Here's a question for ya: If I'm writing a book, and I mention a sign that was written in all caps, such as "ICE COLD WATER HERE," then would I simply write it in all caps in my book, or would I just capitalize the first word, or every word, and then say "A sign reading 'Ice cold water here' in all caps"? I hope this question makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I used to do this but I got over it
i UsEd To Do ThIs BuT i GoT oVeR iT
Here's a question for ya: If I'm writing a book, and I mention a sign that was written in all caps, such as "ICE COLD WATER HERE," then would I simply write it in all caps in my book, or would I just capitalize the first word, or every word, and then say "A sign reading 'Ice cold water here' in all caps"? I hope this question makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Brandon! How is that book going? My instinct is all calls, because type of typographical feature is very common on signs, e.g, "STOP".
So "Alternating caps" is ultimately rising and lowering the pitch repeatedly in succession?(orthographically speaking)
Yes, that should produce the sarcastic tone it's meant to convey.
HTML never meant Hotmail. Hyper Text Markup Language HTML is a program language.
Yes, and that's not what I said either. This is about where the word Hotmail came from, not where html came from.