Should You Get A Rottweiler Puppy?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 755

  • @paulhillbiz
    @paulhillbiz ปีที่แล้ว +312

    Update on Ace - I have gotten him involved in playing some of the games and I can see a difference in his confidence already! My other dog played along and he became intrigued - now its a daily part of our routine - about 3 times a day we do the shell game and the muffin tin game. I am so grateful for coming upon your training techniques!

  • @Overlookedtooverbooked
    @Overlookedtooverbooked 3 ปีที่แล้ว +232

    For tip one get a big teddy bear for the crying. It really helped me and he slept on that bear like it was his mother

    • @TheRottyRanch
      @TheRottyRanch  3 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      Oh good idea!

    • @Its_just_rand
      @Its_just_rand 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Poor little guys !! 🥺 this makes me love Rottweilers even more… & I already love them a lot.

    • @milowiik7649
      @milowiik7649 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@Its_just_rand yeah i bought a teddy bear for my puppy, and they be snuggeling all day

    • @gemmaosborn7589
      @gemmaosborn7589 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      My puppy is 9 week now is it 2 late to get a Teddy bear or a baby Sother not a dummy lol 😆

    • @saltymemesmith
      @saltymemesmith 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I bought a teddy bear to snuggle myself

  • @jaimetorres9630
    @jaimetorres9630 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Life commitment is exactly what being a dog owner is.

  • @theresacates7960
    @theresacates7960 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    I have to disagree with you on two points. One is feeding them. As I have had 2, I taught them both that food in dish is OK to eat , and they never have the o worry about it being empty. They learn from puppies to only eat when hungry and would go get bites of it. All my dogs have been trained this way. As for chewing, as soon as I could, I took what they had and replaced it with their toy or chewy, my dogs have never destroyed sofa, hard wood chairs, or anything but their own things. Yes, they were very well behaved in public with children all over them, if they had enough they would go to another room. You're right they take lots of work and time to have a dog that, with one time telling them down and they do it. Remember to also not give them foods, nutmeg seasoning is very toxic please pass this around it is very important.

    • @King_WhiteWolf
      @King_WhiteWolf 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      If free feeding works for you, that's totally fine. It shouldn't be a standard practice or encouraged ubiquitously though.
      That's not to say it will totally sabotage one's ability to train their dog, but ultimately the only actual benefit to free feeding is the small amount of time and energy/effort you save.
      On the other hand, there are a myriad of potential pitfalls to free feeding. And while those drawbacks can certainly be mitigated to some extent, it's far more work and stress to try to break long-term, deeply integrated, consistently practiced bad habits and then build up new, better ones after, than it is to simply establish good ones in the first place.
      There's also a good deal of benefit to be had with structured meal times that help in other areas of training, and any increase of time and energy to prepare and serve them is honestly negligible.
      So, considering the powerful benefits of structuring meals, and the potential drawbacks and very limited benefits of free feeding, it only makes sense that the industry standard practice among professional trainers is to advocate for, encourage, and teach the use of structured meal times.

    • @418laylah
      @418laylah 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yup I've always done the same. I have a boarder collie and Rottweiler mastiff. Free feeding both of one bowl. No problems.

    • @freethenips
      @freethenips 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@King_WhiteWolfanother huge drawback to free feeding worth mentioning is that it makes it much harder to prevent bloat. I watch/manage my large breed/barrel chested dogs like a hawk near meal times and if free feeding this becomes much more difficult to do… as you said, everyone’s dogs are different and so are owners, but I personally don’t want to come back to a rotty with it’s guts all over my living room because he free fed and jumped on the couch when I wasn’t watching.

    • @elvatoandy
      @elvatoandy 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Yeah, free feeding is definitely not the way to do it for any dog. I have boarder collie and rottie.

  • @WaguihSiag
    @WaguihSiag ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I got a border Collie puppy, the moment she came home she was acting as if it was already her home, taking the toys from the other dogs , playing with them, she was just amazing...

  • @hazelbrownfield2862
    @hazelbrownfield2862 3 ปีที่แล้ว +209

    I have worked from home since the pandemic started and my 2 Rotties always make an appearance when I'm on conference calls climbing on my lap..they enjoy being loved and being right with their owner's all the time for sure

    • @jacobterrazas2222
      @jacobterrazas2222 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I have a question should I have the bowls a food before I get him or after with him

    • @clancymontagne2993
      @clancymontagne2993 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jacobterrazas2222 xxv z ?

    • @theregoesmiller389
      @theregoesmiller389 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      same with me and my gf hahah we picked our boy up in the pandemic and he pops his head in during calls too and the meeting just STOPS and immediately focuses on the handsome rotti hahah

    • @brendamoriarty9723
      @brendamoriarty9723 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      They think your talking to them 😂

    • @HiLifeItsMe
      @HiLifeItsMe ปีที่แล้ว

      Lol same here 2 Rottis. One 4 yr one 8 m. They are always in my conference calls. 😅 everyone on my various calls know them both.

