Link 1 Channel Membership Subscription: Link 2 Reduce & Control Weapon Recoil:
@@dodgeking6644 Use a good SAB value to reduce the aim assist problems (where it pushes you away from the target). Also you may want to use a sprinting config to increase the sprinting turnspeed. I covered most Destiny 2 tips in my updated Destiny 2 config video :).
This actually does help just don't put the ratio way to high because adjusting your aim horizontally can become harder especially in games with fast movement like bo3.
can u make a video about explaining synchronize, smoothing, y/x ratio, steady aim, boost and turn assist in detail? How does it work and how it affects the game. thanks everything ur doing fr this community.
Hey, except for synchronization and XYRatio you can already find dedicated explanation videos for all of these features on my channel :). Here you have the boost video for example
BRO!!! Another recoil trick is to bind your walk button to your ADS button and have it to 12% - 15% and when you ads it will bring down the weapon without pulling g down the mouse. 😳 so amazing.
@@SupernovaSun77 Stick to it and you will get good. Take notice of your surroundings and use the game information to your advantage, usually its not your aim that gets you killed but reading the map or enemy spawns :).
This is a really great feature, but if you want to shoot with your secondary weapon, than after the first bullet you shoot, it activates and makes it impossible to aim accurately. So U can't shoot with your secondary weapon. So anyone else who has this problem, I recommend to change the y/x ratio in the ads menu/section. That way you still have no recoil, and have no problems with shooting with a secondary weapon whatsoever
I think the category B setup is the most ideal then as you will have two fire buttons, one you can use for your secondary weapon and one to reduce the recoil with if a weapon has a stronger recoil.
Tried this and it doesn't do anything when I tried on modern warfare. Tested in a private match and recoil is not being changed for me. I doubt I'd use it but wanted to test it out
This feature wont compensate the recoil automatically, you still have to move down your mouse. What this trick does is reduce the distance you need to drag your mouse down to reduce the recoil. If you dont notice a difference then increase the XYRatio.
@@lucadimeglio3339 So your weapon doesnt shoot? Can you verify that you bound your activation button as the fire button in the anti recoil sub config too at the bottom? If you are unsure check out the second half of the video again :).
@@XIMCentral oh thanks makes sense now, I've probably learned recoil control through muscle memory so I'd probably find it difficult to adapt now. Good to know about this though
Thanks man and i agree, i really have to do that more often! Maybe with the next video (probably Apex Legends Update) i might include example clips for all features! :)
I did what you showed us and it's amazing for the recoil but I get a weird aim assist with the auxuliary. Like it's harder to get inside the ""bubble" and I get stuck outside some time when someone is moving left from right. do you have an idea why ? Everything is like your setting.
@@acejimbo6119 In games with very very strong aim assist this can happen, yes. To prevent that you can add some boost to your recoil config (100-250) or add some steady aim (2.5). Id recommend to go for steady aim first.
Thank you so much for another very helpful video upload. I have two questions: 1. For the game category 1 like Rainbow, why do we need another configuration? Can we just change X/Y in ADS mode? 2. I play Apex Legends, but I really don’t think I can two different fire buttons (also, my side buttons are engaged with Granade and weapons swap). Can I just change X/Y in ADS and move down even less for the guns with little recoil? Or any better idea?
Hey, yes you can also change the ADS XYRatio for both games. Some people may not like that though as your HIP and ADS XYRatio will be different then. This can make aiming more difficult. However you can get fully used to that so after a while its no disadvantage. The recoil config only changes the XYRatio while you shoot so it doesnt affect your aiming behavior too much. If you dont have enough buttons for a second fire button then consider to offload some actions to the keyboard. For example the left alt key is an excellent key that most people dont use :). That way you may have another free button on the mouse.
Hi. Thx for guide and video. Have 2 questions about configuration. 1) How to turn it on while not moving the mouse? 2) If i increase %%, it is working when i am not moving mouse, but when i am moving - it is uncontrollable. Am i right, that i need to choose one choice? What about delay 10ms, Smooth Aim and Deactivation delay. Is it way to fix my problems? Want to use anti recoil not moving, as well as moving, with the same strength.
Hey, which recoil trick are you using? It sounds like you use the one which utilizes the walking percentage. But the video you commented under is the other very popular recoil trick which works differently.
Awesome! I think on monday there will be a new recoil tutorial with a completely new trick, you can use that on top of this one for even better results :).
Hey man. Your videos are awesome and easy to follow along. Thanks for them all. One thing doesn’t work for me is the anti recoil. I followed it exactly but it makes no difference. I then adjusted the x/y on my normal ADS to check if it changed and it still made no difference to the recoil. Can you help please with any suggestions?
As a test set the ratio to 5,0 and make circular mouse movements, if they turn out to be eliptical then the config works. The anti recoil config will not compensate the recoil automatically, you will still have to move your mouse. Though the amount you have to move the mouse is heavily reduced, thats the advantage.
Yo helpful video, but when I aim down sights and shoot it controls the recoil. No problem with that but even after when I stop shooting if I’m aiming down sights my mouse gets weird movements. Do you have any ideas I can fix this thanks!
Do i understand right ? About Category B. You need activate with whatever button and then you can shoot with zoom without recoil.and after when i wanna shoot without zoom i need disactivate button ???sounds very not comfortable...
Hey, it works slightly different with category B: You pick an unsued button with which you will activate the sub config. That button will also be your second firing button. Now when you are zooming and want to reduce the recoil you shoot with your new firing button. If you dont want to reduce the recoil you use your regular firing button.
@@koronavirus7231 Set the XYRatio to 5,0 and make circular mouse movements while having your anti recoil config running. If you experience eliptical movements in the game then the config is working. Thats a quick test to check if everything is setup correctly :).
Hey i do that for every tutorial. In the video description of every tutorial you can find a link to the full english text. Here is the link for this video
Yes a new Fortnite config tutorial is planned! :) As for Fortnite i wouldnt recommend this trick since most weapons are using weapon bloom and not weapon recoil. Though it can be helpful for weapons like the deagle or the ak. For these you will not need a high value though, something like XYRatio 1,2 to 1,5 should already do the trick.
I did everything mentioned.. But there's one issue If I shoot, then let go of my shoot button, but remain ADS'd, it makes my Horizontal much faster until I let go of ADS.. Is there any way to eliminate this?
Can you confirm if this is the best recoil trick out of the 3 recoil videos? i play alot of PUBG and wondered if 1.52 is best for this game or to increase?
This is imo the best one yes, as it doesnt limit your skill ceiling in any way. The best XYRatio is user dependent, there isnt one best value that works for everyone. Try out a few and check which one you like the most! :)
With your XIM you dont have to change your horizontal or vertical sensitivity, it will make sure the ratio is always 1:1. If you want a different ratio you can use the XYRatio feature in your XIM Manager to increase the sensitivity of your horizontal or vertical mouse movements.
Make circular mouse movements while having the anti recoil config active, if your ingame crosshair movements turn out to be eliptical then the trick works for you. This is a quick test with which you can test if there are any setup errors or button binding conflicts :).
Hey, wenn du den folgenden Trick machen willst dann nur innerhalb deiner Sub-Config :). Alternativ kannst du das natürlich auch in deine ADS Config einbauen da Recoil i.d.R. im ADS Modus am schwierigsten zu Kontrollieren ist.
