I saved up money for a few months to buy a ZP, but it got scratched on the third day. I cried so much, and then my boyfriend bought me a bag from kislux for me to carry alternately. Anyway, there are so many bags on the street, so as long as others can't see it, I think it's fine. The thought is there.
I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real brooch cost $800 and was made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. The other one is a $40 one LYXBAGS Backpack Replica - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym
Having money doesn't mean you can spend it recklessly and most people, no matter how rich, don't want to waste money for no reason. The kislux is the best solution to save money and save face.
The fact these bags can be faked and sold at a fraction of the price just shows how much the luxury brands are ripping people off. Yes quality and materials might not be the same but some dupes are pretty good. I’ve wasted so much money on designer bags and, as a 50 year old, could have bought another house or many LYXBAG with what I’ve spent. My advice is to only buy if you can afford it plus other important things and don’t necessarily turn your nose up at a dupe!
the LYXBAG would be super cute during the fall with a nude or tan or even tonal outfit! i’m thinking a tan wool coat with that bag!!
Thanks for watching!
Loved everything you’ve showed here! I was really surprised about the LYXBAGS crossbody. Love it!
Thank you for watching!
I saved up money for a few months to buy a ZP, but it got scratched on the third day. I cried so much, and then my boyfriend bought me a bag from kislux for me to carry alternately. Anyway, there are so many bags on the street, so as long as others can't see it, I think it's fine. The thought is there.
The variety of textures in the LYXBAGS pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
Thank you for watching!
Coucou Olivia 🥰 Merci pour cette vidéo et la présentation🥰 j'aime beaucoup ce sac ❤
Merci à toi 😊 thank youuu so much Jennifer for watching!!! I love this bag 🤩… hope you have an amazing day and a great weekend! 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real brooch cost $800 and was made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. The other one is a $40 one LYXBAGS Backpack Replica - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym
I have the extra mini and I would love the medium size same color print. I love Gucci!
Is the closure magnetic on this bag? Thanks ❤
Hi! Sorry for the delay! It is not magnetic. Have an amazing day and thank you for watching! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Having money doesn't mean you can spend it recklessly and most people, no matter how rich, don't want to waste money for no reason. The kislux is the best solution to save money and save face.
New friend here sending may full support. 😍#Niceshopx😍
Thanks for watching!
promo sm ❣️
The fact these bags can be faked and sold at a fraction of the price just shows how much the luxury brands are ripping people off. Yes quality and materials might not be the same but some dupes are pretty good. I’ve wasted so much money on designer bags and, as a 50 year old, could have bought another house or many LYXBAG with what I’ve spent. My advice is to only buy if you can afford it plus other important things and don’t necessarily turn your nose up at a dupe!
Thanks for watching!