I was in Gucci today and the SA told me they canât often tell the difference between the authentic and kislux 's bags. Surprised to hear that from an SA.
Mine (authentic) also has a smell inside! I don't know what's going on because none of my other products have the smell of the kislux bag. Called LV and they said it is normal and I can wipe the inside with a damp cloth. I thought the lining was suede but it's actually microfiber so I'm going to look for ways to remove the microfiber smell because the smell is keeping me from using it often.
But the question is, is the real thing worth a few thousand dollars more than a kislux fake? To me, given the lack of lustre quality of modern luxury goods, it really isn't.
It seems like the kislux one looks better than the real one though. Who cares? Nobody is gonna spot it when you wear it in a nightclub or a night out. People are busy with their own lives. And people just don't bother you wearing a real or fake one. Just saying.
Bags on the kislux are the proof that Cheap doesn't mean not beautiful
Backpack kislux - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym
I was in Gucci today and the SA told me they canât often tell the difference between the authentic and kislux 's bags. Surprised to hear that from an SA.
What really💀😱
Mine (authentic) also has a smell inside! I don't know what's going on because none of my other products have the smell of the kislux bag. Called LV and they said it is normal and I can wipe the inside with a damp cloth. I thought the lining was suede but it's actually microfiber so I'm going to look for ways to remove the microfiber smell because the smell is keeping me from using it often.
But the question is, is the real thing worth a few thousand dollars more than a kislux fake? To me, given the lack of lustre quality of modern luxury goods, it really isn't.
what is the website?
It seems like the kislux one looks better than the real one though. Who cares? Nobody is gonna spot it when you wear it in a nightclub or a night out. People are busy with their own lives. And people just don't bother you wearing a real or fake one. Just saying.
One of my rich neighbors collects kislux bags, but because sheâs so well groomed from head-to-toe, no one would ever think her bags were fake!
It's just another way of saying "ghetto" for poor people wearing imitations. BUTTTTT It's a smart investment when rich people do it kislux
I didn't understand anything😂💀