@@jan.8886 Normalerweise bringt es aus der Hüfte nichts da es dort kein wirkliches vertikales Recoil gibt. Die Schüsse fliegen einfach per Zufall in alle Richtungen, das kann man aber nicht wirklich kontrollieren. Zumindest in RB6 ist das Zufall, in anderen Spielen folgen die Kugeln bestimmten Mustern (z.B. CS:GO).
In my RB6 Updated Rotation video you can find a copy and paste code in the video description that will also include this sub config (so a full RB6 config copy code with this anti recoil sub config).
Hey, ich hab mir vor ca. einem Jahr eine XIM Apex geholt und hat alles super funktioniert. Heute ist so komplett aus dem nichts kaputt gegangen (der USB Stecker ist beim rausziehen in der PS4 stecken geblieben). Ich würde mir jetzt gerne eine neue holen, finde allerdings keinen Händler der nach Deutschland schickt... kannst du mir helfen? Gruß Fredde
Bis Mitte April gibt es nirgendswo ein XIM zu kaufen wegen dem Virus. Wenn du nicht warten willst kannst du den XIM Store kontaktieren und eine Reparatur anfordern, das kostet wahrscheinlich weniger als ein neues XIM zu kaufen :).
I have a few questions 1) Does this work on xim4 2) If so how can I apply anti-recoil for the xim4 I mainly play MW so if you have any idea I would really appreciate the help. I don't think it's possible to replicate the same settings that you're using for the xim apex for my xim 4. Also Thank you a lot for your tutorials you're very helpful and never disappoint . Much Love
Hey, it doesnt work with a XIM4 since it lacks the specific sub config switching update. What you can do though is to raise your XYRatio in your ADS settings, while that is not exactly the same its the closest you can get on a XIM4 when you want to easier to control weapon recoil.
XIMs are sold with very small profit margins so there isnt much room for price reductions. Last year there was a discount, but it was only like 10$ if i recall correctly. Outside of that it isnt even clear yet if Apex will be in stock again by then. Official XIM resellers that sell through Amazon and other platforms might offer discounts though, but their starting prices are usually also higher than the standard price in the XIM Store.
Dieser Trick wäre dann ja auch für Destiny 2 sinnvoll oder? apropos Destiny 2 bringst du bald mal wieder eine neue Config für Destiny 2 raus? bzw was würdest du für 12k dpi und 1000hz empfehlen?
Hey, meine letzte Destiny Config ist immer noch aktuell, das Spiel hat keine gravierenden Änderungen durchmacht welche andere Settings erfordern würden. Wenn ich ein neues Video machen würde wären die Settings nahezu die selben :). Und ja die Recoil Config funktioniert auch mit Destiny, würde es aber nur mit Waffen die starkes Recoil haben benutzen.
When you do it within your ADS config its always active, so the XYRatio will affect your entire ADS aiming. The trick from the video will only activate the XYRatio while you are shooting. So you can freely aim while in ADS but once you shoot the XYRatio will be there to support you.
@@XIMCentral awesome going to try this method. I've been using the method of mapping my fire key to the walk down analog stick set to 10%. I'll remove that and try xy ratio. My issue is that while I'm shooting at a target I'm fighting aim assist bubbles and seen to "bounce" in and out of the bubble with very little mouse movements. I have SAB set to 100% for both hip and ads.
What are your senses for siege? And do u barely pull down for twitch or still have to.pull down a considerable amount?...... Also i have booster and ballistic editor will this affect this trick?
Its 3200 dpi 1000hz sync default and HIP 50 ADS 37,50. With this sub config i have to slightly move down my mouse, maybe a few centimeters. Much less than without the sub config, i can basically control the recoil with just my fingertips without having to move my arm or use my wrist.
@@MadaraR6 Hey, in the video description of this video you can find a RB6 copy and paste code that also includes this anti recoil trick
@@The-Real-Jami All right, high sensitivity players will not need a very high XYRatio. Try values below 1,5 such as 1,2 or 1,3. Those should give you the required additional control over your recoil.
The recoil sub config you mean? My recommendation would be to use the Category B version. By the way in around a week in will upload a video with the best trick for the parachute in Blackout and Warzone, that way you can easily use the parachute :).
When I try to move my mouse accurately my mouse cursor jumps around a lot. This is not because of my dpi nor sensitivity. I have even tried lower sensitivities and dpi's then I am used to. The cursor still jumps around alot, I can literally see it jump 4 pixels while I want to be able to move from pixel to pixel
Hey, on my channel you can find a "remove mouse stutter" tutorial with a lot of stemps listed in order of their effectiveness. Let me know if those solved your issue and if not, which ones you already tried :).
@@XIMCentral I tried smoothing aswell, the version seems alright. I lowered my polling rate to 500hz just in case. I use a dpi of 3500. I use the corsair mm100 mousepad and the steelseries rival 3 gaming mouse. Not sure where the problem exactly is.
You can use any button that you want to, if the right mouse click is your favourite then make sure that it doesnt cause a conflict with your ads button (as most people prefer to go into ads with the right mouse click).
The XIM4 is missing the sub config priorization update, this may affect how this trick works. You can try it but if your XIM4 switches back into your HIP config when you stop shooting then it wont really work with a XIM4.
The approach from the video keeps your XYRatio at 1 while you aim in the ADS mode, it only changes the XYRatio while you are shooting. If you directly change the XYRatio in your ADS config then your aiming feels off whenever you are in the ADS mode.
Whenever you shoot your weapon it will automatically activate, you dont have to press anything in advance or so. Just load the correct XIM game config.
@@XIMCentral ok so I should just put it as my shoot button in the first place then correct? Because the button I put on doesn't shoot its just for activation
@@kameronpeterson3366 In that case it will also activate when you shoot from the HIP, which for Apex Legends might not be that desireable. Your other way is better imo.
Make circular mouse movements while having the anti recoil config active. If your crosshair moves in an elitpical shape then the config is working. Thats a great way to troubleshoot if the config setup is correct :).
@@XIMCentral cheers , I tried adding it to the MJ fame config and when I’m ADS it would move like hip with the mouse ?.. Then on another profile there was no difference in on the oval with it on or off ?.. I will make a fresh profile and try again tomorrow... Cheers Luke
Yazu I don’t have the G pro but it sounds like your issue is your dpi didn’t set on the onboard memory. You have to set your dpi on the Onboard memory option for it to carry over from your pc to xim.
Hey, can you compare your starting screen of the logitech gaming software with this picture? In the top right corner the onboard memory option is the important one If that still doesnt work then delete all mouse profiles except for one. And also only use 1 dpi profile on that mouse profile. Then it should definitely work.
This is a mechanic that a lot of games use to not overstress the player, the last few bullets in a lot of games dont have any recoil anymore (some RB6 weapons, Apex Legends, ...). For those weapons you have to get used to for when you no longer have to move the mouse.
Hey, update your XIM firmware to the new 2020 one via PC or Mac, after that verify that your recoil button bindings are identical to your ADS button bindings (especially for leaning).
@@moosafaisal3164 Check if the bindings in your recoil config are correct. They have to be exactly the same as in your ADS config (except for maybe the shooting button if you want to use two shooting keys).
sorry i wanted to ask you something if it is possible, I followed more than one video with these figures but nothing works, how come? where is the problem ? Thanks in advance
Hey, did you save your config adjustments? Maybe thats why it doesnt work anymore for you. The trick still works in all games that have vertical weapon recoil in the ADS mode.