  • @paulagregory6245
    @paulagregory6245 3 ปีที่แล้ว +81

    Collin thank you for this education because a lot of people want the breed but dont realize what their getting into and thats why these beautiful dogs with hearts of gold wind up in shelters,which is horrible because they only want to please and be with their people

  • @heatherupton6558
    @heatherupton6558 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I’m 43 years old and I’ve owned rotties for the past 20 years. I’m on my 4th rottie & we have a new puppy coming next week. We usually buy two at a time so they have a buddy. These are truly the best dogs on the planet & everything you’re saying in these videos is fantastic advice. These dogs are definitely worth the effort but they are work. One other thing I suggest that’s worth mentioning is to add real food into their diets from time to time like a grass fed steak (cook rare), chicken etc. we also bake carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes with some coconut oil, olive oil , spinach and sometimes a little butter for them. Good healthy fats are important for dogs as well as humans. For treats we give them apples, green beans (ie real food) & they will grow to love these foods after a while. Dog food is important and has a lot of important nutrients but actual meat, fruits and vegetables (not processed) food is also essential. Feeding real foods that contains all of its vitamins, minerals & fiber that is a must just like it is for humans. Dog food (Kibble) is processed no matter how good of a quality you buy so supplementing their diets with real food is imperative. We also add fish oil (Grizzly Omega Heath) and glucosamine (Dasuquin) from the time they are puppies which helps prevent hip problems and keeps their coats healthy & we always make sure they have a comfortable bed. These are big dogs and they are prone to hip dysplasia so require comfortable beds that can fit their big bodies. One of dogs lived until he was 18 years old which is rare for a 125 lb dog but we think feeding him with real quality food packed with enzymes, probiotics offered him a more complete diet which is why he lived so long. Rotties are truly the best dogs and if they are socialized properly & often you’ll have the best companions forever.

  • @Witness1037
    @Witness1037 2 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    I got mine a few weeks ago. She’s 11 weeks old now and has learned to sit, lay down, shake, and rollover :)

    • @nazlm196
      @nazlm196 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Bir ay önce öldü benimki 😑😑😑

    • @smileyfacewithsunglasses7613
      @smileyfacewithsunglasses7613 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Rotties are so smart and they learn fast! I would recommend taking your pup to obedience classes at your local pet store. You'll learn lots of great tips.

    • @theresacates7960
      @theresacates7960 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I don't believe in crating the puppy. You need to learn that they get bored and need a job. The chewing problem, don't just pick things up they do not learn what they can destory. You take it away and give them their toys. It works, and they don't care what toys or how much they can destroy. I have started from the day they come home to train them with a quite voice, when you want to stop them from anything you DO NOT YELL. You change the tone in your voice, stay calm. Picking up these and putting them out of their way is wrong they are not going to learn. I have nice things and you can take this or not but they did not try to chew on them once you show them here is the things they can destroy and this is a no no. It will not take long. Barking is simple to stop in house, tap them on
      Their nose, say no barking in house, take it out side and say it is where they can run and bark. It will take a few days or longer but keep it up. All dogs can learn this. Now I know that you get a dog from the puppy jail, ( pound) you take on their why they end up there. Yes I took on dog that pottied in house, was skin and bones. He is an small dog, so it works on any size, he was a barker, scared to death of women you could tell one hit him and treated him bad. He took to my husband so this is what I did to fix him, treats for potty outside, with lots of telling him what a good dog he is. Slowly letting him see when walking up taking out my hand letting him come to me, this has taking a year to get him to eat when he was hungry and not over eat. Get eye to eye with him. Showing him you love him. Then slowly that he can trust you, this little guy is now sleeping on my feet at night does not what to share him mommy with the day care dogs, has learn to share me. He know wants to check out every bag that comes in house, looking to see if he gets new toy, he now has 2 laundry baskets full of toys. He is happy learning to not bark in house. Tells me he wants outside to potty, in a very quiet speak can he have cookie, and most important he has saved my life, I have afib, it has out of control he got in my face and woke me up and told me I needed help. This was an dog that was set to die at pound, now he is a service dog, and is always with me. Trained , can now be around other dogs, people, women, has no bad habits and a good home with lots of love and now on diet to drop a few pounds. He has not so many treats now but lotes of hugs and kisses. Dogs can be retrained and turn into great dogs with time and love. I would not take money for him. He has got a big brother big lab mix and will tell him in with a low grumbles to back off. He is sharing food, toys, and mom who now is in my lap or next to me in car. This took a longer time since he was miss treated so badly. But Bubba is nothing but a happy dog and a sweetheart now. You can fix yours with love and time.

    • @Tree_Surgeon87
      @Tree_Surgeon87 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@theresacates7960 I grew up with 2 german shepherd's from puppies and neither was crate trained. Forward 25 years I having been wanting a rottweiler from a puppy for ages. All I hear about is crate training and I'm not sure I want to do that.

    • @theresacates7960
      @theresacates7960 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @skankhunt42 don't do it, a Rottweiler is not happy in a cage, in some it brings out the mean, and you don't want it. Try to remember that they are a handful if not trained at an early age. Have toys that he can play with and destroy. When he has chewed or looks like is wants to chew on you or something else, try this, touch it, or pick it up telling him no "not a toy" him no in a from voice the tone is important. Show him the thing, either Toy or a chewy. Tell him, "This is yours and give it to him." Touch his nose to get him to look at you, say "no barking" and take him outside, then say this where you can bark. Keep this up for as long as it takes. It took mine about 2 weeks to learn it all. Just if we it looks like he can learn it all the same time then do one at then keep it, and hip for him. Don't let him charge the door or jump on people coming in make hi. Sit still when he is settled, then let every take turns to talk to him. This will be the best dog, and people will live coming to see him. He needs to be the first one to get hello, and then he will just go lay down.

  • @corawheeler9355
    @corawheeler9355 2 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    I had a Rottie that I trained to be a therapy dog. I agree with everything you said. I would add that people should find a 'puppy school' / obedience training sessions for their pups. It's a wonderful opportunity for the pup to meet other dogs and people and learn watching the others. A well trained Rottie is a joy to take out in public. After playing / training at the park, we would go over to the Dairy Queen and have her stand in line beside me, waiting for her ice cream treat.

