To me, what is understated when people say or think about this phrase is that today we are so used to fulfilling our earthly desires at will that we don't even notice when we stop giving our life to God. To me, as a sinner, this phrase means to give up my own selfish desires and to surrender to the will or "desires" (to use the same word) of God. When we don't have our own desires as a priority we give our life to God and then we don't have any more problems or suffering because we don't have these desires, we live through and for God and follow his will which is all loving and we don't suffer anymore from our desires.
This is exactly how I want to be but how do I get rid of the flesh or rather force it to go away because within me is the desire to give myself fully and surrender to be Holy and intimate with Him but my flesh always goes against it and my will usually follows and I want my will to follow the godly desire not flesh but don't know how to get to that place
@leon4christ my problems is if I can help bunch of poor, why I should satisfied to just help one or two? I am good at help a bunch of people, I am not good at help specific people, because I am afraid of people connection, but I am good at find a bunch of people’ common problems and find ways to solve them all together. I also have godly desires, I am not just say it, If help a bunch of people is included, I have already keep doing it for many years. I will keep doing it because that is all I know to do.
Wow!!! Such words of wisdom, did you think that up all by yourself? Ä´-mĕn? "The unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest” I Co14: 16“. "Ye worship ye know not what:" Joh 4: 22. WHAT? ARE YE WARSHIPPING AN IDOL?
To answer that question, we can rely on the Maxim of Law “He who writes interprets”, in other words, if the Bible says a word means this, then It means what the Bible says, not what the reader hopes it means, wants it to mean, or was told it means by whoever. As a rule, in any legal document, which “The Book of the Law” is De 29: 21, the first time a word is defined it is understood to mean the same thing throughout the entire document. In this case we are analyzing Ä´-mĕn, is it a word or a name? Thus we turn to Numbers 5: 22 wherein Ä´-mĕn first appears: “and the woman shall say, Ä´-mĕn, amen.”, there it is written as a “name”, it’s designation as a name is substantiated in many KJV Bibles which state “All the proper names are divided into syllables by a hyphen (-), with the accent placed upon the syllable to which it belongs ( ´ ), and vowels marked to show what sound they should receive (ĕ)”. Indeed Amen is written in that fashion, and remains in the scriptures in its untranslated form, of course, names need no translation. Now that we have established that Ä´-mĕn is a name, the question becomes Who is Ä´-mĕn? Again, the same Maxim of Law applies, thus we examine the reign of Amenhetep II, and Tutmoses III “1491-1451 BCE, when some of the first books of the Bible were written by Moses1], and when Amen was a name identified with Amen Ra, supreme Egyptian God, the Sun God2]. (Amen-hetep and Tet/Tut-moses. Another coincidence no doubt) Moses was a Horite Hebrew (worshiper of the Sun God Horus) Ge. 36: 20-29,1 Ch 1: 38-42, educated at Heliopolis3], City of the Sun God Ra4], and where Amenism (worship of Amen as God of Gods of the Egyptian Pantheon) was in full swing at the time5]. According to the aforementioned historical facts, we can surmise that the Amen Moses refers to in Nu 5: 22 was Amen Ra, but to be sure, we could compare the attributes and titles of Amen Ra with those of God in the Bible, but wait a minute,, Jesus is God of the Bible? Well yes It is, thus we must include the attributes and titles of Jesus in our comparison as well. In the Egyptian Religion Amen appears in the XII dynasty as “Son of the Sun”, Son of the Sun God Ra6], Jesus is likewise the “Son of God”, his titles include ”The Sun of Righteousness” Mal 4: 2, “The Amen” Re 3: 14, “The Truth” Jno 14: 6: In Isa 65: 16 Amen is translated as “the God of truth” 7] and is represented by the capitalized “Verily”, “Truly”, and “Surely”, to confirm that, the Catholic Bible uses Amen amen in many places where Verily verily is used in the KJV. Jesus Christ! “God in him, and in him Amen” II Co 1: 20. Like Amen of the Bible, some chief titles of Amen Ra were “Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands” Ro 14:9(Land of the living, land of the dead); “God of Gods” De 10:17, Ps 136: 2, Da 2: 47; “King of the Gods” Ro 10: 12, 2 Ch 2: 5,“I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt” Ho 12: 9. Nu 5: 22 also shows us a clear distinction between the name Amen, and the word amen in all lower case, which means “so be it; let it be; praise, assent, approve, worship or other formal statement to express solemn ratification or agreement: also an acknowledgement of oath or curse; Egyptian Hieroglyphs concur with that designation, wherein the word amen in lower case is symbolized by a man praying and a man hiding. Whereas the capitalized Amen is the name of a God8] How can it be that Amen Ra and Jesus share the same attributes and titles? Because they are one and the same God, in a different body, at different times, yet the same spirit of the God, in the body of a man called Jesus; this is evidenced in Jesus’ own words -“Jesus said to them, “before Abraham came to be, I am.” Joh 8: 58. Abraham was made or “came to be”/ “begotten from the dead” circa 1900 BC., long before Jesus the man was. Another substantial fact is that Amen/Amon Ra is listed in many in Bible Dictionaries, thus logic dictates that if Amen Ra had nothing to do with the Bible, It would not be in there. One of the most extensive Bible dictionaries “The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible” goes to the trouble of listing Osiris, which is not even mentioned once in the Bible. To top it all off, The Amen is the “Testator” of both the Old and New TestAment He 9: 17 and is the object of your Idolatrous Worship, hence one of Jesus’ titles being “The Testator or Covenator”9], because they are one and the same; to wit, Like any Last Will and Testament, the testator signs off at the end, just like Amen does in Re 20: 21. Behold! Amen signs off on many of the books as well. Moreover, since Jesus is Amen, Amen is Amen Ra, and Amen Ra is depicted as “The Idol” in Bible Dictionaries10], and the definition of Idolatry shown the Bible is - “The worship of something seen as representing the unseen”[11]; then if “God is a spirit” John 4: 24 (which is the unseen), and Jesus (according to his titles) is “God manifest in the flesh” 1 Ti 3: 16, and “The Image of the Invisible God” Col 1: 15 [11](what is seen and worshipped), thereby the qualifications for Idolatry are satisfied. “Ä´-mĕn, amen, I say unto you”, because It is what you war-ship. _________________________________________________________ 1] King James Bible, COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS EDITION, BAGSTER; comprehensive helps to bible study; A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE P. 162 2] Webster’s 2nd College Edition; Tyndale Bible Dictionary p. 30; E A Wallis Budge The Nile p. 526. See also Egyptian Religion p. 129-133. 3] Strabo, 17:1 4] Hart, George, The Rutledge Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, ISBN 0-415-34495-6. 5] TUTANKHAMEN AMENISM, ATENISM, EGYPTIAN MONOTHEISM LONDON: MARTIN HOPKINSON AND COMPANY LTD: 1923 University of Toronto Library, 3 1761 012998910. 6] E A Wallis Budge The Nile p. 526; see also Egyptian Religion p. 129-133. 7] KJV Glossary and Dictionary, Learning Links Publishers; see also Tyndale’s Bible Dictionary p.30 8] E A Wallis Budge, Egyptian Language p. 48 amen, P. 52 Amen 9] King James Bible, COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS EDITION, BAGSTER; comprehensive helps to bible study; The Names and Titles of the Son of God 10] ] KJV Heirloom Bible Publishers Inc. 1964 copyright, Dictionary of the Bible p. 28, Idol, shows a drawing of Amen Ra subtitled with “The Idol Amon” “little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.” 1 Jo 5: 21 11] King James Bible, COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS EDITION, BAGSTER; comprehensive helps to bible study; chapter XXXVII, Idolatry and divination, p.123. * Amen that, and Hellallayouya ! Because “no man hath ascended into heaven” Jo 3: 13
Ä´-mĕn? "The unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest” I Co14: 16“. "Ye worship ye know not what:" Joh 4: 22. WHAT? ARE YE WARSHIPPING AN IDOL?
To answer that question, we can rely on the Maxim of Law “He who writes interprets”, in other words, if the Bible says a word means this, then It means what the Bible says, not what the reader hopes it means, wants it to mean, or was told it means by whoever. As a rule, in any legal document, which “The Book of the Law” is De 29: 21, the first time a word is defined it is understood to mean the same thing throughout the entire document. In this case we are analyzing Ä´-mĕn, is it a word or a name? Thus we turn to Numbers 5: 22 wherein Ä´-mĕn first appears: “and the woman shall say, Ä´-mĕn, amen.”, there it is written as a “name”, it’s designation as a name is substantiated in many KJV Bibles which state “All the proper names are divided into syllables by a hyphen (-), with the accent placed upon the syllable to which it belongs ( ´ ), and vowels marked to show what sound they should receive (ĕ)”. Indeed Amen is written in that fashion, and remains in the scriptures in its untranslated form, of course, names need no translation. Now that we have established that Ä´-mĕn is a name, the question becomes Who is Ä´-mĕn? Again, the same Maxim of Law applies, thus we examine the reign of Amenhetep II, and Tutmoses III “1491-1451 BCE, when some of the first books of the Bible were written by Moses1], and when Amen was a name identified with Amen Ra, supreme Egyptian God, the Sun God2]. (Amen-hetep and Tet/Tut-moses. Another coincidence no doubt) Moses was a Horite Hebrew (worshiper of the Sun God Horus) Ge. 36: 20-29,1 Ch 1: 38-42, educated at Heliopolis3], City of the Sun God Ra4], and where Amenism (worship of Amen as God of Gods of the Egyptian Pantheon) was in full swing at the time5]. According to the aforementioned historical facts, we can surmise that the Amen Moses refers to in Nu 5: 22 was Amen Ra, but to be sure, we could compare the attributes and titles of Amen Ra with those of God in the Bible, but wait a minute,, Jesus is God of the Bible? Well yes It is, thus we must include the attributes and titles of Jesus in our comparison as well. In the Egyptian Religion Amen appears in the XII dynasty as “Son of the Sun”, Son of the Sun God Ra6], Jesus is likewise the “Son of God”, his titles include ”The Sun of Righteousness” Mal 4: 2, “The Amen” Re 3: 14, “The Truth” Jno 14: 6: In Isa 65: 16 Amen is translated as “the God of truth” 7] and is represented by the capitalized “Verily”, “Truly”, and “Surely”, to confirm that, the Catholic Bible uses Amen amen in many places where Verily verily is used in the KJV. Jesus Christ! “God in him, and in him Amen” II Co 1: 20. Like Amen of the Bible, some chief titles of Amen Ra were “Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands” Ro 14:9(Land of the living, land of the dead); “God of Gods” De 10:17, Ps 136: 2, Da 2: 47; “King of the Gods” Ro 10: 12, 2 Ch 2: 5,“I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt” Ho 12: 9. Nu 5: 22 also shows us a clear