Wing gundam zero tv shows why atk speed and new charge 5 atk can make a huge difference. His normal atk in earlier DW Gundam version was super sluggish, only the musou were good. But Reborns make him wayy better along with the Zero system from heero or milliardo make it wayy too good. The only thing I can say it a bit nerfed here is the hit box for ground musou was wayy bigger in DW Gundam 2 ps2 version, they changed this since ps3 version and til Reborns ✌️
Wing Zero, my beloved.
Wing gundam zero tv shows why atk speed and new charge 5 atk can make a huge difference. His normal atk in earlier DW Gundam version was super sluggish, only the musou were good. But Reborns make him wayy better along with the Zero system from heero or milliardo make it wayy too good. The only thing I can say it a bit nerfed here is the hit box for ground musou was wayy bigger in DW Gundam 2 ps2 version, they changed this since ps3 version and til Reborns ✌️
EW version next with same BGM
Already uploaded
@@BansheeNT-D oops I forgot