With today’s high amperage alternators it’s not smart to run the charge wire to the starter. It should be ran directly to the battery. This will work fine for a stock application.
It is basically direct to the battery in the video. And no, given the alternator provides power for the car, and any excess only goes to charge the battery, if you wish to ensure best voltage for the vehicle's accessories, then ideally the alternator, needs to route to the distribution point for those accessories first.
As a person that installed a lot of stereos in competition vehicles, you are not going anywhere without upgrading the ground. You're just building a highway to a single lane country road.
Great instructional. Can’t wait to use your products on my 68 fastback Mustang
With today’s high amperage alternators it’s not smart to run the charge wire to the starter. It should be ran directly to the battery. This will work fine for a stock application.
It is basically direct to the battery in the video. And no, given the alternator provides power for the car, and any excess only goes to charge the battery, if you wish to ensure best voltage for the vehicle's accessories, then ideally the alternator, needs to route to the distribution point for those accessories first.
As a person that installed a lot of stereos in competition vehicles, you are not going anywhere without upgrading the ground. You're just building a highway to a single lane country road.
He ain't talking about the grounding part... It's basically implied that proper grounding is required "buddy".
@@prtcgv5105 I don't imply anything ever, I just say it. That way you don't F-it up and blame me for your failures "buddy".