That's not the roar of the flood waters you're's the nosie of all the shredders in county & state offices getting rid of the dam's documentation/inspection paperwork.
When you have a significant portion of voters that believe ANY taxes are theft - hard to have enough revenue to keep everything maintained. Building a dam should lock in the maintenance cost as a future commitment - but that's not how government actually works in the USA.
It's been there for 114 years and there is no evidence it wasn't maintained.
6 หลายเดือนก่อน
@@jimbosc Nice conspiracy theory. Explain why Biden's infrastructure bill didn't fix this dam? Oh right, only 10% of that money went into infrastructure while the rest went to outside groups
@timmick6911 you can see the spill way was full of debris. It looks like water was on top of the dam before finding a route around. Maintenance would include ensuring the spillway is clear.
The dam was constructed for Hydroelectric Power Generation from 1908 to 1910. The dam and reservoir are owned by Blue Earth County, and the power plant and dam are operated by North American Hydro under an agreement with the county. The dam is located just southwest of Mankato, Minnesota. PS - basically an obsolete dam that should have been demolished. Luckily not a complete dam failure yet
The dam looks fine, the river has gone around it. The fact theres a lot of debris that looks to be partially blocking the dams overflow, could well be a big part of the problem. Easy to blame government or funding but looks like the individual who’s job it is to keep the dam clear is at fault.
Somehow people don't see this logic for why people don't want nuclear power plants. It's super safe when it's working as intended, but when it fails it's really bad for everyone!
@@Crismodin i think if you are living by that logic you should apply it without convenience. A nuclear power plant has zero radiation at the area. They rarely fail but most importantly is how 5th and 6th nuclear facilities are designed. If they “fail” now they automatically shut down due to the inhibitors/reactants being sea water….they fail to “off” instead of being a runaway condition like older designs. And driving is more dangerous, should we go on? or you’re plugging the democrat’s ‘no nuclear because we have another agenda dependent on China” routine. It’s anti-American and everyone sees right through it.
@@viasevenvai there is always like over the top defense of nuclear power but the proponents always gloss right over the fact that if something does go wrong it could ruin the area forever and potentially poison people with radiation causing elevated rates of cancer, but no, that never gets mentioned, it's always "its so safe it generates so much safe power blah blah blah" spoonfed type logic. Yes, go on, against yourself, I will never change my opinion on this, just like OP with dams that are secure and safe.
So the infrastructure was not maintained properly? Who do we trust to maintain things like dams? Follow the money. I'll bet you'll find that there are specific federal government grants given to correct the problems of this dam.
Generally, whoever owns the dam is responsible for maintaining it. Sometimes, that’s the federal, state, or local government. Sometimes it’s a power company or a factory. Sometimes, it’s a private individual. And sometimes, if it was built to power a mill or something that was later abandoned, it’s possible that nobody actually knows who owns the dam. And there probably wasn’t any federal money involved. The feds don’t often give grants for this. If they’re involved with a dam this size, it’s usually because the dam has a small hydroelectric generator. If the dam isn’t maintained, then FERC just stops them from generating any electricity, and responsibility for regulating the dam then falls to the state government. If you think this sounds like a great way to make sure that a dam that doesn’t make enough money to do all the maintenance suddenly doesn’t have money to do _any_ maintenance and so actually becomes _more_ likely to fail, congratulations on being smarter than Congress.
The Dam has held, the water is going to go over the top or around it. The question is did they release enough water when they had a chance to prevent the unknown.
Mass flooding resulted from the government's failure to reduce the water levels in the reservoir during Calgary's heavy rainy season. Better preparation is required from government officials for rising water levels.
To be fair that is what happens when the CEO of any corporation is accused of sexual harassment - the complainer gets fired and the CEO keeps making big $$$$
Does anyone remember the $Trillion dollar infrastructure package the president signed as soon as he took office? Has anyone seen any bridges or damns being repaired? Does anyone even know where the money went?
A lot of phones (most?) require that you orient to landscape before you start recording. If you reorient after starting, it looks like it's recording in landscape, but when watched on playback, it's the dreaded portrait mode.
unfortunately it wouldn't, this seems like the dam couldn't discharge fast enough. So like electricity, taking the fast route to ground, the water pretty much just went around as it was the fastest way to go down stream. This particular failure seems like its due to a design flaw, in that in cases of high water levels there isn't a plan or a spillway that would have released the excess water in an emergency rapidly in a control manner. Which in this case the water is carving out a mini canyon on land on the side of the dam, which fun fact that's not suppose to happen and could pose further risks to the structural integrity of the dam.
@@GroundByte my guess would be catastrophic to integrity of the dam and ability to stand. it's just going to get undermined until there is no foundation of support.