    • @sallydattoli2143
      @sallydattoli2143 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I raised 2 rottweilers from birth. In each case, the mother killed the other pups in the litter and was heading for the last one. In each case, they became wonderful addition to our family. Hand feeding and cleaning them makes them very special dogs.

    • @theresacates7960
      @theresacates7960 ปีที่แล้ว

      Watch the sweet treats you could give yours a sugar problem. I had one that got into getting sugar treats and had to have shots and vet visits every week. So please be careful about giving them too many, try getting her and low-fat ice cream. I keep learning some new with each dog. I have lab mix. I could not find Rottweiler under 1500.00. That was 4 years ago. I saw my lab mix at the puppy jail and knew he was the one. He was 7 weeks old he just turned 4 years old. He is also a service dog. Once the vest is on, he knows it is time to work.
      He was my first male dog. Boy, did I have my hands full. Girls are so much easier to train. He was and is a powerful boy, I tried everything to get him to learn to stay in the yard, we have no fence in front, and we live in a smaller town now. He would rush the door, and I was knocked down by his body pushing to get out first . I don't believe in cages, but we tried everything. Someone said they had to use shock collar, well he wears his all the time. I had to shock him 2 or 3 times now it is
      the bell or just picking it up. He plays in the front yard and stays in the yard. He will leave if the ball goes too far. We are lucky to have the room to let him run. But it took an extra effort to get him to understand, and the shock collar in about 3 years' time to only get him shocked 3 times is pretty good. Now I just give him the mom look. right now, he is watching for his dad to drive in. He plays great with all kids and wants them to pet him or with landlords 2 boys to play ball with. He is a joy to have around and to take in public.
      If I tell him I'm busy, he will go lay down and watch to see when I'm done. He plays well with most dogs and lives the puppy park. I watch my landlords 2 small dogs, and have fixed their peeing in house,getting on table, NOT BARK IN HOUSE. MY 2 ARE NOT ALOUD to bark in any building. My landlord had me keep them in boot camp for 2 weeks, then train his kids on how to get them to know how to correct them. His dogs are a joy for him now. Oh, rat terrier and a pomeranian. He has a runner in the rat, and the pomeranian was a bitter. They both were barkers and had no manners. Now, if I could get them to stay home more, he would be happy.

    • @ChristineDixon-ge3xs
      @ChristineDixon-ge3xs ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@sallydattoli2143 that would never have happened if the mother dog was trained properly

  • @marie-clairelacroix1737
    @marie-clairelacroix1737 3 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    I am a first time Rotty mom and would not trade it for anything in the world. My princess turned 1 in July. It has been a learning curve for both of us, but thank you for all your videos. It has really helped us a lot.

    • @TinCupChalice40
      @TinCupChalice40 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Once you have a Rottie there’s no substitute. My next favorite is a chowchow but you have to be careful with them

    • @BaebaeW
      @BaebaeW 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Awww, your baby in the silly phase.

    • @Ratouaq
      @Ratouaq 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Is it okay to have it as a first pet dog ? Im a cat person but i would loooove to have a rott its my dream theyre so cute and loyal but most people say i shouldn’t but i want one and especially after watching this i think i can do it

  • @rottweilersbellasamsonpitb9603
    @rottweilersbellasamsonpitb9603 3 ปีที่แล้ว +55

    Big Dogs..Big Expense..everything you said is right on target..thanks for being so honest!!(TEAM ROTTIE) ! :)

  • @judithkelsey6101
    @judithkelsey6101 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Just adopted a female, after having 6 at one time, all of whom lived out their lives! I love their attitude, very affectionate, and loyal!

  • @ValinLadi1994
    @ValinLadi1994 3 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    Showing the husky at the end actually answered one of my questions. I love huskies and had one. Everything you said in this video works for all breeds. Thank you for sharing as I think it will educate those who don’t know.

  • @TerezaBarloon
    @TerezaBarloon ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I have been thinking of getting a puppy again and Rottweilers are definitely on the top of the list. I’m hoping to get a home office job soon and if all works out then we’re definitely getting one 😍 I just moved to the US and with the amount of time my husband and I both spend at work each day I can’t imagine getting a puppy and training it with so little time 🙃

  • @patrickflosse8807
    @patrickflosse8807 3 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Hi Brandon. This video was awesome! Very easy to listen too and comprehend. I just added a 9 week old male to my home last week and have been reading and watching videos like yours ( the best), so my Puppy Jake can grow up to be the best dog possible. He deserves all the tools and training I can give him to do so. Thanks again for posting this!

  • @baileebond
    @baileebond 3 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    The dog keeps trying to hold your hand... Awww...

  • @shaedbuech7361
    @shaedbuech7361 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I just picked up my new Rottie about a week ago at 9 weeks old, she's been with me for a week and has met a lot of people and a lot of other dogs. And for a 9 week old puppy she definitely stands her ground and is very alert but that little tail is still wagging during her meet and greets. I drive a log truck so she comes with me and I do a little training exercises when they're loading me up. First time they dropped the load of logs in the crib with her she spun around and cut loose and growled only like a Rottweiler can.... from between my legs of course lol. From there intently watched them load the next four cribs, by the time they started on 5 she was pretty okay with it and ignored it from there. In the truck she's very well behaved and she has her chew toys so when she's not napping she's either chewing on those or attempting to figure out how to get up in my lap. Surprisingly enough she doesn't chew on the seats or anything else in the truck but for whatever reason she loves the fire extinguisher and not the rubber part either she likes chewing on the metal base. But training has been a breeze with her she just about has all the basics down but still probably not a bad idea to go to an obedience school. My last Rottie had 14 years of good life, and after many years I finally decided to get another puppy but he will still be very much missed and I hope to give my little Luna the same experience

    • @uknoboy87
      @uknoboy87 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I’m also truck driver im waitin for mine to turn 9 weeks she’ll be over the road with me

  • @C4rL72
    @C4rL72 3 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Ive never known a breed grow SO QUICK, I have 2 , 1 is 6 months old and huge, the other is 11weeks old and I swear I come home from a long day at work and they have grown, in between vaccinations my pup went from 4.9kg to 10kgs in 2 weeks

  • @bbypink9844
    @bbypink9844 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    The advice for the pictures and videos... so extremely true. I feel like that’s a good life lesson in general. In the blink of an eye everyone’s all grown up and you can’t even picture then being small unless you have those memories saved on a file somewhere!

