Q&A: About speaking in tongues - Torben Søndergaard

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ก.ย. 2024
  • Torben addresses these questions:
    - Is speaking in tongues for everyone?
    - Does the tongue language needs to be an real existing language?
    - Does there need to be someone to interpret when speaking in tongues in church?
    Help us caption & translate this video!

ความคิดเห็น • 587

  • @laureah21
    @laureah21 4 ปีที่แล้ว +103

    That’s amazing in regard to the satanist. Praise God!! I’ve heard a similar encounter where a man was praying in tongues at the wailing wall in Jerusalem. Apparently many Orthodox Jews were there and were shaking there heads and moving away from him. His tour guide said to him, I didn’t know you could speak Hebrew. Th man said I can’t I was praying in my prayer language. He said no you were praising Jesus as God and all the things he has done for you in Hebrew

    • @lionofjudahlambofgod9132
      @lionofjudahlambofgod9132 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Praise Jesus. Too cool.

    • @7perry
      @7perry 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Praise the Lord..that was the real tounges. 1 Corinthians 14:22 Therefore tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe but to unbelievers; but prophesying is not for unbelievers but for those who believe.

    • @gracebaksh5454
      @gracebaksh5454 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      AMEN. Thats true. It hsppened to me.

    • @riseandshine4jesus324
      @riseandshine4jesus324 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @joolspools777
      @joolspools777 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @maddavisdog07
    @maddavisdog07 7 ปีที่แล้ว +82

    I started praying on tongues everyday for an hour. My spiritual life has complete changed for the better. People are getting set free from demons and other manifestations of God are happening around me. Even I can sense something wrong will happen and within five minutes that thing I thought would happen did actually happen. I also have a better understanding how to pray through the psalms. I am never going back. Praying in tongues is super powerful if you use it "properly".

    • @MattChristianPilgrim
      @MattChristianPilgrim 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Me too!

    • @user-kq5qp6dh8l
      @user-kq5qp6dh8l 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thats a familiar spirit, not the Ruach of the God of mount Zion

    • @xolclint
      @xolclint 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@user-kq5qp6dh8l Actually, what you stated is the opposite.

    • @christiansoldier1843
      @christiansoldier1843 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      can you help me brother?

    • @abdulabdul6868
      @abdulabdul6868 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@user-kq5qp6dh8l how can you discern the difference ?

  • @nhislove1
    @nhislove1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    4 years ago, I was on a trip to Malawi. It was my first trip on this type of mission. I went alone, with a Baptist ministry that was there. It was the first time I had met any of the people there, but was warmly received. There was another American Baptist that had went at the same time. We went from village to village, sharing the gospel. Because I was not Baptist, I was not given the same privilege to speak as the other man was, but God is still greater than man. But this that he spoke on I know to be true. We had come to a village and a woman that had become a JW was listening to us, and was arguing with us. We left and went on. As we were coming back, she was outside the house in the back, working in her garden. The others went on, (orchestrated by God so we would be alone) and I went over and started speaking to her. I spoke to her in tongues, and she grabbed my hand. As I spoke, I knew in English what I was saying, and I knew she was hearing me in her language. She grabbed my hand and wanted to speak, but I told her that what I was saying was between her and God, and that she had to surrender all things to Jesus, and place her trust in Him alone. It was the day of salvation, and she must repent of all the demonic activity that was a part of Her life. I asked if she was ready, and she shook her head Yes. I prayed over her and turned to leave. She grabbed my hand and held me there. I told her I had to go, and she let me go. I knew then what it was on the day of Pentecost when they all heard them speaking in their own language. That was the first, but in that way, for it was written in the book of the Pharisees that when Moses came down the mountain on the first Pentecost, that the thunderings that they heard, it was recorded throughout the known world that many heard the voice of Heaven speaking to them of the Law of God.

    • @andreperait
      @andreperait 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Beautiful sharing..

    • @passiveyoutuber4972
      @passiveyoutuber4972 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Great! Tongues are still happening as you described, like in Acts 2. And they are still happening as described in 1 Corinthians 14 too.

    • @nhislove1
      @nhislove1 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ktermalkut8332 Praise God! It is the Holy Spirit that uses the gifts as tey are needed, that is for sure. they are from God, and not of man, but are used of god through the man, or woman, that will allow God to do so, at His will. I do understand why so many speak of tongues as from the devil, for so many in their pride, use them in ungodly ways. But, you can never disclaim the truth of them because their are those who use them inappropriately. The Pharisses tried to do so with Jesus, and hr accused them of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Be blessed, and just maybe, some day, you will find yourself in a place as I was being used of God for His purpose and glory to bring the light of Christ to one in darkness.

    • @nhislove1
      @nhislove1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@ktermalkut8332 I understand what you have said. I have seen so many times that there have been those that hjave been under the influence of demons when they have been trying to show forth the Holy Spirit. I see it in many. I have been in churches that I could sense the power of demons when everyone was claiming the presence of the Holy Spirit. But many refuse to understand the greatest power we gain from the Holy Spirit, Holiness in living. They claim the Holy Spirit, but live very unholy lives. I know we all are being cleansed by the the Word, but you will have the true desire to live in righteousness when you have been born again of the Spirit, fully immersed in the baptism of Jesus. We all who are born again are to be fully immersed in the fullness of God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as Jesus said. Water baptism is nothing for the born again believer as far as spiritual importance. It is a religious thing men do. But, we are commanded to be fully immersed in all that God is. That is the difference between the baptism of John and that of Jesus. That was the meaning of Jesus' words when He said, "God into all the world, preaching the good news, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It wasn't a religious jargon, but him relaying to His followers that they were to be fully ingaged with all that is of God. Too many think that you say yes Jesus, and then, you are ready to start speaking in tongues. But there is so much of a deeper insght to this. In the book of Acts, the people were always cut to the heart in their repentance when they heard the gospel from the Apostles. Today, they are merely, for a large part of them, only looking to be forgiven so that they will go to heaven when they die. They are not cut to the heart for their unrighteous living that has crucified Jesus. Too many try to bring in the sinners with niceness instead of hard conviction of the Holy Spirit for a sinful life. But, I am starting to ramble...lol. God bless and have a great day.

    • @martinmartin6300
      @martinmartin6300 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ktermalkut8332 And is the way Torben is speaking in tongues true or false? To me it seems he is saying "da da da da da" most of the time.

  • @cmeler70
    @cmeler70 5 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Hi. I just discovered your videos yesterday and stayed up all night(couldn't sleep!) watching. My soul has been thirsting for this truth for so long! I am a Christian and live in Texas. The Lord began revealing to me about a year ago the changes taking place on our church that were coming and that i needed to be discerning. Sadly, the New Age Spirit has swept through our church. Im lost and sad. I feel alone in these end times. If you can please pray that God will lead us to a new church family. A true family of believers like you and your disciples. I want to do what you are doing living for Jesus and preaching and teaching without compromise! I'm so ready and i need to know where to turn. Thank you so much for all that you are doing! You and your ministry are a LIGHT of Truth is these dark days. God Bless you and keep you safe!
    Christy from Texas

    • @samq1336
      @samq1336 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Alive In Him _Pete Cabrera Jr. is also God's servent from USA. maybe he can help you but first of all pray to Jesus and He will put His people on your path. God bless you ♡

    • @saintejeannedarc9460
      @saintejeannedarc9460 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      There is a kickstarter map w/ people who might be in your area that are trained last reformation people. Torben is living in the US now too and had a kickstarter somewhere down there. I found that map and there are people in my province up here in Canada too.

    • @kp8174
      @kp8174 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Not sure where in Texas you are but Curry Blake is in Plano. jglm.org

    • @ceciliandolo946
      @ceciliandolo946 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @I live in him,I am in the same situation as you.
      Trusting God that one day I will be in a Ministry that can nurture my gift of intercessory.
      I am a Kenyan but I'm scared of prosperity Gospel which is blooming in Africa Continent.

    • @saintejeannedarc9460
      @saintejeannedarc9460 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ceciliandolo946 Do your best to speak out against this devilish ministry. It's not doing as well in the west as it once did, because of relentless documentaries by good Christians and also secular media calling it out. Wolves like Benny Hinn have lost most of his western audience now and are turning to fleece the more unsuspecting 3rd world w/ it now in order to recoup the cash cows. Hinn used to fill stadiums, now he can barely fill his studio.

  • @KaHo2211
    @KaHo2211 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    We have to remember that in 1 Corinthians 12:30 Paul asks, "Do all speak in tongues?" (The answer he wants us to give is, "No!") His point is that everyone has his or her own gift. The Corinthians thought tongue-speaking was the ultimate so everyone wanted it. Paul then wrote chapter 13, the love chapter, to show the Corinthians that the ultimate "gift" is the "gift" of love so they should strive to perfect that gift rather than enviously wanting to speak in tongues or prophesy or work miracles or teach or interpret tongues if that that not their gift.
    I've been watching and listening to these messages and am amazed at the baptisms with people gathered around someone being baptized and saying, "La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la! Come out! Come out!" "La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la," is not a language. Furthermore, not everyone being baptized should have the command for a demon to come out. We have no indication that this ever happened during baptism from Scripture. It is never once said that demons were cast out during baptisms. Instead, it's likely that the person had the demon cast out and then in response to that miracle they realized that Jesus was really the Christ, the Son of God, and became a Christian by confession of faith, repentance, and baptism.
    I am not saying there is no such thing as speaking in tongues. Nor am I saying that speaking in tongues is bad or that it no longer exists. What I'm saying is that the kind of thing happening in the baptismal service is not Scriptural. The casting out of demons happened prior to baptism and speaking in tongues is not mentioned as being done by the ones baptizing. We merely need to say, "I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" in an intelligible language. Tongue speaking is not necessary at that time. Tongue speaking on the part of those who already spoke in tongues was for the sake of edification and also for the conviction of people who heard the tongue and understood it. Then they were amazed that someone could miraculously speak their language without ever learning it.
    In the eyes of the world what is happening is confusing and upsetting with people having hands laid on them while they're in water flailing around and seemingly about to drown while people are muttering, "La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!" That doesn't edify anyone or testify to them about Jesus.
    I pray that wisdom will be exercised.

