I feel like vedic astrology explains more of our karmic tendencies and make better predictions of the events in our lives. western astrology is more shallow and kind of explains certain personalities on the surface better.
Vedic Astrology is so accurate on my mind, looks and personality.... It's a little creepy. Vedic is the way to go. People might be mad if their Western Star Sign changes in Vedic because they are SO stuck on Western Sun Signs only and SO condition over the years into believing that they were those signs. Idk why Western may work for others while Vedic works for me and others... That part I will never get.
same! My rising sign in Western is Taurus, so like tall neck, thick frame, nothing of me are those things. In vedic astrology I'm an Aries rising, every description of my face proves an Aries rising. Very interesting!
Hayley Locke I have the opposite experience. My Vedic rising doesn’t describe my physical appearance (or me) at all and my western rising describes me and my physical features very well, it’s quite on point.
I use western astrology and predicted 4 pregnancies and 3 divorces without the people even knowing that I knew before it happened. I think, in some way both can be right, but now I have to actual study Vedic.
@@isobellabrown7102 I think the reason I have problems relating with my vedic ascendant lord versus my western ascendant is due to the fact my ascendant is being ruled by the same deacon or Nakshatra lord. In vedic I'm a leo ascendant and in western I'm a Virgo ascendant. 🙏
Remember to look at your sun sign as the person who you are supposed to grow into, not just the person you're born as. The rising sign is who you were raised to be, and the sun sign is who you're supposed to become over time. I encourage you to look at the other placements as well.
Honestly, I think both is credible. I have been applying everything Vedic into my western chart and it has been accurate. when I look into my sidereal chart, it sometimes is also accurate. I see where Vedic is more precise and how that make Western appear out-dated in some way, however a birth chart really is a snap shot of the sky from where you are of course and if Venus is actually in Aquarius but looks like it's in Pisces from here they really seem like that both can count as far as in Vedic it's actually in one sign while in Western, it appears in approximately 24 degrees further from where we are. Really, the biggest inaccuracy with Western is how so many focus way too much on Sun signs and basically remain ignorant to many details that can prove insightful. Like I said, it honestly worked for me to apply Vedic techniques to my western chart whether people disagree or not. Overall, no matter which astrology people choose, Vedic most certainly has an edge since it's actually taken more seriously unlike here where shallow horoscopes are too prevalent.
Same with me. I just Realate more with my western chart. I think it's because some of my points are ruled by the same lord, the sign is just different. It's like borderline where the two signs meet.
Another common misconception is on how western is actually calculated (as it seems that you have bought into this). The Western zodiac signs are based more on the seasons than on the actual configuration of the stars. Aries is the first zodiac sign for a reason - it coincides with the first day of spring, which comes around the 20th or 21st of March with good regularity.
there even a very famous bossa nova brazilian song, "Águas de Março" (March Waters) which sings "it's the march waters closing down the summer, it's a promise of life in your heart"
Thank you for making this more clear for me. I have a message I would like to share with you too. This may sound a little strange, but it's true. If you sing to the Sun of love and thanks, the Sun will answer you with stronger healing rays. It's miraculous, divine. You can use any tune, just add your own words of love and thanks. The more you do, the more you will see, our life giving, living light. Thank you again. With light and love always🎼🟡💓
Vedic house explanations make great sense but not signs. It’s not about tracking it by constellations, but by the equinoxes and solstices. Aries is spring equinox etc
This is explanation is wrong. First, tropical astrology calculate planetary positions in the ecliptic, not in the equator. Second, the sign difference between the two systems has nothing to do with the ecliptic tilt, but to the axial precession of the earth. Third: the celestial equator is wrongly depicted since it should be drawn perpendicular to the earth axis. Most probaby there's even a fourth error in this video (at the starting of it when commenting the 65000 years change of sign) but I don't know which system of division of the ecliptic he was using. If it was the twelve signs of equal size, then it's true that the Sun wouldn't be in Libra anymore, but false that it it would be in Virgo. So, as long as my understanding is correct, almost the entire video makes no sense from a scientific point of view.-
Vedic astrology actually sort of correlates well with the Myer Briggs psychology test. Western astrology doesn't really relate to the mbti test. And I hate how people who follow western astrology never have an argument... "Well that astrology is stupid" .. umm okay I guess? I'm just wondering if people believe in astrology as part of their religious beliefs as I do, or just think it's a creative and hip new way to look at life.
Western chart: - Taurus sun - Leo moon - Aries Mercury - Aries venus - cancer rising Vedic chart: - Aries sun - Leo moon - pisces mercury - pisces venus - Gemini rising I have no idea haha... them both are accurate. I feel like Vedic is my soul qualities and western is my human qualities. Because my mercury in Aries does make me talk kinda impulsively, I’ve always did that when I was a kid. But then..., I can also switch my impulsiveness into an angel.., sent down from god to nurture your soul with my gentle nurturing voice. Same with my venus in Aries, I like strong minded partners but at the same time, I want a love that is other worldly..., which is probably my venus in pisces for Vedic astrology.
In Vedic Astrology. Pisces also has Aries Pada and Aries Drekkana which is give Aries quality into which Planets that fall into that slot. Thats why Vedic can tell how Mercury really feel there and how it will influence you to which ways. I have Mercury Rx Exalt in Virgo both Western and Vedic, i know i am smooth talker but i didnt talk sweet&care like my friend who born after me just 1 day. AND Vedic can tell my Mercury have Mercury Pada and Saturn Drekkana and his Mercury has Moon Pada and Venus Drekkana. We both spokesperson in our club but he do far better when we had good things announce to public and i can completely control when things gone wrong and someone has to answer those incoming questions.
Man!! Western astrology definetly wont work for me because I was born in the southern hemisphere of the earth. And since tropical astrology is based on seasons, it doesnt make sense to half of the world. When spring aries starts in North America {northern hemisphere}, fall libra starts in Argentina or Australia {southern hemisphere}. Our seasons are inverted. How can western astrology be right when it only aplys to the top half of an entire planet. Thats why I cant stand people that talk about western astrology!!! People are so blind!! Damn!!
I think your explanation makes sense. If there is any constant in the universe, it is that it is always changing. I would think astrology would reflect that. "as above so below." My question is in regard to the Pyramid of Giza. They say that it aligned with the Orion's belt; Is that w/ or w/o the 23 degrees calculated? I would greatly appreciate any answers u provide!
this just sounds like another man-made, flawed, limiting belief system.. why not just be, just live. liberate your mind and think for yourself. all the real answers lie within our selves, and through personal experience. that's why we are here. there no sense in trying to scientifically figure it out as a human being, when this is just a temporary experience for the soul on a much more vast journey of soul and consciousness. we are all learning at our own pace through reincarnation, and will evolve beyond 3d form at some point, but there is no rush. what really matters is our own thoughts and personal experiences and making out of our lives what we choose, and taking our own paths, and liberating your minds, because all we need to know, is within ourselves, it always was, always will be. we're just here on earth to see what it's like to gain enlightenment as physical beings. that's all. So why not just live, just be, just make each life what you choose it to be, and you will learn what you need to and get out of it what you need to in time. why try to keep teaching things when we already have what we need within our selves??
It's human nature to want to make sense of things and not "just be" hence the birth of philosophy and science, we'd have neither today if we didn't want to make sense of our lives and our world
The sun is the core of your being. It is analogous to the CEO of of a corporation, whereas the other planets are in charge of certain departments of the organization. ex: Mercury is how you communicate and learn, Moon is how you reflect and contains your unconscious reactions, habits and dreams. Furthermore, I hope this example with regards to the moon helps clear it up for you: When you "know what you mean but you can't say it," it is your Moon that knows it and your Sun that can't say it.
I have made an observation which further proves Vedic Astrology more accurate (although it is not a hard one to make if you have the means). When we see the depictions of Hermes Trismegistus in which he is holding a terrestrial globe in his hand, we actually see the ecliptic equator of the earth as a line around it (just observe the inclination of the line around the globe), and not the celestial equator.