  • @arpikmarkosyan1801
    @arpikmarkosyan1801 3 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    Pure love. Love them we just lost our Rottweiler.She was 14 years old.

    • @poochesworld
      @poochesworld 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I'm sorry. Losing our beloved dog is never easy. 🐶🐶🐶

    • @stevesamana304
      @stevesamana304 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah, sorry hope you aren’t too sad I know it’s never easy

    • @braxfan683
      @braxfan683 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      R.I.P Beautiful girl 💗💐

    • @itsgetnmeza
      @itsgetnmeza 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Long life for rott, but never long enough sorry for your loss 💔

    • @matthewmyers7440
      @matthewmyers7440 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That's an awesome life for a rott. I'm sorry for your loss, but I bet it had an awesome long life.

  • @tenzobiss
    @tenzobiss 3 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    3:30 Junior be like: Ain't none of my business... yet.... LOLLLLL 😂😂

  • @AZDovahkiin
    @AZDovahkiin 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I’m getting my Rottie puppy today! I am so so excited! These are great tips

  • @rishmaramlogan2749
    @rishmaramlogan2749 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I have a back injury and in pain- healing slowly- the only thing that keeps me sane- watching enjoying your videos- your love for animals are undescribble❤💯

  • @loewenza1269
    @loewenza1269 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you for the Information to people that do not know what it means to get/have a dog. From dog to dog you need sometimes more, sometimes less Time, Money, Patience. And a Dog is not toy. When you get a Dog You should be able and willing to support the Dog all his Life Time. The best Friend you can ever get!!!!!!!

  • @deboramelton146
    @deboramelton146 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'm new to your channel and I have never owned a dog before. I wanted one for protection and I have always loved the appearance of Rottweilers. You videos are so informative, It's helping me making my decision on whether or not a rottweiler is for me.

  • @LuvCrochet1
    @LuvCrochet1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I recently began watching your channel on my TV (not a smart TV) so I'm only now subscribing from my desk top.
    My daughter and son-in-law had a rotty in the past, so I know how wonderful they are. Congratulations on your beautiful little girl. Your videos are wonderful, especially for anyone working on training.

  • @lisaaheanueanderson4591
    @lisaaheanueanderson4591 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Doggie Insurance for when they get sick or eat something they shouldn't have, Like my X in-laws did with Jake the golden retriever, towels paper clip. Love this Video. Great on telling people the Truth. About time SOMEONE has done this. Thank you and much love to your Family.

  • @joannchiarolanza1170
    @joannchiarolanza1170 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have had 2 Rottweilers in the past.
    They were both 2 different dogs, but loved by all. First Rottweiler was bought from a breeder. The second was rescued.
    Food, socialize, and toys, and love made the both of them were very great dogs.

  • @dilrod1967
    @dilrod1967 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Over the last 54 years I've had 3 Rott's and 3 Shar Pei's. You are spot on!!! Lost my last Shar Pei, Mr. Sixx 5 months ago. He made it to 15 yrs. of age. I can't stress enough a good diet, and being outside while being interactive with everything in everyday life...

    • @SucessKey
      @SucessKey 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      What a fantastic guy to share. Our canine babies tear us up with great love and then loss. Each one a gift and family member. One life saved is a life saved.

  • @candyhuffman7325
    @candyhuffman7325 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Collin, I appreciate ur Tips for more reasons than the Obvious. Especially the Tip about not getting a puppy, just because the Puppy is Cute. I think ur puppy/dog tips were on point 100%.. this was I THINK the Best video yet, only because of All the Info new pet owners need to know, especially because hopefully it will help save and keep ANOTHER pup/ dog from being put to sleep, homeless. This video was really Full of important info. I preach this info to family/ friends all time. I love animals, and that's why i worked for vet office for over 10yrs. Thank you so so much, I truly mean that. You, Sahm and the 4 babies have a great n blessed day!

  • @dreamofmine
    @dreamofmine 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My girl will be 8 at the end of this summer. She is my first dog and although it has been a challenge, it has also been a joy. I do wish I had learned the part about the whining before I got her, because I had such "post-partum" depression in that first month with all the sleep depravation from her whining all night. Google broke my heart a few weeks ago when out of curiosity, I looked up life expectancy and saw that I might only have a couple more years with her. Thank you for putting out this video!

  • @Rsapp45
    @Rsapp45 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    My little Rottie just turned 8 weeks old yesterday, she is just about housebroken. Take her to work with me everyday to help socialize her. Chewing and biting is next project to teach her

    • @TheRottyRanch
      @TheRottyRanch  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      We have a video on that! Congrats on your new pup!

