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Actually they did once. TH-cam Kenneth Florine's morning worship on apostate lies. He tells of an incident where an elderly sister was told by an apostate (and shown) that Charles taze russel claimed to be the primary source (channel) of truth and not the Bible. Kenneth Flodine tries to convince the audience that bethel cleared things up with the elderly woman by demonstrating that she was lied to by selective quotations to make it seem that the apostate lied to her . When one looks up the reference it's clear that Bethel actually lied to the sister. The reference shows that Charles taze russel repeatedly puts himself before the Bible and claims that their publications, the information coming from Russel, and anyone who disagreed would find themselves lost spiritually...just as the "apostate" claimed.
@@ricklee5802official.1Rope_fan nothing is like the poke poison of Watchtower. poor JWs. they’re all fully hit, aren’t they. makes me feel sick for them.
Just for once, I’d like the WT (or any JW) to actually give an actual example of a specific lie being told by apostates, and provide the what, where, when and by whom. The fact that they don’t tells you everything you need to know about this cult. They happily criticize every religion on the planet, but can’t take it when the criticism is returned.
WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5 Isa 9:6 the word Prince in the Prince of Peace means PATRON ANGEL also Leader. WHO IS the ONE LEADER that we have? Jesus. Now, that same exact Hebrew word was used for Daniel 12:1 which is used for Michael the Archangel. So are you saying there are MANY LEADERS now?
Apostates is a label that the WT leaders enjoy to apply to any ex JW that They hate. Apostate from WT false teachings is one thing. Apostate from Almighty GOD YHVH and Crist teachings is another complete difference thing. Exemple: CRIST at age 12 was teaching the religious leaders elders in the temple in Jerusalem Right?? But after he got baptized, age 30.. started his ministry What Jesus did?? He apostate from all the false teachings and manipulation done by the elders, and livites. Right?? Was CRIST an apostate?? Yes he was.... He apostate from the false teachings promote from the ones who knew the law of GOD YHVH. And CRIST did that to defend the pure truth.. and justice... Matthew chapter 23. Ist proper to read the whole chapter. Peace for All. Thank you.
I was a 4th generation JW & stayed in for 40 years. The fear of leaving runs deep! ( I was never disfellowshipped, just left quietly & still live a clean moral life) After leaving, the consequences are brutal.. I lost every JW family member. It’s been 26 years of no contact. I don’t know who’s passed away, who’s gotten married, who’s given birth .. I’m sure by now, I have nieces, nephews & cousins who will never be told that I exist. They have become strangers to me ( of their own accord) There should be a law against what they do to families!! As far as us so called apostates go.. we are out here trying to expose an evil organization so others don’t have to suffer the consequences. I have no problem with people believing whatever nonsense they choose, UNLESS it hurts innocent people who get dragged into it who have no idea what they are getting into. I’m proud of us Ex’s who keep exposing & have such an immense love for others so as not to see them go through what we have 🩷
That's why they pressure and indoctrinated each JW not to listen to anyone else or do independent research...They are High Controlling the source of Information in order to avoid scrutiny or disapproval and to ensure every bit of loyalty and adherance to their(WT) demands and expectations. Only Someone with something to hide or is corrupt, will push so hard to label and duscredit others. Decent people accept and respond to differences. They are tolerant of others. Not JWs.
Bellissimo commento ,hai espresso la verità di noi appostati i nostri pensieri ,e i nostri desideri ,compreso il nostro amore verso gli altri personi innocenti ,che subiscono violenze di ogni tipo in questa falsa religione ,ti saluto da l'italia.
@@majafleur9646 - sadly that’s how they do it. When my mom died, the whole JW family decided to not tell her disfellowshipped brother at all. To this day, the only reason he knows is because I told him! And the only reason I knew was because it happened shortly before they started shunning me.. otherwise, neither one of us would know. Horrible people 😢
I’m really sorry for your loss, and to anyone who has been shunned like a criminal. It breaks my heart when I hear people lose all contact with those of the same blood.
I'm catholic, and once a JW told my dad about the meetings, so he answered: great! I'll go but only if you come to one of my meetings too! The JW was so confused he left immediately, because of course, they can't listen about other religions 😅😂😂 that was a neat tactic, and I'll sure use it in the future to avoid their talks
I had a friend growing up whose family were JW, but they were allowed to associate with worldly people in that family. My friend was always telling my father to come see what her church was all about, and he was always telling her to come to the Catholic church he was a member of and he will go to their church in kind. But she couldn’t do that mutual church going like that. Also my mother was not Catholic, and I was raised to choose my own religion. It was very hard to understand having a JW friend as a child, when I didn’t have all these rules myself. So my friend told me she has to try and teach my the good news. I told her ok, you can tell me but I’m never going to follow your beliefs I’m sorry. I didn’t really understand her religion, even though she told me about it. I don’t think she understood either fully. I got really upset that she couldn’t celebrate Halloween because it was my favorite holiday. I also got really upset once because I gave her a gift and she went home, then returned it to me telling me her family told her it was satanic and she couldn’t keep it. It was a pack of ET cards and an ET toy from the movie. I told her ET is a nice Alien though. But her parents made her give it back. And then she wasn’t allowed to watch Poltergeist with me and my family. She wasn’t allowed to attend my birthday parties, Etc. She moved away awhile later, I wonder what ever happened to her.
@@AKayfabe "I wonder what ever happened to her." I imagine not very much. From what I've gathered, JW member's lives are extremely mundane, predictable and uneventful. They gotta wait until Armageddon before they're allowed to start enjoying themselves ⏳⏳⏳😅
i also grew up catholic and my family are also servants of our local parish, my mom being in a choir and my father being communion minister. but it's my mom who is willing to go on a religious debate. one time someone wants to go to our house to preach. i can't see who but i presume it's a jw, because my mom debated with her outside. speaking of jws, i remember my mom also ruined some of their books/magazines that someone brought home (maybe my brother who was ignorant at the time), because of the writings heretical to the catholic faith.
Yeeeeesssss!!!!! They could use anti-nonJW and anti-apostate depictions and propaganda as their album art and aesthetics… and it would be apocalypse death metal about progressive things and criticizing us at end of control and man made authority through religion and politics and or the death of all charlatans and oppressors… idk…
When I was a kid, there was a woman (and her kids) who attended meetings sporadically. She sat in the back, as she was disfellowshipped. I was scolded for talking to the children (I was only 9 or 10 and only said 'hello'), because their mother was disfellowshipped and accused of being an apostate. We were not allowed to talk to the children at school, or anywhere out in public, let alone in passing at the Kingdom Hall. I asked what an apostate was, and was told that she told lies about the Brothers in the congregation. At the time, I accepted what they said, and followed instructions to shun the children as well as the woman in question. As an adult, I look back and understand how evil that was. My mother was disfellowshipped when I was 11 or 12. I was shunned by everyone I knew, except my grandmother, aunt, and uncle (They lived with my grandmother). Our entire social circle locked us out. My best friend was not allowed to talk to me anymore. I was not allowed to talk to my best friend.
So true! The children are often shunned along with the parent/s. My brother and I were shunned when out with df mum, but fawned over when we were with our well respected elder dad. Very confusing as a child. Only one jw acknowledged us when we were out in the street with mum. I asked him why he always doffed his hat and said good morning to my mother and us. He was an elderly gentleman, and he said, and I quote, "I do not believe that Jehovah would ever expect me to be RUDE my dear". What a beautiful man! He left all his money to the local jw so that they could build their own kingdom hall to worship in. The hall is still there but only because the Borg can't sell it!
Same here but I said fcuk them people when I got in 7 th grade I stopped going with my sick mom. I stayed home our relationship went downhill we hated each other cause I wanted no part of that dysfunction.
I remembered the crazy JW was very mean we my mom was disfellowshiped whatever the fcuk that was. God don’t turn his back on people that’s what those frauds did. Sick rapist
Another hilarious point: they say to let them be, but yet they're taking "apostates" to court, fighting against them. Yeah, that's leaving them alone. 🙄
saying "remain loyal to Jehovah" really means to remain loyal to the Watchtower/governing body. I left this cult for that exact reason, because I wanted to be loyal to God and the Lord Jesus. They reject Jesus and put that rejection on full display at every memorial. Also I was just thinking about this today about how you mentioned that JWs are taught to immediately run from someone who opposes them or questions their doctrines from scripture. They are all being taught to be cowards. Back when I was a kid in the 80s it wasnt like that. My grandpa and others would defend their belief with anyone (even if it was totlaly wrong and watchtower propaganda) but now elders, and all men, inside the Watchtower are groomed to be so spineless, weak cowards that will run away from the slightest "threat"
@freestylmx311 and yet the bible tells us, at 1Peter 3:15, to "sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defence before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you but doing so with a mild temper and DEEP RESPECT" 😊
Coward is a perfect description! That’s exactly what it makes me think of. I know a person that would rather text me what she wants to say rather than talk to me on the phone. Like really we’re leading people to Good through text now?? I feel like with all the meetings and studying they do they should be roped in the word of God and not afraid of conversation with others. I bet if I say I want to have a study she’ll come running. Smh those people are irritating. It’s sad.
Those Men are 100% Narcissistic. And Narcissists HATE anyone that is perceived as being Strong Willed, Self Assured, Critical Thinking, UnIntimidated, Uncontrollable,Etc... They resist them because they stand for everything that those Narcissists are not. Empaths are looked upon as being Faulty and Lacking; The very opposite of what is actually true about them. Narcissists are threatened and jealous of those they see as being what they themselves are not but wish they could be. They are like Childhood Bullies that lash out because of weak egos and insecurities. And like those Childhood Bullies; They recruit others to not only back up their nonsense but also to do their bidding/dirty work("Flying Monkeys"/ Rank and File Loyal JWs)
Insegnano a non tenere un confronto perché temono che la loro dottrina non mantiene il confronto, sanno che hanno raggirato i contesti biblici per sostenere la loro dottrina ,esempio in Giovanni 1.1 dice che la parola era UN DIO ,solo la traduzione del nuovo mondo traduce così perché è manipolata e un confronto li mette in difficoltà. Da l'italia.
I’m pretty sick of JW propaganda! No one is trying to take away their FAITH! People are concerned about the Governing Body and the twisting of Scripture!
and the Welfare of Children and Wives! Who are often the unsuspecting Victims of both Sexual Assaults and Domestic Abuse by WT Org supportive JW Perpetrators and JW Mysogynistic Husbands.💔😢😔😡
And, WT is hypocrites as well. The Truth/Facts are...They themselves fit the definition of "Apostates" since they themselves are people who left a former group/religion to form "Bible Students" and then "JWs". So, the Apostates...are Criticising those they call 👉"Apostates"!😂😂😂🤡😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
The Governing Body dudes wouldn't be so fearful if they really were in the truth resp. had the truth, they would chill more. But then again, at this point, they have gained so much power over people and money, they fear losing it all and they know damn well that God would not step in and prevent this from happening.
I was terrified of going door-to-door. We usually went in two’s. The little children, dressed in suits and ties and best dresses would often accompany. In my mind, I used to pray no one would answer or that a big dog behind a fence would keep us out. My heart would pound hysterically, me being shy by nature. Often little kids were used to be “cute” and win a smile at a door. The kids would cry sometimes if they saw an October pumpkin Jack-o-lantern on a porch and wonder why they couldn’t do one, or the older ones would be frightened and say it was “not pleasing to Jehovah therefore it was of Satan”. If we happened to get invited in, we usually would just pass tracts or magazines and make a time to return visit and tarry at the door entrance. Brothers were more apt to go inside. The GOOD feeling would come from thinking “YES! I did it” and get to mark down twenty minutes or ten minutes or whatever on a flimsy Report you turned in every month to the Elders. I’d usually go home a bit proud if someone was nice, but more than not, I’d go home, change into comfy jeans out of stupid dresses and feel depressed because I subconsciously hated it and was glad it was done. Older ladies loved the walking exercise. The kids wanted to play with pumpkins after seeing the jacks lanterns. But we’d have to tell them to draw pretty smiling faces but no scarey stuff that would displease Jehovah. The whole thing was cringey, scarey, false, upsetting. But by this time, we all thought the end of the world was coming and if we faltered, we’d be destroyed so that we felt what WT called “blood guilt” if we didn’t do our duty or if we led another astray. Horrible.
Wow, I’m sorry that you had such an awful childhood; thank you a lot for sharing a so vivid and detailed depiction of how it was for you Jehovah witnesses don’t come often in my neighbourhood, but one day, two of them knocked at my door.On the spur of the moment, I said something like “you’re welcome ! Then you will tell me your address, and I’ll come and tell you why you shouldn’t believe” I cringe now, writing it ; at that time, I honestly thought it was an innocent joke, and I felt totally friendly. They literally flew, instantly. I didn’t have any time to explain I was joking, and didn’t expect such an outcome. I couldn’t understand Now I have seen the movies showing militias coming, just before armaggedon ; and your story fully explains what happened from their point of view… What a mess, what a; awful waste of lives
@@biale190that's a good reply that shines on a light on their hypocrisy, not cringy at all. They want to go to your house to preach but they don't want you to preach to them. Clearly they don't want an open discourse.
