They are many factor on this Studer j37 , it's not the typical Otari or MCI 2 inch tape recorder, it's a 1 inch 4 track tape machine that use valve tube as preamp for recording and playing and also for other stuff than sound, they modeling the preamp but also the tape formula with different bias and pre eq, one is the european IEC the other was build on the American NAB EQ standard, same machine but different tape formula and BIAS EQ , that make you custom made your analog sound , it's cool for warmth and vintage factor, bur can also ruin your sound if your over abuse it with to much drive and muffled, but again you are in control of the taste of sound you want, the tape delay is also a welcome feature.
Amazing Plugin ! The first Tape Plugin that actually sounds like a Tape IMO ...
They are many factor on this Studer j37 , it's not the typical Otari or MCI 2 inch tape recorder, it's a 1 inch 4 track tape machine that use valve tube as preamp for recording and playing and also for other stuff than sound, they modeling the preamp but also the tape formula with different bias and pre eq, one is the european IEC the other was build on the American NAB EQ standard, same machine but different tape formula and BIAS EQ , that make you custom made your analog sound , it's cool for warmth and vintage factor, bur can also ruin your sound if your over abuse it with to much drive and muffled, but again you are in control of the taste of sound you want, the tape delay is also a welcome feature.
(First) is this Arturia product performant for real time use on say an 8-core AMD CPU?
Doesn;t come in FX 5 included? Cheers.
It should be part of the next Fx bundle version.
The background music starts to annoy at some point
His hair was run through it
dude too much talk and too little audio examples