distinction between the name Amen, and the word amen in all lower case, which means “so be it; let it be; praise, assent, approve, worship or other formal statement to express solemn ratification or agreement: also an acknowledgement of oath or curse; Egyptian Hieroglyphs concur with that designation, wherein the word amen in lower case is symbolized by a man praying and a man hiding. Whereas the capitalized Amen is the name of a God8] How can it be that Amen Ra and Jesus share the same attributes and titles? Because they are one and the same God, in a different body, at different times, yet the same spirit of the God, in the body of a man called Jesus; this is evidenced in Jesus’ own words -“Jesus said to them, “before Abraham came to be, I am.” Joh 8: 58. Abraham was made or “came to be”/ “begotten from the dead” circa 1900 BC., long before Jesus the man was. Another substantial fact is that Amen/Amon Ra is listed in many in Bible Dictionaries, thus logic dictates that if Amen Ra had nothing to do with the Bible, It would not be in there. One of the most extensive Bible dictionaries “The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible” goes to the trouble of listing Osiris, which is not even mentioned once in the Bible. To top it all off, The Amen is the “Testator” of both the Old and New TestAment He 9: 17 and is the object of your Idolatrous Worship, hence one of Jesus’ titles being “The Testator or Covenator”9], because they are one and the same; to wit, Like any Last Will and Testament, the testator signs off at the end, just like Amen does in Re 20: 21. Behold! Amen signs off on many of the books as well. Moreover, since Jesus is Amen, Amen is Amen Ra, and Amen Ra is depicted as “The Idol” in Bible Dictionaries10], and the definition of Idolatry shown the Bible is - “The worship of something seen as representing the unseen”[11]; then if “God is a spirit” John 4: 24 (which is the unseen), and Jesus (according to his titles) is “God manifest in the flesh” 1 Ti 3: 16, and “The Image of the Invisible God” Col 1: 15 [11](what is seen and worshipped), thereby the qualifications for Idolatry are satisfied. “Ä´-mĕn, amen, I say unto you”, because It is what you war-ship. _________________________________________________________ 1] King James Bible, COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS EDITION, BAGSTER; comprehensive helps to bible study; A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE P. 162 2] Webster’s 2nd College Edition; Tyndale Bible Dictionary p. 30; E A Wallis Budge The Nile p. 526. See also Egyptian Religion p. 129-133. 3] Strabo, 17:1 4] Hart, George, The Rutledge Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, ISBN 0-415-34495-6. 5] TUTANKHAMEN AMENISM, ATENISM, EGYPTIAN MONOTHEISM LONDON: MARTIN HOPKINSON AND COMPANY LTD: 1923 University of Toronto Library, 3 1761 012998910. 6] E A Wallis Budge The Nile p. 526; see also Egyptian Religion p. 129-133. 7] KJV Glossary and Dictionary, Learning Links Publishers; see also Tyndale’s Bible Dictionary p.30 8] E A Wallis Budge, Egyptian Language p. 48 amen, P. 52 Amen 9] King James Bible, COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS EDITION, BAGSTER; comprehensive helps to bible study; The Names and Titles of the Son of God 10] ] KJV Heirloom Bible Publishers Inc. 1964 copyright, Dictionary of the Bible p. 28, Idol, shows a drawing of Amen Ra subtitled with “The Idol Amon” “little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.” 1 Jo 5: 21 11] King James Bible, COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS EDITION, BAGSTER; comprehensive helps to bible study; chapter XXXVII, Idolatry and divination, p.123. * Amen that, and Hellallayouya ! Because “no man hath ascended into heaven” Jo 3: 13 "Ye worship ye know not what:" Joh 4: 22. For more inconvenient truth and disturbing facts about God and its' Bible, analyze this: Doc. may not open first time; close that window n try again till it opens, if that doesn't work reload the site and repeat the former.
Jesus Christ purchased us at a great price (Expensive), and upon doing so God his Father excepted this purchase. Since Jesus is His Son, he also adopted us to be His children. His love for us is the same love he has for his son, Jesus. I agree with how the pastor explained this topic.
Pray for Me That I find peace I am being mistreated by my own family and forgave them,but I need you Yeshusha, God and Holy Spirt I GIVE MYSELF TO YOU GOD IN MY PAIN AND SUFFERING and I and My family belong to you and Give myself to you Yeshusha God and Holy Spirt and you give me Joy ,Shalom PEACE and Eternal Happiness For I and My family Forever ,Amen
@@MultiAustin86 I see many people have directed me there before and I think I finally get it ita baically describing the battle between Spirit and flesh when someone is born again they want to do right but sin causes them to do wrong sometimes
Mike Hill I think the struggle proves you’re saved... if you weren’t saved, you’d just sin and not feel awful about it. If you trust in Christ as savior, you’re justified before God as if you’ve done nothing wrong. So positionally, you’re right with God because of Jesus. There is sanctification, though... this is a slow process of being made more like Jesus. And while this process is taking place you will dial and feel like you do.
A question for the podcast: I understand that God loves me, so I must not despise myself or harm myself- how do I love myself as Jesus loves me? How do I love myself better without being arrogant?
leon4christ… not sure I'm understanding everything you're writing. I tried to ask on but the button wouldn't work. That's why I thought they may answer on here. I'll try the website again or someone else can copy my question.