The demographics of people who will be effected are not newsworthy. This part of Minnesota is not "diverse" enough for the media to consider this to be "news"...
Give Ukraine over to Putin, Our Glorious Supreme Leader. SURELY that will fix America's infrastructure which is TOTALLY not suffering from budget shortfalls ... /s
For those of you under 30. Minnesota gets floods.... sometimes its much worse. Minnesota is basically runs to the Rivers....all river's have flood plains. Where the water accumulates....until drained by the Rivers..streams .. creeks and ponds. Red River has had some recently. But that Minnesota river. Has gone up...20+ feet after a heavy snow melt and Spring rains. You drop 4-6" of rain anywhere...its gonna flood something.... usually fields or basements. Those who live to close to the!
Yeah but you don’t expect the dam to fail. I’ve been through many floods in my lifetime, but never a dam failure. That’s why we pay billions of dollars each year to engineers to inspect them and make sure these things don’t happen.
That is actually a house used by lockmasters. If you notice that many dams have houses or a house close to them, they're typically gated or locked private property owned by the state or local jurisdictions operating the dams. More often than not, they're owned and operated by the US Army Corp of Engineers.
It looks more like the area around the dam gave way rather than the dam itself. Regardless, I hope everyone in the path of the water downstream made it out safely,
This happend in calgary during high rain season, the government didn't lower the water levels in the reservoir and this caused mass flooding. Government officials need to better prepare for high water levels
The government and everyone else should be listen to experts and scientists. You can print more money but the in the end it's getting even more expensive and the money system won't work anymore.
Hey everybody, it's Captain Hindsight! Solving America's problems as leisurely as he can! Riding his majestic Lazy Boy and spreading pretentious nothings from his all powerful smartphone!
The dam and reservoir are owned by Blue Earth County, and the power plant and dam (construction finished in 1910) are operated by North American Hydro under an agreement with the county.
It looks like a design failure, why wouldn’t the dam have an emergency overflow off to the side (where it’s flooding over) and if it did have one it might not have been large enough or maintained properly, which isn’t surprising as we hate maintaining things for some reason.
@DementiaDon Minnesota also has over 1000 dams, many of them are fairly old. Some of the are going to inevitably fail, even if they're well build and designed.
I think the problem has more to due with the fact that there is debry behind the flood gates....If they removed that in time, should that not have prevented the problem? Old dam, sure, but it's still holding water just fine. So the dam is not the main issue. Maybe the had to put an extra spillway right next to it? They could have updated and prevented it if you ask me.
I would get fired if I was a news anchor because I would go off script when this drone footage plays. I would accurately report the situation. Obviously the dam itself has not failed. The spillways may be partially blocked with debris and the water level is high enough that it is finding its way around the dam. Depending on the geo makeup in the area of bypass it may wash out, or if solid rock maybe not. Sad that news anchors are incapable of thinking on their own.
@@universalmonster4972 Who said anything about Trump? You people are truly dusturbed. TDS(Trump Derrangement Syndrome) is a real disorder, and you apparently, suffer greatly from it. Seek help.
We don't need to go to the feds to find blame. The DFL spent a 17 Billion dollar surplus right here in Minnesota. 250 million went to the fraudulent Feeding our Future program.
Looks like debris had built up and was never cleared. This would lead to water levels rising and over spilling at the side there, after that there's no going back.
You can see the channel on the right side of the video.Someone was not monitoring the volume of water behind the dam..Partial releases done correctly avoid this.
@@TheRealMrAndrew Actually there has been $450 BILLION allocated for infrastructure nationwide by the current administration. Of that amount, $562.4 MILLION was ear-marked for Minnesota waterway maintenance (dams, channels, etcetera). Republicans fought it hard, calling it "wasteful". It's very easy for that party to rally their base against government spending. Their voters do not understand the connection between "big government" and the services being provided. Hard to say if the Republicans' delay on this infrastructure is directly responsible for this, but it sure didn't help. But for sure their base will blame the current administration, without a hint of cognitive dissonance.
I am guessing that countries around the world will be pouring in money to not only repair the damaged dam but to provide aid, shelter, etc to those displaced by the flood waters.
My great uncle Roy Mendenhall was killed working in that dam back when it first started to operate back in the 20s. My great aunt and uncle George and Fern Eldrege owned the Dam store. The Mendenhall house is across the street. Is the store and the house still there?
1:22 So what is all that "debris" that appears to be lodged up against the left side of the dam - it looks like a pile of logs/tree branches close to the center of the dam?
@@AnX8765 I didn't know there was a "high water event"... I don't live anywhere near there. All I was saying was the dam itself looks FINE. It's the bank that eroded away and all that debris in front of the dam probably didn't help.
