Twins are determined by the female, not the male. Identical twins are miracles. One egg splitting making two babies. Fraternal twins are two separate eggs and is hereditary.... from mom, maternal grandmother, great grandmother, great great grandmother.... and so on. My sister had the largest fraternal twins born in central Ohio. 8lb 12oz each. Girl/Boy. I am a genealogist and the twins along the maternal female line in my family is amazing. I have documented them back to the early 1800's. It never ceases to amaze me! Congratulations!
@@2sistersjunkjournals In my family, my Paternal grandmother had identical twins and then I gave birth to 2 sets of fraternal twins. One set passed away and the other one, 1 of the twins passed away. Then my oldest daughter had a set of identical twins. Has not passed a generation in over 80 years.
Congratulations! I'm so excited and shocked at the same time. I can't believe this is the first set of twins out of the grandchildren. And they will be the first girl twins out of the family! So exciting. 🩷🩷 Congratulations!
I have twins. It's so special and exciting. Katie, I met you at a wedding several years ago, I think my sis in laws wedding or my niece's (from Royal View, I'm the Henrys' sister in law). You and your parents were so compassionate listening to our story of our daughter who was diagnosed deaf then diagnosed with a terminal disease. (PS she is almost 11 now and very healthy). I got choked up and you were all just so incredibly kind. So happy for you to have twins. You are such a sweet person.
Thats so exciting! Congrats I'll be praying for you guys. It was also really nice to see the Fam we don't see much of. Joe, John, Abbey, Kendra, hope there well. Always good to see Jim Bob and Michelle. And the Seedwalds! Blessings!
Jed and Katy congratulations on twin girls! I hope and pray you have an easy pregnancy! We really miss seeing your family clips regularly on TH-cam i know it must be so much work getting videos out
Did James come up with the idea of losing the first balloon and then coming out with two??! Loved the surprise and everyone’s reactions. You are so blessed.. especially with all the help you will have from your family! Congratulations!
That's sweet! I love it! What a cool experience. A thumbs up 👍🏾 how precious. I love that they are a big family. That's a lot of love. That was perfection with the balloons.
I love that you kept it a surprise until the reveal! So cool! And your reaction showed that you truly didn’t care if you had girls, boys, or one of each, just excited to know. And of course that’s how it always should be but that’s not always the case! Do you know if they’re identical or fraternal?
I have identical twin sisters, they are 51, six years younger than me. I also have twins, a boy and a girl, who are 21. They arrived 3 months early so that was hard, but we made it. Congratulations on your bundles of love! 💗💗
why is it appropriate to comment on a woman's 'figure'--everyone is different. Maybe keep your thoughts to yourself and just say 'you look great!' For all you know, she could have an eating disorder or is starving herself...
Oh my goodness! Best twin reveal ever! Loved that single balloon flying away And everyone scratching their heads Then out comes the double baloons! So clever!
So special you are a twin and having twins!❤
Wow, first Duggar twin grandkids!!! Congratulations!!
Congratulations Jed & Katey!
Twins are determined by the female, not the male. Identical twins are miracles. One egg splitting making two babies. Fraternal twins are two separate eggs and is hereditary.... from mom, maternal grandmother, great grandmother, great great grandmother.... and so on. My sister had the largest fraternal twins born in central Ohio. 8lb 12oz each. Girl/Boy. I am a genealogist and the twins along the maternal female line in my family is amazing. I have documented them back to the early 1800's. It never ceases to amaze me! Congratulations!
@@2sistersjunkjournals In my family, my Paternal grandmother had identical twins and then I gave birth to 2 sets of fraternal twins. One set passed away and the other one, 1 of the twins passed away. Then my oldest daughter had a set of identical twins. Has not passed a generation in over 80 years.
The look on Michelle's face was amazing! Pure shock and a huge surprise. way to go family!
SO happy to see Jim Bob and Michelle!! I've missed them both!
@@Mia-qt4th me too🙁
Me 3 !! ☀️🐣🐣
Katey is just so beautiful! And so sweet. It really comes through on camera! Congrats you two!!
Congratulations! I'm so excited and shocked at the same time. I can't believe this is the first set of twins out of the grandchildren. And they will be the first girl twins out of the family! So exciting. 🩷🩷 Congratulations!
Congratulations, Jed and Katey on expecting twins
Oh my GOSH!! I am surprised and so happy for your little family that soon will grow by two beautiful baby girls!!!!. Congratulations!!!
that's a hugeeeee family. it's beautiful how there are so many duggars having kids yet they are still excited with every new baby
The husband had nothing whatsoever to do with his wife becoming pregnant with twins. The tendency toward twins remains with the wife.