The first step to loving yourself is accepting Jesus love for you. That your son has been forgiven and paid for. Accept that believe that. Then turn form your son and your desires. Give your life to God. Watch as he washes away your guilt and your pain and fills you with self worth and contempt
Titoru Tansey I recommend you buy a KJV or for a bit more modern translation the NIV version of the bible. Amazon or bible stores. You can find cheap ones, if money is an issue I will happily buy one for you and mail it to your local post office. God bless
Late reply, but there are also free apps if money is an obstacle (Logos by faithlife is my favourite), and libraries usually have multiple translations of the Bible for reference and to rent!
What I find helpful is talking to God as a friend, be honest with Him. Tell God what is keeping you back. If it a lack of believing, or understanding. I'll pray for you, and to let you know I struggle too, I come from a broken childhood, which cause a system of much trust issue and unbelief. So I have a hard time believing in God because of the broken heart I have. Hearing truth as these videos instead of my feelings are very helpful. Sometimes I ask God to "help me to believe more in your truth than my own feelings. I need your help. In Jesus Christ name, amen."
Remember it usually isn't an overnight thing, it's about growing in Christ. Also, don't expect the flesh to overcome the flesh! Rely on the Spirit and look towards God (I'm cutting back on weed, used to smoke several times a day and it's getting better over time) Also pray for strength and guidance, He will give it! And if you stumble, pray for forgiveness, He gives that too!!! Just don't beat yourself up. We have a great God 🙏
I would give myself to God, but I don't fancy the notion of spending the rest of eternity, "saved alive" Jer 49: 11, "in the sepulcher of the man of God" 2 Ki 23: 17, wherein "thou shalt call thy walls salvation," Isa 60:1, and thou art "Apprehended of Christ Ph’p 3: 12, Prisoner of Christ Ph’m 1: 9, my fellowprisoner in Christ Jesus; Ph’m 23, hence "Truly in vain is salvation hoped for" Jer 3: 23, whereas "He who seeks to save his life shall lose it" Lu 9: 24,17: 33. M’r 8: 33, wherefore "ye be dead with Christ Col 2: 20; to wit: "We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement:" Isa 28: 15; and sometime thereafter "Thou shalt be brought down to hell" Isa 14: 15; “for no man hath ascended into heaven” Jo 3: 13. Ä-mĕn that, and Hellallayouya!!! But wait,,, Is there no "rebirth" for me? Will I not be "reborn", "born again", "born anew", maybe reincarnated? Ahh,,, no, since those words do not occur even once in the Bible we can surmise the book is not about you getting anything like that, as a matter of fact, the book does not even allude to you having any form of existence such as the one you currently enjoy, well, save ressurection, but the only ones getting ressurected are Jesus and Lazarus, the closest you get to that is "a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead," in 1 Pe 1:3, and "unto the resurrection of damnation." in Joh 5:29. On the other hand, you getting destroyed, killed, slaughtered, terminated, extinct, occurs countless times, too many to even mention. But "don’t worry" the weak of mind hoplessly indoctrinated blind faith believers say, you will be “redeemed”(taken/gotten), “saved alive” “in heaven” (up upon a cloud with God, whereupon everyone has white robes, wings and halo’s, and live happily ever after eating yogurt with the Yoplait Lady), up/in/down there, God promises “thou shalt cry no more”, there will be no pain, no hunger, no thirst, sickness or diseases, right? Right, you will never again reincarnate, and therefore will not have a body to experience any of those associated symptoms; because no more body = no more eyes, thus no more crying, no more pain, no more hunger, no more thirst, no more disease, no tasting yogurt, ever again; cuz aint no yogurt up/in/down there: "Whereas I have rewarded thee evil" I Sa 24: 17, "This evil is of the LORD" II Ki 6: 33, "The evil that the LORD had brought" Job 42: 11, "Thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon them," Jer 11: 11; 23: 12; 49: 37, "Therefore shall evil come upon thee" Isa 47: 11, "So shall the LORD bring upon you all evil things, until he have destroyed you" Jos 23: 15, therefore "the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think he doeth God service." Joh 16: 2 What ? Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and not receive evil ? Job 2: 10 "Ye worship ye know not what:" Joh 4:22, “God in whom thou trustest deceive thee.” 2 Ki 19:10 For more inconvenient truth and disturbing facts about God and its' Bible, analyze this: Doc. may not open first time; close that window n try again till it opens, if that doesn't work reload the site and repeat the former.
John 3:16. Give your life to Jesus is a false gospel. Many self professing Christians likely have false assurance. He gave his life for you. Believe he did it for you died on cross and rose again on 3rd day according to scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and you get to go to heaven. So easy. Completely free. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
LOL. Now why would you want to do something as ridiculous as that? LOL. What a waste of time and effort that would be. You'd be better off (and have more chances of success) to play the lottery! LOL. Or why not just sit in front of the television set day after day drinking beer. It's the same results as believing in God; it's a complete waste of time (but probably more fun). Good luck.
I love that you can hear his smile as he talks about this. 😀
God I give everything to you in jesus name amen
To me, what is understated when people say or think about this phrase is that today we are so used to fulfilling our earthly desires at will that we don't even notice when we stop giving our life to God. To me, as a sinner, this phrase means to give up my own selfish desires and to surrender to the will or "desires" (to use the same word) of God. When we don't have our own desires as a priority we give our life to God and then we don't have any more problems or suffering because we don't have these desires, we live through and for God and follow his will which is all loving and we don't suffer anymore from our desires.
