@@ogaimon3380 same ahah, he knows how to play every situations he knows his numbers and he has the insta combos sculpted into his muscle memory, i swear this guy moves his fingers while sleeping doing some Qiyana combos
Here some tips and guide for Qiyana’s combos and gameplay for those who want. To give you the want to read it, I precise that I’m not master and won’t give you my rank but I’m high elo (no it’s not platinium) and I played about 100games of Qiyana after the first video of MidBeast on this player and watched around 20 Qiyana games of the stream of our Chinese player, so I think my analyze of the champ can be profitable for many of you. Please don’t mind me about grammatical faults, I know there will be a lot but English is not my mother language ! So if we start with items and Mythic, Eclipse is really good on Qi, the stats and the passive synergize very well but the item give you 0 haste and you absolutely want to reach at least 40 haste with Qi to got 30%cdr asap. Why so much cdr ? Because the things that will make you a better Qi than the others one is to not only play her to “burst the carry and die”. You can see at 13:20 how much cdr is important to make the difference with Qi and be almost perma invisible. So we have the duskblade that also work well on Qi and give you extra haste with the Mythic passive and it’s really good in fights, getting the 1sec invisibility to temporize your W cd and make some tempo in fights. So why does he go for Prowler’s claw instead? The claws got buffed 2-4 patchs ago with the haste up to 20, so with the cdr boots you can reach 40 haste really fast in the game and it will be enough in early/mid game. + the item is really strong for the burst of the champ, 21 lethality is a lot, and with the Mythic passiv you will reach 21 + 23 with Youmuu’s Ghostblade or Serpent Fangs. So 51 Lethality with the lethality rune and this with only 2 items. And with that, at the moment, it’s just more powerfull to have better burst with Prowler’s claw than palying with the duskblade haste and tempo. You will want to reach a third lethality after but the first question is Youmuu’s or Serpent Fangs in second ? You will have to adapt in your games. Serpents Fangs is really strong when the ennemie’s team got a shield support like lulu or janna, adc with barrier or like the ult shield from Kai’sa which is played a lot atm. Youmuu’s will almost always be a better choice but for almost the sames aggressives stats it cost 400gold + and that’s a lot. You will often have situations where you will have enough to build Serpent Fangs and not Youmuu’s. Assassin need to snowball and keep their snowball so you will have to complete Serpent Fangs if you don’t have enough for Youmuu’s at your back. But if you got money to complete it like in this video where he got 1400 gold at his back, take Youmuu’s because it will alloy you to roam more efficiently and roaming is super important with Qi. So what’s third item ? Serpent if it’s needed with shields, but keep in mind that in fight you will have to flank, and the edge of the night is a must have for late because it will alloy you to go in easier and lend a good ult. Especially when there is some supports like Tresh in the enemy time that will try to cc you when he will see you trying to flank his carrys. Back to some maths, consider that Claw + Serpent + Youmuu’s will give you with the lethality rune, 74 lethality. 66 with Claw + Youmuu’s + edge of the night for example. And that is huge, because if will allow you to make true dmg on the enemy carry that have not built some Armor, and even if the enemy top got 100armor at this point, dmg him like he got 26armor will grant you huge dmg. You will want to run the Serylda’s Grudge which is a really good item, but it got a problem, it costs too much. You can complete it as your 4th item but you will have to consider in a lot of games, that in terms of burst, building a Serrated Dark after your 2 core items then a Last whisper at 1400gold and then finish your edge of the night for example, will give you more than building edge of the night 3rd and Serylda’s 4th. Mix the way to build it, if the enemy team got like at least 3 squishys with only tabi boots as armor you can go full letha and not even build the Serylda’s 4th but a 4th Lethality item. Also consider that in late Qi with for exemple Claw + Youmuu’s + Edge + Serylda’s will down the armor of a guy that got 130 armor to 15 armor. Yes Yes, 15 armor, so a mage that built Zonya and got 140 armor, it won’t even be enough for him to protect himself from you. + armor without hp is not that efficient. Serylda’s also grants you the 60 haste in late so almost the 40% cdr you want in late. If you don’t need the Serylda’s because like 4 squishys in the enemy team you can go for the Umbral which is good to remove ward when you will flank on late fights. That was for the itemization on Qi, our Chinese god Qi player always build like that and it’s the way I understand his itemization. About combos now, first, Prowler claw active is really good but as MidBeast said in this video, he always do shit with. Because it’s really not easy to put the Claw active in the middle of a burst. And a lot of times you don’t even need it. There is a lot of combos with the claw active, won’t list all of them this list is allready long enough haha. But you can use it in some really smart way, like if 1 enemy guy is on the lane and waiting for you to push the minions because he knows that you can’t just E on him, he’s out of range, and he knows he can’t duel you. You can use the Claw on minions like at 11:00 then have the range to E the guy. The Claw follow dashes so you can also E on a minion to Claw on the enemy, like on Ezreal and to follow him when he will dash out. Also, the Claw will make you dash behind the enemy guy like MidBeast say in this video. But your E won’t always make you dash in front of the enemy, it depends on the distance between you and the enemy, if you’re close to him you will be behind him and you can pass close walls for example if the enemy is close to