Why did they allow so much debris to pile up on the dam? That's going to restrict water flow through the gates. That water still needs to go somewhere.
My family lives in Rapidan and they've evacuated. Been out of power since yesterday. Xcel energy building was wiped out so they're going to be without power for a long time
That’s a lot of water trucking out hopefully, once the level drops a little bit, it won’t go around the side. or it’s gonna tear all the Earth out around that side and things are gonna get real bad real quick.😢
That doesn't really look like a failure, that looks like a overtop that went around the side and ate the ground up. Guessing they were releasing at full tilt but it wasn't enough. Nothing can really be done in cases like this, way too much water in too confined a space.
It looks like the gates through the dam became clogged with debris and otherwise proved inadequate, so the river made its own spillway on the west bank of the River. I attended grad school in Mankato, so I know about that area.
The infrastructure of the USA has been neglected for decades. Dams, bridges, school buildings, water and power lines--it's all getting old and decrepit and politicians would rather spend money catering to entitlement programs and paying off special interest groups than maintaining the core structures of our society. The chickens are coming home to roost for this neglect. Go Woke, Infrastructure gets broke...
Trump "promised" infrastructure bill...but never came through (as usual). President Biden passed the infrastructure bill, but now the states have to assign the monies to the projects
@DementiaDon There is a break-down by state available on the net. $562.4 million was ear-marked for Minnesota 'water-way maintenance'. One of the political parties fought it tooth and nail, delaying the passing and ultimately the work itself. That party called it "big government" and "wasteful spending". I will leave it to you to guess which party delayed it.
Until Bidens infrastructure plan was funded and implemented there has been absolutely no major infrastructure funding at least back to the early 70s both parties ignored the problem for the past 50 years And now it's time to pay the piper there are hundreds of bridges on the verge of failing and many more dams in the same condition trump spent his entire presidency saying he has a infrastructure plan and not one cent was ever spent And now we are going to have to put up with major construction for the next 15 years just to catch up with the bare minimum that should have been paid for by federal and state fuel taxes collected and spent on other projects! There should be a law that states that all federal fuel taxes be put into a special fund that can only be used for roads and bridges and the same for the individual states these funds should include all toll charges collected
You mean Trump's tax cuts? Those things cost more than 2 trillion dollars to US, and if somehow made permanent, several hundred million more per year after 2027. Ahaha!
So, you're criticizing Biden because he passed an infrastructure bill. Maybe you should have a little sense and criticize trump for promising one four 4 years and failing.
Minnesota , if you’re listening, and I hope you are. This should have been addressed back in 2016 in the infrastructure deal that never happened because Trump decided a tax cut for the rich was more important!
The dam structure itself is still intact. This just overtopped (or compromised by liquefaction) the approach road embankment and eroded around the side. The good news is that this is a low head dam holding back a very minimal reservoir. A full breach won't be that much worse than what you see already.
As someone who lives in mankato right near this dam my family is safe however there are people who have to live on the sides of roads without shelter due to there homes not being safe
GEOENGINEERED WEATHER/CATASTROPHES/CHOAS: WHO BUILDS DAMS AND WHY? THE US ARMY CORE OF ENGINEERS (THE MILITARY) BUILDS THEM; AND WHY? WELL THEY SAY THIS: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is responsible for operating and maintaining about 740 dams and associated structures across the country. The USACE also owns and manages more than 500 reservoirs. These dams and reservoirs provide many benefits to the country, including: flood control, navigation, water supply, hydropower, environmental stewardship, fish and wildlife conservation, and recreation. BUT THE TRUTH IS THIS: TO CONTROL THE WATER, CONTROL THE WATER AND YOU CONTROL THE PEOPLE; AND THEN WHEN YOU NEED TO DESTROY INFACTRUCTURER, YOU LET THE DAM GO... THAT IS WHAT THEY DID IN KATRINA!!!!! AND DOING MORE AN DMORE OF THIS ALL OVER THE USA, ESPECIALLY IN FARMLANDS.... U.S. Department of Defense U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
This dam was very old and known to be in very poor condition for MANY years. Why was nothing ever done about it?
Ukraine needed the money right away!
State leaders have been too busy trying to figure out the difference between a boy and a girl……..!!!!!
@@frankblangeard8865 That is what was going to say.
Next thing you know some tin foil hat nutter butter will be blaming the failure on Ukraine. Can't fix Stupid!
Because the local yahoo's like to gamble and would not fix it unless they got someone else to pay for it, facts are hard to swallow.
That's not the roar of the flood waters you're's the nosie of all the shredders in county & state offices getting rid of the dam's documentation/inspection paperwork.
