I did something like this during my college years. I would reach a chapter and write on an index card a verse that struck me. I would carry it around with me and read it randomly for the rest of the day. At the end of the day, I would stick it on my wall. That was a time of immense spiritual growth. I should do this again.
The hoaxer Christian writers, who fabricated the resurrection hoax by making up a fake empty tomb story & fake eyewitnesses/testimonials, didn’t know that a sin-sacrifice-resurrection implies a superstitious God who values blood-sacrifice, which was a common practice back then - e.g. sacrificing a goat for a new home. *The superstitious early folks who valued blood sacrifice created the God of the Bible in their own image.*
This is so true! Have to stop desiring man made things and truly pursue God. Me personally have to die to the flesh and walk in the spirit! Help me Lord to run to you!
Use it for good then. Instead of grabbing your phone first thing in the morning and going to Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook or text messages, use your cell phone to open a Bible app to read scripture or a video from Pastor John on TH-cam.
And who decides when it IS full? Only yourself. You see no need for an ojective test, visible to others. Such a self-centred view is the opposite of Christianity.
Knightly-hr2dw Great...... Yet, Matthew 5,6,&7 never was and is not a sermon! The verse says so itself! 1.) When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. 2.) He opened His mouth and began to teach them saying, (Matthew 5:1-2 )..... This was several thousand people listening in on a personal teaching time with Christ's disciples. They were witnessing Christ making disciples of these men! Teaching them to observe all He was commanding them! Matthew 28:20
Hebrews 6 16 People swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument. 17 Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath. 18 God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. 19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, 20 where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.
i love to know im not the only one with the battle to live in joy in Christ. thanks pastor john for your encouraging words and experience in having constant joy in christ ❤️🙏🏻
Because our souls, our sinful flesh is working against us, desiring the things God hates, you don’t need to necessarily work on just getting rid of the idols, but replacing them and driving them out with the beauty and love and peace of Christ through prayer and time getting to know Him in the Word.
The hoaxer Christian writers, who fabricated the resurrection hoax by making up a fake empty tomb story & fake eyewitnesses/testimonials, didn’t know that a sin-sacrifice-resurrection implies a superstitious God who values blood-sacrifice, which was a common practice back then - e.g. sacrificing a goat for a new home. *The superstitious early folks who valued blood sacrifice created the God of the Bible in their own image.*
I am 78 years old, I have been a Christian for 50 years and suffer with Parkinson's. I have been so disconcerted that much of the Bible has become a haze. I find myself making my brain deliberately remember the contents of the various books of the Bible. And scriptures come back to me. This haze has bothered me so I am very encouraged that John Piper experiences this too😂
Recently I asked God where the joy of my salvation had gone and as usual He always responds. This is one of many messages on "ioy" which have just so happened to "conveniently" appeared. God speaks you just have to listen. I must say that this message couldn't have been more timely and I must confess I feel like I am drowning in a sea of paperwork and urgent requests and deadlines. I can feel a burn out coming on and I am just pressing on gas hoping I can continue on E without cutting out. I know that Pastor John's practical exercise in just what I need. The Word breathes life in us and if I don't get it in me and down in my spirit I will have nothing to latch unto when the world comes hurtling at me day after day. Thanks you Pastor John for your message. I pray to remain focused and disciplined in doing this
That is a good take-away statement. Do we choose the easy, default way for the flesh, or the earnest, and savory words of God? Second requires more effort, but is infitely more fulfilling!
I love it when I read a Bible passage in the morning, and don't fully understand part of it, and then I listen to maybe two John Piper videos and find my answer.
hes very good to listen to. I like his approach, he doesnt mince his words yet his reality and happiness come through loud and clear. I quite like Pastor Bob too, very much the same approach, practical yet doesnt avoid the overall Truth (i like using the capital T for Truth, because thats what the Gospel is.
Hello Jackie. I love you and so do God, i pray for you. God is mighty to save, we are weak, but he who called us is strong. I pray for you my sibling, Jes 41:10. 1 pet 5:7 Joh 6:35 2 kor 5:21. God loves you! Look on what he did on the cross for you! God came for the weak, he came for the sick, he came for the sinners, you are qualified for him, he came for you! He went from his glory in heaven, down to this earth to be whipped and tortured and smiten by God for your sake!!! And for my sake, and for everyone of his people! He came for the weak. Rom 8:32 He who did not spare his own son, You are precious in his eyes! God bless you!