As a born in JW the first thing that cast a doubt/ crack in my mind was ….Why we had to keep track of our Field Service time and Report it ? …I told my parents Jesus didn’t say we had too ….today I’m so happy I’m not one anymore 👍🏼😊👍🏼
Yes my mom disowned everyone hated me more cause I got on her everyday for not taking care of neglecting us mentally and emotionally. Just a brainwashed weak poor lowlife soul. No ambitions
It's always so funny how they say apostates only tell lies. I believed it when I was in, but once I was out, I saw the very opposite and that everything apostates said was TRUE.
It is the Liars calling others liars. They do not like Actual truth tellers; because, Truth Tellers expose the corruption buried beneath out of sight. They expose "the man behind the curtain/mask".
It doesn't get any easier to avoid scrutiny and exposure than to call those doing the exposing and using the scrutiny...Liars, Evil, Apostate(or any other Cult Specific Negatively Interpretted Label or Name)...etc. That is the very reason why, from early on in JW Association, People are Indoctrinated to "Remove The Old Personality"( That is...Do Not Think or Do For Yourself. Give Up Fully Your Own Identity and Accept Only What We(WT) tell you to be and think and do). And once that is set in stone, All that is needed is to Call Someone "Apostate" and that JW automatically responds like Pavlov's Dog.
Purtroppo eravamo troppo indottrinati dalla wachtover, e I nostri occhi della mente erano chiusi ,ora la wachtover teme molto gli apostati,perché sa che abbiamo scoperto la verità, e lei è il falso angelo di luce di cui parla l'apostolo Paolo.da l'italia.
Thats why JW's are forbidden to do any outside research or search the internet in defense of the truth, cause they'll find out their truth is a bunch of lies.
You're absolutely right. Oh, and let the brainwashing begin! George Orwell would have had a field day with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. It's "1984" and "Animal Farm" constantly! And Jehovah's witnesses eat it up as though it's a Michelin five-star dinner when, in reality, it's not fit even to be considered dreck.
Well still to this day religion and in general the belief that "there is a God" is a strong mental prison that can be exploited at the right time to brainwash people. The thing with JWs is that they positioned themselves as the "true representatives" of God and Jesus, which is overepresented in Western cultures and thus they can easily fall prey to this cult if they have even the slightest doubt that their denomination arent "real Christians". But right now, with the internet and in general a culture that values actual facts over religious non sense a person is more aware that they dont need to be religious to be seen as good, they just need to be doing the mature and right thing depending on a situation and this has very well affected the JWs because for a person, even if they are considering to becoming religious, they know what kind of bollocks this organization is. Still religious people with a shaky belief to their current religion and dont have secular support structures to help them understand what's going on with their beliefs then they could still be vulnerable to the tactics used by JWs.
This video is amazing, I was a jw in Washington from 2004 to 2017 starting when I was 9. I was absolutely blown back on the showing of actual meetings and accuracy of the so called “teachings” remembering all the non-sensical bs, I t’s really sad how many amazing people I lost when I left and how many lives have been ruined do to this cult organization. this video does an excellent job displaying how robotic and lifeless the “teaching” and cultist behavior to hopefully deter future members.
WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5 Isa 9:6 the word Prince in the Prince of Peace means PATRON ANGEL also Leader. WHO IS the ONE LEADER that we have? Jesus. Now, that same exact Hebrew word was used for Daniel 12:1 which is used for Michael the Archangel. So are you saying there are MANY LEADERS now?
@@Mr.DC3.1914 Hi Mr. DC3 1914; are you aware that Jerusalem fell in 587 BCE, not 607 BCE, so all of the JW calculations that point to 1914 based on Daniel's dreams as the start of the end are wrong? They lie and keep saying Jerusalem fell in 607 BCE because they figure you own't bother to look it up.
Whats hilarious is they(my parent included), constantly want to be able to speak their "beliefs," but the second you share facts, they require you be silent. These are the ones that go to people's houses uninvited. And they want everyone else to shut up. How ironic. 🤦🏻♂️
It’s really so sad that seeds have been planted in their brains but apparently not watered enough to be resilient enough to withstand a “storm” of heat of an opposite viewpoint. 🤫😭
They just feel they have the perfect excuses for all of this and more (like why it is okay to not punish child abuse). They stack human rights abuses. Freedom of speech, freedom of opinion and expression...the list goes on.
I am surprised the women were standing in that first Bible study presentation. In the 70’s the women had to sit never stand. It was a show of respect to the headship of the men
i studied for about 5 years w/JW. the meetings were frightening. i only went to a few. there were women being pushed at me to shake hands who looked dazed & confused & fearful. creeped me out.
Another thing i did was dig up old JW tracts from late 1800's on. i even found old books. (very strange pictures) .. i thought Study people would be thrilled at my determination to learn about JW .. they were extremely uncomfortable & refused to even touch the old books. those old books brought out many questions & they refused to answer of them instead repeatedly saying "New Light" ..
WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5 Isa 9:6 the word Prince in the Prince of Peace means PATRON ANGEL also Leader. WHO IS the ONE LEADER that we have? Jesus. Now, that same exact Hebrew word was used for Daniel 12:1 which is used for Michael the Archangel. So are you saying there are MANY LEADERS now?
The local needs was always the juiciest part. They would bring up pornography viewing, dating others that were not witnesses, higher education, rated r movies. So you’d get everyone afterward trying to figure who it was based off of.
That would require them to do two things...1) Have A Working Brain and 2) Do Independent and Open Minded Research. #1 They left at the Kingdom Hall Door on Day 1. #2 They would not know how to do nor would WT Org allow them to do.🤷🏿♂️🤷🏻♀️
@@sparklecanada0112 Independent thought is something they're trained to think of as Satanic, and most of us were indoctrinated from infancy. They are warned not to seek higher ed, so most of them have no idea what a logical fallacy or confirmation bias is. They're not "stupid," they just never learned how to reason critically, or distrust, or give themselves permission to do so.
That was my dumb mom she had nothing JW all she had she didn’t want any peace love and success a poor dumb brainwashed JW they didn’t even care about her we never got a visit. As I got older we grew tho dislike each other I was fine with that as long as I got away from her. The energy was bad in that apt. She had the Bible but full of dysfunction and sadness in that apt 10 A. The worst people on this earth like racist
This organization is truly disgusting. I really feel bad for them on judgment day. How dare they judge, and accuse people who no longer believe their twisted faith. This speech and actions that they put into the minds of the Sheeple are borderline criminal.
Yes, the witnesses think that being compared to sheep by the organization is a good and positive thing. That is not how the society sees them, however. The reality is, they are referred to sheep because sheep have no will of their own, that is relegated to the shepherd. Sheep are relatively dumb (mute) animals whose total reliance is on the shepherd to guide them, and if they have a tendency to stray from the fold, that is where the staff of the overseer or shepherd comes in, to steer them back to the path which the shepherd has them on.
That's how they like you, and dependent on "the organization" for your salvation and self esteem. It is a wild run around and people are trapped, as if they enjoy it sometimes. They don't have to think for themselves.
sounds like a issyou, unless something specifically happened to you, being a JW should only be a major inconvenience at best if you disliked and didn't believe it in
No credentials, diplomas, certificates, degrees, no higher education, nothing but their magazine ministry school...the p JWs are really taking their chances entrusting their families to little teens giving ten minute talks to grow up to sheep to shepherds under Governing old men without professional status. Most of us had to go through grueling hours of education and even now continuing hours to keep Licences, Credentials, everything updated and up to par...not WT sheep though. Nothing required. (Except knowledge of how to shun and shred documents in a shredder)
Trained by the GB to excuse and console and hide Perpetrators and Domestic Abusers and Shame and Blame and Intimidate Victims...yes😠😡👎🏻👎🏻. But trained Advisors or Judges on all things human relationship...Nope Not One Iota!👎🏻👎🏻
Watching you explain the ways of the force of Jehovah brings back memories. What a nightmare. My mother first took me to my first meeting when I was 4 years old. I was only 4 but I can remember thinking there's something really wrong going on here. But eventually they brainwashed me into believing in their B.S but eventually I saw through the lies. Thank God I never was baptized or half my family wouldn't be able to talk to me. JEHOVAH WITNESSES are trained to shun worldly people so they are really good at it. I literally can not stand that religion and I feel for people that are tricked by this cult.
I’m actually working on getting my mother to open her eyes and leave it too. Nothing good comes out of it. I studied way back when, but l woke up and stopped.
@@nickijaycox7773 Did you try showing her these videos and did she say something along the lines like, “This is just Satan trying to confuse you.” Or my favorite “Youre supposed to teach your children this when you’re young.” I’m working on waking up my mother too before it’s too late, we haven’t gone to the meeting together or conventions in years but she still holds strongly that Jehovah is the one true God, but I don’t believe in this religion anymore
@@ProtectTheSasqutches Hi there, I actually did get my mother out. She’s been out for months now. I’ve been showing her videos of ex Jehovah’s witnesses who went through horrific situations. (i.e. being molested by the elders) Finally, she woke up. Thank you Jesus. We now attend a Christian church near us and we plan to get baptized to become Born again. As the Bible says, the only way into heaven is to be born again. Thank you for your reply and l wish you the very best in our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏🏻♥️
Wow, just thinking about how my ex wife views me if she hears these broadcasts after leaving me and unscripturally divorcing me when I woke up, I just feel sorry for her. She lost a good free thinking man because of these cult thoughts. Now she can't have "privileges" in the congregation or marry the new guy at the hall that she quickly fell in love with... she's gonna have a rough future
Mine did the same thing. Because I told her she's in a cult. Her loss. No "scriptural grounds" either. These people are afraid of what other people think and can't think for themselves.
@@lulubellers same. I used the firehose method of trying to wake her up which never works. She just shut down and ghosted me for 3 more years and then left after I couldn't handle being soft shunned by my own wife in my own house. God dang cult...
@@kevinmoyer6224 the fire hose method 😆 me too I gave her both barrels about all the things waking up witnesses find out about. The thing with her is she's best friends with the elders wives so no punishment for her. Which proves even more that they're a bunch of phonies.
@@lulubellers well im sorry you had to go through that. We can't let a cult end our lives though. We continue going and growing. Be strong 💪 nice to meet you
@@kevinmoyer6224 yea same here. I feel sorry for them because they don't know what apostates do. They don't understand scripture, nor are the Christians. My dad, who's in his 80's tried to get me back in.... I said I will not follow men. He said back "I'm not following men". I just went "oh". It's pointless to explain...they won't listen. I believe they need their own personal 'armageddon' so to speak, or they will not wake up.
Most JWs(not all but most) are Covert/Overt Narcissists. Narcissists are Never truly "nice". (The Covert Ones especially) they always have ulterior motives whenever they do manage to fake being "nice".
I studied with them for a while back in the 90s. Their 3 main books were the Revelation book, the Paradise book and the Greatest Man Whoever Lived book. I never became a JW but I sure did believe what I was reading. I heard a sermon by Walter Martin that flipped me. These people need to be prayed for
What was the sermon about? I’m an exjw (born in, baptized and left as an adult) so I find it interesting to see what it is that keeps people from joining. I left because I had children and found out about the abuse cases.
YES! Walter Martin!! The BEST! I listened to him back in the 70’s after I was trying to grieve my lost family and put my life back together. If not for my dear Sister and hearing Walter Martin, I would have died. They both saved my life!❤❤❤
@@bethany45101 How the JWs do not believe in the Diety of Christ among other things. There is a really good book written by a former member of the governing body of JWs (his last name is Franz) and he talks about how they made up things to fit their doctrine, specifially the generation of 1914 and other so called predictions they made that did not come to pass as well as shunning. Here is link to the sermon for Walter Martin (he also has a good book called "the Kingdom of the Cults") I found on TH-cam:
@@christinesotelo7655 Sorry for your loss. It is always good that we turn to God in times of sorrow. I lost my daughter 2 years ago and I frequently listened to John Barnett. He has a TH-cam channel called DTBM. Highly recommended!!
I actually enjoyed listening to their comments, the realisation of their tactics and fear mongering is quite refreshing once you understand the nature of the game.
Sick mofos shyt separates family household became dysfunctional energy was bad it was hard to function in school. No love in my household bitch was a fanatic sad she didn’t comprehend the bs cause she only had a 4 th grade education. Religion did nothing to help her elevate or rise to the top.
We owe it to God and ourselves to RESEARCH and test the tenets we build our lives upon. I thank my Lord Jesus Christ every day he led me out of that cult and gave me freedom! Praying my family wakes up. They've been shunning me for 7 years.
Thank you for some fresh material for my local Jehovah's Witness Relocation Program. I've spent the last couple of months making things VERY awkward for the JWs who set up at the entrance to my local park. My personal record for getting them to scram is two minutes! Just trying to keep my community safe from an anti-gay apocalypse cult 😊
Yes! Thank you! I’d love to know more! I don’t really know what to do. I posted a flyer about the upcoming Oct 31st Rally in WA DC but someone keeps tearing it down so I keep putting it up...
@@christinesotelo7655 I have found that asking them directly about the Faithful Slaves works well - especially if you are recording yourself while doing so 😉
@@christinesotelo7655 where do you post them? Do you know specifically that it is JWs removing them? Could it be a Bi-Law concern about posting flyers? Not criticising, just attempting to help you by means of finding the root cause and get resolution. I support your efforts wholeheartedly. Information is Power and More Power To You.🤝🏻💪
Geez. What is the problem? If you leave, it’s no more a big deal than not showing up at a Moose Lodge. What is the problem with CHOICE and RESTING from Watchtower exhaustion and thinking in another direction? WHY are they so afraid? SKILLED WARRIORS?!? BS! We simply don’t agree with the Governing Body! 😂
No, every morning I eat raw eggs and beat up sides of beef while Rocky theme blasts in the background just so I can be ready to share Old Light should a JW show up on my door.