it and you E him. To set up a good ult, notice that you can lend it while you’re dashing on the enemy with your E or even with your W, but it’s smoother with the E. But you can’t do that with the Claw dash, the ult will be lend after the dash. Also note that the ult DOESN’T ONLY proc CC and DMG on walls but also on water and bushes. You also have to consider that the Qi auto’s are really strong with her W magic dmg on autos and spells so sometimes if the guy you want to kill is not full squishy, use as much auto as you can before bursting him, as he did it at 5:05 on the heca. About the spells to up, notice that the E deals less dmg than an auto. That’s why he up the W. If there’s a lot of shishys on the enemy team, he will put a second point on his W then max E to up the burst. But on long fights, maxing W will grant you more dmg. Also Up the W won’t reduce his CD, that’s why you want a lot of cdr for perma invisibility. For the laning phase, you will have to learn to both have acceptable CS and Roaming, on difficult match up you can see on his games that sometimes he even miss 50 C.S to roam and get feed and make snowballing others lanes. Also don’t build corrupted potion but build like him with the sames runes as him. Let the enemy midlaner pushing your lane before lv3, cs under tower then try to kill him lv3 - lv4 like he do on 80% of his games. Biscuits will help you if you took dmg or miss mana to kill, and back when you can buy the serrated dark with 750gold which will grant you a huge powerspike and try to kill again or to roam. Also don’t forget to swap your trinket to red trinket, super important for roams ! There’s a lot more to say, but as you can see it’s already a lot, the best you can do is to understand these first things, practice them if you’re interested and then look more and more of his games on his stream :) to learn how he play, how he rotates, how he adapts, and how he combo. Hope that would have help some of you !
Sure www.huya.com/572329 It's in chinese but the trick here is that if he's not streaming, you will see the replay of his last session, and if you go on it with your smartphone you will be able to see what you want of the replay, whereas it don't work on pc I don't know why
While teammates talking **** to each other. He said: "Stop typing. I can carry this." While teammates talking about personal issues. He said: "No worries mates! I got this! Wait for me and do team fight!" Annnd we all know the end. I love his attitude.
@@et5174 were you that Thresh? 😭😂 No joke supports are way to much forgotten, as a "main" support I definitely know that support role doesn't get the respect it deserves, for me, I know I carry as a support when we ace enemy team as with 0 to 2 death in your team then when they try 4 (without support) vs 5 and get ace. They just feel too powerfull but forget who gives/get them that power.
To those who don't know Chinese, Morde was saying that his client was having issues which makes him constantly disconnect in game, so much so that he couldn't play a normal game. Client issues seems to be happening quite constantly in Chinese servers
She's arguably the hardest AD assassin to really play. She falls off really hard if you don't get a lead ahead. So one way it's understandable and rewarding for those who knows how to utilize her, it's like azir.
Ah... every assasin falls hard, but unlike zed for example, she can stilll provide Hard CC, and a lot of that. Plus she can still bait with invisibility and has a lot of mobility. I think she has been overtunned since release. Although yes, very high skill cap.
@@ricardf1857 she’s overturned if you’re technically efficient on her When I play her she’s completely balanced and you can’t base your assessment of Her on the average player because their is literally such a gap Between my casual qiyana play and her.
AD assasins fall off rly hard late game, but season 11 really saved them because of the new item. Before ss11 average assasin players can only go for 1 for 1 trades at the late game but now for example talon with the sustain build can easily engage and heal up to team fight longer.
@@epitaph20 yea but that's the difference. See someone like zed has huge poke potential and distance to escape with, with shadow play. While this champ requires you to fully devote 100% to get a kill leaving you vulnerable. Most AD assassin's have an ability or leash out of the fight. Realise how her only lead is bushes. But an enemy using a sweeper can easily counter it. She's a high risk high reward, as most assassin's can just jump out of a fight it's why they're popular and seen as usually "easy" but with her she's completely the opposite. She requires a lot of micro managing with timing her W and Q correctly and even selecting the correct one mid team fights. Like it's not as simple as it looks. Usually AD assassin's have simple skills and complicated engages. She has complicated skill sets and tough engages due to her being easily killable like all assassin's. If that was a wukong mid he would have struggled a lot more.
@@abdulkamara3316 I mean, what rank are you? This is Challenger on the Chinese super server, the Qiyanna's you're against won't be at the same level lol.
@@DeanKnox7 umm I think I have played too many games. Enough to see the patterns of a jg that's gonna force crab with 0 prio... after that all I see is ff anymore
At @11:30 he prowlers to the wave, then e’s. In a stream, he said that if you wanna gap close from a longer distance it’s safer to prowlers the wave because e guarantees that a q will hit. But the prowlers claw has a bit of a delay when you’re trying to cast your q so the enemy has a bit more time to react.
pretty impressive for the ppl in the comments to say that they can understand the combos in 0.25 speed, I had to download the video and watch it frame by frame
Honestly im so glad you started making videos on this player, I loved playing qiyana even after post-release nerf but fell out of it because i just couldnt grasp itemization. It truly is a treat to watch this guy play and play that well.
