*English below↓ こんばんは、Tassoです✨ 先週公開予定だった動画、少し遅れてやっと公開できました! お待ちいただいた皆様、本当にありがとうございます☺ 今回はちょっと新しい試みとして、 【My 5-22】(私の朝5時から夜22時)というテーマで動画を作ってみました♪ 私は普段5時起床・22時就寝の生活を基本としているので、そんな私の1日をお届けするvlogとして、このタイトルをつけました。 しばらく続けてみたいなと思っているのですが、皆さんの感想も気になる…👀 ので、ぜひコメントいただけたら嬉しいです🙏♡ 動画の冒頭で、私が5時起き・22時就寝をしている理由も軽くお話しています(そんなに大した話ではありませんが笑) 皆さんは朝型?夜型?どっちかな?☀🌙 火曜日の夜。週半ばに差し掛かる日ですが、すでにお疲れの方もいるかも知れません😞 ぜひ積極的に自分を甘やかして疲れを癒やす夜を過ごしてくださいね🌃 Tasso. Good evening, this is Tasso✨ The video that was supposed to be released last week has finally been released, a little late! Thank you very much to everyone who waited ☺ This time, as a slightly new attempt, I made a video with the theme [My 5-22] (my time from 5am to 10pm) ♪ I usually wake up at 5am and go to bed at 10pm, so I gave this title to the vlog to share my day. I'd like to continue this theme for a while, and I'm curious about what you all think...👀 So I'd be happy if you could comment 🙏♡ At the beginning of the video, I briefly talk about why I wake up at 5am and go to bed at 10pm (it's not a big deal though lol) Are you a morning person? Or a night person? Which one is it? ☀🌙 So, have a good Tuesday night💛 Tasso.
*English below↓
【My 5-22】(私の朝5時から夜22時)というテーマで動画を作ってみました♪
Good evening, this is Tasso✨
The video that was supposed to be released last week has finally been released, a little late!
Thank you very much to everyone who waited ☺
This time, as a slightly new attempt,
I made a video with the theme [My 5-22] (my time from 5am to 10pm) ♪
I usually wake up at 5am and go to bed at 10pm, so I gave this title to the vlog to share my day.
I'd like to continue this theme for a while, and I'm curious about what you all think...👀
So I'd be happy if you could comment 🙏♡
At the beginning of the video, I briefly talk about why I wake up at 5am and go to bed at 10pm (it's not a big deal though lol)
Are you a morning person? Or a night person? Which one is it? ☀🌙
So, have a good Tuesday night💛