Esatto non siamo d'accordo con i regolamenti giudiziari della wachtover, che pur di mantenere pulito il suo nome protegge i pedofili ,e divide le famiglie usando il nome di Dio come copertura ,fa affari con il mondo di satana e si prefigura come un angelo di luce ,tutto falso e ingannevole .da l'italia.
I take it further. Why is it such a BIG DEAL to WT and JWs, what a person believes/does or doesn't believe/does?🤔🤔 Why is it any of their Personal Concern or Business? If nothing else, It smacks of both Narcissism and Intrusiveness. To assume that , Anyone holds the "Right" to impose their own standards and expectations upon others just because they are told by a group of human males that they are to do so and are in every way "superior to others not of that belief system and labelled group"? It's not only narcissistic, but also hypocritical. WT/JWs never ever accept that behaviour or attitude from Non-JWs. They would never ever change their behaviours or beliefs just on someone not-JW saying they have to or that those not-JWs are superior because God(Any specific Leader or Figurehead) said so. Where does WT Org or JWs get off assuming that They have value and validity, just because they say they do; But Others, do not have value or validity...Because WT/JWs say they don't?🤔🤔😠😡🤦🏻♀️🤦🏾♂️👎🏻👎🏻 WT/JWs like to attach negative labels to and name call anyone that is unaccepting or debates their expectations. They perceive that as acceptable and applaudable. Yet, If Anyone who is not JW, questions WT teachings and exposes WT is then assumed as being "Unacceptable/ Apostate Lies/Religious Persecution..."etc...🤷🏿♂️🤷🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏾♂️
I got tricked into going to a kingdom hall by a schoolmate when I was 9. All they did was read their meeting minutes from last week. They didnt have any sermon, either based on the Bible or based on their magazine. It was truly bizarre.
@18:00 I was there! I wasn't a protestor, but a PIMO witness and saw the whole thing. I spent the lunch breaks trying to encourage the protestors subtly and reading their signs. They're the reason I found the online exJW communities that ended up being an incredible help to me. They were also all very nice and VERY patient. Absolute legends, I hope to join them one day!
My daughter in law tried to get my son to be one. He was un alived in an auto accident in Feb. I am relieved knowing he's with Jesus and away from those fake people with a fake religion.
He is not with Jesus. He is dead and gone to the same place he was before he was born. Nowhere, Nothingness. You reject one delusional cult but then affirm another delusion? Imagine believing a jew who lived 2000 years ago is your savior and salvation. Brainwashed delusion.
All religion is fake mam. The bible itself is filled with its own vile notions and actions. It is also religion that makes people behave like this as Atheists and agnostics are just people with common decency in spite of needing a book to keep their morals in check. One can argue, are many people followers just because they want brownie points for heaven but on their own theyd be horrible people? most definitely. People are the only beings that can comprehend death, and people fear it, and find ways to make it seem less cold and dark, thus religion fills that gab. But humanity doesnt know what happens after death and it wont really except the idea that after this life, thats it. Better a sweet lie than the bitter truth i suppose.
All religion is fake. How are there, and have previously been literally thousands of gods, each one being the ONLY one to exist? It just doesn't make sense. This is why the majority of wars have difference of religions belief roots.Think about it.
Guy, I must say you have killed this video! It's one of the best I've seen and you nailed every aspect of this S & M organization! I must say though just listening to them spilling the same old brainwashing garbage made me nauseous!
What kills me is: Show me the.lies the apostates tell. No facts. You are a liar just because I say so. What is my proof? I cannot believe JW cannot see this. This shows how scared they are that the TRUTH may come to light.
It's absolutely true!!! The JW organization would never lie. It would never say anything false like"Many now living will never die" or "We are just out in the neighborhood spreading the good news" when they are actually looking to convert people.
JWs made mistakes but it does not mean that GOD does not accept his people who made mistakes and fixed them, Guess what happened to the congregations in Rev 2 & 3 and they made many mistakes, and after fixing them guess what, they were still GOD's people
@@Mr.DC3.1914 Sounds like you're a certified GB Kool aid guzzler. If you wanna be led around by the nose by a bunch of guys who are always changing the game...go for it. Let them rule your life. But think about all the times the GB and those wise guys that led this organization before them. All the changes and adjustments to doctrine they have made the past 100 years. If God was really in charge of this group there would be non of this nonsense. Where in the Bible does God give any of his people or prophets incorrect leadership and later backtracks...that answer would be never. What God says is accurate the first time. No backtracking or reformulating predictions. If the GB was truly God the would be accurate about all things 100% of the time.
It’s one thing to make a mistake but the scriptures make it very plain that making that mistake over and over again is condemned as the “practice of sin.” You need to look at the events taking place in the state of Pennsylvania where over 15 JW elders and other witness men have been found guilty of child sex abuse… some of them having molested kids for decades. Reporting such perverts to the proper authorities is strongly discouraged which has allowed these men to move around at will to different congregations without being reported to police. Look up the 2015 Australian Royal Commission and watch how Watchtower elders answered the inquiries of a real judicial committee. Watchtower mocked the Catholic Church for decades about their pedophile problem whilst knowing perfectly well they had one of their own!! Want to talk about God using people who make mistakes? Read your Bible…. read about the nation of Israel and how God dealt with their heinous “mistakes.” My Kingdom Hall had a wife swapping club.. the presiding elder’s daughters were involved. He never lost his position, went on to cover over other outrageous BS for decades. I knew of extortion, infidelity, wife battering some of it by elders. God must be blind. Did his Holy Spirit appoint those elders? This disgusting crap went on for years and nobody was ever disfellowshipped. Watchtower investigated. Guess who they investigated? The people who complained about the wrongdoers. What a wonderful religion…
This reminds me, my mother has a New World Translation (2013 Revision) that she says she doesn't want... I'm thinking of taking it to a JW meeting hall, with a note in Duetoronony 18:22. (No one in my family has any interest in joining the cult, my parents got the bible from a JW elder for some reason).
I don't do drugs, and I never want to go camping... But at least with my idea there's a chance that someone in the origination will be woken up. All the ideas here not so much.
@@thrivingexjw2061 I threw all of my WT Propaganda into my appartment's garbage incinerator. It took 13 yrs to acquire the books and an hr of effort to dispose of. Best hour of my life!👌🏼👍👍 Too bad that I hadn't Incinerated that blue "Truth" book when I got it in 1978!😣😣I could have spared myself 13 yrs of Direct torture and 44 yrs of Mental Anguish being connected to Someone Else duped in that Cult.💔🤦🏻♀️🤦🏾♂️😣
It’s a system of intellectual suffocation… stifles normal human curiosity, preaches that higher education is from the devil and not recommended for Christians, discourages interest in careers in music and art even if a person has talent in these areas. The religion demonizes everything outside of its narrow confines as works of the devil. Those meetings are boring for a reason… indoctrination works like the slow dripping of water.. constant repetition of the same old things over and over and over renders a person numb. You can miss a whole year of Watchtower meetings, go back and it will be the same format, the same “information”, the same boring suffocating drone.
It's interesting that you would say that. A couple of months ago, during the reporting on the regional assemblies and the low attendance relative to when I was growing up, I decided to do some figuring. The Society says that there are approximately eight million active witnesses. Yet, taking into account the virtually empty stadiums and arenas for the assemblies and the equally-empty Kingdom Halls, and prorating that, the actual number of active witnesses is probably closer to two million, which would reflect the seventy-five per cent deficit to which you allude. If my figuring is in any way accurate, that would mean that the organization is now where it was when I was born into it during the late seventies in terms of active witnesses-a net flattening in forty-three years! So much for the Society telling Jehovah's witnesses to 'exert themselves vigorously' in the service! They've followed that "counsel" from the Theocratic organization for what is now seen to be no return on their investment. The ones for whom I actually feel sorry are those who were active witnesses during the late seventies and remain so today but are now coming to the hard realization that they have invested themselves-physically, mentally, emotionally and, dare I say, economically-in vain. It's forty-three years later and, still "the accomplished end is not yet" and, realistically, there are only about as many active witnesses now as there were then. And many of them had already lived to tell about what happened-or, more accurately, didn't happen-only five years before that. They're the ones currently caught between the rock of 'exerting themselves vigorously' in the service of hollow promises and the hard place of doing so in an organization which itself is in veritable decline and shambles.
@@thomash.schwed3662 You are talking about my staunch JW spouse. Came into the "Truth" in 1979 and still gobbling up that Cult Propaganda like it's Candy or Live Forever Vitamins!🤦🏻♀️🤦🏾♂️ I came in 1978. I left 1989. I learned the "Live Forever Vitamins" were actually stale, 19th Century "Black Licorice"!👎🏻👎🏻🤢🤢☠💀😝😝
It's sad that apostates and JW members never got a chance to hear the true gospel and many people who leave the organization just turns to either atheists, deist or agnostics. (From a christian perspective)
All meetings were an hour when I was there in the 1980s: Two 1 hour meetings (Public Talk/Watchtower Study) on Sunday. Tuesday was Study group at someone's house for a minimum of an hour. Thursday was for publishers and above to hand in their slips and for children in that group to deliver 10 min talks. I think that one was an hour but everyone came early to stand around and chat. What's happening now sounds much more mechanised with that creepy Q&A format. The brainwashing must be intense *shudder*
In the 70's 80's we had A Tuesday night book study at an Elders house, at the Hall there was a 2 hour Thursday night ministry school, and a 2 hour Sunday meeting, 1 hour for the public talk followed by a 1 hour watchtower study. 😢 the 60's there was a 15 minute intermission on Sunday. They would often go overtime on the Watchtower study..... 😢 it was AWFUL‼️ 😢
Under the guise of ‘Religion’ many unbiblical lies are told and taken on as The Truth. Given the state of the world in general today I think people are taken in by seeming sincerity and decency. At first it seems refreshing. I was a JW for some years and honestly did not understand a great deal of the dogma. Looking back, I can see how we were all sold something man-made & we all toed the line, it’s just how it was. Meeting several times a week, a bit of a close Community ( with gossip ). Not all bad, but definitely not what it purports to be. Their Bible contains falsehoods and has had things added & taken out. Not written or translated by erudite Hebrew and Greek Scholars as you think but by amateurs in that field. Many, many are leaving the faith plus they have an appalling record when it comes to paedophile activity in their midst. I have seen on YT Elders caught lying in Court ( by decent and polite Lawyers ).
I have some questions for the people who were jw (I was raised as a catholic) : as you were taught to fear everyone who is not a jw, how did you feel when you were preaching, knocking at doors ? I imagine that entering any house of an enemy of jehovah had to be absolutely terrifying ; am I wrong? Or were you mostly proud to be able to vanquish the fear ? And did you ever consider that the organisation was responsible, and therefore merciless, for sending you to war in such a dangerous territory ? I would very much appreciate, if someone helps me to understand how it felt
We werent taught to fear them exactly. But we viewed them as “worldly” and ourselves as “gods true organization” so there was a sense of pride which alot of jw’s have. Going out to the ministry was just a feeling of getting these “worldly” people to gods truth before they get destroyed
@@biale190 hey I have been thru a lotta bull with the fine and dandy elders! I had my fill of their man made rules! My brother and me would laugh our ass off when we would get home from "out in service"🤣 My brother Travis would say man I'm tired of this sheeeeeet! Let's go smoke a joint like our elders do! Baaaahaaaaaaaaa
Well, I must be a blind guider. I got banned by them. It took about 2 months of nearly converting a young guy with scripture and science. The poor kid was very confused. I never saw him again. I still remember with glee when I was told that they could no longer speak to me. I hope that I planted a seed in that boys mind to think critically.
And, to make matters even worse, they're now reading from actual telephones. As I recall, that fad started with Mark Sanderson, who reads from either a Tablet or an iPad whenever he's on the platform. It seems that the general attitude is: "If it's good enough for a member of the Governing Body, it's good enough for me!" To a certain extent, I understand that. After all, Nathan H. Knorr occasionally left his jacket unbuttoned when he was on the platform, including at international assemblies, and he was the president of the Society. In turn, I would leave my jacket unbuttoned when I was on the platform. It was more comfortable. (Of course, occasionally, he also refrained from using a lectern when delivering his discourses. But, that's one discussion I was not willing to have with the School servant.) However, I when I was assigned a Bible Reading in the Theocratic School, I always knew to read from my hard copy of the Bible and, when I was assigned as a reader, I always knew to read from the hard copy of the publication being used during the study. This reading from an electronic device, particularly on the platform, to me, smacks of laziness. Besides, it wasn't that many years ago when the day's chairman at the Society's assemblies would instruct the delegates to turn off their electronic devices at the start of each session so as to not cause distractions from the program. The only appliances delegates would have on were tape recorders so they could go back and listen to the program again later. Then again, you might be right: It just might be better to hear someone read from the telephone book for an hour than to hear someone give an hour talk on loyalty to the Society or a half-hour discussion on the same theme in the Congregation Book Study. If anything, the reader of the telephone book would at least be telling the truth!
and don't forget about all that highlighting and circling of stuff you figured was so important that you didn't want to forget.😉😉😂😂 I still get a faint dread whenever I see a yellow highlighter!😂😂🤣🤣
@@sparklecanada0112HA! So do I! The yellow highlighted Scriptures and the little index colored tabs so you could whip out a Scripture answer real fast! We’re so incredibly funny!
