Ok so I'm making a cash note and it has a curled in corner. How can I make the decal to cover entirely including the curled surface? When I selected fit width and height to selection, only the flat surface shows the decal but not the curled corner. Can you help? @CAD CAM TUTORIAL
where to download it?
Ok so I'm making a cash note and it has a curled in corner. How can I make the decal to cover entirely including the curled surface? When I selected fit width and height to selection, only the flat surface shows the decal but not the curled corner. Can you help? @CAD CAM TUTORIAL
Can we change the transparency?
Sir when I save file as Step file after plaseing a decal. When I open this step file decal invigible. How i can vigible this decal.
Nice job
When i try to create it does not creat why
Sir, is there any video on..high quality image rendering in solid works?
Sir when i click ok it removed
You can make a video tutorial on how to simulate an endless screw inside a reel, as I do to send you a capture if you do not understand me.
Sir please make a sustainability video
Hello....Sir plz iphone ki design making video upload karo....
i need to draw air freshener ..do you have any creative idea??
Sir ji solid work ke practice Kaise kro please help
Please upload tutorial of iphone10
I phone 10 omg really funny can't control mine laugh 😂