Aries starts at spring equinox, then there are taurus and gemini after that. Cancer starts at summer solstice and then there are leo and virgo. Libra starts at autumn equinox, then again there are scorpio and sagittarius after that and capicorn starts at winter solstice and then there are aquarius and pisces
i'm a Libra sun sign in Western astrology....but after looking into Vedic astrology and the importance of the moon in Vedic, it makes sense to me, as i have my moon in Scorpio in Vedic...i definitely have more Scorpio traits, than Libra...
Got 2 things... the precession of the zodiac is 26,000 years for the whole 360° wobble; not 65,000 years to change a Libra into a Virgo. And, the earth's tilt of 23.4° is not why the, for example, Lahiri ayanamsha is 24°03' different from the tropical zodiac as of 2014
Makes sense however i dont personally match with most of the profiles. Suppose its up to the person do there own soul searching and see which side they identify more so with.
Wait Kapiel, you have them reversed. Vedic Astrology calculates the planets and signs by the equator just like the nakshatras are calculated (sidereal). Western Astrologers calculate the planets according to the ecliptic (tropical).
Im a newbie to this and I caclucated my moon based on when i was born, Im an Aries, but my moon is Gemini. The description for this moon made a lot of sense, fit my character, even how many children id like, how id parent, how i value education etc etc..makes more sense than just Western...i feel it is more in depth. Just need more good videos to better understand it.
Often times the Western (tropical) astrological methods reveal psychology more accurately while Vedic (sidereal) astrological methods (1000's of methods) are actually better for predictions. Both consider different variables. Interestingly enough, a man by the name of Ernst Wilhelm seems to have developed what he considers an effective hybrid between both methods which utilizes a tropical natal chart and applies Vedic astrological methods for interpretation.
Paul Espinoza psychology? No ducking way that’s accurate, what happens is, you are young, you live naturally and have naturally psychological characteristics of your VEDIC sign, then you start to read and hear, what you SHOULD think/feel/want/act like. Then you try to be like that because they are theoretically ALLOWED to you. Cheers
I did my vedic astrology chart and it says pisces sun, taurus moon, virgo rising, aries mercury, and leo mars, and pisces venus, compared to my western astrology chart aries sun, gemini moon, taurus mercury, libra rising, virgo mars, and aries venus. I think that my western chart is a more accurate chart to my personality because I have basically no water signs in my chart except for a cancer midheaven, I think that the western chart is more accurate for who i am
In western astrology I am an aries sun 8th house, leo moon 12th house, leo rising venus aquarius and in vedic I am a pisces sun 8th house, cancer moon 12th house, leo rising, and venus aquarius 7th house. Vedic Astrology is far more accurate for me...watch all his videos...search "sun in pisces in (whatever house) with virgo ascendant krsastrology" in youtube and im sure he has a video for you posted. Hes got more videos tailored to all the variations and mine was spot on.
Okay everyone, Western astrology speaks about your personality, your more feminine qualities aka your emotion, how you feel, etc that is why more people mostly resonate with their western charts. But Vedic charts speak on behalf of your conscious, your more masculine features aka the mind, how we think. i wonder if this helps
It seems more logical that Aries is the spring equinox. What of Leo being born in mid-winter? That will be the case with Vedic astrology centuries in the past and the future.
I don't blame you! I was shocked to find that I was Scorpio in Vedic while as I've been believing I was a Sagittarius for so many years! I'm still researching about accuracy of Vedic by checking my past and see how it matches to Vedic method other than Tropical (Western Astrological zodiac). Ernst Wilhelm started to use Tropical zodiac (Western Astrological) calculation but use Vedic interpretation. So in his method you are still Taurus even for Vedic astrology. However Aries isn't bad though. There is no bad signs or all good sign.
***** Yes, they are NOT Aries but Pisces! Supposed to be very sensitive, receptive and artistic. Talk about Pisces! I've studied Western Astrology over 30 years and I know hardly any Pisces (Western Astrologically) who are sensitive or so called weak, be it men or women, they are pretty head-strong,tough and don't give up easily. Steve Jobs, Bruce Willis, Peter Fonda, Celine Dione, Elisabeth Tailor, etc. They are not weak! I also have friends who are Pisces and they are far from what Western Astrologers say, sensitive, gentle, tend to be weak etc. Ha! In Verdi they are Aquarius...Oh, Well
Yes, ASC is very important but your birth time must be absolutely accurate, because every 4 minutes counts (it moves by 1 degree). And as far as I remember, so many people in Europe were born miraculously every half an hour on the hour! It's worse in France up to say, 60's(?), people's B time became the registration time! Not actual birth time. That's why I started to omit houses that one can never find without proper birth time. Also in USA, the State of Illinois, they recorded summer time not standard time, I don't remember until what year though. Since I don't trust people's birth time who were born upto 60's I only look at aspects between planets which are the most important. Houses that are created based on birth time show what areas of your life, such as 1st house is who you are, (the sun is your ego self), 2nd house is how you make your own money/earning, etc. I omit that and just look at directly aspects between planets. Strangely, people who have harsh aspects (especially grand cross) somehow make a success in life if they overcome life's difficulties. I also consulted an old Canadian Astrologer years ago (was a history teacher), he could even spot out my parents chronical illnesses from my chart. The strongest (and could be harshest) aspect is conjunction (2 planets sticking together by orb of up to 7 degrees). ASC is your facet and the sun is your ego/self. It becomes very long but it took me nearly 25 years to find out why Pisces is not like Pisces or Scorpion is not like Scorpion. It because of the progression which not too many Western Astrologers looked into it too seriously.
If you have Ephemeris book, check your birth date, count each day as 1 day per year, and see when your birth date moved into the next sign and remember what happened to that year. You may find out how important Progression is. And at certain time your birth date move into the next sign that means you become the next sun sign by dragging your own sun so you become a mixture of both. That's how I found out why Pisces are so strong when adult age, because their sun becomes the next sign, Aries!
The earth’s axis was caused by a massive collision a long time ago in its past. So whilst I’m critical of western astrology, I can appreciate why they felt they had to ‘correct’ this so to speak, by re-setting the 23 degrees back to the original position.
Nicely done Kapiel. I have to say though that while Saturn was transiting Aries for the last 2.5 years or so I have felt contraction around both my relationships and delays in my career. I'm taurus ascendant in western & aries ascendant in eastern.
Western astrology correlates more between the seasons and their respective starts and ends. The actual position visible in the sky of where a planet is is irrelevant. If sun appears to be in Pisces but it is the vernal equinox then too bad. Vernal equinox is when the ram comes. That is why we still have the signs on our charts in their traditional positions.
In vedic astrology im a leo ascendant, taurus sun, libra moon, gemini mercury, while in western astrology im virgo ascendant, gemini sun, scorpio moon, cancer mercury.
İn vedic im Leo ascendant aquarius sun and Capricorn moon in Western Virgo rising Pisces sun and Capricorn moon I'm not emotional but my physical appearance is like both Virgo and Leo but appearance is usually about genetics not astrology
If you have to choose one or the other, look at famous people's charts Vedic and Tropical side by side, then see for yourself which one makes more sense.
Actually, while vedic may be beneficial for determining auspicious time periods for certain life events, the real reason why Western is more popular is because most people naturally associate with their western sun sign. This explains why my predictions are always accurate prior to one telling me their sign, and it explains the fact that people easily and naturally relate to their western sun sign once I describe it to them (and would never see any resemblance with their vedic sun sign).
Because they believe everything they read, mostly. So these dumb pieces of shit read things when they are younger and be like: ”omg so THIS is the way I am, everything makes sense now” when they still have no idea what those things mean
The difference is due to the precession of the equinoxes that's why aquarius is the new age we are in, or close to being in - not he difference between the celestial equator and the ecliptic ~ 2000 yrs ago pisces started, 2000 before that aries, etc - that's assuming that vedic means sidereal based astrology - it's aproximately a 26000 yr cycle
Jim Kernicky nope. Which sign is sun passing when is March 20-24? That’s the real age. Or maybe you did forget what does spring represents to the astrology?
There are so many things we dont know... I mean, do we really know if man went to the moon? Do we really know anything? "science" is just what they teach us in school, university, internet, wherever. it's just what someone wrote. It could just as well be like the bible since Jesus was a real person. How do we know that dinosour's were extinct with a 'meteor shower'? because someone wrote it, with some irrelevant facts, and it became world known. theres no effing way anyone could know how dinosours became extinct. How would anyone even know they had reptile like skin??? Anyways, The sun and moon Give us energy, we have gravity and waves, plant growth, thanks to these 2 simple planets Sun and Moon considered in astrology. Why wouldnt the rest of the universe and its components affect us? After all, they're part of us and we're part of them.