This is exactly how I want to be but how do I get rid of the flesh or rather force it to go away because within me is the desire to give myself fully and surrender to be Holy and intimate with Him but my flesh always goes against it and my will usually follows and I want my will to follow the godly desire not flesh but don't know how to get to that place
@leon4christ Oh yes, the video game dilemma (me too)!
@@scotsmanmacwinger3295 Thank you so much thats helped a lot ❤
Its time for you to wake up:
@leon4christ my problems is if I can help bunch of poor, why I should satisfied to just help one or two? I am good at help a bunch of people, I am not good at help specific people, because I am afraid of people connection, but I am good at find a bunch of people’ common problems and find ways to solve them all together. I also have godly desires, I am not just say it, If help a bunch of people is included, I have already keep doing it for many years. I will keep doing it because that is all I know to do.
Amen. Glory to Jesus Christ our Lord God and saviour
Andrew Montgomery Amen
Amen ... we have a Mighty God and saviour indeed.
Wow!!! Such words of wisdom, did you think that up all by yourself?
Ä´-mĕn? "The unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest” I Co14: 16“. "Ye worship ye know not what:" Joh 4: 22.
To answer that question, we can rely on the Maxim of Law “He who writes interprets”, in other words, if the Bible says a word means this, then It means what the Bible says, not what the reader hopes it means, wants it to mean, or was told it means by whoever.
As a rule, in any legal document, which “The Book of the Law” is De 29: 21, the first time a word is defined it is understood to mean the same thing throughout the entire document.
In this case we are analyzing Ä´-mĕn, is it a word or a name? Thus we turn to Numbers 5: 22 wherein Ä´-mĕn first appears: “and the woman shall say, Ä´-mĕn, amen.”, there it is written as a “name”, it’s designation as a name is substantiated in many KJV Bibles which state “All the proper names are divided into syllables by a hyphen (-), with the accent placed upon the syllable to which it belongs ( ´ ), and vowels marked to show what sound they should receive (ĕ)”. Indeed Amen is written in that fashion, and remains in the scriptures in its untranslated form, of course, names need no translation.
Now that we have established that Ä´-mĕn is a name, the question becomes Who is Ä´-mĕn?
Again, the same Maxim of Law applies, thus we examine the reign of Amenhetep II, and Tutmoses III “1491-1451 BCE, when some of the first books of the Bible were written by Moses1], and when Amen was a name identified with Amen Ra, supreme Egyptian God, the Sun God2]. (Amen-hetep and Tet/Tut-moses. Another coincidence no doubt)
Moses was a Horite Hebrew (worshiper of the Sun God Horus) Ge. 36: 20-29,1 Ch 1: 38-42, educated at Heliopolis3], City of the Sun God Ra4], and where Amenism (worship of Amen as God of Gods of the Egyptian Pantheon) was in full swing at the time5].
According to the aforementioned historical facts, we can surmise that the Amen Moses refers to in Nu 5: 22 was Amen Ra, but to be sure, we could compare the attributes and titles of Amen Ra with those of God in the Bible, but wait a minute,, Jesus is God of the Bible? Well yes It is, thus we must include the attributes and titles of Jesus in our comparison as well.
In the Egyptian Religion Amen appears in the XII dynasty as “Son of the Sun”, Son of the Sun God Ra6], Jesus is likewise the “Son of God”, his titles include ”The Sun of Righteousness” Mal 4: 2, “The Amen” Re 3: 14, “The Truth” Jno 14: 6: In Isa 65: 16 Amen is translated as “the God of truth” 7] and is represented by the capitalized “Verily”, “Truly”, and “Surely”, to confirm that, the Catholic Bible uses Amen amen in many places where Verily verily is used in the KJV. Jesus Christ! “God in him, and in him Amen” II Co 1: 20.
Like Amen of the Bible, some chief titles of Amen Ra were “Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands” Ro 14:9(Land of the living, land of the dead); “God of Gods” De 10:17, Ps 136: 2, Da 2: 47; “King of the Gods” Ro 10: 12, 2 Ch 2: 5,“I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt” Ho 12: 9. Nu 5: 22 also shows us a clear distinction between the name Amen, and the word amen in all lower case, which means “so be it; let it be; praise, assent, approve, worship or other formal statement to express solemn ratification or agreement: also an acknowledgement of oath or curse; Egyptian Hieroglyphs concur with that designation, wherein the word amen in lower case is symbolized by a man praying and a man hiding. Whereas the capitalized Amen is the name of a God8]
How can it be that Amen Ra and Jesus share the same attributes and titles? Because they are one and the same God, in a different body, at different times, yet the same spirit of the God, in the body of a man called Jesus; this is evidenced in Jesus’ own words -“Jesus said to them, “before Abraham came to be, I am.” Joh 8: 58. Abraham was made or “came to be”/ “begotten from the dead” circa 1900 BC., long before Jesus the man was.
Another substantial fact is that Amen/Amon Ra is listed in many in Bible Dictionaries, thus logic dictates that if Amen Ra had nothing to do with the Bible, It would not be in there.
One of the most extensive Bible dictionaries “The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible” goes to the trouble of listing Osiris, which is not even mentioned once in the Bible.
To top it all off, The Amen is the “Testator” of both the Old and New TestAment He 9: 17 and is the object of your Idolatrous Worship, hence one of Jesus’ titles being “The Testator or Covenator”9], because they are one and the same; to wit, Like any Last Will and Testament, the testator signs off at the end, just like Amen does in Re 20: 21. Behold! Amen signs off on many of the books as well.