I am a hard otp Qiyana main, watching this guys playing Qiyana is not only satisfying, but I'm mecanically assembling more and more combos, that's what I like about him! Since i'm a main, I can see how ability and items actually are used in his combo, the distinctive thing about him is his creativity on using them and I'm keep on learning from it. Hope you're going to keep upload these, they're always a huge help for me
4:02 wait that's insane, how did he Q so quickly after his E without it auto-targeting towards the minion wtf? edit: Nevermind, if you E a non-champion target, it'll focus Q on whatever target your mouse is hovering. If you E a champion however, it prioritizes auto-targeting the champion when you E+Q.
Now that i think abt it, it feels like hes playing qiyana teamfights similar to an akali where u just shrouds and create confusion, but u have more options thru your mobility and different Qs
What really amazes me is how he’s pretty much calculated the damage he’s going to deal, you can see how confident he is with his damage that he can kill from full health while he’s low health.
@@patrickcooke577 Death's Dance avoid's 35% of physical dmg you gain and let it burn on you over 3 seconds. If u technically got oneshot 100 to 0 you still have 35% for 3 seconds and with shields (like riven) or healing (like pyke passive, Raahst passive) you can avoid dmg at all.
@@Otkalen but hecarim can press tab before ganking and realise she was strong, he got hit by everything, why tf would hecarim flame the mid laner whaaat? Ahaha ur mental bro
@@Ashes94 that wasn't about how strong she was, she just comboed way too fast. Nearly all qiyana players would've died in that situation. This dude is just on another level and moments like this showcase that.
This is not a video, this is a livestream as far as I know. I think the link to his stream is in the description of the last Qiyana video. He streams on Huya (Chinese Twitch) and I think that's where Midbeast is getting the games from
just a note on something mr midbeast said about struggling into tankier enemies when they get ahead, im M7 200 000 ish points on the champ and the way that i have found is the best way to play in that situation is to just spam grass enchant, something that most tanky fighters have in common is that their aoe abilities arre very predictable and easy to dodge (darius q, camille w, fiora w, tentacle woman q, etc etc) and all of these abilities have long cast time animations, bush enchant gives you the chance to take very one sided fights where they can only guess where you are in hopes of landing any damage
I learned (maybe it's too basic for everyone else, but wasn't not for me) that he always waits the colddown of the W before using the Q, so that he has two Qs
Been a qiyana main since her release, but this guy constantly invents new tiny optimizations for her that revolutionize the way she plays...what a legend
Just a small tip to everyone but make sure your camera is UNLOCKED when you do any Prowler + E combo on Qiyana. It is like spamming Irelia Q; it's impossible to accurately position your mouse if your camera is locked because it will be moving so fast as you dash around. It is shown really well in this video at 10:58.
My mom: Video games are senseless and easy to understand, even the clips. Stop clicking on that game is annoying! *Me watching this vid* My brain:◇●{●■~◇□}¤>○[~[□7☆■•[\{《■○•◇□8¤■\◇\♤□{¤■• My friend: ??????????????? My keyboard when i'm about to train in that champ: 💣 Midbeast:🤔 I didn't see that
After watching the past reviews on this guy I also couldn't resist, so I locked her in. Honestly I dont think I have ever enjoyed any champion like I enjoy playing her, when playing qiyana you are literally forced to pay attention to the enemies micro, because that's were the kills are. I'm probably not even average skilled with her but playing honestly increased my game awareness. All in all, she is a must play champion, sitting up there with Twisted Fate and Ryze.
The grass Q's really show that Qiyana is meant to be played patiently (5 head) while waiting for cooldowns (also it means that teamfighting in open spaces really sucks for Qiyana.) Also, he always W -- prowlers claw-- aa to further empower the autos. He chunked that kaisa for 1/3 hp with just that auto even though he missed the first grass Q lmao. I learned a lot from this vid. Time to limit test lol
pretty useful technique with prowlers i've learnt from this guy is if the enemy is not directly next to the wall but close to it and you e ult, you can immediately gap close while getting more ult damage off if you instantly prowlers before your full combo, ensuring maximum damage
I like how his mord kept complaining about the client and lagging while lee just flaming for no reason... and quiyanna just be like "Stop typing. Fuck"
When that Mord died fighting over blue AFTER Qiyana pinged him away... when half his team left him and Mord to kill baron and he died for it... I felt the tilt, and it's not even me playing. What strong mental, wow.
i watch those kills in 0.25speed and only that way i can understand the combos xD
same tbh this guy makr me not want to bother playing at all, it's like skill depression
@@ogaimon3380 same ahah, he knows how to play every situations he knows his numbers and he has the insta combos sculpted into his muscle memory, i swear this guy moves his fingers while sleeping doing some Qiyana combos
I watch it frame by frame and still don't get it
@@mahmoudbenzarti4534 look HUD
@@paologramatica9231 Boi, sometimes he using 2 skills at the same frame. the ping is limiting this guy not the cd :D
Here some tips and guide for Qiyana’s combos and gameplay for those who want.
