Neil Young's Heart of gold for disabled people. I was really in tears. . . Neil Young is great not only musically but also as a person. Neil Young reaches god territory. I hope that you will continue to stay healthy and visit Japan in the future. 障害者の方に向けたNeil YoungのHeart of gold 。 本当に涙が溢れた。。。 Neil Youngは音楽だけでなく人間的にも素晴らしい。 Neil Youngは神の領域に達してる。 是非これからもいつまでもお元気で日本に来日して欲しい。
The 70s music will put you on another planet that no one will understand unless you have a love for this song. You don't need drugs or alcohol to appreciate the best music ever. God....take me back to the 70s and leave me there....I'll be just fine.
I feel exactly the same way, the 70's were just the best. I wrote a song called 1971, wanna give it a listen? just a song, a voice and a guitar. Love and Peace.
You have to be a 70's kid to understand the amazing times, the amazing music, and the amazing people... So much has changed in such a short time. The whole Social Structure is upside down... Simpler day's we didn't have much but we were content we we're more united. we we're happy. This was far more important to people than materialistic things.. people treated people with kindness and as fellow human- beings. That good nature that was handed down by our parents and theirs beforehand is rare in today's society where materialistic things have consumed people lives in every aspect..
Let's face it, Neil has a big heart of gold. I cried, admittedly, when I saw all the students from the school sitting there on stage. And there were still so many young kids there. Thank you Neil for this performance! That was quite great!
Neil has turned into a hypocrite and a curmudgeon! He had no problem with the Woodstock festival cramming a half million people together in filthy conditions during the HongKong flu pandemic, but now he goes around pointing fingers at anyone who won't bow down to government tyranny!
How can a man of Neil Young standing have such little views? One of the greatest songwriters to ever grace the music scene, and..... WHAT A VOICE #NeilYoungLivingLegend
Cause he sucks Brian Wilson 1 second ago Neil young is a bird brained old punk . He started tgat school for his own kid whom he feels guilty about bringing into the world and leaving the kid brain damaged DJ yo his own drug use gif all those years. Neil had messed up sperm
I was around 13, maybe 14, when this song came out. There was girl in Redwood. It was love at first sight and first sound. The girl is long gone, but Neil still keeps rockin.
I have been told that Neil Young has a heart of Gold, these children and young people in their wheelchairs know this true, I wish that bombed, frightened, injured, starving children and grownups including the dead in Gaze could know this.
la paix intérieure qui dépasse l entendement,ralentir alors que la tempête rugit dehors ,forteresse imprenable la paix divine ,sacré ,le détachement parfait ;la brûlure de la passion même !
I remember this song in 1972. And yes Neil is still great at cranking out songs. His quality didn't change. It was nice to see him in front of the disabled kids.
I was lucky enough to see Neil in a club. He did about an hour solo, then after a brief intermission, came out with Crazy Horse and blew the doors off. One of my favorite concert moments.
By the grace of God, genetics or just luck most of us were born normal. Neil Young is one of those above normal humanitarians. Some of those special needs in audience are enjoying the sing along!
I am 67 (plus) and have been among the throngs you influenced for the past 50 years. Until this video, (watching you play to the audience on stage) , I perceived you as an amazing musician who sculpted my personal evolution. This video showed you are so, so, so much more. Thank you on behalf of every person who has heard, and more importantly; listened, to your gift. Namaste.
At one time Neil's son was one of those students... Mr. Young cares deeply about those special needs kids and has raised millions of dollars 💲💲💲 in support of his school. Well done, Mr. Young! 👏👏
As a child the singer was diagnosed with a plethora of health conditions including epilepsy, polio and type 1 diabetes. By 1951 he had deteriorated so far that he could barely even walk. On top of this, he had to manage his diabetes, knowing when to inject insulin and test his blood glucose levels. Man had to endure many seizures - would get off stage if he felt one coming. also, the man had a brain aneurism at age 54. and his son was also really messed up - one he had with the actress Carrie Snodgrass - I remember reading about that in the late 70's he had to pay her 10000 a month child support. I think the man knew when he was young, he would endure a suffering life - and yet somehow deep in his soul he overcame all of it. lot of us older ones who grew up with him can relate.