Thank you for this. A few things come to mind here in light of this video: -I am a programmer. Part of design in software engineering is figuring out or designing a 'tool' to use, and using it repeatedly until it becomes natural (should it be a common thing). This is especially the case for object-oriented design. When you know how something in software works, you don't necessarily need to have it memorized completely as long as it's written down somewhere to refer to or copy-paste from (then edit to match context). I sometimes will type out the full thing (syntax and all), however, so that it sticks more fresh. --- -Another thing: in different behaviors or activities, repetition of something is key to remembering it. Practicing a different way to approach something will let it become second nature. Even if I don't need to do something in a better way, practicing that better (but yet unlearned) way is a good method for making that behavior reflexive. And that makes it much easier to bring that behavior to bear, and to bring it to bear more effectively through that better method. It's like reaching for the brakes with your foot in a car: you practice it enough so that it becomes reflex when something demands you stop before you get into a collision. This is especially helpful for defense, as you might guess: against wrong thoughts, against going down an unhealthy chain of ideas, and against getting 'caught up' in the stream of consciousness lazily rather than focusing on productive or helpful matters. (politics, for example, comes to mind as something that is easy to get 'sucked into' without having any productive thinking going on: instead you just get into 'shower arguments' in your head over and over, rather than having a defense mechanism in place in order that you may stop and realign). --- -When reading and seeking to understand God's Word, don't merely breeze by without getting anything. Try to remember what you read at the end of the day, and/or throughout the day (need to do better here, I think). Try to remember key and powerful things that minister to you, that help you understand God's goodness more fully. A passage that I remember the gist of is what Paul wrote in acts: "to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward man." We're to meditate on God's Word, so a question: What does 'void of offence' mean here, do you think? -One last note: what John Piper mentions regarding not having an empty soul is very true. Whenever you seek to guard against something evil, recall something good *should be* in place of where that evil wants to be (or currently is). One does not stop thinking of pink elephants (not evil, but example. :P) by thinking "I want to stop thinking about pink elephants." Rather, one stops thinking of pink elephants by thinking of... something else! So it is with our thought life. And our desires. And our time. Even our diet. If you don't fill with good, you can expect the base, the common, or the evil to take the place that should have been filled with good.
*Please explain,* *-In what context it is moral to turn children into voluntarily working servants?* *-In what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants as property?* *-In what context it is moral to pass voluntarily working servants on to children as permanent inheritance?* *-In what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants so bad that relatives shouldn’t be treated that way?* *-If slavery was voluntary, then why it is restricted to only foreigners?* Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. * Please explain, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants with many blows?* Luke 12:47 The servant who knows the master's will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows. * Please explain, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants as long as they don't die?* Exodus 21:20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property. * Please explain, in what context it is moral to kill non-virgin brides?* Deuteronomy 22:20-21 If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you. * Please explain, in what context it is moral to kill unruly children?* Deuteronomy 21:18-21 If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his home town. And they shall say to the elders of his city, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard." Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear. * Please explain, in what context it is moral to slaughter infants?* 1 Samuel 15:3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and *infants,* cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
Haha! My best take-away from this was, "I want every drop of this verse to land with tastiness on my soul", amen. John 15:01-25 is so meaningful to me and I relish the tastiness of these verses. God bless!
Thanks Pastor John! I declare with my brothers and sister " We will humble ourselves and lift our eyes and hearts and minds to Jesus....casting all our anxieties to His loving, mighty, eternal truth, Holy Spirit alert our minds, and open our mouths to resist the roaring, devouring lions and silence its lies and illusions.....We declare the Kingdom, The Power and Glory belongs to our Sovereign King, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, the Alpha and Omega, Our Saviour and Rock of refuge....We will sing songs of deliverance to our Mighty Father in Heaven, Emmanuel, mighty to save now and forever more, amen."
@@tarutatjana dearest Taru i went to our Father God with prayer for you 🙋♀️ God bless you... precious child of our beautiful Father God, you will see the power of God work in you & around you now, His Life & presence & His healing power is at work within you & around you as i speak, and i give Father God all the glory...thankYou precious beautiful Jesus 🙋♀️😘🌹💖⚘
Brownwoman ofGod That’s really sad. When you think back to when you did feel joy in the Lord, What was different about your life at that point? What about walking back to that, little by little?
@@cynthiafisher9907 I consistently studied the Bible, prayed for extended amounts of time, and worshipped. I do thise things now, most days. It seems like no matter how long I pray or how many scriptures I read, I can't get away from this disconnect I feel. I don't even really sense His presence. Sometimes as I study the word aloud and speak to God, I THINK I am hearing Him, though most times, I don't. Also, life has happened since what I consider to be my strongest time in the Lord. I’ve experienced things thay have caused me to stray some and things that have broken me down and look and Him and life different, wvwn though I never completely left Him. It's been hard trying to return to my first love in Him. He also has had me in an extensive season of testing too, which is also hard.