Get a hobby. You can't even take two seconds to care about the humans facing an atrocity before you start spewing your conspiracy nut nonsense.
at 1:33 the dam looks fine
Wow😂 👏👏👏
@@NiaLaLa_V Why do you only care for the humans? There are trees, animals, and insects dying too!
Nah, it's the dam. There was nothing TO shred.
When will this country learn that you can't just slap something up and expect it to last forever without maintenance or upgrades?
When you have a significant portion of voters that believe ANY taxes are theft - hard to have enough revenue to keep everything maintained. Building a dam should lock in the maintenance cost as a future commitment - but that's not how government actually works in the USA.
It's been there for 114 years and there is no evidence it wasn't maintained.
Nice conspiracy theory. Explain why Biden's infrastructure bill didn't fix this dam? Oh right, only 10% of that money went into infrastructure while the rest went to outside groups
Yea this is what happens when Republicans keep stopping infrastructure upkeep. Unfortunate
@timmick6911 you can see the spill way was full of debris. It looks like water was on top of the dam before finding a route around. Maintenance would include ensuring the spillway is clear.
The dam was constructed for Hydroelectric Power Generation from 1908 to 1910. The dam and reservoir are owned by Blue Earth County, and the power plant and dam are operated by North American Hydro under an agreement with the county. The dam is located just southwest of Mankato, Minnesota.
PS - basically an obsolete dam that should have been demolished. Luckily not a complete dam failure yet
Thank you for the breakdown
I guess the dam had other ideas and couldn’t wait.
Thanks for info.
People with lake front property probably put up a stink. Oh, well.
Amazing how it lasted so long ! Well made is an understatement . Ty for sharing the history !
The dam looks fine, the river has gone around it. The fact theres a lot of debris that looks to be partially blocking the dams overflow, could well be a big part of the problem. Easy to blame government or funding but looks like the individual who’s job it is to keep the dam clear is at fault.
Bingo!!!! DNR does not allow trees to be removed from the riverbed! This is what happens when that's allowed to build up and not cleaned!!
Yeah, the dam looks fine.
This is why I refuse to live downstream of a dam.
I don’t care how “secure and safe” a dam is, I will live on the high ground thank you!
Somehow people don't see this logic for why people don't want nuclear power plants. It's super safe when it's working as intended, but when it fails it's really bad for everyone!
Bought my house 9 years ago and checked fema maps to make sure I'm out of any 100 yr flood zones
@@Crismodin i think if you are living by that logic you should apply it without convenience. A nuclear power plant has zero radiation at the area. They rarely fail but most importantly is how 5th and 6th nuclear facilities are designed. If they “fail” now they automatically shut down due to the inhibitors/reactants being sea water….they fail to “off” instead of being a runaway condition like older designs. And driving is more dangerous, should we go on? or you’re plugging the democrat’s ‘no nuclear because we have another agenda dependent on China” routine. It’s anti-American and everyone sees right through it.
@@viasevenvai there is always like over the top defense of nuclear power but the proponents always gloss right over the fact that if something does go wrong it could ruin the area forever and potentially poison people with radiation causing elevated rates of cancer, but no, that never gets mentioned, it's always "its so safe it generates so much safe power blah blah blah" spoonfed type logic. Yes, go on, against yourself, I will never change my opinion on this, just like OP with dams that are secure and safe.
Like living in New Orleans.
So the infrastructure was not maintained properly? Who do we trust to maintain things like dams? Follow the money. I'll bet you'll find that there are specific federal government grants given to correct the problems of this dam.
The dam is owned by Blue Earth County. The politicians have been contemplating what to do about the dam for 5 years. Nature decided for them.
Biden is Building Back Better! Just give him 4 more years and see how much more he does 😮
Generally, whoever owns the dam is responsible for maintaining it. Sometimes, that’s the federal, state, or local government. Sometimes it’s a power company or a factory. Sometimes, it’s a private individual. And sometimes, if it was built to power a mill or something that was later abandoned, it’s possible that nobody actually knows who owns the dam. And there probably wasn’t any federal money involved. The feds don’t often give grants for this. If they’re involved with a dam this size, it’s usually because the dam has a small hydroelectric generator. If the dam isn’t maintained, then FERC just stops them from generating any electricity, and responsibility for regulating the dam then falls to the state government. If you think this sounds like a great way to make sure that a dam that doesn’t make enough money to do all the maintenance suddenly doesn’t have money to do _any_ maintenance and so actually becomes _more_ likely to fail, congratulations on being smarter than Congress.
Already with the conspiracies. Sheesh
The Dam has held, the water is going to go over the top or around it. The question is did they release enough water when they had a chance to prevent the unknown.
Oh no..😢
May you all get out safe..