    • @discipleofchrist5217
      @discipleofchrist5217 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are wrong about the baptisim as well when you say that we are to simply say "I baptise you in the name of the father, the son, & the holy spirit. This is the catholic belief of the trinity as in God being a tribunal being when actually he is not.
      Who is the father, the son & holy spirit? It is Jesus Christ God in the flesh.
      God is 1 being that scripture is basically teaching that you need to be baptised properly "in the name of jesus Christ for the remission of sins" as Jesus Christ was God the father manifested in the flesh & while he was in the flesh he also said that he must go away in order to give us his gift of the Holy Spirit.
      So if you are being baptised in the name of "the father, the son & the spirit"then who's spirit are you allowing to come into your body?
      When you are baptised "in the name of jesus Christ for the remission of sins" then you are being baptised in the name of Jesus Christ so you can be covered by the blood of jesus Christ & you are allowing his Holy Spirit to come inside of you.
      I'm not trying to argue but if you read the scriptures & understand their meaning then you should know that I am correct.
      The scripture you are talking about is just referring to the way you need to be baptised not the titles you need to be baptised in.

    • @KaHo2211
      @KaHo2211 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Hello. No, brother, I'm not a Catholic nor am I a Protestant. I am simply a Christian and a disciple of Jesus. Thank you for your reply.
      Didn't Jesus command his disciples (there were more than 12, according to Luke 10:1,2), "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to do all the things I've commanded you to do. And surely I will be with you always, even to the end of the world (age)"?
      Doesn't Colossians 1:16 say, that Jesus "created all things, visible and invisible", and doesn't Genesis 1:1, says that "in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth"? If God created the heavens and the earth and if Jesus "created all things visible and invisible" (which includes the heavens and the earth), isn't Jesus then also God?
      And what happened at Jesus baptism? Did not a voice came from heaven saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I'm well pleased"? Did not the Holy Spirit also descend on Jesus in the form of a dove? Does it not seem that three separate entities were there at the baptism?
      And what did Jesus pray as He hung on the cross? Was it not, "Father, forgive them for they don't know what they're doing." Was He praying to Himself? And in John 16:11, when Jesus prayed for His disciples and said, "I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one." Was He praying to Himself?
      In Philippians 2:6, are there not these words about Jesus: "Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be clung to..."?
      I Corinthians 2:10, 11 says, "these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God." These verses state that only the essence of a person can comprehend his thoughts of that person and in the same way, only the Spirit of God can interpret God's thoughts. So if the Spirit is the essence of God, is not the Spirit divine?
      Finally, we read Paul's many prayers in his letters and how he addresses God in those prayers. Here are some of those phrases:
      Rom. 1:8, " I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you..."
      Eph. 1:16, "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better."
      Eph. 3:14, "For this reason, I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith."
      Phil. 1:9-11, "And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ-to the glory and praise of God."
      Phil. 4:23- "We always thank God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints-the faith and love that spring from the hope that is stored up for you in heaven and that you have already heard about in the word of truth, the gospel that has come to you."
      1 Thess. 5:23, 24, "May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it."
      Phil. 4:7, "I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ."
      Therefore, does it not seem apparent from the Scriptures, that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are separate yet are the same in nature?
      However, again I ask you, what Scriptural pattern are you following when you cast our demons during baptisms?
      And also why did Paul remind the Corinthians that not everyone had the same gift and pointed out that, no, not everyone speaks in tongues? (1 Corinthians 12:30)
      And finally, how can "La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la" a language?
      Thank you for your reasonable reply.

    • @discipleofchrist5217
      @discipleofchrist5217 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@KaHo2211 I agree with you I do not see la la la la la la la being a language or how ever he may speak it.
      I do not have a lot of time right now to go threw the scriptures at the very moment but I do know that even as the above scripture you shared it stated that the father, the son & the holy spirit are all the same person. God has no limits & he is far beyond understanding space & time which we are limited by however he is not as space & time are part of his creation so he is not bound by space & time the same as we are so this is why he can be in multiple places all at the same time thus he can be the father the son & the spirit in multiple places all at the same time & has no limits of doing this so 5his is how all 3 are still 1 because he is the most powerful most high Almighty God.
      So I'm not sure if you are referring to being a trinitarian beleiving in the trinity as God & Jesus & The Holy Spirit being 3 seperate beings or not.
      When I get a little more time I can be more specific & pull the scriptures up

    • @KaHo2211
      @KaHo2211 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@discipleofchrist5217 Hi Disciple of Christ. Yes, I think it's plain from Scripture that Father, Son, and Spirit are unique in their own ways but also one. They may each fulfill a certain task of the Godhead. I know that as I read Scripture, creatures with four faces are described that are not God, indicating, I suppose, that they have three personalities or presentations. Certainly, this is beyond our understanding but according to Scripture, Father, Son, and Spirit are equal, distinct, and all God. Their equality is very important! Jesus is not less than the Father and the Spirit is not less than the Father or Son. All of them are eternally and equally divine. Obviously, this matters a lot to God, who spoke to us through the Son. Jesus has authority and may be addressed correctly as God, as when Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and my God!" Jesus didn't rebuke Him but approved of what Thomas said. Also, the Spirit is referred to by Jesus as "He", indicating that the Spirit is a "person", not an "it". I believe that we disobey God when we refuse to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit since God has a purpose in us doing what Jesus told us to do in Matthew 28:19. Perhaps His purpose is to teach us at the very beginning of our Christian walk that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are equally God---three in one. That way all persons of the Godhead receive equal glory as we enter into fellowship with God in our salvation.

    • @frei2934
      @frei2934 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      KaHo2211 Hooks
      „When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.“
      ‭‭Acts‬ ‭19:5‬ ‭
      You have to baptize in the name of Jesus!
      Yes Father Son and Holy Spirit but these three are titles and not Names so you baptize in Jesus Name because thats the Name of all 3

  • @disciple_of_jesus1110
    @disciple_of_jesus1110 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Hi torben I don't know if you will ever read my message but I am writing you this because after watching your movie the last reformation I had so much of hunger to speak in tounges thou I was a born again spirit filled believer and was baptised too but never thought I can have this gift from Holyspirit. I always thought this has to come with some wind or by storm and I often used to cry to God why you have not given me this gift. I remember when I was a born again new beliver I once prayed in tounges but I stopped thinking it must be my illusion and then I never spoke. Today after watching this video when you spoke to me personally which hit me, I said personally because this is the only statement that hit me out of all you shared here that praying tounges is the language which is between you and God. It is a language of faith. And from then I started praying over and over to God that I need this secret language to talk to you. And I started with those same wired words which I did not understand but then I was noMore in me
    My lips were not in control and I suddenly started speaking loudly. Ohhhhhhh it was beautiful and I wasn't in my control. What I realized now is that every born again believer has this gift from Holyspirit.some comes right then and some times we have to ask. And also some times we resist it thinking it may be my own creativity. But that is not true.this is absolutely beautiful
    Thank you for showing me the truth I was looking for the day I have received Holyspirit. Lots of love to you my brother from India

    • @arlenterrell1036
      @arlenterrell1036 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Speaking in tongues does not mean if u do not u do not have the holy spirit. This teaching is dangerous that the corinthian letter was not to us just like these false teachers say matthew was for the jews this teaching is false

  • @leporatip
    @leporatip 7 ปีที่แล้ว +77

    Brothers and sisters, please do not argue with each other or judge each other concerning these things, for it is written " let there be no division among you". Instead if you have a concern about things said or others opinions take it up with our Father in heaven asking Him to reveal what is best to you in Jesus name. I love you all God bless you each of you!

    • @bakavasa
      @bakavasa 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah, so much division and, to be honest, if one's walking in the Spirit and feels these things, he/she has the Helper who is more than ready to lead him/her in this to the truth of God. So pray to have your revelation on this and I know you will receive it.

    • @jovimenajasha3906
      @jovimenajasha3906 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Amen. I agree with you.

    • @EphemeralProductions
      @EphemeralProductions 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Such great advice!

    • @JM-gz7ux
      @JM-gz7ux 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      in other words: dont question anything.... 🤨😟

    • @Yahusha-Saves.
      @Yahusha-Saves. 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Matt 10:34¶Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. If you read on this Jesus is saying that he came to cause division the only one that wants peace on Earth is going to be the Antichrist read Daniel and also read revelation

  • @MississippiDan1
    @MississippiDan1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Not too long ago, without my knowing participation, something resembling words would just come out of my mouth... I am in constant prayer and always asking questions so naturally, i wondered what i was saying... I couldn't consciously repeat it so it was just unknown for a while. Finally it came out of me while i was searching something on my phone so i opened my google translate tab and repeated into translate, on "detect language". It was Hebrew. "What a great division i have caused" is what was coming from my mouth! Amen! #Jesus_lives

  • @jeffgarner3178
    @jeffgarner3178 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit and received the gift of speaking in tongues at 19 in 1969 in Montreat, North Carolina, USA . I believe Torben is spot on. I personally have experienced at least 2 of the types of tongues Torben speaks of. I have given prophetic tongues for a whole group and also speak in tongues as my prayer language. I know of times where someone has been speaking in tongues and it is indeed a language understood as in Acts Chapter 2. The gifts have not ceased as many teach and are for the Body of Christ today. Good word Torben.

  • @InfinitEternaLovEmmanuel
    @InfinitEternaLovEmmanuel 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you for this wonderful explanation! I have been a Christian (and ex-Muslim) for 5 years, but have never really understood the gift of speaking in tongues as being valid or "real". I confess that, in my ignorance, I have been dismissive of this beautiful gift in a rather disdainful way. God has been opening my heart and eyes over the past month and I now understand why I have been feeling an ever increasing sense of spiritual emptiness and stagnant in my faith for a few years now. I love the Holy Spirit and want to be baptized and filled by an overflow of His power so I can be bold and effective in sharing the gospel truth and bring more souls to Christ through healing and the casting out of demons... starting with my Muslim family (who don't realize they are actually Satanists, too)!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

    • @siciliansistah
      @siciliansistah 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @dev_willyy
      @dev_willyy 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I was moved by the HolySpirit to pray for you. and khadijah..i pray for you that the HolySpirit Himself would find you, find expression in you and through you, to grant you the power and boldness to speak the gospel of Jesus Christ to your family and friends! This I pray in Jesus' name! Amen!