To give you the want to read it, I precise that I’m not master and won’t give you my rank but I’m high elo (no it’s not platinium) and I played about 100games of Qiyana after the first video of MidBeast on this player and watched around 20 Qiyana games of the stream of our Chinese player, so I think my analyze of the champ can be profitable for many of you.
Please don’t mind me about grammatical faults, I know there will be a lot but English is not my mother language !
So if we start with items and Mythic, Eclipse is really good on Qi, the stats and the passive synergize very well but the item give you 0 haste and you absolutely want to reach at least 40 haste with Qi to got 30%cdr asap. Why so much cdr ? Because the things that will make you a better Qi than the others one is to not only play her to “burst the carry and die”. You can see at 13:20 how much cdr is important to make the difference with Qi and be almost perma invisible.
So we have the duskblade that also work well on Qi and give you extra haste with the Mythic passive and it’s really good in fights, getting the 1sec invisibility to temporize your W cd and make some tempo in fights.
So why does he go for Prowler’s claw instead? The claws got buffed 2-4 patchs ago with the haste up to 20, so with the cdr boots you can reach 40 haste really fast in the game and it will be enough in early/mid game. + the item is really strong for the burst of the champ, 21 lethality is a lot, and with the Mythic passiv you will reach 21 + 23 with Youmuu’s Ghostblade or Serpent Fangs. So 51 Lethality with the lethality rune and this with only 2 items. And with that, at the moment, it’s just more powerfull to have better burst with Prowler’s claw than palying with the duskblade haste and tempo.
You will want to reach a third lethality after but the first question is Youmuu’s or Serpent Fangs in second ? You will have to adapt in your games. Serpents Fangs is really strong when the ennemie’s team got a shield support like lulu or janna, adc with barrier or like the ult shield from Kai’sa which is played a lot atm. Youmuu’s will almost always be a better choice but for almost the sames aggressives stats it cost 400gold + and that’s a lot. You will often have situations where you will have enough to build Serpent Fangs and not Youmuu’s. Assassin need to snowball and keep their snowball so you will have to complete Serpent Fangs if you don’t have enough for Youmuu’s at your back. But if you got money to complete it like in this video where he got 1400 gold at his back, take Youmuu’s because it will alloy you to roam more efficiently and roaming is super important with Qi.
So what’s third item ? Serpent if it’s needed with shields, but keep in mind that in fight you will have to flank, and the edge of the night is a must have for late because it will alloy you to go in easier and lend a good ult. Especially when there is some supports like Tresh in the enemy time that will try to cc you when he will see you trying to flank his carrys.
Back to some maths, consider that Claw + Serpent + Youmuu’s will give you with the lethality rune, 74 lethality. 66 with Claw + Youmuu’s + edge of the night for example. And that is huge, because if will allow you to make true dmg on the enemy carry that have not built some Armor, and even if the enemy top got 100armor at this point, dmg him like he got 26armor will grant you huge dmg.
You will want to run the Serylda’s Grudge which is a really good item, but it got a problem, it costs too much. You can complete it as your 4th item but you will have to consider in a lot of games, that in terms of burst, building a Serrated Dark after your 2 core items then a Last whisper at 1400gold and then finish your edge of the night for example, will give you more than building edge of the night 3rd and Serylda’s 4th. Mix the way to build it, if the enemy team got like at least 3 squishys with only tabi boots as armor you can go full letha and not even build the Serylda’s 4th but a 4th Lethality item.
Also consider that in late Qi with for exemple Claw + Youmuu’s + Edge + Serylda’s will down the armor of a guy that got 130 armor to 15 armor. Yes Yes, 15 armor, so a mage that built Zonya and got 140 armor, it won’t even be enough for him to protect himself from you. + armor without hp is not that efficient.
Serylda’s also grants you the 60 haste in late so almost the 40% cdr you want in late. If you don’t need the Serylda’s because like 4 squishys in the enemy team you can go for the Umbral which is good to remove ward when you will flank on late fights.
That was for the itemization on Qi, our Chinese god Qi player always build like that and it’s the way I understand his itemization.
About combos now, first, Prowler claw active is really good but as MidBeast said in this video, he always do shit with. Because it’s really not easy to put the Claw active in the middle of a burst. And a lot of times you don’t even need it.
