This can unironically work with the right Pokemon, like picking Venosaur with Petal Dance and Giga Drain and then focusing not so much on diving, but more on moving around never fully commiting so that the oponents are busy chasing you instead of focusing the other attackers. It's still suboptimal though.
@UniteClimbing A video isn't necessary. It can be a detriment because people will take it to heart and they will be angry if anyone deviates from that. A little example, telling people that players with exp share shouldn't farm to keep carries strong is absolutely silly, and it'll set players to be angry when they don't get their way like unite climbing told them. Not even YOU understand how bad that statement is, and now you've set the expectation for a bunch of players that they require exp from the holders. This is bad because it leads to anger and frustration and players tilting for more reasons. A tiny example, I've had players tilt because they said sableye was a throw pick. They also tilt because Tyranitar is "D tier". Who and where do you think they get those ideas from? Content creators like YOU. So yes, it's absolutely a detriment to set false standards. It isn't so much the information but how the community ACTUALLY reacts to that information.
Understanding the thinking behind the actions in a Unite game is so important. Just watching a good player play doesn't usually reveal the understanding behind the actions. That's why vids like this are important. I agree that good team comp is important. But I'm always conflicted when no one picks defender and I have to fill the role, because all too often the carries don't carry. But not having a tank can be just as much a detriment. What to do...
I agree. Understanding the why and the in-depth details is so important for those of us who really want to do our best. Too bad Solo Q is full of divas.
You should do a video about what to do when your teammates are not playing optimally/making mistakes, ie. Not showing up to team fights, not rotating correctly, being too aggressive etc.
@@char.3631 well closing the game isn't helpful, not only you lose fair play points (which doesn't really matter), you also kill any chance of making a comeback due to an afk.
@@DarkVileScream yeah I know, some games are definitely not salvageable but not all games are like that. It would be good to have a video that people can watch and utilize to make salvageable games more likely to happen.
10:12 I understand what you mean, but in your example trying to steal maybe be the best idea. Mew gains their unite at level 8 and can safely solar beam the objective and flee using the unite move. That way you give an advantage to your team and can still be a bit more helpful than waiting for a 3v5 to happen
Easiest way to play this game very well is to always play with 2 steps in mind. For example; First step could be you want to score 10 points BUT with that first step in mind consider the next in game objective or your next move to help the team. For example, lets say you want to score 40 points but top objective will be up in 23 seconds. Your best chances at a score would be to score bot and make for top gank using green berries. Always be 2 steps ahead in your choices. This works regardless of team comp and skill level. A single step action could be going to commit a back cap during Ray. Thats a single step because you are fully committing with no further strategy other than a big score. 1 step actions often lead to being out of place for objectives, too late for team fights and even unnecessary recalls. Another single step action I see a lot is people committing to fights with no beneficial outcomes other than ko's, basically ray fighting but no actual ray. Thats a single step because there is no follow up strategy other then just brawling it out.
The frustration in that "Don't take the farm!" 😂 I wish more solo queue players understood how Experience Share works. Much appreciation to you for these videos. I have been playing since the start, and following your tips helped me reach Masters for the first time ever, this week. I now understand the game a lot more, and although I am still a relatively casual player, stacking up a string of hard fought wins has been nice. So, again... Thank You 🏆
Just wanna ask what's the best thing you could do to against "United" enemy team in ray fight when you are alone. As a defender/supporter main, I try to secure, but it's just too hard as almost all mons have decent securing in game. Also no matter how much I try, I always get caught by enemies before securing.(I'm a solo player, so just think that my team has negative eulo coordination)
It's not. The worst part was leaving exp for teammates to come back. As a support you need to pick up any farm you possibly can ALONE. In his example, hitting 4 and 6 for hoopa is a big power spike. Waiting for your teammate to come back to farm it is really a bad idea. It can get stolen and stacked and now both of you are at a loss. At best hoopa hits 4 and gets his ability. If you wait and split the exp, hoopa won't hit his kep power spikes at 750 or even 720. It's basically a bad choice all around. Exp share doesn't mean "exp give it all away". You still need power spikes and farming alone will allow that. This is even more important as a defender. Also, the biggest power spikes in the game are for defenders and supports at level 13. Giving away ALL exp is a horrible idea. Good players know when to let exp share holders farm alone. Bad players take EVERYTHING from them.