    • @InfinitEternaLovEmmanuel
      @InfinitEternaLovEmmanuel 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dev_willyy Thanks, but...khadijah?

    • @dev_willyy
      @dev_willyy 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@InfinitEternaLovEmmanuel of a truth, your name was not revealed to me by the HolySpirit..I took the initiative, so you can speak out your actual name. However, if you insist on keeping your name confidential..it's fine! Shalom!🤗

    • @InfinitEternaLovEmmanuel
      @InfinitEternaLovEmmanuel 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@dev_willyy Thank you, and I am a sister in Christ...my most important identity! 🙏🏼✝️🕊💕

    @JDH_MUSIC 7 ปีที่แล้ว +51

    Praying in tongues with your eyes closed and hands raised is so powerful and frees you from weight of the world and the power of demons. And there's no such thing as praying too long in tongues - Heaven comes closer and closer when you endure! Glory to God!

    • @carriewood5278
      @carriewood5278 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Jeremy David Hiebert yes I experience this everytime

    • @ospirit2268
      @ospirit2268 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @Jen-tt9yx
      @Jen-tt9yx 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @mikep.5255
      @mikep.5255 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hey I agree with everything you said but I don’t know about how you said you can’t speak long in tounges for long because when I was unsaved, and I went to a youth prayer in my church there was about like 50 of us praying and worshipping God and literally like 90% of everyone there was speaking in tongues for like 2.5 hours, I was just stating what I thought, God bless you brother :)

    • @michaelarivony7409
      @michaelarivony7409 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      It is Jesus who frees you, not tongues. We need to make the difference. Jesus can free anyone without thwm speaking in tongues. I am saved but I dont speak in tongues

  • @berns4146
    @berns4146 7 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Amen, Torben Your understanding is the same as mine. There is a great deal of confusion concerning this gift this is not by accident.The dark one knows that when the children of the Most High obtain this gift and begin to use it as it is designed, his kingdom is truly threatened. Keep up the good work! My daughter and I have been greatly blessed by your ministry.

  • @62betcha
    @62betcha 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My mom and my husband baptised in the Holy Spirit but took a whole lifetime before they prayed in tongues. it didn't happen immediately but they were filled with Holy Spirit, saw amazing things and God healed sick through them. I prayed in tongues right after I was baptised in the Holy Spirit shortly after salvation prayer. A man played drums in American church loudly and an African man walked in said,"that's our village song!!" cried and invited Jesus in his heart. A powerful gift. Praying for the freedom to pray anywhere, anything the Lord says to pray with boldness in Yeshua's name.

  • @herbertkorkuawudzi9997
    @herbertkorkuawudzi9997 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Wow!!!! This is Wisdom!!! Thank You Sir. We need in Ghana!!!!

  • @12fusi
    @12fusi 6 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    I just recently got Baptist in The Name of Jesus for remission of sin and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit....

    • @shalombereshiyth
      @shalombereshiyth 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mati Fusi Amen!

    • @marykaepalloni1282
      @marykaepalloni1282 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Welcome to the family! ❤

    • @seanrathmakedisciples1508
      @seanrathmakedisciples1508 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Mati Fusi that’s great that you got baptized.Its a supernatural event in your life 1 Corinthians 12:13. All blessings in Jesus name

    • @passiveyoutuber4972
      @passiveyoutuber4972 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Which gifts did you get? If you got the Holy Spirit, I'm happy for you, but the gifts are many

    • @seanrathmakedisciples1508
      @seanrathmakedisciples1508 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      passive TH-camr you are now gifted the power to live the supernatural life of healing the sick setting the captives free with wisdom and love. The word of God makes sense and you have the peace of God in your heart with a new focus on life

  • @dulceidaliahernandezhernan97
    @dulceidaliahernandezhernan97 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Wow!!! This video helped me a lot!!! For the first time I found some one who really explained this clearly! I’ve been praying to God to give me this gift 💝, May God keep you blessing you brother

    • @passiveyoutuber4972
      @passiveyoutuber4972 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      And did you get it?

    • @user-kq5qp6dh8l
      @user-kq5qp6dh8l 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Its demonic, run from it.

    • @passiveyoutuber4972
      @passiveyoutuber4972 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@user-kq5qp6dh8l it's not demonic ONLY! because exists the counterfeit, there exist the true gift of praying in tongues too. John Bevere wrote a book where explains everything you need to know. Many important preachers wrote stupid stuff about tongues, because they wrote about what they didn't experience. That is very dangerous.

    • @user-kq5qp6dh8l
      @user-kq5qp6dh8l 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@passiveyoutuber4972 wrong.
      It was a witness to the Jews and known languages.
      It was also a miracle if hearing.
      Your gibberish is not of the God
      Of the Ark.
      It of other evil dimensions.

    • @passiveyoutuber4972
      @passiveyoutuber4972 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@user-kq5qp6dh8l you can't come to the bible and remove the verses that contradicts your theology. If all the bible is inspired, 1 Corinthians 14 contradicts you in verses 2, 4, 5, 10-20, 27-28, 39-40.

  • @LoveisLaw813
    @LoveisLaw813 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.14:18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

  • @mezambezi
    @mezambezi 7 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Awesome that's the power of God you actually spoke a language to a guy that only his brother and he spoke inter coding lol that's awesome Glory be to our Father ! 🙏🏼❤️

  • @aminking007
    @aminking007 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You are so great Torben, thank you so much! Lord bless you!

  • @comeonsweetheartletsdothet7208
    @comeonsweetheartletsdothet7208 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    amen brother u hit the nail right on the head when u explained yourself. people are so ingrained in traditional ways from certain denominations that they have been blinded on
    so that they cant receive the truth mostly by preaching that contradicts the word of God. please pray that God will show you what truly is, not only for the apostles time but also for ours when it comes to the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit. Please study the word and ask the Lord to reveal it to u. the Lord says that we need no man to teach us meaning of his word if we will just be honest with ourselves and open our hearts, souls and spirit to His teachings

    • @fearlesscrusader
      @fearlesscrusader 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      My personal experience will confirm the fact than nearly all tongues talkers were indoctrinated into the tradition by their denominations or by strangers. Specifically, most of them were indoctrinated into it at youth camp while they were impressionable children. I, personally, have never met anyone who learned this on their own from the Bible alone.

  • @danielstevenson445
    @danielstevenson445 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    God give you the utterance. Nothing like this man's tongues that he is starting and stopping by himself. That is his own tongue and he is deceiving many

  • @nobodyspecial3338
    @nobodyspecial3338 7 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    I was in a church and a lady stood up and spoke tounges aloud. Everyone praised God and were amazed! Then an old man stood up at the back and told everyone to shut up! He said that the lady was cursing God in Gaelic because he was Irish and spoke Gaelic! Be aware people of this....I still don't get why so much importance is placed on this subject? Perhaps because it's the easiest to fake.... when I was young a Pentecostal preacher came to my church. He was "baptising" in the holy spirit and I did not pray in tounges. To get him off my back I started making up tounges and mumbling rubbish and the preacher praised God and said I was praying in tounges. I don't get why there is so much attention on this subject? The most important thing should be about building a proper foundation built on repentance in a supportive environment over a long period of time… I have seen so many so-called tongues speakers get on the bandwagon and then fall away years later......feel free to enlighten me?

    • @j70channel
      @j70channel 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Yes, unfortunately this does happen. But you witnessed that God does warn us, in your case through that Irish man. (That is why it is important to come together. That was an lesson for all, to wake them up.)
      And hey, that lady at least spoke when there was translation, ha ha.

    • @j70channel
      @j70channel 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      And.. "so much attention on this subject"?
      Well first: Here the video is about is this subject.
      Second: In general it is an awesome equipment for the Christian live, the seventh weapon of Efezians 6.
      Thirth: Dispite your experience, it IS an easy way for the minister to recognize the baptism in the Holy Spirit, BUT is does not stand alone: Just watch some batisms (Torben's video's). A minister should also watch facial expresion and the genuine direct change of that person.
      That Pentecostal preacher obviously did not!

    • @nobodyspecial3338
      @nobodyspecial3338 7 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      But you missed my point..... I made up tounges and the pastor thought I was baptized in tounges and evidence of someone having the holy spirit should be shown by good fruit over time not bable. I still to this day do NOT speak in so-called tounges and I have been a Christian for over twenty years yet I have done many other things that would be evidential of the holy spirit. Saying people SHOULD speak in tounges is not biblical and very damaging to people. Tounges is usually a sign to unbelievers like in Torbens story. Saying people need to speak in tounges is rubbish sorry. What matters is true repentance and love built on a foundation of Jesus Christ not false miracles or anything like that. Like I said show me a so called holy spirit tongue speaking person and I will show you someone who will not be walking with the Lord in about five years time theses days. Show me someone supported and grounded in repentance and truth/love and in 50 years time they would have moved mountains and "might" be speaking in tounges.

    • @j70channel
      @j70channel 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Repentance, love and fruit instead of bable.. I agree.. :-)
      And I don't say one should speak in tongues.
      But I can testify that there is a diverence between the Holy Spirit just directing you and being baptised in the Holy Spirit (of which speaking in tongues is AN evidence). The latter makes one so much stronger in the Lord. Speaking in tongues makes me so much more effective (for 20 years now).

    • @nobodyspecial3338
      @nobodyspecial3338 7 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Good to know but your statement is incorrect the bible is very clear that everyone one has different gifts and we all form one body to say that everyone should speak in tounges is not biblical and puts religious burdens on people. Please be careful not to say this to people. I know plenty of people who have done a lot more in the Lord than anyone with the so-called tounges gift. Please pray about his and do not be deceived by a religious spirit. I wish you all the best good night.