God bless you all..🫂
I don't think God cares. I mean, the locals put the dam in God's hands, and now look what he did with it.
@@-.._.-_...-_.._-..__..._.-.-.- what a stupid reply.. Men are suppose to upkeep all man made things!
@@KOOLBadger In this case, though, they left it up to hopes and prayers.
@@KOOLBadger The last sentence of your original comment was the epitome of stupid.
What god
Insurance claims will be denied by the thousands.
But at the same time insurance rates will go up across the country another 40% because of this.
This is a man made disaster .not an act of god
Mass flooding resulted from the government's failure to reduce the water levels in the reservoir during Calgary's heavy rainy season. Better preparation is required from government officials for rising water levels.
The government has investigated itself and has found no wrongdoing.
To be fair that is what happens when the CEO of any corporation is accused of sexual harassment - the complainer gets fired and the CEO keeps making big $$$$
Does anyone remember the $Trillion dollar infrastructure package the president signed as soon as he took office? Has anyone seen any bridges or damns being repaired? Does anyone even know where the money went?
@@alphagt62 I know of several.
Go figure.
mother nature always win?
*entropy always win
With enough time and neglect.
Mother nature is plants and trees IMO. This is water and gravity. Water will always win, given enough time.
No question mark needed
@@markae0 So other natural forces are not part of nature in your opinion? Well thank god we have facts, because Marks opinion is garbage.
The dam itself wont fail. The weak link is the spillway.
Do some phones not record horizontality 😢
A lot of phones (most?) require that you orient to landscape before you start recording. If you reorient after starting, it looks like it's recording in landscape, but when watched on playback, it's the dreaded portrait mode.
clear the debri might help?
For some reason that third word in your sentence sounds correct but looks odd lol
With what a butterfly net??? Debris.
unfortunately it wouldn't, this seems like the dam couldn't discharge fast enough. So like electricity, taking the fast route to ground, the water pretty much just went around as it was the fastest way to go down stream. This particular failure seems like its due to a design flaw, in that in cases of high water levels there isn't a plan or a spillway that would have released the excess water in an emergency rapidly in a control manner. Which in this case the water is carving out a mini canyon on land on the side of the dam, which fun fact that's not suppose to happen and could pose further risks to the structural integrity of the dam.
@@GroundByte my guess would be catastrophic to integrity of the dam and ability to stand. it's just going to get undermined until there is no foundation of support.
Clear the junk how?
Why are you the only ones reporting this failure? All other agencies are still saying immanent failure.
The demographics of people who will be effected are not newsworthy. This part of Minnesota is not "diverse" enough for the media to consider this to be "news"...
you mean Imminent? Learn to spell. Even if you're just an average american.
Because the dam didn’t fail the water just went around it
They were probably labeled as "cheap fakes" by the other news agencies. lol
@@jamesborck5908 yes, other agencies are reporting a breach, not a failure.
It looks more like it made its own spillway than that it failed.
Most people on here have absolutely no clue as to what you're talking about. But you're correct.
Send Ukraine more money…. That will fix it
If we weren't sending Ukraine money it still wouldn't be repaired!!!
Buttigieg is more concerned with racist bridges than actual infrastructure issues.
Give Ukraine over to Putin, Our Glorious Supreme Leader. SURELY that will fix America's infrastructure which is TOTALLY not suffering from budget shortfalls ... /s
From your videos you appear to be some sort of rhodes scholar ROFLMAO
It's only a matter of time before water makes a new route.
I am so glad that we sent the money that could have prevented all this overseas.
I sent all of mine to Donald. He will fix it.
@@toddwilliams5905Lol! Good one:)
We have to make sure Zelensky is happy with his fifth mansion or else he will release the truth of Hunter's dealings.
Think of Sniffy's children!
@DementiaDon Sounds like something a DNC bot would say.
@DementiaDon Says an account created on March 1st 2024 by the name of DementiaDon telling me that I only follow propaganda.
As someone from mid Michigan when dams fail it sucks
We learned after the fire in Maui, and the chemical disaster at Palestine, Ohio, not to expect any help from the Biden administration
They don’t usually suck as much as they blow
For those of you under 30. Minnesota gets floods.... sometimes its much worse. Minnesota is basically runs to the Rivers....all river's have flood plains. Where the water accumulates....until drained by the Rivers..streams .. creeks and ponds. Red River has had some recently. But that Minnesota river. Has gone up...20+ feet after a heavy snow melt and Spring rains. You drop 4-6" of rain anywhere...its gonna flood something.... usually fields or basements. Those who live to close to the!
Yes, people live in flood plains and nothing will change their minds as long as everyone else has to pay for their poor decision making.
Waiting for some ID10T form type to blame this oon the Ukraine. Three fries short of a happy meal!
