Interesting fact,Premal says,she began her journey with mantra in her mother's womb, as her father chanted the "Gayatri Mantra" as lullaby. The mantra continued to be her bedtime lullaby after she was born and She Chanted for her dad as he was dying and in his last minutes.
Es ist schön zu wissen, dass in diesem Moment viele Fremde aus der ganzen Welt diese schöne Musik hören. Jemand weint, andere lächeln, jemand lernt oder schläft ein, jemand anderes hofft, dass morgen ein besserer Tag wird. Auch wenn ich dich nie treffen werde, wünsche ich dir ein glückliches Leben. Aber auch Sie sind Teil meiner Freude, wenn wir uns abends oder morgens hier wiederfinden und dieselbe schöne Musik hören.❤💛💙👻
I listened to this back in 2019, I already knew the song, but this time I was hospitalised. I have lupus and I had liquid in my pleura, miocarditis, kidney failure, I was only 26. I listened to this song with all of my soul, meditated this beautiful mantra. I'm well now... this helped me get through my darkest times.
Just noticed these replies on this comment that my mom wrote on my account accidentally. She's way worse than she was back then. Whoever reads this, get propper help if you deal with addiction, this ain't gonna help.
@@roselynesb3373 Om is the sacred syllable. Om or aum (pronounced ah-uu-mm) is a sacred sound considered by many ancient philosophical texts to be the sound of the universe, encompassing all other sounds within it. In Sanskrit, om is called Pranava, which means to hum, and is considered an unlimited or eternal sound. Aum (Om) = Brahma ; Bhoor = embodiment of vital spiritual energy(pran) ; Bhuwah = destroyer of sufferings ; Swaha = embodiment of happiness ; Tat = that ; Savitur = bright like sun ; Varenyam = best choicest ; Bhargo = destroyer of sins ; Devasya = divine ; These first nine words describe the glory of God Dheemahi = may imbibe ; pertains to meditation Dhiyo = intellect ; Yo = who ; Naha = our ; Prachodayat = may inspire!
I had her CD when I had uterine cancer 3c Iistened to this mantra and The Lord's Prayer plus prayers from church members family and friends. Stage 3c is the last stage before terminal cancer 4a and 4b. I had an excellent doctor who put me in an experimental trial. I love this song.
Her voice is magical. One minute you are bothered, stressed and frustrated with the worldy problems and next minute her beatiful voice melts it all away and send you in trance state. Amazing!
My yoga teacher, a 74 years old wonderful man plays this tune after every lesson at the end (shivananda) from his old phone. Although the speakers are so lousy the tune enters the mind like the singer is sitting with us in the room Thank you for sharing and for this wonderful performance Namaste from Israel 🙏🏽
@@severinejennifer5607 The meaning of Gayatri mantra: Gayatri mantra is one of the oldest and most powerful of sanskrit mantras. Gayatri mantra is also known as the Maha mantra. For ages, Gayatri mantra was a well guarded secret and out of reach even for most Hindus. It is said that if the true meaning of this mantra is fully realised, an individual transcends all boundaries of consciousness and ultimately unites with God himself. Since the mantra is considered so powerful, rishis kept this mantra a secret to maintain its sanctity. Today, it is chanted all over the world as a supreme prayer. This Maha mantra, reads as: OM BHUR, BHUVA, SWAHA OMTAT SAVITUR VARENYAM BHARGO DEVASYA DHEEMAHI DHIYO YONAHA PRACHODAYAT The essence of the mantra This mantra addresses the basic principle of human existence. Though it may take years to grasp the true essence of the mantra, in very basic language, it says, “May the divine light of the Supreme Being illuminate our intellect, to lead us along a path of righteousness”. It can be more elaborately translated as, We meditate on the glory of the Creator; Who has created the Universe; Who is worthy of Worship; Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light; Who is the remover of Sin and Ignorance; May It open our hearts and enlighten our Intellect.
This song still makes me cry every time. Don’t be fooled by my tattooed neck, tattooed knuckles, and muscles. True strength comes from being vulnerable in the right moments & living life on life’s terms. Simply being, we bow down.
YES! You remind me of a Brother (from another mother) in what and HOW You said it. As each man trudges this road, however falteringly, uncovers & discovers the Truth of Their Being-ness. They are Guided, Guarded, & Directed with each of the steps They take in discarding the false ideas which They have acquired. A growing sense of new freedom & new happiness comes to Them with each successive Step. They are individually designed to assist Their growth with a different aspect of Surrender. I have met thousands of men over the years. They have come from all walks of life and experiences. I can say without any pause, that all of who were (and are) willing to let go of that which no longer served them not only did they receive Peace & Serenity, they received true strength that resides within. Additionally, they have prospered, found Love, a fellowship of support, the gifts of selfless service, & a deep, abiding, and internal connection with the Divine - specifics personal. Namasté, Kevin K. Class of '86
It's the coronavirus pandemic now, and the world is in pain. This beautiful mantra, sung with such a loving and comforting voice is literally keeping me from coming apart at the seams. Chanting along grounds me. It makes the suffering easier to bear. Thank you. Namaste.
This is going to be a gigantic learning for the human race, to shed war, hatred, racism, ego, vanity, destruction of the mother earth...if still they don't learn....there will be more dangerous virus that will destroy the race forever!!