  • @barmeyroberts8262
    @barmeyroberts8262 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have spoken in divers tongues 5 languages.
    I have sung in tongues with understanding simple child like love songs between the Lord and I.

  • @Iahusha777Iahuah
    @Iahusha777Iahuah 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I believe that it is sometimes learned and artificial and there is pressure to have it as if its a gauge of spiritual growth or sign of salvation, there you go not being scriptural Apostle Paul says not all will have tongues and he didnt say what kind he didnt say there where two kinds, when he said language of angels or heavenly it was a hyperbole an exaggeration to get a point across

    • @christ4u2now
      @christ4u2now 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      That all do not speak in tongues, doesn't mean that not all can get the gift. If this is not the case, then why did Paul wrote that everyone could prophesy, even though not all has prophesied? MKJV, 1Co 14:31 For YOU MAY ALL PROPHESY ONE BY ONE, so that all may learn and all may be comforted.
      Torben's interpretation of what you wrote is the very right (heard it "live" once from him in Finland, while he was arguing about it in a meeting with a man who believed in the same way as you do), and the interpretation was that everyone can get it.
      It is just stupid to pray for someone who wants the gift and say to him:
      "Okay, I can pray for you, BUT there is a chance that you may not get the gift, since Paul wrote that not all are speaking in tongues".
      It is right, that all are not speaking in tongues, but ALL CAN GET IT. That is the positive attitude we should have. You should ALWAYS read your verse (1 Cor 12:30) in the CONTEXT and not outside it:
      Next verse... ESV, 1 Cor 12:31 But EARNESTLY DESIRE the higher gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way.
      In the same way we can say, not all are healed, but all can be healed. And we can also say that not all are saved, but all can be saved (at least once in their life they could).

    • @e.y.2222
      @e.y.2222 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes. This guy can't explain biblical. And his testimony?(to me its not testimony) is mess.

    • @KM-zn3lx
      @KM-zn3lx 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I caught myself saying weird mumblings while in a meditative trance. Also another time while saying the rosary. Not all tongues are spiritual.

    • @1stof724
      @1stof724 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Paul spoke of the heavenly language that in his letters. In the book of acts it speaks of a kind of tongues which is actually a spoken language so yes two kinds were mentioned. I am on your side however and when I was baptized in a Pentecostal church I felt a great deal of pressure to speak in tongues so I just let myself speak something not sure what it was but I didn't receive the Holy Spirit at that point it was later when I was baptized. I spoke with someone else who was baptized by this same preacher and she did the same thing to get him to back off and she was filled like me later when she was baptized. This kind of pressure to speak in tongues is not right. But since Pentecostals seem to think everyone who receives the Holy Spirit immediately start to speak in tongues this type if thing happens it is not biblical at all, nor do I believe God would agree with this practice.

  • @mrstaple70
    @mrstaple70 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The first thing after accepting Jesus was i spoke in Tongues in JOY. I COULD NOT STOP IT.

  • @chrisso6903
    @chrisso6903 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My name is Christian and for years I thought I was a Christian and a lot of my friends new and took me for what I was. I had a born again Christian friend who loved god so much and we had meetings and church every week as all that know me knew. Then one night I don't really know what happened but I told him never to come back!, and he hasn't for over three years now and I still don't know what happened. As for God, I pray but have not had the feeling of ever being answered in prayer since!, I have sinned and repented but I just am getting to tired to keep going.I don't know what to do and my younger brother had a anuism that lead to massive stroke. He is in a hospice now and I visit every chance I get and pray for him but he is getting worse. When I pray and that's every - night I keep thinking I was asking for things that I should not of prayed for ie;a car wich I need to see my brother, even know I have one its old and I was found unconscious at stop lights as I passed out from the heat as it is old and has no air con.There are people out there that would want a car!but no! I ask God could he help me just to get a car that I really need so is that a big reason why my life is or feels worthless?I don't pray like that anymore but just for my brother to get some relief and last week I go to see him and find myself in an ambulance on the way to hospital as his oxygen saturation was dangerously low! Oh wow I'm sorry if I am boring you but would change places in a heartbeat as the saying goes.Here we see people getting healed so why does the LORD' not listen to me? If anyone could pray for my Brother his name is Steven as his life will be over soon and I can't seem to say the right words. I will love the Lord till I leave this place but now I am to tired to call out to God. Bless all, Christian. ☝

    • @MississippiDan1
      @MississippiDan1 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      The SPIRIT is trying to guide you. Do not give up! The apostles used to rejoice in troubled times because they knew God was about to show them something great! I will pray for you and pray for understanding. God's grace and mercy abounds!

  • @mitzimarquez2410
    @mitzimarquez2410 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you Torben for this teaching. Very concise and easy to understand. I never realized there were different tongues.
    God bless you for teaching God's Truth 🙏❣️

  • @dagman85
    @dagman85 7 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Thank you for this teaching, Torben! Very concise and well-presented, with good information.

  • @analizacamaya6361
    @analizacamaya6361 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    So clear to me Bro.Torben.Thank you for vividly explaining it to us.It's even better when you shared your experience/s with.
    God bless you always n TLR!💝☝

  • @JeannieHardesty
    @JeannieHardesty 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    PRAISE GOD! Thank you brother for this teaching!

  • @saviorsavior429
    @saviorsavior429 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow soooo clear... I believe if we ask, and if we really want it..we can have it.. other people said it is only to some people but how do they know if they don't ask..

  • @SkyeLJ
    @SkyeLJ 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have a question about the Satanist he talked about. My understanding is that after casting out a demon the person needs to be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit because otherwise the "house stays empty" and the demon will come back with many others, which would be worse than before. Am I wrong here? Would be thankful for clarification. :-)

    • @DiscipleofJesusChrist1
      @DiscipleofJesusChrist1 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think you got it just about right. I just finished resding Derek Prince's book and that is pretty much how he explains it. You have to continue in obedience to the Lord. I think when someone is freed though it is so powerful that they want to especially obey God out of being grateful and cleansed.

  • @robertnieten7259
    @robertnieten7259 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Excellent video Torben ! This is the first video i have seen where the different types of speaking in tongues have been explained so clearly.
    Just a side note. In the
    original Greek that the N.T. was written in our English word " tongues" is singular not plural and means " another language" and " a language".

  • @yulettecastelino7516
    @yulettecastelino7516 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Excellent explanation of the different kinds of tongues, brother Torben. God bless you.

  • @annekecrouse1870
    @annekecrouse1870 7 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Wow! That testimony about the satanist! :D AAAHHH!!! Our God is awesome!

    • @user-kq5qp6dh8l
      @user-kq5qp6dh8l 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Er.... The devil can do that, through familiar spirits its not cut and dryed.

  • @bethannkeck4477
    @bethannkeck4477 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Interesting about “ tongue “ speaks languages.! I am try to learning how do that.! Still try’s practice how use the tongue speaks.! God is amazing

    • @EphemeralProductions
      @EphemeralProductions 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hello bethann. You won't receive tongues by your own work or effort. It's not like that. You receive it when God gives it to you. Usually it accompanies receiving the holy spirit

    • @bethannkeck4477
      @bethannkeck4477 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      tall32guy , okay I understand it and my thoughts

    • @acts10truth
      @acts10truth 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      don't seek tongues, seek the infilling of the Holy Ghost as tongues is the voice of the spirit. You can not learn or be taught this heavenly language.

  • @helenbrown8572
    @helenbrown8572 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is exactly how I understand it too! Thank you so much for sharing the Truth x

  • @sucro107
    @sucro107 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love what you are doing, I pray God will bless you to reach even more, I want to disciple also.

  • @Angie-jd9gg
    @Angie-jd9gg 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I just love you Brother! Your love and enthusiasm is beautiful! I so desire such a walk with Christ. Please pray for me. I am so hungry for the Power, the gifts of the spirit, for signs and wonders. To set the captives FREE!

  • @amazonalain
    @amazonalain 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you so much for this video, you just cleared my doubts and made the subject about tongues more clearer. God bless you.

  • @xolclint
    @xolclint 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Once you realize that it is a gift for all of us who have the holy spirit & that we are to eagerly desire the gifts, then it's just a matter of asking & speaking.

  • @deniskatko6831
    @deniskatko6831 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You say in your Video that if someone stands up in a meeting and speaks in tongues, that you cannot just leave it but NEED to have someone else interpret it.
    Then why does Torben speak in tongues with NO INTERPRETATION at many of his meetings? For example when kickstarting or baptizing people?
    IS he not contradicting himself here?

    • @DebraGill
      @DebraGill 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Not only that, but he's doing it in this video.

    • @fearlesscrusader
      @fearlesscrusader 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Nancy, you are contradicting what Paul said. Torben does it because he doesn't care what the Bible says. All Neo-Montanists follow their own spirit rather than the Holy Spirit. Next time you read I Corinthians 14, notice how the 's" in "spirit is hardly ever capitalized - It is referring to people's own spirits as opposed to the Holy Spirit.

    • @Yue4me
      @Yue4me 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      by the fruit you will know. God Never give his authority to a person to do something that is not for the Kingdom of God and for the Glory of God.
      now you can judge yourself if there is knowledge that you still need in order to understand this subject, or you are just random person who study and not able to do what our God tell us to do for all non believers, including you.

    • @bravo_steve
      @bravo_steve 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      i would love to know this too. He seems like he is contradicting himself in those videos.

  • @carmenscarcella895
    @carmenscarcella895 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I like your Videos so much. They encourage me to go deeper in Relationship with god. You Are such a Blessing. I Would like to me you and have a practical Training and Discipleship. Here in Germany its so hard to Stay on Fire for Jesus, its a really strong spiritual war.

    • @xolclint
      @xolclint 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      The battle is won, Carmen. Jesus defeated the forces of darkness. Walk in His power.

    @BRUTHAWAR 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    This makes a lot of sense from a scriptural context and through my personal experiences

  • @kumarirajraj4424
    @kumarirajraj4424 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    bro praise the Lord. its amazing to see your videos . brother i am beulah from india. bro i know that i got a prophetic calling, but i didn't get baptised in holyspirit. but sometimes in dreams i am speaking in unknown tongues. brother please for me that i should speak in tongues. please do remember me in ur prayers. please reply me something.