That's why the GENERAL rule of thumb is help your carry get exp, and you'll hit your power spike in time from the passive exp and the extra 30%. Obviously sometimes you do need to reach your spike. That's obvious. But when you can, you should let your carry get exp, and if they know what they need to do you'll get your exp and your spike dude
@frisbeeluke2775 That's not true. The only time I've been level 13 as a support is focusing on my own exp after the early game. 9/10, you'll be level 12 at most during Ray. Exp share is only good early game. After 7 minutes you need to focus on hitting levels. Most exp comes from ko's, scoring and farming. All of which you give up by playing exp share. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying that you have to know the cut-off point. In his own example, his other laner was stacking. Meaning he was good on exp and power spikes. At that point, you have to make sure you reach your own. The passive exp gain is neglible if you are actually good. I have games where I'll be 1 to 2 levels higher than the opposite laners. That means I don't actually get that passive increase anyway. The increase is only beneficial when you are getting absolutely rolled.
@@closeenough1343 why would you be farming by yourself as a support? I get your points, and Phil Y makes them too. In my experience, a more fed carry will win the game. Then supporting a well fed carry will enhance this. If you don't trust your team, then play as you wish. I have trust
Hot take, but playing defender/supporter is not worth it 90% of the time in solo queue. Low winrate players never know how to play around their tanks and support. So you put yourself at a disadvantage by role filling and end up getting tilted from the lack of control you have over the game. The smart players that do know how to teamfight and play around their tanks are often times on the enemy team.
You are totally correct. But then you will get shredded by a half decent team which has good comp and ex mons. The real thing is there's no correct answer to this question. End conclusion :- "Unite and Matchmaking sucks"
What I usually end up doing in soloQ is just "the next best thing," where if my team doesn't rotate bot, I'll help on top, or defend, or farm with my team... basically whatever the next best thing is, after the first best thing.
Yea you would think at 7 mins people would rotate bottom but it's usually 2 ppl top while I'm bottom by myself or with one other person and most times the tank is trying to solo the regileki or score instead of defending the attackers same with the dps they either top or if they actually come bottom I'm the only backup as an attacker. This why most my games I can't fill a role because sniping the objectives especially if your team decides to rip Ray while the enemy has secure is something you almost always have to do. If registeel comes up and my team doesn't rotate I usually let them have it because clearly we don't want or deserve the buffs if they don't know that the registeel or bottom regi in general is something to be fighting for over top regi. That's said defender is definitely a better role after attacker blastoise and goodra have high scaling moves so u can expect to get some kills and high damage in some games playing those mons atleast. But I definitely wish I had tanks or supports that bush check at Ray or body block moves frm hitting you like some games the tanks be at the damn back with the mages.
Uhh in your example at about 10:00, mew should stay back and try to steal the objective with its super kamehameha, then maybe toss a rasengan and spirit gun and dash away laughing 😂
I'm fine being a Fill most of the time, but when it's time I wanna play something in particular (like say after multiple loses and want to play one of my "mains") I tend to get players who can barely play their roles properly. I do gave friends I can count on whenever we all play together, but that doesn't fix the rest of Unite
There's no correct answer to which "class" we should choose. But the main idea is always:- 2 damage dealers(attackers/mage/strong allrounder), 2 supports (defender/support), and last pick is which would work best in team. The ideal team is shown in video, so something like that
When i started i always would pick an xp share defender or supporter, but the longer i played it was painfull. Now i just pick what is fun to me, not caring about winning. I have more fun and also win more lol
I'm wondering why the lane distribution is that way. Since the bottom lane has way more exp, shouldn't carry be on that lane? And top lane with how less exp it has, early game mage pokemon should do better on that lane, am I wrong about this?!