Brownwoman ofGod I think these suggestions by John Piper are really good for building our faith and recalling scripture to help in time of need. I’m not sure about them producing joy in your situation, however. It sounds to me like you need two things: some solid, positive support people to speak truth when you’re struggling, and the other thing is to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, if you haven’t already. I am Pentecostal, though, so I have different beliefs than John Piper probably does on this. What helps me to have more joy in the Lord is to read his Word and put my trust in His character through His Word and to pray in the Spirit. The Bible says in His presence is fullness of joy. That’s true for me. I’m sorry you’re struggling. Please don’t give up, no matter how hard things are or become. Enduring unto the end will bring great rewards! I just thought of something, I know of a book that helped me a lot with my depression earlier in my life. It’s an older book, but very good. The name is Telling Yourself the Truth by William Backus and Marie Chapian. You could probably borrow it through your local library if you are in the US. I will pray for you. Jesus is worth the struggle, He loves you and wants you to prosper in your relationship with Him! I thought of something else, I listen to Carter Conlon on Tuesday nights at 7:00pm eastern time, it’s a live prayer meeting. You can send in your prayer requests and pray for other people who are struggling. It’s very powerful. I would suggest you listen in and participate, there have been a lot of answered prayers!
Thank you for such encouragement! I did spend sometime in the word this morning and it was good. Last night before work i said "i choose to die to myself self, pick up my cross, and follow You" i said this in prayer to God.
You just made the verse about the empty soul click for me. I’ve wondered why when I try to quit worldly entertainment for a while, I don’t feel any increased joy and the desires come back 7x stronger. This makes sense now
Thanks Pastor John for those very good reminders especially in these times that have been so difficult around the world. We need to put our focus in the ✝ .... And remember that will be with him for ever in Eternity.
This is such a powerful strategy! I will be sure to practise it in my daily life! Thank you for this Pastor John and thank you for your labour of love, APJ. I found it years ago and I’m starting to really benefit from APJ now in my walk with Christ
I'm new to this but I must say I love this channel. I've gotten more straight answers from turning to jesus and a 12 min video than just trying to figure it out over a several year span.
Thank u In these crazy times Your words energize me To get up and get going GOD BLESS YOU AND MY THE LORD SAVIOR OF THE WORLD WATCH OVER U ALSO THE HOLY SPIRIT GIVE U WISDOM
One word....... Abide! Do this in Christ as He abides in you! Jesus is the exclusive source of JOY! Remember apart from Christ you and I can do nothing. In Christ we can glorify the Father by bearing fruit for His kingdom. Great Joy can be gained in this! John 15:1-8. Yet, therein be content! But godliness when accompanied by contentment is a means of great gain. 1 Timothy 6:6.
hello everyone! I am asking for just a minute of your time. i am just dropping comments on random Christian videos to ask for help in prayer. I have a friend who’s suffering from endometriosis. she is suffering so much from it and doctors tell her to have her uteus removed because it’s the only solution for the pain. but she wants to have her own kids. she is not married nor have a husband. everyday she endures crippling pain from her waist to her back. and the fear of never having a family. I believe God can help her. And I believe in the power of prayer and the more we pray the more power God brings into our lives. I am desperate for my friend. please pray for her. if God won’t heal her, I know your prayers will bring such a huge impact in her life. thank you all. may the Lord bless your beautiful souls.
Good example of using the sword of the Spirit. The spirit brings to our memory the scriptures. Also sing; I've got the river of life flowing out of me, makes the lame to walk and the blind to see, opens prison doors sets the captives free. I've got the river of life flowing out of me. Spring up oh well up in my sole spring up oh well and make me whole spring up oh well and give to me that life abundantly. Real relationship with God brings trust in him brings joy. Lastly, count your blessings & love.
The early delusional confused superstitious hypocrites, who made up the Abraham story, did not realize that they were contradicting their own definition of their imaginary God. If God is omniscient then God would have known about Abraham's sincerity without needing to resort to child abuse.
Every morning as a good Calvinist, I should: 1). Thank God that He made me without any capacity to choose, totally unable to respond to His love or His Spirit’s drawing, and for making me from birth hate God with every fiber of my being. 2). Thank God that before the foundation of the world, He looked out from eternity and passed by millions and billions of people that would populate the earth and hand picked me for salvation, because He knew that I would be special to Him, kind of like a teachers pet. 3). Thank God that Jesus, being the express image of the Father, decided that He would not die for those same millions and billions that the exceedingly just Father chose to send to hell to glorify Himself. However, somehow I know that Jesus died for me because I am one of His elect. Don’t ask me why He elected me for salvation, but elected all those billions for hell, because I don’t have an answer for that. But just because I don’t have an answer, that does not mean that I am not special. 4). Thank God that in spite of my inability to respond to His gracious good news of Jesus death and resurrection, and in spite of me hating him with every fiber of my being, God arbitrarily and without my consent, caused me to be regenerated by His Holy Spirit and replaced my God hating heart with a new heart that loves Him. But don’t call me a robot, because part of God’s charm is that His irresistible grace is so amazing that He actually made me feel like I was willing to love Him, even though deep down I felt like I was doing it begrudgingly. 5). Thank God for His assurance that in spite of my continual doubts and anxiety, He is going to make sure that ultimately I will persevere to the end. My only wish is that when I approach my final days on this earth, like other staunch Calvinists, I want to have a small shred of hope that I have done enough in this life to make it to heaven. 6). Last but not least, thank God that I am not like those dastardly Arminians, Pelagians, Semi-Pelagians, Provisionists, Synergists, Papists, Open Theists, and all other groups of unenlightened and unregenerate souls who call themselves Christians. Wow, when I step back and think about it, I really do have a lot to be thankful for. But in spite of my gratitude, somehow I still feel bad for those millions and billions that God does not love and for which Christ apparently did not die. ☦️🙏🏼📖
The early delusional confused superstitious hypocrites made up the imaginary God of The Bible. Chapter 1: Adam was created on the 6th day after all plants were created. Chapter 2: Adam was created before any plants were created.
