These lectures are so profound and rich in content! I always come back and find something new that I missed the times before. I could have easily watched this same video at least a dozen times so far.
Teacher that makes his students think, and be interested with the conversation. Hope to see him speak in person one day. Listen to Mr. Peterson, all day sometimes.
Half way done with the 2016 lectures. I must say, they have simply improved my life. From waking up in the morning, to going to bed at night, these lectures made everything throughout my day better. From disciplining myself, to congratulating myself, to eating healthier and practicing healthy habits. Practicing personal hygiene, i mean everything. These lectures caused a paradigm shift. And i encourage anybody who is searching for direction in life, these lectures are a great way to start learning about yourself.
Love when the interestingly told theory turns into really useful life advice Looking forward to actually finding the time to read the authors that have made an impact on you, Mr Peterson.
I do hope we have 2017 Personality Lectures. With every extra year of lectures there seems to be an extra clarification or insight that helps me greatly.
The nuance and care of thought and just the damn kindness in this is really moving and truly helpful. I'm going to need to reflect on it before I can properly say why and in what ways. But thank you.
+William Koscielniak I think he just propped his phone up on a desk. We know that he likes to walk around during the lectures, so this series involved some discipline in standing still for the sake of the recording.
You can tell that Peterson was trying to stay 'on track' with his lecture this time, compared to previous ones. Much slower, less covered. I like the fast and chaotic spider-web'd lectures Peterson does, though it makes sense to put some blinders on every now and then. Perhaps he did this after their exam in response to their grades or something lol
Would you say that Skype is or is not a prohibitive barrier to perceiving the subtleties of non-verbal communication when one is engaged in psychotherapy?
A question that has popped in my mind is how you deal with the person who is overly sensitive and at the same time, likes to complain? For example, the tendency to complain about the situations in which he or she could have been solving the problem actively but instead, just watched the situation happen. One option is to let it go (is it a good one if that's the person you care about)? Another option is telling them that maybe they should have done this or that to make situation better (but then they will get overly upset and take it as an attack on them even though from the first view, they weren't the bad guys which might put a relationship on risk)? Third option could be asking a question "Is there anything you could have done to improve this situation over long-term?" Which as I was typing, seemed like the best option for me, subjectively. However, there is a huge fight between those 3.
I had this idea. If we take into account the evolutionary perspective, there are parts of us that still operates in the same ways as it does in an animal. That`s why learning & behaviour psychology is so usefull, it outlines these somewhat robotic parts of the human brain with great accuracy. It`s interesting to note what Rogers and the humanists say about becoming a whole human being. That would mean making the old, lower parts of the brain work with more developed higher parts of the brain. So for example; if one has irrational anxiety, one could categorize that as a function of the older parts of the brain - the non-verbal parts. Survival mechanisms that reacts on stimuli in the enviroment, and stimuli created by the higher functions of the brain (the imaginitative capacities). The developed parts of our brain that deal with abstract thinking interpolates narratives of meaning on top of the non-verbal phenomena created by the lower parts. And here I think much of the problems of modern man lies. Does your verbal constructs work with, or against your non-verbal bodily, or survival functions. When there is a negative feeling in the body - does it invoke all of the higher abstract thinking capabilites? or is it detached. Does it serve any usefull function to create a whole intellectualized, abstract concept based on a feeling? I think not, it is to misuse the imaginative capabilites. What might be better is to deconstruct all abstractions so that one gets to a place of stillness where emotion can be observed directly, without invoking the higher mental abbilities. Cause I don`t believe that the survival mechanisms listen to reason, they are non-verbal after all. I believe this is the real state mindfullnes, being in the body, not trying to avoid it by trying to think a way out of it. I`ve seen people who been very nervous before a public speech, but it did not bother them or diminish their presentation in any way. They were fine with being nervous, and said they were so out loud. This shows acceptance of the nervousness. And that`s a great way to deal with the older parts of the brain. If one does not accept, it invokes the higher abilities - trying to find a way to escape the here & now, one part of oneself tries to escape the other, and thats pathological.
+Rince wind I think that's accurate and insightful - I've been meditating regularly for a while now, and I my experiences support that idea. It also reminds of the Jungian process of "integration of the shadow" - Peterson has some good lectures on that as it relates to the archetype of evil.
Phenomenology started with Immanual Kant, in Konigsberg in East Prussia, good 100 years before Husserl, but can be easily traced down to Descartes, who was sure only of having a representation of the outside world.
