an INTJ checking in here. Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to make this video and putting it up. You come across genuine/real and that really helps with the messages you're giving. At least, it makes me more receptive. I'd add that, it's easy for us to weigh the negative things heavier than the positive. People don't take time to understand things, so don't fret too much over these things. You're doing great, thanks again for sharing your intellect with us.
Hi! I just wanted to say how glad I am that you are making videos again. I ran across your others right after I became aware of being an INFJ (specifically the one with the rescheduled hair appointment)- anyway, your videos are great and I definitely relate to the things you share in them. So thank you for doing these. They are excellent and truly helpful!
Ni is an unconscious function, but when it is dominant (at least in my case as an INTJ)it is almost constantly sending signals to the conscious mind.Not all Ni is perceived as those big eureka moments.Most of it is in the form of small connections and patterns. I think the reason you might not be aware of your Ni moments is because of the fleeting (Ni understanding,or more aptly a "knowing"are instant and require no thought) nature of such instances. I see it as the million times faster (pattern recognition) processor (subconscious) letting the slow processor (conscious mind) take a peak from it's perspective.It's a knowing (instant) how everything fits together as a big picture,without the need for words,details,or thought. You can deconstruct it and sort out the details,but it's often not necessary and it is mentally draining. Try to be aware of those fleeting instances that have been happening all your life,rather than something out of the ordinary. Ni is so predominant and normal to an Ni dom that it doesn't stand out. Good video.
+Mark EightVerseTwentyNine "I think you said Ni was a subconscious function? As an Ne user (or thats what I perceive) I am able to observe my Ne. Are you able to observe your Ni?" Say your mind is a two story house: You conscious knowledge lies in the main floor and the basement contains the unconscious knowledge. From what I understand, Ne focuses on gathering information for the main floor to tinker and play around with in order to find relevant connections between the data. You can take in a lot of information at once, remember it, and make a conscious effort to find patterns within what you can recall and store on the main floor. Ni, on the other hand, utilizes a smaller portion of the main floor and puts more emphasis on finding unconscious connections between information that exists in the basement. As we consciously take in new information for the main floor, it’s almost as if the basement is already one step ahead of our consciousness, working away to create mental connections as to how things relate to each other or how they will affect each other later on. Example of when I observed my Ni: The other day I was watching a television show and there was a preview of an interaction between a girl and a boy. The preview did not show what the girl said; it only showed the boy's reaction to what she had said. Immediately afterwards, a little voice in my head said, “She’s a lesbian”. I don’t know where it came from or why I came to that conclusion, but later in the show when they actually revealed what she had said, turns out I was completely right about that assumption. It’s an extremely strange phenomenon, especially when you aren’t able to explain why or how you know something since the connection is made in the basement rather than the main floor. Hope that makes sense. I’d love to hear other INFJs explanation of their Ni as well.
The basement is far from being "ahead". Ne is very quick, but Ni can go allot deeper. But it takes more time, because the information needs to mature. When you see a person with Ni, exhibiting Ne like traits, it is because they have already had allot of experience/related experience with the topic at hand.
+solohouette I like Chad Crandall's videos on Ni vs Ne. Intuition is by definition the ability to understand something *immediately* without any conscious reasoning process. In that light, Ne is like an explosion of shallow ideas related to the stimulus or input idea. Ni is like the ability to focus deeply on one or two ideas related to the stimulus or input idea. Chad has a great description of INTP as the person who can use her Ne to take some input thought, then break it out to 10 other ideas immediately, then create a decision tree around those 10 ideas that can grow quite large. So I don't think Ne is about how you create intuition. Ne is more about the ability to have many different intuitions at once.
Yup, exactly that, that's happens. I'll get an answer pop into my head, or sometimes an "aha", and then answer. It's totally unconscious. Sometimes it's fast, sometimes it's slower. It's slower when it's something new to me, and then I have to "go searching". I'll ask a question of myself, then later I'll have an answer. Might be 2 minutes, 20 seconds, or 30 days. Depends on the topic, and depends if it's more spiritual in nature, that takes time because it's outside of me, sort of. It's both at once.
Mark, I’m a little older well a lot older than solohouette. More experience using my Ni. I can observe (maybe consciously “aware” of it happening is more precise) while it is happening. I can redirect and focus it. It’s not dreaming, it’s thinking with purpose. INFJs don’t really dream or for me when I do it is writing a play with me as the hero or villain. Ni is real in the sense it is focused to be applied in the world either physically or meta-physically. I started writing before I saw you had more to read. I hope I didn’t miss the point. I’m reading the rest and offering an apology up front for my likely faux pas.
INTJ here: I recognize the first two problems, but I think they usually don't effect me negatively. For example, if I'm building things it helps a lot if you can envision your perfect end goal, what the finished thing is going to do. I do not deny that the path to getting there is oftentimes stony - my favorite quote is "nothing is ever easy". Perhaps its stubbornness or a bit of autism, but i simply refuse to give up if my Ni says me it is possible and I am just on the wrong way at the moment. Because of that, the list of goals I couldn't get to is a short one. But insofar it's true: every one point on it hurts. In case of perfectionism, the solution is simply to make it as good as you can, at some point you see the point where you cannot improve the result with the resources you have. With that in mind, I can sleep well because the finish line is now fixed to something else you cannot influence, so its not in your power to change it. And that is the only one case where i procrastinate: If i have better resources at a later time, I don't necessary bring it to reality because similar to Schroedingers Cat your vision is still alive until you really try to do it. And because of that, I get rarely disappointed because my predictions are usually correct. Perhaps that is a function of getting older and wiser to the point of "idealist and cynic at the same time" which is said of INTJs. In an ideal world, everything would pan out as we envision it because its the right way. But because the world is simply unfair and unlogic and bad, it simply doesn't and that provides an excuse. Surely, you tried your best, but if the world doesn't want you you don't have to.
Hey +Solohouette, some people literally dislike videos because the most arbitrary reasons e.g. "I don't like that hue of blue on her shirt..I'm gonna dislike this video". It's almost impossible to please everyone on TH-cam. The people that care enough to leave a comment about something reasonable which they didn't agree with usually won't dislike your videos. It's only the truly unreasonable viewers who will leave a dislike and never comment/return to your videos. Never take it personally, I've been binge watching your videos lately and truly appreciate your input and the way your mind works. You've taught me a lot about myself so far (I'm a 24/M/INFJ). Please keep up the amazing work!