In Vedic, not knowing one's exact TOB (TIME OF BIRTH) changes two things 1. The ascendant and 2. the planets in HOUSES . Note however, the planets in SIGNS do not change. For example... If Being born at 5pm has mars and sun in 6th house in libra, then being born at 7pm on the same day will still have mars and sun in libra, but in a different house, 7th house. This is because the ASC changes from Taurus (5pm) to Gemini (7pm). So you still remain a person with Mars and Sun in Libra either way. But you can argue about which house to follow, mars and sun in 6th House vs 7th House. Not knowing your TOB, does NOT change your moon sign or your sun sign. And since vedic relies a lot on your moon SIGN (even sade sati is calculated around your moon SIGN) , its all about planets in signs rather than planets in houses. So don't worry if your western astrologer says you are a pisces (western sun sign) and your vedic astrologer says you are an aires (ascendant), you still remain the same person, whose qualities and traits are defined by where the PLANETS are IN the various SIGNS at your birth. And for this we need Vedic Astrology.
>In Vedic, not knowing one's exact TOB (TIME OF BIRTH) changes two things 1. The ascendant and 2. the planets in HOUSES Same with western >So don't worry if your western astrologer says you are a pisces (western sun sign) and your vedic astrologer says you are an aires (ascendant), you still remain the same person, whose qualities and traits are defined by where the PLANETS are IN the various SIGNS at your birth What do you mean? The planets in the signs are exactly the thing that changes from western to vedic.
@@dotheyfloat9961 There is Pada slot and Drekkana slot in every Sign that give other Planets quality into which Planet or Ascendant who's staying there. There is Jupiter(Pisces Ruler)Pada and Jupiter Drekkana in Sign of Aries so you can be Aries Ascendant who didnt Impulsive and calm inside too. This is what Western Astrology didnt have and use many Planet,Asteroid adding to give a same interpretation results. Different system and different way to calculate.
I still unsure about vedic but maybe this is because the reading that I had I have basically been predicted a life of doom. No job ever, being supported by family forever, no long term relationship, no marriage, no children, alot of time in hospital, all my family dying and being left alone. I have been told I wont live long. I dont see what good comes from telling somebody those things if you cannot offer anything to change or make it better? I was told I was a bad person in past life
It seems we are moving backwards based upon the mathematical points moving with the planets. But society we are going through opposite direction of the original points. For example we were once in pisces era of times now moving to Aquarius...but we are taught in America that Aquarius is before pisces. I'm blown away...very very great video
Ur personality does defined by just sun moon n rising sign, whole solar system plays a part, for that u need to analyse ur whole birth chart n nakshatra's are the most impt thing which west doesn't consider
I feel like Vedic would seemingly have to be the more accurate of the two just because, exactly, things are always moving and it takes that into account. In Vedic I am a Sun Capricorn, Asc. Pisces, and Moon Scorpio. Western i am Sun Aquarius Asc Pisces and Moon Sagittarius. those vedic descriptions of those signs in their placement of what he says fit's me practically to a tee. But I feel that the description of the signs western aquarius and vedic capricorn seem to sound like they were swapped. Same with western sagittarius and vedic scorpio only I noticed vedic scorpio still had the sexual mention in the description. Which I would not associate with western or vedic sagittarius. So, any thoughts? Just trying to get a real grasp on what exactly vedic is all about
StarryEyesShesAlive you should prefer the moon in Sagittarius description because the moon in Scorpio is the moon in fall, the moon represents the mind. But get any astronomy software and check for yourself the sky the moment you were born from the place you were born. That will tell you
Western Scorpio Sun, Moon, and Mars, Cancer Rising, spot on! Vedic Libra Sun and Gemini Rising, smh way off. Simply put, Vedic works if you were born in space but Western is what actual hits you when you take your first breath!
I have none of the traits of Vedic. I'm a virgo sun, virgo rising, pisces moon through & through. Now my virgo ascendant only has a1.51orb so when I was younger I did often present as a leo but always have been introverted & overly analytical like a virgo with a dreamy pisces moon. I think people born east should go w/ vedic but Americans should stick w/ western. I love you though KRS been watching you religiously for years. I just apply it to my western horoscope
That basic western astrology horoscope/tropical sign isn't the same as the sidereal sun sign, so for all you worried people out there can have mind's peace whether they are this or this sign. I'll have to say if you are going to get into your birth chart, please use vedic astrolog, because vedic charts are far more accurate that the western ones :P I'm out.
because it the more feminine qualities aka (your emotion, temperament, how you feel) that's why most people resonate with that while Vedic describes your more masculine qualities (your mind, consciousness, how you think aka take the feeling out of it)
@@fixedcross what a joke astrology comes from Hinduism vedas, its not ur sun moon rising sign will represent u, each planet aspect n conjunction n nakshatra's shws ur behaviour .
I have found sun sign of huge significance personally.. instead of rising sign if i place sun on ascendant it explains very well your birth chart.. i like western astrology and the sign in which each planet falls.. it’s the main theme regardless of what house the sign falls in if someone has debilitated mars or sun no matter which house it falls in .. the sign is more important and will play out through out the course of one’s life according to sign and give results of the house as well..
Hey KRS, thanks for doin your thang. Your YT channel is one of my favs. I have a question, Why does the Hindu calender only have 12 months instead of 13?
I'm with AryaNFire's question below. Astrology is a pseudoscience and is rejected by the academic and scientific community. If you find it interesting and love it then by all means believe in it. I believe my personality and fate are mostly determined by my own choices and personal experience.
So what changed in 4 years Kapiel? In this video you slam the Westren astrology, yet few days ago you write on your FB: "I respect western and vedic equally, I have no ego and arrogance against any ancient science, Saturn has made me wise." There are so many people out there like me confused as to which system to trust in. For example if I use Vedic astrolgy the rest of my life is going to be a total hell, might as well not live it and according to Western I have so much to look forward to? This does not mean I have disrespect to all you do, I watch you religiously and learned a lot from you. I am only looking for the truth.
+magnanimous Namaste , both systems can be used , and they should both point to the same result when used by a expert..... That being said, I've abandoned the western system years ago after meeting an expert vedic astrolger (actually a master astrolger ) who made stunningly accurate predictions using dasa and gochara.....
hahaha this made me laugh, maybe Kapiel had his Saturn return, he is looking older and wiser and Saturn does that to us. I'm not sure about the systems either, in Vedic I'm a Leo with a bunch of planets in Leo but there's nothing Leo about my personality, NOTHING. I'm still the very nitpicky, detailed, self sacrificial Virgo with a penchant for the mysterious and unknown due to my rising sign of Scorpio - also my eyes stand out a lot as they do in most scorpios and scorpio risings. Honestly I'm so confused.
Me too, me too, I am a hundred percent Libra in Western astrology, I love arts, fine things in life and yes, I do have a moon in Virgo, the same nitpicky perfectionist, but in Vedic I am 100%(sun and ascendant) VIRGO with Leo moon. How not to be confused???
@@pratikpatil9377 I show I'm strong.. but deep down I'm not. I'm super Sensitive.. But In love relationship I'm dominating , jealous , don't show my love , and quite doubtful.. and I'm always confused. I can't make choices. I love my family. And I'm lazy tooo.. maybe I'm Scorpio. But in vedic my rising sign is virgo . And in western libra.. libra rising matches with me. Because I'm too much attractive. But i don't know which should i follow! Vedic or Western 🥺 as always I'm confused 😂
Then why is there a difference between both? Vedic astrology has me a Capricorn with Aries rising and Gemini moon while tropical has me an Aquarius with Taurus rising and cancer moon. Why is there a difference if they’re using the actual placements?
Hi Kapiel, i really need your answer to this question: Given that Vedic astrology method calculates a person sun sign to be in libra, while westren astrology indicates his sun to be in scorpio. Libra personality is distinctively different than that of a scorpio. So, my question, and for the sake of being non-biased, can't we rely on the peronality charachtaristics of this person to judge which method is more accurate? if he act more like a libra then vedic astrology is correct and vise versa.