I feel like I am too dumb to understand some of what he says in real time. Like, he'll say a sentence, like at 3:15, and I have to pause the video, and replay what he said. Between 3:15 and 4:00, where he says, "every theory is set within a set of assumptions... every system has to have axioms, because every system is incomplete". That concept is incredibly deep. It is like fundamental to nuiansed thinking, and I think that is why some people spend their whole lives confused and conflicted, because if you don't understand that almost everything you believe is really just a heuristic, then you really can't understand the world. This is partly why the overton window is so pernicious.
thank you sir, those lectures are having what i would call profound and transformial effect on me. im assuming its for the best, but i hope there will be plenty of time to asses that in hindsight....and on top of that im feeling more legitimized in my consumption of coke zero. gratitude unyielding.
Rogers method of self actualization sounds rather harmonious, as you are listening to the bodies feedback and assuming that feedback feels good this process would be comfortable. How does this contrast with Carl Jung's exploration of the "underworld" in order to find oneself?
I see myself in your class one day my mentor. As a psychiatric and mental health Nurse who is currently a finalist trainee in psychology with the dream of taking specialty in clinical psychology. I have the dream of inviting you to my country Nigeria.
Fantastic! I discovered the phenomenological approach to therapy a couple of years ago, and this (and other video lectures by you) is a wonderfully clear and convincing articulation of it. I also have a question: where could I find the original quote by Nietzsche that you paraphrase as "The fact that you experience thoughts is no proof that you thought them"?
Would it be fair to say that the voices showcased in psychotic patients are manifestations of past trauma that can't be integrated into the self and are left as separate entities that still showcase the self per say just in a non conscious manner?
1:07:00 I've always thought about this danger of diagnosing someone with a mental illness and telling them that's what they have. I think in a lot of ways mental health problems are infectious and even awareness of them can get people second guessing whether they are actually sane or not. Because in reality everyone probabaly has some kind of mental deficiency, it's part of what makes us human and imperfect. So labelling can be very detrimental in this sense. Which is why I think this push for everyone to discuss mental health more needs to be looked at with a bit of caution. We are not designed to have everyone's mental issues weighing on our conscious as well as our own. I think a better solution would be to work on giving everyone the tools to sort of win their own mental battles in their heads. I think if you're a clever person you're much more capable of overcoming issues in your head than you think, and you don't necessarily need therapists or doctors to help you (especially when those types of relationships have the tainting factor of money and corporations involved).
And how do you think we would work on giving people the tools to work on their own mental health…? Through therapy / doctors / mental healthcare. Suggesting people stop seeking therapy and mental healthcare in order to shield them from the knowledge that they have mental health issues is ridiculous. The only people who equate mental illness to being crazy are old, outdated people and part of the minority. Most people now will not call someone with depression or anxiety crazy.
Dear Dr. Peterson, It seems there is no way I can see you although I have tried a couple of ways to the extent that I dreamt seeing you and even impressed you (an oppressed desire of mine, I said this example particularly to show how much I am interested in seeing you) also honestly this comment by itself is another way of trying although my first intention when I started it wasn't that. By the way, I have not found any person in your profession like you in describing my feelings although you don't even know who in the world I am!! I wish I could have your company and help. I am almost addicted in watching your lectures most of the time BUT there are parts that I wish I could ask you more. I finally decided to do this by comments. About the clients who you suppose telling the truth: Honestly I doubt that. This is one of the saddest, gloomiest, bitterest ... realities I learnt in "my journey to the underworld" or better speaking "living in the underworld" because I haven't recovered and there is no sign of any hope although I am trying hard. People live in an imaginary world they have created for themselves, they lie to the extent that your mind literally blows when you discover and when you start knowing your true self in the darkness of the underworld you understand this concept better than anyone else but the problem is when you talk to those who still walking above the thin ice don't understand you. Even you understand why some people had committed suicide or genocide. About the dreaming and the fact that dream is out of our control: All due respect I don't understand what you mean in some view and understand in some other. Understand it in the view that I have self talks and, specially in the underworld, with people in my head that are sources of my amazement. Don't understand it in the view that you talk as if there are two versions of us one who directs us and controls us when we are asleep for example. All due respect, I don't buy it for some reasons. (I hope you can explain it) One reason is that it has a teensy smell of the religious belief in it that I am trying to extract it from my thinking because I grew up under the influence of my mom's religious family whom I loved, and I have a huge tendency to believe that the God and supernatural exist, but unfortunately I have plenty of reasons that unfortunately there is not such a thing, and it is just a story that our ancestors created out of their lack of knowledge to bear a meaningless life and tame wild humans in the hope that they don't eat them. I have plenty personal reasons the most recent one was wen my journey to the underworld began, at the moment it happened, I really begged the God to kill me and end my life and I wanted it so sincere that if there was such a thing I wasn't alive to write these lines. Another reason is that no one has my dream unless me in the sense that they can not places and people and dialogue and fears and all the elements of ones dream has a direct relation to their own past experience. Emphatically I say PAST experience because although I am desperately looking for believing and having any kind of foresight even in the shape of a dream in my current state (which is a clear sing of depression I think), there is no such thing as future vision. Another reason is that personality wise I am the person who daydreams A LOT!!!! I can not control my mind even when I am awake and being distracted by many distractions let alone when I am asleep. Besides I think when we sleep we are not dead and our mind works as it works during the day so I see dreams during the day but when I am asleep the effect are more audiovisual because for some reasons the stimuli of hearing and seeing are kind of numbed or blocked and just the mind part the active or better speaking more active.
