How encouraging it is to learn of this bold, visionary initiative! In the United States, those of us who invest time, funds, and emotion in environmental causes have been dismayed, frankly, by the recent revival of political philistinism and militant ignorance. Yet the challenge posed by the incoming administration has provoked us to summon an equally militant hope: hope in the nature-conscious younger generation, hope in the slow leaven of ongoing education, and hope in the kind of initiative represented here. Press on, my friends, and always recall that you are not alone in this battle!
Thank you just the beginning of reviving Life on Earth working with nature❤saving nature😊
How encouraging it is to learn of this bold, visionary initiative! In the United States, those of us who invest time, funds, and emotion in environmental causes have been dismayed, frankly, by the recent revival of political philistinism and militant ignorance. Yet the challenge posed by the incoming administration has provoked us to summon an equally militant hope: hope in the nature-conscious younger generation, hope in the slow leaven of ongoing education, and hope in the kind of initiative represented here. Press on, my friends, and always recall that you are not alone in this battle!
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Great project, all success to you