You’re creating a distinction where there is none. Someone who has faith in Christ is also someone who obeys Christ. This whole issue is discussed by Jesus himself. Just to give one example of the ways in which you misrepresented the scriptures: Luke 6:46 is also quoted in Matthew 7:22-23 and the interpretation is clear. Jesus does not claim the one who said “Lord, Lord” as a believer…they are cast out of his presence as an unbeliever. There is no separation of believer/lordship…true belief(pistis) in Jesus has obedience built in its DNA. Furthermore James calls faith without works (or for your distinction, faith without “lordship”) is dead. It does not exist or have category. This is poor interpretations. If you just read the verses you quote in context you see there isn’t a separate category of citizen in the kingdom. We are all either, ruling and reigning with him or condemned and cast away from his presence.
For every individual "kingdom" and "salvation" passage, it's possible to argue that there is no distinction, however, I admit that for every passage where they are mentioned, salvation is always in the context of faith and never works, and kingdom is always in the context of works and never faith. That's more than just a statistic I'd say.
I believe that in love, and for the sake of the truth of the gospel we have to reject the error of this message. There is only one true gospel of salvation which includes the kingdom, which is by faith in the the atonement of Christ alone. We can do nothing to earn our salvation, Christ’s blood is not a partial payment for sin, nor is partial faith a means of acceptance for some lesser glory. Galatians 6:15 For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. As a new creation we are created in Christ for good works that He has prepared for us to walk in (Ephesians 2:10) this results from the new birth of the spirit. John 6:63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
Revelation 20:15 [15] And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. Maybe I’m not understanding this sermon correctly, but if I’m understanding it like I think it’s intended to be understood, it seems off. I’ve never heard anyone teach these scriptures in this way before, essentially preaching two different gospels, a gospel of salvation, and a gospel of the kingdom. This sounds a lot more a version of Mormonism (levels of heaven) than it does the gospel of Christ… unless I’m misunderstanding something.
Torey, you are absolutely right! The Gospel is unto eternal life which begins with the coming of Christ’s Kingdom when He returns! The Kingdom is the beginning of what the prophets OVERWHELMINGLY emphasize as the coming Age. It is the beginning of the New Age when restoration and renewal of this broken Age. The heavens and the Earth have been corrupted but will be renewed starting at His Return. This 1000 year reign of Christ culminates into the new heavens and the new earth and the new Jerusalem forever and ever. Maranatha.
Vik, I love your heart and passion for the Word so much!!! However, you are very wrong as pertains the Gospel and the Kingdom as is taught in Scripture. Matthew 16:24-28 clearly links discipleship and following Jesus to salvation. To believe and to be saved means to follow that Man. Genuine faith inevitably results in discipleship because faith requires action. It is not works that save, but there is clearly a response from us from faith. Demons clearly know God exists but they refuse to bow their knee and receive their due punishment. We are baptized into death and raised back up unto life through the life of Jesus. It is no longer I who live but Christ is living in me. Therefore, I no longer make the decisions. He does. That is discipleship. Thus, the Gospel of the Kingdom is the same as the call to discipleship. Concerning eschatology (the End) and understanding the things to come, the Kingdom of God is ABSOLUTELY NOT YET HERE as is clearly described in Revelation 11:17. This Age is corrupted by sin both in the Heavens and the Earth below which is exactly why the Scriptures teach of this present darkness and the rulership of the evil one in this temporary condition and the coming renewal of both the Earth and the Heavens above. The prophets OVERWHELMINGLY emphasize the coming new Age catalyzed by the coming of the Jewish Messiah (Yeshua when He returns). And, the 1000 year reign is the beginning of this new Age. The Bible clearly states that it is a transitionary period because sin and rebellion will still occur in this time (despite Christ reigning), and death will still occur in this time as the prophets have spoken in the Old Testament (Zechariah 14:16-21, Isaiah 65). Then, this 1000 year reign of Christ will culminate with the fullness of the coming Age with new heavens, a new earth, and even a new Jerusalem. Maranatha! Lord come quickly!
Thank you very much for your notes !!! It is amazing !!! 🤩💪👍❤
You’re creating a distinction where there is none. Someone who has faith in Christ is also someone who obeys Christ.