Dear Dr Peterson I love watching your videos and lectures and ... but at the same time I find myself arguing with you a lot of times LOL!!! I live in the chaos by the ways in these days!!!! about the subjective world and objective. As usual I wish I could talk to you and be your partner!!! You said the example of colour. What about this view? colour in nothing but the interpretation of our mind and nervous system of a physical and objective reality which fortunately science has proven it. it is called wavelength! or different frequencies you may prefer calling it! I have zillions to talk to you and zillions to learn from you. Good luck!
So if you had been subjected to "arbitrary conditions of worth" since infancy, and your condition of worth was constantly could it be possible that present behavior is not created by past events?
A pathology is a disease or sickness. The way I understand it is with the following characteristics: -It produces dysfunction -It produces pain and/or suffering -It is not a single instance in time, so it has some kind of continuity How's that 3 years later ?
I have a thought regarding the unconditional positive regard you are mentioning, that Rogers is talking about. I had quite a crisis in the mid 90ies, that I with some help from friends got through alive. Well, I don't think I would have died, but I probably would have been emotionally (and hence mentally, I believe those two go together in a much more intimate way than we generally think) impaired. This was when I was in the middle of my training to become a gestalt therapist. After the second year in my training (of a four year educations) I got some feedback that meant that I couldn't complete my training. I would have to re-take the year I had just gone through, which basically meant being in a group process with a new group for another year, while my class mates went on to the next year. I didn't fully understand my reaction at the time, but I learnt later on that a big portion of the physical pain, anxiety and general weariness was, shame. I think of shame as the affect that regulates social contact. In daily terms one would say shyness, but I've stuck with shame as the general term. I also relate this to Ericson's (E.H.) idea of basic trust and basic misstrust, where shame is an endemic misstrust of sorts. My experience after having worked for 18 years or so, is that when you go deep enough, you come to a place where people are concerned with how they will be perceived, on such a deep level that they will not risk taking that last step unless the situation is really safe. When appropriate (when my client is fully aware that the framework is a professional one) I can take the risk saying "I will never judge you" (I have to mean that of course, which implies acknowledging some dark places of my own of corse) and ”I will never leave you”. There is potentially a problem here, at least I thought there might be, that I will evoke ”false hope”. So far I’ve only seen positive outcomes of this. Partly I guess this has to do with me sensing if it’s appropriate for me to say something like this. But it’s not to difficult to dress this message up in a way so that it can be received without putting myself and the client in this situation. One way to ”step this down” a notch, is to play the ”what-if game” (”what if I/somebody told you …”). Well, my point here is that this is how I understand Rogers emphasis in the unconditional positive regard. (This, accidentally, leads to to the radical insight, that there can’t be evil in the world, which of course presupposes seeing even more of your own darkness and, well, Hanlons razor. :) ) Thanks a bunch for putting all these videos out there. I really appreciate them.
Anxiety seems to be a heightened state of concern, where many of the symptoms are physical in nature. Increased heart rate, breathing, adrenaline, etc. It can also be connected with the inability to respond or focus on stimuli. I think it is very possible to have a sense or knowledge that something is wrong...without necessarily being in a state of anxiety.
I used to go to the pub for the fire. I don't like me neighbours and I when to sit in the garden. I live in a flat no garden and I got work garden work. I need to go. I was nieve I don't know Sitting my the fire. You know you're pubs.
Subjective world, objective world = conceptualization? I would say the concept comes first, so more like: Concept+Subjective+Objective=World So its not seperate worlds. One world. But the steps from nothing to something is not by our sheer intelligence if you know what I mean. The Concept is already out there, we just gotta go fetch it..but only IF GOD wants. All else is running around like fools.