Moreover, since Jesus is Amen, Amen is Amen Ra, and Amen Ra is depicted as “The Idol” in Bible Dictionaries10], and the definition of Idolatry shown the Bible is - “The worship of something seen as representing the unseen”[11]; then if “God is a spirit” John 4: 24 (which is the unseen), and Jesus (according to his titles) is “God manifest in the flesh” 1 Ti 3: 16, and “The Image of the Invisible God” Col 1: 15 [11](what is seen and worshipped), thereby the qualifications for Idolatry are satisfied.
“Ä´-mĕn, amen, I say unto you”, because It is what you war-ship.
1] King James Bible, COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS EDITION, BAGSTER; comprehensive helps to bible study; A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE P. 162 2] Webster’s 2nd College Edition; Tyndale Bible Dictionary p. 30; E A Wallis Budge The Nile p. 526. See also Egyptian Religion p. 129-133.
3] Strabo, 17:1
4] Hart, George, The Rutledge Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, ISBN 0-415-34495-6.
6] E A Wallis Budge The Nile p. 526; see also Egyptian Religion p. 129-133.
7] KJV Glossary and Dictionary, Learning Links Publishers; see also Tyndale’s Bible Dictionary p.30
8] E A Wallis Budge, Egyptian Language p. 48 amen, P. 52 Amen
9] King James Bible, COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS EDITION, BAGSTER; comprehensive helps to bible study; The Names and Titles of the Son of God
10] ] KJV Heirloom Bible Publishers Inc. 1964 copyright, Dictionary of the Bible p. 28, Idol, shows a drawing of Amen Ra subtitled with “The Idol Amon” “little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.” 1 Jo 5: 21
11] King James Bible, COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS EDITION, BAGSTER; comprehensive helps to bible study; chapter XXXVII, Idolatry and divination, p.123.
* Amen that, and Hellallayouya ! Because “no man hath ascended into heaven” Jo 3: 13
Jesus I give you my life your in charge now please help me to live thru you jesus. In jesus name amen
Ä´-mĕn? "The unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest” I Co14: 16“. "Ye worship ye know not what:" Joh 4: 22.
To answer that question, we can rely on the Maxim of Law “He who writes interprets”, in other words, if the Bible says a word means this, then It means what the Bible says, not what the reader hopes it means, wants it to mean, or was told it means by whoever.
As a rule, in any legal document, which “The Book of the Law” is De 29: 21, the first time a word is defined it is understood to mean the same thing throughout the entire document.
In this case we are analyzing Ä´-mĕn, is it a word or a name? Thus we turn to Numbers 5: 22 wherein Ä´-mĕn first appears: “and the woman shall say, Ä´-mĕn, amen.”, there it is written as a “name”, it’s designation as a name is substantiated in many KJV Bibles which state “All the proper names are divided into syllables by a hyphen (-), with the accent placed upon the syllable to which it belongs ( ´ ), and vowels marked to show what sound they should receive (ĕ)”. Indeed Amen is written in that fashion, and remains in the scriptures in its untranslated form, of course, names need no translation.
Now that we have established that Ä´-mĕn is a name, the question becomes Who is Ä´-mĕn?
Again, the same Maxim of Law applies, thus we examine the reign of Amenhetep II, and Tutmoses III “1491-1451 BCE, when some of the first books of the Bible were written by Moses1], and when Amen was a name identified with Amen Ra, supreme Egyptian God, the Sun God2]. (Amen-hetep and Tet/Tut-moses. Another coincidence no doubt)
Moses was a Horite Hebrew (worshiper of the Sun God Horus) Ge. 36: 20-29,1 Ch 1: 38-42, educated at Heliopolis3], City of the Sun God Ra4], and where Amenism (worship of Amen as God of Gods of the Egyptian Pantheon) was in full swing at the time5].
According to the aforementioned historical facts, we can surmise that the Amen Moses refers to in Nu 5: 22 was Amen Ra, but to be sure, we could compare the attributes and titles of Amen Ra with those of God in the Bible, but wait a minute,, Jesus is God of the Bible? Well yes It is, thus we must include the attributes and titles of Jesus in our comparison as well.
In the Egyptian Religion Amen appears in the XII dynasty as “Son of the Sun”, Son of the Sun God Ra6], Jesus is likewise the “Son of God”, his titles include ”The Sun of Righteousness” Mal 4: 2, “The Amen” Re 3: 14, “The Truth” Jno 14: 6: In Isa 65: 16 Amen is translated as “the God of truth” 7] and is represented by the capitalized “Verily”, “Truly”, and “Surely”, to confirm that, the Catholic Bible uses Amen amen in many places where Verily verily is used in the KJV. Jesus Christ! “God in him, and in him Amen” II Co 1: 20.
Like Amen of the Bible, some chief titles of Amen Ra were “Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands” Ro 14:9(Land of the living, land of the dead); “God of Gods” De 10:17, Ps 136: 2, Da 2: 47; “King of the Gods” Ro 10: 12, 2 Ch 2: 5,“I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt” Ho 12: 9. Nu 5: 22 also shows us a clear distinction between the name Amen, and the word amen in all lower case, which means “so be it; let it be; praise, assent, approve, worship or other formal statement to express solemn ratification or agreement: also an acknowledgement of oath or curse; Egyptian Hieroglyphs concur with that designation, wherein the word amen in lower case is symbolized by a man praying and a man hiding. Whereas the capitalized Amen is the name of a God8]
How can it be that Amen Ra and Jesus share the same attributes and titles? Because they are one and the same God, in a different body, at different times, yet the same spirit of the God, in the body of a man called Jesus; this is evidenced in Jesus’ own words -“Jesus said to them, “before Abraham came to be, I am.” Joh 8: 58. Abraham was made or “came to be”/ “begotten from the dead” circa 1900 BC., long before Jesus the man was.