I'm also an INFJ, and I also have occasional problems with motivation and staying focused on a project because of lack of energy or setbacks. I've found it useful to research how to have a healthy dopamine system in my brain in order to optimize my energy levels. Some ways to do that include: exercise, healthy eating, meditation, as well as supplementing b-complex, fish oil, CDP Choline, and Uridine. Also, I'm careful with my caffeine intake, because I've realized that too much of it one day can deplete my dopamine reserves so that the following day I feel depressed and low energy. Now if I'm having an unmotivated day, I just blame it on low dopamine, and I try to practice good dopamine hygiene so that I'll feel better tomorrow.
Yeah, I supplement with Vitamin D. Recently I've been studying about cortisol levels, and about how it can effect your energy and mood if it's too high or too low.
Heres my Ni explanation through an example. My german teacher in an email said "froh something something" and I didn't instantly know that words meaning. In my head I started hearing a tune from Beethoven's 9th where they sing "froh wie sienen sonnen fliegen". Then I remembered the translation is "gladly as his suns fly" so "froh" means "glad". -intj
Oh yeah... spot on. Thing about confidence. I used to be really bad about it too. My self-esteem and self-confidence would tank, and I'd get depressed. Now I do my best to let it slide, and determine to continue on regardless, and accept. It's hard sometimes, but eventually I trained myself to think positive: "It's a mistake, it happens" and not let perfectionism take hold. Though when I'm tired mentally, it's harder. In another video you illustrated the extremes in a blue and red diagram. I was tired of feeling that way, peaking really high, and the drowning in self-pity and self-loathing. I aim for the middle, or at least not so high / not so low. It helped a lot. It's one of the things us INFJs have to learn, to accept that things don't always turn out as our perfect mental picture has it, and roll with it. Accept also that we'll always have this perfect picture, that's the beauty, but it can be a trap. This I'm learning (still). It's hard because often it interacts with Se, which is pretty darn weak, so sometimes you get stuck "in the grip" of Se, which isn't healthy either. On they say for us, the best way to deal with Se is to stick with Ni, and trust it, and trust our Ti and use Fe, and Se will be more healthy (paraphrasing and summarising). I feel that is a good approach too, as it uses our strengths to lessen our weaknesses.
You're videos are great! It takes much more courage and strength to create and share a video than it does to hit a like or dislike button. Keep 'em coming! Have Fun and journey on girl!
This is my own (INFJ) experience of my Ni: It needs tons and tons of random information to do any useful good to me. But when it (the Ni) later encounter a situation where it have some knowledge from past experience it will draw lightning fast conclusions of what will unfold in the future, if nothing changes of course. From the outside it will seem to be taken out of the blue because no one else get this picture in their mind like I do. Sensors have the biggest trouble understanding how I can "know" thing from just a tiny bit of information, because they need to actually see it before they belive it. I heard someone describe living with dominant Ni in your function stack like this: "It's like seeing a train heading to a crash in slow motion, you know it's going to happen but you can't do anything about it because no one else realizes it until it's to late.". As I have been getting older (34 years now, still kickin' it) I have become better at back tracking and explaing my "prophecies". It usually takes hours because the amount of information that is used to reach the conclusions is huuuge. But now I can do it. When it's about people it's often just sutle things hidden in our language (body included) that gives away the information that leads to my conclusions. Over the years I have developed this uncanny abaility to know when couples are going to break up, and I know that waaaaaaaaay before they even know it consciously them self (which of course makes it hard to explain to them, because they will get angry and call it bull shit. But then it happens... every damn time) If it is about work, or more objective things, it's more of just having facts and experience. To round this up, Ni to me is an unconscious function as it processes things, but the finnished results is very much a conscious thing. It's the way to it that is hidden from us, which of course makes us confused at times :-) It's not a function that can be controlled by will, and that is troublesome for us. People see us as insightful and ask us things and because our dominant process function don't follow orders we just stand around with no answer from time to time, hence the goofyness at random occations.
Thank you for sharing your experiences with Ni! As you said, this function needs a lot of information to properly work. Depending on the subject, I've noticed that it takes me a long time to build solid mental connections with certain subjects (like math, science). But I find that once I do make those connections, I can almost master any subject that I put my mind to. I wonder if it's the same for you? (Also, part of me believes that my young age helps me learn and retain information faster - interested to hear your experience with learning as you've gotten older)
+solohouette Yeah, I also need some extra time to fully understand math and science. But when I do! I think it is more or less the same for us there. Philosophy is my natural habitat, I get it almost instantaneously, and can often develope it further, from my uniqe point of understanding. Young brains/minds/souls (call it whatever) is known to be better at absorbing new ideas and information, but with age comes the perfection of how to use that stored information. It's a developing process. But I still outperformes most people in that area so... I don't know if it slows down that much. Only way is to do a comparison, a head to head test, with my younger self, and that will be kind of impossible :-) Dominant Sensors (Si) suffers more from this old thinking of "hard to learn when you get older" talk, as their mind is focused on Not changing things. It will appear as they are reluctant to learning things outside what they precive as useful information. Ni on the other hand... It just goes on, and on, and on... Sucking everything in. Still in a way like Si, but Ni will always change internally where new ideas fill in gaps or even evolve new ideas, instead of Si that will reject things, which of course is a problem if you try to learn or develope a new skill in older days... Si folks is not very likely to do so anyway as it will be unnatural for them, they will just refine what they always have done, like baking cookies (which is more boring than death from my perspective, but we are all different).
Great insightful topic. Thank you for sharing this. Likely the Ni is working overtime whenever there is a contradicting outcome (like a dislike on your channel). Instead allow it to pass and minimize creating scenarios of how it could have been avoided. Your Ni capability is too precious to expend more energy on an outcome, that has already passed, and may have just been decided on a whim.
I have had days where I tried to make guitar videos but my playing would not be tight enough so after 10 takes I just say Fuck it and delete the videos lol
You have a great way of explaining these complex topics, solohouette. I hope to hear more in the future, it'd be great to hear what you're more current thoughts have been about lately. -INFJ
Solo, Great to hear I don't suffer the Ni Ti loop alone. Also helpful to see (by your explanation) that's it's those two functions that are feeding back (so to speak) when things aren't going well. INFJ's are rare I think because we are basically recluses that are not allowed (by our own natures) to be reclusive. We are a closed system that's essentially forced to be open because of Fe. That's like living between a rock and a hard place. Thanks for your efforts here. Can't be easy to do this but be assured that it is helpful to your fellow INFJ's.
