I was looking for a more traditional list cause im stuck in the past, but im going to have to try this one out 😅 i really like the art on fomo. Might add one flame slash for old times' sake, though 😅
The best part of twin is that the cards were just good by themselves. Pestermite / exarch could win games by themselves and twin on something like a snapcaster was just good value. I'm not sure if that's good enough any more qq
I like how force of negation’s exile is super relevant against faithless loothing
Losing 2 cards to looting is wild 😅
Nice room
I was looking for a more traditional list cause im stuck in the past, but im going to have to try this one out 😅 i really like the art on fomo. Might add one flame slash for old times' sake, though 😅
Nice stream
The best part of twin is that the cards were just good by themselves. Pestermite / exarch could win games by themselves and twin on something like a snapcaster was just good value. I'm not sure if that's good enough any more qq
Wotc banned summer bloom when they should have banned amulet of vigor back in the day
did aspiringspike make this list and dingo copied it or the other way around?
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think Spike made this list
Yeah, he says as much some time in the second or third round.
Birthing Pod has HORRIBLY boring and bad play patterns. Much like KCI, the combos are so convoluted and time consuming.
Isn’t Pod combo straightforward and deterministic? They could just pick up their deck and show you they have the combo pieces and you can concede.
Pod combo takes like 3 seconds to execute lol