Another substantial fact is that Amen/Amon Ra is listed in many in Bible Dictionaries, thus logic dictates that if Amen Ra had nothing to do with the Bible, It would not be in there.
One of the most extensive Bible dictionaries “The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible” goes to the trouble of listing Osiris, which is not even mentioned once in the Bible.
To top it all off, The Amen is the “Testator” of both the Old and New TestAment He 9: 17 and is the object of your Idolatrous Worship, hence one of Jesus’ titles being “The Testator or Covenator”9], because they are one and the same; to wit, Like any Last Will and Testament, the testator signs off at the end, just like Amen does in Re 20: 21. Behold! Amen signs off on many of the books as well.
Moreover, since Jesus is Amen, Amen is Amen Ra, and Amen Ra is depicted as “The Idol” in Bible Dictionaries10], and the definition of Idolatry shown the Bible is - “The worship of something seen as representing the unseen”[11]; then if “God is a spirit” John 4: 24 (which is the unseen), and Jesus (according to his titles) is “God manifest in the flesh” 1 Ti 3: 16, and “The Image of the Invisible God” Col 1: 15 [11](what is seen and worshipped), thereby the qualifications for Idolatry are satisfied.
“Ä´-mĕn, amen, I say unto you”, because It is what you war-ship.
1] King James Bible, COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS EDITION, BAGSTER; comprehensive helps to bible study; A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE P. 162 2] Webster’s 2nd College Edition; Tyndale Bible Dictionary p. 30; E A Wallis Budge The Nile p. 526. See also Egyptian Religion p. 129-133.
3] Strabo, 17:1
4] Hart, George, The Rutledge Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, ISBN 0-415-34495-6.
6] E A Wallis Budge The Nile p. 526; see also Egyptian Religion p. 129-133.
7] KJV Glossary and Dictionary, Learning Links Publishers; see also Tyndale’s Bible Dictionary p.30
8] E A Wallis Budge, Egyptian Language p. 48 amen, P. 52 Amen
9] King James Bible, COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS EDITION, BAGSTER; comprehensive helps to bible study; The Names and Titles of the Son of God
10] ] KJV Heirloom Bible Publishers Inc. 1964 copyright, Dictionary of the Bible p. 28, Idol, shows a drawing of Amen Ra subtitled with “The Idol Amon” “little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.” 1 Jo 5: 21
11] King James Bible, COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS EDITION, BAGSTER; comprehensive helps to bible study; chapter XXXVII, Idolatry and divination, p.123.
* Amen that, and Hellallayouya ! Because “no man hath ascended into heaven” Jo 3: 13
"Ye worship ye know not what:" Joh 4: 22.
For more inconvenient truth and disturbing facts about God and its' Bible, analyze this:
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Thank you so much pastor your sermons help me and my famIly much
I gave my soul to Jesus christ
I give my self to God.from Kenya
My body is the temple of God.My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you Jesus
Jesus Christ purchased us at a great price (Expensive), and upon doing so God his Father excepted this purchase. Since Jesus is His Son, he also adopted us to be His children. His love for us is the same love he has for his son, Jesus. I agree with how the pastor explained this topic.
Pray for Me That I find peace I am being mistreated by my own family and forgave them,but I need you Yeshusha, God and Holy Spirt I GIVE MYSELF TO YOU GOD IN MY PAIN AND SUFFERING and I and My family belong to you and Give myself to you Yeshusha God and Holy Spirt and you give me Joy ,Shalom PEACE and Eternal Happiness For I and My family Forever ,Amen
prayed! Please pray for me
I want to have joy in God fully and bring Him glory but im really awful and falling into sin
Mike Hill Romans 7
@@MultiAustin86 Thank you :)
@@MultiAustin86 I see many people have directed me there before and I think I finally get it ita baically describing the battle between Spirit and flesh when someone is born again they want to do right but sin causes them to do wrong sometimes
Mike Hill I think the struggle proves you’re saved... if you weren’t saved, you’d just sin and not feel awful about it. If you trust in Christ as savior, you’re justified before God as if you’ve done nothing wrong. So positionally, you’re right with God because of Jesus. There is sanctification, though... this is a slow process of being made more like Jesus. And while this process is taking place you will dial and feel like you do.
*fail not dial
I belong to Jesus Christ to God to the Holy Spirit.
Turn To Christ and forsake your sins
Blessed be John Piper
A question for the podcast: I understand that God loves me, so I must not despise myself or harm myself- how do I love myself as Jesus loves me? How do I love myself better without being arrogant?
leon4christ… not sure I'm understanding everything you're writing. I tried to ask on but the button wouldn't work. That's why I thought they may answer on here. I'll try the website again or someone else can copy my question.
The first step to loving yourself is accepting Jesus love for you.
That your son has been forgiven and paid for. Accept that believe that. Then turn form your son and your desires.
Give your life to God.
Watch as he washes away your guilt and your pain and fills you with self worth and contempt
Thank you
Welp, that clarified it for me. Thanks!