Its different from mouse to mouse and every g502 is also different. So to find the best response rate you will have to do one of the three benchmark tests from this video
The horizontal recoil in Siege is mostly random (Ela for example). Only a few operators have fixed horizontal recoil such as Maverick or Nomad (the AK). The fixed horizontal recoil is usually rather small compared to the vertical recoil then so once you got used to dragging down the mouse at the right time you only need to slightly adjust for the horizontal one. What i want to say is focus on the vertical one first and after that get used to the horizontal one. For example the fixed horizontal recoil of Nomad (AK) only kicks in after like 5-7 shots so i wouldnt priorize horizontal recoil reduction until you mastered vertical reduction.
For Destiny you would use the second approach from the video as you regularly shoot from the hip as well. For Destiny you can also try to increase the aim assist as the aim assist magnetism will reduce the weapon recoil as well.
I did same like you and now with mouse back button im just anoying...i have all smoot everything just fine.from hip also shooting nice.but with zoom i dont get this....i dont know what to do anymore...
There are only very few weapons in fortnite that have actual weapon kickup recoil (such as the AK or the Deagle). Unless you play those weapons very often id say its not worth it for fortnite.
@@nomaskzo5441 All right that means there has to be a setup error somewhere, maybe a box isnt ticked or an activation button isnt set correctly. Maybe go through it step by step again.
I have a question. Why make a separate auxillary for this when you can just change your Y/X ratio on the actual ADS? Isn’t it doing the exact same thing? Thanks!
If you do it that way then you will always have the different XYRatio active when you aim with your ADS button. With the sub config the changed ADS config is only active when you shoot.
XIMGameplay Well what I did, was that I just increased the Y/X ratio in the actual ADS config. Wouldn’t that only affect the ADS translation? Isn’t that what the auxillary is doing? :)
XIMGameplay Also, I have another question, so I play on a low dpi to not make it obvious that I use the XIM, and at far ranges, the recoil of the gun (for CoD) is strong but the aim assist prevents me from pulling down. Do you think you can help me sort this problem out?
For any game id recommend to not go above 2,0 since at that point the influence of the sub config while shooting will start to feel off (left and right movements). At that point it might be a better idea to increase the sensitivity of the recoil config too.
Did you maybe set it to toggle? Check what your xim manager shows at the bottom and compare that to your sub config activation button. Its probably a button binding conflict.
I use my left mouse button to shoot, i also use it to drive and when im cooking a grenade.. Will this only activate when i ADS or will it be active whenever i press my left mouse button?
@@louwbotha5293 Yes thats what the two different categories are for. One will always activate it while the other one lets you choose when you want the compensation.
Yes you can but then you will always have the altered XYRatio while you are in the ADS mode. This will work against your muscle memory (unless you give yourself a week to get used to it). The way shown in the video will activate the XYRatio only when you actively shoot but not while you are just aiming in the ADS mode.
I don’t understand why there is not difference for me I’m following everything you are doing yet it feels exactly the same I have the xim updated to the Xbox series X firmware
Hey, you can find dedicated tutorials for those features on my channel. They explain these features with example and give recommendations on what values are good.
So I brought the xim Apex and I set the anti recoil sub under ads translator and I still get the “hip” when I’m done shooting just like I did on the xim4. Edit: it actually somehow fixed itself so after shooting with this sub, and I stop, it goes back to aim down sight, instead of hip.
All right then it seems to work, if it happens again update your XIM firmware, you need to have the latest XIM Apex firmware for this trick to work :).
XIMGameplay that’s prolly what I did. I know I use my wife Mac to update one from the beta and realized It wasn’t the up to date one. So went to download the right one and her Mac was being dumb so had to use my windows. Anyways, it’s all good 👍👍
@@kenco43-fq7gu Set the XYRatio to 5,0 and make circular mouse movements, if those turn out to be eliptical in the game then the sub config works. Overall this config will not automatically reduce recoil for you but lower the amount you need to drag down the mouse. That makes it A LOT easier to compensate the recoil. Dont expect the config to reduce it for you, that would be considered cheating.
Hey, for Warzone the setup is 1:1 the same. Maybe check if your XIM runs on the latest XIM Firmware as otherwise this trick wont really work. That has proven to be a common reason for viewers in the comments for why it doesnt work.
@@XIMCentral I tried both configs for Warzone, for me the better one is this with subconfig an 1.52 Ratio. The other one is good when your AIM is steady but when you move while aiming its bad because it pulls down... but great tutorial thank you!
Yes you can do that but you will then always have the different XYRatio active when you aim, the way shown in the video will only activate it while you are shooting.
Yes but it wont work that well because the XIM4 doesnt ahve the sub config priorization fix. As a result you will always jump back into your HIP config when leaving this anti recoil ADS trick.
@@موسىمحمدعمران The XIM4 didnt get the firmware update for the sub config priorization so there is nothing you can do tbh. It works but once you stop shooting it will directly fall back into your HIP config instead of staying in the ADS config.
XIMGameplay I watched the video and it said that the latest update would be at the top, but the one at the top says it’s from 2018. Is this the right one or am I doing something wrong?
@@Stumpypenguin46 There currently isnt any beta which is why the top one is some randomly old firmware. Go with the latest official xim firmware from 2020 that is the latest one.
XIMGameplay only problem being other actions that use the same button, driving or cooking a nade causes the sensitivity to jump for y whilst doing those actions unless you set another button to activate it?
@@joshconner6473 Yes thats why its best to use a second fire button that you only use when you want to reduce the recoil. For everything else you can then use the left mouse button :).
You probably prefer the sensitivity change from using the HIP translator in the ADS mode when controlling the recoil. Another explanation could be the higher aim assist that reduces the weapon recoil as the HIP translator in the ADS mode usually results in mouse acceleration and micro movement changes.
Hey I'm having this issue with mine, I'm quite sure what it is. Basically when I'm aiming on RS6 it feels sorta...sticky...I've properly cleaned my mouse(without touching the sensor ofcourse), I've the new software and xim manager version...I've also made a new config for my RS6 and nothing seems to fix it. It isn't lag or anything with the game since with controller works fine but whenever I try to flick onto an enemy it kinda sticks to the position it previously was then about less than a second later it moves, feels like the reticle or 'mouse' kinda teleports less than a meter instead of being smooth and not sticky and it messes with my precision. Both response rates on the mouse and the manager are set to 1000...also dpi is 12k Not sure if you have a fix or if its a problem with the new update or if I could send you my config but I need help!!!😔😂
Try uninstalling your mouse software and install it back again, same with xim software, do a factory reset. This happened to me and I just reset both my mouse and xim and it worked like new again smooth as butter
@nevuza yeah just uninstall everything that has to do with your mouse and xim and install everything like its fresh out of the box. My mouse uses software to change its dpi and stuff so uninstalled my s pi software and I reset my xim apex through my pc
Link 1 Channel Membership Subscription:
Link 2 Reduce & Control Weapon Recoil:
Thank you for all the info,more destiny 2 tips please?