@@AtamMardes Plus, you believe in a self-creating universe. Admit it. Explosions have always destroyed, never created. So what is more silly, an explosion making EVERYTHING, energy, galaxies, atoms, the laws of physics, emotion, why morals exist, etc etc, or a great God making all that. Random chance never 'created' ANYTHING.
@@AtamMardes Watch Answers in Genesis. Dont turn away, or mock, listen carefully. Watch lots of them, dont resist watching, just watch them. You can argue with them and try to debunk them if you want, its just a video.
The early delusional confused superstitious hypocrites made up the imaginary God of The Bible because the same Bible that teaches "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.", also teaches how to: buy slaves, sell daughters, kill non-virgin brides, kill unruly children, slaughter an entire nation including their infants, enslave children, pass slaves on as inheritance, & beat the slaves so they don't die.
Thanks for this teaching! I was wondering if you could possibly put subtitles for those of us who aren't native English speakers, please? God bless you, in Jesus' name, amen!
How that scripture came to John Piper's mind reminds me out in the times of Jesus and before chapters and verses were added into the scriptures...Jesus and others would speak a line of scripture to the audience so they would recall the whole portion or point tha contained the referenced scripture. John Piper was given a portion to get his spirit to recall the whole point and be enriched! Thanks and praise be to God for His work in us!
I did something like this during my college years. I would reach a chapter and write on an index card a verse that struck me. I would carry it around with me and read it randomly for the rest of the day. At the end of the day, I would stick it on my wall. That was a time of immense spiritual growth. I should do this again.
I used to have a box full of index card where I had done a similar thing. I wish I could find it. Or maybe just start a new one. It is so helpful!
Did it help in your studies?
Thank you! I should do this toooo
Nice thx for the idea
The hoaxer Christian writers, who fabricated the resurrection hoax by making up a fake empty tomb story & fake eyewitnesses/testimonials, didn’t know that a sin-sacrifice-resurrection implies a superstitious God who values blood-sacrifice, which was a common practice back then - e.g. sacrificing a goat for a new home. *The superstitious early folks who valued blood sacrifice created the God of the Bible in their own image.*
I love how every podcast points me to behold the beauty of God through Christ. I pray it continues
Kamal Jones Amen! God Bless you! 😊 👍 🙏 ✌️♥️✝️
I hope you're listening, my dude. God bless and Jesus loves you.
Where to get the emoji u put on ur dp ?? Kamal kj
@@muqtadakhan6738 its from apple imessage
This is so true! Have to stop desiring man made things and truly pursue God. Me personally have to die to the flesh and walk in the spirit! Help me Lord to run to you!
“Our flesh and the devil are active all day long to draw us into pleasures that are anti God” Truer words have not been spoken!
Thank you Pastor John , for this I found my phone being an idol , it is the first thing I reach for each morning no wonder my joy in Jesus is not full
I didn't get into this bad habit until recently. It is such a hard one to break!
Same here
Use it for good then. Instead of grabbing your phone first thing in the morning and going to Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook or text messages, use your cell phone to open a Bible app to read scripture or a video from Pastor John on TH-cam.
And who decides when it IS full? Only yourself. You see no need for an ojective test, visible to others. Such a self-centred view is the opposite of Christianity.
My Dad and I are memorising the sermon on the mount from Matthew 5,6 and 7 we are doing good so far! 😃❤️
That seems like a good place for me to start. Kudos to you and your dad👏🏾👏🏾...Thank you for sharing @Sarah 🙏🏾😊
Knightly-hr2dw Great...... Yet, Matthew 5,6,&7 never was and is not a sermon! The verse says so itself! 1.) When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. 2.) He opened His mouth and began to teach them saying, (Matthew 5:1-2 )..... This was several thousand people listening in on a personal teaching time with Christ's disciples. They were witnessing Christ making disciples of these men! Teaching them to observe all He was commanding them! Matthew 28:20
Hebrews 6
16 People swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument.
17 Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath.
18 God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged.
19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain,
20 where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.
Waking up and thanking the Lord for all we have is the best way to start the day.
i love to know im not the only one with the battle to live in joy in Christ. thanks pastor john for your encouraging words and experience in having constant joy in christ ❤️🙏🏻
My goodness! This is so encouraging to listen to! "God, called you...now get up and go." Thank you!
Appreciate the practicality. I need this.
