Jilly CD V3 06 Mar 24

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 มี.ค. 2024
  • CH Eden Hills It's About Time BN-V RN NJP NAP NFP ACT2 ACT2J TKA VSWI SWN SCA CGCA CGCU ATT FDC attempts the virtual Companion Dog novice obedience test #3. On the recall, I accidentally gave Jilly the wrong signal - I told her to stay and if I had left, she would have remained seated on the recall expecting me to return to her. That's why I then gave her the signal to wait - so I had to correct my signal. Hopefully since I had not yet left her side, I'm OK with that. That was just a brain blip on my part. Pass! Score 190.

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