Я Русский,живу в Великой России....слушаю Нила и мужские слёзы текут....а когда вижу детей инвалидов....душа разрывается под эту песню. Господин Трамп,не лезь в чужие страны....Русские СЛОВЯНЕ мирный народ!!! Эту нацию тебе никогда не сломить. Запомни американский президент....не будет России....не будет существовать Америка.Помни и не забывай!!! Россия... Воинственная страна!!! Она самая добрая и многострадальная страна!!! Помни Трамп!!!
Splendida cornice di pubblico questo è quello che vorrei accadesse anche qui in Italia dove a parole c'è la possibilità per i disabili di assistere a spettacoli in prima fila ma poi.....tutte parole
Heart of Gold 281223 Chapeau noir, veste polaire, prenant la température de son entourage, le maître est arrivé sur la scène. Les premiers accords de « Heart of Gold » ont frappé à la porte de mon cœur, le réveillant de ses sensations les plus intimes ; quelques secondes plus tard, l’intense mélodie de son harmonica se mélangeant à la guitare a résonné jusqu’aux tréfonds de mon âme. Tu peux te l’imaginer, j’étais déjà bien bouleversé au niveau des émotions. Pour rajouter à la magie, avec sa voix fragile, « sa voix de roseau », au milieu des arpèges acoustiques naissants, il a commencé à chanter ! Ambiance surréaliste, climat d’Amour, le temps s’était arrêté ; bousculé de bonheur, fidèle parmi les fidèles, je communiais avec lui… Je connais l’artiste ; il est un des seuls à me mettre dans la fusée des évasions qui m’emporte dans son univers. Il me fait toucher les étoiles ; ce dont je ne suis pas capable, pendant quelques minutes, il me fait rêver que j’y arrive. Il sait mettre mes mots dans le sens de l’Amour, comme s’il me les dictait ; il est fort, son aura est grande. Sans nulle substance que sa voix, je plane. Chacun de ses accords est une couleur, il est le peintre de mes sensations, l’artisan des frissons à mon être ; il ajoute de l’espoir à mon désespoir ou bien, c’est le contraire ; c’est Neil Young. Tous mes remparts émotionnels sont tombés ! Mes yeux se sont brouillés ! Je me suis mis à pleurer ! J’avais des larmes chaudes qui traversaient mes joues ! Elles empruntaient le chemin de mes plus beaux souvenirs ! Sa guitare me renvoyait dans les cordes ! Tout est remonté : la première gratte, les partitions, les cordes malmenées, cette jeunesse omniprésente qui, assurément, durerait l’éternité ! Me submergeant, c’était comme une immense vague sensationnelle que rien ne pouvait endiguer, à part mon mouchoir… Derrière lui, il y avait un alignement de chaises roulantes. Je peux te dire que les enfants s’agitant dedans étaient bien plus que des handicapés mentaux. La tête de travers, le nez en l’air, la bave aux lèvres, leurs yeux hallucinés découvraient sans le comprendre l’atmosphère fantasmagorique dans laquelle ils se trouvaient. Leurs oreilles entendaient une chanson qu’ils pouvaient attraper ! C’était comme un oiseau posé si près d’eux qu’ils pouvaient le caresser ! Certains dodelinaient de la tête comme s’ils captaient cette émission musicale entre les oreilles, d’autres regardaient obstinément le ciel, sûrs d’apercevoir un véritable arc-en-ciel, pendant cette douce pluie musicale. Oui, c’étaient des notes d’Amour qui retombaient sur tous ces petits spectateurs… Neil Young s’appliquait ; chaque fois qu’il regardait ces gamins, il mettait un peu plus de ferveur à sa musique, un peu plus d’élévation à ses accords. Il allait puiser jusqu’au fond de son souffle pour sortir de son harmonica ces vibrations capables de faire frissonner son auditoire. Je ne suis pas spécialiste, je ne peux parler qu’avec mon cœur, mais, puisque j’étais dans le rêve, j’étais sûr que quelque chose se passait ; sa mélodie