Dude, your video wasn't only funny but also Awesome!! Very informative and thoughtful! I was in that Horrible religion for 18 years! My first 18 of course! But it was a total waste of time! Thank you so much for sharing this 😁!!
Baptism Into A Cult is not worth anything. It's all fake and based upon lies. So it is invalid and inconsequential to any expectations in one's life. It's a bogus "Nothing Burger" as some people label things nowadays.🤷🏿♂️🤷🏻♀️
I went to my one and only meeting a few years ago in Seneca South Carolina. During what I would call Sunday School, we read out of some material, and there were questions at the end. Yet when people were called on to answer the questions, they just rephrase the answer that was already given in the booklet. I spoke up twice, wants to add something extra when they said like there were five things to consider on some topic. And the other time I answered in a way that was different than the answer given in the booklet. People looked at me like I had three heads. There was no actual discussion, just rephrasing the answers to seem like thought was going into it, not just blind obedience. Yet that's what it was. Another curious thing, I noticed that the only men with facial hair had moustaches. I commented that they must have something against having a beard, and the two men I was addressing that with told me that there was no such rule. That it was a personal choice. But I commented that that was kind of odd since beards are very popular now, and you could only find mustaches, yet you hardly ever see them anymore. I was invited that afternoon to eat with one of the elders at his home, and he had one of the local leaders also eat with us. So I asked him the same question about the facial hair, and he said that there actually was a rule to not have a beard. So the two brethren simply lied to me. But the meeting wasn't strange or crazy, it was just incredibly boring and and not thought-provoking in the least.
mr. panda does make a number of valid points in this summation. over the history of this religion millions have either been disfellowshipped or have disassociated. according to the pew study on religion, of all christian denominations, jehovah's witnesses have the least retention rate, they also have a very low education rate, and a low per capita income. the religion allows for themselves and then denies for others. yes, it is ok for you to apostasize from your faith system to be a part of theirs, but if you leave them, then there will be life consequences for doing so. there is no honorable way to leave the faith system of jehovah's witnesses. some. in leaving, are angry, yes. some lash out. but my sense is that most ex-anythings from belief systems are simply educating the public on what the public needs to know, at least i hope that's the case. when it comes to social security, welfare, medicare, fire, police, doctors, and religions like the salvation army, it is ironic that 'satan's system' is quick to be there for jehovah's witnesses. i have never seen a government check signed by jehovah.
I was a Jehovah's Witness and I spent years of mind control, indoctrination, movilization....However, I am in Europe and there is one thing that annoys me, and that is that if you expose the JWs the media supports you all the way, but if you criticize a religion that is even worse than the JWs, Islam, you don't get any support and you are dismissed as a racist. I am sorry, apostates in Islam have to move from their neighborhoods here because Islam kills apostates or harasses them and family members are shunned for having left Islam. Even in "moderate" Muslim countries like Morocco you can end up in jail for things as stupid as "adultery", "apostasy", "blasphemy", "eating during Ramadan", etc. In others they simply kill you. Islam controls every aspect of Muslim's lives and terrifies them with the fear of a cruel, merciless hell and Muslim countries are the worst places for women. But ex Muslims don't receive as much support as ex JWs get
Everytime I hear the word Jehovah my mind goes to the old man about to be stoned dancing and kicking the sand going "Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah!" and John Cleese yelling "If you say Jehovah once more!!!" in Monty Python's "Life of Brian", it's like a loop. So could never become a Jehovah's witness. For many reasons, all better than this one.
The one thing that always stands out to me about JWs is how clean and manicured everyone and everything always is. It's like heaven on earth for germophobes.
Amen, but the Watchtower is higher than Jesus and knows when the end is coming. Once you challenge the faith it falls flat, Centralized power is corrupted. Jesus is currently being shunned by the Watchtower, he's lower than the Watchtower. Jesus plays a bigger role that they have censored to give the organization purpose.
@@furiahispanica3823 The purpose of the organization was to enrich its founder, CT Russell, and there is a lot of information about his “miracle wheat,” which sold for a dollar a pound and was promoted to grow “five times as much as any other wheat,” but government tests proved that it was a low yielding wheat, and that because Russell controlled 990 out of the $1000 capitalization of “the watchtower society,” all of the wheat sales were being funneled to him. When Russell began his organization in the 1800s, he was not a man with training in the Bible, but instead he was a man with an ax to grind….and he successfully ground it with Satan‘s help, to mislead people away from faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Between the Ocarina of Time music and intro about "what really happens at meetings" I had deja vu and thought it was AltWorldly's video for a second 😂 enjoyed the commentary!
In John 14:6 , Jesus said, *"I Am The Way, The Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me"* J.W's won't quote this verse because it turns attention from the G.B. to Jesus.
I feel sorry for JW children - I have seen a mother smack her baby, yes little baby in a pray, in the hall continually smacked to stop crying! I went along to see what the talk is about. it was enough to turn me off JW for ever. Quite happy with my born in religion that my family have been in for over 1,000 years. We have proper bible studies with critical thinking allowed and discussed. And no shunning, but love and compassion to each other.
What happened to the 2 witness rule when it comes to snitching on other members about JW related things? What happened to leaving it to Jehovah to sort out in the end?
A Spirit filled, reborn person ,follower of Christ will never be rattled by anyone who critisize or persecute them. Cause they have the truth. If you truly believe in a cause nobody will be able to sow seeds of doubt.
You would also be able to satisfactorally and willingly be able to defend those beliefs. Not reject any disagreements without discussion or consideration. Not run off and hide while pushing your fingers into your ears and mumbling "la la la la apostate la la la!🎶🎶".
Dear ExJW: I am sad for the deceptions and manipulations you experienced, and I thank you for sharing your story and insights. And, just so you know, I'm a Catholic. No pressure, just an invitation; maybe someday you'll feel safe responding to a genuine invitation from the Lord. Best wishes.
Especially the talks on obedience....OMG. And while there are so many child abusers in that organization, imagine teaching your people to always obey those in authority, how absolutely insane.
Therein lies the problem with the committee arrangement. Servants, particularly members of the committees, are instructed by the Society to refrain from determining guilt or innocence. As far as they're concerned, if there is merely a report of what the Society views as wrongdoing, the individual or individuals named are guilty, even if the report is false. Per the Society's instructions, the committee is to determine the degree of repentance, if any, so as to decide upon the punishment to be meted out, whether it be probation (also known as "reproof"-either private or public) with its restrictions or outright disfellowshipping.* In short, far from being the "loving provision" the Society claims it to be, the committee arrangement is a kangaroo court. - *"Probation" is the older term for what the Society now calls "reproof". I use the term "probation" because it more accurately describes the punishment.
In most matters( especially those based upon human relationships and/or marital or legal matters); Elders are NOT qualified or trained to give valid advice or pass judgements. How can any random group of males without proper educational training or acquired legal authority determine the justice(or lack of) of a case or situation? Such as is deemed where Sexual Assault of a Child or Adult or of Domestic Abuse is concerned? With that form of determination, We might as well trust and seek the advice from a Janitor on Divorce Proceedings.🤷🏿♂️🤷🏻♀️
I don't know that I would really classify JW's as Christian, but not all Christians behave like this. We are not all this crazy and this is some crazy. They give people who just want to follow their own faith a bad name.
Jw are some sick people. I was scared to death to leave. It took some years but my sons followed and got out. Elders and CO tried mercilessly to turn my sons against me, even saying I was santanic. My sons saw through it and eventually left. My oldest was MS, Middle was a rebel lol, youngest on the way to MS. We were called “pillars” in the cong. My sons futures looked bleak serving jehovah. I’m proud to say that they are all doing well, we are healing, through hard work we are thriving. My oldest is almost a firefighter, lost over 50 pounds, my middle son is IT, my baby is IT in Navy. If you want to leave you can. It’s hard but staying is harder. You will lose your identity.
I agree I got away at 7 th grade yes JW are sick people. Moms turned on me we hated each other. I did all the right moves in life hs grad college grad police officer retired recently never any praised from her cause I wasn’t in that cult. My friends told me to try and make amends I tried I went to hug her the bitch pushed me away I sat in my car and said fcuk her never again. Religion don’t teach hate
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Actually they did once. TH-cam Kenneth Florine's morning worship on apostate lies. He tells of an incident where an elderly sister was told by an apostate (and shown) that Charles taze russel claimed to be the primary source (channel) of truth and not the Bible. Kenneth Flodine tries to convince the audience that bethel cleared things up with the elderly woman by demonstrating that she was lied to by selective quotations to make it seem that the apostate lied to her . When one looks up the reference it's clear that Bethel actually lied to the sister. The reference shows that Charles taze russel repeatedly puts himself before the Bible and claims that their publications, the information coming from Russel, and anyone who disagreed would find themselves lost spiritually...just as the "apostate" claimed.
first you ask me to smash the like button. I did. now you want me to hit it? you really hate your like button. 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝
@@Caracaraorangeberrypoison the like button with watchtower propoganda.
nothing is like the poke poison of Watchtower. poor JWs. they’re all fully hit, aren’t they. makes me feel sick for them.
John 15:18
A Witness told me that Armageddon would occur before I could graduate high school. I'm 62.
is it bad I think that's funny?
Shit... you must be _slow_ 😉
SAME HERE...I'll be 55 this year.
By there logic you would be now the oldest high schooler there. 😂
And you cant prove either one .....
Just for once, I’d like the WT (or any JW) to actually give an actual example of a specific lie being told by apostates, and provide the what, where, when and by whom. The fact that they don’t tells you everything you need to know about this cult. They happily criticize every religion on the planet, but can’t take it when the criticism is returned.
WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL
THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE
From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5
Isa 9:6 the word Prince in the Prince of Peace means PATRON ANGEL also Leader. WHO IS the ONE LEADER that we have? Jesus. Now, that same exact Hebrew word was used for Daniel 12:1 which is used for Michael the Archangel. So are you saying there are MANY LEADERS now?
don't need to put the lists, as they are long as antiJWs put twisted lies and half truths and you believe them
@@Mr.DC3.1914done in a typical JW fashion. You don’t answer the question directly.
Apostates is a label that the WT leaders enjoy to apply to any ex JW that They hate.
Apostate from WT false teachings is one thing.
Apostate from Almighty GOD YHVH and Crist teachings is another complete difference thing.
CRIST at age 12 was teaching the religious leaders elders in the temple in Jerusalem
But after he got baptized, age 30.. started his ministry
What Jesus did??
He apostate from all the false teachings and manipulation done by the elders, and livites.
Was CRIST an apostate??
Yes he was....
He apostate from the false teachings promote from the ones who knew the law of GOD YHVH.
And CRIST did that to defend the pure truth..
and justice...
Matthew chapter 23.
Ist proper to read the whole chapter.
Peace for All.
Thank you.
I was a 4th generation JW & stayed in for 40 years. The fear of leaving runs deep! ( I was never disfellowshipped, just left quietly & still live a clean moral life) After leaving, the consequences are brutal.. I lost every JW family member. It’s been 26 years of no contact. I don’t know who’s passed away, who’s gotten married, who’s given birth .. I’m sure by now, I have nieces, nephews & cousins who will never be told that I exist. They have become strangers to me ( of their own accord) There should be a law against what they do to families!! As far as us so called apostates go.. we are out here trying to expose an evil organization so others don’t have to suffer the consequences. I have no problem with people believing whatever nonsense they choose, UNLESS it hurts innocent people who get dragged into it who have no idea what they are getting into. I’m proud of us Ex’s who keep exposing & have such an immense love for others so as not to see them go through what we have 🩷
That's why they pressure and indoctrinated each JW not to listen to anyone else or do independent research...They are High Controlling the source of Information in order to avoid scrutiny or disapproval and to ensure every bit of loyalty and adherance to their(WT) demands and expectations.
Only Someone with something to hide or is corrupt, will push so hard to label and duscredit others.
Decent people accept and respond to differences. They are tolerant of others.
Not JWs.
Bellissimo commento ,hai espresso la verità di noi appostati i nostri pensieri ,e i nostri desideri ,compreso il nostro amore verso gli altri personi innocenti ,che subiscono violenze di ogni tipo in questa falsa religione ,ti saluto da l'italia.
My story mirrors yours...:(. Found out my mother passed away 3 days after the a former JW via Messenger.
@@majafleur9646 - sadly that’s how they do it. When my mom died, the whole JW family decided to not tell her disfellowshipped brother at all. To this day, the only reason he knows is because I told him! And the only reason I knew was because it happened shortly before they started shunning me.. otherwise, neither one of us would know. Horrible people 😢
I’m really sorry for your loss, and to anyone who has been shunned like a criminal. It breaks my heart when I hear people lose all contact with those of the same blood.
I'm catholic, and once a JW told my dad about the meetings, so he answered: great! I'll go but only if you come to one of my meetings too!
The JW was so confused he left immediately, because of course, they can't listen about other religions 😅😂😂 that was a neat tactic, and I'll sure use it in the future to avoid their talks
I had a friend growing up whose family were JW, but they were allowed to associate with worldly people in that family. My friend was always telling my father to come see what her church was all about, and he was always telling her to come to the Catholic church he was a member of and he will go to their church in kind. But she couldn’t do that mutual church going like that. Also my mother was not Catholic, and I was raised to choose my own religion. It was very hard to understand having a JW friend as a child, when I didn’t have all these rules myself. So my friend told me she has to try and teach my the good news. I told her ok, you can tell me but I’m never going to follow your beliefs I’m sorry.