There is a lot of combos with the claw active, won’t list all of them this list is allready long enough haha. But you can use it in some really smart way, like if 1 enemy guy is on the lane and waiting for you to push the minions because he knows that you can’t just E on him, he’s out of range, and he knows he can’t duel you. You can use the Claw on minions like at 11:00 then have the range to E the guy. The Claw follow dashes so you can also E on a minion to Claw on the enemy, like on Ezreal and to follow him when he will dash out. Also, the Claw will make you dash behind the enemy guy like MidBeast say in this video. But your E won’t always make you dash in front of the enemy, it depends on the distance between you and the enemy, if you’re close to him you will be behind him and you can pass close walls for example if the enemy is close to it and you E him.
To set up a good ult, notice that you can lend it while you’re dashing on the enemy with your E or even with your W, but it’s smoother with the E. But you can’t do that with the Claw dash, the ult will be lend after the dash. Also note that the ult DOESN’T ONLY proc CC and DMG on walls but also on water and bushes.
You also have to consider that the Qi auto’s are really strong with her W magic dmg on autos and spells so sometimes if the guy you want to kill is not full squishy, use as much auto as you can before bursting him, as he did it at 5:05 on the heca. About the spells to up, notice that the E deals less dmg than an auto. That’s why he up the W. If there’s a lot of shishys on the enemy team, he will put a second point on his W then max E to up the burst. But on long fights, maxing W will grant you more dmg. Also Up the W won’t reduce his CD, that’s why you want a lot of cdr for perma invisibility.
For the laning phase, you will have to learn to both have acceptable CS and Roaming, on difficult match up you can see on his games that sometimes he even miss 50 C.S to roam and get feed and make snowballing others lanes. Also don’t build corrupted potion but build like him with the sames runes as him. Let the enemy midlaner pushing your lane before lv3, cs under tower then try to kill him lv3 - lv4 like he do on 80% of his games. Biscuits will help you if you took dmg or miss mana to kill, and back when you can buy the serrated dark with 750gold which will grant you a huge powerspike and try to kill again or to roam. Also don’t forget to swap your trinket to red trinket, super important for roams !
There’s a lot more to say, but as you can see it’s already a lot, the best you can do is to understand these first things, practice them if you’re interested and then look more and more of his games on his stream :) to learn how he play, how he rotates, how he adapts, and how he combo.
Hope that would have help some of you !
Whats the name of the qiana in this video? Nice guide that will help alot thanks
@@RenDem44 I don't know haha, unfortunately can't read chinese
It's in chinese but the trick here is that if he's not streaming, you will see the replay of his last session, and if you go on it with your smartphone you will be able to see what you want of the replay, whereas it don't work on pc I don't know why
god.. you with just 100 games know that much
anyways greatly explained man gj
@@RenDem44 His name is Dae (v.huya.com/u/2183525275) atleast this is the one from the previous videos
“aw she flashes his damage”
“she doesnt flash his damage” LMAOO
Look at all these replies
While teammates talking **** to each other. He said: "Stop typing. I can carry this."
While teammates talking about personal issues. He said: "No worries mates! I got this! Wait for me and do team fight!"
Annnd we all know the end. I love his attitude.
7:23 best play ive seen in my life
i liked 18:25 better tbh
That play is the poster child for the "Call an ambulance!" meme
Imagine solo carrying as a Qiyana againts tanks with your full team feeding
In chinese challenger....
And your team is basically full ad because morde is useless
Hey Dont forget about thresh and His insane hooks... give some love for supports
@@et5174 were you that Thresh? 😭😂
No joke supports are way to much forgotten, as a "main" support I definitely know that support role doesn't get the respect it deserves, for me, I know I carry as a support when we ace enemy team as with 0 to 2 death in your team then when they try 4 (without support) vs 5 and get ace. They just feel too powerfull but forget who gives/get them that power.
0:03 dopa will remember this drew..
Dopa feels betrayed now
*to watch*
Teacher: What sound does the donkey make?
Me: 4:46
thats actually funny haha
Funniest comment I've seen in a while
Absolute banger
To those who don't know Chinese, Morde was saying that his client was having issues which makes him constantly disconnect in game, so much so that he couldn't play a normal game. Client issues seems to be happening quite constantly in Chinese servers
5:10. Watch his mouse track. He used Q while his mouse was on top, and it never cames down to aim his Q. Script? It's obviously.
@@123456789santia you’re joking right? Qiyana E auto aims Q for her. Ima just assume you’re joking about the scripting part.
@@123456789santia lmao what
@@123456789santia Qiyana E makes her Q auto target.
EUW likes this!
More qiyana pls. It Is addictive
She's arguably the hardest AD assassin to really play. She falls off really hard if you don't get a lead ahead. So one way it's understandable and rewarding for those who knows how to utilize her, it's like azir.
Ah... every assasin falls hard, but unlike zed for example, she can stilll provide Hard CC, and a lot of that. Plus she can still bait with invisibility and has a lot of mobility. I think she has been overtunned since release. Although yes, very high skill cap.
@@ricardf1857 she’s overturned if you’re technically efficient on her
When I play her she’s completely balanced and you can’t base your assessment of
Her on the average player because their is literally such a gap
Between my casual qiyana play and her.