Hoy medito este mantra, para que la luz encuentre a mi hija amada en profunda paz. Atrás quede el pasado, y la armonía la encuentre plena, para poder transmitir a sus hijos la paz que construirá sus vidas sobre los mejores cimientos! Mucha luz para la comunidad donde vivo, ya que les resulta muy difícil vencer sus debilidades!!! Y por esa razón oro este mantra para compartirlo con ellos, ya que todos tenemos la posibilidad de cambiar y ser mejores personas. En especial oro por el mundo entero que vive en incertidumbre en estos momentos difíciles, sea la paz la que fortalezca el espíritu de todos... A mí Amigo Eterno doy las gracias por siempre por haberme acompañado en este camino de búsqueda; su alma me acompaña cada día amorosamente, pues no partimos, sólo cambiamos de estado. Paz y Amor!!!❤️
This mantra helped me when I experienced a time of deep depression and loss. It helped me to focus my mind and gave me hope to restart my life. I think it was not only produced with the right intention, but also with a delicate sound perfectly aligned with OM.Thank you
Jorge Gil Om Bhur Bhuvaḥ Swaḥ Tat-savitur Vareñyaṃ Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yonaḥ Prachodayāt General meaning: We meditate on that most adored Supreme Lord, the creator, whose effulgence (divine light) illumines all realms (physical, mental and spiritual). May this divine light illumine our intellect. Word meaning: Om: The primeval sound; Bhur: the physical body/physical realm; Bhuvah: the life force/the mental realm Suvah: the soul/spiritual realm; Tat: That (God); Savitur: the Sun, Creator (source of all life); Vareñyam: adore; Bhargo: effulgence (divine light); Devasya: supreme Lord; Dhīmahi: meditate; Dhiyo: the intellect; Yo: May this light; Nah: our; Prachodayāt: illumine/inspire.
to whoever comes across ths comment, always remember to embrace uncertainty. some of the most beautiful chapters of our lives won't have a title until much later. Lot's of love from Shanthi-healing music
sinto muito 😢 eu também estava na mesma situação,estava triste 😔 passando pelo luto, resolvi buscar ajuda espiritual e estou bem melhor,eu desejo q vc fique bem,pois não é fácil,mais passa, como tudo na vida, força para vc💪🏾
Este mantra me está ayudando a superar que el papá de mis hijos me dejo por la que se decía ser mi amiga... ahora ellos muy felices conociéndose de otro forma y yo llorando 😢😢 pero al mismo tiempo tratando de encontrar mi paz 🙏
Todo pasa para algo, las puertas se cierran y otras se abren, lo mejor es lo que pasa, hay algo importante y es que los hijos sigan teniendo a sus padres independiente que se separaron, un abrazo.
Este mantra es un refugio en mis momentos de tristeza, me reconforta y me llena de mucha fuerza. Es un mantra que llena corazones y despierta la luz en el interior. ♥️
We all stronger together We get through anything with LOVE as our weapon. We do not need bullets or weapons Just a beautiful divine HEART to lead the way in to the DARKNESS AND FACE EVIL ONSLAUGHT BUT US BEINGS FROM ABOVE DONT GO DOWN EASY. WE FIGHT UNTIL WE GET VICTORY FOR BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BEINGS. YOU ARE ALL LOVE IMMENSELY GOD BLESS AMEN 🙏 🙏 🙏 KEEP STRONG IN FAITH ALWAYS THANK YOU...
One of the most beautiful moments in the history of live performances. Nothing says better about "unity" than all people, musicians and audience, performing together as one. Awesome!
Deva Premal and musicians are a gift. She takes the traditional mantra and makes the sound and rhythm accessible across cultures with all the vision and feeling. Wonderful.
Escuché a Deva con mis audifonos , en Akumal en la Riviera Msya , en la playa de arena blanca y el mar vetde azul, el sol saliendo y un poco de brisa, fue una experiencia increíble.
Gayatri Mantra (Tradução) Ó deus da vida que traz felicidade Dá-nos tua luz que destrói pecados Que a tua divinidade nos penetre E possa inspirar nossa mente
desculpe, mas esta tradução está incorreta oh som primordial permeando a terra, os éteres e os reinos espirituais louvor à essência divina da luz solar que inspira e ilumina nosso intelecto Oh Primordial Sound Pervading in the earth, the ethers and the spiritual realms Praise to the divine essence of solar light which inspires and illuminates our intellect Om: The primeval sound / O som primitivo Bhur: The human body, earth, physical realm, existence /O corpo humano, terra, reino físico, existência Bhuvah: The vital energies, consciousness / As energias vitais, a consciência Suvah: The soul, inner space, spiritual realm, bliss /A alma, espaço interior, reino espiritual, felicidade Tat: That / aquela Savitur: The Sun, solar powers / luz solar, poderes solares Varenyam: To choose to adore / Para escolher adorar Bhargo: Effulgence, self-luminous, divine light /Refulgência, autoluminosidade, luz divina Devasya: The divine, radiant / divina, radiante Dhimahi Dhiyo: the intellect / o intelecto Yo: Which / que (é) Nah: Our, of us / nosso Prachodayat: Illuminate, inspire / Iluminar, inspirar
Stupendamente Stupendo ✨🙏😍 Mille, milioni di emozioni., sempre da brividi 🙏 Scoperto questo mantra, questa voce magnifica, qualche anno fa e sono ancora qui..🙏 29.06.2024 Italy ❤
I came across this song, after it was recommended to me by a Meditation Teacher. It simply took my breathe away and has been my 8 minutes of utter peace in myself. that was only 2 weeks ago :D
My mother had and passed over 58 yrs ago, now my wife has and got treatment early.. from this day…when I do my Buddhist thoughts and mantras, I will give her Metta . Meditation on the very area and or spot for as many times ..5..10 minutes ,,,pls do or try this
Nous avons passé des moments exceptionnels avec ce Mantra, ces moments sont présents en chacun de nous, nous sommes unis dans la beauté naturelle du donner et recevoir, merci aux Amis qui peuvent, à cet instant se reconnaître. GW
Я услышал эту мантру в 18 лет , сейчас мне 28,и она успокаивает мою душу как и тогда ❤ просто превосходная энергетика, смысл мантры ,превосходны те кто её воспевают . Благостно🎉
Дорогой человек, пожалуйста, выделите минутку на прочтение важной информации. Фалунь Дафа - практика самосовершенствования души и тела, основывающаяся на принципах Вселенной: 真 Истина 善 Доброта 忍 Терпение Она учит повышению нравственности и излечивает. С 1999 года практикующие очень жестоко преследуются коммунистическим режимом КПК в Китае. Фалуньгун практикуют миллионы людей в более 100 странах мира. Книги Фалунь Дафа переведены на более 30 языков и практика получила тысячи благодарственных грамот от правительств по всему миру. В России основная книга Фалуньгун, «Чжуань Фалунь», вместе с отчетами двух канадских адвокатов правозащитников (один из них бывший член канадского парламента) о насильственном извлечении органов на продажу у живых практикующих Фалуньгун, внесены в чёрный список экстремистской литературы.