My best friend has that she fakes all these "seizures" she goes to the hospital 4 times a month and I go with her and waist all this time.The doctor says there is no seizure they don't know what the hell she is "having" but it's not a seizure. So now she takes very strong anxiety pills along with her epilepsy meds for an epileptic seizure which she hasn't had since 18 years past. And every word from her mouth is her community living is her life and she will never work Thank God"
Some of this playlist draws attention less vibrantly than he characteristically does, one just realises ranging through various approaches is necessary for a full understanding, so one tries not to wander off, lol. Parts are brilliant renditions of facets of his general theme mind, gets one back on track, roflmao.
Rightly I know I sure be shooked when science cross ebolo with of germ but I had a chance of heart I not sirprised any more. I think its sad but oh well now hum
You cant expect a spiritual answer on a medical question, just like you cant expect a medical answer on a spiritual question. Sometimes they can explain the same phenomenon, using different languages, but one deals with the spiritual and the other with the medical. Also, trust me, you don't want the spiritual answer to why Africa is stricken with so much pain. God forgive us!
Consciousness is not "a mere epiphenomenon". It is the very water in which we swim. There is no pragmatic difference between the objective and the subjective. When we attempt to separate them we run into real trouble.
Incredible that such "intelligent" people still have invisible daddies in the sky... with this woowoo as our fundamental Murican epistemology, we are so f'd...
this is a very sophomoric understanding of rogers. another example of peterson's mediocrity as a teacher and all of this obscure sophistry that he claims to reject is on full display here. as soon as he gets into real life examples it is just folk wisdom.
You realise that that is his whole point. Traditions passed down through stories that represent part of our reality, grounded in archaic, fundamental truths about the human psyche and our perception on what is real. I think you most likely have a poor understanding of the subject, or you'd have at least tried backing yourself up in some way but in the interest of fairness I'm going to assume instead that you probably have your reasons whether you articulate them properly or not. Have a wonderful day.
@@M4dM4n96if psychology is to be considered a science then the whole project should be elevating and moving it beyond folk wisdom. otherwise what's the point?
Because he's not teaching psychology here. He's mapping out how the ancient stories are related to 'modern' works of fiction for the soul reason of showing that they weren't just superstition, they were inarticulated fact that have been built upon for millennia. And then to really round it off he presents the scientific evidence in relation to these ancient facts. All he is really doing is justifying his mode of thinking, allowing you to see his train of thought in a flowing narrative.
@@M4dM4n96 well, the title of the lecture is rogers and phenomenology. sounds like psychology teach in to me. furthermore, your description of what peterson is doing have nothing to do with rogers so why use him in the first place? unless he has a particular agenda to legitimize his project using famous authors (I think this is a reasonable opinion). the point of science is to either reject the theory, embrace the theory in light of new evidence or expand on the theory, something that marvin frankel does with rogers. peterson does neither, instead he forces rogers into his frame.
Its not about them being famous authors. They're the most recognised in their fields so of course he is going to expand on what they've revealed. Also I just want to point out that I didnt mean he isn't teaching psychology in the lecture specifically, because obviously he is teaching psychology. What I meant was that he is attempting to explain that those ancient stories are not just folk wisdom, lore or tales. The stories that he presents are supposed to show that the civilisations where these stories originated had already understood what the psychologists of the future were able to build upon, and prove, to a certain extent. The point he is trying to make is that religion was humanity's first attempt at explaining our reality, and that those stories are much more important than we like to believe. He expands on those stories and produces data to support their significance, just like a scientist is supposed to do. Your focus being on Peterson using other peoples work to further an agenda, whilst supposedly getting it wrong, shows your intent and betrays your argument. What do you actually disagree with here?
This dude is massively egotistical Look at how little he touches on the actual persons idea He constantly uses his own examples in excessively verbose ways that seem more to be about playing with himself No wonder he’s become an anti social justice celebrity
An accurate observation; I'm sure that he would agree that he is fairly highly narcissistic, which I think you mean when you say "egotistical". Your final comment is a non sequitur however.
Actually, the last comment is the exact opposite of non sequitur. It reveals the motivation and intent of the observation, and the bias of the observer.
This dude is a professor teaching a class on psychology, not philosophy. Of course he's going to use his own examples and his own thought that's what the academic life is like
He often says "I've been thinking about this a lot" as though that makes it important, or that because he's struggled with it he's done the hard work for his followers.
These lectures are so profound and rich in content! I always come back and find something new that I missed the times before. I could have easily watched this same video at least a dozen times so far.
