To anyone wondering what this song is actually about: Susumu Hirasawa was writing about life after depression and anxiety. The song is portraying a return to form. It's a tad difficult to read into with translated lyrics. Essentially, there are drastic and dramatic events detailed in the lyrics (mushroom shaped clouds, birds feeding on bodies in the alley on an afternoon, large vapor trails, tidal waves, avalanches). These more negative or worrysome lyrics are countered with lines about remembering good things about life (I shall walk with you holding your hand while we smile, see the voice saying "it's all over" drowned in the wind, I shall talk to you on the grass in the sunlight, See our dreams are blossoming on the lunch bench). So what's being said here is that although bad things have happened and we keep our anxiety about these things, we must push forward with our good intentions, we must conclude with our dreams not put on hold, we must entertain ourselves and live a happy life or we will drown in potential sorrows of the past, present, and future. It's a song about optimism, change, and dreams in the face of crisis and anxiety/depression. At the end of all this we can sum it up by saying: The Dream Island is where we want to be, where we want our mind to live with our happiness, but we stick ourselves in an Obsessional Park and get dogged down by our own internal mechanisms, fears, and depressions. Go to the Dream Island.
This opening really grew on me over the course of the series. There's something haunting about Japanese lyrics mentioning a "marvelous mushroom cloud in the sky".
@erenyeagerist7681 Wtf are you talking about? You know nothing about people then if that's your assumption. Be educated, not the trash you've enjoyed laying in.
@erenyeagerist7681 it was either that or a fight to the last person when it came to war with Japan at that time in ww2. They were willing to fight till last woman, child or elderly
I shotgunned this entire anime in a day. Never have I absolutely enjoyed everything about an anime. Everything, from its opening/closing, to its deep and beautiful story, to the design and pacing, and even the "Next episode" sequence at the end. It was pure ecstasy.
The message of this anime is really interesting, specially the part about people's desire to escape reality when it proves too much to bare. Shonen Bat is a kind of scapegoat people use to avoid facing reality.
Hello, I know this comment is old. I haven't finished this anime yet. But my perception of anime is that people had something like a mental clarity, that they can get out of the mental prison they were in. Something like the concept of meditation, clear your mind and let go of the problems that your mind creates. By less, this is my opinion about the anime in the beginning.
@@dextershelby5780 Again, sorry to drag up this old thread, but you're kind of right but also missing the core theme. Lil' Slugger isn't offering escape. He's offering illusion, a false hope. Sinking into delusion rather than facing reality and moving forward. There's also a whole thing about him and Maromi being the same primordial being who rises and ebbs over time, returning as humanity refuses to accept accountability as a whole and starts looking to "easy answers", but that's a WHOLE other thing.
relevant 20 years ago, 10 years ago, today, and probably in the future still it is one of the best shows I've seen with regards to social analysis and the way ideas gain strength over time through social warping I still think my favorite part of that show was how well they portrayed the idea of "Shonen Bat" remaining an idea that became stronger the more people exaggerated his existence he existed because other willed him to exist, not because he ever actually had any power to begin with when I think about it like that I think the same thing could be said today with a lot of things, and that things have always been like this. It is a terrible consequence to human society.
This anime kind of hit close to home. I remember being such a procrastinator back in high school. Work kept piling on top of me and there would be no way for me to finish them on time. I just hoped that I would fall ill so that I could catch a break.
This is a musical masterpiece - it really succeeds in capturing the mood of the show. The fast, and painfully relentless and continual industrial-electronic drum beat, like the sound of someone scraping a baseball bat across the rails of a gate, brings about a sense of being chased by something you cannot bare to face as you flee in hysterical denial, or the frantic flickering of disorganised thoughts through the brain during a panic attack or stressful episode. The surreal opera samples and bird tweeting bring about a sense of auditory hallucination in a troubled and mentally damaged mind during an episode of stress or trauma in life. Finally, the chorus with the "AAAAHHHHH" section stays solidly within the major key, despite the other frantic and somewhat terrifying percussion and sound effects - this really solidifies the sense of total denial in the face of a pursuing terror, as the major key is typically associated with happiness, which is at great contrast with the aforementioned and rather dark imagery. Seriously, a 10/10 choice for the opening music of this show.
This opening song also was made like that because anime was aired during night time, to keep people awake The ending on the other hand, was calm to make people sleep
I second that lol watched it on adult swim in 2004 when I was way too young to watch this one. Scarred me for a couple years and has a dear place in my heart, as twisted as that sounds lol
Kon's visuals combined with Hirasawa's ethereal soundtracks created the best anime films I've ever seen. I feel like there was so much more they could have done together. Satoshi Kon will always be my hero and inspiration
@@vividvoodoo7323 it depens which elements of Evangelion are you searching for. The specific mix is almost impossible to find at the same quality. For exampe, RahXephon is similar but it is only a sufficient production (imho).