  • @poochesworld
    @poochesworld 3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    We're so excited to follow Junior's growth. 🥰🥰🥰

  • @rwalke10
    @rwalke10 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Wow, we have owned Rottweilers for over 30 years. We are currently on Rott #6. Obviously we love the breed, but I must say...I have NEVER upto now watched any video that absolutely NAILED IT about the breed until now.
    The only thing you could have touched on that I didn't see addressed was the Rottie grumble, because that has been known to freak the uninitiated out.
    Otherwise! 10 outta 10! Amazing realistic review on the breed so I'm now a subscriber and will be checking out more on your channel, past and future. Keep up the great work!!

  • @mahnazzuberi6081
    @mahnazzuberi6081 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Agree with most of your views, our puppy too took few days to settle down and had to understand whinning. Our Rottweiler is surely very loving but shows moods. Responds to my owner dog but good if you can give attention and care.

  • @strawberryxoxo6841
    @strawberryxoxo6841 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Always have loved your videos , very informative !!! I’m watching this in advance & will come back to this for my future self, I really want a Rottweiler pup but I don’t have the time to dedicate to the pup so I will withhold until I do, I know first year for the pup has got to be their most important year to learn properly & be under supervision but ofc the rest of the years we get to share with them 🤍

  • @gottaluvdoggos8956
    @gottaluvdoggos8956 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Excellent video!😃 All Collin's words of wisdom - spot on! 😊

  • @georgenelarsen9590
    @georgenelarsen9590 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Love your videos! We have had Rotties since 1994 and your advice is spot on. We lost our 14 year old boy in 2019 and we want to get another one asap however, we lost our property in the California wildfires and we need to get in to another home before we bring a puppy home. Thank you for your videos. We have always had two rotties so they are not alone....Love them so much and it is so hard when we lose one. They are a part of our family

    • @TheRottyRanch
      @TheRottyRanch  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I can’t believe I’m just seeing this. ❤️ thanks for sharing

  • @melissahannah587
    @melissahannah587 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    New pup is very handsome . You all do such a very good job with all your babies . Beautiful family .

  • @richarddamien26
    @richarddamien26 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Hey, I'm getting a rottweiler soon to join my family and you're videos really help. Thanks, and keep up the good work!.

  • @Coolio157
    @Coolio157 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As a former Rottie owner - Awesome Video. Amazing breed and definitely one of the tougher puppy periods with them vs other dogs. Tonnes of energy. But worth it in the end. Mine calmed down completely at ~ 8months. Socialize them constantly for first year.

  • @maddlove7269
    @maddlove7269 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    U forgot 1 thing about a female adult Rottie that ppl might not know is that they get their periods every 6 months for 2 weeks. So ppl be prepared for that.

  • @craziiemonster
    @craziiemonster 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This is a really important video. Very educational. I don't plan to get a dog any time soon but it's always good to know all these things in case I ever decided to get one. Really made me realize how unprepared I am right now and how irresponsible it would be to get a dog. 👍
    About ten years ago, I was still a teenager and wanted a pet which did not require a lot of maintenance, I thought turtles would fit that description. Ofc I did not do any research, went out to buy 2 red eared sliders and basically a glass bowl to put them in. Thankfully I was so excited about them that I started watching TH-cam videos about turtles and quickly realised my setup (if one could even call it that) was very inappropriate. To keep it short let me just say turtles require a lot and they do not do well with other turtles or fish. I ended up having to give one of them to a family friend because they were always fighting and it started getting very nasty. I still have one turtle left and I do my best to take care of it but its not always easy having to clean up a massive aquarium almost every month. If this taught me something it is, really do your research before adopting a pet. Does not matter the species. It is a life commitment, it is expensive, it is stressful sometimes and it's definitely not for everyone.

  • @dalehemphill7175
    @dalehemphill7175 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Bruh, you just picked up a new subscriber! This video was well done and was right on point!💯👍
    My wife and I have had Rottweilers since 1984, so we are experienced in this breed! Your hints, tips and tricks were what the doctor ordered for the newbies!
    If you ever want to make sure one of your puppies go to the perfect forever home, holla at ya boy! 🤙

    • @TheRottyRanch
      @TheRottyRanch  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thank you. We have hundreds of videos for you to enjoy

  • @braxfan683
    @braxfan683 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you for the nice video 🌋 Kenai, Kita and Fluffy are so accepting of Junior. You're realistic and understanding. Your dogs are beautiful ✨ Junior is adorable 🐻 Beautiful breed ⭐

  • @lesleymiller2680
    @lesleymiller2680 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Extremely informative & very well presented. A lot of sensible information.

  • @weedhigh2564
    @weedhigh2564 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    just got my pup, she was 8 weeks when i got her, had 0 potty training and had no idea how to live in a house on top of all this my original dog, a 7 yo labbie/rott mix, hated her. we are now 3 weeks in, they are best friends, poops only in the room at night when she is closed in, otherwise she started doing her business outside, she is starting to aclimate to live inside as well, first 2 weeks she cried alot an night and i was sure somebody will send animal control to my house but nobody did and she calmed down, she is super sweet and they started to get along nicely with my original girl, they are both the same mix but very wildly different dogs and im all in for the adventure, i really liked the extra tip you gave at the end and completely agree with that, how the dog acts is a testament to how well you are treating and teaching it, im all for the idea of having people who want a certain type of dog to need a teaching course on the breed and have something like an exam you need to have done as an owner so that you know how to deal with dogs like rotties who are a bit more needy and need a bit of extra when dealing with them.

  • @isang_mahal
    @isang_mahal 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks for the video. I haven’t owned a dog in five years and I’m getting a Rottweiler puppy next Saturday. I’ve been prepping for his arrival and this video and your tips have helped out! Thanks!