@@dodgeking6644 Use a good SAB value to reduce the aim assist problems (where it pushes you away from the target). Also you may want to use a sprinting config to increase the sprinting turnspeed. I covered most Destiny 2 tips in my updated Destiny 2 config video :).
Damn i watched that one thanks again
Will there be a newer tutorial for Siege?
@@JADC93 Hey, i just responded to your other comment :).
This actually does help just don't put the ratio way to high because adjusting your aim horizontally can become harder especially in games with fast movement like bo3.
I’m here for bo3
Gelato ahahahahaha gelato ur a fcking keyboarder omgggg
Claptle no i am not
Gelato y u here then?
@@Claptle No nigga why r u here?
can u make a video about explaining synchronize, smoothing, y/x ratio, steady aim, boost and turn assist in detail? How does it work and how it affects the game. thanks everything ur doing fr this community.
Hey, except for synchronization and XYRatio you can already find dedicated explanation videos for all of these features on my channel :). Here you have the boost video for example
BRO!!! Another recoil trick is to bind your walk button to your ADS button and have it to 12% - 15% and when you ads it will bring down the weapon without pulling g down the mouse. 😳 so amazing.
Yeah the year0 recoil setup is great, i will soon do a tutorial about it with some refinements and suggestions :).
XIMGameplay yes! That would be amazing. Xim is the best bro. Still learning how to agro with it but it’s not going so well 😂
@@SupernovaSun77 Stick to it and you will get good. Take notice of your surroundings and use the game information to your advantage, usually its not your aim that gets you killed but reading the map or enemy spawns :).
XIMGameplay very true.
This is a really great feature, but if you want to shoot with your secondary weapon, than after the first bullet you shoot, it activates and makes it impossible to aim accurately. So U can't shoot with your secondary weapon. So anyone else who has this problem, I recommend to change the y/x ratio in the ads menu/section. That way you still have no recoil, and have no problems with shooting with a secondary weapon whatsoever
I think the category B setup is the most ideal then as you will have two fire buttons, one you can use for your secondary weapon and one to reduce the recoil with if a weapon has a stronger recoil.
Tried this and it doesn't do anything when I tried on modern warfare. Tested in a private match and recoil is not being changed for me. I doubt I'd use it but wanted to test it out
This feature wont compensate the recoil automatically, you still have to move down your mouse. What this trick does is reduce the distance you need to drag your mouse down to reduce the recoil. If you dont notice a difference then increase the XYRatio.
sure but when I press the button to activate it and I aim it doesn't shoot me
@@lucadimeglio3339 So your weapon doesnt shoot? Can you verify that you bound your activation button as the fire button in the anti recoil sub config too at the bottom? If you are unsure check out the second half of the video again :).
@@XIMCentral oh thanks makes sense now, I've probably learned recoil control through muscle memory so I'd probably find it difficult to adapt now. Good to know about this though
@@diligaf1000 Yes that most likely is the case, you adapted to the previous situation! :)
First thing tomorrow gonna re download apex. Thanx my home work is done.
Thanks for the info sir. I'm going to have to try this!
well yuh this is where it all started with no recoil 😂
Did it work
Like I said in your last video... the fact you put in game example is really great man. Cant wait to try that tonight thx
Thanks man and i agree, i really have to do that more often! Maybe with the next video (probably Apex Legends Update) i might include example clips for all features! :)
I did what you showed us and it's amazing for the recoil but I get a weird aim assist with the auxuliary. Like it's harder to get inside the ""bubble" and I get stuck outside some time when someone is moving left from right. do you have an idea why ? Everything is like your setting.
@@acejimbo6119 In games with very very strong aim assist this can happen, yes. To prevent that you can add some boost to your recoil config (100-250) or add some steady aim (2.5). Id recommend to go for steady aim first.
Thank you so much for another very helpful video upload. I have two questions: 1. For the game category 1 like Rainbow, why do we need another configuration? Can we just change X/Y in ADS mode? 2. I play Apex Legends, but I really don’t think I can two different fire buttons (also, my side buttons are engaged with Granade and weapons swap). Can I just change X/Y in ADS and move down even less for the guns with little recoil? Or any better idea?
Hey, yes you can also change the ADS XYRatio for both games. Some people may not like that though as your HIP and ADS XYRatio will be different then. This can make aiming more difficult. However you can get fully used to that so after a while its no disadvantage. The recoil config only changes the XYRatio while you shoot so it doesnt affect your aiming behavior too much. If you dont have enough buttons for a second fire button then consider to offload some actions to the keyboard. For example the left alt key is an excellent key that most people dont use :). That way you may have another free button on the mouse.
XIMGameplay Thank you for answering. Very helpful!
Some of us don’t use keyboard we use analog so buttons are limited
Bruh this shit made my recoil controller so fricking good I luv you
You can use this with a controller?
@@JammedToaster he meant control
Yesss the epic voice and accent is back 🤘🤘🤘💪💪
Hi. Thx for guide and video. Have 2 questions about configuration.
1) How to turn it on while not moving the mouse?
2) If i increase %%, it is working when i am not moving mouse, but when i am moving - it is uncontrollable.
Am i right, that i need to choose one choice? What about delay 10ms, Smooth Aim and Deactivation delay. Is it way to fix my problems? Want to use anti recoil not moving, as well as moving, with the same strength.
Hey, which recoil trick are you using? It sounds like you use the one which utilizes the walking percentage. But the video you commented under is the other very popular recoil trick which works differently.
Also I appreciate all these videos your config tutorial for apex legends was a huge help
Thanks a lot man, really! :)
I just copy pasted his config made some changes in key binding and it’s golden this guy and the product is perfect
Fingers crossed my Bo4 Maddox shot will improve 🤞
Let me know how it goes! :)
What's ur PSN??
Bushido GetShutDownz-
@@TheRealGetShutDownz got u
@@TheRealGetShutDownz so, how does it work?
Thanks so much bro this stuff actually worked, I can control Twitch’s f2 on R6 now👍
Awesome! I think on monday there will be a new recoil tutorial with a completely new trick, you can use that on top of this one for even better results :).
XIMGameplay niceeeee I will be looking forward to that👀
@@adzii4951 I release the Fortnite Tutorial first so the video will come monday in a week i think.
Or just... practice
You could practise
What does the “Steady Aim” and “Boost” do and do you think those would help with anything on rainbow?
Hey, you can find dedicated explanation videos on those features on my channel. Here you have the boost one
Remedy - it won’t they’re aim assist options. More for a game such as cod or fortnite. In Rainbow they’re useless and should be left to default.
I use the smooth for when I put my ads and hip super high it just makes it so it won’t be so sensitive so moving is smoother
Hey man. Your videos are awesome and easy to follow along. Thanks for them all. One thing doesn’t work for me is the anti recoil. I followed it exactly but it makes no difference. I then adjusted the x/y on my normal ADS to check if it changed and it still made no difference to the recoil. Can you help please with any suggestions?
As a test set the ratio to 5,0 and make circular mouse movements, if they turn out to be eliptical then the config works. The anti recoil config will not compensate the recoil automatically, you will still have to move your mouse. Though the amount you have to move the mouse is heavily reduced, thats the advantage.
Is this one better or the other video you made about binding left click to right joystick?
Hey, i replied to your other comment :).