confidentielle, c’était une main tendue entre deux univers. Une musique qui parle d’Amour ne peut toucher que les cœurs… Comme un oiseau chanteur, il passa devant chacun de tous les enfants, cherchant à capter leur attention, cherchant à entrer en relation avec lui. Subjugué lui-même par sa musique et par l’ambiance qu’il avait créée, il ne put s’empêcher d’esquisser sa danse, d’un pied sur l’autre. Je vous assure, l’harmonica pleurait, la guitare essuyait ses yeux et la voix de Neil Young, entre chagrin et réconfort, était l’équilibre parfait, l’unisson des êtres… Vois-tu ? « Heart of Gold » devrait être un hymne universel. On devrait l’apprendre dans toutes les écoles. Depuis toutes ces années, à force de l’écouter, je ne m’en lasse pas. La sagesse aidant, je suis devenu antimilitariste, fervent adapte du « Faites l’Amour, pas la guerre ». Dans chaque pays, il devrait y avoir un Neil Young, un prêcheur de paix et d’Amour, un type avec un chapeau noir et une guitare en bandoulière. Il serait un prédicateur de générosité, un barde d’empathie, un évangélisateur convaincu du « Peace and Love in the world ». On peut rêver. Il a terminé sa chanson sur les trémolos de sa voix, et son harmonica s’est enthousiasmé jusqu’aux derniers accords de guitare. Le Cœur d’Or, c’était lui… Pascal.
When Neil starts to sing to the children, my eyes are full of tears. He is such a beautiful human being!
Forse non tutti sanno che soffre di epilessia.
Questo lo mette su un piano diverso.
I think the boy on the far right is his son
What an anti American Canadian jackass
That feeling is the touch of the Heart of Gold...🧡
That's not Neil singing in the 70's. That's Mr. Young singing in his 70's. Are you kidding me?! What a fantastic voice! Heart of Gold indeed.
just ❤
Yeah, he still sounds basically the same. That's unusual.
@@TheNavalAviator Compare that to McCartney, who sounds almost nothing like he used to.
Yes, Neil Young and 60's and 70's... about ❤ and spirit.
yes he sounds still the same
Neil Young's Heart of gold for disabled people.
I was really in tears. . .
Neil Young is great not only musically but also as a person.
Neil Young reaches god territory.
I hope that you will continue to stay healthy and visit Japan in the future.
障害者の方に向けたNeil YoungのHeart of gold 。
Neil Youngは音楽だけでなく人間的にも素晴らしい。
Neil Youngは神の領域に達してる。
True words... Thank you! ...wish your the best. Bless you
Neil are the...GREATEST.......I am 70 yrs old......for you alone......I've rewritten that song in Navajo language for you only......
Playing for those kids,,,,,,,Neil,total Heart Of Gold my man.💚👏👏👏
Exactly the comment I was going to make. It would be un-American not to support this man.
It hurts so much to see those kids in those wheelchairs Lord Jesus move in your love and power and God bless this man
In Brazil we say : ele é o cara !!!
Pas de doutes ❤
As expected of Neil Young, his voice doesn't seem to be fading, and I'm impressed by the way he sings to the children
Ich sehe Nil Young immer wieder gerne.
I love this man
Inégalable Neil Young. Un légende. Une carrière de plus de 50 ans et toujours inventif.
The man does it all one man band will a stunning voice Legend goat
How come his voice never get old ? What a beautiful song !
Absolutely ❤️❤️❤️❤️
like a Highlander hahaha
Because his voice is Young.
The 70s music will put you on another planet that no one will understand unless you have a love for this song. You don't need drugs or alcohol to appreciate the best music ever. God....take me back to the 70s and leave me there....I'll be just fine.
@Gd tutor I'll go too and stay! I'd love to find a time machine! And the things I'd change about the choices I made! Can I just redo Life?!