It may be that the intuitive factor is a relationship between the self and the universe (or perceived reality), which makes the process of being in harmony with it a primary goal. This seems to translate to everything i.e. relationships, vocation etc. As one moves and adapts to the nature of the universe or experience, it is our intuition that is so deeply aligned with that relationship, although idealized, and is experienced as our own deepest personal nature and that natures harmony with the all.
Spot on about Ti feeding data into Ni to arrive at that eureka moment. I actually wonder if it works both ways equally such as a yin and yang? Anyway that hit home, thanks for the insight. I’m subscribing. Might this also be a source of INFJ arrogance and learning to mange this via our Fe parent a way to inner peace and maturity.
Thank you for this video! I didn't know I needed it so much. :) Well, once again you talked about and explained really relevant issues, such as: the thing about repeating on our mind situations and words we've said or listened to over and over again, til we realise what something means or why things happened like that; all the perfectionism and the "predicting" thing, and lack of self-confidence issue (though we know we can do something and people tell us that) -- which can lead to anxiety, low self-esteem and even depression (to be honest, I don't know which, in this case, is the cause and which is the consequence); and the need to improve everything we do (as a result of perfectionism, probably), which is, in fact, the need to always improve ourselves as human beings. Please tell me if I have misunderstood anything you've said. Now I know some of the things I feel/think are "normal". Keep doing videos and don't worry about dislikes. xx
I just read something I had to share here. I for a while understand while Ni - Ti for too much is unhealthy, but did not really understand how it connects to why it seems to be happening (the Ni - Ti loop) instead of actually doing things I want. Because it is not for decision making, and without decision making, you can't follow any goal. Because we use J for decision-making.
The way I picture Ni is like taking what we know of the external world and copying it over to an internal copy of that world, and then running a simulation on it. For example we might focus on an end-result and then simulate our way there layer by layer, with each layer of simulation adding more data about how to get there precisely. Sudden changes can fluster us because they force us to re-simulate from scratch taking the new information into account. The important thing to note is that this is all occurring in the background and so we can't really see or control it, the only thing we can see are the signals that it's outputting every once in awhile. I think it's also a lot where Ni stubbornness comes from. Someone might tell us something new or unexpected that we didn't take into account and now we gotta take time to process it -- but in the mean time we have this situation to deal with where we have to do something NOW instead of waiting for our unconscious to churn out a result, so either refuse the input for now, gather more information or yield for the sake of maintaining a harmonious relationship.
One of the great potential benefits of typology is that you can understand why you do things a certain way. By knowing this you can be kinder to yourself and work round them (mitigate the negative aspects) although you cannot overcome weaknesses completely. Many, most likely Sensors, won’t see the point in psychology because they see things in more linear and simplistic ways. A is A, so what? lol
I find it comical that you mentioned the whole "replaying things in our minds over again" because it happens to me on a regular basis. I am often posed with questions that need to be answered in the same moment that they are asked, and that tends to lead to a good amount of "what if" scenarios after the fact. All in all, your video had a great deal of information that resonated with me- no thumbs down from this INFJ!
Thanks, Jacob! We always want to assess all sides of a person/situation to see what we can do to make it better (even if it's not our responsibility). Ni-Ti loop can be quit burdensome, but it's better to make an attempt to control it than to sit back and allow it to control us
Hi Solohouette, thank you for this comment: "We always want to assess all sides of a person/situation." Very helpful for my understanding as the search for different perspectives indeed validate your Ni-Ti loop idea. This ESTP also replays a lot of conversations (especially the dialogues with NFJs) to improve my understanding and my Ti is definitely heavily involved when processing thoughts expressed by others. For me, this process can happen several days after the conversation leading to new insights or connections.
hey, really appreciating your videos on Ni, as an Ne user myself I really tried to figure it out because it is so mysterious and I had come to the conclusion that it was a bit like seeing the end, the "big picture" but you really added your explanation! Some problems however, I previously thought that Ni was bad at picking up and focusing on any detail, you seem to actually mention you make use of Se to pick up details and then these details somehow inform your Ni, but then how can Ni ever be wrong if it's made up of objective Se observations? For me, I don't really see the big picture until I focus a lot on the details using Ne + Si to really dig into the meaning of everything, then a whole picture emerges. It takes time but I get there. And here is an experiment, say you had 2 similar paintings each had all of the same components in them, the same characters, colors, objects but the organization of these was completely different. What would you perceive?
+Renegen1 "How can Ni ever be wrong if it's made up of objective Se observations?" Interesting question. I think the best way that I can explain this is by including an excerpt of an article on how the functions manifest based on the position of its stacking: On Inferior Se: As an inferior function, Se originally manifests as a distrust of the physical world that surrounds its user, or the pervasive belief that one’s intellect can and must be trusted above the sensory information that is available. As Se matures, the user may find themselves feeling steadily more in tune with the sensory world that surrounds them, and more able to trust it as a pervasive force. The inferior-Se monologue (prior to maturation): “I must analyze all possible outcomes of a sensory experience, as the physical world is subject to change unexpectedly, at any time.” From I find this summary to be extremely accurate. I believe younger INFJs/INTJs tend to put more emphasis on staying true to their visions, which makes it extremely for us to go out of our way to use Se to make the vision possible. I've stated in previous videos that inferior Se causes us to be "all or nothing" - so we'll either overprepare to compensate for the distrust of the environment, or we'll choose to not care and just avoid it at all costs. It's very draining to go "all in" with an idea if we're not sure the outcome will be worth it, so fantasizing about the vision itself is easier than actually engaging with the environment to make it come true. "And here is an experiment, say you had 2 similar paintings each had all of the same components in them, the same characters, colors, objects but the organization of these was completely different. What would you perceive?" I'm not sure if I'm picturing this scenario in my head correctly, could you find an example on the internet? I think I'd be focused on the differences between the two pictures. Like "Why is this table to the left, why is this one at the bottom?" I'd be more focused on comparing the images with each other to identify which one looks more appealing overall. It's not so much the details that matter, it's more about the initial impression that I get by looking at the picture in the first place. "Which layout makes me feel more comfortable? Which one could I see in my house?" I hope that makes sense!
I always have great ideas for what I want my band to do. But I am not sure how to go about some of my ideas. I also want to be a guitar teacher but it is hard to find students. My goal is 20 students at $25 an hour great vision right? But how do I do this????? lol Is that an example of dominant NI?
Could you further explain the last one? Over-analyzing a situation, is something I can understand, but I don't understand the Ti part. I understand what Ti means but not how it works in this loop. I'm assuming you've verified your info and that's how you are so sure that your deduction is incorrect. So how this work then? Also, is it something you can't stop, once it started? When does it stop? What happens if you try to tell yourself that you don't have enough info to know why something happened? Or if you try to take a step back and see that it doesn't matter, in the big picture? And when does this happen? In your example of having had a fight with a person. Is it afterwards, when you have time to think or during or months later? Apparently this comment turned into a list of questions. Heh. I like how you explain things though.