This is correct, but your concept is off. Mages have better secure, so they will get the secures a lot safer over the brawlers. A whole video is getting done on this topic
11:26 That blastoise is doing a good job. Though if it was soloQ, expeect some **Check it out!** from the buffoon who tried to be a Naruto never giving up on a 1 v 5
i agree with less than half of what you said,i dont like promoting a single meta, the game is dynamic and non-linear, i advocate for split pushing, forget the team, they can handle themselves, but i want to discourage multiple split pushers; they give a bad name to the anti meta at masters 1500
I don’t really understand the roles. Besides there being attacker, all-rounder, etc, there are these terms that I have a hard time attributing to Pokémon like “top lane carry” and the such. So it’s confusing to know what role you’re talking about when you describe them like that, and not to mention that any of the 5 roles on unite could be described as a carry or whatever. So I’m just lost when I hear these terms. Thanks for reading
Its probably just because the opposite side talon is just bad, lane talon is actually decent especially when you are trying to early stack attack weight.
@@CarterLam1014 Ok fair enough I was probably a little hard on it. I do think though jungle is much more reliable about getting your power advantage, but I see your point. If you got 6 stacks early, you could really bully them 😂 Maybe I'm also a bit jaded because of some of the lane partners we can get 😅 I am fairly new at talonflame myself but it quickly became a new favorite 😊 float like a humming bird, peck like a woodpecker!
Watched the video, ended up with full motivation trying to practice all i learnt... Got paired with a couple of idiots, chosing central area, fighting together the jungle mons -.-
The game teaches us that we should send a defender and an attacker to the top lane and send an all-rounder and a supporter to the bottom lane. What you are teaching is basically the opposite of that. Why is the game teaching us to do the opposite of what you are teaching us to do? Seriously, I thought I was playing properly by following what the actual game was teaching me to do.
@@UniteClimbing Bottom Lane Supporters Supporters will focus on providing the team with buffs or hindering opponents with status effects. Since the Bottom Lane tend to have more fights happen compared to the Top Lane, it is important for the Supporter to buff or heal their teammates, so they can stay in the fight much longer.Mar 20, 2023
Instructions unclear, picked a 5th attacker
"Attacker Needed"
"Defender needed!" Says the 4th attacker instead of picking it
@@0TTERBROfr been getting absolutely horrible these days
Lmfao this is too real
This can unironically work with the right Pokemon, like picking Venosaur with Petal Dance and Giga Drain and then focusing not so much on diving, but more on moving around never fully commiting so that the oponents are busy chasing you instead of focusing the other attackers.
It's still suboptimal though.
Every single player should watch this video. Or at least my teammates, because 90% of the time they don't know how to even hold the controller.
If they are even playing with the controller and not with the Nintendo Labo Stering Wheel.
@@xaironv2365 I think the Lapras on my team from yesterday was doing that, because it was just running into a wall for a few minutes.
This wasn't helpful. This video was a detriment actually
@@closeenough1343 please elaborate, and then make your video to help me (and everyone else) more 👍
@UniteClimbing A video isn't necessary. It can be a detriment because people will take it to heart and they will be angry if anyone deviates from that. A little example, telling people that players with exp share shouldn't farm to keep carries strong is absolutely silly, and it'll set players to be angry when they don't get their way like unite climbing told them. Not even YOU understand how bad that statement is, and now you've set the expectation for a bunch of players that they require exp from the holders. This is bad because it leads to anger and frustration and players tilting for more reasons. A tiny example, I've had players tilt because they said sableye was a throw pick. They also tilt because Tyranitar is "D tier". Who and where do you think they get those ideas from? Content creators like YOU. So yes, it's absolutely a detriment to set false standards. It isn't so much the information but how the community ACTUALLY reacts to that information.
Understanding the thinking behind the actions in a Unite game is so important. Just watching a good player play doesn't usually reveal the understanding behind the actions. That's why vids like this are important.
I agree that good team comp is important. But I'm always conflicted when no one picks defender and I have to fill the role, because all too often the carries don't carry. But not having a tank can be just as much a detriment. What to do...
You either die as a level 11 defender in ray fight. Or die as a level 12 carry who gets killed the second you revives
I agree. Understanding the why and the in-depth details is so important for those of us who really want to do our best. Too bad Solo Q is full of divas.