As a side note, if your place of birth has strong differences between seasons, like here in Finland, your tropical season horoscope/'sun sign' will have a greater impact on you and sidereal birth chart a little less, unlike if you were born near the equator your birth chart will have a bigger impaact on you, and tropical sign not so musch. But again I might be preaching the wrong thing, because I have rahu in the 1st house lol :P
OK Kapiel, so this explained the earliest writings for vedic astrology, or Jyotish (meaning "the science of light") can be found in the Vedas ancient Hindu texts...the oldest in existence were written some 5000-8000 years ago ..Western astrology was devised by the Babylonians and Greeks, some 2000-3000 years ago . A Roman Emperor decided upon Jan. 1st as the beginning of the Calendar year, So this sounds good in theory on paper, how is it true in mundane life,what is its accuracy? >learning. t√
@KRSchannel No, Im a Liberal in the United States but my nationality does not justify me nor my knowledge. Plus, I never mention about politics or who is the riches country. I was talking about Astrology. You know, Americas downfall is thier arogance of being "Number One" in the world, is India guilty of that as well?
So you're saying that if someone's born on, say, for example, 7 November, 1979, they will be Libra sun sign, but still have Scorpion characteristics, but if someone's born on, say, 26 October, 1942, they will not have Scorpion traits? So November is Scorpion traits, December Sagittarius traits, January Capricorn traits, and so on?
I did my eastern chart and am getting conflicting info. Using different rising . 1/Sco & 1 Libra. Western I am a Scorpio Rising & moon Sag. Then eastern my moon switches to Scorpio. my western birth chart matches my personality. Eastern chart= I need to read more. I am looking for a good verdic sight to study. I think logically. I truly do not think I think like a Libra Rising in eastern vs western Scorpio. I was born in northern California 37w49 / 122n24. Thank you for your explaination
Actually both are correct but make sure if you use vedic birth chart then only vedic astroloy video) and (if you use western astrology birth chart then make sure you watch only western astrology video, dont mess all up and both astrology are correct as both are made after doing thousand of research....!‼
What’s hard to grasp is, feeling like - living like! - you’re way more Libra than you are Virgo. Somehow, that needs to make more sense to me. I’ve always felt that with a 10/01 birthday I’m a “double” Libra. I can’t even relate to Virgo for the, “me of me.” That’s my sister - she’s 9/19 and totally Virgo! - not me. But I do like astrologers that use both western and Vedic. I feel like Vedic gives more layers, but Western has its truths too. *sigh*
I prefer using western. However, vedic explanations for aspects, lagnas, planets and houses have grown on me. I do prefer Vedic for explanations only. But stick to using western charts placidus..
This is a very sloppy explanation. I'm not a capricorn with scorpio rising. I'm an Aquarius with sagittarius rising. End of discussion. There has to be a fixed point of relativity to base astrology off. We are not even placing importance on the stars. Those constellations are just representations of the zodiac signs.
Yes, I agree. Imagine a midwinter Leo, which will happen with Vedic astrology. I can imagine the moon being more influenced by the fixed stars though, as she is receptive.
My mom was a virgo but she is definitely a LEO lol. My god the universe definitely revolves around her..even when I gave birth to MY baby lol. Pride is a leo like trait haha.
I am really confused Which is most accurate western or vedic In western : Sun : leo Moon : Sagittarius Rising : Sagittarius In vedic Sun : cancer Moon : Scorpio Rising : gameni Which is more correct Thanks
I feel they both got some facts because im a libra sun in western and libra rising with pluto scorpio on my rising. I no vedic don't use pluto😒 but i see vedic still have me as a libra rising so i still got libra in there regardless
First question: What HOUSE SYSTEM do you work with and why? Second question: Do you use the Lahiri zodiac? Some Vedic astrologers argue that the tropical zodiac is more accurate. I am very confused. Please answer soon.
While there are others that have videos that show better communications skills than you, I have to applaud your technical abilities compared to them. There are way too many new-agers who are useless at the technical stuff.
first you say the solar system flipped, then u say the earth flipped. probably the earth flipped and the stars are the same, the solar system is the same. what difference does it make that we see them from a different angle? the earth is still as round as ever? its just spinning differently. has the poles position anything to do with the effect of the stars (including the sun) and the planets? i think not. then why does the flip matter? it doesn't.
I am pieces acc by western and Aquarius acc by Vedic but pieces seems to be more accurate to me because my true nature is like pieces so does that mean I should.follow western astrology .
It's been back and forth in my mind which one is right thank u for this video because I got my answers vedic is right I also have a sky watch app which shows when the sun enters the real zodiac constellations vedic is right the dates are right tropical says Capricorn born December 22- January 19 the sun is in Sagittarius 😂 not Capricorn
your confusing me, on your website you say libra are born sep23-oct24for tropical, than for Scorpio its oct23-nov22, which mean people born on oct24th are both libra&scorpio?
I feel like vedic astrology explains more of our karmic tendencies and make better predictions of the events in our lives. western astrology is more shallow and kind of explains certain personalities on the surface better.
I completely disagree.
I believe that western is your younger self, the one that isn't self aware or assured 😩 as you grow, vedic is more accurate.
Vedic Astrology is so accurate on my mind, looks and personality.... It's a little creepy. Vedic is the way to go. People might be mad if their Western Star Sign changes in Vedic because they are SO stuck on Western Sun Signs only and SO condition over the years into believing that they were those signs. Idk why Western may work for others while Vedic works for me and others... That part I will never get.
Same for me :) vedic is so much more accurate for me
same! My rising sign in Western is Taurus, so like tall neck, thick frame, nothing of me are those things. In vedic astrology I'm an Aries rising, every description of my face proves an Aries rising. Very interesting!
According to west I'm Gemini but according to East I'm Capricorn.
Jack Black it’s all about your perspective
Hayley Locke I have the opposite experience. My Vedic rising doesn’t describe my physical appearance (or me) at all and my western rising describes me and my physical features very well, it’s quite on point.
I use western astrology and predicted 4 pregnancies and 3 divorces without the people even knowing that I knew before it happened. I think, in some way both can be right, but now I have to actual study Vedic.
Lol same I knew my crush was gonna get into a relationship with someone other than me a year before it happened and now he's with someone else lol :/
I see truth in both when I look at my charts western vs eastern. Anyone else ?
Same with me. I see truth in both my charts. Only problem is I don't agree with one small thing in my vedic astrology chart and that's my ascendant.
@@sabrinahopekristensen8472 same in Vedic I am libra but western I am Scorpio. I resonate much more with Scorpio
@@isobellabrown7102 I think the reason I have problems relating with my vedic ascendant lord versus my western ascendant is due to the fact my ascendant is being ruled by the same deacon or Nakshatra lord. In vedic I'm a leo ascendant and in western I'm a Virgo ascendant. 🙏
@@isobellabrown7102 then you better check your moon sign in Vedic astrology. Everything will fall into place
@@sabrinahopekristensen8472 @Isobella Brown then you better check your moon sign in Vedic astrology. Everything will fall into place
As a Western Aquarian / Vedic Capricorn, I have to say that I believe the western chart explains who I am. I'm certainly not a Capricorn in nature.
Agorist Official it’s because you have no idea of what Capricorn it Aquarius mean ^^
Omw pls study the nakshatras
Same here. I am more an Aquarian.
Remember to look at your sun sign as the person who you are supposed to grow into, not just the person you're born as. The rising sign is who you were raised to be, and the sun sign is who you're supposed to become over time. I encourage you to look at the other placements as well.
Honestly, I think both is credible. I have been applying everything Vedic into my western chart and it has been accurate. when I look into my sidereal chart, it sometimes is also accurate. I see where Vedic is more precise and how that make Western appear out-dated in some way, however a birth chart really is a snap shot of the sky from where you are of course and if Venus is actually in Aquarius but looks like it's in Pisces from here they really seem like that both can count as far as in Vedic it's actually in one sign while in Western, it appears in approximately 24 degrees further from where we are.
Really, the biggest inaccuracy with Western is how so many focus way too much on Sun signs and basically remain ignorant to many details that can prove insightful. Like I said, it honestly worked for me to apply Vedic techniques to my western chart whether people disagree or not. Overall, no matter which astrology people choose, Vedic most certainly has an edge since it's actually taken more seriously unlike here where shallow horoscopes are too prevalent.