Just as soon as one idol moves out, another one enters
Eva Hernandez for me, sin seems to sneak up on me from every direction. when it does my peace and happiness in the lord goes.
Eva Hernandez same
Jeffery Lord exactly
Because our souls, our sinful flesh is working against us, desiring the things God hates, you don’t need to necessarily work on just getting rid of the idols, but replacing them and driving them out with the beauty and love and peace of Christ through prayer and time getting to know Him in the Word.
The hoaxer Christian writers, who fabricated the resurrection hoax by making up a fake empty tomb story & fake eyewitnesses/testimonials, didn’t know that a sin-sacrifice-resurrection implies a superstitious God who values blood-sacrifice, which was a common practice back then - e.g. sacrificing a goat for a new home. *The superstitious early folks who valued blood sacrifice created the God of the Bible in their own image.*
I am 78 years old, I have been a Christian for 50 years and suffer with Parkinson's. I have been so disconcerted that much of the Bible has become a haze. I find myself making my brain deliberately remember the contents of the various books of the Bible. And scriptures come back to me. This haze has bothered me so I am very encouraged that John Piper experiences this too😂
I would love to help you what state are you from?
Recently I asked God where the joy of my salvation had gone and as usual He always responds. This is one of many messages on "ioy" which have just so happened to "conveniently" appeared. God speaks you just have to listen. I must say that this message couldn't have been more timely and I must confess I feel like I am drowning in a sea of paperwork and urgent requests and deadlines. I can feel a burn out coming on and I am just pressing on gas hoping I can continue on E without cutting out. I know that Pastor John's practical exercise in just what I need. The Word breathes life in us and if I don't get it in me and down in my spirit I will have nothing to latch unto when the world comes hurtling at me day after day. Thanks you Pastor John for your message. I pray to remain focused and disciplined in doing this
What accent does He have?
To serve others, brings much joy to one self.. As for
Jesus our KING
Yes our heart is desire factory no doubt . If we live in God through Jesus we will desire for knowing God more.
That is a good take-away statement. Do we choose the easy, default way for the flesh, or the earnest, and savory words of God? Second requires more effort, but is infitely more fulfilling!
I love it when I read a Bible passage in the morning, and don't fully understand part of it, and then I listen to maybe two John Piper videos and find my answer.
hes very good to listen to. I like his approach, he doesnt mince his words yet his reality and happiness come through loud and clear. I quite like Pastor Bob too, very much the same approach, practical yet doesnt avoid the overall Truth (i like using the capital T for Truth, because thats what the Gospel is.
I do not know you but have been led here. I am on the verge of taking my life, please pray for me brothers and sisters. I am not strong anymore.
Hello Jackie.
I love you and so do God, i pray for you.
God is mighty to save, we are weak, but he who called us is strong.
I pray for you my sibling,
Jes 41:10.
1 pet 5:7
Joh 6:35
2 kor 5:21.
God loves you! Look on what he did on the cross for you! God came for the weak, he came for the sick, he came for the sinners, you are qualified for him, he came for you!
He went from his glory in heaven, down to this earth to be whipped and tortured and smiten by God for your sake!!! And for my sake, and for everyone of his people! He came for the weak.
Rom 8:32
He who did not spare his own son, You are precious in his eyes!
God bless you!
How are you my friend. How have you been?
Thank you for allowing God to use you to share this with us(me). 🙌🏾🙌🏾❤️❤️❤️
Make others joyful. That is the joy of Jesus, feel that.
Jesus paid the price for our sins so we wouldn’t have to! So trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior. Also repent so you don’t perish!
Thank you for this.
A few things come to mind here in light of this video:
-I am a programmer. Part of design in software engineering is figuring out or designing a 'tool' to use, and using it repeatedly until it becomes natural (should it be a common thing). This is especially the case for object-oriented design.
When you know how something in software works, you don't necessarily need to have it memorized completely as long as it's written down somewhere to refer to or copy-paste from (then edit to match context).
I sometimes will type out the full thing (syntax and all), however, so that it sticks more fresh.
-Another thing: in different behaviors or activities, repetition of something is key to remembering it. Practicing a different way to approach something will let it become second nature.
Even if I don't need to do something in a better way, practicing that better (but yet unlearned) way is a good method for making that behavior reflexive. And that makes it much easier to bring that behavior to bear, and to bring it to bear more effectively through that better method.
It's like reaching for the brakes with your foot in a car: you practice it enough so that it becomes reflex when something demands you stop before you get into a collision.
This is especially helpful for defense, as you might guess: against wrong thoughts, against going down an unhealthy chain of ideas, and against getting 'caught up' in the stream of consciousness lazily rather than focusing on productive or helpful matters.
(politics, for example, comes to mind as something that is easy to get 'sucked into' without having any productive thinking going on: instead you just get into 'shower arguments' in your head over and over, rather than having a defense mechanism in place in order that you may stop and realign).
-When reading and seeking to understand God's Word, don't merely breeze by without getting anything. Try to remember what you read at the end of the day, and/or throughout the day (need to do better here, I think).