Teacher that makes his students think, and be interested with the conversation. Hope to see him speak in person one day. Listen to Mr. Peterson, all day sometimes.
Half way done with the 2016 lectures. I must say, they have simply improved my life. From waking up in the morning, to going to bed at night, these lectures made everything throughout my day better. From disciplining myself, to congratulating myself, to eating healthier and practicing healthy habits. Practicing personal hygiene, i mean everything. These lectures caused a paradigm shift. And i encourage anybody who is searching for direction in life, these lectures are a great way to start learning about yourself.
Thank you Dr. Peterson. I learn so much each time I listen. This is way more than psychology. It is an invitation to explore life itself.
Love when the interestingly told theory turns into really useful life advice
Looking forward to actually finding the time to read the authors that have made an impact on you, Mr Peterson.
When you find reading material, books hes read etc let me know
I do hope we have 2017 Personality Lectures. With every extra year of lectures
there seems to be an extra clarification or insight that helps me greatly.
The nuance and care of thought and just the damn kindness in this is really moving and truly helpful. I'm going to need to reflect on it before I can properly say why and in what ways. But thank you.
That camera angle makes me feel like I am Professor Peterson's dog. I keep waiting for him to give me a snausage. lol
It seems like Peterson wanted to have that "I'm above" you look for this lecture. An old camera trick... works ever time!
You want Jordan Peterson to "give you a sausage". That's a fun fredian slip friendo!
I am a straight man but if Professor Peterson wanted a snuggle I must admit that I would be inclined to oblige.
Jim Middle seconded, would also snuggle
+William Koscielniak I think he just propped his phone up on a desk. We know that he likes to walk around during the lectures, so this series involved some discipline in standing still for the sake of the recording.
Watching this high is a whole new level
You can tell that Peterson was trying to stay 'on track' with his lecture this time, compared to previous ones. Much slower, less covered. I like the fast and chaotic spider-web'd lectures Peterson does, though it makes sense to put some blinders on every now and then. Perhaps he did this after their exam in response to their grades or something lol
student: "Professor i don't believe i deserved a F on my exam"
Peterson: "I'm getting no emotional reaction by what you're telling me"
That was beautiful !
Really loved this lecture, thank you!
Just discovered the 2017 lectures exist. Wondering whether I should backtrack and rewatch or see this through to the end...
11:55 What a mad lad.
It would be interesting if Dr Peterson uploaded the tests he gave them for each course. Just to see where we stand
When you watch a lecture more than once and say things allowed with the video, Like learning a new language haha
Would you say that Skype is or is not a prohibitive barrier to perceiving the subtleties of non-verbal communication when one is engaged in psychotherapy?
A question that has popped in my mind is how you deal with the person who is overly sensitive and at the same time, likes to complain? For example, the tendency to complain about the situations in which he or she could have been solving the problem actively but instead, just watched the situation happen.
One option is to let it go (is it a good one if that's the person you care about)?
Another option is telling them that maybe they should have done this or that to make situation better (but then they will get overly upset and take it as an attack on them even though from the first view, they weren't the bad guys which might put a relationship on risk)?
Third option could be asking a question "Is there anything you could have done to improve this situation over long-term?" Which as I was typing, seemed like the best option for me, subjectively. However, there is a huge fight between those 3.
I had this idea. If we take into account the evolutionary perspective, there are parts of us that still operates in the same ways as it does in an animal. That`s why learning & behaviour psychology is so usefull, it outlines these somewhat robotic parts of the human brain with great accuracy. It`s interesting to note what Rogers and the humanists say about becoming a whole human being. That would mean making the old, lower parts of the brain work with more developed higher parts of the brain. So for example; if one has irrational anxiety, one could categorize that as a function of the older parts of the brain - the non-verbal parts. Survival mechanisms that reacts on stimuli in the enviroment, and stimuli created by the higher functions of the brain (the imaginitative capacities).
The developed parts of our brain that deal with abstract thinking interpolates narratives of meaning on top of the non-verbal phenomena created by the lower parts. And here I think much of the problems of modern man lies. Does your verbal constructs work with, or against your non-verbal bodily, or survival functions. When there is a negative feeling in the body - does it invoke all of the higher abstract thinking capabilites? or is it detached. Does it serve any usefull function to create a whole intellectualized, abstract concept based on a feeling? I think not, it is to misuse the imaginative capabilites. What might be better is to deconstruct all abstractions so that one gets to a place of stillness where emotion can be observed directly, without invoking the higher mental abbilities. Cause I don`t believe that the survival mechanisms listen to reason, they are non-verbal after all. I believe this is the real state mindfullnes, being in the body, not trying to avoid it by trying to think a way out of it.