I feel exactly the same way, the 70's were just the best. I wrote a song called 1971, wanna give it a listen? just a song, a voice and a guitar. Love and Peace.
That`s so true, the 70`s was best in Music. I was to young in this time, but I loved this music since I was a Teen!
Same here. Loved the late 60s as well. Great music and all with no autotune. ❤❤
@@jeanday9747 Amen
We were blessed by having him in our lifetime. God bless you, Mr. Young .
You have to be a 70's kid to understand the amazing times, the amazing music, and the amazing people... So much has changed in such a short time. The whole Social Structure is upside down... Simpler day's we didn't have much but we were content we we're more united. we we're happy. This was far more important to people than materialistic things.. people treated people with kindness and as fellow human- beings. That good nature that was handed down by our parents and theirs beforehand is rare in today's society where materialistic things have consumed people lives in every aspect..
agree 100%
Let's face it, Neil has a big heart of gold. I cried, admittedly, when I saw all the students from the school sitting there on stage. And there were still so many young kids there.
Thank you Neil for this performance! That was quite great!
Life too short give a humane heart of gold
OHHH Neil. You STILL have the voice.Brilliant- fella.
The way he's playing to the kids, not the audience. It's beautiful.
Neil is not only a great artist but also a great human being.
I don't know about that.
@@louismansuetti9158 he tried to cancel joe rogan
Whatever he is he vastly superior to a cheap greasy sl*t like Rogan.
Neil has turned into a hypocrite and a curmudgeon!
He had no problem with the Woodstock festival cramming a half million people together in filthy conditions during the HongKong flu pandemic, but now he goes around pointing fingers at anyone who won't bow down to government tyranny!
I sit here watching this as a tear trickles down my face. Need I say more...
Pity Youngs a jab pusher.
Eu também aqui no Brasil.
How can a man of Neil Young standing have such little views? One of the greatest songwriters to ever grace the music scene, and..... WHAT A VOICE #NeilYoungLivingLegend
His most important audience was those for whom he was performing that day.... giving much to the least of these.
I've also been searching for a heart of gold. Ain't many out there. If you do have a heart of gold People tend to piss all over you.
@@patriciamay3779 Everyone has a heart of gold. Just so many who don't recognize it's value..
Cause he sucks
Brian Wilson
1 second ago
Neil young is a bird brained old punk . He started tgat school for his own kid whom he feels guilty about bringing into the world and leaving the kid brain damaged DJ yo his own drug use gif all those years. Neil had messed up sperm
Parce que
Son cœur est en or justement
Il a beaucoup vécu et il fait la part des choses sans orgueil
C'est tout simple 😂😂😂😂
Neil Young us amazing The Best
The way this Young man entertaining differently abled children are amazing. Niel Young forever Young 💪
Neil, this wasn't a 'sales pitch'. It was a blessing to all humanity. Namaste. ... and thank you.
What a legend and a wonderful human being
yes of course !!!
Neil Young HAS a heart of gold!
Growing up with so many loving people, it disgusts me to experience so much hatred there is now in our country. 😢
Child of the seventies here Neil was the music we loved my best girl friend I and lost her recently played harvest moon at her funeral. X
These children found their heart of gold that day.
Those dear kids up on stage 💖💖 Well done Neil 💚💚💚💚
The old man still has it! That was a perfect delivery.
He did it and he still has it! The heart of gold!
Been searching for a heart of gold and all that time it was within himself. What a beautiful soul he has 💛
Long live the music of the 60's and 70's. Glad these musicians are still around. Bravo!
Neil is one of the greatest that's ever picked up a guitar. Timeless.
Oh huh yeah right right
Grande Neil Young, Justicia y Hermandad, Solidaridad..!.!
That precious baby girl waving excitedly to him at the end finished me. Canadian Treasure. Thank you Mr. Young.
I definitely agree 💯 percent ❤️❤️❤️ Exclusive 🇨🇦
Neil Young --- Herrlich, -Wunderschön ....
I was around 13, maybe 14, when this song came out. There was girl in Redwood. It was love at first sight and first sound. The girl is long gone, but Neil still keeps rockin.