Try to remember key and powerful things that minister to you, that help you understand God's goodness more fully.
A passage that I remember the gist of is what Paul wrote in acts: "to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward man."
We're to meditate on God's Word, so a question: What does 'void of offence' mean here, do you think?
-One last note: what John Piper mentions regarding not having an empty soul is very true.
Whenever you seek to guard against something evil, recall something good *should be* in place of where that evil wants to be (or currently is).
One does not stop thinking of pink elephants (not evil, but example. :P) by thinking "I want to stop thinking about pink elephants."
Rather, one stops thinking of pink elephants by thinking of... something else!
So it is with our thought life.
And our desires.
And our time.
Even our diet.
If you don't fill with good, you can expect the base, the common, or the evil to take the place that should have been filled with good.
thank you for the insight , kuya!😄🎉
Thank you this helped me so much!
Thanks man
Very good advice. Thanks
THANK YOU for these words! You have greatly encouraged me!
Feed the fires of joy! Amen
Give us day by day our daily bread!
Thank jesus for his sacrificed, and waking up every morning in Jesus name.
And to know Jesus more and more is to read the word of God. Because Jesus is the word of God.
*Deborah Wright
Amen! The Word is a person!
*Please explain,*
*-In what context it is moral to turn children into voluntarily working servants?*
*-In what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants as property?*
*-In what context it is moral to pass voluntarily working servants on to children as permanent inheritance?*
*-In what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants so bad that relatives shouldn’t be treated that way?*
*-If slavery was voluntary, then why it is restricted to only foreigners?*
Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.
* Please explain, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants with many blows?*
Luke 12:47 The servant who knows the master's will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows.
* Please explain, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants as long as they don't die?*
Exodus 21:20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.
* Please explain, in what context it is moral to kill non-virgin brides?*
Deuteronomy 22:20-21
If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you.
* Please explain, in what context it is moral to kill unruly children?*
Deuteronomy 21:18-21
If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his home town. And they shall say to the elders of his city, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard." Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear.
* Please explain, in what context it is moral to slaughter infants?*
1 Samuel 15:3
Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and *infants,* cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
Haha! My best take-away from this was, "I want every drop of this verse to land with tastiness on my soul", amen. John 15:01-25 is so meaningful to me and I relish the tastiness of these verses. God bless!
This message was EXACTLY what I needed this morning. Praise God. Thank you Pastor John and the team. God bless you.
WOW! Food for my SOUL! 1Peter 4 and 5!
Thanks Pastor John! I declare with my brothers and sister " We will humble ourselves and lift our eyes and hearts and minds to Jesus....casting all our anxieties to His loving, mighty, eternal truth, Holy Spirit alert our minds, and open our mouths to resist the roaring, devouring lions and silence its lies and illusions.....We declare the Kingdom, The Power and Glory belongs to our Sovereign King, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, the Alpha and Omega, Our Saviour and Rock of refuge....We will sing songs of deliverance to our Mighty Father in Heaven, Emmanuel, mighty to save now and forever more, amen."
Such excellent, practical, wise, godly advice❤️❤️❤️
This has to be one of my favorite APJ's in a while. So helpful!!
Me too
@@tarutatjana dearest Taru i went to our Father God with prayer for you 🙋♀️ God bless you... precious child of our beautiful Father God, you will see the power of God work in you & around you now, His Life & presence & His healing power is at work within you & around you as i speak, and i give Father God all the glory...thankYou precious beautiful Jesus 🙋♀️😘🌹💖⚘
Amen Praise be to God!
I haven't felt genuine joy , or love for that matter, in the Lord in years.
Brownwoman ofGod That’s really sad. When you think back to when you did feel joy in the Lord, What was different about your life at that point? What about walking back to that, little by little?
@@cynthiafisher9907 I consistently studied the Bible, prayed for extended amounts of time, and worshipped. I do thise things now, most days. It seems like no matter how long I pray or how many scriptures I read, I can't get away from this disconnect I feel. I don't even really sense His presence. Sometimes as I study the word aloud and speak to God, I THINK I am hearing Him, though most times, I don't. Also, life has happened since what I consider to be my strongest time in the Lord. I’ve experienced things thay have caused me to stray some and things that have broken me down and look and Him and life different, wvwn though I never completely left Him. It's been hard trying to return to my first love in Him. He also has had me in an extensive season of testing too, which is also hard.
Brownwoman ofGod I think these suggestions by John Piper are really good for building our faith and recalling scripture to help in time of need. I’m not sure about them producing joy in your situation, however. It sounds to me like you need two things: some solid, positive support people to speak truth when you’re struggling, and the other thing is to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, if you haven’t already. I am Pentecostal, though, so I have different beliefs than John Piper probably does on this. What helps me to have more joy in the Lord is to read his Word and put my trust in His character through His Word and to pray in the Spirit. The Bible says in His presence is fullness of joy. That’s true for me. I’m sorry you’re struggling. Please don’t give up, no matter how hard things are or become. Enduring unto the end will bring great rewards!