"Don't worry about the little things like tidal waces, or the water rising around your feet." part of the lyrics to the song. thought it fit to your comment.
Vriska Serket It isn't too complicated. It's just the shear depth and power of its symbolism that is AMAZING. A good starting point would be trying to figure out the connection Marumi and Shounan Bat in the public consciousness, and perhaps how Shounan Bat is perceived by each of the characters.
SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER (read at your own risk if you have not yet watched the entire series) Lil' Slugger was meant to represent a social phenomenon; whether he was physically attacking others or just existed within their own minds is up to you to decide (it could go either way). What one of the other users here replied about the media and spreading of rumors, etc. is a big part of it as well. One of the episodes has Maniwa (younger detective) tell us that paranoia nurtures him [Lil' Slugger] and that one must not speak of him, think of him, etc. Lil' Slugger manifests himself in the lives of people who feel emotionally cornered and want an easy way out. Maromi was to represent the opposite of Lil' Slugger, another concept brought to life by the acknowledgement of the people, that offered many a way to retain their sanity throughout the harsh reality they may face. Toward the end, Lil' Slugger runs rampant because Maromi is absent and cannot check his growth (the rise of despair in the common folk). Point: don't look for an easy way out to deal with your life's difficulties because it does no good to do so in the long run. Now, lastly, apply these ideas strictly to Japan for an even more in-depth analysis, as it is much more applicable to the stress of life there. Sorry for the long response.
This song became my song of the summer, something about the happy singing, the singing birds, the instruments and choir, it all feels to me like a cry of freedom as you jump outside the school, not a cloud in the sky, fresh air blowing in your face, no more classes, you run to your home and fall on your bed where you float into endless relief.
Im sure they will say: " This guy, is he a psychopath? He must of deserved to died!" As i rise from my grave and turn the world into the eclipse from Berserk.
Alonzo Branson if this is played at my grave side I'll definitely come back as little slugger and beat the ever lovin shit out if those who have scorned me.
Maromi and Shounen Bat are still out there and always will be, but thanks to this anime a few of us may have learned to recognize them and keep them in place.
I get the feeling that this song signifies a certain hypocrisy that lies within the human soul. We have created weapons capable of wiping the entirety of the human race out completely, murdered millions in death camps, and done some of the most unfathomably cruel things to one another, things that can only be described as pure evil. But now that the worst of it is over, we can act as if it never happened. It is like we are drinking tea and having a nice talk with a friend, after a brutal murder. How easily we forget, and lock up our emotions? I am talking about humanity as a whole. The song encapsulates this beautifully in the opening; Raaiiyaa ra ra i yo ra a magnificent mushroom cloud in the sky Raaiiyaa ra ra i yo ra on an afternoon of small birds eating feed on a path
@Van H. @Van H. Nope, our species did the damage time and time again throughout history, in a brilliant display of mass hysteria and mass murder. Picture yourself in an old Germany, listening at chancellor Hilter saying that you are superior, while yourself having no better education and perhaps even an ounce of national pride or just pride.. Maybe you'd be an exception, there were exceptions, but maybe not. That's all it took to convince weak logiced people, exploiting loopholes in the human psychology to begin a mass murder along with extraordinarily crazy behavior against other humans (death camps, Dr Mengelle) with a death toll of 50 million people.. It's easier than you think, and it has been repeated before many times. Just hope it won't repeat again now in the nuclear age.. Powers that be are very sick, with a mindset of "if I can't have it, no one will". It's easier than what you'd think. And it's a "we". Since fanatized people are doing all of the killing.
@@sidewinder1209 i have seen. Its pretty scary. And ive seen alot of absolutely atrocious shit. On video. I didnt go into it too deep into 731. That's how fucked up i feel that is. Ive kinda gotten more soft in my older age. (Im not old. Below 30) but i use to not have as much empathy as a younger lad. So that may not have bothered me back then. But i also dont feel it is evil to defend yourself either. But i kinda wanted confirmation.
@@Kenko706 I'm pretty sure, since it's a song, it will stay pretty "relevant" throughout the coming years. In fact, everyone reading this are from the future.
I don't know why but I just fucking love this song and the opening. I don't know what the hell he's saying, I don't know why the people laughs at these different places nor what it's suppose to mean but I fucking love it!