How to say House for Sale Californians wanted.
Yeah but you don’t expect the dam to fail. I’ve been through many floods in my lifetime, but never a dam failure. That’s why we pay billions of dollars each year to engineers to inspect them and make sure these things don’t happen.
That is actually a house used by lockmasters. If you notice that many dams have houses or a house close to them, they're typically gated or locked private property owned by the state or local jurisdictions operating the dams. More often than not, they're owned and operated by the US Army Corp of Engineers.
It looks more like the area around the dam gave way rather than the dam itself. Regardless, I hope everyone in the path of the water downstream made it out safely,
The dam is in Blue Earth County.
This happend in calgary during high rain season, the government didn't lower the water levels in the reservoir and this caused mass flooding. Government officials need to better prepare for high water levels
The government and everyone else should be listen to experts and scientists. You can print more money but the in the end it's getting even more expensive and the money system won't work anymore.
Why did they wait so long to evacuate?
I heard there's warnings from Saint Peter and St Louis to
Having gone through a major flood in 2008 in my area I feel for the people that are affected and they are in my thoughts and prayers.
Should have tried to clear that debris out from the dam before it became that clogged.
Would you drive a 40,000lbs excavator on there and remove it?
@@jeffb321 hell yeah I would. Get that damn excavator there and I'll show you.
@@jeffb321 what's your trade incase I need a mechanic or some welding done while I'm there?
Hey everybody, it's Captain Hindsight!
Solving America's problems as leisurely as he can!
Riding his majestic Lazy Boy and spreading pretentious nothings from his all powerful smartphone!
@codymoe4986 and you are accomplishing what while you are doing the exact same thing? You just like to pop off at the mouth.
What happened to all that infrastructure money to rebuild everything. O that's right in all there pockets
Half of our country thought it was better to send it to more important causes, like Ukraine.
@@snoozeflu”important “? 😂😂😂 DC money laundering 101 ! Foreign aid , so the democommunists get paid .
I was there on Sunday and saw the Dam Store.
Ah, yeah, that god dam store!
What Dam Store?
@@jamedlock83 GOSH DIDDLY DAM IT!
Is that where you get the dam bait?
The dam and reservoir are owned by Blue Earth County, and the power plant and dam (construction finished in 1910) are operated by North American Hydro under an agreement with the county.
It looks like a design failure, why wouldn’t the dam have an emergency overflow off to the side (where it’s flooding over) and if it did have one it might not have been large enough or maintained properly, which isn’t surprising as we hate maintaining things for some reason.
It probably did... it just couldn't keep up since the main part that drains was clogged up with logs. All they had to do was clear the debris
@@Pigtrapper It looks like it made its own emergency overflow
@DementiaDon Minnesota also has over 1000 dams, many of them are fairly old. Some of the are going to inevitably fail, even if they're well build and designed.
I think the problem has more to due with the fact that there is debry behind the flood gates....If they removed that in time, should that not have prevented the problem? Old dam, sure, but it's still holding water just fine. So the dam is not the main issue. Maybe the had to put an extra spillway right next to it? They could have updated and prevented it if you ask me.
I would get fired if I was a news anchor because I would go off script when this drone footage plays. I would accurately report the situation. Obviously the dam itself has not failed. The spillways may be partially blocked with debris and the water level is high enough that it is finding its way around the dam. Depending on the geo makeup in the area of bypass it may wash out, or if solid rock maybe not. Sad that news anchors are incapable of thinking on their own.
The news reporters can only talk about what was scripted, any speculation on their part could result in termination.
That's like saying my bathtub failed because it's overflowing because I left the plug in and the water turned on. 😂
well, it's a chick... give her a break man...
Is that a thing?
In this case., it's better to err on the side of caution, so that everyone gets out of the way downriver.
It hasn't failed yet! It may still fail, but it hasn't failed as of Tuesday morning.
Get the FACTS, correct!
If only we had some of that 200 billion we've wasted on Ukraine...
Why didn’t Trump fix it when he was in office?
@@universalmonster4972 Why didnt Obama?
@@universalmonster4972 Who said anything about Trump? You people are truly dusturbed. TDS(Trump Derrangement Syndrome) is a real disorder, and you apparently, suffer greatly from it. Seek help.
Snide remarks are uncalled for.
We don't need to go to the feds to find blame. The DFL spent a 17 Billion dollar surplus right here in Minnesota. 250 million went to the fraudulent Feeding our Future program.
Looks like debris had built up and was never cleared. This would lead to water levels rising and over spilling at the side there, after that there's no going back.
Perfect metaphor for the state & country
You can see the channel on the right side of the video.Someone was not monitoring the volume of water behind the dam..Partial releases done correctly avoid this.