I just thought of something, I know of a book that helped me a lot with my depression earlier in my life. It’s an older book, but very good. The name is Telling Yourself the Truth by William Backus and Marie Chapian. You could probably borrow it through your local library if you are in the US. I will pray for you. Jesus is worth the struggle, He loves you and wants you to prosper in your relationship with Him!
I thought of something else, I listen to Carter Conlon on Tuesday nights at 7:00pm eastern time, it’s a live prayer meeting. You can send in your prayer requests and pray for other people who are struggling. It’s very powerful. I would suggest you listen in and participate, there have been a lot of answered prayers!
Thank you for such encouragement! I did spend sometime in the word this morning and it was good. Last night before work i said "i choose to die to myself self, pick up my cross, and follow You" i said this in prayer to God.
I sing! Praise God. Sing all day long. Sing the Psalms and other Scriptures.. ❤❤❤
You just made the verse about the empty soul click for me. I’ve wondered why when I try to quit worldly entertainment for a while, I don’t feel any increased joy and the desires come back 7x stronger. This makes sense now
This has helped me more than anything I've ever heard! Praise God! God bless John Piper!
Wow that's crazy, I do this without even knowing it! It truly lifts me up when that good word hits!
Thanks Pastor John for those very good reminders especially in these times that have been so difficult around the world. We need to put our focus in the ✝ .... And remember that will be with him for ever in Eternity.
We take hold of that which God has taken hold in us❤️ amen
Yes! It’s all about the pursuit.
This is such a powerful strategy! I will be sure to practise it in my daily life! Thank you for this Pastor John and thank you for your labour of love, APJ. I found it years ago and I’m starting to really benefit from APJ now in my walk with Christ
I ask God to make me joyful. If it's true that God is the source of all good things, then what can our human efforts do without the blessing of God?
Good counsel by John.
I personally love to worship my God and Saviour every morning, it's for him that i live. Maranatha Lord Jesus.
I really needed to hear this today. Thank you Pastor John
Love this ministry !!! Thank you, Lord Jesus for Minister John Piper 🙏 🙌
Prayer has to be the strongest part of that process.
I gotta listen to this a couple more times. There is a lot of great ideas in this video that will potentially help me keep Gods word on my heart.
Mannnnn I needed this. Thank you! Setting my alarm now
I'm new to this but I must say I love this channel. I've gotten more straight answers from turning to jesus and a 12 min video than just trying to figure it out over a several year span.
Thank u In these crazy times Your words energize me To get up and get going GOD BLESS YOU AND MY THE LORD SAVIOR OF THE WORLD WATCH OVER U ALSO THE HOLY SPIRIT GIVE U WISDOM
Thank you Jesus!
This is everything for me. Thankyou so much. Praise Jesus , you’re doing great work Pastor.
One word....... Abide! Do this in Christ as He abides in you! Jesus is the exclusive source of JOY! Remember apart from Christ you and I can do nothing. In Christ we can glorify the Father by bearing fruit for His kingdom. Great Joy can be gained in this! John 15:1-8. Yet, therein be content! But godliness when accompanied by contentment is a means of great gain. 1 Timothy 6:6.
Amen 🙏
I love Pastor John. He is a genuine man. Real!!!
I love Pastor John. He always brings it.
True. Thank you. Anything can't make me really joyful except having Christ.
Terrific, advice. Love it. Praise the Lord
God Bless
hello everyone! I am asking for just a minute of your time. i am just dropping comments on random Christian videos to ask for help in prayer. I have a friend who’s suffering from endometriosis. she is suffering so much from it and doctors tell her to have her uteus removed because it’s the only solution for the pain. but she wants to have her own kids. she is not married nor have a husband. everyday she endures crippling pain from her waist to her back. and the fear of never having a family. I believe God can help her. And I believe in the power of prayer and the more we pray the more power God brings into our lives. I am desperate for my friend. please pray for her. if God won’t heal her, I know your prayers will bring such a huge impact in her life. thank you all. may the Lord bless your beautiful souls.
Good example of using the sword of the Spirit. The spirit brings to our memory the scriptures. Also sing; I've got the river of life flowing out of me, makes the lame to walk and the blind to see, opens prison doors sets the captives free. I've got the river of life flowing out of me. Spring up oh well up in my sole spring up oh well and make me whole spring up oh well and give to me that life abundantly. Real relationship with God brings trust in him brings joy.
Lastly, count your blessings & love.
Praise God! Hallelujah! Thank you John Piper! Praise God for your life! Hallelujah!
Thank you, Pastor John
I also like to squeeze the psalms they give me unexplainable peace.
The early delusional confused superstitious hypocrites, who made up the Abraham story, did not realize that they were contradicting their own definition of their imaginary God. If God is omniscient then God would have known about Abraham's sincerity without needing to resort to child abuse.
This channel has helped me to grow. Thank you .