I`ve seen people who been very nervous before a public speech, but it did not bother them or diminish their presentation in any way. They were fine with being nervous, and said they were so out loud. This shows acceptance of the nervousness. And that`s a great way to deal with the older parts of the brain. If one does not accept, it invokes the higher abilities - trying to find a way to escape the here & now, one part of oneself tries to escape the other, and thats pathological.
+Rince wind I think that's accurate and insightful - I've been meditating regularly for a while now, and I my experiences support that idea. It also reminds of the Jungian process of "integration of the shadow" - Peterson has some good lectures on that as it relates to the archetype of evil.
Phenomenology started with Immanual Kant, in Konigsberg in East Prussia, good 100 years before Husserl, but can be easily traced down to Descartes, who was sure only of having a representation of the outside world.
I feel like I am too dumb to understand some of what he says in real time. Like, he'll say a sentence, like at 3:15, and I have to pause the video, and replay what he said. Between 3:15 and 4:00, where he says, "every theory is set within a set of assumptions... every system has to have axioms, because every system is incomplete". That concept is incredibly deep. It is like fundamental to nuiansed thinking, and I think that is why some people spend their whole lives confused and conflicted, because if you don't understand that almost everything you believe is really just a heuristic, then you really can't understand the world. This is partly why the overton window is so pernicious.
thank you sir, those lectures are having what i would call profound and transformial effect on me. im assuming its for the best, but i hope there will be plenty of time to asses that in hindsight....and on top of that im feeling more legitimized in my consumption of coke zero. gratitude unyielding.
7:50 some clearing: special relativity was published in 1905, general relativity in 1915. both theories worked within 4D spacetime continuum frame. ;)
1:10:15 - Communication note
51:57 & for the next bit.
Live life w/out resenting.
Girl: How'd you know you love me?
Peterson: There's sensation that emerges from my mid section when I see you. 1:05:19
Rogers method of self actualization sounds rather harmonious, as you are listening to the bodies feedback and assuming that feedback feels good this process would be comfortable. How does this contrast with Carl Jung's exploration of the "underworld" in order to find oneself?
Where does he actually talk about Rogers and his contributions to the psychological and counseling field???
17:09 We would see this argument of the Ebola/Smallpox aerosol deal a year later in the infamous Sam Harris/JB Peterson podcast lol.
I see myself in your class one day my mentor. As a psychiatric and mental health Nurse who is currently a finalist trainee in psychology with the dream of taking specialty in clinical psychology. I have the dream of inviting you to my country Nigeria.
I think is the best lecture so far; at least for me. My mom was fucked up.
damn this is so much better then these du*b youtube videos that i usually watch
Fantastic! I discovered the phenomenological approach to therapy a couple of years ago, and this (and other video lectures by you) is a wonderfully clear and convincing articulation of it.
I also have a question: where could I find the original quote by Nietzsche that you paraphrase as "The fact that you experience thoughts is no proof that you thought them"?
Found it: in "Jenseits von Gut und Böse", sections 16-17.
René P. For non German speakers, this is Beyond Good and Evil. Here is a write up on the paragraph:
Michael Lustig thank you bro
Just taking notes for my self: 1:15:53
I miss you Jordan B Peterson.
0:02 goosebumps ...
I like the word field because field can be translated to engery field
Would it be fair to say that the voices showcased in psychotic patients are manifestations of past trauma that can't be integrated into the self and are left as separate entities that still showcase the self per say just in a non conscious manner?
I've always thought about this danger of diagnosing someone with a mental illness and telling them that's what they have. I think in a lot of ways mental health problems are infectious and even awareness of them can get people second guessing whether they are actually sane or not. Because in reality everyone probabaly has some kind of mental deficiency, it's part of what makes us human and imperfect. So labelling can be very detrimental in this sense. Which is why I think this push for everyone to discuss mental health more needs to be looked at with a bit of caution. We are not designed to have everyone's mental issues weighing on our conscious as well as our own. I think a better solution would be to work on giving everyone the tools to sort of win their own mental battles in their heads. I think if you're a clever person you're much more capable of overcoming issues in your head than you think, and you don't necessarily need therapists or doctors to help you (especially when those types of relationships have the tainting factor of money and corporations involved).
So very well put, all of what you typed.
And how do you think we would work on giving people the tools to work on their own mental health…? Through therapy / doctors / mental healthcare. Suggesting people stop seeking therapy and mental healthcare in order to shield them from the knowledge that they have mental health issues is ridiculous. The only people who equate mental illness to being crazy are old, outdated people and part of the minority. Most people now will not call someone with depression or anxiety crazy.