AD assasins fall off rly hard late game, but season 11 really saved them because of the new item. Before ss11 average assasin players can only go for 1 for 1 trades at the late game but now for example talon with the sustain build can easily engage and heal up to team fight longer.
@@6idangle yeah she is but most people will never feel that way never omce have i mey a qiyana and said shit that champ op even in master tier
@@epitaph20 yea but that's the difference. See someone like zed has huge poke potential and distance to escape with, with shadow play. While this champ requires you to fully devote 100% to get a kill leaving you vulnerable. Most AD assassin's have an ability or leash out of the fight. Realise how her only lead is bushes. But an enemy using a sweeper can easily counter it. She's a high risk high reward, as most assassin's can just jump out of a fight it's why they're popular and seen as usually "easy" but with her she's completely the opposite. She requires a lot of micro managing with timing her W and Q correctly and even selecting the correct one mid team fights. Like it's not as simple as it looks. Usually AD assassin's have simple skills and complicated engages. She has complicated skill sets and tough engages due to her being easily killable like all assassin's. If that was a wukong mid he would have struggled a lot more.
seeing this guy play Qiyanna makes me think she's the most broken character in the game but when I play against her she's no good
facts. NA Qiyanna's are mediocre.
@@abdulkamara3316 and EUW Qiyana's are too
@@abdulkamara3316 I play on euw and every single Qiyana just fails their combo lol
@@abdulkamara3316 I mean, what rank are you? This is Challenger on the Chinese super server, the Qiyanna's you're against won't be at the same level lol.
@@flashwithsymbols2779 good point XD
I didn't realize they had a lee sin jungle until 21 minutes xD
I didnt realise untill ur comment
How the fuck? There was 2 v 2 fight in 5th minute already
@@ogaimon3380 broooo same 🤣
His teammates are pain for my eyes. He must have insanely stable mental.
Only the complete psychos can feel no emotion during a team diff
@@doctordumbass9425 play enough games and you get desensitized to inting teammates.
@@DeanKnox7 umm I think I have played too many games. Enough to see the patterns of a jg that's gonna force crab with 0 prio... after that all I see is ff anymore
@@doctordumbass9425 I mean if you are as good as him and actually can 1v9 you probably wouldnt be worried either
To be fair, that's pretty much what happens with a Pyke on the enemy team mid, no? He's probably just used to it, Pyke's pretty popular.
We need more reviews of this guy. Such a 1v9 beast.
14:34,he told his teammates stop typing, he will carry. His top lane and jun kept typin and takin shi
And thats happening in challanger.. what are they, boosted?
@@yeetsin560 you know that league of legend has bunch of toxic players
15:01 That prowler usage to dodge the E stun from Sett was beautiful
This guy: combo = 100% of enemy HP
Me on Qiyana: full combo = 20% of enemy HP
19:27 deaths dance killed pyke
He clearly has no idea on items..
@@ZetsubouFallen I mean there’s a lot going on in a game to review, Midbeast can still hit low challenger so he does have an idea on items
@@jasperlynch8850 he hit rank 5 last season no?
@Gar Beige Pyke has DD, so he started running away only to die by the item.
At @11:30 he prowlers to the wave, then e’s. In a stream, he said that if you wanna gap close from a longer distance it’s safer to prowlers the wave because e guarantees that a q will hit. But the prowlers claw has a bit of a delay when you’re trying to cast your q so the enemy has a bit more time to react.
I play this game for over 10 years and I have to put his combos on 0,5x speed just to understand whats happening. Truely an outstanding player
You can do it on 0,5x? man I had to put it on 0,25x.
That's the talent gap for you. Some people are just born to be challengers.
@@jakobjensen8228 you can do it on .25x speed? i go frame by frame boi
pretty impressive for the ppl in the comments to say that they can understand the combos in 0.25 speed, I had to download the video and watch it frame by frame
You can watch TH-cam videos frame by frame using the , and . Keys
@@davidhuang2895 oh my god where have you been my whole life thank you
@@davidhuang2895 wow intersting
@@davidhuang2895 doesn't work for me hmm
Well i can relate, i flashed back so many time to figure it out, guess she is indeed a challenge
I always pause these video with the best faces lol
Thanks for that. Also great game breakdowns!
Honestly im so glad you started making videos on this player, I loved playing qiyana even after post-release nerf but fell out of it because i just couldnt grasp itemization. It truly is a treat to watch this guy play and play that well.
As a qiyana player I’m gonna say that’s on a different level
I am a hard otp Qiyana main, watching this guys playing Qiyana is not only satisfying, but I'm mecanically assembling more and more combos, that's what I like about him!
Since i'm a main, I can see how ability and items actually are used in his combo, the distinctive thing about him is his creativity on using them and I'm keep on learning from it.
Hope you're going to keep upload these, they're always a huge help for me
When you play as Qiyana, you feed.
When this guy plays as Qiyana, they feed him.
Noo just if u bad
you're on league videos too? we should be friends.
I don't feed but he's certainly better.