A great time with God and Pastor Piper! Loved this sermon so much. Thank you.
I was studying 1 Peter today and found it hard to focus. God is so faithful.
Brilliant and absolutely true. Eat, drink sleep rave repeat the Word
Think I'm gonna have a great day too John. Hand to the plow, to the glory of The Lord.
Every morning as a good Calvinist, I should:
1). Thank God that He made me without any capacity to choose, totally unable to respond to His love or His Spirit’s drawing, and for making me from birth hate God with every fiber of my being.
2). Thank God that before the foundation of the world, He looked out from eternity and passed by millions and billions of people that would populate the earth and hand picked me for salvation, because He knew that I would be special to Him, kind of like a teachers pet.
3). Thank God that Jesus, being the express image of the Father, decided that He would not die for those same millions and billions that the exceedingly just Father chose to send to hell to glorify Himself. However, somehow I know that Jesus died for me because I am one of His elect. Don’t ask me why He elected me for salvation, but elected all those billions for hell, because I don’t have an answer for that. But just because I don’t have an answer, that does not mean that I am not special.
4). Thank God that in spite of my inability to respond to His gracious good news of Jesus death and resurrection, and in spite of me hating him with every fiber of my being, God arbitrarily and without my consent, caused me to be regenerated by His Holy Spirit and replaced my God hating heart with a new heart that loves Him. But don’t call me a robot, because part of God’s charm is that His irresistible grace is so amazing that He actually made me feel like I was willing to love Him, even though deep down I felt like I was doing it begrudgingly.
5). Thank God for His assurance that in spite of my continual doubts and anxiety, He is going to make sure that ultimately I will persevere to the end. My only wish is that when I approach my final days on this earth, like other staunch Calvinists, I want to have a small shred of hope that I have done enough in this life to make it to heaven.
6). Last but not least, thank God that I am not like those dastardly Arminians, Pelagians, Semi-Pelagians, Provisionists, Synergists, Papists, Open Theists, and all other groups of unenlightened and unregenerate souls who call themselves Christians.
Wow, when I step back and think about it, I really do have a lot to be thankful for. But in spite of my gratitude, somehow I still feel bad for those millions and billions that God does not love and for which Christ apparently did not die.
So so good. So well explained. Thank you Pastor John.
Thank you pastor John...I needed this. Praise the Lord
This was sooo good! I'm definitely applying this in my life
Wow. This was so good. This is exactly what I’m going to try, starting today.
Thank you Pastor John.
I’m right here, feed your joy to me.
Very on time.....thank You Lord
This is so important
The early delusional confused superstitious hypocrites made up the imaginary God of The Bible.
Chapter 1: Adam was created on the 6th day after all plants were created.
Chapter 2: Adam was created before any plants were created.
@@AtamMardes The Bible did not say that. Copy n Paste the verses from Bible Gateway or other Bible websites.
@@AtamMardes Plus, you believe in a self-creating universe. Admit it. Explosions have always destroyed, never created. So what is more silly, an explosion making EVERYTHING, energy, galaxies, atoms, the laws of physics, emotion, why morals exist, etc etc, or a great God making all that. Random chance never 'created' ANYTHING.
@@AtamMardes Watch Answers in Genesis. Dont turn away, or mock, listen carefully. Watch lots of them, dont resist watching, just watch them. You can argue with them and try to debunk them if you want, its just a video.
Do you know another way to feed your joy, talk to the Lord Jesus all day. You will be amazed at how light hearted you will be. God bless
Thank u
I love yous aye from downunder you make sense to me!!
Answering all my questions!!!
Thank you so much for this..Soo helpful.
this is great
So thankful for pastor John 🙏
Great idea!
The joy of being forgiven
Just read Col 2:9-10 and..... fire!. We are already IN the last Adam, being transformed into His image for free. Yay! 2 Cor 3:18. Gen 1:27.
Wowie. Really needed this. Thank you!
The early delusional confused superstitious hypocrites made up the imaginary God of The Bible because the same Bible that teaches "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.", also teaches how to: buy slaves, sell daughters, kill non-virgin brides, kill unruly children, slaughter an entire nation including their infants, enslave children, pass slaves on as inheritance, & beat the slaves so they don't die.
Thanks for this teaching!
I was wondering if you could possibly put subtitles for those of us who aren't native English speakers, please?
God bless you, in Jesus' name, amen!
That was powerful!
Great coaching piper!
Awesome Voice !
I'm finding focousness is prime...so ask for focusness...what a difference..."WHAT A DIFFERENCE"!
There’s so much joy I have with Jesus now knowing He turned His back on all His people in America.
How that scripture came to John Piper's mind reminds me out in the times of Jesus and before chapters and verses were added into the scriptures...Jesus and others would speak a line of scripture to the audience so they would recall the whole portion or point tha contained the referenced scripture.
John Piper was given a portion to get his spirit to recall the whole point and be enriched!
Thanks and praise be to God for His work in us!