@@paolamonzon868 44e5e4w3w3 is 45 4 and is WWW for a 3 35 do you think 4 4e 4 4e 4 4e 4 4e é we 464w we we we w3w4e e w w4ww o 3 we w4 the world 53 w4ww 4q 4q4 4w4 4q4 4w4 wow that 4q 43 43 43 e4w5we w46 45w4w5 43q w46 45w4w5 43q 4 3 4w6we6w5 e 44e35ww43564w3 4w 44e35ww43564w3 4w3w o 34 w4w53q é 45 we 43w44574w 43w44574w 43w44574w we are 5e4we to the the the 3 w4w46 e 4 4e w3w4e 34 w34 w45w4 w 4744w 43 55 é e4e a 4w4 4w4 ew is w3 in e e e para para além de o ser é é é is 446454 484 544 46e e455444 44 55 e455444 44 55 and 4 5 4 55 is a 4 53 555 45 435 53 555 45 435 45e 4 45 4 45 4 é e 55344 a a qualidade de vida e e e a Rute Rute que 4 a a sua curiosidade em 4 e a sua curiosidade a o o seu fornecimento de energia tornou-se elegivel para ser ser 45 4w is a great place to 4 and it is a great place great place to live w and a great place to stay with you and your family and friends with you and your family and friends
Yes i meditate to this mantra daily and miracles happen. Have you ever experienced taking Medterra hemp oil to relieve your issue? If not, it really works and all organic 🌠
Correct transliteration of Gayatri (but 'svar' would more accurately be 'svaha'), unfortunately this is not what they are singing. Singing it beautifully and with devotion - but basically mispronouncing the Sanskrit. Shame, as its a sacred (vibrational) language.
I gave birth to my daughter with this mantra playing 2012 😢I remember I felt when my water broke listening the whole birth the nurse thought I was crazy … I have the most magical experience I feel so much love from this beautiful song 🕉️
I also listened to Mantra and Gregorian chanting while in labor and giving birth...back in the 1990's and in 2000...timeless music, thousands of years in the ethos...🌞🌈🙏💗🌌
Amo este mantra ,penetra asta lo más profundo de mi ser espiritual, llena e ilumina cualquier vacío que exista dentro de mi , me da la felicidad y tranquilidad que necesitó el creador colme de bendiciones a quien lo canta y por quién fue creado tlazohcamati 🙏
This is the very first time I saw you chanting the Gayatri mantra 8 years ago. It was love at first sight...still now, my heart opens every time we chant it. Love you, Namaste, Regina
@@bulbulp4643 Mantra for everyone. Since, we all are learning every moment, using our brain, intellect, and our understanding in every day to day affairs too, we all are in essence a student of Life. And the Gayatri Mantra is a prayer to the Almighty to guide our intellect, our understanding, to illuminate it, so that our lives may become worthy of living. All with the Divine Supreme Creators blissful grace. :)
Diese Mantra holt mich ganz tief drinnen ab, berührt Herz und Seele, meine tiefste Essenz. Ich beginne jedesmal zu fliegen und bin zu Hause....Gänsehaut
Proud to be of indian origin. Ancient Indians taught the world to look within for happiness. They formulated our life and thoughts as ´MAYA - ILLUSION`.
Madre Divina, elimina la oscuridad de nuestros corazones e ilumina nuestro ser interno, danos un intelecto claro donde tu verdad siempre se pueda reflejar.
é surreal o que esse mantra me faz sentir. Parte do universo em desenvolvimento e ao mesmo tempo me faz ver o quanto preciso me esvaziar. GRATIDÃO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting fact,Premal says,she began her journey with mantra in her mother's womb, as her father chanted the "Gayatri Mantra" as lullaby. The mantra continued to be her bedtime lullaby after she was born and She Chanted for her dad as he was dying and in his last minutes.