    • @MississippiDan1
      @MississippiDan1 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      May the Spirit of God fill you and overflow from you, in Jesus name!

  • @candicedelaney7690
    @candicedelaney7690 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Why is the only representation shown in the videos from TLR the same kind “Personal” ? I would like to see the other kinds represented.

    • @TheLastReformation
      @TheLastReformation  9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      See Fighting for the gospel series we have about the Holy Spirit

  • @nikkijimenez6623
    @nikkijimenez6623 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Brother Torben this is Nikki from Abilene Texas again. During praise a d worship..wherever I may be.. I end up speaking in tongues. We just started attending a church where they pulled me out and told me not to do that. That I was only to do that behind closed doors. I accepted that because I want to respect the one who told me(pastors wife). Is this right? I feel like that is telling Holy Spirit to be quiet.

  • @merrieshiparski3296
    @merrieshiparski3296 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you Torben just what I needed to hear today!

  • @Steadfast_Steady_Strong
    @Steadfast_Steady_Strong 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I LOVE how you did this. All of it--the message and the production!

  • @timothybax3089
    @timothybax3089 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Totally agree with you, it's seeing the abuses, and ignorance of something so beautiful from Yah.

  • @niseygodsbaby9765
    @niseygodsbaby9765 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you so much I just started but I didn't know many different tongue as you were speaking holy spirit confirmed all was truth u were speaking thank you JESUS CHRIST and thank you my brother ❤️❤️

  • @jmcprotech9670
    @jmcprotech9670 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Amen Bro spot on Never STOP Speaking The Truth

  • @chrisparker5827
    @chrisparker5827 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi brother. Saying that you have to speak in tongues if you are baptized by the Holy Spirit is a false teaching. I personally was baptized by the Holy Spirit and did not seek and use the gift of speaking in other tongues for another year. I have had people tell me that I was not baptized by the Spirit when I was, just so their theology would work. You need to seek a fullness on this issue, or will there need to be another Reformation? Peace.

  • @kobenaarthurjr.3201
    @kobenaarthurjr.3201 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You are so on brother!!! Thank you for posting the video and clearly and effectively explaining such a controversial subject in the church!!! God bless you!!

  • @jpmvidal
    @jpmvidal 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Is it possible to receive the Holy Spirit but instead of the the gift of speaking in tongues, you receive a different gift?

    • @fearlesscrusader
      @fearlesscrusader 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Billy Graham is an excellent example of this. He never spoke in tongues, but he sure had the gift of evangelism. George Mueller never spoke in tongues, but he was probably the greatest prayer warrior of all time. D.L. Moody never spoke in tongues, but he exhibited several other gifts of the Spirit. Charles G. Finney never spoke in tongues, but he was an even greater evangelist than Billy Graham; he was so filled with the Holy Spirit that people cried out for salvation is he just looked at them.

    • @Yue4me
      @Yue4me 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      yes, there's many type of gift in the bible. try find it. but there also written for us to seek and trying to get it (not by ourself) but by ask God.
      from my experience , people who really hunger and have pure intend, they will got it.

    • @cooljc26
      @cooljc26 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      fearlesscrusader You said "Billy Graham is an excellent example of this. He never spoke in tongues, but he sure had the gift of evangelism. George Mueller never spoke in tongues, but he was probably the greatest prayer warrior of all time. D.L. Moody never spoke in tongues, but he exhibited several other gifts of the Spirit. Charles G. Finney never spoke in tongues, but he was an even greater evangelist than Billy Graham; he was so filled with the Holy Spirit that people cried out for salvation is he just looked at them.
      My comment *The GIFT of evangelism? and he did NOT SPEAK IN TONGUES....? If these people you spoke of never spoken in tongues, they did not have the Holy Spirit, which means they were NOT saved, and they are on their way to hell to burn in the lake of fire, soooooo sad.*
      *That's why the bible tells us that many will say to me in that day Lord, Lord.... and then God will profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: DEPART FROM ME.....*
      Matt.7:[21] *Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;* but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
      [22] *Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?*
      [23] And *then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.*
      1Cor.12:[1] Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.
      [8] For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
      [9] To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
      [10] To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

    • @livinghope1561
      @livinghope1561 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cooljc26 you're completely wrong... Speaking in tongues doesn't save you from hell... And all those preacher's and avengelist were saved...

  • @frederikkannegaard2624
    @frederikkannegaard2624 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Tusind tak for videoen det er virkelig sandt🙏 I have a question. How did the Holy spirit translate the tongues to you. How could you understand the words?

    • @MississippiDan1
      @MississippiDan1 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      It happened to me often but i was never able to repeat it consciously... One day, i was searching something on my phone and the words came out again. I opened my google translate tab and spoke into it on "detect language"... It was Hebrew and i was saying "what a great division i have caused". #glory to God

    • @xolclint
      @xolclint 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Frederik, did you not hear the part where the bible says that we speak in a language that ONLY God understands? We don't know what we are saying. We only know that it is a mystery & that God is using it to accomplish His will.

  • @happpy9856
    @happpy9856 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I RECIVED THIS GIFTS alone in house 2 mounths ago praise the lord

  • @deepjoydeb4330
    @deepjoydeb4330 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Excellent. Hallelujah

  • @9290SC
    @9290SC 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you! I have only spoken in tongues once, in my sleep. I had a dream me and some other person was about to go pray for someone and right before we was about to go towards the person, the Holy Spirit came over me and I was speaking in tongues. Dont you know when you're half woke half asleep? thats how it was and I heard myself and felt my mouth moving. Then i woke up!

    • @TheLastReformation
      @TheLastReformation  7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      applebug try again. Don't think. Put worship on and speak. You have it in you

    • @chrisestrada6198
      @chrisestrada6198 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      The Last Reformation the same happened to me! 1 month ago on a Wednesday night. it wasn't too long after we attended your Kickstart at Toronto Canada. My Gf came away a tad bit confused and slightly skeptical but she could not deny you are 100% for Jesus Christ. So one Wednesday Service at our church in California we had a quest speaker and at the very end he suddenly had the urge to ask anyone if they would like to be baptized with the holy spirit and be able to speak in tongues. No One rose their Hands or stood up. Now I had spoken in tongues before but very little to be honest when I was young (like 12-14) and just began to try again with your Help in Toronto BUT For my Gfs sake I turned to her (after the guest pastors offer) and told her "I want the Holy Spirit Abigail Do You" she told me yes but she was too shy to raise her hand or to say yes. So we held each others hands and looked up and the Guest speaker had already stepped down and the church was about to be led into a closing prayer by another. We were so sad because we thought we had missed our opportunity (I was more sad because my gf had never spoke in tongues before and she had finally agreed to muster up some confidence and seek help in that area?) BUT ONE other person stopped the church from going into closing prayer because they wanted the Holy Spirit. So the one that was about to close us out in prayer stopped and said "Sorry we're not done yet we have ONE Person who wishes to Have the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues. is there anyone else who is having second thoughts" So my gf and I were overjoyed and stood up. others stood up too! So in total there were twelve of us that were led to a back room to receive the Holy Spirit... well they just had us pray for ourselves to ask for the Holy Spirit to enter us and after that prayer told us after the count of three to just try to speak in tongues. To let it just flow out of you. what ever it may be to just let it out. the other 11 people looked confused and doubtful after the brief guidance to The Holy Spirit but I was fresh off your Kickstart. So at the count of three I thought and prayed within myself "well God I meant my prayer about your Holy Spirit and I Believe I have done it briefly in my youth and I believe I can DO IT AGAIN! please be with me and use me as a proper example so that my gf can become just as intimate with You as I am with You God". Three! I told the man next to me "let's this together brother." So I start speaking in tongues. Him not too much but after hearing me I noticed he began to as well to himself under his breath. I was happy because I hope that I helped this man in this process. So after Him and I Continued a little while longer to be intimate with God, I had asked him If he would walk over with me to my gf so that all three can hold hands and speak in tongues. (I did not hold hands with her first so that she could speak in tongues with the Holy Spirit on her own. free from any pressure or shyness she could possibly feel while in my attention on her or presence). So we all three held hands and spoke in tongues. Very Powerful first time. I almost feel bad that I didn't get to help the other nine people because the Mentor stopped us, gave us a little booklet about speaking in tongues and tried to send us off. I say tried because 2 of the 9 people that I didn't get hold hands with Spoke out in confusion with questions like "when do we speak like this?" "is that all it takes to make us be able to speak in tongues?" We we're told that the booklet would answer our remaining questions and so we all left. I spoke to the guy I held hands with he said after we both started to speak in tongues, it came a lot easier to him now and that he began to feel really warm in his chest area. He was happy I was happy and my gf was happy. It was a good day. BUT WAIT AFTER ALL OF THAT AND MY GF AND I WENT TO OUR HOMES, I went to bed happy as can be praying to God and giving Thanks for helping us with our shyness in the faith. and on THAT VERY NIGHT I went to sleep but woke up because I heard a sound in the dark. I opened my eyes briefly to examine my surrounding and after seeing nothing out of the ordinary I closed my eyes again but the sound kept on going and getting Louder! I now open my eyes fully while I'm laying down to look for the source of the sound and quickly realize THAT IT'S ME! I was so shocked and overwhelmed with joy that I STARTED TO PRAY....yes I was praying within my self in my mind WHILE MY MOUTH WAS SPEAKING IN TONGUES. it was like I didn't have control over mouth, lips nor tongue. Everything else I did have but those I did not. it was like there was Two of Me. ONE THAT WAS SPEAKING IN TONGUES and the OTHER that was praying inside his mind Giving thanks to what is happening. While my mouth and tongue were speaking the heavenly language, at the same time as like a separate person from my own self I prayed this: "God I thank you for what is going on right now. as I pray to you within myself I can her myself speaking in tongues. I know that it is you God that has taken control over my mouth with the Holy Spirit to speak things I myself have no clue to what is going on as I pause briefly to listen to myself but I don't care if I don't understand I just thank you God for what you are doing right now within me" after I was done praying, my mouth still was speaking in tongues with the Holy Spirit on its own accord for about a couple maybe 4 more seconds and then with my eyes being closed, my eyelids shown bright white as thow someone had turned on a bright light in front of my face and through my eyelids with eyes shut still saw it. Then I very quickly exhaled as tho something came OUT of me then INHALED as tho something JUST WENT INTO ME. then everything stopped. I did not want to move or even adjust myself in my bed because I DID NOT want it to stop LOL. so when it was over I still held myself in place like a statue in hopes it would pick right back up again Haha but it did not. So what did I do? I said thank you God one last time I stood up on my bed in the sitting position to look around and see if more was to come LOL I had to tell myself OK don't get over carried you got plenty today now get some rest and DO SOMETHING with it now" i laid back down and fell asleep.{I couldn't help but remember what you said Torben about how God Wants to Give you these gifts and much more. He really does. He is Eagerly waiting to just pour out his Power, love and spirit to you but He is waiting For you/us to make some moves and confident steps toward him. To Seek Him Diligently) OK I know THAT WAS A LOT to write. I'm sorry my girlfriend hates when I say a story or tell her my dreams because they take too long.... but idk I feel like people would like the details idk...sorry but yeah I hope this helps. and to everyone, I ask please pray for me. I'm not perfect. Work along with other issues are keeping me busy from what I should be doing. Preaching the gospel, making desciples, laying hands on the sick, casting out demons in Jesus name, having people repent of their sins, baptizing them in water in the name of Jesus Christ, baptizing them with the Holy Spirit for our Heavenly Father God. Amen