Our Man getting Old.. But his Heart will always be Gold
Neil has really a heart of gold🧡
incredible he feels what they feel .
Probably the best LIVE version of "Heart of Gold" I have found.
Neil already has a Heart Of Gold. I'm happy to be able to live at the same time as him. Thank you, Neil.
all my life this song has been played all over the world !! It NEVER Gets OLD!!! just amazing x
Thank god neil is getting old. He will be stoned dead any minute just like David Crosby. Hopefully soon
Right on and me too! Beyond words.
Человек с золотым сердцем.A man with a heart of gold
😢reminds me when I was young - so much younger than today & I'm growing old❤now😢!
나이듦에대하여 깊이 묵상합니다
충분히 아름딥고 매력적으로 늙어갈수있기를바래봅니다
가능한일임을 확인하고갑니다^^
I think ...of all the tunes that I listened to in the 70s Neil Young got through to my soul more than any other band
He has never changed! He still sounds the same now as he did way back when he first sang that song, love him ❤❤
Neil. We love you!!!!!!!! God loves you!!!!!! Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!!! Mine is the 15th.......,,,,Blessings to you always!!!!!!
He brought a smile to those kids. May Allah bless him. I imagine him sleeping that night surrounded by angels and lot of blessings.
J'en chialerais presque.
Thanks Neil
I’m now almost 55. Still searching for heart of gold.
Music is comforting and healing. Thanks to Neil for this
Have always loved this song, so great to hear him doing it recently and sounding just as good as when he first recorded it.
Just look at all those beautiful babies. I'm 62 and never had more than a sniffle in my life. I'd trade with any one of 'em anytime.
Neil, you shame every one of us able-bodied by your generous spirit. we all salute you!!
We have found the Heart of Gold! You! Thank you!!!!!
Music cannot get any better than this. Humanity at its greatest.
Got a place in ma heart for Neil Young. Always have.. He,s special.
Yeah a special ride the short yellow bus special
This is wonderful. Only as we grow wise with age do we realise how very fortunate and very selfish we’ve been.
I have been told that Neil Young has a heart of Gold, these children and young people in their wheelchairs know this true, I wish that bombed, frightened, injured, starving children and grownups including the dead in Gaze could know this.
I agree completely 💔
Neil é realmente "o cara do coração dourado"... Simply, The Best!
From Hong Kong👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Neil,a voice are more stronger than in the 70..what a amazing singer❤❤
la paix intérieure qui dépasse l entendement,ralentir alors que la tempête rugit dehors ,forteresse imprenable la paix divine ,sacré ,le détachement parfait ;la brûlure de la passion même !
A very humble person.. still imagining you as a young guy... May god bless you Mr. Young and live longer...
Que grande Neil, nada como escuchar esté éxito con ese nivel de pasión, definitivamente HEART OF GOLD
Escuchaste "Pardon My Heart" desde Zuma? Increíble.
@@RobertoTrama ya me fui a escucharla, gracias por la recomendación
@@RandyValverde Tocaban en mi pueblo de Santa Cruz en California.
I remember this song in 1972. And yes Neil is still great at cranking out songs. His quality didn't change. It was nice to see him in front of the disabled kids.
I was lucky enough to see Neil in a club. He did about an hour solo, then after a brief intermission, came out with Crazy Horse and blew the doors off. One of my favorite concert moments.
Very very good job. Full of emotions. thanks neil
Thanks Neil. I am in the club. Have an autistic daughter and help run a program in Canada for "our" people.
A fantastic song, never getting old. Just beautiful. Thank you. Heinz, 64. GER
Magnifique chanson, magnifique façon de se montrer si HUMAIN envers ceux (kids) qui ont besoin d'être soutenus!
The living legend that is Uncle Niel, thank you for sharing ❤❤
By the grace of God, genetics or just luck most of us were born normal. Neil Young is one of those above normal humanitarians. Some of those special needs in audience are enjoying the sing along!
1 Word - PERFECT!!
Thank you Neil for this performance....🥰
Born in the 50's, husband went to Nam in 1970! Love this song and Neil Young! Great memories!