+Kath JZ Thank you for the questions. I’ll try my best to answer them clearly: In short, Ni is a perceiving function and Ti is a judging function. Perceiving meaning that Ni can see situations from all different angles, judging meaning that Ti is trying to deduce the different angles to find which one is most closely associated with reality. From my own personal experience, the lengths I go to delve into the loop depend on the person or situation. So let’s go back into the example of a fight: If I fight with an acquaintance, or someone that doesn’t really matter to me, I’ll be less likely to assess the situation for too long because I’m not very dependent their relationship to make me happy. But if I have a fight with my boyfriend, I’ll most likely try to analyze the situation from all angles (Ni) and try to figure out what I could’ve done differently to prevent it from happening (Ti). It usually doesn’t stop until you’ve spoken to that person again (perhaps apologizing) and obtaining new data (through Fe) to gain a more accurate representation of what’s going on inside their heads. Ni - The conversation when downhill when I said “X”. They became defensive when I tried to explain myself. It’s taking them a long time to return to my follow-up text. Fe - (Naturally, you’d go here to gain more information, but since you’re not in their presence, you skip over it and go straight to Ti) Ti - The conversation went downhill when I said “X”-> They did not like it when I brought that up. They became defensive -> That must be a touchy subject for them. They aren’t returning my texts -> They are mad at me. I should apologize. If you’d like another in-depth explanation, check out this post on reddit. It’s the best summary of the Ni-Ti loop that I’ve come across. Please ask more questions if this still doesn’t make sense.
+solohouette Thank you. I understand now. If I remember correctly, I think you mentioned in a video at some point that your boyfriend is an INTJ. Whether or not I'm remembering this well, do you have INTJ close people? I'm curious if they can help you with their Te, particularly when it comes to planning and putting said plans in action.
+Kath JZ Interesting question. My boyfriend is an INTJ and I grew up with an ENTJ father. In regards to plans, I'd say they both help me in different ways: My boyfriend helps me make viable plans and my father holds me accountable to them. Right now the biggest "plan" I'm in the midst of making is where to take my career after I graduate. My boyfriend is helping me decide what to do after graduation, whereas my dad is the one that is putting some pressure on me to make a decision and follow through with it. I very much appreciate being close to two Te users because they help me stay grounded and in touch with reality, but it can be stressful when I feel like they don't understand my hesitation to commit to one field for the rest of my life
solohouette Of course, I can see that being stressful. I wish you good luck with all your present and future plans. And thank you again, for taking the time to answer my questions :)
great examples of why dominant Ni is bad. I would be interested to know how INFJs or INTJs view competition? Do they like it? feed off it? or get discouraged by it?
Yeah, the "goal" is set too high, it's unattainable. There is no perfect ending. Kind of just realized that myself, recently. A very valuable realization.
I'm asking out of curiosity, it's not really related to the topic. At the end of this video you mentioned that people won't have the confidence to comment why they disliked your videos, was that a deliberate effort to manipulate people egos into speaking out, or was it inadvertent? I wasn't going to ask, I'm not really a commenter, but this is driving my curiosity crazy lol. I can't seem to get this question out of my head.
Hi solohouette , I like your video! Very Informative video. Its true it can get demotivated to do what we envision and like to achieve when certain things come in the way. Sometimes, Ni works on lower levels than expected. But over the course of time, we can improvise on certain external factors to eliminate unnecessary demotivation. Because once we set our focus, we don't back out before achieving it. Although You're doing a great job at making these videos, you seem somewhat sad and disheartened. I hope you get yourself up again. Sorry if I sound blunt. Maybe it's your way of speaking. If yes, then its sweet. Just wanted to give you an honest critique. Another problem for people with Ni Dominant function is when they are they are surrounded by narcissistic family members, their intuition is sort of stabbed right in the gut because overall narcs don't want their well-being at any time of the day any year of life. So, many times it's difficult for them to identify when there ISN'T any impending danger. Maybe when they're completely home alone, or have left their family. This happens because they have remained in an abusive environment for a prolonged period of time. It's only when they learn to use their Ni to their advantage they find out the truth. Then they have brief aha moments where they actually achieve success. By the way, until now I read your TH-cam name as soulohouette! I thought it was something related to 'soul'.
With relation to "their intuition is sort of stabbed right in the gut", I meant that INFJs in Narcissistic families can fail to trust their intuition over time, although very powerful, they may doubt themselves and put themselves in danger, suffer cognitive dissonance struggle with their SHadow functions, Conflict with own feelings as opposed to extraverted ones. Normally Extraverted feeling (Fe) is dominant, but Depression introduces Introverted (Fi) and you know what a struggle it is to understand our own feelings.
Another example I started writing a book Years ago. Got it up to 90 pages then stopped. I plan to write a biography about the band but um all I have is an outline. I procrastinate alot
You're Ni hero needs tweaking. My vision has a lot to do with a slow and methodical step towards progress when I envision my goals. I would take your goal and use the most basic inexperienced production you can do in your tutorials and slowly but surely build your experience over time to where you're getting better and more interested as you go along with more subscribers. You're focused on long-term progress and so small hang-ups and disappointments don't bother you in the least because not only did you also factored that in expecting it to happen, you also tweaked your beliefs with an idea that there is opportunity for personal growth with adversity. That's how I would do things. ~The rational side of your mind -INTJ (me)
an INTJ checking in here.
Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to make this video and putting it up. You come across genuine/real and that really helps with the messages you're giving. At least, it makes me more receptive.
I'd add that, it's easy for us to weigh the negative things heavier than the positive. People don't take time to understand things, so don't fret too much over these things. You're doing great, thanks again for sharing your intellect with us.
Hi! I just wanted to say how glad I am that you are making videos again. I ran across your others right after I became aware of being an INFJ (specifically the one with the rescheduled hair appointment)- anyway, your videos are great and I definitely relate to the things you share in them. So thank you for doing these. They are excellent and truly helpful!
thank you, that's great to hear
Ni is an unconscious function, but when it is dominant (at least in my case as an INTJ)it is almost constantly sending signals to the conscious mind.Not all Ni is perceived as those big eureka moments.Most of it is in the form of small connections and patterns. I think the reason you might not be aware of your Ni moments is because of the fleeting (Ni understanding,or more aptly a "knowing"are instant and require no thought) nature of such instances. I see it as the million times faster (pattern recognition) processor (subconscious) letting the slow processor (conscious mind) take a peak from it's perspective.It's a knowing (instant) how everything fits together as a big picture,without the need for words,details,or thought. You can deconstruct it and sort out the details,but it's often not necessary and it is mentally draining. Try to be aware of those fleeting instances that have been happening all your life,rather than something out of the ordinary. Ni is so predominant and normal to an Ni dom that it doesn't stand out. Good video.