Watching this has bumped Jung off and put Rogers at the top 😂
1:07:27 honest communication
Dear Dr. Peterson,
It seems there is no way I can see you although I have tried a couple of ways to the extent that I dreamt seeing you and even impressed you (an oppressed desire of mine, I said this example particularly to show how much I am interested in seeing you) also honestly this comment by itself is another way of trying although my first intention when I started it wasn't that. By the way, I have not found any person in your profession like you in describing my feelings although you don't even know who in the world I am!! I wish I could have your company and help. I am almost addicted in watching your lectures most of the time BUT there are parts that I wish I could ask you more. I finally decided to do this by comments.
About the clients who you suppose telling the truth:
Honestly I doubt that. This is one of the saddest, gloomiest, bitterest ... realities I learnt in "my journey to the underworld" or better speaking "living in the underworld" because I haven't recovered and there is no sign of any hope although I am trying hard. People live in an imaginary world they have created for themselves, they lie to the extent that your mind literally blows when you discover and when you start knowing your true self in the darkness of the underworld you understand this concept better than anyone else but the problem is when you talk to those who still walking above the thin ice don't understand you. Even you understand why some people had committed suicide or genocide.
About the dreaming and the fact that dream is out of our control:
All due respect I don't understand what you mean in some view and understand in some other.
Understand it in the view that I have self talks and, specially in the underworld, with people in my head that are sources of my amazement.
Don't understand it in the view that you talk as if there are two versions of us one who directs us and controls us when we are asleep for example.
All due respect, I don't buy it for some reasons. (I hope you can explain it)
One reason is that it has a teensy smell of the religious belief in it that I am trying to extract it from my thinking because I grew up under the influence of my mom's religious family whom I loved, and I have a huge tendency to believe that the God and supernatural exist, but unfortunately I have plenty of reasons that unfortunately there is not such a thing, and it is just a story that our ancestors created out of their lack of knowledge to bear a meaningless life and tame wild humans in the hope that they don't eat them. I have plenty personal reasons the most recent one was wen my journey to the underworld began, at the moment it happened, I really begged the God to kill me and end my life and I wanted it so sincere that if there was such a thing I wasn't alive to write these lines.
Another reason is that no one has my dream unless me in the sense that they can not places and people and dialogue and fears and all the elements of ones dream has a direct relation to their own past experience. Emphatically I say PAST experience because although I am desperately looking for believing and having any kind of foresight even in the shape of a dream in my current state (which is a clear sing of depression I think), there is no such thing as future vision.
Another reason is that personality wise I am the person who daydreams A LOT!!!! I can not control my mind even when I am awake and being distracted by many distractions let alone when I am asleep. Besides I think when we sleep we are not dead and our mind works as it works during the day so I see dreams during the day but when I am asleep the effect are more audiovisual because for some reasons the stimuli of hearing and seeing are kind of numbed or blocked and just the mind part the active or better speaking more active.
Dear Dr Peterson
I love watching your videos and lectures and ... but at the same time I find myself arguing with you a lot of times LOL!!!
I live in the chaos by the ways in these days!!!!
about the subjective world and objective.
As usual I wish I could talk to you and be your partner!!!
You said the example of colour. What about this view?
colour in nothing but the interpretation of our mind and nervous system of a physical and objective reality which fortunately science has proven it. it is called wavelength! or different frequencies you may prefer calling it!
I have zillions to talk to you and zillions to learn from you.
Good luck!
So if you had been subjected to "arbitrary conditions of worth" since infancy, and your condition of worth was constantly could it be possible that present behavior is not created by past events?
Mary Austin all behaviour is created, or at least guided by past events
Unless of course it is shaped by future events...
"I'll act this 'way' now in order to achieve 'that' later."
What does pappy mean when he says 'pathological'? I've googled a lot but failed to get a simple understandable answer. Help would be appreciated
A pathology is a disease or sickness.
The way I understand it is with the following characteristics:
-It produces dysfunction
-It produces pain and/or suffering
-It is not a single instance in time, so it has some kind of continuity
How's that 3 years later ?