How lovely he sings lovely music to those lovely people. Love extreme. The human race at its best.
I have tears.
The 😊😊😊😊
1:04 1:04 🎉
I am 67 (plus) and have been among the throngs you influenced for the past 50 years.
Until this video, (watching you play to the audience on stage) , I perceived you as an amazing musician who sculpted my personal evolution.
This video showed you are so, so, so much more.
Thank you on behalf of every person who has heard, and more importantly; listened, to your gift. Namaste.
At one time Neil's son was one of those students...
Mr. Young cares deeply about those special needs kids and has raised millions of dollars 💲💲💲 in support of his school.
Well done, Mr. Young! 👏👏
As a child the singer was diagnosed with a plethora of health conditions including epilepsy, polio and type 1 diabetes. By 1951 he had deteriorated so far that he could barely even walk. On top of this, he had to manage his diabetes, knowing when to inject insulin and test his blood glucose levels. Man had to endure many seizures - would get off stage if he felt one coming.
also, the man had a brain aneurism at age 54.
and his son was also really messed up - one he had with the actress Carrie Snodgrass - I remember reading about that in the late 70's he had to pay her 10000 a month child support.
I think the man knew when he was young, he would endure a suffering life - and yet somehow deep in his soul he overcame all of it.
lot of us older ones who grew up with him can relate.
Bravo Neil, wonderful to see what you were doing, You too have a heart of gold.
Я Русский,живу в Великой России....слушаю Нила и мужские слёзы текут....а когда вижу детей инвалидов....душа разрывается под эту песню. Господин Трамп,не лезь в чужие страны....Русские СЛОВЯНЕ мирный народ!!! Эту нацию тебе никогда не сломить. Запомни американский президент....не будет России....не будет существовать Америка.Помни и не забывай!!! Россия... Воинственная страна!!! Она самая добрая и многострадальная страна!!! Помни Трамп!!!
In my eyes Neil is truly a Canadian Music Legend.
Very nice Neil. Giving back to mankind. Thank you brother
Splendida cornice di pubblico questo è quello che vorrei accadesse anche qui in Italia dove a parole c'è la possibilità per i disabili di assistere a spettacoli in prima fila ma poi.....tutte parole
Heart of Gold 281223
Chapeau noir, veste polaire, prenant la température de son entourage, le maître est arrivé sur la scène. Les premiers accords de « Heart of Gold » ont frappé à la porte de mon cœur, le réveillant de ses sensations les plus intimes ; quelques secondes plus tard, l’intense mélodie de son harmonica se mélangeant à la guitare a résonné jusqu’aux tréfonds de mon âme. Tu peux te l’imaginer, j’étais déjà bien bouleversé au niveau des émotions. Pour rajouter à la magie, avec sa voix fragile, « sa voix de roseau », au milieu des arpèges acoustiques naissants, il a commencé à chanter ! Ambiance surréaliste, climat d’Amour, le temps s’était arrêté ; bousculé de bonheur, fidèle parmi les fidèles, je communiais avec lui…
Je connais l’artiste ; il est un des seuls à me mettre dans la fusée des évasions qui m’emporte dans son univers. Il me fait toucher les étoiles ; ce dont je ne suis pas capable, pendant quelques minutes, il me fait rêver que j’y arrive. Il sait mettre mes mots dans le sens de l’Amour, comme s’il me les dictait ; il est fort, son aura est grande. Sans nulle substance que sa voix, je plane. Chacun de ses accords est une couleur, il est le peintre de mes sensations, l’artisan des frissons à mon être ; il ajoute de l’espoir à mon désespoir ou bien, c’est le contraire ; c’est Neil Young.