& there are islamic & Jewish Astrology & they never tell about that... Because both are so so powerful.
Both are good it just depends what part of the World you was born!
Same with me. I just Realate more with my western chart. I think it's because some of my points are ruled by the same lord, the sign is just different. It's like borderline where the two signs meet.
@@wriimonmir can you show me Islamic astrology
@@wriimonmir astrology comes from Hinduism.
Another common misconception is on how western is actually calculated (as it seems that you have bought into this). The Western zodiac signs are based more on the seasons than on the actual configuration of the stars. Aries is the first zodiac sign for a reason - it coincides with the first day of spring, which comes around the 20th or 21st of March with good regularity.
In the north hemisphere only. In the south hemisphere it's the beginning of autumn
@@raysaspaniol so does a person see in the southern hemisphere then libra instead of aries?
@@ao1920 it still aries but in here aries starts with autumn
there even a very famous bossa nova brazilian song, "Águas de Março" (March Waters) which sings "it's the march waters closing down the summer, it's a promise of life in your heart"
Thank you for making this more clear for me. I have a message I would like to share with you too. This may sound a little strange, but it's true. If you sing to the Sun of love and thanks, the Sun will answer you with stronger healing rays. It's miraculous, divine. You can use any tune, just add your own words of love and thanks. The more you do, the more you will see, our life giving, living light. Thank you again. With light and love always🎼🟡💓
Vedic house explanations make great sense but not signs. It’s not about tracking it by constellations, but by the equinoxes and solstices. Aries is spring equinox etc
This is explanation is wrong. First, tropical astrology calculate planetary positions in the ecliptic, not in the equator. Second, the sign difference between the two systems has nothing to do with the ecliptic tilt, but to the axial precession of the earth. Third: the celestial equator is wrongly depicted since it should be drawn perpendicular to the earth axis. Most probaby there's even a fourth error in this video (at the starting of it when commenting the 65000 years change of sign) but I don't know which system of division of the ecliptic he was using. If it was the twelve signs of equal size, then it's true that the Sun wouldn't be in Libra anymore, but false that it it would be in Virgo.
So, as long as my understanding is correct, almost the entire video makes no sense from a scientific point of view.-
Vedic astrology actually sort of correlates well with the Myer Briggs psychology test. Western astrology doesn't really relate to the mbti test. And I hate how people who follow western astrology never have an argument... "Well that astrology is stupid" .. umm okay I guess?
I'm just wondering if people believe in astrology as part of their religious beliefs as I do, or just think it's a creative and hip new way to look at life.
Vedic is more accurate in my opinion!
True tho
Western chart:
- Taurus sun
- Leo moon
- Aries Mercury
- Aries venus
- cancer rising
Vedic chart:
- Aries sun
- Leo moon
- pisces mercury
- pisces venus
- Gemini rising
I have no idea haha... them both are accurate. I feel like Vedic is my soul qualities and western is my human qualities. Because my mercury in Aries does make me talk kinda impulsively, I’ve always did that when I was a kid. But then..., I can also switch my impulsiveness into an angel.., sent down from god to nurture your soul with my gentle nurturing voice. Same with my venus in Aries, I like strong minded partners but at the same time, I want a love that is other worldly..., which is probably my venus in pisces for Vedic astrology.
In Vedic Astrology. Pisces also has Aries Pada and Aries Drekkana which is give Aries quality into which Planets that fall into that slot. Thats why Vedic can tell how Mercury really feel there and how it will influence you to which ways.
I have Mercury Rx Exalt in Virgo both Western and Vedic, i know i am smooth talker but i didnt talk sweet&care like my friend who born after me just 1 day. AND Vedic can tell my Mercury have Mercury Pada and Saturn Drekkana and his Mercury has Moon Pada and Venus Drekkana.
We both spokesperson in our club but he do far better when we had good things announce to public and i can completely control when things gone wrong and someone has to answer those incoming questions.
Man!! Western astrology definetly wont work for me because I was born in the southern hemisphere of the earth. And since tropical astrology is based on seasons, it doesnt make sense to half of the world. When spring aries starts in North America {northern hemisphere}, fall libra starts in Argentina or Australia {southern hemisphere}. Our seasons are inverted. How can western astrology be right when it only aplys to the top half of an entire planet. Thats why I cant stand people that talk about western astrology!!! People are so blind!! Damn!!
I do agree mate
Oh, Im from Argentina :)
This is called Imperialism.
I see.. it kinda does make sease to use the one fits you
I think your explanation makes sense. If there is any constant in the universe, it is that it is always changing. I would think astrology would reflect that. "as above so below." My question is in regard to the Pyramid of Giza. They say that it aligned with the Orion's belt; Is that w/ or w/o the 23 degrees calculated? I would greatly appreciate any answers u provide!
this just sounds like another man-made, flawed, limiting belief system.. why not just be, just live. liberate your mind and think for yourself. all the real answers lie within our selves, and through personal experience. that's why we are here. there no sense in trying to scientifically figure it out as a human being, when this is just a temporary experience for the soul on a much more vast journey of soul and consciousness. we are all learning at our own pace through reincarnation, and will evolve beyond 3d form at some point, but there is no rush. what really matters is our own thoughts and personal experiences and making out of our lives what we choose, and taking our own paths, and liberating your minds, because all we need to know, is within ourselves, it always was, always will be. we're just here on earth to see what it's like to gain enlightenment as physical beings. that's all. So why not just live, just be, just make each life what you choose it to be, and you will learn what you need to and get out of it what you need to in time. why try to keep teaching things when we already have what we need within our selves??
It's human nature to want to make sense of things and not "just be" hence the birth of philosophy and science, we'd have neither today if we didn't want to make sense of our lives and our world
The sun is the core of your being. It is analogous to the CEO of of a corporation, whereas the other planets are in charge of certain departments of the organization.
ex: Mercury is how you communicate and learn, Moon is how you reflect and contains your unconscious reactions, habits and dreams.
Furthermore, I hope this example with regards to the moon helps clear it up for you:
When you "know what you mean but you can't say it," it is your Moon that knows it and your Sun that can't say it.
I have made an observation which further proves Vedic Astrology more accurate (although it is not a hard one to make if you have the means). When we see the depictions of Hermes Trismegistus in which he is holding a terrestrial globe in his hand, we actually see the ecliptic equator of the earth as a line around it (just observe the inclination of the line around the globe), and not the celestial equator.
Aries starts at spring equinox, then there are taurus and gemini after that. Cancer starts at summer solstice and then there are leo and virgo. Libra starts at autumn equinox, then again there are scorpio and sagittarius after that and capicorn starts at winter solstice and then there are aquarius and pisces
i'm a Libra sun sign in Western astrology....but after looking into Vedic astrology and the importance of the moon in Vedic, it makes sense to me, as i have my moon in Scorpio in Vedic...i definitely have more Scorpio traits, than Libra...
Mee too in western I am aquarius but in vedic I am scorpio according to my opinion vedic is more accurate
Got 2 things... the precession of the zodiac is 26,000 years for the whole 360° wobble; not 65,000 years to change a Libra into a Virgo. And, the earth's tilt of 23.4° is not why the, for example, Lahiri ayanamsha is 24°03' different from the tropical zodiac as of 2014
Makes sense however i dont personally match with most of the profiles. Suppose its up to the person do there own soul searching and see which side they identify more so with.
Wait Kapiel, you have them reversed. Vedic Astrology calculates the planets and signs by the equator just like the nakshatras are calculated (sidereal). Western Astrologers calculate the planets according to the ecliptic (tropical).
Im a newbie to this and I caclucated my moon based on when i was born, Im an Aries, but my moon is Gemini. The description for this moon made a lot of sense, fit my character, even how many children id like, how id parent, how i value education etc etc..makes more sense than just Western...i feel it is more in depth. Just need more good videos to better understand it.
You need a vedic birth chart too download Jagannath hora or try astrosage.com and get you vedic birth chart 👍
Often times the Western (tropical) astrological methods reveal psychology more accurately while Vedic (sidereal) astrological methods (1000's of methods) are actually better for predictions. Both consider different variables. Interestingly enough, a man by the name of Ernst Wilhelm seems to have developed what he considers an effective hybrid between both methods which utilizes a tropical natal chart and applies Vedic astrological methods for interpretation.