  • @SS-rr7by
    @SS-rr7by 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thank you guys so much!!! I want one one day when im ready :)

  • @forbidden3315
    @forbidden3315 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love how u excite ur message! I’m also very happy u didn’t snip their tails ur an amazing educator

  • @LifeWithTeriYae
    @LifeWithTeriYae 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This is a great video! I get my girl in a few weeks and she’s coming to a home with two small dogs and a shepherd so I hope she feels nice and comforted with her new pack!

    • @TheRottyRanch
      @TheRottyRanch  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Good luck!!

    • @rcasseus
      @rcasseus 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      where did you get it?...breeder?

  • @steve-deltasdad3906
    @steve-deltasdad3906 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    from my perspective the absolute top of the list message that Col has mentioned is to socialize the puppy, so much hinges off this that it can't be left out or shortcut, if you're not prepared to spend the time on this then please please don't get a Rotti puppy - one of your best vid's Col - well done!!!

    • @jjk109
      @jjk109 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      You’re right, so much hinges on socializing the puppy.

  • @Vincent_Boogaloo
    @Vincent_Boogaloo 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Appreciate the wisdom & knowledge Colin 🤙

  • @OmegaBahn
    @OmegaBahn 3 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Great dad with those rotties man. You're taking responsibility for them unlike other people who consciously or unconsciously abuse their dogs because they don't understand what they're getting into.

  • @velvetbear7184
    @velvetbear7184 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Rottweilers best dogs period. Very intelligent, loyal, sweet, loving, super protective of their family, and make their owner’s life that much better every day!

  • @bigpoppa1fasho
    @bigpoppa1fasho ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love this video. You mentioned all important topics on becoming a new Rotti parent

  • @loreleipattyn8294
    @loreleipattyn8294 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Rottweilers are my favorite dogs. If I could own a pet I would get one. I had two growing up, Zeus and Hera. I miss them terribly.

  • @funguy4900
    @funguy4900 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I was lucky to adopt a great 10 mo old male rottie from the shelter. He had chronic diarrhea, external and internal bilateral ear infection and had been badly abused. After getting everything healed up he finally got to his proper weight of 105 lbs. He has a great personality. Best dog I have ever owned. I highly recommend one.

  • @derekcampbell7022
    @derekcampbell7022 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you Colin for a very informative video.l hope Christian comes over to see junior and brings diesel to see his brother.He is a such great caring guy like you.much love.

  • @MrsJones-wg4dc
    @MrsJones-wg4dc 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I thoroughly enjoyed this video! Good job!

  • @rebeccahorton4570
    @rebeccahorton4570 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thankyou for being such a good rottie dad! 🥰

  • @thardtable
    @thardtable ปีที่แล้ว

    You’re such a great guy! ❤ to you and Sam and your dedication to these amazing babies! They’re calm and happy because of you guys!

  • @NDemanuele1
    @NDemanuele1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I'm a Rott Uncle...LOL. My brother has one.
    You're on point with everything here.
    My brother's Rott is such a great dog! She's the best!
    She does have surges of energy though - like a Tornado! It's interesting
    after a long walk it's almost like she re-energizes and spazzes out a bit in the house.
    Like getting mouthy and jumping on the couch for attention. It's not a problem, but if she gets to be too much we put her in her crate to cool off. I believe she gets lonely as she is by herself and wants attention - which I don't blame her.
    Apart from these "tornadoes of energy" once in awhile, she listens very well, great with other dogs, and on the leash. She's around 2 so she's basically still a Puppy.

  • @konstantingatev1962
    @konstantingatev1962 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Grat tips as always they apply not only to rottys everything you said applys 100% for my pittbull too its like she lived with you as a puppy 🙂

    • @robertomandal4135
      @robertomandal4135 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I own pitbull too and planning to get a rottie. Hope they would have a good time together.

  • @sebastianandresnegreira3157
    @sebastianandresnegreira3157 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    another tip: be prepared for the rottweiler curse, once you get one, you dont want to adopt another breed

  • @donaldwalls8568
    @donaldwalls8568 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    As a long time Rottweiler owner I must say that you gave very solid advice.I have always told people that they are a very misunderstood breed because of bad owners. Your have to establish alpha early. Thank you for your video, new sub.

    • @TheRottyRanch
      @TheRottyRanch  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Welcome Donald! Thank you!
      We have so much content for you to enjoy then!

    • @donaldwalls8568
      @donaldwalls8568 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TheRottyRanch and I will start watching more of your videos tonight. Here is Troopers favorite form of exercise.

    • @TheRottyRanch
      @TheRottyRanch  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@donaldwalls8568 thank you!

  • @victorramsey5575
    @victorramsey5575 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have a lab/rottweiler mix, and yeah... DURABLE toys. I get toys from a co called Bullymake. They are solid hard plastic and he will still break one every once in a while. Those huge meaty bones from the pet store... they last about 3 hours. He also has a knotted rope we play with, and a large solid rubber ball that Im surprised is still around. My dog is a 140lb cuddle bug, but his teeth and jaw strength is right out of a Stephen King book.

  • @poochesworld
    @poochesworld 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Fluffy is so big, but he remains a lap dog, I just know it! 😄😄😄

    • @kfc3930
      @kfc3930 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That's a Rottweiler for you

  • @poochesworld
    @poochesworld 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Great tips, Collin, as always! 🙂🥰🙂🥰 We couldn't agree more. 🐶🐶🥰🥰

  • @ronicagagum2332
    @ronicagagum2332 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i'm just started looking at your channel an for what i see y'all are great pet owner's i grew up with rottweiler dog's everything you are saying about the rottweiler we done the same treatment y'all are doing keep up the grate work i see them dog's really love y'all love the channel.