Tous mes remparts émotionnels sont tombés ! Mes yeux se sont brouillés ! Je me suis mis à pleurer ! J’avais des larmes chaudes qui traversaient mes joues ! Elles empruntaient le chemin de mes plus beaux souvenirs ! Sa guitare me renvoyait dans les cordes ! Tout est remonté : la première gratte, les partitions, les cordes malmenées, cette jeunesse omniprésente qui, assurément, durerait l’éternité ! Me submergeant, c’était comme une immense vague sensationnelle que rien ne pouvait endiguer, à part mon mouchoir…
Derrière lui, il y avait un alignement de chaises roulantes. Je peux te dire que les enfants s’agitant dedans étaient bien plus que des handicapés mentaux. La tête de travers, le nez en l’air, la bave aux lèvres, leurs yeux hallucinés découvraient sans le comprendre l’atmosphère fantasmagorique dans laquelle ils se trouvaient. Leurs oreilles entendaient une chanson qu’ils pouvaient attraper ! C’était comme un oiseau posé si près d’eux qu’ils pouvaient le caresser ! Certains dodelinaient de la tête comme s’ils captaient cette émission musicale entre les oreilles, d’autres regardaient obstinément le ciel, sûrs d’apercevoir un véritable arc-en-ciel, pendant cette douce pluie musicale. Oui, c’étaient des notes d’Amour qui retombaient sur tous ces petits spectateurs…
Neil Young s’appliquait ; chaque fois qu’il regardait ces gamins, il mettait un peu plus de ferveur à sa musique, un peu plus d’élévation à ses accords. Il allait puiser jusqu’au fond de son souffle pour sortir de son harmonica ces vibrations capables de faire frissonner son auditoire. Je ne suis pas spécialiste, je ne peux parler qu’avec mon cœur, mais, puisque j’étais dans le rêve, j’étais sûr que quelque chose se passait ; sa mélodie confidentielle, c’était une main tendue entre deux univers. Une musique qui parle d’Amour ne peut toucher que les cœurs…
Comme un oiseau chanteur, il passa devant chacun de tous les enfants, cherchant à capter leur attention, cherchant à entrer en relation avec lui. Subjugué lui-même par sa musique et par l’ambiance qu’il avait créée, il ne put s’empêcher d’esquisser sa danse, d’un pied sur l’autre. Je vous assure, l’harmonica pleurait, la guitare essuyait ses yeux et la voix de Neil Young, entre chagrin et réconfort, était l’équilibre parfait, l’unisson des êtres…
Vois-tu ? « Heart of Gold » devrait être un hymne universel. On devrait l’apprendre dans toutes les écoles. Depuis toutes ces années, à force de l’écouter, je ne m’en lasse pas. La sagesse aidant, je suis devenu antimilitariste, fervent adapte du « Faites l’Amour, pas la guerre ». Dans chaque pays, il devrait y avoir un Neil Young, un prêcheur de paix et d’Amour, un type avec un chapeau noir et une guitare en bandoulière. Il serait un prédicateur de générosité, un barde d’empathie, un évangélisateur convaincu du « Peace and Love in the world ». On peut rêver. Il a terminé sa chanson sur les trémolos de sa voix, et son harmonica s’est enthousiasmé jusqu’aux derniers accords de guitare. Le Cœur d’Or, c’était lui…
Es un gran hombre... Que Dios Yahvéh siempre lo bendiga ...y ellos a quienes les canta ...ellos si tienen un CORAZÓN DE ORO ❤️💛❤️
I've found a heart of gold! You are so great, Neil.
We are blessed to have him and his music, and Harvest what an album
Ein Gott an der Gitarre und der Mundi. Bin jetzt 63 und immer noch ein Fan.
Great gesture are an angel!!!👍💕💐🎉🎉🎉❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏
Wow! His voice's like old precious wine.
Last comment shut up. He's playing for kids and they love it! Thanks Neil.. ❤❤
What a beautiful thing to perform and wonderful song to play for this audience. He does have a Heart of Gold.
just saw him last week at Rutgers University amazing singer after all these years
Neil is so down to Earth 🌎 love ❤him
Neil Young, a free spirit in a heart of gold!
Again, again, please
Don't search for an heart of gold, you have it already singing for all of those kids !-) JUST SO FANTASTIC FROM YOU !
tears in my eyes i saw special children