+Mark EightVerseTwentyNine
"I think you said Ni was a subconscious function? As an Ne user (or thats what I perceive) I am able to observe my Ne. Are you able to observe your Ni?"
Say your mind is a two story house: You conscious knowledge lies in the main floor and the basement contains the unconscious knowledge.
From what I understand, Ne focuses on gathering information for the main floor to tinker and play around with in order to find relevant connections between the data. You can take in a lot of information at once, remember it, and make a conscious effort to find patterns within what you can recall and store on the main floor.
Ni, on the other hand, utilizes a smaller portion of the main floor and puts more emphasis on finding unconscious connections between information that exists in the basement. As we consciously take in new information for the main floor, it’s almost as if the basement is already one step ahead of our consciousness, working away to create mental connections as to how things relate to each other or how they will affect each other later on.
Example of when I observed my Ni:
The other day I was watching a television show and there was a preview of an interaction between a girl and a boy. The preview did not show what the girl said; it only showed the boy's reaction to what she had said. Immediately afterwards, a little voice in my head said, “She’s a lesbian”. I don’t know where it came from or why I came to that conclusion, but later in the show when they actually revealed what she had said, turns out I was completely right about that assumption. It’s an extremely strange phenomenon, especially when you aren’t able to explain why or how you know something since the connection is made in the basement rather than the main floor.
Hope that makes sense. I’d love to hear other INFJs explanation of their Ni as well.
The basement is far from being "ahead". Ne is very quick, but Ni can go allot deeper. But it takes more time, because the information needs to mature. When you see a person with Ni, exhibiting Ne like traits, it is because they have already had allot of experience/related experience with the topic at hand.
+solohouette I like Chad Crandall's videos on Ni vs Ne. Intuition is by definition the ability to understand something *immediately* without any conscious reasoning process.
In that light, Ne is like an explosion of shallow ideas related to the stimulus or input idea.
Ni is like the ability to focus deeply on one or two ideas related to the stimulus or input idea.
Chad has a great description of INTP as the person who can use her Ne to take some input thought, then break it out to 10 other ideas immediately, then create a decision tree around those 10 ideas that can grow quite large.
So I don't think Ne is about how you create intuition. Ne is more about the ability to have many different intuitions at once.
Yup, exactly that, that's happens. I'll get an answer pop into my head, or sometimes an "aha", and then answer. It's totally unconscious. Sometimes it's fast, sometimes it's slower. It's slower when it's something new to me, and then I have to "go searching". I'll ask a question of myself, then later I'll have an answer. Might be 2 minutes, 20 seconds, or 30 days. Depends on the topic, and depends if it's more spiritual in nature, that takes time because it's outside of me, sort of. It's both at once.
@@RainbowSkyDancer hehe, yes it's like having an oracle inside your head. The thing is she doesnt always answer when you need her.
Mark, I’m a little older well a lot older than solohouette. More experience using my Ni. I can observe (maybe consciously “aware” of it happening is more precise) while it is happening. I can redirect and focus it. It’s not dreaming, it’s thinking with purpose. INFJs don’t really dream or for me when I do it is writing a play with me as the hero or villain. Ni is real in the sense it is focused to be applied in the world either physically or meta-physically. I started writing before I saw you had more to read. I hope I didn’t miss the point. I’m reading the rest and offering an apology up front for my likely faux pas.
INTJ here: I recognize the first two problems, but I think they usually don't effect me negatively. For example, if I'm building things it helps a lot if you can envision your perfect end goal, what the finished thing is going to do. I do not deny that the path to getting there is oftentimes stony - my favorite quote is "nothing is ever easy". Perhaps its stubbornness or a bit of autism, but i simply refuse to give up if my Ni says me it is possible and I am just on the wrong way at the moment. Because of that, the list of goals I couldn't get to is a short one. But insofar it's true: every one point on it hurts. In case of perfectionism, the solution is simply to make it as good as you can, at some point you see the point where you cannot improve the result with the resources you have. With that in mind, I can sleep well because the finish line is now fixed to something else you cannot influence, so its not in your power to change it. And that is the only one case where i procrastinate: If i have better resources at a later time, I don't necessary bring it to reality because similar to Schroedingers Cat your vision is still alive until you really try to do it.
And because of that, I get rarely disappointed because my predictions are usually correct. Perhaps that is a function of getting older and wiser to the point of "idealist and cynic at the same time" which is said of INTJs. In an ideal world, everything would pan out as we envision it because its the right way. But because the world is simply unfair and unlogic and bad, it simply doesn't and that provides an excuse. Surely, you tried your best, but if the world doesn't want you you don't have to.
Hey +Solohouette, some people literally dislike videos because the most arbitrary reasons e.g. "I don't like that hue of blue on her shirt..I'm gonna dislike this video". It's almost impossible to please everyone on TH-cam. The people that care enough to leave a comment about something reasonable which they didn't agree with usually won't dislike your videos. It's only the truly unreasonable viewers who will leave a dislike and never comment/return to your videos. Never take it personally, I've been binge watching your videos lately and truly appreciate your input and the way your mind works. You've taught me a lot about myself so far (I'm a 24/M/INFJ). Please keep up the amazing work!
Things you shouldn't say to an INFJ:
1.Don't take it personally.
That's it. That's the list.
True infj, yes you is! Just those eyes give it away. I can't really explain what I mean... I'll have to come back to watch the video :)
I'm also an INFJ, and I also have occasional problems with motivation and staying focused on a project because of lack of energy or setbacks. I've found it useful to research how to have a healthy dopamine system in my brain in order to optimize my energy levels. Some ways to do that include: exercise, healthy eating, meditation, as well as supplementing b-complex, fish oil, CDP Choline, and Uridine. Also, I'm careful with my caffeine intake, because I've realized that too much of it one day can deplete my dopamine reserves so that the following day I feel depressed and low energy. Now if I'm having an unmotivated day, I just blame it on low dopamine, and I try to practice good dopamine hygiene so that I'll feel better tomorrow.
Totally agree. Vitamin D deficiency is also pretty important to keep an eye on. We really have to make it a priority to self care.