More important is there should be teamwork to win
That's only possible if everyone talk to each other. Most people don't want to talk unless they're friends
Consistently great videos. Thanks for sharing insight and perspective! Would highly recommend this channel to anyone wanting to become a better player
Hello Unite Climbing
Hello! Bro
Ah yes an in-depth guide on how to use your brain
You should do a video about what to do when your teammates are not playing optimally/making mistakes, ie. Not showing up to team fights, not rotating correctly, being too aggressive etc.
Close the game
Yeah some games are just cursed and you just gotta burn that 10 minutes
@@char.3631 well closing the game isn't helpful, not only you lose fair play points (which doesn't really matter), you also kill any chance of making a comeback due to an afk.
@@DarkVileScream yeah I know, some games are definitely not salvageable but not all games are like that. It would be good to have a video that people can watch and utilize to make salvageable games more likely to happen.
@@char.3631 lmfao feels bro. Feels
10:12 I understand what you mean, but in your example trying to steal maybe be the best idea. Mew gains their unite at level 8 and can safely solar beam the objective and flee using the unite move. That way you give an advantage to your team and can still be a bit more helpful than waiting for a 3v5 to happen
It always shocks me at how often players i get paired with forget about 8 min bee's its such a turning point in the game and no one dose em
I love how brutal the thumbnail is.
Easiest way to play this game very well is to always play with 2 steps in mind. For example; First step could be you want to score 10 points BUT with that first step in mind consider the next in game objective or your next move to help the team. For example, lets say you want to score 40 points but top objective will be up in 23 seconds. Your best chances at a score would be to score bot and make for top gank using green berries. Always be 2 steps ahead in your choices. This works regardless of team comp and skill level. A single step action could be going to commit a back cap during Ray. Thats a single step because you are fully committing with no further strategy other than a big score. 1 step actions often lead to being out of place for objectives, too late for team fights and even unnecessary recalls. Another single step action I see a lot is people committing to fights with no beneficial outcomes other than ko's, basically ray fighting but no actual ray. Thats a single step because there is no follow up strategy other then just brawling it out.
common sense itself is considered 'SMART' in this game
Can't wait for part 2
Part 2?
@UniteClimbing you said you can't fit in all in one video, so my guess is a part 2 coming?
The frustration in that "Don't take the farm!" 😂 I wish more solo queue players understood how Experience Share works. Much appreciation to you for these videos. I have been playing since the start, and following your tips helped me reach Masters for the first time ever, this week. I now understand the game a lot more, and although I am still a relatively casual player, stacking up a string of hard fought wins has been nice. So, again... Thank You 🏆
There's also another side to it, where exp share players taking the first 2 farms, which puts the stacking partner in a adverse situation
Thinking, very helpful.
Just wanna ask what's the best thing you could do to against "United" enemy team in ray fight when you are alone. As a defender/supporter main, I try to secure, but it's just too hard as almost all mons have decent securing in game. Also no matter how much I try, I always get caught by enemies before securing.(I'm a solo player, so just think that my team has negative eulo coordination)
I dont comment often, but thats a master piece right here!
It's not. The worst part was leaving exp for teammates to come back. As a support you need to pick up any farm you possibly can ALONE. In his example, hitting 4 and 6 for hoopa is a big power spike. Waiting for your teammate to come back to farm it is really a bad idea. It can get stolen and stacked and now both of you are at a loss. At best hoopa hits 4 and gets his ability. If you wait and split the exp, hoopa won't hit his kep power spikes at 750 or even 720. It's basically a bad choice all around. Exp share doesn't mean "exp give it all away". You still need power spikes and farming alone will allow that. This is even more important as a defender. Also, the biggest power spikes in the game are for defenders and supports at level 13. Giving away ALL exp is a horrible idea. Good players know when to let exp share holders farm alone. Bad players take EVERYTHING from them.