Paul Espinoza psychology? No ducking way that’s accurate, what happens is, you are young, you live naturally and have naturally psychological characteristics of your VEDIC sign, then you start to read and hear, what you SHOULD think/feel/want/act like. Then you try to be like that because they are theoretically ALLOWED to you. Cheers
Im much more in tune with my vedic astrology than western, as Im more cancerian in my qualities than Leo?sag. I wish I had known this earlier.
Sun : Scorpio
Sun : leo
@@minimalist_spreadpeace_behappy that not possible
@@rare9931 yes it is
@@TT-xz5sy how did he went from Leo to a Scorpio??? He is a cancer in Vedic
It means you’re more tuned with your very real self
I did my vedic astrology chart and it says pisces sun, taurus moon, virgo rising, aries mercury, and leo mars, and pisces venus, compared to my western astrology chart aries sun, gemini moon, taurus mercury, libra rising, virgo mars, and aries venus. I think that my western chart is a more accurate chart to my personality because I have basically no water signs in my chart except for a cancer midheaven, I think that the western chart is more accurate for who i am
In western astrology I am an aries sun 8th house, leo moon 12th house, leo rising venus aquarius and in vedic I am a pisces sun 8th house, cancer moon 12th house, leo rising, and venus aquarius 7th house. Vedic Astrology is far more accurate for me...watch all his videos...search "sun in pisces in (whatever house) with virgo ascendant krsastrology" in youtube and im sure he has a video for you posted. Hes got more videos tailored to all the variations and mine was spot on.
Okay everyone, Western astrology speaks about your personality, your more feminine qualities aka your emotion, how you feel, etc that is why more people mostly resonate with their western charts. But Vedic charts speak on behalf of your conscious, your more masculine features aka the mind, how we think. i wonder if this helps
It seems more logical that Aries is the spring equinox. What of Leo being born in mid-winter? That will be the case with Vedic astrology centuries in the past and the future.
could be a confusion created on purpose at that time so Vedic knowledge is not so easily and freely available to everyone....? i wonder..
I thought the same
im a Taurus in western astrology i would be very dissapointed if i was really an aries
I don't blame you! I was shocked to find that I was Scorpio in Vedic while as I've been believing I was a Sagittarius for so many years! I'm still researching about accuracy of Vedic by checking my past and see how it matches to Vedic method other than Tropical (Western Astrological zodiac). Ernst Wilhelm started to use Tropical zodiac (Western Astrological) calculation but use Vedic interpretation. So in his method you are still Taurus even for Vedic astrology. However Aries isn't bad though. There is no bad signs or all good sign.
thanks but id stil dread to be aries i hate how they go through life they are complete fools !
Yes, they are NOT Aries but Pisces! Supposed to be very sensitive, receptive and artistic. Talk about Pisces! I've studied Western Astrology over 30 years and I know hardly any Pisces (Western Astrologically) who are sensitive or so called weak, be it men or women, they are pretty head-strong,tough and don't give up easily. Steve Jobs, Bruce Willis, Peter Fonda, Celine Dione, Elisabeth Tailor, etc. They are not weak! I also have friends who are Pisces and they are far from what Western Astrologers say, sensitive, gentle, tend to be weak etc. Ha! In Verdi they are Aquarius...Oh, Well
Yes, ASC is very important but your birth time must be absolutely accurate, because every 4 minutes counts (it moves by 1 degree). And as far as I remember, so many people in Europe were born miraculously every half an hour on the hour! It's worse in France up to say, 60's(?), people's B time became the registration time! Not actual birth time. That's why I started to omit houses that one can never find without proper birth time. Also in USA, the State of Illinois, they recorded summer time not standard time, I don't remember until what year though. Since I don't trust people's birth time who were born upto 60's I only look at aspects between planets which are the most important. Houses that are created based on birth time show what areas of your life, such as 1st house is who you are, (the sun is your ego self), 2nd house is how you make your own money/earning, etc. I omit that and just look at directly aspects between planets. Strangely, people who have harsh aspects (especially grand cross) somehow make a success in life if they overcome life's difficulties. I also consulted an old Canadian Astrologer years ago (was a history teacher), he could even spot out my parents chronical illnesses from my chart. The strongest (and could be harshest) aspect is conjunction (2 planets sticking together by orb of up to 7 degrees). ASC is your facet and the sun is your ego/self. It becomes very long but it took me nearly 25 years to find out why Pisces is not like Pisces or Scorpion is not like Scorpion. It because of the progression which not too many Western Astrologers looked into it too seriously.
If you have Ephemeris book, check your birth date, count each day as 1 day per year, and see when your birth date moved into the next sign and remember what happened to that year. You may find out how important Progression is. And at certain time your birth date move into the next sign that means you become the next sun sign by dragging your own sun so you become a mixture of both. That's how I found out why Pisces are so strong when adult age, because their sun becomes the next sign, Aries!
The earth’s axis was caused by a massive collision a long time ago in its past. So whilst I’m critical of western astrology, I can appreciate why they felt they had to ‘correct’ this so to speak, by re-setting the 23 degrees back to the original position.
Nicely done Kapiel. I have to say though that while Saturn was transiting Aries for the last 2.5 years or so I have felt contraction around both my relationships and delays in my career. I'm taurus ascendant in western & aries ascendant in eastern.
Western astrology correlates more between the seasons and their respective starts and ends. The actual position visible in the sky of where a planet is is irrelevant. If sun appears to be in Pisces but it is the vernal equinox then too bad. Vernal equinox is when the ram comes. That is why we still have the signs on our charts in their traditional positions.
Sun doesn't move my dear friend, please say earth moves on its axis and around the sun and the ecliptic difference in degree is 23.5
that moment when the example signs are the same as my own.... GET ME OUT THE MATRIX ☕︎
In vedic astrology im a leo ascendant, taurus sun, libra moon, gemini mercury, while in western astrology im virgo ascendant, gemini sun, scorpio moon, cancer mercury.
İn vedic im Leo ascendant aquarius sun and Capricorn moon in Western Virgo rising Pisces sun and Capricorn moon I'm not emotional but my physical appearance is like both Virgo and Leo but appearance is usually about genetics not astrology
It is called ASTROlogy for a reason. -(You fooled westerns)-
If you have to choose one or the other, look at famous people's charts Vedic and Tropical side by side, then see for yourself which one makes more sense.
Actually, while vedic may be beneficial for determining auspicious time periods for certain life events, the real reason why Western is more popular is because most people naturally associate with their western sun sign. This explains why my predictions are always accurate prior to one telling me their sign, and it explains the fact that people easily and naturally relate to their western sun sign once I describe it to them (and would never see any resemblance with their vedic sun sign).
skm0331 but in western you World see their ascendant first. Assuming you don't go in depth in likes
Because they believe everything they read, mostly. So these dumb pieces of shit read things when they are younger and be like: ”omg so THIS is the way I am, everything makes sense now” when they still have no idea what those things mean
The difference is due to the precession of the equinoxes that's why aquarius is the new age we are in, or close to being in - not he difference between the celestial equator and the ecliptic ~ 2000 yrs ago pisces started, 2000 before that aries, etc - that's assuming that vedic means sidereal based astrology - it's aproximately a 26000 yr cycle
Jim Kernicky nope. Which sign is sun passing when is March 20-24? That’s the real age. Or maybe you did forget what does spring represents to the astrology?
Can you explain how the planets can effect in every man's life according to his birth time in a scientific way?
There are so many things we dont know... I mean, do we really know if man went to the moon? Do we really know anything? "science" is just what they teach us in school, university, internet, wherever. it's just what someone wrote. It could just as well be like the bible since Jesus was a real person. How do we know that dinosour's were extinct with a 'meteor shower'? because someone wrote it, with some irrelevant facts, and it became world known. theres no effing way anyone could know how dinosours became extinct. How would anyone even know they had reptile like skin??? Anyways, The sun and moon Give us energy, we have gravity and waves, plant growth, thanks to these 2 simple planets Sun and Moon considered in astrology. Why wouldnt the rest of the universe and its components affect us? After all, they're part of us and we're part of them.