I listened to the interview where she described her experience with the mantra. She's sharing the most beautiful memories with the world.
I would have loved that. Sadly I wasn’t there when my wife died ❤
I love this!
I gave birth to my first born with Premal singing the Gayatri Mantra 🤍
Wow, so touching and powerful love story ❤
Es ist schön zu wissen, dass in diesem Moment viele Fremde aus der ganzen Welt diese schöne Musik hören. Jemand weint, andere lächeln, jemand lernt oder schläft ein, jemand anderes hofft, dass morgen ein besserer Tag wird. Auch wenn ich dich nie treffen werde, wünsche ich dir ein glückliches Leben. Aber auch Sie sind Teil meiner Freude, wenn wir uns abends oder morgens hier wiederfinden und dieselbe schöne Musik hören.❤💛💙👻
ich liebe dich
In liebevollster Verbundenheit...❤❤❤
Unidos venceremos,🙏❤😊🙌
das hast du so schön gesagt. wir sind alle eins.🕉
I listened to this back in 2019, I already knew the song, but this time I was hospitalised. I have lupus and I had liquid in my pleura, miocarditis, kidney failure, I was only 26. I listened to this song with all of my soul, meditated this beautiful mantra. I'm well now... this helped me get through my darkest times.
Ich habe es auch während einer schlimmen Krankheit tagtäglich gehört und ich bin mir sicher, dass mir das Mantra geholfen hat.
That's amazing.
Je suis très contente pour vous merci a Dieu qui veille sur vous que Dieu te bénisse ❤🌹🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏🙏🕯️🕯️🕯️ Fanfan
Que vc esteja cada dia melhor! Que a Saúde este em você. Abração!
2025 and it's 17M
"Om Bhur Bhuvah Svaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat"
Thank you. Namaste. Love to everyone. Jai Guru Dev.💖
It's 2024... Thank you so much dear souls! 💛✨️💛✨️💛 💫 Be always blessed!
Nearing 2025. 🎉
Muchas gracias.
This mantra helps me every day to stay away from my alcohol adiction and gives me positive energy in return!
Just noticed these replies on this comment that my mom wrote on my account accidentally. She's way worse than she was back then. Whoever reads this, get propper help if you deal with addiction, this ain't gonna help.
Jio bhai🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
May this mantra bring peace in the heart of everybody in the World. Everybody needs calm, attention and love
Thanks, i needed that.
All the best to you
@@mrchichi2405 many thanks. Kind regards
Yes indeed. Amen🙏
I Ku
@@mrchichi2405 🎉
To you who're reading that, may peace and harmony be in your heart 🙏🏻 Namaste 🙏🏻
I prray for everyone, specially when You are sick. Trust God, our Lord. God bless You.
Om bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tat savitur vareṇyaṃ
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt
Merci. Savez-vous le traduire en français ?
@@roselynesb3373 je sais les mot en anglais et alors les mots en francais.
@@roselynesb3373 Om is the sacred syllable.
Om or aum (pronounced ah-uu-mm) is a sacred sound considered by many ancient philosophical texts to be the sound of the universe, encompassing all other sounds within it. In Sanskrit, om is called Pranava, which means to hum, and is considered an unlimited or eternal sound.
Aum (Om) = Brahma ;
Bhoor = embodiment of vital spiritual energy(pran) ;
Bhuwah = destroyer of sufferings ;
Swaha = embodiment of happiness ;
Tat = that ;
Savitur = bright like sun ;
Varenyam = best choicest ;
Bhargo = destroyer of sins ;
Devasya = divine ;
These first nine words describe the glory of God
Dheemahi = may imbibe ; pertains to meditation
Dhiyo = intellect ;
Yo = who ;
Naha = our ;
Prachodayat = may inspire!
@@maddy4paws thanks you So much (merci beaucoup 😋) 🙏🌹
It's 2022 and I feel blessed for being able to connect to this energy. Namaste! 🙏
@@saminabel 😊😊
@@beamingwaves très inspirantes vos vidéos.... c'est curieux comme il n'y a pas de hasard...☺️😉🌼🧡🙏
Esse mantra está me ajudando a sair de uma pendência afetiva e de um mundo ilusões criadas por mim mesmo.
Tudo que eu preciso amigo!
Don't chant the mantra without consulting a guru
@@tirumala224 I never chant mandras without see the translation of lyrics. I too see the teacher for understanding about mandra.
I had her CD when I had uterine cancer 3c Iistened to this mantra and The Lord's Prayer plus prayers from church members family and friends. Stage 3c is the last stage before terminal cancer 4a and 4b. I had an excellent doctor who put me in an experimental trial. I love this song.
Listen to Maha Mrityunjay Mantra for Lord Shiva. In such cases that is the right one
How's you.
Nadam se da ste dobro❤🙏
Her voice is magical. One minute you are bothered, stressed and frustrated with the worldy problems and next minute her beatiful voice melts it all away and send you in trance state. Amazing!
My yoga teacher, a 74 years old wonderful man plays this tune after every lesson at the end (shivananda) from his old phone. Although the speakers are so lousy the tune enters the mind like the singer is sitting with us in the room
Thank you for sharing and for this wonderful performance
Namaste from Israel 🙏🏽
namaste to you and all your friends and family..from india mumbai.....
pls listen to this gayatri mantra
@@chantalinette Excellent 😊
@@chantalinette Bonjour, pouvez-vous me dire quelle sont les bien faits de ce mantra et ce qui signifie ? Merci pour tout et pour votre échange
The meaning of Gayatri mantra:
Gayatri mantra is one of the oldest and most powerful of sanskrit mantras. Gayatri mantra is also known as the Maha mantra.