That's why the GENERAL rule of thumb is help your carry get exp, and you'll hit your power spike in time from the passive exp and the extra 30%. Obviously sometimes you do need to reach your spike. That's obvious. But when you can, you should let your carry get exp, and if they know what they need to do you'll get your exp and your spike dude
@frisbeeluke2775 That's not true. The only time I've been level 13 as a support is focusing on my own exp after the early game. 9/10, you'll be level 12 at most during Ray. Exp share is only good early game. After 7 minutes you need to focus on hitting levels. Most exp comes from ko's, scoring and farming. All of which you give up by playing exp share. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying that you have to know the cut-off point. In his own example, his other laner was stacking. Meaning he was good on exp and power spikes. At that point, you have to make sure you reach your own. The passive exp gain is neglible if you are actually good. I have games where I'll be 1 to 2 levels higher than the opposite laners. That means I don't actually get that passive increase anyway. The increase is only beneficial when you are getting absolutely rolled.
@@closeenough1343 i agree that this part was debatable. But overall, it's very easy to learn with this type of vidéo.
@@closeenough1343 why would you be farming by yourself as a support?
I get your points, and Phil Y makes them too. In my experience, a more fed carry will win the game. Then supporting a well fed carry will enhance this.
If you don't trust your team, then play as you wish. I have trust
Thank you for your class, you are incredible!.
Great video and explanations
Hot take, but playing defender/supporter is not worth it 90% of the time in solo queue.
Low winrate players never know how to play around their tanks and support. So you put yourself at a disadvantage by role filling and end up getting tilted from the lack of control you have over the game.
The smart players that do know how to teamfight and play around their tanks are often times on the enemy team.
after getting to masters we start getting decent players tho
That's a myth bro@@SwayamKrishnaartsandcrafts
You are totally correct. But then you will get shredded by a half decent team which has good comp and ex mons. The real thing is there's no correct answer to this question. End conclusion :- "Unite and Matchmaking sucks"
@@arpit7392 I suppose draft helps a little bit with that issue, but the way it is now, I've gotten a total of 6 draft games out of 120 games.
You need to watch my streams then. I'm winning 60-70% repeatedly on SoloQ as a support / tank. Team comp diff matters.
What is the website you are using with the interactive map? Thanks!
Instructions unclear picked goodra and ran top.
thanks a lot i used to suck a lot, struggling in ultra but now i am master 1400
Does anyone knows where can i access that map coaching? I found map coaching but it doesn't have wild pokemons or berries.
What I usually end up doing in soloQ is just "the next best thing," where if my team doesn't rotate bot, I'll help on top, or defend, or farm with my team... basically whatever the next best thing is, after the first best thing.
Whats the site u used in the beginning?
What is the website used to demonstrate positions? With the maps and the icons?
Nvm figured it out
Yea you would think at 7 mins people would rotate bottom but it's usually 2 ppl top while I'm bottom by myself or with one other person and most times the tank is trying to solo the regileki or score instead of defending the attackers same with the dps they either top or if they actually come bottom I'm the only backup as an attacker. This why most my games I can't fill a role because sniping the objectives especially if your team decides to rip Ray while the enemy has secure is something you almost always have to do. If registeel comes up and my team doesn't rotate I usually let them have it because clearly we don't want or deserve the buffs if they don't know that the registeel or bottom regi in general is something to be fighting for over top regi. That's said defender is definitely a better role after attacker blastoise and goodra have high scaling moves so u can expect to get some kills and high damage in some games playing those mons atleast. But I definitely wish I had tanks or supports that bush check at Ray or body block moves frm hitting you like some games the tanks be at the damn back with the mages.
We need part 2 or 3 or whatever number is required. We need this kind of video...
Which section in particular?
Uhh in your example at about 10:00, mew should stay back and try to steal the objective with its super kamehameha, then maybe toss a rasengan and spirit gun and dash away laughing 😂
1:55 :widehoopa:
as a tank player i can confirm that i rarely hit ray when we are trying to rip and instead sit in a bush
Yes, zoning the enemy secure 🙌🙌
I thought lane assignments were defender top, supporter down with a mage in each (not together in bottom, like the video suggests)
6:08 what is that website?
I'm fine being a Fill most of the time, but when it's time I wanna play something in particular (like say after multiple loses and want to play one of my "mains") I tend to get players who can barely play their roles properly.
I do gave friends I can count on whenever we all play together, but that doesn't fix the rest of Unite
Bro which website is this????