Yeah, I supplement with Vitamin D. Recently I've been studying about cortisol levels, and about how it can effect your energy and mood if it's too high or too low.
Nice presentation, I relate to everything you said , great job
Heres my Ni explanation through an example. My german teacher in an email said "froh something something" and I didn't instantly know that words meaning. In my head I started hearing a tune from Beethoven's 9th where they sing "froh wie sienen sonnen fliegen". Then I remembered the translation is "gladly as his suns fly" so "froh" means "glad". -intj
Oh yeah... spot on. Thing about confidence. I used to be really bad about it too. My self-esteem and self-confidence would tank, and I'd get depressed. Now I do my best to let it slide, and determine to continue on regardless, and accept. It's hard sometimes, but eventually I trained myself to think positive: "It's a mistake, it happens" and not let perfectionism take hold. Though when I'm tired mentally, it's harder.
In another video you illustrated the extremes in a blue and red diagram. I was tired of feeling that way, peaking really high, and the drowning in self-pity and self-loathing. I aim for the middle, or at least not so high / not so low. It helped a lot.
It's one of the things us INFJs have to learn, to accept that things don't always turn out as our perfect mental picture has it, and roll with it. Accept also that we'll always have this perfect picture, that's the beauty, but it can be a trap. This I'm learning (still). It's hard because often it interacts with Se, which is pretty darn weak, so sometimes you get stuck "in the grip" of Se, which isn't healthy either.
On they say for us, the best way to deal with Se is to stick with Ni, and trust it, and trust our Ti and use Fe, and Se will be more healthy (paraphrasing and summarising). I feel that is a good approach too, as it uses our strengths to lessen our weaknesses.
I liked NOT disliking this video! Watched Part 1 too. Content and delivery what an INFJ is seeking. Thx!
The idea of thinking about Ni makes me think of a room with 2 large mirrors on opposite walls. It's a rabbit hole of infinite rabbit holes.
You explained that all very very well!!! And vey precisely!! :)
You're videos are great! It takes much more courage and strength to create and share a video than it does to hit a like or dislike button. Keep 'em coming! Have Fun and journey on girl!
Excellent explanation of a hard-to-grasp topic!
This is my own (INFJ) experience of my Ni: It needs tons and tons of random information to do any useful good to me. But when it (the Ni) later encounter a situation where it have some knowledge from past experience it will draw lightning fast conclusions of what will unfold in the future, if nothing changes of course. From the outside it will seem to be taken out of the blue because no one else get this picture in their mind like I do. Sensors have the biggest trouble understanding how I can "know" thing from just a tiny bit of information, because they need to actually see it before they belive it. I heard someone describe living with dominant Ni in your function stack like this: "It's like seeing a train heading to a crash in slow motion, you know it's going to happen but you can't do anything about it because no one else realizes it until it's to late.".
As I have been getting older (34 years now, still kickin' it) I have become better at back tracking and explaing my "prophecies". It usually takes hours because the amount of information that is used to reach the conclusions is huuuge. But now I can do it.
When it's about people it's often just sutle things hidden in our language (body included) that gives away the information that leads to my conclusions. Over the years I have developed this uncanny abaility to know when couples are going to break up, and I know that waaaaaaaaay before they even know it consciously them self (which of course makes it hard to explain to them, because they will get angry and call it bull shit. But then it happens... every damn time)
If it is about work, or more objective things, it's more of just having facts and experience.
To round this up, Ni to me is an unconscious function as it processes things, but the finnished results is very much a conscious thing. It's the way to it that is hidden from us, which of course makes us confused at times :-)
It's not a function that can be controlled by will, and that is troublesome for us. People see us as insightful and ask us things and because our dominant process function don't follow orders we just stand around with no answer from time to time, hence the goofyness at random occations.
Thank you for sharing your experiences with Ni! As you said, this function needs a lot of information to properly work. Depending on the subject, I've noticed that it takes me a long time to build solid mental connections with certain subjects (like math, science). But I find that once I do make those connections, I can almost master any subject that I put my mind to. I wonder if it's the same for you?
(Also, part of me believes that my young age helps me learn and retain information faster - interested to hear your experience with learning as you've gotten older)
+solohouette Yeah, I also need some extra time to fully understand math and science. But when I do! I think it is more or less the same for us there. Philosophy is my natural habitat, I get it almost instantaneously, and can often develope it further, from my uniqe point of understanding.
Young brains/minds/souls (call it whatever) is known to be better at absorbing new ideas and information, but with age comes the perfection of how to use that stored information. It's a developing process.
But I still outperformes most people in that area so... I don't know if it slows down that much. Only way is to do a comparison, a head to head test, with my younger self, and that will be kind of impossible :-)
Dominant Sensors (Si) suffers more from this old thinking of "hard to learn when you get older" talk, as their mind is focused on Not changing things. It will appear as they are reluctant to learning things outside what they precive as useful information. Ni on the other hand... It just goes on, and on, and on... Sucking everything in. Still in a way like Si, but Ni will always change internally where new ideas fill in gaps or even evolve new ideas, instead of Si that will reject things, which of course is a problem if you try to learn or develope a new skill in older days... Si folks is not very likely to do so anyway as it will be unnatural for them, they will just refine what they always have done, like baking cookies (which is more boring than death from my perspective, but we are all different).
Great insightful topic. Thank you for sharing this. Likely the Ni is working overtime whenever there is a contradicting outcome (like a dislike on your channel). Instead allow it to pass and minimize creating scenarios of how it could have been avoided. Your Ni capability is too precious to expend more energy on an outcome, that has already passed, and may have just been decided on a whim.
I have had days where I tried to make guitar videos but my playing would not be tight enough so after 10 takes I just say Fuck it and delete the videos lol
You have a great way of explaining these complex topics, solohouette. I hope to hear more in the future, it'd be great to hear what you're more current thoughts have been about lately. -INFJ
Solo, Great to hear I don't suffer the Ni Ti loop alone. Also helpful to see (by your explanation) that's it's those two functions that are feeding back (so to speak) when things aren't going well. INFJ's are rare I think because we are basically recluses that are not allowed (by our own natures) to be reclusive. We are a closed system that's essentially forced to be open because of Fe. That's like living between a rock and a hard place. Thanks for your efforts here. Can't be easy to do this but be assured that it is helpful to your fellow INFJ's.