One of my first ever anime I watched as a kid that I actually love the opening and dream to be an animator. Plus I realized the shadow of little slugger...
I was all smiles the first time I saw the opening, riiiiiight up until the guy with out-stretched arms came up with a nuclear bomb going off behind him. Kinda made my smile fade. And the old guy on the moon cackling as 3 continents are obliterated by larger versions of the same thing let me know where this one was headed. Like most other animations, down a depressing black-hole of endless suffering where at the end of it you feel like jumping out of the nearest 200th floor window, while praying that you land eye first on the tallest, sharpest, longest point of an old Goth-styled gate for all the world to see... This made me quit animations for a while. God only gave me 2 eyes after all.
Yeah it's the end 2019 and I finally got around to watching this anime and it was fantastic. Such a relevant concept and issue espically today. We, as a society, need to stop hiding behind Maromi and blaming little slugger for all the damn problems we have in our lives and country
I have so much love for this anime, it was apart of my childhood, and I remember it well because it brought out so many mix emotions when I would watch or e in yjink about it.
Столько лет прошло, а опенинг аниме "Агент Паранойя" до сих пор заставляет вибрировать фибры моей души... И мне это нравится) Хотя сама по себе песня совсем не весёлая...
Omg, has he really...passed away. I'm so sad to know that I'll never watch one of his new show again :( Satoshi Kun wherever you have all my respect, admiration and gratitude. You added your own point of view to humanity through your masterpieces !
Just started this anime today, gotta admit first episode was enough to get me hooked. RIP Satoshi Kon and All Hail Lord Hirasawa Susumu. Edit :- Anime is so relevant today in this pandemic. No one will ever be as visionary as Satoshi Kon.
Return to this video after years. However my dream to be an animator is now slim due to the lack of free time (thanks adulthood) and people pushing you down losing your love to be creative. Despite this little by little I'm gaining it back and hopefully do something similar to Satoshi Kon's storytelling and visuals. RIP Satoshi, your stories are top tier in my heart!
It's funny how in the opening everyone is laughing while being in a horrible situation like its not even in their frame of mind. Except Li'l Slugger who is laughing in a clear field and a beautiful clear sky.
I watched Paranoia Agent inside one week and... it fuckin depressed me. No idea what to think of the ending. I thought that watching it would make me feel spooked. At the end of it, I just felt sick.
I really love this opening and just everything about it.❤ When I watched it, I thought something was very off to it, especially when comparing it to the episodes. I... still can't put my finger on it.
A show i only ever saw as a kid and really sick so i thought it was just a fever dream. Years later I see an odd anime called paranoia agent on sale and seeing lil slugger on the cover unlocked a core memory for me and i had to buy it. Glad i did cause god it's good, not something my kid brain couldn't process at the time.
Do I really hear the birds chirp? Or is it because I read your comment I now hear them? Is it? Or is it not? Yes, the chirping is there. Nothing to worry about. Just pure Susumu Hirasawa magic.
The theme song of the 2016 U.S Presidential Campaign. Hell this is the theme song of 2016, period. What a fucking bonkers 13D level chess paradigm we've reached folks. Singularity incoming. Kon knew too much...
To anyone wondering what this song is actually about: Susumu Hirasawa was writing about life after depression and anxiety. The song is portraying a return to form. It's a tad difficult to read into with translated lyrics. Essentially, there are drastic and dramatic events detailed in the lyrics (mushroom shaped clouds, birds feeding on bodies in the alley on an afternoon, large vapor trails, tidal waves, avalanches). These more negative or worrysome lyrics are countered with lines about remembering good things about life (I shall walk with you holding your hand while we smile, see the voice saying "it's all over" drowned in the wind, I shall talk to you on the grass in the sunlight, See our dreams are blossoming on the lunch bench). So what's being said here is that although bad things have happened and we keep our anxiety about these things, we must push forward with our good intentions, we must conclude with our dreams not put on hold, we must entertain ourselves and live a happy life or we will drown in potential sorrows of the past, present, and future. It's a song about optimism, change, and dreams in the face of crisis and anxiety/depression.
At the end of all this we can sum it up by saying: The Dream Island is where we want to be, where we want our mind to live with our happiness, but we stick ourselves in an Obsessional Park and get dogged down by our own internal mechanisms, fears, and depressions. Go to the Dream Island.
Not really
that's really really beautiful
Thank you for this
ty for the explaintation. I do curious about the meaning. but couldn't caught the message much.
Sasha Sahasrahla I should slap you for leaving off sama off the Hirasawa-sama's name.
This opening really grew on me over the course of the series. There's something haunting about Japanese lyrics mentioning a "marvelous mushroom cloud in the sky".