    • @Follow.Jesus.Christ
      @Follow.Jesus.Christ 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      It was probably a demon

    • @chrisestrada6198
      @chrisestrada6198 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ALIFT ` hmm maybe... thanks for your feed back. well one thing is for sure at the end of this, was total peace and great Love for Jesus Christ. so if it was a demon, the Holy Spirit Kicked it's but OUTTA ME some kind of self exercise haha...anyway I'm doing great now and am going out to the streets and busy malls praying for people and preaching the gospel to the very few that let me. : ) and let me tell you something even if 100 people blow me off but ONE person doesn't it, makes EVERYTHING worth it. I'm not perfect in this so I'm taking any small victory I can get as a blessing and when your out there in the streets/world you can't help but think to yourself "if not me, who will?". Thank you again for your feedback and if you think it was probably a demon then could I ask you to pray for me so that won't happen again lol? Thank you and have a good weekend. God bless you brother and make your 2017 your year

    • @Follow.Jesus.Christ
      @Follow.Jesus.Christ 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Chris Estrada That's great. Thank you and god bless you too.

  • @stormcup2920
    @stormcup2920 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Speaking in tongues in other languages where for evangelism, speaking in tongues in a church for interpretation was for prophecy and wisdom, personal tongues are for prayer...

  • @seanrathmakedisciples1508
    @seanrathmakedisciples1508 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks from Ireland

  • @fauvi
    @fauvi 7 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I'm so nervous you're going to knock over that glass....😅

  • @RosannaMiller
    @RosannaMiller 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Glory to God. Hallelujah, Amen.

  • @cupofshutupjuice
    @cupofshutupjuice 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    There is a comprehensive study on tongues that leaves little room for personal interpretation. If you look at the usage of the original Greek, it’s clear what it is referring to. The term “unknown” is not in the original manuscripts for example.

  • @Yah-Izoa-Hakaboth
    @Yah-Izoa-Hakaboth 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Speaking in tongues has to be a gift sent by YAHWEH! Not everyone will have that gift. When the Holy Spirit takes over me and the anointing gets very strong. My body goes numb and I get dizzy if I’m standing. I have to be either laying down or sitting and just let HIM do whatever HE is doing inside of me! Everyone experiences something different when the Holy Spirit takes over!

  • @angelsrhere
    @angelsrhere 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    AMEN speaking in tongues edifies our spirit. Demonic tongues sound different, and can be discerned. Don't be afraid of the power of the Holy Spirit. I was taught tongues are not spoken anymore, but they are, because I speak them and now prophesy with the power of the Holy Spirit. We need the babtism of the Holy Spirit and the babtism of fire, as it says in the Bible, to do greater works than Jesus did!

    • @fearlesscrusader
      @fearlesscrusader 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Angel, you actually admit that you need the baptism of fire? The baptism of fire is for the unsaved, who are thrown into the lake of Fire in Revelation.

    • @kennethjones9123
      @kennethjones9123 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      You need to do your homework on baptism of fire....dear friend that is a judgement. Charismatics are way out in left field . Sad!

    • @karinclines445
      @karinclines445 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Amen a amen

  • @hazelmanuel8229
    @hazelmanuel8229 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    ThanKyou Pastor Torben

  • @eclesia-propheticvoice5578
    @eclesia-propheticvoice5578 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Well explained! God bless you brother

  • @gavinjames1145
    @gavinjames1145 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    When Torben prays in tongues, when casting out demons, it sounds a little like he's speaking Russian: da, da, da = yes, yes, yes; skazal(-a) = he (she) said; sila = strength.

  • @perryfernandes9890
    @perryfernandes9890 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @LittleSister1981
    @LittleSister1981 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was baptised on June 7th and also received the baptism of the Holy Spirit,although I can't pray in tongues yet. Will it come with time?

  • @earlem9771
    @earlem9771 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If you can't understand the message that you are communicating to God, is there even a message that is being sent? This is purely emotional. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, why didn't he talk about this? Maybe because it's not of God.

  • @kaimaxfield6484
    @kaimaxfield6484 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is good, is it okay to publish this onto a DVD for my neighbor? Also, what is the difference between this and the one we watched last night?

  • @joellekwok
    @joellekwok 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Torben, I have a question to ask about speaking in tongue. Some people say when you dont have the gift of speaking in tongue you havent baptised with the Holy Spirit. But some people say when you say the sinner's prayer to ask Jesus come into your life, the Holy Spirit will come into your life when you receive Jesus. Would like to ask if you could explain about this?

    • @cooljc26
      @cooljc26 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Joelle Kwok You said "Hi Torben, I have a question to ask about speaking in tongue. Some people say when you dont have the gift of speaking in tongue you havent baptised with the Holy Spirit.
      My comment *Torben can't explain anything to you, because he doesn't have a clue to what he is talking about at all, and what he demonstrated in this video is definitely NOT speaking in any tongues and neither is that of God, what he was doing.*
      *He is just putting a bunch of silly syllables together and then he's trying to call that WICKEDNESS speaking in tongues, that is not speaking in tongues, and neither is that of God at all.*
      *Next, people are using the wrong terminology, the bible does says it's the GIFT of speaking in tongues. There is a GIFT called the gift of DIVERS KIND of tongues, which Paul speaks about in Cor.12:8-10 which Paul clearly says to ONE is given this gift and to another is given another gift. So all do NOT get the GIFT of DIVERS KIND OF TONGUES.*
      *Now Jesus spoke of the (SIGN) of speaking in new tongues in Mark.**16:17** where Jesus said these SIGNS shall follow THEM THAT BELIEVE, and THEM THAT BELIEVE refers to EVERYONE/ALL THEM THAT SAY THEY BELIEVE, they shall speak with new tongues.*
      *Now if a person have not spoken in tongues, they definitely do NOT have the Holy Spirit, which means you have not been baptized with the Holy Spirit, and being baptized with the Holy Spirit is for the purpose of salvation.*
      You said "But some people say when you say the sinner's prayer to ask Jesus come into your life, the Holy Spirit will come into your life when you receive Jesus. Would like to ask if you could explain about this?
      My comment *The so called sinner's prayer for salvation is not founded in the bible at all. When a sinner finish doing that little recital of repeating these words after me, they are still a sinner in their sins.*
      *Peter in Acts.**2:38** did not tell the sinners/ the multitude to repeat any words after him, Peter told the sinners to REPENT, REPENT, REPENT and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, which was what he and the 120 just received in Acts.2:4 with the SIGN of speaking in tongues.*
      *No where in the bible does any one tell others to repeat these words after me and you are saved, that is a lie from satan himself, in order for a sinner to be saved, they MUST be born again of water and of the Spirit which is being filled/baptized with the Holy Spirit SAME as they did in the bible in Acts.2:4*
      *And speaking in tongues is NOT something you do yourself as this man is falsely doing in this video. When a person receives the REAL Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit will actually take over your tongue and (HE) the Holy Spirit will speak words out of your mouth using your tongue/mouth.*
      Acts.2:[38] Then Peter said unto them, *Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.*
      [39] For *the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall CALL.*

  • @Dianna-vv6lc
    @Dianna-vv6lc 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Speaking in tongues is just gibirish talk I know people that aren't Christian can do it it's not difficult

  • @seven7230
    @seven7230 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you very much, you taked all my doubts regarding tongues

  • @moimaris3369
    @moimaris3369 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have my doubts about the baptism of Holy Spirit because in the Bible there was a time delay between the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism because Jesus has to return first to heaven before pouring out the spirit. Now when we baptise in water we can receive the Holy Spirit immediately.

    • @marcrodriguez01
      @marcrodriguez01 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      We can indeed, but it's not necessarily automatic.. see the samaritans in acts 8

  • @sheilapritos2338
    @sheilapritos2338 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    God bless you always.. i hoping you have time to visit my country here Philippines, most people here needs a true baptize in true God words.

  • @felixotoo100
    @felixotoo100 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Two things I have found so far: 1) Those who do not believe everyone should speak in tongues are those who do not speak themselves. 2) This is common among 'Christians' than non-Christians. As Jesus himself said in John 5:39-40 "You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life."
    Interestingly, I wrote the same thing Torben talked about two weeks earlier before i saw the video. To cut the long short, three manifestations of speaking in tongues are recorded in the bible.
    First, In Acts 2:4 the people heard and understood in their own language. There are testimonies where tongues are understood in a language the speaker himself/ herself does not understand.
    Second, In the case of Cornelius and his family, no one understood nor was their tongues interpreted (Acts 10:46). Also happened in Acts 19: 1-6. This is what happens to most people who receive the gift and pray in it. 1 Corinthians 14:2 talks about this.
    The third manifestation, there is the need for interpretation (1 Corinthians 14:27). These manifestations comes as prophecy and require an interpretation so as to edify the church. When Paul asks if everyone speaks in tongues in 1 Corinthians 12:30 he refers to the third manifestation as he was talking about gifts
    relating to edifying the church and not the speaker alone. In the context of Acts 12 :29 Paul talks about edification of the church which is the third manifestation (requiring interpretation).
    Perhaps the more important question should be WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF SPEAKING IN TONGUES? "If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Luke 11:13.