For ages, Gayatri mantra was a well guarded secret and out of reach even for most Hindus. It is said that if the true meaning of this mantra is fully realised, an individual transcends all boundaries of consciousness and ultimately unites with God himself.
Since the mantra is considered so powerful, rishis kept this mantra a secret to maintain its sanctity. Today, it is chanted all over the world as a supreme prayer.
This Maha mantra, reads as:
The essence of the mantra
This mantra addresses the basic principle of human existence. Though it may take years to grasp the true essence of the mantra, in very basic language, it says, “May the divine light of the Supreme Being illuminate our intellect, to lead us along a path of righteousness”. It can be more elaborately translated as,
We meditate on the glory of the Creator;
Who has created the Universe;
Who is worthy of Worship;
Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light;
Who is the remover of Sin and Ignorance;
May It open our hearts and enlighten our Intellect.
This song still makes me cry every time. Don’t be fooled by my tattooed neck, tattooed knuckles, and muscles. True strength comes from being vulnerable in the right moments & living life on life’s terms. Simply being, we bow down.
YES! You remind me of a Brother (from another mother) in what and HOW You said it. As each man trudges this road, however falteringly, uncovers & discovers the Truth of Their Being-ness. They are Guided, Guarded, & Directed with each of the steps They take in discarding the false ideas which They have acquired. A growing sense of new freedom & new happiness comes to Them with each successive Step. They are individually designed to assist Their growth with a different aspect of Surrender.
I have met thousands of men over the years. They have come from all walks of life and experiences. I can say without any pause, that all of who were (and are) willing to let go of that which no longer served them not only did they receive Peace & Serenity, they received true strength that resides within.
Additionally, they have prospered, found Love, a fellowship of support, the gifts of selfless service, & a deep, abiding, and internal connection with the Divine - specifics personal.
Kevin K.
Class of '86
Whenever I listen to this version, I feel the presence of God.
Beautiful words....
pls listen to this gayatri mantra
Can't you feel it without the music?
Simplesmente maravilhoso este mantra. Ouço todos os dias, me acalma, eleva a minha alma! Obrigado.
Голос у нее просто божественный господи спасибо ,что я слышу это своими ушами и вижу это ,всем мира на этой земле😢😢😢😢
❤un canto celestial aclamando por la paz en nuestros corazones,alma pura amtes la presencia del padre
Me fascina este Mantra, no puedo evitar que salgan lágrimas de mis ojos al escucharlo, me emociona enormemente, mueve todo mi ser.
Don't chant the mantra without consulting a guru
@@tirumala224He can chant it without guru. But it is always better to have one.
Me pasó lo mismo lloré tanto al escucharlo por q pasa esto?
It's the coronavirus pandemic now, and the world is in pain. This beautiful mantra, sung with such a loving and comforting voice is literally keeping me from coming apart at the seams.
Chanting along grounds me. It makes the suffering easier to bear. Thank you. Namaste.
Mantras. To keep your mind in balance. All times are hard, also this one. Its just that sometimes we are distracted by the illusions.
This is going to be a gigantic learning for the human race, to shed war, hatred, racism, ego, vanity, destruction of the mother earth...if still they don't learn....there will be more dangerous virus that will destroy the race forever!!
Sanjay Roy mf,v
@@helenechristie3441 Seems like abuses, though i am not sure...
Why in pain?
Hoy medito este mantra, para que la luz encuentre a mi hija amada en profunda paz. Atrás quede el pasado, y la armonía la encuentre plena, para poder transmitir a sus hijos la paz que construirá sus vidas sobre los mejores cimientos! Mucha luz para la comunidad donde vivo, ya que les resulta muy difícil vencer sus debilidades!!! Y por esa razón oro este mantra para compartirlo con ellos, ya que todos tenemos la posibilidad de cambiar y ser mejores personas.
En especial oro por el mundo entero que vive en incertidumbre en estos momentos difíciles, sea la paz la que fortalezca el espíritu de todos...
A mí Amigo Eterno doy las gracias por siempre por haberme acompañado en este camino de búsqueda; su alma me acompaña cada día amorosamente, pues no partimos, sólo cambiamos de estado.
Paz y Amor!!!❤️
God bless you my dear. Always smile
Así será
Maravillosa tu reflexión
I am here 2024 Brasil!!!
Buenos dias ,desde venezuela,oro y mil para ti , y luz infinita para toda tu familia❤❤❤
Yess, off coss. I'm in Kyiv, Ukrein
Quase 2025🙏✨️🤍
Somos a cura do mundo no amor 💪🇧🇷⚡
2025 and i am here
This mantra helped me when I experienced a time of deep depression and loss. It helped me to focus my mind and gave me hope to restart my life. I think it was not only produced with the right intention, but also with a delicate sound perfectly aligned with OM.Thank you
Jorge Gil
Om Bhur Bhuvaḥ Swaḥ
Tat-savitur Vareñyaṃ
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yonaḥ Prachodayāt
General meaning: We meditate on that most adored Supreme Lord, the creator, whose effulgence (divine light) illumines all realms (physical, mental and spiritual). May this divine light illumine our intellect.