Yo helpful video, but when I aim down sights and shoot it controls the recoil. No problem with that but even after when I stop shooting if I’m aiming down sights my mouse gets weird movements. Do you have any ideas I can fix this thanks!
What XIM do you have?
XIMGameplay xim apex
@@daai292 All right, you need to install the latest xim firmware (via PC or Mac) to solve that. You can find it in the XIM forum.
XIMGameplay Okay, Thanks!
@Vybrs Either turn off your ad-blocker or go with the right click save target as option, that way it should work :).
I hope the xim will work on the PS5 🙏🏻
Im sure in a few month we will know more about that!
Do i understand right ? About Category B. You need activate with whatever button and then you can shoot with zoom without recoil.and after when i wanna shoot without zoom i need disactivate button ???sounds very not comfortable...
Hey, it works slightly different with category B: You pick an unsued button with which you will activate the sub config. That button will also be your second firing button. Now when you are zooming and want to reduce the recoil you shoot with your new firing button. If you dont want to reduce the recoil you use your regular firing button.
@@XIMCentral thanx for answers;)) well i did it.but difference i dont feel...maybe i need try to more strong weapons to feel difference
@@koronavirus7231 Set the XYRatio to 5,0 and make circular mouse movements while having your anti recoil config running. If you experience eliptical movements in the game then the config is working. Thats a quick test to check if everything is setup correctly :).
hello, I could write what you said there in the video, because I don't understand English very much, I would appreciate it very much if you typed
Hey i do that for every tutorial. In the video description of every tutorial you can find a link to the full english text. Here is the link for this video
XIMGameplay thanks
I like your vids! What xy-ration would you recommend for Fortnite? Will you soon come with an update on Fortnite?
Yes a new Fortnite config tutorial is planned! :) As for Fortnite i wouldnt recommend this trick since most weapons are using weapon bloom and not weapon recoil. Though it can be helpful for weapons like the deagle or the ak. For these you will not need a high value though, something like XYRatio 1,2 to 1,5 should already do the trick.
100% Alman 😂👍🏽
I did everything mentioned.. But there's one issue
If I shoot, then let go of my shoot button, but remain ADS'd, it makes my Horizontal much faster until I let go of ADS.. Is there any way to eliminate this?
Yes you have to update to the latest XIM firmware from 2020 to avoid this, it comes with a fix for this :).
@@XIMCentral do you have a link for this? Just to avoid the risk of downloading a dodgy link
@@xVnmG Sure man, here you go
What a legend 😌😎
That’s a weird way to spell cheater
@@AylicZ Everyone is garbage in the beginning, but you indefinitely.
@@anticarnistvegan higher rank, win/loss, and kill/death ratios but k😘
@@AylicZ We get it, your a hard stuck dust 5 rank.
@@anticarnistvegan “Sundae LCD” is my gt. “LyricDiamond116” is my alt. Look at the stats for yourself :/
Can you confirm if this is the best recoil trick out of the 3 recoil videos? i play alot of PUBG and wondered if 1.52 is best for this game or to increase?
This is imo the best one yes, as it doesnt limit your skill ceiling in any way. The best XYRatio is user dependent, there isnt one best value that works for everyone. Try out a few and check which one you like the most! :)
@@XIMCentral As usual with speedy replies thank you as always will try
You are a god,good job
How about modern warfare? What category should it be?
Id say category B unless you only shoot when being in the ADS mode.
Oddly enough this isn’t a joke
Its not lol, ignore the upload time :).
XIMGameplay 😂 this is so good it’s not funny. Thanks bro!
I need help, i am extremely stuck. my XIM apex came today, and i dont know how to change horizontal and vertical sensitivity
With your XIM you dont have to change your horizontal or vertical sensitivity, it will make sure the ratio is always 1:1. If you want a different ratio you can use the XYRatio feature in your XIM Manager to increase the sensitivity of your horizontal or vertical mouse movements.
I've updated everything and copied what you've done in the video but nothing happens with the F2 on twitch :(
Make circular mouse movements while having the anti recoil config active, if your ingame crosshair movements turn out to be eliptical then the trick works for you. This is a quick test with which you can test if there are any setup errors or button binding conflicts :).
@@XIMCentral I just tried it, it was just normal, it's like nothings changed
@@tabin2233 In that case there might be a setup error somewhere that prevents the trick from working.
Wenn ich X/Y 1.40 nutze, muss ich das dann für HIP und ADS einstellen oder nur bei einem? (Btw like und Abo ist ein Muss!😉)
Hey, wenn du den folgenden Trick machen willst dann nur innerhalb deiner Sub-Config :). Alternativ kannst du das natürlich auch in deine ADS Config einbauen da Recoil i.d.R. im ADS Modus am schwierigsten zu Kontrollieren ist.
XIMGameplay Okay, also dann nur im ADS, aber im hip wenn man aus der Hüfte schiesst kann es auch nützlich sein oder? Oder hat das Nachteile?
@@jan.8886 Normalerweise bringt es aus der Hüfte nichts da es dort kein wirkliches vertikales Recoil gibt. Die Schüsse fliegen einfach per Zufall in alle Richtungen, das kann man aber nicht wirklich kontrollieren. Zumindest in RB6 ist das Zufall, in anderen Spielen folgen die Kugeln bestimmten Mustern (z.B. CS:GO).
XIMGameplay okay super!! Vielen Dank 🙏🏽
Lohnt sich? Den scum apex jetzt noch zu holen für Rainbow?
Can you copy all setting frome manger for ranbow 6
In my RB6 Updated Rotation video you can find a copy and paste code in the video description that will also include this sub config (so a full RB6 config copy code with this anti recoil sub config).
Hey, ich hab mir vor ca. einem Jahr eine XIM Apex geholt und hat alles super funktioniert. Heute ist so komplett aus dem nichts kaputt gegangen (der USB Stecker ist beim rausziehen in der PS4 stecken geblieben). Ich würde mir jetzt gerne eine neue holen, finde allerdings keinen Händler der nach Deutschland schickt... kannst du mir helfen? Gruß Fredde
Bis Mitte April gibt es nirgendswo ein XIM zu kaufen wegen dem Virus. Wenn du nicht warten willst kannst du den XIM Store kontaktieren und eine Reparatur anfordern, das kostet wahrscheinlich weniger als ein neues XIM zu kaufen :).
I have a few questions
1) Does this work on xim4
2) If so how can I apply anti-recoil for the xim4
I mainly play MW so if you have any idea I would really appreciate the help. I don't think it's possible to replicate the same settings that you're using for the xim apex for my xim 4.
Also Thank you a lot for your tutorials you're very helpful and never disappoint . Much Love
Hey, it doesnt work with a XIM4 since it lacks the specific sub config switching update. What you can do though is to raise your XYRatio in your ADS settings, while that is not exactly the same its the closest you can get on a XIM4 when you want to easier to control weapon recoil.
Is there going to be a black Friday discount for xim apex?
XIMs are sold with very small profit margins so there isnt much room for price reductions. Last year there was a discount, but it was only like 10$ if i recall correctly. Outside of that it isnt even clear yet if Apex will be in stock again by then. Official XIM resellers that sell through Amazon and other platforms might offer discounts though, but their starting prices are usually also higher than the standard price in the XIM Store.
@@XIMCentral was last years discount on black Friday?
@@Azadgoli I think it was around 5-10$ or so.