Yeah, the atom bombs left a lasting impression
Don't start what you can't finish. All n all The west rebuilt them and now they're better then before.
@@BenHopkins1000 but you muricans enjoyed that. Drop the pretenses
@erenyeagerist7681 Wtf are you talking about? You know nothing about people then if that's your assumption. Be educated, not the trash you've enjoyed laying in.
@erenyeagerist7681 it was either that or a fight to the last person when it came to war with Japan at that time in ww2. They were willing to fight till last woman, child or elderly
I shotgunned this entire anime in a day. Never have I absolutely enjoyed everything about an anime. Everything, from its opening/closing, to its deep and beautiful story, to the design and pacing, and even the "Next episode" sequence at the end. It was pure ecstasy.
Asgard314 I did the same
Yes! Love the punpun icon!! You are clearly a person of discerning taste!! Tinkle tinkle hoy~✨
@@Chameleonardodavinci oyasumi punpun still hurts till this day
it's really a masterpiece
G g god what are you doing here
In Loving Memories of Satoshi Kon and His Amazing Work of Anime Series, Anime Movies and Manga Volumes.
October 12, 1963 - August 24, 2010
Animefreak 4ever!! He will always be remembered for his great work.
Eli Dagdagan
May Be Gone But Not Forgotten...
I'm still so salty and sad
He died too soon. He had so many Fuckeries to give in Anime. RIP Sir, you deserve it
Speaking of his work, my favorite anime was Tokyo Godfathers. It used to be shown on Starz Cinema and it was with English subs.
The message of this anime is really interesting, specially the part about people's desire to escape reality when it proves too much to bare. Shonen Bat is a kind of scapegoat people use to avoid facing reality.
Hello, I know this comment is old. I haven't finished this anime yet. But my perception of anime is that people had something like a mental clarity, that they can get out of the mental prison they were in. Something like the concept of meditation, clear your mind and let go of the problems that your mind creates.
By less, this is my opinion about the anime in the beginning.
@@dextershelby5780 Again, sorry to drag up this old thread, but you're kind of right but also missing the core theme. Lil' Slugger isn't offering escape. He's offering illusion, a false hope. Sinking into delusion rather than facing reality and moving forward.
There's also a whole thing about him and Maromi being the same primordial being who rises and ebbs over time, returning as humanity refuses to accept accountability as a whole and starts looking to "easy answers", but that's a WHOLE other thing.
@@SirTeflon You're right.
@@dextershelby5780 p pool OO OO ólooolo9loóóó lol okoio ok pp ok upppopplpl
I'm sorry but need sometime I to escape from reality not because I wanna face it but because I need a break from it. 🤔😑🖕.
Satoshi Kon was truly the David Lynch of Japan
Rest in peace you incredible man. 1963-2010
David Lynch was the Satoshi Kon of USA
@@locho41 Lmao, exactly
@@locho41 lmao YEAH
@@ian-wx3zt unfortunately 😔
Mass hysteria, this anime is more relevant today than ever.
He knew
relevant 20 years ago, 10 years ago, today, and probably in the future still
it is one of the best shows I've seen with regards to social analysis and the way ideas gain strength over time through social warping
I still think my favorite part of that show was how well they portrayed the idea of "Shonen Bat" remaining an idea that became stronger the more people exaggerated his existence
he existed because other willed him to exist, not because he ever actually had any power to begin with
when I think about it like that I think the same thing could be said today with a lot of things, and that things have always been like this. It is a terrible consequence to human society.
was this comment posted before trump? :O
And even more so one more year on.
It's a timeless message. It'll always be relevant.
RIP Satoshi Kon, may your art be remembered.
The song is Dream Island Obsessional Park by Susumu Hirasawa... in case anyone's interested.
Were Satoshi Kon and Susumu Hirasawa close friends? Or where they close acquaintances?
And what's the name of the ending?
+Tania Glezr (La chica del ukulele) Maromi no Rheme.
+DollFac3 Harlequin Theme
"I laughed at the "Attention, your computer isn't freaking out" warning.
10 years later and it's still funny.
This anime kind of hit close to home.
I remember being such a procrastinator back in high school. Work kept piling on top of me and there would be no way for me to finish them on time. I just hoped that I would fall ill so that I could catch a break.
This is a musical masterpiece - it really succeeds in capturing the mood of the show.
The fast, and painfully relentless and continual industrial-electronic drum beat, like the sound of someone scraping a baseball bat across the rails of a gate, brings about a sense of being chased by something you cannot bare to face as you flee in hysterical denial, or the frantic flickering of disorganised thoughts through the brain during a panic attack or stressful episode.