In Vedic, not knowing one's exact TOB (TIME OF BIRTH) changes two things 1. The ascendant and 2. the planets in HOUSES . Note however, the planets in SIGNS do not change. For example... If Being born at 5pm has mars and sun in 6th house in libra, then being born at 7pm on the same day will still have mars and sun in libra, but in a different house, 7th house. This is because the ASC changes from Taurus (5pm) to Gemini (7pm).
So you still remain a person with Mars and Sun in Libra either way. But you can argue about which house to follow, mars and sun in 6th House vs 7th House.
Not knowing your TOB, does NOT change your moon sign or your sun sign. And since vedic relies a lot on your moon SIGN (even sade sati is calculated around your moon SIGN) , its all about planets in signs rather than planets in houses.
So don't worry if your western astrologer says you are a pisces (western sun sign) and your vedic astrologer says you are an aires (ascendant), you still remain the same person, whose qualities and traits are defined by where the PLANETS are IN the various SIGNS at your birth. And for this we need Vedic Astrology.
>In Vedic, not knowing one's exact TOB (TIME OF BIRTH) changes two things 1. The ascendant and 2. the planets in HOUSES
Same with western
>So don't worry if your western astrologer says you are a pisces (western sun sign) and your vedic astrologer says you are an aires (ascendant), you still remain the same person, whose qualities and traits are defined by where the PLANETS are IN the various SIGNS at your birth
What do you mean? The planets in the signs are exactly the thing that changes from western to vedic.
@@dotheyfloat9961 There is Pada slot and Drekkana slot in every Sign that give other Planets quality into which Planet or Ascendant who's staying there.
There is Jupiter(Pisces Ruler)Pada and Jupiter Drekkana in Sign of Aries so you can be Aries Ascendant who didnt Impulsive and calm inside too. This is what Western Astrology didnt have and use many Planet,Asteroid adding to give a same interpretation results.
Different system and different way to calculate.
I still unsure about vedic but maybe this is because the reading that I had I have basically been predicted a life of doom. No job ever, being supported by family forever, no long term relationship, no marriage, no children, alot of time in hospital, all my family dying and being left alone. I have been told I wont live long. I dont see what good comes from telling somebody those things if you cannot offer anything to change or make it better? I was told I was a bad person in past life
pooin daface how’d it go lol
Is the Navamsa chart based on western astrology?
Is your Jupiter in Scorpio? The way you communicated in this video seemed to match your description of Jupiter in Scorpio video.
It seems we are moving backwards based upon the mathematical points moving with the planets. But society we are going through opposite direction of the original points. For example we were once in pisces era of times now moving to Aquarius...but we are taught in America that Aquarius is before pisces.
I'm blown away...very very great video
Does that mean the sidereal equator moves 46 degrees in a year ?
But why do people's characteristics and personality falls accurate with western signs?
Maybe the two systems work, but for different purposes.
Ur personality does defined by just sun moon n rising sign, whole solar system plays a part, for that u need to analyse ur whole birth chart n nakshatra's are the most impt thing which west doesn't consider
I feel like Vedic would seemingly have to be the more accurate of the two just because, exactly, things are always moving and it takes that into account. In Vedic I am a Sun Capricorn, Asc. Pisces, and Moon Scorpio. Western i am Sun Aquarius Asc Pisces and Moon Sagittarius. those vedic descriptions of those signs in their placement of what he says fit's me practically to a tee. But I feel that the description of the signs western aquarius and vedic capricorn seem to sound like they were swapped. Same with western sagittarius and vedic scorpio only I noticed vedic scorpio still had the sexual mention in the description. Which I would not associate with western or vedic sagittarius. So, any thoughts? Just trying to get a real grasp on what exactly vedic is all about
StarryEyesShesAlive you should prefer the moon in Sagittarius description because the moon in Scorpio is the moon in fall, the moon represents the mind. But get any astronomy software and check for yourself the sky the moment you were born from the place you were born. That will tell you
would a polar shift affect any of this in relation to everything else?
You're saying the constellation meanings are arbitrarily made up and not actually a manifestation of intuitive reason?
Vedic takes into account the procession?
Western Scorpio Sun, Moon, and Mars, Cancer Rising, spot on! Vedic Libra Sun and Gemini Rising, smh way off. Simply put, Vedic works if you were born in space but Western is what actual hits you when you take your first breath!
I have none of the traits of Vedic. I'm a virgo sun, virgo rising, pisces moon through & through. Now my virgo ascendant only has a1.51orb so when I was younger I did often present as a leo but always have been introverted & overly analytical like a virgo with a dreamy pisces moon. I think people born east should go w/ vedic but Americans should stick w/ western. I love you though KRS been watching you religiously for years. I just apply it to my western horoscope
i was born in America but my vedic astrology makes more sense to me lol i might have some eastern roots tho
Yeah this whole time I thought KRS videos were western and when I saw what Vedic positions I had it threw me in for a loop lol. I do the same.
MOON REPRESENTS THE MIND. So your moon is probably in Aquarius which has a conflict (personal x social) and is very analytical. Sigh
the position of the stars or which house your facing when you are bourn before the shift and people bourn after the shift?
That basic western astrology horoscope/tropical sign isn't the same as the sidereal sun sign, so for all you worried people out there can have mind's peace whether they are this or this sign. I'll have to say if you are going to get into your birth chart, please use vedic astrolog, because vedic charts are far more accurate that the western ones :P I'm out.
Can we conclude that the earth is round or is a sphere according to your video or would astrology still work if the earth was flat?
Why do I recognize myself in Western planets?
because its the true system.
because it the more feminine qualities aka (your emotion, temperament, how you feel) that's why most people resonate with that while Vedic describes your more masculine qualities (your mind, consciousness, how you think aka take the feeling out of it)
@@fixedcross what a joke astrology comes from Hinduism vedas, its not ur sun moon rising sign will represent u, each planet aspect n conjunction n nakshatra's shws ur behaviour .
@@foodholicharshu8893 Your opinion is appreciated, and dismissed ;)
@@fixedcross you ain't know shit you are a crap
And im a life path 7 witch we are analytical so virgo sun possibly is me 😆
Do you incorporate Ophiuchus? My Saturn was in that sign, should I just assume that to be Scorpio?
Melokie LaLa vedic astrology combines the meaning of Ophiuchus and Scorpio through the use of nakshatra's.
Hahaha when you said "So, here's dthe earth" it sounded exactly like the beginning of a comedy video "the end of the world" XD
i'm a brischik in vedic and libra in western which one should i follow
I really want to know this questions: Do sun signs mean shit in astrology?
I have found sun sign of huge significance personally.. instead of rising sign if i place sun on ascendant it explains very well your birth chart.. i like western astrology and the sign in which each planet falls.. it’s the main theme regardless of what house the sign falls in if someone has debilitated mars or sun no matter which house it falls in .. the sign is more important and will play out through out the course of one’s life according to sign and give results of the house as well..
Is that the Sun moves or the earth moves around the sun . Sorry may be a stupid question.
yes it is
Hey KRS, thanks for doin your thang. Your YT channel is one of my favs. I have a question, Why does the Hindu calender only have 12 months instead of 13?
I'm with AryaNFire's question below. Astrology is a pseudoscience and is rejected by the academic and scientific community. If you find it interesting and love it then by all means believe in it. I believe my personality and fate are mostly determined by my own choices and personal experience.
So what changed in 4 years Kapiel? In this video you slam the Westren astrology, yet few days ago you write on your FB: "I respect western and vedic equally, I have no ego and arrogance against any ancient science, Saturn has made me wise."
There are so many people out there like me confused as to which system to trust in. For example if I use Vedic astrolgy the rest of my life is going to be a total hell, might as well not live it and according to Western I have so much to look forward to? This does not mean I have disrespect to all you do, I watch you religiously and learned a lot from you. I am only looking for the truth.
+magnanimous Namaste , both systems can be used , and they should both point to the same result when used by a expert..... That being said, I've abandoned the western system years ago after meeting an expert vedic astrolger (actually a master astrolger ) who made stunningly accurate predictions using dasa and gochara.....
hahaha this made me laugh, maybe Kapiel had his Saturn return, he is looking older and wiser and Saturn does that to us.