  • @WineOnTheDime
    @WineOnTheDime ปีที่แล้ว

    I have a half Red Heeler, Half Rottie puppy. He's crazy, but he's the best pup I've had in a while. So sweet, great with dogs and the kids, and doesn't know a stranger.

  • @oldmanmob4659
    @oldmanmob4659 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I was raised up with rottweilers. In my opinion they the best. I have to say you are 100 percent correct on your information.

  • @cindypadilla677
    @cindypadilla677 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Omg thank you so much for this Video it is very helpful I must share with my husband. These dogs can be pricy in food I know that now for a fact. They're very loving. Love my babies 🥰

    • @TheRottyRanch
      @TheRottyRanch  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You are so welcome!

    • @Meriysi
      @Meriysi 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      What's the price per month food wise? And what do you feed him?

  • @piotrusmail4
    @piotrusmail4 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I enjoyed listening and watching this video much more than I expected!

  • @trevormzimkhwanazi8809
    @trevormzimkhwanazi8809 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I can't believe I watched right through to the end, bro you really making me fall in love with Rottweillers.

  • @cavaleir1
    @cavaleir1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I Agree with everything you said but the Kennel I Never Ever kept my Rotties in a Kennel I paid the most attention to them when they were pups to teach them what they they were allowed to do and what Not to do. I used Better Apple on things that they thought about trying to chew As Soon as I saw them about to bite on something they were not supposed to bite I would immediately spray that on the it. They had chewable things that kept them busy, not furniture or shoes or other objects that was not theirs.

  • @TheNightmareBeforeyouakaDrnigh
    @TheNightmareBeforeyouakaDrnigh 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I start all my puppies at 6 weeks old, I start taking them everywhere. I take them to my daughters cheerleading practice and games and to stores everywhere.

  • @jerseystotler3615
    @jerseystotler3615 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I gotts say this I have raised 5 German Shepherds but now I have a part Rotweiller puppy and he follows me everywhere he is devoted to me like no other dog I've ever hadI also have a 2 year old part Pitbull and Australian Shepherd the difference in the energy levels is noticeable!! Harley is now 1 year old and still so devoted it makes me want to get a Full Blooded Rotweiller!!!

  • @valeriepalmer6040
    @valeriepalmer6040 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Rotts like all dogs if cared for properly are expensive. My girl is just over a year old now and Ive lost a few scatter rugs and a couple of comforters are now lap blankets. Cady LOVES to chew holes into my quilted comforters! But I love her, shes my baby girl. RottieMOM!

  • @anythingrottweiler
    @anythingrottweiler ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Rottweilers are incredibly loyal and make excellent family pets. They are known to be affectionate, protective, and alert dogs - perfect for keeping your family safe.

  • @useemehere2
    @useemehere2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow you just filled out everything I need to know and one of the best advise in getting a Rottweiler dog.

  • @123456789021630
    @123456789021630 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for stating that is lifetime commitment, as most people that get a dog think is a item that can be left on its own and be ok with the changes. They are like if not better than a kid. They need care and attention and the right TRAINNING to make them blossom to the dog they are meant to be. Social a good companion, not a mean alone dog. Yes they are protective breed but very meticulous TRAINNING must take place in order to have a stable dog that can be taken anywhere you go and dogs are allowed. Me if they don’t accept my dog then I’ll look for a different place to go this could be a HOTEL, etc. dogs are awesome but they need a good responsible owner to blossom to a great dog.

  • @redsgarden5821
    @redsgarden5821 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree with you on everything you have said....I wish I could do a kibble mix to help offset the cost of feeding my rottis my male has a sensitive stomach towards kibble so I had to put him on a raw feeding and now I'm paying close to $500 a month for both of them compared to just spending 120 on 2 bags of kibble...I like how you added you get mo personal space with these guys you really hit that on the button

  • @kingkong81icloud
    @kingkong81icloud ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Picking one up in 2 weeks when it’s old enough to leave it’s mum had 3 before growing up , I cannot wait 😊 calling same name as last one , SASHA , being to see her she is a stocky one

  • @maxovedo473
    @maxovedo473 ปีที่แล้ว

    I can see you love them and they love you. Respect man. I want Rotty but i have to buy my house first. Soon will be.

  • @cherylvanstone4217
    @cherylvanstone4217 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Excellent tips. Lost my rottie a year ago after 15 years. We are looking for a new companion for our household and this is a great reminder of the responsibility for a new addition. Thank you!!!

  • @camillevere6845
    @camillevere6845 ปีที่แล้ว

    They are great pals and a good guardian to.

  • @saragarret5337
    @saragarret5337 ปีที่แล้ว

    We have had 4 and about to get our 5th. Best breed for us and love you hit so many great points.
    You can have nice things . You just don’t let them on your bed or sofa .
    Lots of toys redirect redirect

  • @meknudson2
    @meknudson2 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Only one thought my Rottie puppy is soon to be 12 he is awesome, he has teeth problems now, so maybe try to brush their teeth when they are young, or take them in for a cleaning, although with a Rottie it is a real bit of expensive, lol. He is going in for a cleaning and possible tooth extraction, he has been dealing with mouth issues for a month or so. He got antibiotics a week and a half ago and being old he is not as spry as he used to be but he still can be a spitfire. We have done all the things you recommend in your videos, you are awesome. I love your channel you really know what you are doing, and really socializing them in every way makes all the difference in the world. Although, lol my boy he had his moments as a puppy, I love him to death :). He is also allergic to a number of things so raw is awesome and dog food without grains. That is all I have to say. He was a puppy in the photo that I use as my moniker. Wow almost twelve years ago. You are very awesome in your knowledge keep doing what you are are doing. This is an awesome breed in every aspect of having a dog :). OK I had to add this he had a brother who was a Jack Russel who always was 100 percent terrier I think when you introduce other breeds you miss that aspect of your Rottie, a terrier is very active lol, although I loved my terrier boy, he added a different aspect to having a specific breed. OK way more than I thought, for the most part, teeth :).