    • @fearlesscrusader
      @fearlesscrusader 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Kojo Otoo, First of all, half of what you know is wrong. Paul did no believet everyone should speak in tongues or the body would be all mouth, but he spoke with tongues more than any of them. Second, you are correct that speaking in tongues is more common among non-Christians than among Christians. Third, you are wrong about no one understanding Cornelius and his household (not his family - Centurions did not have families). If no one understood them, how did they know they were praising God? How did they know in Acts 19?
      I Corinthians talks about "unknown" tongues. "Unknown" is italicized because the wrod isn't there in the original Greek, but added by the KJV translators for clarification. But with some people, it has confused rather than clarified. "Unknown" tongues are the same tongues, the difference is in the hearers. In Acts, the apostles spoke in the tongues known to the crowd. In Corinth, foreign visitors spoke in their own native tongues which were unknown to the Greeks and Jews.
      You are quoting Luke 11:13 out of context, as it has NOTHING to do with tongues.

  • @mrstaple70
    @mrstaple70 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It is a Personal Language between You and The Holy Spirit.

  • @PhilLinklater
    @PhilLinklater 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is baptism of itself give one the gift of tongues - or does one have to be baptised in the holy spirit as well?

  • @jacquiehenifin5541
    @jacquiehenifin5541 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you

  • @NewLife-xg5cu
    @NewLife-xg5cu 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    How can I found people to be baptized with the Holy Spirit?

  • @soak-and-music
    @soak-and-music 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very very well explained! Thank you.

  • @davidasholesjr181
    @davidasholesjr181 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks again! Tongues comes from the Holy Spirit and is used for different purposes, all to bring us closer to God or into His family.
    As a humorous side note, I can tell that You have the fruit of the spirit "self-control". you can sit between salt shakers and a drink and flail your hands without knocking either one of them over.

  • @JerusalemRemembered28
    @JerusalemRemembered28 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The Anointing (Charis ) is where we get the word Charismatic --and refers to speaking in Tongues!!
    Over the last few hundred years the devil has cleverly altered the definition of the word "Grace" to mean God's goodness...but Grace is the Greek word "Charis" and has the same root as the word "Christ"--they both mean ANOINTING.
    So the word Charis is really Grace--and means praying in Spirit...or praying in Tongues! Tongues is the 'Word of God' that Peter witnessed the Gentiles had received after he'd preached to them, in Acts. They didn't suddenly start quoting the Torah & the New Testament hadn't been written yet--he stopped preaching & said, let's get them water baptized--because they've received the Holy Ghost, the Word of God, the same as we have! (Acts 10:44-47 & Acts 11:1) The scriptures are Holy & inspired, His Word of Truth but Grace (Charis) Tongues is the Holy Ghost "Word of God."
    "Ghos-spell" literally means (Holy)Ghost speaking!
    This how we worship Him in
    Spirit (🗣🔥Tongues)
    Truth (🗣📖Scriptures).
    "I will pray in the
    🗣🔥SPIRIT and pray in my understanding, I will sing in the
    🗣🔥SPIRIT and I sing in my understanding."
    (1Cor 14:15)
    "For he that speakers in
    🗣🔥TONGUES speaketh not unto men, BUT UNTO GOD, for no man understandeth him; howbeit
    🗣🔥IN THE SPIRIT he speaketh forth mysteries."
    (1Cor 14:2)

  • @rostislavmalatak3487
    @rostislavmalatak3487 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello, I have question I was not baptise right way ( catholic church infant-not biblical) and now I am trying find someone who baptise me but its hard to find someone, everyone in my country want from me to be part of their church and their denomination and doctrine before they should baptise me. My question is do you need water baptism to speak in tongue? Speaking in tongue will help alot in my prayer life.

    • @cooljc26
      @cooljc26 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Rostislav Malatak You said "Hello, I have question I was not baptise right way ( catholic church infant-not biblical) and now I am trying find someone who baptise me but its hard to find someone, everyone in my country want from me to be part of their church and their denomination and doctrine before they should baptise me. My question is do you need water baptism to speak in tongue? Speaking in tongue will help alot in my prayer life.
      My comment *No you do not have to be baptized in water first. But you need to ask God to save you by filling you with the baptism of the Holy Spirit SAME as he did to them in Acts.2:4 and wait until (HE) the Holy Spirit actually takes over your tongue and speaks words out of your mouth using your tongue. It's never ever something you do yourself as this man is falsely doing in this video.*

  • @JosiahDupont
    @JosiahDupont 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey I just wanted to give you a heads up. At 2:43 in the subtitles it says Corinthians 40:2. This had me very confused because the is no chapter 40, and I search around and found out it was 14:2. I was thinking that he made up the verse or something. Just wanted to say that because it could confuse people and lead them to believe you are a hokes.
    You have been a great inspiration to me and I just wanted to thank you. You opened my eyes to a lot of stuff I never thought about.
    Good bless.

    • @sandrastrausbaugh6050
      @sandrastrausbaugh6050 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      So funny. I was just thinking to look up 40:2 as I am a new Christian. I was just getting ready to do that & saw your comment. Thank You.

  • @carogruhler
    @carogruhler 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i agree in almost everything. and i have one question to this. so if there are this 3 types, which type is it when you are praying for people and casting out demons? it's not the intimate 1 to 1 type, neither does someone translate it, or is it the language of the people, so they could understand it (this happens maybe 1 out of 100 times?). why are you doing it this way?

    • @j70channel
      @j70channel 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I have reason to belief that "types" rather refer to application than to the actual language used.
      As it comes to "types" I can name a lot more.

    • @maichannel-4
      @maichannel-4 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      you only open your mouth and let holy spirit pray for what ever it is you are praying for and he will take control ;)

    • @xolclint
      @xolclint 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Speaking in personal tongues can give us a 'spiritual insight' & show us things that we don't normally see. I have seen visions about people while praying in tongues for people. Then I know how to pray for them more specifically.

    • @j70channel
      @j70channel 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Speaking in tongues profides words you could not think of, the right words for that moment.
      And/but yes, you (have to) trust the spirit It will produce the right words.

    • @j70channel
      @j70channel 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      .. maybe or probably even words we don't know or do not even exist in known languages.

  • @GCapitalOfficial
    @GCapitalOfficial 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Jesus never spoke in tongues but he was full of the Holy Spirit so
    can it also be that one can be filled with the Holy Spirit and not speak in tongues?

    • @fearlesscrusader
      @fearlesscrusader 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Aomine, Personally, my first choice is to be just like Jesus.

    • @9290SC
      @9290SC 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes. Tongues is a gift....and so not everyone is going to have it. Like the gift of prophecy. We all can prophecy but not everyone is a prophet. The gift of teaching etc....

    • @cooljc26
      @cooljc26 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Paul Peterson You said "Jesus never spoke in tongues but he was full of the Holy Spirit so
      can it also be that one can be filled with the Holy Spirit and not speak in tongues?
      My comment *No you can not be filled with the Holy Spirit and not have spoken in tongues. If you have not spoken in tongues you do not have the Holy Spirit. Jesus was the TESTATOR, and he said it's EXPEDIENT that I GO AWAY for if I go not away the Comforter would not come.*

    • @cooljc26
      @cooljc26 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      applebug You said "Yes. Tongues is a gift....and so not everyone is going to have it. Like the gift of prophecy. We all can prophecy but not everyone is a prophet. The gift of teaching etc....
      My comment *Your answer is wrong. There is a GIFT called the GIFT of divers kind of tongues, which everyone does not have,...*
      *But then there is the (SIGN) of speaking in tongues which Jesus said in Mark.**16:17** is for THEM THAT BELIEVE, and THEM THAT BELIEVE refers to EVERYONE/ALL THEM THAT SAY THEY BELIEVE, they shall speak with new tongues.*
      *Everyone MUST receive the Holy Ghost for the purpose of salvation and when they receive the Holy Spirit they WILL SPEAK IN TONGUES SAME as they did in Acts.2:4, if one have not spoken in tongues, they do NOT have the Holy Spirit and if any man have not the Spirit of Christ they are NONE of his.*

    • @cristianspencer213
      @cristianspencer213 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nowhere does the Bible suggest that tongues is the only confirmation of the Holy Spirit. I have seen some quoting mark 16 where Jesus describes the signs of those who follow him, one of which is tongues. But if this were to mean that all of these signs must be evident in the life of all believers then I don't think many people would make it. Picking up serpents, drinking poison and not dying, healing, casting out demons etc. And revelation says there is a innumberable multitude of saints. And I am pretty sure there isn't an innumerable multitude of people who have spoken in tongues, cast out demons, healed the sick, picked up snakes and drank poison and not been affected.

  • @zacharyayling7710
    @zacharyayling7710 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Those who aren't against us are for us. If anyone is doing something to offend god he will let them know. And if they don't correct their ways he will judge them, for if we judge a man, by the same means we will be judged.

    • @Donnah1979
      @Donnah1979 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, yes it is.