What should the number of Pokémon from each class (Ex. Attacker, Defender) should be on each team
There's no correct answer to which "class" we should choose. But the main idea is always:- 2 damage dealers(attackers/mage/strong allrounder), 2 supports (defender/support), and last pick is which would work best in team. The ideal team is shown in video, so something like that
When i started i always would pick an xp share defender or supporter, but the longer i played it was painfull. Now i just pick what is fun to me, not caring about winning. I have more fun and also win more lol
How do I send this to my ranked teammates when I solo queue? They need it
how to position? lol, the attacker was behind the sup and tank, and the moment the tank and sup see enemies, they run leaving the attacker alone
I'm wondering why the lane distribution is that way. Since the bottom lane has way more exp, shouldn't carry be on that lane? And top lane with how less exp it has, early game mage pokemon should do better on that lane, am I wrong about this?!
This is correct, but your concept is off. Mages have better secure, so they will get the secures a lot safer over the brawlers. A whole video is getting done on this topic
@@UniteClimbing Ahh, I see. Thank you so much and I'll look forward to the video!
Can anyone tell me about this website?
11:26 That blastoise is doing a good job. Though if it was soloQ, expeect some
**Check it out!** from the buffoon who tried to be a Naruto never giving up on a 1 v 5
Next teach us how to get teams that don’t have one hand in the glue jar as they play lmaoo
i agree with less than half of what you said,i dont like promoting a single meta, the game is dynamic and non-linear, i advocate for split pushing, forget the team, they can handle themselves, but i want to discourage multiple split pushers; they give a bad name to the anti meta at masters 1500
damn wish i knew how to think
Blastoise a carry? :p Damage so low
A good video to share to my dumb friends
I don’t really understand the roles. Besides there being attacker, all-rounder, etc, there are these terms that I have a hard time attributing to Pokémon like “top lane carry” and the such. So it’s confusing to know what role you’re talking about when you describe them like that, and not to mention that any of the 5 roles on unite could be described as a carry or whatever. So I’m just lost when I hear these terms. Thanks for reading
Instructions unclear: I solo queue
u start off saying to take double tank for good team comp, cooked
Huh? I said support top and tank bot
Under 24 hour gang
Talonflame top 🤢😂
I always love when I'm talon jungle and they have a talon in lane 😂 usually like 14 v 3 kills
Its probably just because the opposite side talon is just bad, lane talon is actually decent especially when you are trying to early stack attack weight.
@@CarterLam1014 Ok fair enough I was probably a little hard on it. I do think though jungle is much more reliable about getting your power advantage, but I see your point. If you got 6 stacks early, you could really bully them 😂
Maybe I'm also a bit jaded because of some of the lane partners we can get 😅
I am fairly new at talonflame myself but it quickly became a new favorite 😊 float like a humming bird, peck like a woodpecker!
@@williamt2700 glad you like talon 👍
Watched the video, ended up with full motivation trying to practice all i learnt...
Got paired with a couple of idiots, chosing central area, fighting together the jungle mons -.-
A bad team f*cks up ur game 90% of time
The game teaches us that we should send a defender and an attacker to the top lane and send an all-rounder and a supporter to the bottom lane. What you are teaching is basically the opposite of that. Why is the game teaching us to do the opposite of what you are teaching us to do? Seriously, I thought I was playing properly by following what the actual game was teaching me to do.
Support always go button! Support don’t go in top 😂
Huh? This isn't league of legends 😅 supports go top in unite!!
@@UniteClimbing no it does not but whatever you say
@@lifebfdeath6294 please link me the competitive matches where the support is going bottom on repeat
@@UniteClimbing google what lane support goes in and it’s gonna pop up bottom Lane 100%
@@UniteClimbing Bottom Lane Supporters
Supporters will focus on providing the team with buffs or hindering opponents with status effects. Since the Bottom Lane tend to have more fights happen compared to the Top Lane, it is important for the Supporter to buff or heal their teammates, so they can stay in the fight much longer.Mar 20, 2023
Before I even watch this video I wanted to say thanks,you’ve helped me go from vet to masters in like 4 days solo que 😤📝🫡