I didn’t really understand her religion, even though she told me about it. I don’t think she understood either fully. I got really upset that she couldn’t celebrate Halloween because it was my favorite holiday. I also got really upset once because I gave her a gift and she went home, then returned it to me telling me her family told her it was satanic and she couldn’t keep it. It was a pack of ET cards and an ET toy from the movie. I told her ET is a nice Alien though. But her parents made her give it back. And then she wasn’t allowed to watch Poltergeist with me and my family. She wasn’t allowed to attend my birthday parties, Etc.
She moved away awhile later, I wonder what ever happened to her.
@@AKayfabe "I wonder what ever happened to her."
I imagine not very much. From what I've gathered, JW member's lives are extremely mundane, predictable and uneventful. They gotta wait until Armageddon before they're allowed to start enjoying themselves ⏳⏳⏳😅
I heard if you tell them you’re an apostate that shuts them down real quick 😂
i also grew up catholic and my family are also servants of our local parish, my mom being in a choir and my father being communion minister. but it's my mom who is willing to go on a religious debate. one time someone wants to go to our house to preach. i can't see who but i presume it's a jw, because my mom debated with her outside. speaking of jws, i remember my mom also ruined some of their books/magazines that someone brought home (maybe my brother who was ignorant at the time), because of the writings heretical to the catholic faith.
Enemies of Jehovah sounds like a really cool metal name.
There is an Ohio? Band called the Jehovah Waitresses
It does
@@thomashunt6123 That is also a cool name.
Yeeeeesssss!!!!! They could use anti-nonJW and anti-apostate depictions and propaganda as their album art and aesthetics… and it would be apocalypse death metal about progressive things and criticizing us at end of control and man made authority through religion and politics and or the death of all charlatans and oppressors… idk…
Musical Ex-JWs… get on it… 😆
When I was a kid, there was a woman (and her kids) who attended meetings sporadically. She sat in the back, as she was disfellowshipped.
I was scolded for talking to the children (I was only 9 or 10 and only said 'hello'), because their mother was disfellowshipped and accused of being an apostate.
We were not allowed to talk to the children at school, or anywhere out in public, let alone in passing at the Kingdom Hall.
I asked what an apostate was, and was told that she told lies about the Brothers in the congregation.
At the time, I accepted what they said, and followed instructions to shun the children as well as the woman in question.
As an adult, I look back and understand how evil that was.
My mother was disfellowshipped when I was 11 or 12. I was shunned by everyone I knew, except my grandmother, aunt, and uncle (They lived with my grandmother). Our entire social circle locked us out.
My best friend was not allowed to talk to me anymore. I was not allowed to talk to my best friend.
That is alot of pain for a child to endure! I am so sorry you had to experience that!
So true! The children are often shunned along with the parent/s.
My brother and I were shunned when out with df mum, but fawned over when we were with our well respected elder dad.
Very confusing as a child. Only one jw acknowledged us when we were out in the street with mum.
I asked him why he always doffed his hat and said good morning to my mother and us. He was an elderly gentleman, and he said, and I quote, "I do not believe that Jehovah would ever expect me to be RUDE my dear".
What a beautiful man!
He left all his money to the local jw so that they could build their own kingdom hall to worship in.
The hall is still there but only because the Borg can't sell it!
Same here but I said fcuk them people when I got in 7 th grade I stopped going with my sick mom. I stayed home our relationship went downhill we hated each other cause I wanted no part of that dysfunction.
I remembered the crazy JW was very mean we my mom was disfellowshiped whatever the fcuk that was. God don’t turn his back on people that’s what those frauds did. Sick rapist
@@ronaldfell571 it took me until I was 17 to get out. My mum was disfellowshipped & reinstated in that time.
Another hilarious point: they say to let them be, but yet they're taking "apostates" to court, fighting against them. Yeah, that's leaving them alone. 🙄
The entire thing this entire religion is known for is knocking on doors, trying to convert people. That's defo leaving them alone.
The man reading from his phone sounded like an AI-generated speaker.
Their's intelligence is really artificial.
In most meetings if not all, they sound exactly like this. In my childhood (early 00's) I was playing games in my head to survive them.
I sound like this naturally 😂😂😂😂
saying "remain loyal to Jehovah" really means to remain loyal to the Watchtower/governing body. I left this cult for that exact reason, because I wanted to be loyal to God and the Lord Jesus.
They reject Jesus and put that rejection on full display at every memorial.
Also I was just thinking about this today about how you mentioned that JWs are taught to immediately run from someone who opposes them or questions their doctrines from scripture. They are all being taught to be cowards.
Back when I was a kid in the 80s it wasnt like that. My grandpa and others would defend their belief with anyone (even if it was totlaly wrong and watchtower propaganda) but now elders, and all men, inside the Watchtower are groomed to be so spineless, weak cowards that will run away from the slightest "threat"
@freestylmx311 and yet the bible tells us, at 1Peter 3:15, to "sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defence before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you but doing so with a mild temper and DEEP RESPECT" 😊
Coward is a perfect description! That’s exactly what it makes me think of. I know a person that would rather text me what she wants to say rather than talk to me on the phone. Like really we’re leading people to Good through text now?? I feel like with all the meetings and studying they do they should be roped in the word of God and not afraid of conversation with others. I bet if I say I want to have a study she’ll come running. Smh those people are irritating. It’s sad.
Those Men are 100% Narcissistic.
And Narcissists HATE anyone that is perceived as being Strong Willed, Self Assured, Critical Thinking, UnIntimidated, Uncontrollable,Etc...
They resist them because they stand for everything that those Narcissists are not.
Empaths are looked upon as being Faulty and Lacking; The very opposite of what is actually true about them.
Narcissists are threatened and jealous of those they see as being what they themselves are not but wish they could be.
They are like Childhood Bullies that lash out because of weak egos and insecurities.
And like those Childhood Bullies; They recruit others to not only back up their nonsense but also to do their bidding/dirty work("Flying Monkeys"/ Rank and File Loyal JWs)
Insegnano a non tenere un confronto perché temono che la loro dottrina non mantiene il confronto, sanno che hanno raggirato i contesti biblici per sostenere la loro dottrina ,esempio in Giovanni 1.1 dice che la parola era UN DIO ,solo la traduzione del nuovo mondo traduce così perché è manipolata e un confronto li mette in difficoltà. Da l'italia.
I’m pretty sick of JW propaganda! No one is trying to take away their FAITH! People are concerned about the Governing Body and the twisting of Scripture!
How else are the gb going to keep their lavish lifestyles and their slaves?
and the Welfare of Children and Wives! Who are often the unsuspecting Victims of both Sexual Assaults and Domestic Abuse by WT Org supportive JW Perpetrators and JW Mysogynistic Husbands.💔😢😔😡
Apostates are telling truths not lies. They are providing truth about "The Truth"
And, WT is hypocrites as well.
The Truth/Facts are...They themselves fit the definition of "Apostates" since they themselves are people who left a former group/religion to form "Bible Students" and then "JWs".
So, the Apostates...are Criticising those they call 👉"Apostates"!😂😂😂🤡😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
The Governing Body dudes wouldn't be so fearful if they really were in the truth resp. had the truth, they would chill more.
But then again, at this point, they have gained so much power over people and money, they fear losing it all and they know damn well that God would not step in and prevent this from happening.
I was terrified of going door-to-door. We usually went in two’s. The little children, dressed in suits and ties and best dresses would often accompany. In my mind, I used to pray no one would answer or that a big dog behind a fence would keep us out. My heart would pound hysterically, me being shy by nature. Often little kids were used to be “cute” and win a smile at a door. The kids would cry sometimes if they saw an October pumpkin Jack-o-lantern on a porch and wonder why they couldn’t do one, or the older ones would be frightened and say it was “not pleasing to Jehovah therefore it was of Satan”. If we happened to get invited in, we usually would just pass tracts or magazines and make a time to return visit and tarry at the door entrance. Brothers were more apt to go inside. The GOOD feeling would come from thinking “YES! I did it” and get to mark down twenty minutes or ten minutes or whatever on a flimsy Report you turned in every month to the Elders. I’d usually go home a bit proud if someone was nice, but more than not, I’d go home, change into comfy jeans out of stupid dresses and feel depressed because I subconsciously hated it and was glad it was done. Older ladies loved the walking exercise. The kids wanted to play with pumpkins after seeing the jacks lanterns. But we’d have to tell them to draw pretty smiling faces but no scarey stuff that would displease Jehovah. The whole thing was cringey, scarey, false, upsetting. But by this time, we all thought the end of the world was coming and if we faltered, we’d be destroyed so that we felt what WT called “blood guilt” if we didn’t do our duty or if we led another astray. Horrible.
Wow, I’m sorry that you had such an awful childhood; thank you a lot for sharing a so vivid and detailed depiction of how it was for you
Jehovah witnesses don’t come often in my neighbourhood, but one day, two of them knocked at my door.On the spur of the moment, I said something like “you’re welcome ! Then you will tell me your address, and I’ll come and tell you why you shouldn’t believe” I cringe now, writing it ; at that time, I honestly thought it was an innocent joke, and I felt totally friendly. They literally flew, instantly. I didn’t have any time to explain I was joking, and didn’t expect such an outcome. I couldn’t understand
Now I have seen the movies showing militias coming, just before armaggedon ; and your story fully explains what happened from their point of view…
What a mess, what a; awful waste of lives
@@biale190that's a good reply that shines on a light on their hypocrisy, not cringy at all. They want to go to your house to preach but they don't want you to preach to them. Clearly they don't want an open discourse.
I remember being served Turkish or Arabic coffee and we discussed religion and left with no return visit organised
As a born in JW the first thing that cast a doubt/ crack in my mind was ….Why we had to keep track of our Field Service time and Report it ? …I told my parents Jesus didn’t say we had too ….today I’m so happy I’m not one anymore 👍🏼😊👍🏼
@@jessicacaldwell6262 ♥️🌹
Yes my mom disowned everyone hated me more cause I got on her everyday for not taking care of neglecting us mentally and emotionally. Just a brainwashed weak poor lowlife soul. No ambitions
They really do.
Yeah, especially the LGBTQ ones.
They destroyed mine 😡 FUCK JEHOVAH!
I left the Mormon church a few years ago. It's amazing how similar all these cults are.
It's always so funny how they say apostates only tell lies. I believed it when I was in, but once I was out, I saw the very opposite and that everything apostates said was TRUE.
It is the Liars calling others liars.
They do not like Actual truth tellers; because, Truth Tellers expose the corruption buried beneath out of sight.
They expose "the man behind the curtain/mask".
It doesn't get any easier to avoid scrutiny and exposure than to call those doing the exposing and using the scrutiny...Liars, Evil, Apostate(or any other Cult Specific Negatively Interpretted Label or Name)...etc.
That is the very reason why, from early on in JW Association, People are Indoctrinated to "Remove The Old Personality"( That is...Do Not Think or Do For Yourself. Give Up Fully Your Own Identity and Accept Only What We(WT) tell you to be and think and do).
And once that is set in stone, All that is needed is to Call Someone "Apostate" and that JW automatically responds like Pavlov's Dog.
Purtroppo eravamo troppo indottrinati dalla wachtover, e I nostri occhi della mente erano chiusi ,ora la wachtover teme molto gli apostati,perché sa che abbiamo scoperto la verità, e lei è il falso angelo di luce di cui parla l'apostolo Paolo.da l'italia.
Thats why JW's are forbidden to do any outside research or search the internet in defense of the truth, cause they'll find out their truth is a bunch of lies.
If they only tell lies what are they worried about, right?
One of the largest human experiments. Take all individuality, rights, and freedoms away without firing shot.
You're absolutely right. Oh, and let the brainwashing begin! George Orwell would have had a field day with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. It's "1984" and "Animal Farm" constantly! And Jehovah's witnesses eat it up as though it's a Michelin five-star dinner when, in reality, it's not fit even to be considered dreck.
@@volpeverde6441 It's alright. They are lol... God's chosen people. Just don't tell them what they are chosen for... Not yet anyways. hee hee
Well still to this day religion and in general the belief that "there is a God" is a strong mental prison that can be exploited at the right time to brainwash people. The thing with JWs is that they positioned themselves as the "true representatives" of God and Jesus, which is overepresented in Western cultures and thus they can easily fall prey to this cult if they have even the slightest doubt that their denomination arent "real Christians". But right now, with the internet and in general a culture that values actual facts over religious non sense a person is more aware that they dont need to be religious to be seen as good, they just need to be doing the mature and right thing depending on a situation and this has very well affected the JWs because for a person, even if they are considering to becoming religious, they know what kind of bollocks this organization is.
Still religious people with a shaky belief to their current religion and dont have secular support structures to help them understand what's going on with their beliefs then they could still be vulnerable to the tactics used by JWs.
This video is amazing, I was a jw in Washington from 2004 to 2017 starting when I was 9. I was absolutely blown back on the showing of actual meetings and accuracy of the so called “teachings” remembering all the non-sensical bs, I t’s really sad how many amazing people I lost when I left and how many lives have been ruined do to this cult organization. this video does an excellent job displaying how robotic and lifeless the “teaching” and cultist behavior to hopefully deter future members.
WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL
THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE
From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5
Isa 9:6 the word Prince in the Prince of Peace means PATRON ANGEL also Leader. WHO IS the ONE LEADER that we have? Jesus. Now, that same exact Hebrew word was used for Daniel 12:1 which is used for Michael the Archangel. So are you saying there are MANY LEADERS now?
Yes there is a cleansed heavenly Sodom and Gomorrah. All the Gods live there. They like each other. They are all males.
@@Mr.DC3.1914 Hi Mr. DC3 1914; are you aware that Jerusalem fell in 587 BCE, not 607 BCE, so all of the JW calculations that point to 1914 based on Daniel's dreams as the start of the end are wrong?
They lie and keep saying Jerusalem fell in 607 BCE because they figure you own't bother to look it up.
Where in Washington? I was on the east side of the state
@@mylittlepimo736 towards the blue mountains close to the Oregon border
Whats hilarious is they(my parent included), constantly want to be able to speak their "beliefs," but the second you share facts, they require you be silent. These are the ones that go to people's houses uninvited. And they want everyone else to shut up. How ironic. 🤦🏻♂️
It’s really so sad that seeds have been planted in their brains but apparently not watered enough to be resilient enough to withstand a “storm” of heat of an opposite viewpoint. 🤫😭
They just feel they have the perfect excuses for all of this and more (like why it is okay to not punish child abuse).
They stack human rights abuses. Freedom of speech, freedom of opinion and expression...the list goes on.
I am surprised the women were standing in that first Bible study presentation. In the 70’s the women had to sit never stand. It was a show of respect to the headship of the men
i studied for about 5 years w/JW. the meetings were frightening. i only went to a few. there were women being pushed at me to shake hands who looked dazed & confused & fearful. creeped me out.
Another thing i did was dig up old JW tracts from late 1800's on. i even found old books. (very strange pictures) .. i thought Study people would be thrilled at my determination to learn about JW .. they were extremely uncomfortable & refused to even touch the old books.
those old books brought out many questions & they refused to answer of them instead repeatedly saying "New Light" ..
WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL
THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE
From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5
Isa 9:6 the word Prince in the Prince of Peace means PATRON ANGEL also Leader. WHO IS the ONE LEADER that we have? Jesus. Now, that same exact Hebrew word was used for Daniel 12:1 which is used for Michael the Archangel. So are you saying there are MANY LEADERS now?
jealous of you
I worked with JWs. They were miserable and gossiped. I love Jesus and they knew it!
@@RaptureReadyforJesus-qv2ql you are just being judgmental
u don't even have to be apostate they'll trash or tear u down just for not agreeing with them on their beliefs
I’ve never encountered that at all in all my years knowing witnesses
So true
@@jeanakatherine9369likewise, and I literally mean never, they are strong in their belief but they are not bad people they just follow their own way
How can they say what apostate say when they never talked to anyone because they are “not allowed to”.?
@beautyRest1 The jws heard it through the grapevine! They are full of poo poo
They watch apostates videos on TH-cam :)
@@Markomarka3065 shhhhhhh don't be telling on what those child molesting elders do!
@@Markomarka3065 Shhhhhh!!! That's supposed to be Their SECRET....🤐🤐....😂😂🤣🤣🤣
@@juliemcalister2557 You left off Mysogynistic, Homophobic, Narcissistic, Domestic Abusive...
Get It Right!😉😂😂👌🏼🤝🏻😁
The local needs was always the juiciest part. They would bring up pornography viewing, dating others that were not witnesses, higher education, rated r movies. So you’d get everyone afterward trying to figure who it was based off of.
Trust me it’s all fake. I was once a JW 😢 but I’m so thankful for being totally awake 🎉
Hell yeah
I used to be a Jehovahs Witness and now I scream FUCK JEHOVAH!
They can't be bothered to look up the definition of "apostate."
That would require them to do two things...1) Have A Working Brain and 2) Do Independent and Open Minded Research.
#1 They left at the Kingdom Hall Door on Day 1.
#2 They would not know how to do nor would WT Org allow them to do.🤷🏿♂️🤷🏻♀️
@@sparklecanada0112 Independent thought is something they're trained to think of as Satanic, and most of us were indoctrinated from infancy. They are warned not to seek higher ed, so most of them have no idea what a logical fallacy or confirmation bias is. They're not "stupid," they just never learned how to reason critically, or distrust, or give themselves permission to do so.
This is so true, you have to be brain dead to stay in it for years.
That was my dumb mom she had nothing JW all she had she didn’t want any peace love and success a poor dumb brainwashed JW they didn’t even care about her we never got a visit. As I got older we grew tho dislike each other I was fine with that as long as I got away from her. The energy was bad in that apt. She had the Bible but full of dysfunction and sadness in that apt 10 A. The worst people on this earth like racist
Well yeah, because "they" do the thinking for you...
My mom is heavily in on this religion and it’s sad honestly
This organization is truly disgusting. I really feel bad for them on judgment day. How dare they judge, and accuse people who no longer believe their twisted faith. This speech and actions that they put into the minds of the Sheeple are borderline criminal.
Yes, the witnesses think that being compared to sheep by the organization is a good and positive thing. That is not how the society sees them, however. The reality is, they are referred to sheep because sheep have no will of their own, that is relegated to the shepherd. Sheep are relatively dumb (mute) animals whose total reliance is on the shepherd to guide them, and if they have a tendency to stray from the fold, that is where the staff of the overseer or shepherd comes in, to steer them back to the path which the shepherd has them on.
Also the shepherd views them as assets for wool and meat while as the wolf is a lot less subtle on how he views the sheep.
If that's the case, then I vote that we 'lead' the 'sheep' to safety and 'lead' the 'shepherds' off of a "theocratic" cliff!😣😠👎🏻👎🏻
This visiting speaker doesn't look like a happy camper.
Definitely not one of The Happiest People on Earth!
He looks a bit robotic and fairly angry.
Being raised as a JW gave me anxiety and panic attack issues.
That's how they like you, and dependent on "the organization" for your salvation and self esteem. It is a wild run around and people are trapped, as if they enjoy it sometimes. They don't have to think for themselves.
Same here 😔
Same, I’m still stuck even though I’m 20.
sounds like a issyou, unless something specifically happened to you, being a JW should only be a major inconvenience at best if you disliked and didn't believe it in
@@wahooproductionsog I am not the only one saying this. Maybe you need to Wake Up.
Go to the elders because they are trained? I'm sorry, but they aren't. Trained by the GB to shred documents, maybe...
Elders are glorified idiots.
No credentials, diplomas, certificates, degrees, no higher education, nothing but their magazine ministry school...the p JWs are really taking their chances entrusting their families to little teens giving ten minute talks to grow up to sheep to shepherds under Governing old men without professional status. Most of us had to go through grueling hours of education and even now continuing hours to keep Licences, Credentials, everything updated and up to par...not WT sheep though. Nothing required. (Except knowledge of how to shun and shred documents in a shredder)
Trained by the GB to excuse and console and hide Perpetrators and Domestic Abusers and Shame and Blame and Intimidate Victims...yes😠😡👎🏻👎🏻.
But trained Advisors or Judges on all things human relationship...Nope Not One Iota!👎🏻👎🏻
Watching you explain the ways of the force of Jehovah brings back memories.
What a nightmare. My mother first took me to my first meeting when I was 4 years old.
I was only 4 but I can remember thinking there's something really wrong going on here.
But eventually they brainwashed me into believing in their B.S but eventually I saw through the lies.
Thank God I never was baptized or half my family wouldn't be able to talk to me.
JEHOVAH WITNESSES are trained to shun worldly people so they are really good at it.
I literally can not stand that religion and I feel for people that are tricked by this cult.
I’m actually working on getting my mother to open her eyes and leave it too. Nothing good comes out of it. I studied way back when, but l woke up and stopped.
Did you try showing her these videos and did she say something along the lines like, “This is just Satan trying to confuse you.” Or my favorite “Youre supposed to teach your children this when you’re young.” I’m working on waking up my mother too before it’s too late, we haven’t gone to the meeting together or conventions in years but she still holds strongly that Jehovah is the one true God, but I don’t believe in this religion anymore
@@ProtectTheSasqutches Hi there, I actually did get my mother out. She’s been out for months now. I’ve been showing her videos of ex Jehovah’s witnesses who went through horrific situations. (i.e. being molested by the elders) Finally, she woke up. Thank you Jesus. We now attend a Christian church near us and we plan to get baptized to become Born again. As the Bible says, the only way into heaven is to be born again. Thank you for your reply and l wish you the very best in our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏🏻♥️
Wow, just thinking about how my ex wife views me if she hears these broadcasts after leaving me and unscripturally divorcing me when I woke up, I just feel sorry for her. She lost a good free thinking man because of these cult thoughts. Now she can't have "privileges" in the congregation or marry the new guy at the hall that she quickly fell in love with... she's gonna have a rough future
Mine did the same thing. Because I told her she's in a cult. Her loss. No "scriptural grounds" either.
These people are afraid of what other people think and can't think for themselves.
@@lulubellers same. I used the firehose method of trying to wake her up which never works. She just shut down and ghosted me for 3 more years and then left after I couldn't handle being soft shunned by my own wife in my own house. God dang cult...
@@kevinmoyer6224 the fire hose method 😆 me too I gave her both barrels about all the things waking up witnesses find out about. The thing with her is she's best friends with the elders wives so no punishment for her. Which proves even more that they're a bunch of phonies.
@@lulubellers well im sorry you had to go through that. We can't let a cult end our lives though. We continue going and growing. Be strong 💪 nice to meet you
@@kevinmoyer6224 yea same here. I feel sorry for them because they don't know what apostates do. They don't understand scripture, nor are the Christians. My dad, who's in his 80's tried to get me back in....
I said I will not follow men. He said back "I'm not following men". I just went "oh".
It's pointless to explain...they won't listen.
I believe they need their own personal 'armageddon' so to speak, or they will not wake up.
I have Jehovah's witness neighbors and I can assure you they are not nice.
They're self-righteous, judgmental goats!
Most JWs(not all but most) are Covert/Overt Narcissists.
Narcissists are Never truly "nice".
(The Covert Ones especially) they always have ulterior motives whenever they do manage to fake being "nice".
My bio sis had a fence German shepherd but sure Intrude on souls in 2 or 3 together. Very deceptive and not transparent.
My girlfriends grandma is a JW and she’s lovely. She’s just mislead
The only JW I ever knew I liked but she got disfellowshipped for promiscuity, which is why I liked her.
I studied with them for a while back in the 90s. Their 3 main books were the Revelation book, the Paradise book and the Greatest Man Whoever Lived book. I never became a JW but I sure did believe what I was reading. I heard a sermon by Walter Martin that flipped me. These people need to be prayed for
What was the sermon about? I’m an exjw (born in, baptized and left as an adult) so I find it interesting to see what it is that keeps people from joining. I left because I had children and found out about the abuse cases.
YES! Walter Martin!! The BEST! I listened to him back in the 70’s after I was trying to grieve my lost family and put my life back together. If not for my dear Sister and hearing Walter Martin, I would have died. They both saved my life!❤❤❤
@@bethany45101 How the JWs do not believe in the Diety of Christ among other things. There is a really good book written by a former member of the governing body of JWs (his last name is Franz) and he talks about how they made up things to fit their doctrine, specifially the generation of 1914 and other so called predictions they made that did not come to pass as well as shunning. Here is link to the sermon for Walter Martin (he also has a good book called "the Kingdom of the Cults") I found on TH-cam:
@@christinesotelo7655 Sorry for your loss. It is always good that we turn to God in times of sorrow. I lost my daughter 2 years ago and I frequently listened to John Barnett. He has a TH-cam channel called DTBM. Highly recommended!!
The late Walter Martin wrote “Kingdom of the Cults” which is an excellent reference work.
I actually enjoyed listening to their comments, the realisation of their tactics and fear mongering is quite refreshing once you understand the nature of the game.
I too was amused by their comments how STAGED and ROBOTIC they were… truly amazingly SAD !!!
Sick mofos shyt separates family household became dysfunctional energy was bad it was hard to function in school. No love in my household bitch was a fanatic sad she didn’t comprehend the bs cause she only had a 4 th grade education. Religion did nothing to help her elevate or rise to the top.
Greetings skilled warrior against Jehovah. There's no doubt about it - they love to load their language. I just faded into the brain coral.
We owe it to God and ourselves to RESEARCH and test the tenets we build our lives upon. I thank my Lord Jesus Christ every day he led me out of that cult and gave me freedom! Praying my family wakes up. They've been shunning me for 7 years.
my mom always says "Blind faith is no faith. Know why you believe what you believe"
Ha ha I tested one who was testing me... She failed.
You sound like a cult member still
Thank you for some fresh material for my local Jehovah's Witness Relocation Program. I've spent the last couple of months making things VERY awkward for the JWs who set up at the entrance to my local park. My personal record for getting them to scram is two minutes! Just trying to keep my community safe from an anti-gay apocalypse cult 😊
Thank you for your service!
Yes! Thank you! I’d love to know more! I don’t really know what to do. I posted a flyer about the upcoming Oct 31st Rally in WA DC but someone keeps tearing it down so I keep putting it up...
More importantly from the false teachings.
@@christinesotelo7655 I have found that asking them directly about the Faithful Slaves works well - especially if you are recording yourself while doing so 😉
@@christinesotelo7655 where do you post them?