Word meaning:
Om: The primeval sound;
Bhur: the physical body/physical realm;
Bhuvah: the life force/the mental realm
Suvah: the soul/spiritual realm;
Tat: That (God); Savitur: the Sun, Creator (source of all life);
Vareñyam: adore;
Bhargo: effulgence (divine light);
Devasya: supreme Lord;
Dhīmahi: meditate;
Dhiyo: the intellect;
Yo: May this light;
Nah: our;
Prachodayāt: illumine/inspire.
@@ashwanisharma9709 thanks for the insight. Blessings
By a 4 year old cute kid 💕🙏
Me too 🤲❤🤲
I Hope you have found peace in your Heart. Kind regards
to whoever comes across ths comment, always remember to embrace uncertainty. some of the most beautiful chapters of our lives won't have a title until much later. Lot's of love from Shanthi-healing music
Dealing with the devastating loss of my wife, I find so much comfort in this mantra. I think she's going to be ok, wherever she is.
sinto muito 😢 eu também estava na mesma situação,estava triste 😔 passando pelo luto, resolvi buscar ajuda espiritual e estou bem melhor,eu desejo q vc fique bem,pois não é fácil,mais passa, como tudo na vida, força para vc💪🏾
Alguien en este hermoso planeta, 26.11.24?oro y miel para todoooos🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💙👏👏👏🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲
2023 rediscovered Deva and Miten offering this Mantra here, in such a gathering, with even more depth! I do sacred dance to this 🙏
Este mantra me está ayudando a superar que el papá de mis hijos me dejo por la que se decía ser mi amiga... ahora ellos muy felices conociéndose de otro forma y yo llorando 😢😢 pero al mismo tiempo tratando de encontrar mi paz 🙏
Todo lo mejor para ti!
Infinitas gracias 🙏❤@@cepe8148
Vas por buen camino está música te va a sanar ❤
Es muy difícil te entiendo. Te mando un abrazo de luz. Esto pasará pronto❤
Todo pasa para algo, las puertas se cierran y otras se abren, lo mejor es lo que pasa, hay algo importante y es que los hijos sigan teniendo a sus padres independiente que se separaron, un abrazo.
I love this version and I also love to see the people singing together. It is great!
pls listen to this gayatri mantra
What is gayatri mantra
Namaste 🙏
Deva premal from India🇮🇳
Este mantra es un refugio en mis momentos de tristeza, me reconforta y me llena de mucha fuerza. Es un mantra que llena corazones y despierta la luz en el interior. ♥️
We all stronger together
We get through anything with LOVE as our weapon.
We do not need bullets or weapons
AMEN 🙏 🙏 🙏
pls listen to this gayatri mantra
@@tonywalton2415 pls listen to this gayatri mantra
Hola, desearía tener la traducción, aunque en si mismo ya es algo más allá del infinito. 🙏✨️💫
Türkiye’den selamlar🇹🇷🇹🇷En sevdiğim mantra sürekli söylerim,enerjisi muhteşem karmalarımızı dönüştürür..
Thank you, Thank you, Than you................................🙏🙏🙏
This mantra relaxes the mind like nothing else.
mine too
One of the most beautiful moments in the history of live performances. Nothing says better about "unity" than all people, musicians and audience, performing together as one. Awesome!
I remember in the concert when she said to look at people in the eye from all sides for a short moment. Really spiritual experience.
Agree 100 percent! ❤❤❤
What is gayatri mantra
I am from India , awesome sister
Namaste to all world🙏🤗 -From India
🌺 *ओम नमः शिवाय* 🌺
FABULOSO !!!...... Squirrel
Maravellos mantra que il·lumina el meu cor🙏💗🧚♀️
Alguém vendo em 2021?
Equilíbrio Mundial!
Eu. 6/5/21
Sim. Quase toda semana eu vejo.
Eu vendo emociona
Excelente música cuanta Paz se siente♋☺💜
Это самое лучшее исполнение.Как бальзам на душу.
Don't chant the mantra without consulting a guru
Deva Premal and musicians are a gift. She takes the traditional mantra and makes the sound and rhythm accessible across cultures with all the vision and feeling. Wonderful.
Escuché a Deva con mis audifonos , en Akumal en la Riviera Msya , en la playa de arena blanca y el mar vetde azul, el sol saliendo y un poco de brisa, fue una experiencia increíble.
Gayatry is my unforgettable union with ABSOLUTE REALYTY
Gayatri Mantra (Tradução)
Ó deus da vida que traz felicidade
Dá-nos tua luz que destrói pecados
Que a tua divinidade nos penetre
E possa inspirar nossa mente
It's not an accurate translation of Sanskritam.
Sanatan Dharma does not have the concept of sin nor heaven and hell as Abrahamic religions.🙏
Hare Krishna 🙏❤️🌺
What is gayatri mantra
desculpe, mas esta tradução está incorreta
oh som primordial
permeando a terra, os éteres e os reinos espirituais
louvor à essência divina da luz solar que inspira e ilumina nosso intelecto
Oh Primordial Sound
Pervading in the earth, the ethers and the spiritual realms
Praise to the divine essence of solar light which inspires and illuminates our intellect
Om: The primeval sound / O som primitivo
Bhur: The human body, earth, physical realm, existence /O corpo humano, terra, reino físico, existência
Bhuvah: The vital energies, consciousness / As energias vitais, a consciência
Suvah: The soul, inner space, spiritual realm, bliss /A alma, espaço interior, reino espiritual, felicidade
Tat: That / aquela
Savitur: The Sun, solar powers / luz solar, poderes solares
Varenyam: To choose to adore / Para escolher adorar
Bhargo: Effulgence, self-luminous, divine light /Refulgência, autoluminosidade, luz divina
Devasya: The divine, radiant / divina, radiante
Dhimahi Dhiyo: the intellect / o intelecto
Yo: Which / que (é)
Nah: Our, of us / nosso
Prachodayat: Illuminate, inspire / Iluminar, inspirar
@@strumspicks2456sim, até porque um Gayatri tem apenas três versos como você bem mostrou em sua tradução.