The surreal opera samples and bird tweeting bring about a sense of auditory hallucination in a troubled and mentally damaged mind during an episode of stress or trauma in life.
Finally, the chorus with the "AAAAHHHHH" section stays solidly within the major key, despite the other frantic and somewhat terrifying percussion and sound effects - this really solidifies the sense of total denial in the face of a pursuing terror, as the major key is typically associated with happiness, which is at great contrast with the aforementioned and rather dark imagery.
Seriously, a 10/10 choice for the opening music of this show.
I need to revisit this comment every time.
This opening song also was made like that because anime was aired during night time, to keep people awake
The ending on the other hand, was calm to make people sleep
I didn't even notice the birds until you mentioned them. What did you do to me?!
This anime sticks with you for seriously its that mindblowing.
I second that lol watched it on adult swim in 2004 when I was way too young to watch this one. Scarred me for a couple years and has a dear place in my heart, as twisted as that sounds lol
Still there?
@@oneiroagent I will never forget paranoia agent
@@GlitchyWitch388 Damn bro
@@GlitchyWitch388 My man
Kon's visuals combined with Hirasawa's ethereal soundtracks created the best anime films I've ever seen. I feel like there was so much more they could have done together. Satoshi Kon will always be my hero and inspiration
2020 be like
Should i watch this anime? Is it like evangelion
@@vividvoodoo7323 No, it is not. But it is a must-watch if you like psychoanalytic/dremalike/sociological thematics.
@@gabrieletuzzato7300 bruh is there anything like evangelion anywhere? Anything?
@@vividvoodoo7323 it depens which elements of Evangelion are you searching for. The specific mix is almost impossible to find at the same quality. For exampe, RahXephon is similar but it is only a sufficient production (imho).
@@gabrieletuzzato7300 lets Check it thanks Buddy
''a magnificent mushroom cloud in the sky'' is one of the greatest lyrical masterpieces i've ever witnessed
**Falls over after being hit with a wave of nostalgia**
xxtalzixx Thought you were falling over after being hit with a baseball bat.
Mariana Santos golden curved baseball bat. :D
"Don't worry about the little things like tidal waces, or the water rising around your feet." part of the lyrics to the song. thought it fit to your comment.
still laughing.
Glad to see I'm not the only one thinking of this song after the shit show of a year the world has been having 😂
Wheres lil slugger at? He gonna be busy af
O-O! 😂😂😂😂😂😱😱😱😱😱😵😵😵😵😵
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra😂
A magnificent mushroom cloud in the sky 😂
Perfect song for people who laugh even though they want to cry but can't stop laughing hysterically.
Susumu Hirasawa is wonderful.
StraightOuttaJarhois I was today years old when I found that out
@@destinyblade1167 what about satoshi Kon? the creator?
Anyone else laughing maniacally?
Emmy Nyan
Just referencing the opening animation Emiri-kun.
meh xD
gotta do it in rhythm though
(cackles and tips headfirst toward the cityscape a few thousand feet beneath)
Its just not the same without the laughing people
Still a great OP
Evan LeClair お
Mindfuck...Mindfuck everywhere...
Holy shit I'm triping out wtf!!!!
+Eva Gima
which is more mindfked this or Serial experiment lain, i watched lain but u havent watch paranoia agent
Amin Rosli let's all love lain!
u guys see the bat kid shadow on the dog?
+Crazy Crown lol
+Mak CK Fuck, I do now.
+Mak CK There's a reason for that :) Good old symbolism.
Well now that I just did I can't unsee it
+Mak CK "bat kid"
This show came on at a very harsh time for me and it's forever been imprinted in being this surreal nostalgic memory. So glad it turned out that way.
8 years since, and this is still a trippy masterpiece
^15 years since, and this is still a trippy masterpiece
This song has a very sad message, but a great song indeed, great anime.
and what is that sad message?
Jean Mathew Read what?
Take responsibility for your actions and face reality. Thats the message.
@@Yoshikage8008 not so sad
More and more does this song represent how I feel every day.
this anime was so incredible mind blowing i really need to return to it and figure it out one day...
paranoia causes us ot do the strangest things.
is what i think.
Alex Nichols I thinks its a bit more than that but its a beginning. I want an english thesis understanding of this show man
Vriska Serket It isn't too complicated. It's just the shear depth and power of its symbolism that is AMAZING. A good starting point would be trying to figure out the connection Marumi and Shounan Bat in the public consciousness, and perhaps how Shounan Bat is perceived by each of the characters.
SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER (read at your own risk if you have not yet watched the entire series)
Lil' Slugger was meant to represent a social phenomenon; whether he was physically attacking others or just existed within their own minds is up to you to decide (it could go either way). What one of the other users here replied about the media and spreading of rumors, etc. is a big part of it as well. One of the episodes has Maniwa (younger detective) tell us that paranoia nurtures him [Lil' Slugger] and that one must not speak of him, think of him, etc. Lil' Slugger manifests himself in the lives of people who feel emotionally cornered and want an easy way out. Maromi was to represent the opposite of Lil' Slugger, another concept brought to life by the acknowledgement of the people, that offered many a way to retain their sanity throughout the harsh reality they may face. Toward the end, Lil' Slugger runs rampant because Maromi is absent and cannot check his growth (the rise of despair in the common folk). Point: don't look for an easy way out to deal with your life's difficulties because it does no good to do so in the long run. Now, lastly, apply these ideas strictly to Japan for an even more in-depth analysis, as it is much more applicable to the stress of life there.
Sorry for the long response.
Magnosummit Thats an interesting view of it thankyou : >
This song became my song of the summer, something about the happy singing, the singing birds, the instruments and choir, it all feels to me like a cry of freedom as you jump outside the school, not a cloud in the sky, fresh air blowing in your face, no more classes, you run to your home and fall on your bed where you float into endless relief.
I like how concerned you were for our sanity that you put an actual warning for that weird mid part
Fairwell Satoshi Kon and your mesmerizing editing...
***** Thanks :D
Have this played at your graveside, and leave everyone wondering!
Im sure they will say: " This guy, is he a psychopath? He must of deserved to died!"
As i rise from my grave and turn the world into the eclipse from Berserk.
Alonzo Branson if this is played at my grave side I'll definitely come back as little slugger and beat the ever lovin shit out if those who have scorned me.
have this played on your funeral and i'll show up laughing
Laughing in your grave?
Sure, if Bato tells me to do that I will.
That bird sound just puts a smile on my face!!!
Maromi and Shounen Bat are still out there and always will be, but thanks to this anime a few of us may have learned to recognize them and keep them in place.
That nostalgia hit me as hard as lil slugger's bat.
That .hack spoof episode was the best x3
This anime was so ahead of its time. Imagine if it came out today
I get the feeling that this song signifies a certain hypocrisy that lies within the human soul. We have created weapons capable of wiping the entirety of the human race out completely, murdered millions in death camps, and done some of the most unfathomably cruel things to one another, things that can only be described as pure evil. But now that the worst of it is over, we can act as if it never happened.
It is like we are drinking tea and having a nice talk with a friend, after a brutal murder.
How easily we forget, and lock up our emotions? I am talking about humanity as a whole.
The song encapsulates this beautifully in the opening;
Raaiiyaa ra ra i yo ra a magnificent mushroom cloud in the sky
Raaiiyaa ra ra i yo ra on an afternoon of small birds eating feed on a path
wow, you're right..
@Van H. @Van H. Nope, our species did the damage time and time again throughout history, in a brilliant display of mass hysteria and mass murder. Picture yourself in an old Germany, listening at chancellor Hilter saying that you are superior, while yourself having no better education and perhaps even an ounce of national pride or just pride.. Maybe you'd be an exception, there were exceptions, but maybe not. That's all it took to convince weak logiced people, exploiting loopholes in the human psychology to begin a mass murder along with extraordinarily crazy behavior against other humans (death camps, Dr Mengelle) with a death toll of 50 million people.. It's easier than you think, and it has been repeated before many times. Just hope it won't repeat again now in the nuclear age.. Powers that be are very sick, with a mindset of "if I can't have it, no one will". It's easier than what you'd think. And it's a "we". Since fanatized people are doing all of the killing.
@@sidewinder1209 i agree. But i personally if faced with violence will respond in that exact manner. But does that qualify me as evil?
@@sidewinder1209 i have seen. Its pretty scary. And ive seen alot of absolutely atrocious shit. On video. I didnt go into it too deep into 731. That's how fucked up i feel that is. Ive kinda gotten more soft in my older age. (Im not old. Below 30) but i use to not have as much empathy as a younger lad. So that may not have bothered me back then.
But i also dont feel it is evil to defend yourself either. But i kinda wanted confirmation.
Wow i forgot i wrote this comment, well said past me
It’s loud to wake you up since this show played late at night and goes soft at the closing to let you go to sleep
this song gives me anxiety lol
one hit from the shounen bat and there will be no more anxiety
No, seeing people laughing who are in Death Like situations causes Anxiety
You mean Paranoia
Paprika, Perfect Blue and Paranoia Agent... my favorite works of Satoshi Kon.