Do you know specifically that it is JWs removing them?
Could it be a Bi-Law concern about posting flyers?
Not criticising, just attempting to help you by means of finding the root cause and get resolution.
I support your efforts wholeheartedly.
Information is Power and More Power To You.🤝🏻💪
Geez. What is the problem? If you leave, it’s no more a big deal than not showing up at a Moose Lodge. What is the problem with CHOICE and RESTING from Watchtower exhaustion and thinking in another direction? WHY are they so afraid? SKILLED WARRIORS?!? BS! We simply don’t agree with the Governing Body! 😂
No, every morning I eat raw eggs and beat up sides of beef while Rocky theme blasts in the background just so I can be ready to share Old Light should a JW show up on my door.
Esatto non siamo d'accordo con i regolamenti giudiziari della wachtover, che pur di mantenere pulito il suo nome protegge i pedofili ,e divide le famiglie usando il nome di Dio come copertura ,fa affari con il mondo di satana e si prefigura come un angelo di luce ,tutto falso e ingannevole .da l'italia.
I take it further.
Why is it such a BIG DEAL to WT and JWs, what a person believes/does or doesn't believe/does?🤔🤔
Why is it any of their Personal Concern or Business?
If nothing else, It smacks of both Narcissism and Intrusiveness.
To assume that , Anyone holds the "Right" to impose their own standards and expectations upon others just because they are told by a group of human males that they are to do so and are in every way "superior to others not of that belief system and labelled group"?
It's not only narcissistic, but also hypocritical.
WT/JWs never ever accept that behaviour or attitude from Non-JWs.
They would never ever change their behaviours or beliefs just on someone not-JW saying they have to or that those not-JWs are superior because God(Any specific Leader or Figurehead) said so.
Where does WT Org or JWs get off assuming that They have value and validity, just because they say they do; But Others, do not have value or validity...Because WT/JWs say they don't?🤔🤔😠😡🤦🏻♀️🤦🏾♂️👎🏻👎🏻
WT/JWs like to attach negative labels to and name call anyone that is unaccepting or debates their expectations. They perceive that as acceptable and applaudable.
Yet, If Anyone who is not JW, questions WT teachings and exposes WT is then assumed as being "Unacceptable/ Apostate Lies/Religious Persecution..."etc...🤷🏿♂️🤷🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏾♂️
@@csrencz6942 Hahaha! That’s great!♥️
I got tricked into going to a kingdom hall by a schoolmate when I was 9. All they did was read their meeting minutes from last week. They didnt have any sermon, either based on the Bible or based on their magazine. It was truly bizarre.
@18:00 I was there! I wasn't a protestor, but a PIMO witness and saw the whole thing. I spent the lunch breaks trying to encourage the protestors subtly and reading their signs. They're the reason I found the online exJW communities that ended up being an incredible help to me. They were also all very nice and VERY patient. Absolute legends, I hope to join them one day!
Not being allowed to ask questions - with anything - is the biggest red flag going.
I'm an apostate \^o^/ and very happy !
Same here. Congratulations on freeing your mind! 👍
I guess I’m an apostate as well, fuck Jehovahs Witnesses for destroying families
My daughter in law tried to get my son to be one. He was un alived in an auto accident in Feb. I am relieved knowing he's with Jesus and away from those fake people with a fake religion.
He is not with Jesus. He is dead and gone to the same place he was before he was born. Nowhere, Nothingness. You reject one delusional cult but then affirm another delusion? Imagine believing a jew who lived 2000 years ago is your savior and salvation. Brainwashed delusion.
Stay strong and well always with all your going through.
All religion is fake mam. The bible itself is filled with its own vile notions and actions. It is also religion that makes people behave like this as Atheists and agnostics are just people with common decency in spite of needing a book to keep their morals in check.
One can argue, are many people followers just because they want brownie points for heaven but on their own theyd be horrible people? most definitely. People are the only beings that can comprehend death, and people fear it, and find ways to make it seem less cold and dark, thus religion fills that gab. But humanity doesnt know what happens after death and it wont really except the idea that after this life, thats it. Better a sweet lie than the bitter truth i suppose.
All religion is fake. How are there, and have previously been literally thousands of gods, each one being the ONLY one to exist?
It just doesn't make sense. This is why the majority of wars have difference of religions belief roots.Think about it.
You have a clear understanding of what is really happening and a clear voice to go with it kuddos
Guy, I must say you have killed this video! It's one of the best I've seen and you nailed every aspect of this S & M organization! I must say though just listening to them spilling the same old brainwashing garbage made me nauseous!
I was never JW, but the superiority complex of having the "right" religious sect that wasn't "influenced by Satan" seem to be common across religions.
Not a Satanic person, but most fail to realize that this blob creates the other blob and vs. versa
When I saw “Loyalty to Jehovah” as the title, I was disappointed that Brother Brown didn’t take the stage.
So they are telling Witnesses to not Google their own religion. 8:14
What kills me is: Show me the.lies the apostates tell. No facts. You are a liar just because I say so. What is my proof? I cannot believe JW cannot see this.
This shows how scared they are that the TRUTH may come to light.
It's absolutely true!!! The JW organization would never lie. It would never say anything false like"Many now living will never die" or "We are just out in the neighborhood spreading the good news" when they are actually looking to convert people.
JWs made mistakes but it does not mean that GOD does not accept his people who made mistakes and fixed them, Guess what happened to the congregations in Rev 2 & 3 and they made many mistakes, and after fixing them guess what, they were still GOD's people
@@Mr.DC3.1914 Sounds like you're a certified GB Kool aid guzzler. If you wanna be led around by the nose by a bunch of guys who are always changing the game...go for it. Let them rule your life. But think about all the times the GB and those wise guys that led this organization before them. All the changes and adjustments to doctrine they have made the past 100 years. If God was really in charge of this group there would be non of this nonsense. Where in the Bible does God give any of his people or prophets incorrect leadership and later backtracks...that answer would be never. What God says is accurate the first time. No backtracking or reformulating predictions. If the GB was truly God the would be accurate about all things 100% of the time.
It’s one thing to make a mistake but the scriptures make it very plain that making that mistake over and over again is condemned as the “practice of sin.” You need to look at the events taking place in the state of Pennsylvania where over 15 JW elders and other witness men have been found guilty of child sex abuse… some of them having molested kids for decades. Reporting such perverts to the proper authorities is strongly discouraged which has allowed these men to move around at will to different congregations without being reported to police. Look up the 2015 Australian Royal Commission and watch how Watchtower elders answered the inquiries of a real judicial committee. Watchtower mocked the Catholic Church for decades about their pedophile problem whilst knowing perfectly well they had one of their own!!
Want to talk about God using people who make mistakes? Read your Bible…. read about the nation of Israel and how God dealt with their heinous “mistakes.” My Kingdom Hall had a wife swapping club.. the presiding elder’s daughters were involved. He never lost his position, went on to cover over other outrageous BS for decades. I knew of extortion, infidelity, wife battering some of it by elders. God must be blind. Did his Holy Spirit appoint those elders? This disgusting crap went on for years and nobody was ever disfellowshipped. Watchtower investigated. Guess who they investigated? The people who complained about the wrongdoers. What a wonderful religion…
I left in 1996, dont really keep up with them anymore. But thank you for your continued content.
This reminds me, my mother has a New World Translation (2013 Revision) that she says she doesn't want... I'm thinking of taking it to a JW meeting hall, with a note in Duetoronony 18:22. (No one in my family has any interest in joining the cult, my parents got the bible from a JW elder for some reason).
nah,, use it next time your camping outside, it creates green flames btw :D
I had quite a Watchtower library back in the day. Did everything on eBay for like $600. Bought drugs with the money.
I don't do drugs, and I never want to go camping... But at least with my idea there's a chance that someone in the origination will be woken up. All the ideas here not so much.
@@thrivingexjw2061 I threw all of my WT Propaganda into my appartment's garbage incinerator.
It took 13 yrs to acquire the books and an hr of effort to dispose of.
Best hour of my life!👌🏼👍👍
Too bad that I hadn't Incinerated that blue "Truth" book when I got it in 1978!😣😣I could have spared myself 13 yrs of Direct torture and 44 yrs of Mental Anguish being connected to Someone Else duped in that Cult.💔🤦🏻♀️🤦🏾♂️😣
Incredibly disturbing is correct 😮
If anyone in my old congregation can beat me in a street fight then I'll rejoin them.
That is the best way to decide that, holy shit.
Stephen Lett said little babies are little enemies of God. Does that mean babies are born apostates?
Those meetings week after week? It's mind numbing.
It’s a system of intellectual suffocation… stifles normal human curiosity, preaches that higher education is from the devil and not recommended for Christians, discourages interest in careers in music and art even if a person has talent in these areas. The religion demonizes everything outside of its narrow confines as works of the devil. Those meetings are boring for a reason… indoctrination works like the slow dripping of water.. constant repetition of the same old things over and over and over renders a person numb. You can miss a whole year of Watchtower meetings, go back and it will be the same format, the same “information”, the same boring suffocating drone.
If they aren't handling snakes or sending all their money to the pastor so they can get wealthy, they aren't really christian.
Apparently 😂😂
75 % dont attend any meetings now only on zoom, i know of a kh that sent 60 chairs to a furniture auction without replacing them
It's interesting that you would say that. A couple of months ago, during the reporting on the regional assemblies and the low attendance relative to when I was growing up, I decided to do some figuring. The Society says that there are approximately eight million active witnesses. Yet, taking into account the virtually empty stadiums and arenas for the assemblies and the equally-empty Kingdom Halls, and prorating that, the actual number of active witnesses is probably closer to two million, which would reflect the seventy-five per cent deficit to which you allude. If my figuring is in any way accurate, that would mean that the organization is now where it was when I was born into it during the late seventies in terms of active witnesses-a net flattening in forty-three years!
So much for the Society telling Jehovah's witnesses to 'exert themselves vigorously' in the service! They've followed that "counsel" from the Theocratic organization for what is now seen to be no return on their investment.
The ones for whom I actually feel sorry are those who were active witnesses during the late seventies and remain so today but are now coming to the hard realization that they have invested themselves-physically, mentally, emotionally and, dare I say, economically-in vain. It's forty-three years later and, still "the accomplished end is not yet" and, realistically, there are only about as many active witnesses now as there were then. And many of them had already lived to tell about what happened-or, more accurately, didn't happen-only five years before that. They're the ones currently caught between the rock of 'exerting themselves vigorously' in the service of hollow promises and the hard place of doing so in an organization which itself is in veritable decline and shambles.
@@thomash.schwed3662 You are talking about my staunch JW spouse.
Came into the "Truth" in 1979 and still gobbling up that Cult Propaganda like it's Candy or Live Forever Vitamins!🤦🏻♀️🤦🏾♂️
I came in 1978. I left 1989. I learned the "Live Forever Vitamins" were actually stale, 19th Century "Black Licorice"!👎🏻👎🏻🤢🤢☠💀😝😝
Wow I know they embraced tablets and technology which only kills attendance. So maybe my parents are the only ones in attendance.
It's sad that apostates and JW members never got a chance to hear the true gospel and many people who leave the organization just turns to either atheists, deist or agnostics.
(From a christian perspective)
Yes...this is insanity!!!
@2:48 lol dammit Panda, gimmie a trigger warning next time. Those songs still give me brain fog 😂
I just discovered this TH-camr just now master Magog. 😇
All meetings were an hour when I was there in the 1980s:
Two 1 hour meetings (Public Talk/Watchtower Study) on Sunday.
Tuesday was Study group at someone's house for a minimum of an hour.
Thursday was for publishers and above to hand in their slips and for children in that group to deliver 10 min talks. I think that one was an hour but everyone came early to stand around and chat.
What's happening now sounds much more mechanised with that creepy Q&A format. The brainwashing must be intense *shudder*
In the 70's 80's we had A Tuesday night book study at an Elders house, at the Hall there was a 2 hour Thursday night ministry school, and a 2 hour Sunday meeting, 1 hour for the public talk followed by a 1 hour watchtower study. 😢 the 60's there was a 15 minute intermission on Sunday. They would often go overtime on the Watchtower study..... 😢 it was AWFUL‼️ 😢
Yes. I recall the many meetings a week and how hard it was on little kids
So awful, it was not living...
Under the guise of ‘Religion’ many unbiblical lies are told and taken on as The Truth. Given the state of the world in general
today I think people are taken in by seeming sincerity and decency. At first it seems refreshing. I was a JW for some years and
honestly did not understand a great deal of the dogma. Looking back, I can see how we were all sold something man-made &
we all toed the line, it’s just how it was. Meeting several times a week, a bit of a close Community ( with gossip ). Not all bad,
but definitely not what it purports to be. Their Bible contains falsehoods and has had things added & taken out. Not written or
translated by erudite Hebrew and Greek Scholars as you think but by amateurs in that field. Many, many are leaving the faith
plus they have an appalling record when it comes to paedophile activity in their midst. I have seen on YT Elders caught lying
in Court ( by decent and polite Lawyers ).
Omg the “blackmail” is so true ..the girl who told on me was in love with the guy I was with
I have some questions for the people who were jw (I was raised as a catholic) : as you were taught to fear everyone who is not a jw, how did you feel when you were preaching, knocking at doors ?
I imagine that entering any house of an enemy of jehovah had to be absolutely terrifying ; am I wrong? Or were you mostly proud to be able to vanquish the fear ?