Dieser Trick wäre dann ja auch für Destiny 2 sinnvoll oder? apropos Destiny 2 bringst du bald mal wieder eine neue Config für Destiny 2 raus? bzw was würdest du für 12k dpi und 1000hz empfehlen?
Hey, meine letzte Destiny Config ist immer noch aktuell, das Spiel hat keine gravierenden Änderungen durchmacht welche andere Settings erfordern würden. Wenn ich ein neues Video machen würde wären die Settings nahezu die selben :). Und ja die Recoil Config funktioniert auch mit Destiny, würde es aber nur mit Waffen die starkes Recoil haben benutzen.
XIMGameplay ok alles klar vielen Dank für die Antwort
So what Xim Apex is better than Titan Two? Are anti-rejects working better? How does this relate to the R6? Can he do it?
The Titan is a script and controller adapter, the XIM a mouse and keyboard adapter. Two totally different things.
What's the point of doing this on a auxiliary vs just in the ADS?
When you do it within your ADS config its always active, so the XYRatio will affect your entire ADS aiming. The trick from the video will only activate the XYRatio while you are shooting. So you can freely aim while in ADS but once you shoot the XYRatio will be there to support you.
@@XIMCentral awesome going to try this method. I've been using the method of mapping my fire key to the walk down analog stick set to 10%. I'll remove that and try xy ratio. My issue is that while I'm shooting at a target I'm fighting aim assist bubbles and seen to "bounce" in and out of the bubble with very little mouse movements. I have SAB set to 100% for both hip and ads.
What are your senses for siege? And do u barely pull down for twitch or still have to.pull down a considerable amount?...... Also i have booster and ballistic editor will this affect this trick?
Its 3200 dpi 1000hz sync default and HIP 50 ADS 37,50. With this sub config i have to slightly move down my mouse, maybe a few centimeters. Much less than without the sub config, i can basically control the recoil with just my fingertips without having to move my arm or use my wrist.
You use 1000hz off sync with that low of a dpi?
@@XIMCentral do you humbly have a copy of your config i can kindly use and try out? For Rainow 6 siege
@@heavenlyjohn3693 Sorry that was a typo, i wanted to write sync default.
@@MadaraR6 Hey, in the video description of this video you can find a RB6 copy and paste code that also includes this anti recoil trick
Do you need the most recent update that came out a few weeks for this to work perfectly?
Do you mean the xim firmware? If so then yes.
what y/x ratio should I use if I have 40-hip, 50-ads in rainbow six siege?
Without the XIM Sync its hard to say if thats a slow, mid or high sensitivity. What is your cm per 360° ratio?
I have pretty high sensitivity. I don’t know what is my cm per360 ratio.
@@The-Real-Jami All right, high sensitivity players will not need a very high XYRatio. Try values below 1,5 such as 1,2 or 1,3. Those should give you the required additional control over your recoil.
XIMGameplay Thank you very much.
Would this conflict with any Xim settings for ADS such as ADS + Hold Breath?
I havent tried that but it shouldnt if you use the same ADS + hold breath button binding combination in the ADS anti recoil sub config.
Next week I will try with BLACKOUT. Any suggestions?
The recoil sub config you mean? My recommendation would be to use the Category B version. By the way in around a week in will upload a video with the best trick for the parachute in Blackout and Warzone, that way you can easily use the parachute :).
When I try to move my mouse accurately my mouse cursor jumps around a lot. This is not because of my dpi nor sensitivity. I have even tried lower sensitivities and dpi's then I am used to. The cursor still jumps around alot, I can literally see it jump 4 pixels while I want to be able to move from pixel to pixel
Hey, on my channel you can find a "remove mouse stutter" tutorial with a lot of stemps listed in order of their effectiveness. Let me know if those solved your issue and if not, which ones you already tried :).
@@XIMCentral I tried all synchronize options on ads but my mouse still skips a few pixels.
@@kimo2667 Did you also try the other shown steps? If so what was the outcome?
@@XIMCentral I tried smoothing aswell, the version seems alright. I lowered my polling rate to 500hz just in case. I use a dpi of 3500. I use the corsair mm100 mousepad and the steelseries rival 3 gaming mouse. Not sure where the problem exactly is.
@@XIMCentral nevermind mate, apparently adjusting my in-game joystick deadzone did the trick. Thank you for the fast responses and the effort 👍
Do you changed your apex-legends settings?
I use your old settings. Do you make a new apex-legends settingsvideo? ?
That will probably be the next video! :)
Nice. When it will be coming?
If you see my comment, please reply to it
When creating a setting, will it work for all types of weapons or every weapon that has special settings?
It will work for all types of weapons but each weapon might have a different weapon recoil so it may not be useful for all weapons.
Hello, I am a new follower, I have a question, Does the Xim Apex have aim assist using the keyboard and mouse on the ps4 console?
Yes you have aim assist if the game uses it.
@@XIMCentral All right, thanks
Does my activation key for recoil has to be Mouse (back) for apex ? I cant just apply the left click as my activation key for my recoil
You can use any button that you want to, if the right mouse click is your favourite then make sure that it doesnt cause a conflict with your ads button (as most people prefer to go into ads with the right mouse click).
I have a xim4 instead of an Apex, will these settings still work ?
The XIM4 is missing the sub config priorization update, this may affect how this trick works. You can try it but if your XIM4 switches back into your HIP config when you stop shooting then it wont really work with a XIM4.
Thanks for the info.
Hey, do you know if the fragfx Chuck joystick is compatible with the xim ?
There are a few fragfx nunchucks that work while others dont.
I’m a little confused what’s the difference between just putting the y/x up on the normal cod if, what’s the point in putting it on auxiliary
The approach from the video keeps your XYRatio at 1 while you aim in the ADS mode, it only changes the XYRatio while you are shooting. If you directly change the XYRatio in your ADS config then your aiming feels off whenever you are in the ADS mode.
Guys, I'm planning to switch from Xbox One to Ps4 Pro. Does Xim Apex also work on Ps4 just as well as it did for me on Xbox?
Yes but the micro movements are better on Xbox since the stick has twice the resolution. Thats the only difference though.
To activate it do you need to press the button every match ? I play apex just wondering or is it just once and ur done
Whenever you shoot your weapon it will automatically activate, you dont have to press anything in advance or so. Just load the correct XIM game config.
@@XIMCentral ok but you have said in your video that apex is option b which i would need to use a different button instead of firing
@@kameronpeterson3366 Yes you use a different button and the anti recoil trick will then only be active when you shoot with that button :).
@@XIMCentral ok so I should just put it as my shoot button in the first place then correct? Because the button I put on doesn't shoot its just for activation
@@kameronpeterson3366 In that case it will also activate when you shoot from the HIP, which for Apex Legends might not be that desireable. Your other way is better imo.
Hey , I tried this out but made no difference at all on Cold War ?..
Make circular mouse movements while having the anti recoil config active. If your crosshair moves in an elitpical shape then the config is working. Thats a great way to troubleshoot if the config setup is correct :).
@@XIMCentral cheers , I tried adding it to the MJ fame config and when I’m ADS it would move like hip with the mouse ?.. Then on another profile there was no difference in on the oval with it on or off ?..
I will make a fresh profile and try again tomorrow...