*laughs while underwater/falling from the sky/standing in traffic*
megapants444 Laughting when nuke goes off, stuck in the mountains, destroy their house, eldery laughing with chances of falling off the table.
Don't forget the nuke!
I read that as "Laughs while wearing underwear"
laughing on the moon while something's happening on earth
Paul Padila
Their avatar is from kill la kill (it’s on Netflix)
Such a good song, would expect nothing less from the man who made Forces
hahaha splat dude I love this song , you are talking about berserk's forces right ?
Two of the greatest soundtracks ever
zed pup late reply but the mans name is Susumu Hirasawa
@@Homophonic berserk
Satoshi Kon was a crazy man.
And a genius
And he was bae too
No, he was one of few, who has saw the truth of Japanese society.
Thin line between genius, and madness!
And a legend.
i am laughting hystericaly right now.
I'm laughing that I'm gonna see Many scream
1:46 scared the shit out of me 😂 I wasn't ready
This song brings tears to my eyes as i remember the terrible childhood i had and what i did to escape it... i love this song
As laughter rains down from a thousand worlds.
Powerful music. As it do.
WHO IS HERE IN 2020???
Edit: AND 2021???
I'll be here until the day that I die.
Most of everyone reading that.
@@Kenko706 I'm pretty sure, since it's a song, it will stay pretty "relevant" throughout the coming years. In fact, everyone reading this are from the future.
I am ! Just finished this anime on blu ray.Lord the last 2 episodes were beautiful and crazy.
The theme IS just like the anime itself. Haunting! In the best ways possible.
Satoshi Kon was a GOAT, RIP sir. Perfect Blue is one of my fav anime of all time.
Kinda reflect the current situation in some countries who laughs while everything is going wrong and saying: "This is fine"
Satoshi Kon was a visionary, a legend.
I don't know why but I just fucking love this song and the opening. I don't know what the hell he's saying, I don't know why the people laughs at these different places nor what it's suppose to mean but I fucking love it!
copying the opening where everyone stands and laugh
so you do it to
then your mom comes in and is like wtf are you doing
Princess Bubblegum xD
Princess Bubblegum lol
Princess Bubblegum lol exactly...
and then proceed to mimic the anime and start laughing too
One of my first ever anime I watched as a kid that I actually love the opening and dream to be an animator. Plus I realized the shadow of little slugger...
You must be really fucked in the head if this was the first anime you saw as a kid.
+Internet Incarnate 69 uh... no it doesn't? get your close minded ass out of here.
Whoa kid calm down
+Monicia Barnes At least your first anime wasn't Boku no Pico. O_O
***** Who are you?
the virgin lil slugger vs the chad shonen bat
my god, Hirasawa's brand of alien, urgent, and somehow almost ancient-feeling synthesizer music is unlike anything else on this planet
I'll watch the anime just for this awesome opening
I miss him everyday…he was such a visionary and I miss his art
This song will carry you through 2023-2024
I certainly wish it carried me through 2019-2020… but that would’ve imply I have at least some of Satoshi Kon’s talent (I’m too metamedia 🤔🤔)
Truly a wonderful work of art.
I was all smiles the first time I saw the opening, riiiiiight up until the guy with out-stretched arms came up with a nuclear bomb going off behind him. Kinda made my smile fade. And the old guy on the moon cackling as 3 continents are obliterated by larger versions of the same thing let me know where this one was headed. Like most other animations, down a depressing black-hole of endless suffering where at the end of it you feel like jumping out of the nearest 200th floor window, while praying that you land eye first on the tallest, sharpest, longest point of an old Goth-styled gate for all the world to see... This made me quit animations for a while. God only gave me 2 eyes after all.
same thing happened to me when I saw the guy with the nuclear bomb going off I got scared!
it would involve spoilers. either way, crisis becomes averted, more or less.
@@LampreyKisses The key words are more or less. The horror leading up to the end, still happened.
Yeah it's the end 2019 and I finally got around to watching this anime and it was fantastic. Such a relevant concept and issue espically today. We, as a society, need to stop hiding behind Maromi and blaming little slugger for all the damn problems we have in our lives and country
I do not have idols, but Satoshi Kon is really close to be mine.
+Lourdes Ivette Alfaro Rioja He turned all of his works into classics of animation. He was a genius. A huge loss for the animation world.
This is nothing short of amazing, and splendid.
Still one of the best anime openings ever.
I have so much love for this anime, it was apart of my childhood, and I remember it well because it brought out so many mix emotions when I would watch or e in yjink about it.