♥Love ♪
Благодарю за все твои песни это волшебная музыка и голос света вам и любви. С уважением Евгений.
Eu escuto td dia!!!
Stupendamente Stupendo ✨🙏😍
Mille, milioni di emozioni., sempre da brividi 🙏
Scoperto questo mantra, questa voce magnifica, qualche anno fa e sono ancora qui..🙏
29.06.2024 Italy ❤
I love this so much. I am crying right now :) Peace and love to all of you brothers and sisters.
John Onorato ✨🌺
I feel the love my brother, it stirs such wonderful emotions in me every morning.
Namo Narayanyaa 🙏🙏
Namaste 🙏
Peace and love brother.
Belíssimo ❤
Who is here still in 2024? Many years listening to this and i never tire of this beauty❤❤❤❤
Pete, Northern Ontario, Canada.
I came across this song, after it was recommended to me by a Meditation Teacher.
It simply took my breathe away and has been my 8 minutes of utter peace in myself.
that was only 2 weeks ago :D
Eu! Amo esse mantra! Que voz!Viva Deva!
Our path is love🪷🤍🪷
Namaste 🙏
My mother had and passed over 58 yrs ago, now my wife has and got treatment early.. from this day…when I do my Buddhist thoughts and mantras, I will give her Metta . Meditation on the very area and or spot for as many times ..5..10 minutes ,,,pls do or try this
I love this mantra so much 🤌
One of the most beautiful mantras. Help me to rejoice my heart and soul. Give me strength to face the adversities of life. God bless you !!
We love you from charlotte nc ❤️ USA 🇺🇸 USA, thanks 😊 🙏
No entiendo la letra, pero me provoca llorar😢, es emocionante ❤, muy profunda aparentemente
Nous avons passé des moments exceptionnels avec ce Mantra, ces moments sont présents en chacun de nous, nous sommes unis dans la beauté naturelle du donner et recevoir, merci aux Amis qui peuvent, à cet instant se reconnaître. GW
Я услышал эту мантру в 18 лет , сейчас мне 28,и она успокаивает мою душу как и тогда ❤ просто превосходная энергетика, смысл мантры ,превосходны те кто её воспевают . Благостно🎉
Дорогой человек, пожалуйста, выделите минутку на прочтение важной информации.
Фалунь Дафа - практика самосовершенствования души и тела, основывающаяся на принципах Вселенной:
真 Истина
善 Доброта
忍 Терпение
Она учит повышению нравственности и излечивает. С 1999 года практикующие очень жестоко преследуются коммунистическим режимом КПК в Китае.
Фалуньгун практикуют миллионы людей в более 100 странах мира. Книги Фалунь Дафа переведены на более 30 языков и практика получила тысячи благодарственных грамот от правительств по всему миру. В России основная книга Фалуньгун, «Чжуань Фалунь», вместе с отчетами двух канадских адвокатов правозащитников (один из них бывший член канадского парламента) о насильственном извлечении органов на продажу у живых практикующих Фалуньгун, внесены в чёрный список экстремистской литературы.
Estou aqui no Brasil 02/01/2025 ouvindo Deva Premal para iniciar o ano a caminho da minha evolução espiritual.❤️🙏🏽😊
Аж за душу взяло. дякую!
I'm fighting against drug addiction and depression.. this mantra helps me a lot
@@paolamonzon868 44e5e4w3w3 is 45 4 and is WWW for a 3 35 do you think 4 4e 4 4e 4 4e 4 4e é we 464w we we we w3w4e e w w4ww o 3 we w4 the world 53 w4ww 4q 4q4 4w4 4q4 4w4 wow that 4q 43 43 43 e4w5we w46 45w4w5 43q w46 45w4w5 43q 4 3 4w6we6w5 e 44e35ww43564w3 4w 44e35ww43564w3 4w3w o 34 w4w53q é 45 we 43w44574w 43w44574w 43w44574w we are 5e4we to the the the 3 w4w46 e 4 4e w3w4e 34 w34 w45w4 w 4744w 43 55 é e4e a 4w4 4w4 ew is w3 in e e e para para além de o ser é é é is 446454 484 544 46e e455444 44 55 e455444 44 55 and 4 5 4 55 is a 4 53 555 45 435 53 555 45 435 45e 4 45 4 45 4 é e 55344 a a qualidade de vida e e e a Rute Rute que 4 a a sua curiosidade em 4 e a sua curiosidade a o o seu fornecimento de energia tornou-se elegivel para ser ser 45 4w is a great place to 4 and it is a great place great place to live w and a great place to stay with you and your family and friends with you and your family and friends
2q3q4q34q3w3424ww3 is w3 in q3w 2qq3qw34q3q3w 2 q 4
Yes i meditate to this mantra daily and miracles happen. Have you ever experienced taking Medterra hemp oil to relieve your issue? If not, it really works and all organic 🌠
Aum Bhur Bhuvah Svah Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat. ॐ ..