It may be that the intuitive factor is a relationship between the self and the universe (or perceived reality), which makes the process of being in harmony with it a primary goal. This seems to translate to everything i.e. relationships, vocation etc. As one moves and adapts to the nature of the universe or experience, it is our intuition that is so deeply aligned with that relationship, although idealized, and is experienced as our own deepest personal nature and that natures harmony with the all.
This was a good one! An honest one
Thank you :)
Spot on about Ti feeding data into Ni to arrive at that eureka moment. I actually wonder if it works both ways equally such as a yin and yang? Anyway that hit home, thanks for the insight. I’m subscribing. Might this also be a source of INFJ arrogance and learning to mange this via our Fe parent a way to inner peace and maturity.
It’s a subconscious function, but I’m at the point where I can recognize my use of it. It’s usually after the fact, but I use it a lot nowadays.
over thinking is our curse (:
or our curNe lmao stay curious my -friends-
Brilliant, thank you😃👍
Thank you for this video! I didn't know I needed it so much. :) Well, once again you talked about and explained really relevant issues, such as: the thing about repeating on our mind situations and words we've said or listened to over and over again, til we realise what something means or why things happened like that; all the perfectionism and the "predicting" thing, and lack of self-confidence issue (though we know we can do something and people tell us that) -- which can lead to anxiety, low self-esteem and even depression (to be honest, I don't know which, in this case, is the cause and which is the consequence); and the need to improve everything we do (as a result of perfectionism, probably), which is, in fact, the need to always improve ourselves as human beings. Please tell me if I have misunderstood anything you've said. Now I know some of the things I feel/think are "normal". Keep doing videos and don't worry about dislikes. xx
+Alana I think you summed it up perfectly :) Thank you so much for the love!
Hi Solohouette, your video triggered a thought: do you also play virtual dialogues in your mind before going into conversations?
I just read something I had to share here. I for a while understand while Ni - Ti for too much is unhealthy, but did not really understand how it connects to why it seems to be happening (the Ni - Ti loop) instead of actually doing things I want. Because it is not for decision making, and without decision making, you can't follow any goal. Because we use J for decision-making.
Ni Inaccuracy can really put us down. I can feel your pain. very depressing.
The way I picture Ni is like taking what we know of the external world and copying it over to an internal copy of that world, and then running a simulation on it. For example we might focus on an end-result and then simulate our way there layer by layer, with each layer of simulation adding more data about how to get there precisely. Sudden changes can fluster us because they force us to re-simulate from scratch taking the new information into account. The important thing to note is that this is all occurring in the background and so we can't really see or control it, the only thing we can see are the signals that it's outputting every once in awhile.
I think it's also a lot where Ni stubbornness comes from. Someone might tell us something new or unexpected that we didn't take into account and now we gotta take time to process it -- but in the mean time we have this situation to deal with where we have to do something NOW instead of waiting for our unconscious to churn out a result, so either refuse the input for now, gather more information or yield for the sake of maintaining a harmonious relationship.
One of the great potential benefits of typology is that you can understand why you do things a certain way. By knowing this you can be kinder to yourself and work round them (mitigate the negative aspects) although you cannot overcome weaknesses completely.
Many, most likely Sensors, won’t see the point in psychology because they see things in more linear and simplistic ways. A is A, so what? lol
Some people dislike youtube videos for no reason
Hello Dear, I stumbled across your channel and I love your explanations. You're such a sweetie!
I find it comical that you mentioned the whole "replaying things in our minds over again" because it happens to me on a regular basis. I am often posed with questions that need to be answered in the same moment that they are asked, and that tends to lead to a good amount of "what if" scenarios after the fact. All in all, your video had a great deal of information that resonated with me- no thumbs down from this INFJ!
Thanks, Jacob! We always want to assess all sides of a person/situation to see what we can do to make it better (even if it's not our responsibility). Ni-Ti loop can be quit burdensome, but it's better to make an attempt to control it than to sit back and allow it to control us
Hi Solohouette, thank you for this comment: "We always want to assess all sides of a person/situation." Very helpful for my understanding as the search for different perspectives indeed validate your Ni-Ti loop idea. This ESTP also replays a lot of conversations (especially the dialogues with NFJs) to improve my understanding and my Ti is definitely heavily involved when processing thoughts expressed by others. For me, this process can happen several days after the conversation leading to new insights or connections.
hey, really appreciating your videos on Ni, as an Ne user myself I really tried to figure it out because it is so mysterious and I had come to the conclusion that it was a bit like seeing the end, the "big picture" but you really added your explanation!
Some problems however, I previously thought that Ni was bad at picking up and focusing on any detail, you seem to actually mention you make use of Se to pick up details and then these details somehow inform your Ni, but then how can Ni ever be wrong if it's made up of objective Se observations? For me, I don't really see the big picture until I focus a lot on the details using Ne + Si to really dig into the meaning of everything, then a whole picture emerges. It takes time but I get there.
And here is an experiment, say you had 2 similar paintings each had all of the same components in them, the same characters, colors, objects but the organization of these was completely different. What would you perceive?
"How can Ni ever be wrong if it's made up of objective Se observations?"
Interesting question. I think the best way that I can explain this is by including an excerpt of an article on how the functions manifest based on the position of its stacking:
On Inferior Se:
As an inferior function, Se originally manifests as a distrust of the physical world that surrounds its user, or the pervasive belief that one’s intellect can and must be trusted above the sensory information that is available.
As Se matures, the user may find themselves feeling steadily more in tune with the sensory world that surrounds them, and more able to trust it as a pervasive force.
The inferior-Se monologue (prior to maturation): “I must analyze all possible outcomes of a sensory experience, as the physical world is subject to change unexpectedly, at any time.”
I find this summary to be extremely accurate. I believe younger INFJs/INTJs tend to put more emphasis on staying true to their visions, which makes it extremely for us to go out of our way to use Se to make the vision possible.
I've stated in previous videos that inferior Se causes us to be "all or nothing" - so we'll either overprepare to compensate for the distrust of the environment, or we'll choose to not care and just avoid it at all costs. It's very draining to go "all in" with an idea if we're not sure the outcome will be worth it, so fantasizing about the vision itself is easier than actually engaging with the environment to make it come true.
"And here is an experiment, say you had 2 similar paintings each had all of the same components in them, the same characters, colors, objects but the organization of these was completely different. What would you perceive?"
I'm not sure if I'm picturing this scenario in my head correctly, could you find an example on the internet? I think I'd be focused on the differences between the two pictures. Like "Why is this table to the left, why is this one at the bottom?" I'd be more focused on comparing the images with each other to identify which one looks more appealing overall. It's not so much the details that matter, it's more about the initial impression that I get by looking at the picture in the first place. "Which layout makes me feel more comfortable? Which one could I see in my house?" I hope that makes sense!
