I like tourneys with limited or no rebuys or add-ons, because to me that means All Ins are Way more significant and meaningful. No matter what though, i always get donked on or unlucky to the extreme losing to 1 or 2 outers most of the time. I have been trying for years to improve my game. watching help videos and listening to people like you and Polk and Dnegs...but nothing gets going for me ever. I dont know how to see this situation as anything other than the algorithm plays favorites to players who deposit regularly (bad players who lose eventually and never place in the money). I feel like i am the only person doing what I can to improve my game but its getting me nowhere.
    I have about 90min before a $1000 Depositors tourney starting. Top prize 68$ at last check.wooo. I literally EXPECT to get PF Monster and play it the way its supposed to be played and lose. It WILL happen. I know that online poker is like 3 or 4 times faster than live games on average, so i see more hands in less time. That has actually reinforced my thinking that despite claims that online poker sites like Pokerstars and 888 are legit, i see patterns of cards that repeat with just about every tournament. Every cash game. In my personal experience that i outlined at the start, it is an uncanny number of times that i run hot only to get screwed when i have the chip lead. But i watch the other players and what they play and how the cards turn out for them. most of the time, the player who is way ahead in a heads up showdown preflop or after, wins most of the time. In MY case it is literally the opposite. i lose MOST showdowns heads up to either a donkey preflop call, or a lesser hand that sucks out on me. It happens SO MUCH that it affects my decisions. makes me afraid to risk chips with a decent hand in a decent position. Im just lost at this point. If i could afford to pay someone to tutor and watch me play and ask me questions like "what are you thinking right now" "dont even think about x think about z" "why raise so little" " why play that hand" "remember to consider this" i would.
    I love Poker. I love the excitement. I feel like im intelligent enough to get better. But im so confused as to why im not improving at all it seems.
    anyways thanks for reading my depressing book. anyone has any thoughts i would greatly appreciate it. Have a great day :)

    • @swooopg
      @swooopg 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      93o is ALWAYS a fold UTG and everywhere else, don’t even worry about the times your hand would have won. All you can do is make the best decision with whatever information you have at that time. If you consistently make +EV decisions on every street you absolutely will win more money than you lose.

    • @swooopg
      @swooopg 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I can’t say anything about 888 but I definitely feel the same way about Global. The amount of 2-3 outers my opponents get on the river is WAY too many for it to be random. I think the sweepstakes model forces them to pick the winner beforehand no matter what cards you hold pre. I have discovered an exploit I’m not ready to disclose yet that helps me barely squeak out a profit there but I’m pretty sure they will patch it soon. Just play more volume at lower stakes and pay very close attention to every hand...if you have KK or AA and something doesn’t feel right just fold, nobody will ever know and sometimes you will still get to see the other hands. Online poker will never be 100% legit because there are some very smart cheaters that will find a way to steal your chips, but I believe that isn’t as big of a problem as it seems. Just learn how to make the correct decisions and stop focusing on the results, the $$$ will come. Patience is a poker players greatest tool!

    • @killwalker
      @killwalker 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@swooopg after my rant, i played 2 tournaments. exact same shit happened. UTG w/KK. i raise about 3.5 x BB. everyone but Cutoff folds. A on the flop. my heart drops. I bet 3/4 the pot. about 1/4 my stack. villain barely has me covered. calls me down to the river and i go all in and of course he hit the A. this guy didnt play 1 hand in the time i was at the table. if i play so pissed i just cant even right now...i will Never play AK AA or KK ever again unless im BB. Its literally what ruins almost every cash or tourney im in. im sick of it. Ive run good and bad in live poker. sometimes its my fault sometimes its better player read me right. sometimes its just luck. But FMO every time.
      "fuck me over"

    • @killwalker
      @killwalker 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@swooopg totally understand. it is really difficult to convey how many times this happens.
      what about 4 2/5 3/...low Suited connectors in EP? Most of the time i fold it...then i FLOP the monster. not the nuts but..instant flush or straight. but i fold PF. if i play the same hand, i get a draw to nothing. its innevitable. 9 3 i would never play anyways. unless im BB and no extra cost to see the flop, or as deep stack i might bluff but never risk everything with it. Its like im not allowed or permitted to be successful no matter how well i play. and for context, i have dominated micro tourneys that have 3000 or more players. chip leader for over an hour type thing..tourney not table. but i always get fucked when i play the AA KK AK. so yea. im fuckin done. never. i fold them and walk away until i hear the blip telling me its my turn. i dont even want to know what would have happened. i just cant. i win with AA AK KK about 5% of the time...HEADS UP!! its unreal or i am statistically the unluckiest person to ever play. Not counting ppl who take loans from Loan sharks...i dont do that. lol. if im broke...freerolls. but thats where im stuck at. Zero. like always.

    • @swooopg
      @swooopg 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      killwalker 2019 so UTG is always a tricky spot to play...with AA/KK/AK just go all in preflop...playing tournaments you have to be tight and very aggressive...I usually decide Preflop if I’m gonna go all in with those hands and either double up or bust...AA is pretty much always a shove for me, especially Preflop...if I’m on the button or cutoff I’ll get tricky and slow play a little but I still get sucked out on a lot. KK is a great hand but doesn’t win a lot if you don’t improve by the river, especially when an A comes...I’ve gotten to the point where I fold to river bets unless I have trips or better, it just isn’t worth it to stick around with top pair...I’ll tell you another thing, you will only cash/win money about a third of the time so you really have to put in a lot of volume. I play at least 30 tournaments a day, or I’ll play around 6 hours of cash games, about 1500 hands or so. Get pokertracker4 and really learn how to go over your hands and look for your mistakes...then look at the opponents you have the most hands against and really disect their mistakes and take notes so when you do see them you can exploit them. Online poker is extremely tough these days and unless you have a ton of time to study and improve your game you just won’t have any good results