Subha: by Rabindranath Tagore || Full play script

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024
    Narrator: Good morning respected chief guest, chairman sir, principal mam, headmistress mam and amazing audience.
    We, the students of Class 5C under the guidance of our class teacher Ms. Sakshi Sharma are going to depict a heartwarming tale named SUBHA produced by the great poet Rabindranath Tagore.
    I hope you all are ready to see the beautiful world of Subha..
    Firstly, please know us well.
    Father: I’m Mr. Banikanth, Subha’s father
    Mother: I’m Mrs. Banikanth, Subha’s mother
    And we’re Subha’s elder sisters, Sukeshani, Suhasini.
    Sukeshani: Baba! Baba! Where is subha?
    Father: I don’t know dear. Maybe she is sitting somewhere alone! As usual.
    Suhasini: But why does she sit all alone?
    Mother: She is deaf and dumb, everyone gets bored in her company, so she usually sits in isolation. Let her sit alone, you both play together.
    Narrator: Subha neither has anyone to play nor to communicate with. But still, she is happy in her own silent world. She usually sits near river area, and cherish the beauty of nature. But one day…
    Father: Mrs. Banikanth! You’ll be happy to know that I have selected healthy wealthy grooms for our daughters.
    Mother: Oh Really! Did you find groom for Subha as well?
    Father: No! not for her. Nobody wants to marry a silent girl.
    Mother: Mr. Banikanth, for what sin have we been punished, this deaf and dumb girl has born to us.
    Father: Please don’t say like this. Look how innocent she is..
    Mother: Huh! I’ve been so ashamed, since this girl was born.
    Narrator: This story also depicts the pure and unconditional love between a father and a daughter. After few days, Sukeshani and Suhasini got happily married and went to their in-law’s homes. Now this story takes a new turn, As Subha used to sit all alone near the river, she met with a boy named Partap. Partap is a fisherman, and likes silence as it does not interfere with his fishes. Though, there is no direct speech between both of them but there is silent friendship as both of them respects each other’s silence. Another day…
    Father: Mrs. Banikanth, pack the important stuff in bags, we’re moving to Calcutta.
    Mother: Calcutta! But why? No, I don’t want to leave our house.
    Father: Try to understand dear, I believe that in Calcutta we’ll be able to find a groom for Subha. Maybe someone with the same impairment.
    Mother: Okay! If it is so, I am ready to move.
    Mother: Subha! Subha! Oho why am I calling her, she is deaf. Oh lord.
    Narrator: Mrs. Banikanth finds Subha playing with river water.
    Mother: Let’s go, we are leaving this house today itself.
    Narrator: On understanding her signs, subha got so agonized to leave her home. But finally has to leave with her family.
    Finally in Calcutta...
    Father: I’ve got someone for Subha. His name is Ramesh. But listen, don’t let Ramesh ask anything to Subha otherwise he will get to know that subha can’t hear and speak.
    Mother: By this is not good, we can’t cheat on him.
    Father: Oho! Then who will marry our daughter? Will she stay unmarried for the rest of her life? She needs a man to take care of her.
    Mother: Okay! I agree.
    Narrator: Ramesh visits with his friend and finds innocent faced, teary-eyed Subha suitable for marriage. Finally, Subha got married to Ramesh.
    Mother-in-law: Subha! Did you like our house? Subha! Subha!
    Why is she not responding?
    Ramesh: I think she is feeling shy.
    Mother-in-law: Wait! I think, something is wrong with her.
    Subha! Subhaa! Subhaaaa!
    So, she is deaf and probably dumb too.
    I can’t bear this girl, send her back to her home.
    Ramesh: You have cheated on me. Pack your stuff, I can’t spend my life with you.
    Narrator: Subha got so scared. She is not at fault because she doesn’t deceive anyone. But the innocent voiceless village girl has to face the repercussions.
    On reaching back to her house in Calcutta, they saw there is no one.
    Ramesh: Look your parents have imposed you upon me. Now I am leaving you here. Let God decide your destiny.
    Narrator: And Ramesh left her all alone in this new place. She has no idea where she is, where she has to go. She started crying will all her heart-out and asks God….
    Narrator: Subha: Is it my fault that you’ve sent me in this world with this impairment….?
    Narrator: But we believe that God never thought that humans are going to be cruel towards the other impaired human. Our society has now abandoned Subha and many more like her.
    Narrator 2: Dear all, it’s disheartening that 26.8 million people are disabled in India. They are also suffering like Subha, in one or another way. Can we extend our hand to help them?
    Let’s love them the way we love an abled person.
    Let’s stand up together for our Disabled Friends.
    Let’s delete the word handicapped from our dictionary.
    Let’s call them Specially Abled.
    Let’s make our world equally peaceful and beautiful for them as well.
    Let’s not stigmatize them.
    Let’s pledge to, “Leave No One Behind”.
    Let’s help every Subha…
    Script written by: Ms. Sakshi Sharma

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