Are you still out there?
I always have great ideas for what I want my band to do. But I am not sure how to go about some of my ideas. I also want to be a guitar teacher but it is hard to find students. My goal is 20 students at $25 an hour great vision right? But how do I do this????? lol Is that an example of dominant NI?
Where is part one? I've searched everywhere and I can't find it :(
Could you further explain the last one? Over-analyzing a situation, is something I can understand, but I don't understand the Ti part. I understand what Ti means but not how it works in this loop.
I'm assuming you've verified your info and that's how you are so sure that your deduction is incorrect. So how this work then? Also, is it something you can't stop, once it started? When does it stop? What happens if you try to tell yourself that you don't have enough info to know why something happened? Or if you try to take a step back and see that it doesn't matter, in the big picture?
And when does this happen? In your example of having had a fight with a person. Is it afterwards, when you have time to think or during or months later?
Apparently this comment turned into a list of questions. Heh. I like how you explain things though.
+Kath JZ Thank you for the questions. I’ll try my best to answer them clearly:
In short, Ni is a perceiving function and Ti is a judging function. Perceiving meaning that Ni can see situations from all different angles, judging meaning that Ti is trying to deduce the different angles to find which one is most closely associated with reality.
From my own personal experience, the lengths I go to delve into the loop depend on the person or situation. So let’s go back into the example of a fight: If I fight with an acquaintance, or someone that doesn’t really matter to me, I’ll be less likely to assess the situation for too long because I’m not very dependent their relationship to make me happy. But if I have a fight with my boyfriend, I’ll most likely try to analyze the situation from all angles (Ni) and try to figure out what I could’ve done differently to prevent it from happening (Ti). It usually doesn’t stop until you’ve spoken to that person again (perhaps apologizing) and obtaining new data (through Fe) to gain a more accurate representation of what’s going on inside their heads.
Ni - The conversation when downhill when I said “X”. They became defensive when I tried to explain myself. It’s taking them a long time to return to my follow-up text.
Fe - (Naturally, you’d go here to gain more information, but since you’re not in their presence, you skip over it and go straight to Ti)
Ti - The conversation went downhill when I said “X”-> They did not like it when I brought that up.
They became defensive -> That must be a touchy subject for them.
They aren’t returning my texts -> They are mad at me. I should apologize.
If you’d like another in-depth explanation, check out this post on reddit. It’s the best summary of the Ni-Ti loop that I’ve come across. Please ask more questions if this still doesn’t make sense.
+solohouette Thank you. I understand now.
If I remember correctly, I think you mentioned in a video at some point that your boyfriend is an INTJ. Whether or not I'm remembering this well, do you have INTJ close people? I'm curious if they can help you with their Te, particularly when it comes to planning and putting said plans in action.
+Kath JZ Interesting question. My boyfriend is an INTJ and I grew up with an ENTJ father. In regards to plans, I'd say they both help me in different ways: My boyfriend helps me make viable plans and my father holds me accountable to them.
Right now the biggest "plan" I'm in the midst of making is where to take my career after I graduate. My boyfriend is helping me decide what to do after graduation, whereas my dad is the one that is putting some pressure on me to make a decision and follow through with it. I very much appreciate being close to two Te users because they help me stay grounded and in touch with reality, but it can be stressful when I feel like they don't understand my hesitation to commit to one field for the rest of my life
Of course, I can see that being stressful. I wish you good luck with all your present and future plans. And thank you again, for taking the time to answer my questions :)
great examples of why dominant Ni is bad. I would be interested to know how INFJs or INTJs view competition? Do they like it? feed off it? or get discouraged by it?
Yeah, the "goal" is set too high, it's unattainable. There is no perfect ending. Kind of just realized that myself, recently. A very valuable realization.
I like to meet you in person someday! ^_^ You're inspiring for a young infj...
I'm asking out of curiosity, it's not really related to the topic.
At the end of this video you mentioned that people won't have the confidence to comment why they disliked your videos, was that a deliberate effort to manipulate people egos into speaking out, or was it inadvertent?
I wasn't going to ask, I'm not really a commenter, but this is driving my curiosity crazy lol. I can't seem to get this question out of my head.
Your comments about thoughts about people disliking videos indicate something we all INFJs have in common: We think too much :-)
Hi solohouette
I like your video! Very Informative video. Its true it can get demotivated to do what we envision and like to achieve when certain things come in the way. Sometimes, Ni works on lower levels than expected. But over the course of time, we can improvise on certain external factors to eliminate unnecessary demotivation. Because once we set our focus, we don't back out before achieving it. Although You're doing a great job at making these videos, you seem somewhat sad and disheartened.
I hope you get yourself up again. Sorry if I sound blunt. Maybe it's your way of speaking. If yes, then its sweet. Just wanted to give you an honest critique.
Another problem for people with Ni Dominant function is when they are they are surrounded by narcissistic family members, their intuition is sort of stabbed right in the gut because overall narcs don't want their well-being at any time of the day any year of life. So, many times it's difficult for them to identify when there ISN'T any impending danger. Maybe when they're completely home alone, or have left their family. This happens because they have remained in an abusive environment for a prolonged period of time. It's only when they learn to use their Ni to their advantage they find out the truth. Then they have brief aha moments where they actually achieve success.
By the way, until now I read your TH-cam name as soulohouette! I thought it was something related to 'soul'.
With relation to "their intuition is sort of stabbed right in the gut", I meant that INFJs in Narcissistic families can fail to trust their intuition over time, although very powerful, they may doubt themselves and put themselves in danger, suffer cognitive dissonance struggle with their SHadow functions, Conflict with own feelings as opposed to extraverted ones. Normally Extraverted feeling (Fe) is dominant, but Depression introduces Introverted (Fi) and you know what a struggle it is to understand our own feelings.
Another example I started writing a book Years ago. Got it up to 90 pages then stopped. I plan to write a biography about the band but um all I have is an outline. I procrastinate alot
You're Ni hero needs tweaking. My vision has a lot to do with a slow and methodical step towards progress when I envision my goals. I would take your goal and use the most basic inexperienced production you can do in your tutorials and slowly but surely build your experience over time to where you're getting better and more interested as you go along with more subscribers. You're focused on long-term progress and so small hang-ups and disappointments don't bother you in the least because not only did you also factored that in expecting it to happen, you also tweaked your beliefs with an idea that there is opportunity for personal growth with adversity. That's how I would do things. ~The rational side of your mind -INTJ (me)