I'm not sure about the systems either, in Vedic I'm a Leo with a bunch of planets in Leo but there's nothing Leo about my personality, NOTHING. I'm still the very nitpicky, detailed, self sacrificial Virgo with a penchant for the mysterious and unknown due to my rising sign of Scorpio - also my eyes stand out a lot as they do in most scorpios and scorpio risings. Honestly I'm so confused.
Me too, me too, I am a hundred percent Libra in Western astrology, I love arts, fine things in life and yes, I do have a moon in Virgo, the same nitpicky perfectionist, but in Vedic I am 100%(sun and ascendant) VIRGO with Leo moon. How not to be confused???
Try using the vedic moon sign to make practical predictions and use western system for personality assessments etc.......
Makes sense! Thanks!
I'm pisces in western astrology
And Scorpio in Vedic astrology
Which one is true????
Please help me out❤️❤️❤️
Which sign do you relate to ?
@@pratikpatil9377 I show I'm strong.. but deep down I'm not. I'm super Sensitive.. But In love relationship I'm dominating , jealous , don't show my love , and quite doubtful.. and I'm always confused. I can't make choices. I love my family. And I'm lazy tooo.. maybe I'm Scorpio. But in vedic my rising sign is virgo . And in western libra.. libra rising matches with me. Because I'm too much attractive. But i don't know which should i follow! Vedic or Western 🥺 as always I'm confused 😂
@@maishajannat5303 whole solar system plays the role n spclly ur nakshatra's n each planet aspect n conjunction
@@maishajannat5303follow vedic !!
Western astrology signs are not based on the stars in the sky, they are actually totally based on equinoxes and solstices, I'll give an example
We promote what we know. 😀
Then why is there a difference between both? Vedic astrology has me a Capricorn with Aries rising and Gemini moon while tropical has me an Aquarius with Taurus rising and cancer moon. Why is there a difference if they’re using the actual placements?
Western is not actual placements,those placements were correct 2000 years ago now it has changed
Hi Kapiel, i really need your answer to this question: Given that Vedic astrology method calculates a person sun sign to be in libra, while westren astrology indicates his sun to be in scorpio. Libra personality is distinctively different than that of a scorpio. So, my question, and for the sake of being non-biased, can't we rely on the peronality charachtaristics of this person to judge which method is more accurate? if he act more like a libra then vedic astrology is correct and vise versa.
Please read about axial precession before making any videos.. u have no scientific knowledge..
But the energies of the stars matters too, not just planets.
As a side note, if your place of birth has strong differences between seasons, like here in Finland, your tropical season horoscope/'sun sign' will have a greater impact on you and sidereal birth chart a little less, unlike if you were born near the equator your birth chart will have a bigger impaact on you, and tropical sign not so musch. But again I might be preaching the wrong thing, because I have rahu in the 1st house lol :P
OK Kapiel, so this explained the earliest writings for vedic astrology, or Jyotish (meaning "the science of light") can be found in the Vedas ancient Hindu texts...the oldest in existence were written some 5000-8000 years ago ..Western astrology was devised by the Babylonians and Greeks, some 2000-3000 years ago . A Roman Emperor decided upon Jan. 1st as the beginning of the Calendar year, So this sounds good in theory on paper, how is it true in mundane life,what is its accuracy? >learning. t√
@KRSchannel No, Im a Liberal in the United States but my nationality does not justify me nor my knowledge. Plus, I never mention about politics or who is the riches country. I was talking about Astrology. You know, Americas downfall is thier arogance of being "Number One" in the world, is India guilty of that as well?
So you're saying that if someone's born on, say, for example, 7 November, 1979, they will be Libra sun sign, but still have Scorpion characteristics, but if someone's born on, say, 26 October, 1942, they will not have Scorpion traits? So November is Scorpion traits, December Sagittarius traits, January Capricorn traits, and so on?
+tahir630247365 How do you mean?
So you're saying that the traits overlap? What about Aries and Pisces; for example? Does western Aries overlap with vedic Pisces?
I did my eastern chart and am getting conflicting info. Using different rising . 1/Sco & 1 Libra. Western I am a Scorpio Rising & moon Sag. Then eastern my moon switches to Scorpio. my western birth chart matches my personality. Eastern chart= I need to read more. I am looking for a good verdic sight to study. I think logically. I truly do not think I think like a Libra Rising in eastern vs western Scorpio. I was born in northern California 37w49 / 122n24. Thank you for your explaination
Actually both are correct but make sure if you use vedic birth chart then only vedic astroloy video) and (if you use western astrology birth chart then make sure you watch only western astrology video, dont mess all up and both astrology are correct as both are made after doing thousand of research....!‼
What’s hard to grasp is, feeling like - living like! - you’re way more Libra than you are Virgo. Somehow, that needs to make more sense to me. I’ve always felt that with a 10/01 birthday I’m a “double” Libra. I can’t even relate to Virgo for the, “me of me.” That’s my sister - she’s 9/19 and totally Virgo! - not me. But I do like astrologers that use both western and Vedic. I feel like Vedic gives more layers, but Western has its truths too. *sigh*
I prefer using western. However, vedic explanations for aspects, lagnas, planets and houses have grown on me. I do prefer Vedic for explanations only. But stick to using western charts placidus..
Is like if you dont have gps, but you can still navigate to get to a place.
so that mean that my ascendant is in Virgo in Vedic astrology 😶 .. hurm..
This is a very sloppy explanation. I'm not a capricorn with scorpio rising. I'm an Aquarius with sagittarius rising. End of discussion. There has to be a fixed point of relativity to base astrology off. We are not even placing importance on the stars. Those constellations are just representations of the zodiac signs.
Yes, I agree. Imagine a midwinter Leo, which will happen with Vedic astrology. I can imagine the moon being more influenced by the fixed stars though, as she is receptive.
I'm a Leo :( I was so proud of being a virgo.
Same I'm Capricorn I was so proud of being an Aquarius LOL
According to western I am leo sun but in vedic I am cancer sun...I love to be leo😌...aggrhh...I am confused
My mom was a virgo but she is definitely a LEO lol. My god the universe definitely revolves around her..even when I gave birth to MY baby lol. Pride is a leo like trait haha.
I am really confused
Which is most accurate western or vedic
In western :
Sun : leo
Moon : Sagittarius
Rising : Sagittarius
In vedic
Sun : cancer
Moon : Scorpio
Rising : gameni
Which is more correct
Vedic Es more accurate:p
I feel they both got some facts because im a libra sun in western and libra rising with pluto scorpio on my rising. I no vedic don't use pluto😒 but i see vedic still have me as a libra rising so i still got libra in there regardless
This confused me cause my sun sign changes depending on witch I use. So witch one am I? Lol
First question: What HOUSE SYSTEM do you work with and why?
Second question: Do you use the Lahiri zodiac? Some Vedic astrologers argue that the tropical zodiac is more accurate.
I am very confused. Please answer soon.
i will research Vedic astrology with an open mind. Probably, i should start with your book.
While there are others that have videos that show better communications skills than you, I have to applaud your technical abilities compared to them. There are way too many new-agers who are useless at the technical stuff.
first you say the solar system flipped, then u say the earth flipped. probably the earth flipped and the stars are the same, the solar system is the same. what difference does it make that we see them from a different angle? the earth is still as round as ever? its just spinning differently. has the poles position anything to do with the effect of the stars (including the sun) and the planets? i think not. then why does the flip matter? it doesn't.
Very poor quality images...
No explanation is clear...
I’m a aries in Vedic astro
I am pieces acc by western and Aquarius acc by Vedic but pieces seems to be more accurate to me because my true nature is like pieces so does that mean I should.follow western astrology .
Another fool
It's been back and forth in my mind which one is right thank u for this video because I got my answers vedic is right I also have a sky watch app which shows when the sun enters the real zodiac constellations vedic is right the dates are right tropical says Capricorn born December 22- January 19 the sun is in Sagittarius 😂 not Capricorn
your confusing me, on your website you say libra are born sep23-oct24for tropical, than for Scorpio its oct23-nov22, which mean people born on oct24th are both libra&scorpio?
I was born on Oct 24th, and honestly, I act like both Libra and Scorpio.