I play at low elo so nobody knows how to deal with her but i auto lose late game due to tanks
Qiyana's videos are by far my favorites
wow super cool!
wow super cool!
WOW super cool
Super cool bro, love your reviews
Hoy Drew, put the link to his stream
PLEASE more reviews of this guy he is the absolute legend i will never get sick of watching his gorgeous qiyana gameplay
"Get them with the ignite ... Don't get him with the ignite. Get him with the *what* ..."
-Midbeast 2021 ♥
4:02 wait that's insane, how did he Q so quickly after his E without it auto-targeting towards the minion wtf?
edit: Nevermind, if you E a non-champion target, it'll focus Q on whatever target your mouse is hovering.
If you E a champion however, it prioritizes auto-targeting the champion when you E+Q.
up you go
thanks dude, I was wondering this
i still havent found it myself :/
2:04 ok pyke and qiyana are fighting
Me: blinks
Also me: where did pyke go
Yeh I had to rewatch that moment lol
pyke w invisibility! just kidding yea that was h o t
Now that i think abt it, it feels like hes playing qiyana teamfights similar to an akali where u just shrouds and create confusion, but u have more options thru your mobility and different Qs
8:03 "twitch support"
tresh: "why are we still here, just to suffer"
What really amazes me is how he’s pretty much calculated the damage he’s going to deal, you can see how confident he is with his damage that he can kill from full health while he’s low health.
Pyke died to his own deaths dance at 19 mins Drew
Wait how do u do that?
@@patrickcooke577 Death's Dance avoid's 35% of physical dmg you gain and let it burn on you over 3 seconds.
If u technically got oneshot 100 to 0 you still have 35% for 3 seconds and with shields (like riven) or healing (like pyke passive, Raahst passive) you can avoid dmg at all.
deaths dance is an insane item. The same fight with no amor.. if both were equal. Add a deaths dance, and that guy would still be about half hp
@@CryoConnoisseur oh ty now i understand it, i thought it was some grudge passive
One of these a week sounds about right :D, the ace on tri-brush before baron taught me a lot on how to play qiyana team fights, thanks.
those qiyana videos are the best videos u make !!! never stop making them
really enjoyed this review midbeast! :) thanks
Anyone know where I can find the Qiyana player's stream. Also midbeast can u link it in ur vids please?
Did u get it?
@@spoon6273 yep u need?
Been kind of maiming qiqi since last season, I’m really struggling with the new items but this guy and your breakdowns have helped me a lot, thx drew
My favorite non-Dopa videos are this Qiana and Xia Lao Ban. Mid beast hard simps for them. And that's how I like him.
7:24 imagine being Hecarim and that happens. I'd probably afk
Yeah i was like wtd i thought he dies there lol
what the fuck was that
That’s a 100% flame my mid laner and possibly afk if he talked shit to me
@@Otkalen but hecarim can press tab before ganking and realise she was strong, he got hit by everything, why tf would hecarim flame the mid laner whaaat? Ahaha ur mental bro
@@Ashes94 that wasn't about how strong she was, she just comboed way too fast. Nearly all qiyana players would've died in that situation. This dude is just on another level and moments like this showcase that.
Midbeasts face at 7:24 says it all. I dont know how this man does it lol.
"hope you learned something" yeah that i suck at the game :(
I can watch this guy play all day, i wouldn’t play quiyana if i didn’t know this guy
yo can you link where do you find these videos of him
This is not a video, this is a livestream as far as I know. I think the link to his stream is in the description of the last Qiyana video. He streams on Huya (Chinese Twitch) and I think that's where Midbeast is getting the games from
These videos are the best. Keep the Qiyana games coming!
Hard to not smile while watching this guy but also feeling terribly inadequate
4:17 "you just E ... it's pretty simple."
E's, misses, accidentally calls ex, orders pizza, adopts dog.
22:46 lol twitch dc right? XDD
just a note on something mr midbeast said about struggling into tankier enemies when they get ahead, im M7 200 000 ish points on the champ and the way that i have found is the best way to play in that situation is to just spam grass enchant, something that most tanky fighters have in common is that their aoe abilities arre very predictable and easy to dodge (darius q, camille w, fiora w, tentacle woman q, etc etc) and all of these abilities have long cast time animations, bush enchant gives you the chance to take very one sided fights where they can only guess where you are in hopes of landing any damage
I love those Qiyana videos! Keep it up Midbeast
I learned (maybe it's too basic for everyone else, but wasn't not for me) that he always waits the colddown of the W before using the Q, so that he has two Qs
Waiting for w ensures max damage output in one combo
Been a qiyana main since her release, but this guy constantly invents new tiny optimizations for her that revolutionize the way she plays...what a legend
Just a small tip to everyone but make sure your camera is UNLOCKED when you do any Prowler + E combo on Qiyana. It is like spamming Irelia Q; it's impossible to accurately position your mouse if your camera is locked because it will be moving so fast as you dash around. It is shown really well in this video at 10:58.