Notice the shadow on Maromi?
Shounen Bat is watching.
@@thedude3065 i was always confused about the name lil slugger cause i watched the sub and they called him shounen bat
dude the fukn shadows have shadows, my micro pipi has a shadow
Hysteria and gracefulness how beautiful and *Scary*
Столько лет прошло, а опенинг аниме "Агент Паранойя" до сих пор заставляет вибрировать фибры моей души... И мне это нравится)
Хотя сама по себе песня совсем не весёлая...
Lil slugger! I would love to see a live action movie of this one!!!
This anime is full of genius ideas, it is entirely made out of creativity. I loved it. My favourite was the episode about the three suicide guys xD
Omg, has he really...passed away.
I'm so sad to know that I'll never watch one of his new show again :(
Satoshi Kun wherever you have all my respect, admiration and gratitude.
You added your own point of view to humanity through your masterpieces !
Just started this anime today, gotta admit first episode was enough to get me hooked. RIP Satoshi Kon and All Hail Lord Hirasawa Susumu.
Edit :- Anime is so relevant today in this pandemic. No one will ever be as visionary as Satoshi Kon.
Yo this comment is old but I wish I could upvote you a thousand times
When you heard this pop on toonami as a kid you knew things were about to get real lit
Return to this video after years. However my dream to be an animator is now slim due to the lack of free time (thanks adulthood) and people pushing you down losing your love to be creative. Despite this little by little I'm gaining it back and hopefully do something similar to Satoshi Kon's storytelling and visuals.
RIP Satoshi, your stories are top tier in my heart!
This song elicits an emotion in me no other thing in this world ever has.
Just remembered my name
finished watching paranoia agent today, it was an amazing experience
after you watch the show the opening becomes really creepy
I could tell there was something very wrong with the opening before i watched the show
Ammy Marsh Right?!
I haven't even watched the series and it already sends chills down my spine
The shadow on the puppet... °^°
what is that?
Omg, I just noticed! Shonen Bat!
+Thiago Chavves Lil Slugger
nice song :) feel like on the top of some mountain in Africa
This really brings me back
Dang! I've seen that picture who knows how many times ... and tonight's the first time I've seen the shadow of Li'l Slugger! Creepy!
I only realised it was there once you pointed it out :3
It's funny how in the opening everyone is laughing while being in a horrible situation like its not even in their frame of mind. Except Li'l Slugger who is laughing in a clear field and a beautiful clear sky.
You cant explain it anyway and that's the beauty. The whole series is in itself a riddle with a ton of answers.
I watched Paranoia Agent inside one week and... it fuckin depressed me.
No idea what to think of the ending. I thought that watching it would make me feel spooked.
At the end of it, I just felt sick.
I really love this opening and just everything about it.❤
When I watched it, I thought something was very off to it, especially when comparing it to the episodes.
I... still can't put my finger on it.
Mostly different acoustics, an added piano in the background, and slightly different drums. It also appears to be in a different key.
Why am I laughing?
" I'm committing suicide"
This song is so full of life, and yet--it's so haunting and it never ceases to creep me right the fuck out!
I just love the musical drone going on in this song.
till now i've never listened the whole song. it is amazing!
A show i only ever saw as a kid and really sick so i thought it was just a fever dream. Years later I see an odd anime called paranoia agent on sale and seeing lil slugger on the cover unlocked a core memory for me and i had to buy it. Glad i did cause god it's good, not something my kid brain couldn't process at the time.
2:18 yume wo wahhahhahha a a (?)
..REST IN PEACE *SATOSHI KON*, ❤ ❀ ✿ timeless myth, God bless you (1963 - 2010)
We miss you so much! (x°-(
Maybe the real Shounen Bat was the Coronavirus we contracted along the way
Why am I so cringe
Dont worry I thought it was kinda funny
What the hell, I don't remember making this comment
It was multiple organ failure in my case… I got it thru a Paranoia Agent outbreak known as Corona or Covid outbreak or whatever you want to call it
Thanks for the warning in the middle.
Does anyone else hear the bird chirping or am I just crazy?
Do I really hear the birds chirp? Or is it because I read your comment I now hear them? Is it? Or is it not?
Yes, the chirping is there. Nothing to worry about. Just pure Susumu Hirasawa magic.
Randomly appeared in my algorithm, and now I'm interested.
The theme song of the 2016 U.S Presidential Campaign.
Hell this is the theme song of 2016, period. What a fucking bonkers 13D level chess paradigm we've reached folks. Singularity incoming.
Kon knew too much...