  • @davidbradford38
    @davidbradford38 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Junior is so stinking cute lol

  • @pennyvorous4274
    @pennyvorous4274 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you for educating future rottie owners. Your video is 100% accurate ! I've owned 3 and they all lived to 12 or 13. Best buddies I ever had! Thinking I would like another one but I am now 63 and I'm not sure if it would be a wise decision. What is your opinion? Your Rotties are gorgeous and you treat them just like I did mine.

    • @TheRottyRanch
      @TheRottyRanch  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Just be careful, they might knock ya down when they get excited.
      If you can get them out to exercise still in your health do it I say just be cautious and make the best of it.

    • @pennyvorous4274
      @pennyvorous4274 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TheRottyRanch I have a huge fenced in yard. I definitely believe e in obedience training very early and socializing. Currently my I am in sheltie rescue which is another breed I love. I have found that getting a rottie as a puppy, they respect the leader of the sheltie pack. Both are very intelligent breeds yet beth have their quirks. It is all about knowing your dogs personality . Again you are awesome !

  • @smurch93060
    @smurch93060 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was blessed to have my Rottweiler for 12 1/2 years... best dog ever...

  • @TheNightmareBeforeyouakaDrnigh
    @TheNightmareBeforeyouakaDrnigh 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Everything u said about losing sleep is partly true. I have had plenty of Rottweiler puppies and I have never had one who keeps my fam up at night.

  • @adtech247
    @adtech247 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    right on!!! my lovely Rottie... she is adorable!!!! but they do have a lot of health issues. One thing I learn is about the weak knees. Bur, again proper diet is a key!!!

  • @tamlinduckworth2551
    @tamlinduckworth2551 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I adopted a pup from a shelter here in South Africa. I was told that he is an africanis. But when he arrived from up country I said to my partner he looks to be more Rottweiler. He was originally from a puppy mill and then dumped in one of the township areas up country.
    He definitely does show a lot of the traits you speak about.

  • @SucessKey
    @SucessKey 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I can feel your love of rotties. This is great advice. Like you said, throw up, just clean it up. All our rotties are sponges for attention, gentle touch and exercise. Do not get a rottie if you can not walk it 2 or 3 times a day. They can't help it. They need long walks, interactive play in addition. Very , very intelligent breed.

  • @nickbrasing8786
    @nickbrasing8786 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I have to tell you, you're dead on here. My first Rottie was about 75 pounds full grown. Wonderful dog. His only big downfall was he never met another dog he didn't want to kill. This was a problem to take him out of course. When I moved to the desert I was able to take him hiking in the hills all alone and he thought he'd died and gone to heaven. Off leash many times a week for miles. After he died I got another Rottie puppy. I wish I'd watched your videos at the time. First night we locked him in a spare bathroom with a bed, blanket and food and water. All he did was scream all night. Second night we crated in him in our bedroom and he did the same. Third night we crated him and he screamed and cried all night and destroyed his bed. After that we put him in bed with us and it worked like a charm. First good nights sleep in four days. Problem was he did that for the next two years. And by that point he had grown to be the biggest Rottie I had ever seen at 150 pounds and all muscle. The only upside to the lockdown? It only took two nights to train him to sleep on the floor until I got up.
    And I have to tell you that when he was full grown, he still went through a phase when he wanted to sit on my lap in front of the tv. My legs would literally go to sleep. Thankfully that only lasted a couple of months. Thankfully with time and effort he's well trained. The only issue he still has is when there are other dogs around or people coming to the house he doesn't know. And we put him in Doggy Day Care as early as he could. It's just different around the house. For me, I have unique problem I'd be interested in your take on. My long term girlfriend (who has had Rotties all her life) is an actress so we have him for protection as well as companionship (we've had problem with stalkers in the past). So I can't train the protection out of him even if I wanted to. It's part of his job. But how do we teach him to protect us and our home, but relent when we say it's ok? This I haven't mastered yet. Though he's much better than he used to be.
    Any advice here?

    • @saragarret5337
      @saragarret5337 ปีที่แล้ว

      In training we used the shock collar w commands . For us it would be place if we needed them to go sit down in a spot.

  • @martyplaysgames949
    @martyplaysgames949 ปีที่แล้ว

    We have a pitbull right now and are considering getting a Rottweiler puppy. We have the time to spend with them. I’ve had pit bulls, huskies, german shepherds and a Caucasian shepherd never had a Rottweiler but I’ve always liked the breed so much. We feed our dogs orijen n food and we alternate between fish and beef with a little raw stuff in the mix. I’m so excited to add a rottie to the family. I’m definitely not excited for all the basic training but when we hit the 6 month old mark the real fun begins :):):)

  • @brianaboyd7960
    @brianaboyd7960 ปีที่แล้ว

    I got my sweet Titus full bred German rott when he was 10 weeks old I have to say BEST breed I have ever had. He is so good with company, my kids, very protective of his mama for sure! He is like my third child!!

    • @connieedwards8321
      @connieedwards8321 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Briana. What is the difference between a German Rottweiler and the other Rottweiler?

    • @brianaboyd7960
      @brianaboyd7960 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @connieedwards8321 really not much difference at all, not even sure why there are specifics.

    • @connieedwards8321
      @connieedwards8321 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@brianaboyd7960 Thanks.