10:59 you need to look at this in slow motion Midbeast is actually insane
My mom: Video games are senseless and easy to understand, even the clips. Stop clicking on that game is annoying!
*Me watching this vid*
My brain:◇●{●■~◇□}¤>○[~[□7☆■•[\{《■○•◇□8¤■\◇\♤□{¤■•
My friend: ???????????????
My keyboard when i'm about to train in that champ: 💣
Midbeast:🤔 I didn't see that
I like how his team doesn’t completely stomp and him like most vods
same, i like how his team doesn't fucking stomp and him
I always get so excited when I see a midbeast video in my feed
I swear to god I've never felt that excited before watching a replay. I think from now I'll search for a riven main insane at least 50% of this guy.
been waiting for this drew thank you
Great video as always Midbeast! Any way you could find a Tri-Force Fizz top gameplay? Thanks!
19:40 Pyke actually died from seizure seeing how good Qiyana is.
where do I find his stream? can someone link please..
Those combos are INSANE and quick i love to see these reviews and you explaing to us his combos and builds.
We need more vods review from this guy Midbeast
absolutely phenomenal player, to solo carry that high elo is just insane, inspiring for sure, thanks midbeast for the upload
This has to be one of the best vods
After watching the past reviews on this guy I also couldn't resist, so I locked her in. Honestly I dont think I have ever enjoyed any champion like I enjoy playing her, when playing qiyana you are literally forced to pay attention to the enemies micro, because that's were the kills are. I'm probably not even average skilled with her but playing honestly increased my game awareness. All in all, she is a must play champion, sitting up there with Twisted Fate and Ryze.
You know, I am still waiting for some replies. I wanna hear your thoughts on how impactful playing Qiyana is.
@@asherm4767 though I only tried her when she was on free rotation doind element combos is the most fun I have had with an ad assasin
@@pricknown1840 Yeh her combos are fun and can be utilized well for those big plays
The grass Q's really show that Qiyana is meant to be played patiently (5 head) while waiting for cooldowns (also it means that teamfighting in open spaces really sucks for Qiyana.) Also, he always W -- prowlers claw-- aa to further empower the autos. He chunked that kaisa for 1/3 hp with just that auto even though he missed the first grass Q lmao. I learned a lot from this vid. Time to limit test lol
Wait wtf at 22:03 did the Morde E just completely troll a 4-man Qiyana ult or did it still go off?
really enjoy watching this Qiyana player! nice review!
played qiyana a couple times and found out that tears synergys so well with qiyana especially early game tear ( 1/2 back ) give so much mana
pretty useful technique with prowlers i've learnt from this guy is if the enemy is not directly next to the wall but close to it and you e ult, you can immediately gap close while getting more ult damage off if you instantly prowlers before your full combo, ensuring maximum damage
1st thankyou drew for my daily dose of qiyana review
I love these videos cause drew is so lost watching them hahaha
I have been waiting for this 🔥
this guy is insane, he is a legend, I dont have words to describe him, oh btw the qiyana is also good too xdddddddddddd
I like how his mord kept complaining about the client and lagging while lee just flaming for no reason... and quiyanna just be like "Stop typing. Fuck"
@@naker115 how was he being a dick?
@@naker115 how was he being a dick? if anything, he was being helpful...
He said "stop typing, I carry" cuz he said "I C" means I carry not "fuck" but thanks for the translation 😂😂
dat moment when the clickbait'y title is actually the truth
22:40 the twitch just leaves baron, idk how this guy can be so chill
𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝.
Qiyana looks so broken when a good one plays her.
That’s why she’s so nerfed
@@kurt-o0o shes actually buffed lol
@@asdasdasdasdas1056 nerfed hard in the past, those buffs a few weeks ago aren't even noticable
19:22 Pyke died from his own death dance
Best Birthday gift I could ever ask for! Thanks Midbeast!
Love these videos! Can you please do more Xiao Lao Ban as well?
Yo Midbeast can u hit us up with some zed99 gameplay next vid?
10:54, he did prowlers to minon, e and blue q'd pyke, w'd and red q'd.
the patience of him in every play is insane. No doubt he can be good with other assassin if he practice it.
im glad you doin these review's everyday
Id love to see you review some pyke mids good sir :)
More of this Qiyana player and more of the Cassio player pls! :) very enjoyable and interesting!
just go for the 1 million reviews of this guy we love to watch him too
Mid Beast: As hecarim goes in
Mother earth: Wait wuuuuuuuuuuuut
this qiyana one trick really made me like qiyana and now i keep watching his demo and learning all the way
Watching this Qiyana is just insane and I really like your voice and commentary
When that Mord died fighting over blue AFTER Qiyana pinged him away... when half his team left him and Mord to kill baron and he died for it... I felt the tilt, and it's not even me playing. What strong mental, wow.
Pretty sure mord was running it
Damn thats dope, he pre casts the prowlers claw onto the enemy the moment he starts his E animation towards them. I didnt even think about that.