I have a Problem with my mouse i put my dbi on 12k but everytime when i use my g pro wireless with the xim the dbi is lower idkw
Yazu I don’t have the G pro but it sounds like your issue is your dpi didn’t set on the onboard memory. You have to set your dpi on the Onboard memory option for it to carry over from your pc to xim.
@@kingritz590 i switched it to onboard memory
Yazu No idea then if that didn’t work.Sorry.
Dots Ber Inch?
Hey, can you compare your starting screen of the logitech gaming software with this picture? In the top right corner the onboard memory option is the important one If that still doesnt work then delete all mouse profiles except for one. And also only use 1 dpi profile on that mouse profile. Then it should definitely work.
this works, but in the last 5-10 bullets the recoil suddenly goes away??! Did you know why?
This is a mechanic that a lot of games use to not overstress the player, the last few bullets in a lot of games dont have any recoil anymore (some RB6 weapons, Apex Legends, ...). For those weapons you have to get used to for when you no longer have to move the mouse.
One problem I’m having his when I push left click and then try to lean it won’t lean I need help fixing that
Hey, update your XIM firmware to the new 2020 one via PC or Mac, after that verify that your recoil button bindings are identical to your ADS button bindings (especially for leaning).
When I shoot all my keybinds get thrown out the window and non of my binds work
You have to check the Inherit box at the top of the auxiliary tab and it will use the buttons saved under hip settings
Yes you need to check that your button bindings are correct within your recoil config.
Bro i have the same issue
XIMGameplay i have ads translator on but i have the same issue. When i shoot, none of my keybinds work while shooting
@@moosafaisal3164 Check if the bindings in your recoil config are correct. They have to be exactly the same as in your ADS config (except for maybe the shooting button if you want to use two shooting keys).
Is this button a hold type or toggle?
If it is a toggle is it possible to change it to a hold on activation?
It should be hold as that is much more accurate. You can theoretically also do with with toggle but that could result in some sync problems.
XIMGameplay Oh I see now ty!
sorry i wanted to ask you something if it is possible,
I followed more than one video with these figures but nothing works, how come? where is the problem ? Thanks in advance
Did you follow all the steps? What exactly doesnt work?
does this work it used to but when i came back to the game it didn’t work anymore
Hey, did you save your config adjustments? Maybe thats why it doesnt work anymore for you. The trick still works in all games that have vertical weapon recoil in the ADS mode.
@@XIMCentral thanks for the reply it’s works now idk why i think it’s because i fixed my sensitivity
It messes with my vertical sense and it messes me up
Yes it increases the vertical sensitivity while shooting to make recoil compensation easier.
Please help me and answer . What best response rate for xim apex in playstation 4 for apex legends and call of duty mw . My dpi is 4900
My mouse is logitech g502 hero SE
Its different from mouse to mouse and every g502 is also different. So to find the best response rate you will have to do one of the three benchmark tests from this video
Anyway to reduce horizontal recoil. I’m not sure if you really play siege like that but I’m trying to find a way to reduce elas recoil
The horizontal recoil in Siege is mostly random (Ela for example). Only a few operators have fixed horizontal recoil such as Maverick or Nomad (the AK). The fixed horizontal recoil is usually rather small compared to the vertical recoil then so once you got used to dragging down the mouse at the right time you only need to slightly adjust for the horizontal one. What i want to say is focus on the vertical one first and after that get used to the horizontal one. For example the fixed horizontal recoil of Nomad (AK) only kicks in after like 5-7 shots so i wouldnt priorize horizontal recoil reduction until you mastered vertical reduction.
How would you approach the setting on destiny 2?
For Destiny you would use the second approach from the video as you regularly shoot from the hip as well. For Destiny you can also try to increase the aim assist as the aim assist magnetism will reduce the weapon recoil as well.
XIMGameplay how to increase the aim assist in d2 ?
@@sbeed07 I did a dedicated video on how to increase the aim assist, those steps also work in Destiny 2.
I did same like you and now with mouse back button im just anoying...i have all smoot everything just fine.from hip also shooting nice.but with zoom i dont get this....i dont know what to do anymore...
Hey i responded to your other comment.
Whats your mouse and dpi?
Its a glorious mode o with 3200 dpi, you can use this anti recoil trick with any mouse and any dpi though.
XIMGameplay ok thanks 😊
What about Fortnite is it helpful to do it for example the AR?
There are only very few weapons in fortnite that have actual weapon kickup recoil (such as the AK or the Deagle). Unless you play those weapons very often id say its not worth it for fortnite.
@@XIMCentral thanks for the quick an precious answer 💜
I did everything you said but I’m still getting it am I missing a important part???
So you mean it doesnt work? Can you set the XYRatio to 5,0 and do circular mouse movments? Do those turn out to be eliptical in the game then?
XIMGameplay so I put the yx ratio to 5.0 and its still not working🙈
@@nomaskzo5441 All right that means there has to be a setup error somewhere, maybe a box isnt ticked or an activation button isnt set correctly. Maybe go through it step by step again.
How does this work? Can i do a "subconfig" for every gun (because every gun has his own recoil) or do i have to play the same gun every round?
ideally you setup different game configs for each gun and switch between them via the hotkey feature.
@@XIMCentral Oh i didn't know that. So i am able to make a config for each gun and then just switch it when i play?
@@batuhanbati2344 Yes exactly :).
@@XIMCentral That's cool
Do you have values for Soldier 76 of OW2? Thank you.
Hey, since the XYRatio is personal preference there arent any "best values" so to say. Use a ratio that feels good for you id say! :)
@@XIMCentral I understand. Thank you sir for the reply.
I have a question. Why make a separate auxillary for this when you can just change your Y/X ratio on the actual ADS? Isn’t it doing the exact same thing? Thanks!
If you do it that way then you will always have the different XYRatio active when you aim with your ADS button. With the sub config the changed ADS config is only active when you shoot.
XIMGameplay Well what I did, was that I just increased the Y/X ratio in the actual ADS config. Wouldn’t that only affect the ADS translation? Isn’t that what the auxillary is doing? :)
Oh wait I think I see what you’re saying. So once I start shooting, then the auxillary activates. Nevermind, thank you!
@@nathantrick8693 Yes exactly, thats how it works :).
XIMGameplay Also, I have another question, so I play on a low dpi to not make it obvious that I use the XIM, and at far ranges, the recoil of the gun (for CoD) is strong but the aim assist prevents me from pulling down. Do you think you can help me sort this problem out?
thanks for the awsome video.
Do u have an idear of the max y/x ratio for warzone ?
have a good one.
For any game id recommend to not go above 2,0 since at that point the influence of the sub config while shooting will start to feel off (left and right movements). At that point it might be a better idea to increase the sensitivity of the recoil config too.
Can the XIM apex eliminate recoil for a controller?
That will not work since the XIM only processes your mouse movements with the features shown in this video.
When I did it, I couldn't stop shooting, Is there a fix?
Did you maybe set it to toggle? Check what your xim manager shows at the bottom and compare that to your sub config activation button. Its probably a button binding conflict.
@@XIMCentral Yeah, toggle was on, thanks for the tip!
So is the back button only for hip fire
Left click for regular HIP fire and low recoil ADS weapons, the back button for when you want to reduce the recoil in ADS.