Another great example of the US’s fine infrastructure maintenance programs.
Guess the money was better spent on bike lanes and alphabet theory being taught to children.
@@TheRealMrAndrewtax cuts have consequences.
@@tentringer4065 that’s not the issue, misspending money is.
@@TheRealMrAndrew Actually there has been $450 BILLION allocated for infrastructure nationwide by the current administration. Of that amount, $562.4 MILLION was ear-marked for Minnesota waterway maintenance (dams, channels, etcetera). Republicans fought it hard, calling it "wasteful". It's very easy for that party to rally their base against government spending. Their voters do not understand the connection between "big government" and the services being provided. Hard to say if the Republicans' delay on this infrastructure is directly responsible for this, but it sure didn't help. But for sure their base will blame the current administration, without a hint of cognitive dissonance.
I am guessing that countries around the world will be pouring in money to not only repair the damaged dam but to provide aid, shelter, etc to those displaced by the flood waters.
My great uncle Roy Mendenhall was killed working in that dam back when it first started to operate back in the 20s. My great aunt and uncle George and Fern Eldrege owned the Dam store. The Mendenhall house is across the street. Is the store and the house still there?
The house is probably going to be lost by the end of the day and the Dam store is still a ways away.
Where's all that infrastructure money gone too ?
Painting pride flag themed cross walks.
1:22 So what is all that "debris" that appears to be lodged up against the left side of the dam - it looks like a pile of logs/tree branches close to the center of the dam?
@@AnX8765 I didn't know there was a "high water event"... I don't live anywhere near there. All I was saying was the dam itself looks FINE. It's the bank that eroded away and all that debris in front of the dam probably didn't help.
Im old enough to remember when Congress passed a "bipartisan infrastructure bill" of over a trillion dollars to take care of things like this.
Too bad trump lied continuously about passing one, which he never did.
Oh. So it's Trump's fault? Lol
Why didn’t Trump take care of it when he was in office? I thought he loved America.
@@NunYa953he could have prevented this from happening but he didn’t
@@universalmonster4972🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 , might you be related to KJP 😂
Is this an expected area for overflow? Is that spot going to continue to erode down to the bottom level of the front side of the dam?
I thought that’s what the Infrastructure Bill was for…
You are correct about what the bill is for but clearly you don’t understand the timelines involved in repairing infrastructure.
Why did they allow so much debris to pile up on the dam? That's going to restrict water flow through the gates. That water still needs to go somewhere.
F*** around with the mother nature and find out you can't blame her when you try to tame her
My family lives in Rapidan and they've evacuated. Been out of power since yesterday. Xcel energy building was wiped out so they're going to be without power for a long time
Purposely destroying Bridges, Dams, Fires, Farms, Railroads!!!! Sick of Politicians.
They made it rain?
Can the chyron be any bigger?
That’s a lot of water trucking out hopefully, once the level drops a little bit, it won’t go around the side. or it’s gonna tear all the Earth out around that side and things are gonna get real bad real quick.😢
Let's just send more money to Ukraine instead of up grading stuff in your own back yard!
Sure hope North Mankato is ready......
Don`t expect any help from the Biden administration
How is Pa and Mr Edwards going to get back to Walnut Grove?
That doesn't really look like a failure, that looks like a overtop that went around the side and ate the ground up. Guessing they were releasing at full tilt but it wasn't enough. Nothing can really be done in cases like this, way too much water in too confined a space.
Dose Pete Buttigieg have anything to do with this.
It looks like the gates through the dam became clogged with debris and otherwise proved inadequate, so the river made its own spillway on the west bank of the River. I attended grad school in Mankato, so I know about that area.
The infrastructure of the USA has been neglected for decades. Dams, bridges, school buildings, water and power lines--it's all getting old and decrepit and politicians would rather spend money catering to entitlement programs and paying off special interest groups than maintaining the core structures of our society.
The chickens are coming home to roost for this neglect. Go Woke, Infrastructure gets broke...
Trump "promised" infrastructure bill...but never came through (as usual). President Biden passed the infrastructure bill, but now the states have to assign the monies to the projects
I am sure if we built a wall on the southern border it would stop the water in Minnesota.
Did it fail yet?
Shovel ready, eh comrade?
Aye Comrade
its a hydro damn clean energy for 3000 homes or you can put 10 giant bird chopper windmills in your backyard to replace it relax nemo
All that money from the Infrastructure Bill should have fixed that.
Good thing the infrastructure bill will help.
@DementiaDon There is a break-down by state available on the net. $562.4 million was ear-marked for Minnesota 'water-way maintenance'. One of the political parties fought it tooth and nail, delaying the passing and ultimately the work itself. That party called it "big government" and "wasteful spending". I will leave it to you to guess which party delayed it.