And did you ever consider that the organisation was responsible, and therefore merciless, for sending you to war in such a dangerous territory ?
I would very much appreciate, if someone helps me to understand how it felt
@biale190 yes I agree with you! I ate a lot of aluminum screen here in Arkansas. I dreaded going out in service! 👍🐦
@@juliemcalister2557 thanks for answering me ; I’m sorry that you had to endure that kind of torture
We werent taught to fear them exactly. But we viewed them as “worldly” and ourselves as “gods true organization” so there was a sense of pride which alot of jw’s have. Going out to the ministry was just a feeling of getting these “worldly” people to gods truth before they get destroyed
@@biale190 hey I have been thru a lotta bull with the fine and dandy elders! I had my fill of their man made rules! My brother and me would laugh our ass off when we would get home from "out in service"🤣 My brother Travis would say man I'm tired of this sheeeeeet! Let's go smoke a joint like our elders do! Baaaahaaaaaaaaa
@@ren.8137 thanks for answering ! I’m sincerely and strangely relieved, knowing that you would have despise me, rather than fear me haha
A girl with bluish streaked hair and jeans? No no no. I’d love to see the cartoon kids grow up to e Apostates.
The guy literally can't stop clenching his teeth while he's thinking about apostates 😆
Must be exciting reading an NWT Bible where only 6 High School Graduates translated Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic into a scholastic masterpiece!
Well, I must be a blind guider. I got banned by them. It took about 2 months of nearly converting a young guy with scripture and science. The poor kid was very confused. I never saw him again. I still remember with glee when I was told that they could no longer speak to me. I hope that I planted a seed in that boys mind to think critically.
These meetings of the magazine reading were so terribly boring like reading a telephone book and pretending it was exciting!😮
Isn’t there a saying that says a comedian can even make reading from a phone book funny?
And, to make matters even worse, they're now reading from actual telephones. As I recall, that fad started with Mark Sanderson, who reads from either a Tablet or an iPad whenever he's on the platform. It seems that the general attitude is: "If it's good enough for a member of the Governing Body, it's good enough for me!" To a certain extent, I understand that. After all, Nathan H. Knorr occasionally left his jacket unbuttoned when he was on the platform, including at international assemblies, and he was the president of the Society. In turn, I would leave my jacket unbuttoned when I was on the platform. It was more comfortable. (Of course, occasionally, he also refrained from using a lectern when delivering his discourses. But, that's one discussion I was not willing to have with the School servant.) However, I when I was assigned a Bible Reading in the Theocratic School, I always knew to read from my hard copy of the Bible and, when I was assigned as a reader, I always knew to read from the hard copy of the publication being used during the study.
This reading from an electronic device, particularly on the platform, to me, smacks of laziness. Besides, it wasn't that many years ago when the day's chairman at the Society's assemblies would instruct the delegates to turn off their electronic devices at the start of each session so as to not cause distractions from the program. The only appliances delegates would have on were tape recorders so they could go back and listen to the program again later.
Then again, you might be right: It just might be better to hear someone read from the telephone book for an hour than to hear someone give an hour talk on loyalty to the Society or a half-hour discussion on the same theme in the Congregation Book Study. If anything, the reader of the telephone book would at least be telling the truth!
and don't forget about all that highlighting and circling of stuff you figured was so important that you didn't want to forget.😉😉😂😂
I still get a faint dread whenever I see a yellow highlighter!😂😂🤣🤣
@@sparklecanada0112HA! So do I! The yellow highlighted Scriptures and the little index colored tabs so you could whip out a Scripture answer real fast! We’re so incredibly funny!
2:48 gave me back religious trauma, lol! You couldn't have done better! 😂
Edit: 4:13 what mother with dignity left this boy dressed like THIS, out in the wild? Speech or not, this is horrendous! 😮
Dude, your video wasn't only funny but also Awesome!! Very informative and thoughtful! I was in that Horrible religion for 18 years! My first 18 of course! But it was a total waste of time! Thank you so much for sharing this 😁!!
I went for years....never did get baptized.They end up feeling superior to outside people!
Baptism Into A Cult is not worth anything. It's all fake and based upon lies. So it is invalid and inconsequential to any expectations in one's life.
It's a bogus "Nothing Burger" as some people label things nowadays.🤷🏿♂️🤷🏻♀️
They also feel Superior to others within that Cult too; depending how you are "ranked" or what Gender you happen to be born as.
Also very true! They aren't learning love at all! @@sparklecanada0112
I went to my one and only meeting a few years ago in Seneca South Carolina. During what I would call Sunday School, we read out of some material, and there were questions at the end. Yet when people were called on to answer the questions, they just rephrase the answer that was already given in the booklet. I spoke up twice, wants to add something extra when they said like there were five things to consider on some topic. And the other time I answered in a way that was different than the answer given in the booklet. People looked at me like I had three heads. There was no actual discussion, just rephrasing the answers to seem like thought was going into it, not just blind obedience. Yet that's what it was. Another curious thing, I noticed that the only men with facial hair had moustaches. I commented that they must have something against having a beard, and the two men I was addressing that with told me that there was no such rule. That it was a personal choice. But I commented that that was kind of odd since beards are very popular now, and you could only find mustaches, yet you hardly ever see them anymore. I was invited that afternoon to eat with one of the elders at his home, and he had one of the local leaders also eat with us. So I asked him the same question about the facial hair, and he said that there actually was a rule to not have a beard. So the two brethren simply lied to me. But the meeting wasn't strange or crazy, it was just incredibly boring and and not thought-provoking in the least.
mr. panda does make a number of valid points in this summation. over the history of this religion millions have either been disfellowshipped or have disassociated. according to the pew study on religion, of all christian denominations, jehovah's witnesses have the least retention rate, they also have a very low education rate, and a low per capita income. the religion allows for themselves and then denies for others. yes, it is ok for you to apostasize from your faith system to be a part of theirs, but if you leave them, then there will be life consequences for doing so. there is no honorable way to leave the faith system of jehovah's witnesses. some. in leaving, are angry, yes. some lash out. but my sense is that most ex-anythings from belief systems are simply educating the public on what the public needs to know, at least i hope that's the case. when it comes to social security, welfare, medicare, fire, police, doctors, and religions like the salvation army, it is ironic that 'satan's system' is quick to be there for jehovah's witnesses. i have never seen a government check signed by jehovah.
"They are skilled warriors against Jehovah"
Panda Tower's avatar: 😁🐼
I was a Jehovah's Witness and I spent years of mind control, indoctrination, movilization....However, I am in Europe and there is one thing that annoys me, and that is that if you expose the JWs the media supports you all the way, but if you criticize a religion that is even worse than the JWs, Islam, you don't get any support and you are dismissed as a racist. I am sorry, apostates in Islam have to move from their neighborhoods here because Islam kills apostates or harasses them and family members are shunned for having left Islam. Even in "moderate" Muslim countries like Morocco you can end up in jail for things as stupid as "adultery", "apostasy", "blasphemy", "eating during Ramadan", etc. In others they simply kill you. Islam controls every aspect of Muslim's lives and terrifies them with the fear of a cruel, merciless hell and Muslim countries are the worst places for women. But ex Muslims don't receive as much support as ex JWs get
You're right. For as abusive and controlling JWs are, most sects or Islam are much, much worse
It's evil and demonic !
Its their evil invisible guys against your good invisible guys?
Everytime I hear the word Jehovah my mind goes to the old man about to be stoned dancing and kicking the sand going "Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah!" and John Cleese yelling "If you say Jehovah once more!!!" in Monty Python's "Life of Brian", it's like a loop. So could never become a Jehovah's witness. For many reasons, all better than this one.
Obey is the buzz word.
Not Obeying God but the WT.
The one thing that always stands out to me about JWs is how clean and manicured everyone and everything always is. It's like heaven on earth for germophobes.
I don’t like in That type of town.
“No one comes to the father, but by me.”- God the Son.
Amen, but the Watchtower is higher than Jesus and knows when the end is coming.
Once you challenge the faith it falls flat, Centralized power is corrupted. Jesus is currently being shunned by the Watchtower, he's lower than the Watchtower. Jesus plays a bigger role that they have censored to give the organization purpose.
@@furiahispanica3823 The purpose of the organization was to enrich its founder, CT Russell, and there is a lot of information about his “miracle wheat,” which sold for a dollar a pound and was promoted to grow “five times as much as any other wheat,” but government tests proved that it was a low yielding wheat, and that because Russell controlled 990 out of the $1000 capitalization of “the watchtower society,” all of the wheat sales were being funneled to him. When Russell began his organization in the 1800s, he was not a man with training in the Bible, but instead he was a man with an ax to grind….and he successfully ground it with Satan‘s help, to mislead people away from faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Between the Ocarina of Time music and intro about "what really happens at meetings" I had deja vu and thought it was AltWorldly's video for a second 😂 enjoyed the commentary!
In John 14:6 , Jesus said, *"I Am The Way, The Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me"* J.W's won't quote this verse because it turns attention from the G.B. to Jesus.
This religion is a nut case 😂😂🤦🏿♂️
That boring looking guy in the gray suit...
He gives me really creepy vibes. I don't know who he is and dont know him but he just doesnt feel right.
I can't detect any sincerity or genuineness in his tone or mannerisms. He is talking like a robot.
I feel sorry for JW children - I have seen a mother smack her baby, yes little baby in a pray, in the hall continually smacked to stop crying! I went along to see what the talk is about. it was enough to turn me off JW for ever. Quite happy with my born in religion that my family have been in for over 1,000 years. We have proper bible studies with critical thinking allowed and discussed. And no shunning, but love and compassion to each other.
What happened to the 2 witness rule when it comes to snitching on other members about JW related things? What happened to leaving it to Jehovah to sort out in the end?
All this means is "apostates" are winning.
And by the way, Jehovah means the governing body.
A Spirit filled, reborn person ,follower of Christ will never be rattled by anyone who critisize or persecute them.
Cause they have the truth.
If you truly believe in a cause nobody will be able to sow seeds of doubt.
You would also be able to satisfactorally and willingly be able to defend those beliefs.
Not reject any disagreements without discussion or consideration.
Not run off and hide while pushing your fingers into your ears and mumbling "la la la la apostate la la la!🎶🎶".
Your religion is just as imaginary as theirs. Born again is not a permanent state lots of ex believers.
3 worst nuts: J Witnesses, Scientologists and Mormons. 4th are 7 Day Adventists.
Plymouth brethren 5th
Dear ExJW: I am sad for the deceptions and manipulations you experienced, and I thank you for sharing your story and insights. And, just so you know, I'm a Catholic. No pressure, just an invitation; maybe someday you'll feel safe responding to a genuine invitation from the Lord. Best wishes.
2:52 i remember singing that part in a meeting one time i felt so disturbed about the "loyally obey"
Especially the talks on obedience....OMG. And while there are so many child abusers in that organization, imagine teaching your people to always obey those in authority, how absolutely insane.
"the elders are trained in determining whether or not it is a big deal" 😂😂
Therein lies the problem with the committee arrangement. Servants, particularly members of the committees, are instructed by the Society to refrain from determining guilt or innocence. As far as they're concerned, if there is merely a report of what the Society views as wrongdoing, the individual or individuals named are guilty, even if the report is false. Per the Society's instructions, the committee is to determine the degree of repentance, if any, so as to decide upon the punishment to be meted out, whether it be probation (also known as "reproof"-either private or public) with its restrictions or outright disfellowshipping.* In short, far from being the "loving provision" the Society claims it to be, the committee arrangement is a kangaroo court.
*"Probation" is the older term for what the Society now calls "reproof". I use the term "probation" because it more accurately describes the punishment.
In most matters( especially those based upon human relationships and/or marital or legal matters); Elders are NOT qualified or trained to give valid advice or pass judgements.
How can any random group of males without proper educational training or acquired legal authority determine the justice(or lack of) of a case or situation?
Such as is deemed where Sexual Assault of a Child or Adult or of Domestic Abuse is concerned?
With that form of determination, We might as well trust and seek the advice from a Janitor on Divorce Proceedings.🤷🏿♂️🤷🏻♀️
I don't know that I would really classify JW's as Christian, but not all Christians behave like this. We are not all this crazy and this is some crazy. They give people who just want to follow their own faith a bad name.
Jw are some sick people. I was scared to death to leave. It took some years but my sons followed and got out. Elders and CO tried mercilessly to turn my sons against me, even saying I was santanic. My sons saw through it and eventually left.
My oldest was MS,
Middle was a rebel lol, youngest on the way to MS.
We were called “pillars” in the cong. My sons futures looked bleak serving jehovah.
I’m proud to say that they are all doing well, we are healing, through hard work we are thriving.
My oldest is almost a firefighter, lost over 50 pounds, my middle son is IT, my baby is IT in Navy.
If you want to leave you can. It’s hard but staying is harder. You will lose your identity.
I agree I got away at 7 th grade yes JW are sick people. Moms turned on me we hated each other. I did all the right moves in life hs grad college grad police officer retired recently never any praised from her cause I wasn’t in that cult. My friends told me to try and make amends I tried I went to hug her the bitch pushed me away I sat in my car and said fcuk her never again. Religion don’t teach hate
I get the impression that their interpretation of scripture is very fragile and they are terrified of actual Christian doctrine
It’s all a facade
If you DARE to question any policy and procedure, you’re dunno’ed
With the sick disfellowship
Bunch of rapist and sex abusers