Awe...Congratulations Jed & Katey! So happy 4 u. What a great gender reveal🎉 Awesome thinking James! ❤ & God bless
A twin is having a twin. This is so cool. I'm so excited for y'all. 🎉
That's what happened with my twin nieces. Their dad is a twin
Oh my goodness!! So exciting!! Congratulations!! Love seeing you and all the family!🩷🩷
I have twins. It's so special and exciting. Katie, I met you at a wedding several years ago, I think my sis in laws wedding or my niece's (from Royal View, I'm the Henrys' sister in law). You and your parents were so compassionate listening to our story of our daughter who was diagnosed deaf then diagnosed with a terminal disease. (PS she is almost 11 now and very healthy). I got choked up and you were all just so incredibly kind. So happy for you to have twins. You are such a sweet person.
Absolutely precious! Congratulations ❤️❤️
Doubly blessed from God gifted with two precious souls. Congratulations. God love you all.
Congrats, 4 kids 3 and under, Wow! You will have your hands and hearts full. ❤
This is the first time a Duggar couple other than Jim Bob and Michelle is expecting a set of twins. Congratulations Jedidiah and Katey,
Plus Jedediah is also a twin. I had a feeling that one of the Duggar kids would end up with twins.
Well, he’s a twin so. Haha obvi ❤❤
I was wondering which Duggar or Bates coupe would have multiples first. Here they are 🎉
My dad was a twin my mom was a triplet
@@sprousehouse100The twins have to be on the female side to increase chances. A males sperm can not make the female drop two eggs.
HOW EXCITING!! Yes I am screaming with joy for you two. CONGRATULATIONS.
Congratulations 🩷🩷 I have Identical Twin Daughters and Identical Twin Grandaughters 💕 How exciting for you!!
As an identical twin myself, I am so thrilled for y'all! Congratulations!!!
Thats so exciting! Congrats I'll be praying for you guys. It was also really nice to see the Fam we don't see much of. Joe, John, Abbey, Kendra, hope there well. Always good to see Jim Bob and Michelle. And the Seedwalds! Blessings!
Thank you for sharing your exciting news! What a double blessing! I'm so happy for all of you! 🙏❤️
Gosh Truitt looks just like dad. Congratulations on your beautiful baby girls 👧 💕 👧💕. Prayers for healthy mama and babies 👶 👶
So good to see so many faces from the family. Congratulations!
Congratulations you guys!! I prayed for twin girls. I had four children. Then was blessed with twin granddaughters they’re 9! 🥰 god is amazing!
Congratulations, please do more videos we miss seeing you all!
I loved Kateys gender reveal dress, she looked fabulous. Congratulations
This is incredible. So so happy for you ❤❤ What a Blessing 💝💝
Congratulations! 💗💗Thanks for sharing!
That is amazing my Dad is a twin and so far we have had eight twins in our family line.
As a twin mom congrats! Double the blessing ❤
Yeaaaa!! Couldn’t happen to a sweeter couple. Keep us updated. I have chills right now! 🎉🎉🎉
All Duggar babies are beautiful. I love how you all are family oriented. God continue blessing your family.
Congratulations on your twins so happy for y’all 🎉 praying for your family and the new babies❤
I too had twin girls!!! After 4 boys! Congratulations! It is truly one of the biggest blessings!
Jed and Katy congratulations on twin girls! I hope and pray you have an easy pregnancy! We really miss seeing your family clips regularly on TH-cam i know it must be so much work getting videos out
aww congrats the first set of twins & first set of twin grandbabies.
How fun!!! Seeing so many of the family Duggar together!! Loved the get together!!!! ❤️
Congratulations!! So happy for the 2 of you!
So sweet! You will love having twins!! I am a twin and so was my dad! There are so many in our family! Fraternal twins run in families!!
Blessings! He will give you both wisdom and endurance! Teach them all of their Savior's love!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Congratulations on the double blessing! 🎉 🩷🩷
I just stumbled upon this video after watching Jana’s house tour and must I say it is GREAT seeing the Duggar family on camera again ❤
It’s not great to see kids being exploited still, but so many of the Duggars never got off camera and have been on TH-cam and social media for years
Way cool twin girls, so happy for y'all!! Glad to see to see your family!!
so much fun to watch along. Love this family and I loved watching along for many years now grow and grow. Wish your show was back on the air.
A double portion from the Lord ❤️❤️what a blessing congratulations!
