Where di you get your new ones? I ordered pair that are similar from amazon and I don't think they are real. Outdoor research claims they didn't change the way the strap you use to pull the glove on looks. Their official pictures have the strap with OR stiching on it. But the ones I got are like your new ones with just a plain strap.
Where di you get your new ones? I ordered pair that are similar from amazon and I don't think they are real. Outdoor research claims they didn't change the way the strap you use to pull the glove on looks. Their official pictures have the strap with OR stiching on it. But the ones I got are like your new ones with just a plain strap.
I've got them from Backpacking-united
It looks like a propper store. Did you contact OR directly?
Yea I called them earlier. They seem to think that the wrist strap is incorrect. They had me file a warranty claim so they can send me different ones.
After a bit of a wait I've got an answer from OR. They say they are originals. Different batches might not have the OR-logo strap
Hi man,I have a pair of new iron sight and it’s already got dirty,do you know how to clean it?
It's synthetic leather. Should be easy to follow the descriptions on the tag inside the gloves.
jeghedderMay thanks for help!
Are these imported or made in USA?
Imported from the US, made in Vietnam