こんばんは、Tassoです✨ 今回の動画は、先日のお休みの日の1日vlogです! ちょうどお月見の日だったので色々準備してみたり、気になっていたカフェに行ってみたり…我ながら盛りだくさんな一日でちょっぴり疲れもしましたが、なんだか心がすごく満たされました☺ とにかく月がキレイで癒やされた…🌕 そのおかげなのか「仕事もっと頑張ろう!」という気持ちも自然と自分の内側から沸いてきて…やっぱり自分時間を楽しむって大事だなと改めて気付かされました。 今週も、皆様本当にお疲れ様でした👏 金曜の夜は1週間頑張ってお疲れの方も多いと思います。ぜひ自分を幸せにする時間を取ってエネルギーをチャージしてくださいね😊🔥 もう9月も後半だというのに…暑さが全然収まらない…!! まだまだ熱中症の危険性もあるので、気を付けて過ごしていきましょう〜🎐 Tasso. Good evening, this is Tasso✨ Tonight's video is a vlog from my recent day off. It was the day of the moon viewing festival in Japan, so I prepared a lot of things! And also I went to a cafe I had been interested in... I was a little tired after such a packed day, but somehow my heart was filled with joy ☺ The moon was so beautiful and soothing...🌕 Maybe because of that, the feeling of "I'll work harder!" naturally welled up from within me... I was reminded once again that it's important to enjoy your own time. Thank you everyone for your hard work this week 👏 I'm sure many of you are tired from working hard all week on Friday night. Please take the time to make yourself happy and recharge your energy 😊🔥 It's already the second half of September... but the heat is not letting up at all...!! There is still a risk of heatstroke, so let's be careful ~🎐 Tasso.
Good evening, this is Tasso✨
Tonight's video is a vlog from my recent day off.
It was the day of the moon viewing festival in Japan, so I prepared a lot of things!
And also I went to a cafe I had been interested in...
I was a little tired after such a packed day, but somehow my heart was filled with joy ☺
The moon was so beautiful and soothing...🌕
Maybe because of that, the feeling of "I'll work harder!" naturally welled up from within me...
I was reminded once again that it's important to enjoy your own time.
Thank you everyone for your hard work this week 👏
I'm sure many of you are tired from working hard all week on Friday night. Please take the time to make yourself happy and recharge your energy 😊🔥
It's already the second half of September... but the heat is not letting up at all...!!
There is still a risk of heatstroke, so let's be careful ~🎐