Oh my goodness I’m so overjoyed for you guys….you’ll have 3 daughters close together 🎉. Praying for healthy pregnancy ❤
I remember having a feeling too. I was still so surprised when the tech told us there were two. It’s such a crazy thing but so fun.
Congratulations X 2!! what a beautiful family you have. 🩷🩷
I had 4 children 5 and under. They are 18, 16, 16, (boy fraternal twins) and 14 now. Congratulations!
I just love watching family like this. So much love is shown!
How exciting!!! Double congratulations!!! 🩷🩷
Twins was bound to happen at one point! Congratulations!
not really, unless they run on his wife's side of the family.
Congratulations!! So exciting! Good to see you all again 💕
I have 2 sets . Naturally. Congratulations 🎉🎉
Did James come up with the idea of losing the first balloon and then coming out with two??! Loved the surprise and everyone’s reactions. You are so blessed.. especially with all the help you will have from your family! Congratulations!
First set of twin grandduggars and first set of twin girls too. Wow congratulations. So special.
Jed you got the “cream of the crop” when it comes to Katey! She’s a dandy! Congratulations on the twins! You have such a beautiful family! ❤
Josie looks so grown up and beautiful!
I was thinking that also. Without the show I haven’t seen them in years !!! I miss it. 🌹
Oh yay!! Congratulations I can't wait to see these sweet new Duggar twins!! First set of Grand-Duggar twins!!
Congratulations. Lots of beautiful children you all have!
Wow! Exciting! Congratulations! Loved seeing the reactions of your family!
Congratulations!! 🎉
I'm a twin 63 yrs old and still live with my twin. Crazy.
Congratulations 🎊 ❤🧡💛💜💙💚💛🧡💜💙💚Wonderful news 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊
That's so great, Congratulations y'all. Please let us know when y'all have those precious babies
Congratulationsj Jed And Katie❤❤❤
She is such a natural beauty and the twin girls will have wonderful genetics.
Congratulations Jed & Katey. 😊
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you all, and God has doubly blessed you!
Congrats.wishing you the best days if your lives. Hectic but pure Bliss having littles
Are they identical? I’m so happy for you both. What a beautiful blessing.
Likely, as there was only one amniotic sac in the ultrasound pics.
Congrats and thank you so very much for sharing this with us who have watched you grow up! God bless you both!
Congratulations on twin girls. They both were in shock
I remember when Jackson was born he’s turned out so good and congrats on the twins guys!
As a mother of twin boys. I had a 6th sense when I was pregnant that I was having twins. Congrats! It was about time 🫶❤️
I had the same sense as well! So weird I knew something was either A)wrong or B)twins lol I had twin girls they are 6.5 months now
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉it’s so nice to see the family.
So happy & excited for you both!!❤
I can feel a bit of your excitement through the screen. Thrilling news.
That's sweet! I love it! What a cool experience. A thumbs up 👍🏾 how precious. I love that they are a big family. That's a lot of love. That was perfection with the balloons.
Congratulations!!! Twin girls, so happy for you all.
Their children are so adorable. Congratulations!
I have twin nephews. They are now 7. They are such blessings to our family. Such joys.
I love that you kept it a surprise until the reveal! So cool! And your reaction showed that you truly didn’t care if you had girls, boys, or one of each, just excited to know. And of course that’s how it always should be but that’s not always the case! Do you know if they’re identical or fraternal?
Congratulations! Mom Duggar's facial expression at 10:53 is priceless! 🤣
That is awesome!❤❤ Congratulations 🎉🎉
What a fun reveal! Congratulations! ❤
I am so excited for y'all! Congratulations!
That's so exciting. Congratulations!
Katey is so pretty! Congratulations 🩷🩷
Katey just makes pregnancy look good! Jed need I remind you if I don’t see this woman smiling? Katey we can’t wait!
I have identical twin sisters, they are 51, six years younger than me. I also have twins, a boy and a girl, who are 21. They arrived 3 months early so that was hard, but we made it. Congratulations on your bundles of love! 💗💗
What a blessing that your twins are with us !!! Blessings from California ! 🌺☀️
Oh my word!!! Congratulations!!!❤❤
Congratulations, how exciting! Katey you're glowing and your figure is insane after having 2 babies so close in age !
why is it appropriate to comment on a woman's 'figure'--everyone is different. Maybe keep your thoughts to yourself and just say 'you look great!' For all you know, she could have an eating disorder or is starving herself...
So exciting! i love the posts you do and would love to see more. Love your family!
Congratulations! Praying for God’s blessing upon your family! 🫶🏼
Oh my goodness! Best twin reveal ever! Loved that single balloon flying away And everyone scratching their heads Then out comes the double baloons! So clever!