Read (John 3:3-5; Acts 4:12; Romans 10:9-10,13)
Thank you ❤️
Thank you ❤️
Does all the questions sent to you get the chance to be in the podcast?
Well I guess so
how do I give my life over to surrender to Jesus
What does it mean when people say this
Where do I find god
through His Word, i guess?
Read his word, pray to be found,
He loves you and he is waiting.
Waiting for your leap of faith so he may catch you and nurture you
God wants you, you want Him. Read His word, that is Him talking to you. Talk to Him to. Find God by obeying His statutes. Read the book of John
Where can I buy the bibble your talking about?
Titoru Tansey I recommend you buy a KJV or for a bit more modern translation the NIV version of the bible. Amazon or bible stores.
You can find cheap ones, if money is an issue I will happily buy one for you and mail it to your local post office.
God bless
Late reply, but there are also free apps if money is an obstacle (Logos by faithlife is my favourite), and libraries usually have multiple translations of the Bible for reference and to rent!
Please help me . I won't to give my self to Christ
What I find helpful is talking to God as a friend, be honest with Him. Tell God what is keeping you back. If it a lack of believing, or understanding. I'll pray for you, and to let you know I struggle too, I come from a broken childhood, which cause a system of much trust issue and unbelief. So I have a hard time believing in God because of the broken heart I have. Hearing truth as these videos instead of my feelings are very helpful. Sometimes I ask God to "help me to believe more in your truth than my own feelings. I need your help. In Jesus Christ name, amen."
I give myself to Jesus so why can't I quit smoking tho tried?
Remember it usually isn't an overnight thing, it's about growing in Christ. Also, don't expect the flesh to overcome the flesh! Rely on the Spirit and look towards God (I'm cutting back on weed, used to smoke several times a day and it's getting better over time)
Also pray for strength and guidance, He will give it! And if you stumble, pray for forgiveness, He gives that too!!! Just don't beat yourself up. We have a great God 🙏
I would give myself to God, but I don't fancy the notion of spending the rest of eternity, "saved alive" Jer 49: 11, "in the sepulcher of the man of God" 2 Ki 23: 17, wherein "thou shalt call thy walls salvation," Isa 60:1, and thou art "Apprehended of Christ Ph’p 3: 12, Prisoner of Christ Ph’m 1: 9, my fellowprisoner in Christ Jesus; Ph’m 23, hence "Truly in vain is salvation hoped for" Jer 3: 23, whereas "He who seeks to save his life shall lose it" Lu 9: 24,17: 33. M’r 8: 33, wherefore "ye be dead with Christ Col 2: 20; to wit: "We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement:" Isa 28: 15; and sometime thereafter "Thou shalt be brought down to hell" Isa 14: 15; “for no man hath ascended into heaven” Jo 3: 13.
Ä-mĕn that, and Hellallayouya!!!
But wait,,, Is there no "rebirth" for me? Will I not be "reborn", "born again", "born anew", maybe reincarnated? Ahh,,, no, since those words do not occur even once in the Bible we can surmise the book is not about you getting anything like that, as a matter of fact, the book does not even allude to you having any form of existence such as the one you currently enjoy, well, save ressurection, but the only ones getting ressurected are Jesus and Lazarus, the closest you get to that is "a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead," in 1 Pe 1:3, and "unto the resurrection of damnation." in Joh 5:29. On the other hand, you getting destroyed, killed, slaughtered, terminated, extinct, occurs countless times, too many to even mention.
But "don’t worry" the weak of mind hoplessly indoctrinated blind faith believers say, you will be “redeemed”(taken/gotten), “saved alive” “in heaven” (up upon a cloud with God, whereupon everyone has white robes, wings and halo’s, and live happily ever after eating yogurt with the Yoplait Lady), up/in/down there, God promises “thou shalt cry no more”, there will be no pain, no hunger, no thirst, sickness or diseases, right?
Right, you will never again reincarnate, and therefore will not have a body to experience any of those associated symptoms; because no more body = no more eyes, thus no more crying, no more pain, no more hunger, no more thirst, no more disease, no tasting yogurt, ever again; cuz aint no yogurt up/in/down there: "Whereas I have rewarded thee evil" I Sa 24: 17, "This evil is of the LORD" II Ki 6: 33, "The evil that the LORD had brought" Job 42: 11, "Thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon them," Jer 11: 11; 23: 12; 49: 37, "Therefore shall evil come upon thee" Isa 47: 11, "So shall the LORD bring upon you all evil things, until he have destroyed you" Jos 23: 15, therefore "the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think he doeth God service." Joh 16: 2
What ? Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and not receive evil ? Job 2: 10
"Ye worship ye know not what:" Joh 4:22, “God in whom thou trustest deceive thee.” 2 Ki 19:10
For more inconvenient truth and disturbing facts about God and its' Bible, analyze this:
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John 3:16. Give your life to Jesus is a false gospel. Many self professing Christians likely have false assurance. He gave his life for you. Believe he did it for you died on cross and rose again on 3rd day according to scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and you get to go to heaven. So easy. Completely free. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
You don’t. You receive Christ for His Life. God does not make provision for Adam.
LOL. Now why would you want to do something as ridiculous as that? LOL. What a waste of time and effort that would be. You'd be better off (and have more chances of success) to play the lottery! LOL. Or why not just sit in front of the television set day after day drinking beer. It's the same results as believing in God; it's a complete waste of time (but probably more fun). Good luck.