Om bhūr bhuva svar
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayāt
Fábio Sölter they are not saying that same lyrics !! Is there any other translation to Arabic 🤓 im ex muslim from Saudi the kingdom of hell 😂
Correct transliteration of Gayatri (but 'svar' would more accurately be 'svaha'), unfortunately this is not what they are singing.
Singing it beautifully and with devotion - but basically mispronouncing the Sanskrit. Shame, as its a sacred (vibrational) language.
thank you so much my friend
@@WGWGUS there is no hell in Hinduism. you are your own heaven and your own do good and you do wrong...
I gave birth to my daughter with this mantra playing 2012 😢I remember I felt when my water broke listening the whole birth the nurse thought I was crazy … I have the most magical experience I feel so much love from this beautiful song 🕉️
Beautiful experience
I also listened to Mantra and Gregorian chanting while in labor and giving birth...back in the 1990's and in 2000...timeless music, thousands of years in the ethos...🌞🌈🙏💗🌌
Chorei quando canto esse mantra Por que? 😭😭😭😭😭😭
C est magnifique!
Je n ai pu retenir mes larmes quand toutes ces voix féminines ont repris le thème principal!
Merci merci infiniment
Amo este mantra ,penetra asta lo más profundo de mi ser espiritual, llena e ilumina cualquier vacío que exista dentro de mi , me da la felicidad y tranquilidad que necesitó el creador colme de bendiciones a quien lo canta y por quién fue creado tlazohcamati 🙏
Moje oblíbená mantra.Poslouchám z České republiky.Souzním s Vašim textem.
Es hermoso , solo sentir y respirar este.mantra e s hermoso
@@Hana-kc6te pls listen to this gayatri mantra
@@gaelchiguano3599 pls listen to this gayatri mantra
@@Hana-kc6te pls listen to this gayatri mantra
Nossa! Que lindo❤
Исполнение божественное.
This is the very first time I saw you chanting the Gayatri mantra 8 years ago. It was love at first sight...still now, my heart opens every time we chant it. Love you, Namaste, Regina
Vi ho ritrovato! Namaskar
Mesmerizing and haunting melody...I feel like I've been transported to a different place... can't explain the feeling 🇮🇳🙏
Miluji tuto mantru a moc za ní děkuji
Gratidão Mãezinha pela Luz que emana de Teu Manto sob todos nós.🙏💙
This song always makes me feel better.
Gosel hymns
It's a mantra for students
@@bulbulp4643 Mantra for everyone. Since, we all are learning every moment, using our brain, intellect, and our understanding in every day to day affairs too, we all are in essence a student of Life. And the Gayatri Mantra is a prayer to the Almighty to guide our intellect, our understanding, to illuminate it, so that our lives may become worthy of living. All with the Divine Supreme Creators blissful grace. :)
keg10609 me too 🙏
Diese Mantra holt mich ganz tief drinnen ab, berührt Herz und Seele, meine tiefste Essenz. Ich beginne jedesmal zu fliegen und bin zu Hause....Gänsehaut
Assistindo pela primeira vez em novembro de 2024.Muito emocionante e gratificante
Qué experiencia divina debe ser estar ahí! Que maravilla ver a todas esas personas disfrutar de la conexión
Namasté. ♥️
What is gayatri
Oh God of life who brings happiness
Give us Your light that destroys sins
May Your divinity penetrate us
And can inspire our mind
Proud to be of indian origin. Ancient Indians taught the world to look within for happiness. They formulated our life and thoughts as ´MAYA - ILLUSION`.
tony thomas where r u from?
And we who can see are deeply grateful. The path of the Buddha is difficult, as is that from which he derived... the Brahmans..
Yes! x
Yes LOOK with IN for pure Joy simple thought Yes
same here tony
You are all great people chanting like angels and divine beings.All the goodness be with you all.
Unglaublich! Mutter Erde im Ton! Bin ergriffen und es öffnet sich ..........Dankeschön Pratima
Madre Divina, elimina la oscuridad de nuestros corazones e ilumina nuestro ser interno, danos un intelecto claro donde tu verdad siempre se pueda reflejar.
Y así es
By a 4 year old cute kid 💕
Muchas gracias!
@@carmenandreutorralba87231iciliiioliii8lloio 1iciliiioliii8lloiol7llcli lilies and
Gracias gracias gracias
Berührt! ❤
Thank GOD for gifting me Veda & Hindu dharma!❤️🙏🕉️🕉️🕉️ God bless us all. Peace for everyone. 🕉️ shanti shanti shanti
Lindo demais, é um pedaço de céu que me enche de amor! Gratidão💖💖
Thank You!
connects humans to other humans in a spiritual way
Nagyon szépen köszönöm.💟💚💟
❤❤❤ 🥲Kyyneleet silmissäni tästä musiikista ja äänestä
Принимаю во благо.Аж мурашки по телу.Спасибо за прекрасное исполнение!!!!Всем здоровья и благополучия!!!!
Люблю гаянтри в её исполнении очень душевно и красиво она очень нежная мне это очень нравится
é surreal o que esse mantra me faz sentir. Parte do universo em desenvolvimento e ao mesmo tempo me faz ver o quanto preciso me esvaziar. GRATIDÃO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merci pour ce magnifique cadeau ! Vos voix me transportent et m'apaisent ! Namasté 🙏