You mentioned Fairmont as being on the Blue Earth River! Fairmont is 20 miles west of the Blue Earth River!
Because arguing over inclusivity and gender drugs given to children without parental knowledge are important not the rural people who run farms
Stop alarming people. The dam is doing what was designed to do perfectly well. Right now it is using the spillway, which has been designed to use.
Build Back Better!
Why count on the dems if they don’t love this country?
Trump should have fixed it when he was in office because he loves America
1:20 for the overhead video of the failure. Looks like the height of the water exceeded the banks.
Build Back Better on full display.
What did Make America Great Again do about the situation??? Quit being gaslighting and obviously poor situation all ground.
God be with y'all ❤
Under whose administration was to take care of this infrastructure so many years ago😮
Hussein Obama.
Pretty much every administration for the past 30 years has promised to "FIX" infrastructure. Pick one..
Until Bidens infrastructure plan was funded and implemented there has been absolutely no major infrastructure funding at least back to the early 70s both parties ignored the problem for the past 50 years
And now it's time to pay the piper there are hundreds of bridges on the verge of failing and many more dams in the same condition trump spent his entire presidency saying he has a infrastructure plan and not one cent was ever spent
And now we are going to have to put up with major construction for the next 15 years just to catch up with the bare minimum that should have been paid for by federal and state fuel taxes collected and spent on other projects!
There should be a law that states that all federal fuel taxes be put into a special fund that can only be used for roads and bridges and the same for the individual states these funds should include all toll charges collected
The regional and local officials neglected the issue for years, they wanted someone else to pay for it. Free loaders gambled and lost.
This has been an issue since the mid 90s. So, everyone in government since then…
thanks Randy
Good thing we sent 200,000,000,000+ dollars to Ukraine because we obviously don’t need it here 🤷♂️
You mean Trump's tax cuts? Those things cost more than 2 trillion dollars to US, and if somehow made permanent, several hundred million more per year after 2027. Ahaha!
Well, NOBODY is going to tell ME to evacuate. I've got my GUNS and faith in Jesus. Praise the Lord!
I saw what you did there, sir, well played😉
is that like a god dam ?
Looking like this Dam was lacking an Emergency Overflow Spillway, but it has one now...😮
😂 Pete Buttigieg will find this dam racist
Warning should be took seriously. Amount of erosion and volume of flow emergency spillway was never built to handle such flows.
Tax cuts have destroyed the infrastructure through neglect.
Yeah, my landlord needs a tax cu, his only job is counting money.
No, giving our money to foreign countries and Big Pharm is where the $ went 😮
why wasnt it opened earlyer?
Wonder how long it will be until a democrat blames climate change for this. 😂😂
Does this mean the Mississippi river is filling back up?
Right now it is at its highest I have seen it since the flooding back in the 60s around the Minneapolis area.
Somehow they will send money to Ukraine to help fix this dam.
How long until yhey can fix it?
Build Back Better Biden example.
So, you're criticizing Biden because he passed an infrastructure bill. Maybe you should have a little sense and criticize trump for promising one four 4 years and failing.
Clearly not on Post 10's patrol path.
Democrat State...figures.
What county? La Sewer?
Le Sueur. Named after some French Explorer from the 1700s or something.
How does something like this even get to that point? There had to be warning signs, right?
What to do next is start filling and transporting large earth bags to stop the erosion!!! NOW!!!
Looks like the power plant still in place. White building we saw going down river was a nearby home & business.
Sending prayers
Who Built the Dam
Minnesota , if you’re listening, and I hope you are. This should have been addressed back in 2016 in the infrastructure deal that never happened because Trump decided a tax cut for the rich was more important!
The dam structure itself is still intact. This just overtopped (or compromised by liquefaction) the approach road embankment and eroded around the side. The good news is that this is a low head dam holding back a very minimal reservoir. A full breach won't be that much worse than what you see already.
As someone who lives in mankato right near this dam my family is safe however there are people who have to live on the sides of roads without shelter due to there homes not being safe
Is it a dam failure or has the river just burst it’s banks?
WELL THEY SAY THIS: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is responsible for operating and maintaining about 740 dams and associated structures across the country. The USACE also owns and manages more than 500 reservoirs. These dams and reservoirs provide many benefits to the country, including:
flood control, navigation, water supply, hydropower, environmental stewardship, fish and wildlife conservation, and recreation.
U.S. Department of Defense U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Of course they're scrambling.
They didn't monitor it, they didn't take care of it and now it's a SURPRISE at the cost of the community.
Imagine if our taxes were actually used to maintain our infrastructure instead of going to other countries?