This whole issue is discussed by Jesus himself. Just to give one example of the ways in which you misrepresented the scriptures:
Luke 6:46 is also quoted in Matthew 7:22-23 and the interpretation is clear. Jesus does not claim the one who said “Lord, Lord” as a believer…they are cast out of his presence as an unbeliever.
There is no separation of believer/lordship…true belief(pistis) in Jesus has obedience built in its DNA. Furthermore James calls faith without works (or for your distinction, faith without “lordship”) is dead. It does not exist or have category.
This is poor interpretations. If you just read the verses you quote in context you see there isn’t a separate category of citizen in the kingdom. We are all either, ruling and reigning with him or condemned and cast away from his presence.
20:20…Freudian slip. “We can come up with stuff, and we can be in error.”
For every individual "kingdom" and "salvation" passage, it's possible to argue that there is no distinction, however, I admit that for every passage where they are mentioned, salvation is always in the context of faith and never works, and kingdom is always in the context of works and never faith. That's more than just a statistic I'd say.
I believe that in love, and for the sake of the truth of the gospel we have to reject the error of this message. There is only one true gospel of salvation which includes the kingdom, which is by faith in the the atonement of Christ alone. We can do nothing to earn our salvation, Christ’s blood is not a partial payment for sin, nor is partial faith a means of acceptance for some lesser glory.
Galatians 6:15
For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.
As a new creation we are created in Christ for good works that He has prepared for us to walk in (Ephesians 2:10) this results from the new birth of the spirit.
John 6:63
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
Revelation 20:15
[15] And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
Maybe I’m not understanding this sermon correctly, but if I’m understanding it like I think it’s intended to be understood, it seems off. I’ve never heard anyone teach these scriptures in this way before, essentially preaching two different gospels, a gospel of salvation, and a gospel of the kingdom. This sounds a lot more a version of Mormonism (levels of heaven) than it does the gospel of Christ… unless I’m misunderstanding something.
Torey, you are absolutely right! The Gospel is unto eternal life which begins with the coming of Christ’s Kingdom when He returns! The Kingdom is the beginning of what the prophets OVERWHELMINGLY emphasize as the coming Age. It is the beginning of the New Age when restoration and renewal of this broken Age. The heavens and the Earth have been corrupted but will be renewed starting at His Return. This 1000 year reign of Christ culminates into the new heavens and the new earth and the new Jerusalem forever and ever. Maranatha.
Vik, I love your heart and passion for the Word so much!!! However, you are very wrong as pertains the Gospel and the Kingdom as is taught in Scripture.
Matthew 16:24-28 clearly links discipleship and following Jesus to salvation. To believe and to be saved means to follow that Man.
Genuine faith inevitably results in discipleship because faith requires action. It is not works that save, but there is clearly a response from us from faith. Demons clearly know God exists but they refuse to bow their knee and receive their due punishment. We are baptized into death and raised back up unto life through the life of Jesus. It is no longer I who live but Christ is living in me. Therefore, I no longer make the decisions. He does. That is discipleship. Thus, the Gospel of the Kingdom is the same as the call to discipleship.
Concerning eschatology (the End) and understanding the things to come, the Kingdom of God is ABSOLUTELY NOT YET HERE as is clearly described in Revelation 11:17.
This Age is corrupted by sin both in the Heavens and the Earth below which is exactly why the Scriptures teach of this present darkness and the rulership of the evil one in this temporary condition and the coming renewal of both the Earth and the Heavens above. The prophets OVERWHELMINGLY emphasize the coming new Age catalyzed by the coming of the Jewish Messiah (Yeshua when He returns). And, the 1000 year reign is the beginning of this new Age. The Bible clearly states that it is a transitionary period because sin and rebellion will still occur in this time (despite Christ reigning), and death will still occur in this time as the prophets have spoken in the Old Testament (Zechariah 14:16-21, Isaiah 65). Then, this 1000 year reign of Christ will culminate with the fullness of the coming Age with new heavens, a new earth, and even a new Jerusalem.
Maranatha! Lord come quickly!