I use my left mouse button to shoot, i also use it to drive and when im cooking a grenade.. Will this only activate when i ADS or will it be active whenever i press my left mouse button?
It depends on which category approach you use, but yes itll always activate as the XIM has no idea in what ingame situation you are.
Can i set it to be active only when i ADS or do u suggest i only use my left mouse button for shooting only?
@@louwbotha5293 Yes thats what the two different categories are for. One will always activate it while the other one lets you choose when you want the compensation.
Could i not just use the right mouse button for it?
Yes you can but then you will always have the altered XYRatio while you are in the ADS mode. This will work against your muscle memory (unless you give yourself a week to get used to it). The way shown in the video will activate the XYRatio only when you actively shoot but not while you are just aiming in the ADS mode.
I don’t understand why there is not difference for me I’m following everything you are doing yet it feels exactly the same I have the xim updated to the Xbox series X firmware
Activate your anti recoil sub config and make circular mouse movements, if those turn out to be eliptical in the game then the config is working :).
Can you please explain what steady aim and boost exactly do?
Hey, you can find dedicated tutorials for those features on my channel. They explain these features with example and give recommendations on what values are good.
So I brought the xim Apex and I set the anti recoil sub under ads translator and I still get the “hip” when I’m done shooting just like I did on the xim4.
Edit: it actually somehow fixed itself so after shooting with this sub, and I stop, it goes back to aim down sight, instead of hip.
All right then it seems to work, if it happens again update your XIM firmware, you need to have the latest XIM Apex firmware for this trick to work :).
XIMGameplay that’s prolly what I did. I know I use my wife Mac to update one from the beta and realized It wasn’t the up to date one. So went to download the right one and her Mac was being dumb so had to use my windows. Anyways, it’s all good 👍👍
I’m champ I’d recommend just learn the recoil it throws off aim so much
Hi, I have a problem i do not got the advanced settings like Steady Aim and the Boost but i already activated the Expertmode
Hey, see my "Get Missing Features" video on how to get those options! :)
It doesn't work did the banned it
What do you mean exactly? What doesnt work for you?
@@XIMCentral yeah I literally got everything done but it doesn't work
@@kenco43-fq7gu Set the XYRatio to 5,0 and make circular mouse movements, if those turn out to be eliptical in the game then the sub config works. Overall this config will not automatically reduce recoil for you but lower the amount you need to drag down the mouse. That makes it A LOT easier to compensate the recoil. Dont expect the config to reduce it for you, that would be considered cheating.
I’m having trouble doing with Warzone.. is there anything different
Hey, for Warzone the setup is 1:1 the same. Maybe check if your XIM runs on the latest XIM Firmware as otherwise this trick wont really work. That has proven to be a common reason for viewers in the comments for why it doesnt work.
It’s the latest firmware.
do I have to change the X/Y Rate for ADS/Zoom also like the Anti Recoil Ratio? In you case 1.52?
Only change it for the anti recoil sub config as otherwise your ADS/Zoom will also have the altered XYRatio which might screw up your muscle memory.
@@XIMCentral I tried both configs for Warzone, for me the better one is this with subconfig an 1.52 Ratio. The other one is good when your AIM is steady but when you move while aiming its bad because it pulls down... but great tutorial thank you!
Can’t I just add 1.52 to the x/y ratio in the ads section without making a new section when playing siege?
Yes you can do that but you will then always have the different XYRatio active when you aim, the way shown in the video will only activate it while you are shooting.
Hey I know this is a old video but I have done this but as soon as I shoot my sensitivity goes crazy until I un ads
Hey, check if the sensitivity in your anti-recoil sub config matches your ADS sensitivity, and if the translator in that sub config is set to ADS.
Hey thx for the great video, can I use this on xim 4 ? I’ve been looking for a way to control my recoil for a week now
Yes but it wont work that well because the XIM4 doesnt ahve the sub config priorization fix. As a result you will always jump back into your HIP config when leaving this anti recoil ADS trick.
@@XIMCentral if there is a way to do it please help me out I would really appreciate it
@@موسىمحمدعمران The XIM4 didnt get the firmware update for the sub config priorization so there is nothing you can do tbh. It works but once you stop shooting it will directly fall back into your HIP config instead of staying in the ADS config.
Alright thanks for responding bro
I am also using XIM4 for the mouse and keyboard. I think with XIM Apex I can’t use K&M. Too bad for us XIM4 users.
Hey, it seems I don't have the "deactivation delay" part of the page when I go through like you do. How do I fix this?
Hey, on my channel you can find the "Get Missing Features" video which will show you step by step on how to get that option :).
The options for changing “steady aim” and “boost” don’t show up for me. Is there a way to fix this?
its probably ur firmware, download the newest one
Here is how you can solve that
XIMGameplay I watched the video and it said that the latest update would be at the top, but the one at the top says it’s from 2018. Is this the right one or am I doing something wrong?
@@Stumpypenguin46 There currently isnt any beta which is why the top one is some randomly old firmware. Go with the latest official xim firmware from 2020 that is the latest one.
XIMGameplay thank you so much. I got it all sorted now
this setting works for Call of Duty: Warzone??
Yes it does!
XIMGameplay only problem being other actions that use the same button, driving or cooking a nade causes the sensitivity to jump for y whilst doing those actions unless you set another button to activate it?
@@joshconner6473 Yes thats why its best to use a second fire button that you only use when you want to reduce the recoil. For everything else you can then use the left mouse button :).
i have a problem to do that, if i shoot, my aim just pulls down to the ground, no matter what sensitivity i have
You mean with this trick or does it also happen with a brand new config?
with this trick
Glad i came across this video
For some reason when I put hip translator on its way better recoil and when I do ads translator on the auxiliary slide the recoil is bad
You probably prefer the sensitivity change from using the HIP translator in the ADS mode when controlling the recoil. Another explanation could be the higher aim assist that reduces the weapon recoil as the HIP translator in the ADS mode usually results in mouse acceleration and micro movement changes.
Can I still use these with the crouch spam video you made
Yes you can :).
Hey I'm having this issue with mine, I'm quite sure what it is.
Basically when I'm aiming on RS6 it feels sorta...sticky...I've properly cleaned my mouse(without touching the sensor ofcourse), I've the new software and xim manager version...I've also made a new config for my RS6 and nothing seems to fix it.
It isn't lag or anything with the game since with controller works fine but whenever I try to flick onto an enemy it kinda sticks to the position it previously was then about less than a second later it moves, feels like the reticle or 'mouse' kinda teleports less than a meter instead of being smooth and not sticky and it messes with my precision. Both response rates on the mouse and the manager are set to 1000...also dpi is 12k
Not sure if you have a fix or if its a problem with the new update or if I could send you my config but I need help!!!😔😂
When you click into your config picture what text does it say above? And what console are you on?
@@XIMCentral I'm on ps4, it shows the Playstation logo, it shows a target symbol(Xim logo) and then it shows the logitech logo
Try uninstalling your mouse software and install it back again, same with xim software, do a factory reset. This happened to me and I just reset both my mouse and xim and it worked like new again smooth as butter
@@grgsalas Do you mean uninstall the driver of my mouse?
@nevuza yeah just uninstall everything that has to do with your mouse and xim and install everything like its fresh out of the box. My mouse uses software to change its dpi and stuff so uninstalled my s pi software and I reset my xim apex through my pc