    • @kyleblackmore8243
      @kyleblackmore8243 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      You speak of god as through he's a human and can easily get offended. he's perfect love he's slow to anger, I think you need to get to know your true Heavenly Father my friend :)

  • @Tryagain563
    @Tryagain563 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Torbern, I believe that much of the confusion about tongues stems from people confusing the gift of tongues with the gift of the Holy Ghost.
    The Holy Ghost is always initially evidenced by the person aspeaking in tongues.
    That is the Gift of the Holy Ghost. AFTER that, (tho they should continue to speak in tongues, as Paul says,) they produce the fruit of the Holy Ghost (Galatians 5.) Then they can access the gifts of the Holy Ghost (Spirit) as per I Corinths 12.
    But the Gift of tongues is for edification of the church - not the individual!
    The Gift of the Holy Ghost (evidenced by speaking in tongues,) is for the edification of the individual - not the church! (I Corinths 14:4)
    Everyone who is filled with the Holy Ghost will speak in tongues.
    Not everyone who speaks in tongues has the GIFT of tongues (as in I Cor 12) - that is for the edification of the church.
    God bless you.
    Good points you brought up, and a wonderful testimony of that mans salvation!
    Keep being faithful to Jesus and to your call! Love in the Lord to you and your family.

    • @fearlesscrusader
      @fearlesscrusader 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      A few simple questions, Sojourner: If the Holy Ghost is always initially evidenced by the person speaking in tongues, why did this only occur three times in a 30 year period in Acts? Why did it never occur again in the Bible after Paul said tongues would cease in I Corinthians 13:8, which was one of the earliest NT books? Why is there NO mention of tongues throughout the vast majority of the NT? Why were there no "tongues" for 1800 years? Didn't anyone receive the Holy Spirit for 1800 years? How can you speak in tongues if you never received the gift?

    • @Tryagain563
      @Tryagain563 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      First Question: The reason those three instances in Acts were singled out of no doubt, multiple thousands, is simply because they are there to show us that the Holy Ghost is given to ALL classes, and types of peoples.
      The FIRST: Acts 2 Is to show that the Holy Ghost is given to Jews.
      The SECOND" Acts 8 is to show that the Holy Ghost is given to Samaritans
      The THIRD: Acts 10 is given to sshow that the Holy Ghost is for Gentiles.
      Second Question: "Why is there no mention of tongues throughout the vast majority of the NT?"
      Answer: Because although the four Gospels are classified by the Bible compiliators as being part of the New Testament, in actual fact, they were still under the Law. This is why we see Jesus tell the leper whom He healed in Mark 1 to go and show himself to the priest and offer for his cleansing that which Moses commanded.
      This is also why in Luke we see that Mary came into the temple to offer two turtledoves for her cleansing.
      This is why Jesus was circumcised on the 8th day in accordance with the Law. (There may be other examples, but you get the drift.)
      There could be no water baptism or baptism in the Holy Ghost until after Jesus had died and risen and all four Gospels ended on his death and resurrection.
      "We are buried with Christ in baptism," Romans tells us; yet, all four Gospels END on His death and resurrection.
      The Holy Ghost could not be poured out until AFTER Jesus had died and arisen. "The Holy Ghost was not yet given for Jesus was not yet glorified."
      (John 7.)
      Hebrews 9 teaches us that without the DEATH of the testator (in this case Jesus - for HE is the testator of the NT,) a testament is not in effect.
      YET ALL four Gospels END on Jesus death and resurrection.
      The New Testament was not properly in place until after His death and resurrection, which brings us to the Book of Acts!
      Only in Acts do we see how people got saved.
      ALSO: there is no mention of tongues (except in I Corinths 14) in the Epistles, because EVERY NT Believer had been baptised and Spirit-filled (evidenced by tongues.)
      It was a "given" that this had occurred, because the Apostles were adamant that as soon as the person repented they got baptised (we see that all through Acts.)
      It was a given that they already ALL spoke in tongues, because for instance, Paul woudl ask, "Have you received the Holy Ghost SINCE you believed?" If you hadn't, he would lay hands on you and you would speak in tongues.
      In Acts 8 there was a large church of Samaritans all of whom had been baptised yet none had received the Holy Ghost, (how did they know they had not received? They had not spoken in tongues.)
      So two apostles came down from Jerusalem and laid hands on them and they received such a powerful experience that Simon the Sorcerer wanted th ability to lay hands on people to receive! (But he had no part or lot in the matter and was roundly rebuked by Peter for even thinking that the Holy Ghost could be bought for money - which he had offered.)
      A careful reading of Acts will show you that all Believers were water baptised and spoke in tongues.
      YOUR PROBLEM LIES IN THAT YOU DO NOT RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH, that is, you have bundled the Law (Gospels) and Acts (the plan of salvation) in with the Epistles, people - all of whom, had already been water baptised and Spirit-filled.
      The Epistles do not show people receiving the Holy Ghost, simply because they had ALREADY received the Holy Ghost.
      The Epistles are letters written to people already water Baptised and Spirit-Baptised, and to teach them how to live for God AFTER those two things.
      (The Book of Revelation is also written in the first three chapters, to people already water baptised ans Spirit-filled.
      That is why they are called: churches.)
      Gospels: Law & salvation by faith alone in Christ.
      I hope this helps you and those who may have wondered.
      "fearless" crusader is on a crusade to tear down and destroy the faith of Gods' children in the Baptism of the Holy Ghost evidenced by tongues.
      He is of the mistaken belief that tongues ceased when the apostles died: or "petered outwith Peter."
      He is on the comments page of a video called Praying In Tongues, all over the place, scorning, deriding and tearing down this most holy and precious experience of receiving the Holy Ghost.
      He does not realise it, he thinks he is only fighting people, please pray for him, that the Lord will remove the scales from off his eyes and that he too may recieve this like precious gift. Amen.
      Acts: How to appropriate the Cross: repent, baptism and Holy Ghost.
      (That is, full plan of salvation given.)
      Epistles: Letters written to those already water baptised and Spirit- filled, to teach them how to live for God.

    • @fearlesscrusader
      @fearlesscrusader 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sojourner, my faith is based on reality - God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Your faith is based on a tradition invented by men in 1906-7 who created a whole new group of denominations by twisting God's words to fit their experiences. Your insistence that all believers in the NT spoke in tongues is contradicted by Paul's statement that all do not speak in tongues. He did not say that all do not have the gift of tongues. He said that all do not speak in tongues.
      Furthermore, it is a documented fact that speaking in tongues was not part of the Christian experience from the 1st century until the 20th. Tongues were revived in the early 1900s by two men who stated categorically and positively that they had restored tongues 1800 years after they had ceased. Now you are calling your own founders liars. You are denying what ALL Christians experienced and believed for almost all of the Church age, and you are fighting God.

    • @Tryagain563
      @Tryagain563 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      It is NOT a "documented fact" that tongues was not part of the Christian experience from the 1st century till 20th!
      Certainly the Catholic "church" pushed the true church underground. But Martin Luther spoke in tongues as did others.
      Not every single experience is documented!
      Yet ALL of it is documented in the Bible and that should be enough for us all.
      Paul says that tongues is for personal EDIFICATION.
      According to you no one needs edifying anymore.
      Paul says, "I would that you all speak with tongues."
      (Yes, I know he adds, "but rather that you prophesy.." But you cannot deny that he wanted ALL to speak with tongues.
      (He only said, "But rather that you prophesy, because the whole of chapter 14 is dealing with public worship.)
      You are on ground that you know nothing of brother.
      It is sinking sand.
      Jesus is the Rock and we should believe Him (Mark 16:17) and all His holy apostles throughout Acts and I Cor 14 on the matter.

    • @fearlesscrusader
      @fearlesscrusader 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sojourner, show me where the Bible mentions tongues after Paul said they would cease. They are conspicuously absent. The First Charismatic Revival occurred about 150 AD when Montanus claimed to have revived speaking in tongues. How could he have made that claim if they hadn't already ceased? The early church fathers, who were certainly in a position to KNOW, stated that they were no longer in the church.
      John Chrysossstom, an archbishop who wrote a homily on First Corinthians around 395 AD, made the following statement about tongues: "This whole place is very obscure, but the obscurity is produced by our ignorance of the facts referred to and by their cessation, being such as then used to occur but now no longer take place." St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, writing about the same time, was often asked, "If I have received the Holy Spirit, why am I not speaking in tongues?" His answer was always along the lines of "this was a sign that has been satisfied."
      During the Great Awakening and the great spiritual revivals of the 1700's and 1800's, tongues were conspicuously absent. They occurred only in quasi-Christian groups such as the Mormons. They used the fact that they were the only "Christian" group in the world who had the gift of tongues as evidence that only they were of God...exactly as Pentecostals do today. What documentation do you have to back up your statement that Martin Luther spoke in tongues?
      When tongues were revived in the Second Charismatic Revival, 1901-1906 the founders (Parham and Seymor) claimed they had restored tongues to the church after an 1800 year absence. No one disagreed with that at the time. You are calling your own founders liars. And you don't even understand that the Voo Doo tongues they introduced to Christianity are radically different from the tongues we read about in the Bible.
      As you say, ALL of it is documented in the Bible, which proves that it was a very rare occurrence (happening only 3 times in the 35 year history of Acts), and in every case it was simply people speaking in their native language. That should be enough for all of us.
      It's a pity you know your Denominational Doctrine so well, yet have almost no understanding of God's Word, and you are ignorant of 1800 years of church history. Ignorance always leads to confusion and error.

  • @EphemeralProductions
    @EphemeralProductions 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is cool. But it's confusing me. Lol. How many tongues ARE there? I think I get it, from what torben was saying but still, I had thought all these were one and the same and only used at certain times or in certain ways.

  • @angieperezlandavazo1786
    @angieperezlandavazo1786 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can you post scriptures of the different tongues

  • @Esther_Says
    @Esther_Says 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow thank you for this!! Very helpful!

  • @nicholasahrendt9094
    @nicholasahrendt9094 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I want to know if tongues come from sounds heard in the mind? Then speaking what is heard wilfully? Or is speaking tongues come from the Holy Spirit by simply opening the mouth and having him speak with no control of what is being said?

    • @livinghope1561
      @livinghope1561 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      2nd statement is basically how it goes

  • @pmk351
    @pmk351 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great explanation. thank you

  • @josephbhasker6154
    @josephbhasker6154 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    When you visit to Singapore please come soon and update me

  • @JerubbaalgodSlayer
    @JerubbaalgodSlayer 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Amen! This is SOUND teaching!

  • @panteerachristi
    @panteerachristi 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please dont move the camera. He is talking to me and I want to see Torbens eyes,