I have a thought regarding the unconditional positive regard you are mentioning, that Rogers is talking about. I had quite a crisis in the mid 90ies, that I with some help from friends got through alive. Well, I don't think I would have died, but I probably would have been emotionally (and hence mentally, I believe those two go together in a much more intimate way than we generally think) impaired. This was when I was in the middle of my training to become a gestalt therapist. After the second year in my training (of a four year educations) I got some feedback that meant that I couldn't complete my training. I would have to re-take the year I had just gone through, which basically meant being in a group process with a new group for another year, while my class mates went on to the next year. I didn't fully understand my reaction at the time, but I learnt later on that a big portion of the physical pain, anxiety and general weariness was, shame. I think of shame as the affect that regulates social contact. In daily terms one would say shyness, but I've stuck with shame as the general term. I also relate this to Ericson's (E.H.) idea of basic trust and basic misstrust, where shame is an endemic misstrust of sorts. My experience after having worked for 18 years or so, is that when you go deep enough, you come to a place where people are concerned with how they will be perceived, on such a deep level that they will not risk taking that last step unless the situation is really safe. When appropriate (when my client is fully aware that the framework is a professional one) I can take the risk saying "I will never judge you" (I have to mean that of course, which implies acknowledging some dark places of my own of corse) and ”I will never leave you”. There is potentially a problem here, at least I thought there might be, that I will evoke ”false hope”. So far I’ve only seen positive outcomes of this. Partly I guess this has to do with me sensing if it’s appropriate for me to say something like this. But it’s not to difficult to dress this message up in a way so that it can be received without putting myself and the client in this situation. One way to ”step this down” a notch, is to play the ”what-if game” (”what if I/somebody told you …”). Well, my point here is that this is how I understand Rogers emphasis in the unconditional positive regard. (This, accidentally, leads to to the radical insight, that there can’t be evil in the world, which of course presupposes seeing even more of your own darkness and, well, Hanlons razor. :) )
Thanks a bunch for putting all these videos out there. I really appreciate them.
It is well known that western/greek philosophy began with the pre-socratics such as Democritus well before Plato.
It is well known that clinical psychologists/psych. professors are not required to be experts in the history of philosophy.
Dr JP predicted his truth convo with Sam Harris 😅 13:33
Anxiety, the sense or knowledge that something is wrong or not right externally and/or internally. My definition, sound ok?
Anxiety seems to be a heightened state of concern, where many of the symptoms are physical in nature. Increased heart rate, breathing, adrenaline, etc. It can also be connected with the inability to respond or focus on stimuli. I think it is very possible to have a sense or knowledge that something is wrong...without necessarily being in a state of anxiety.
I like what bofe ya's said bout it.
Phenomenology: I laughed at a whooooole bunch of this
I wonder if Mikhaila has any recollection of her childhood nightmare ? 🤔
12:30 Jordan talks about china virus.
Did he say what the trivial thing that brought a tear to his eye was? I don' think he did.
Why do we all enjoy happiness together but not pain hum no sympathy.
Was it psychosomatic or psychogenic epilepsy?
I think consciousness evolved because it increases fitness (competitiveness). 🤔😉
Did he say Play Dough?
I used to go to the pub for the fire. I don't like me neighbours and I when to sit in the garden. I live in a flat no garden and I got work garden work. I need to go. I was nieve I don't know
Sitting my the fire. You know you're pubs.
Subjective world, objective world = conceptualization? I would say the concept comes first, so more like: Concept+Subjective+Objective=World
So its not seperate worlds. One world. But the steps from nothing to something is not by our sheer intelligence if you know what I mean. The Concept is already out there, we just gotta go fetch it..but only IF GOD wants. All else is running around like fools.
TH-cam is fucking nuts about not allowing links in comments. It doesn't tell you, it just deletes it.
1:05:00 interesting
Woah on 6:42 did I just hear a ghost listen carefully
My best friend has that she fakes all these "seizures" she goes to the hospital 4 times a month and I go with her and waist all this time.The doctor says there is no seizure they don't know what the hell she is "having" but it's not a seizure. So now she takes very strong anxiety pills along with her epilepsy meds for an epileptic seizure which she hasn't had since 18 years past. And every word from her mouth is her community living is her life and she will never work Thank God"
Moth Orchids lol Make some better friends
Some of this playlist draws attention less vibrantly than he characteristically does, one just realises ranging through various approaches is necessary for a full understanding, so one tries not to wander off, lol. Parts are brilliant renditions of facets of his general theme mind, gets one back on track, roflmao.
Rightly I know I sure be shooked when science cross ebolo with of germ but I had a chance of heart I not sirprised any more. I think its sad but oh well now hum
You cant expect a spiritual answer on a medical question, just like you cant expect a medical answer on a spiritual question. Sometimes they can explain the same phenomenon, using different languages, but one deals with the spiritual and the other with the medical. Also, trust me, you don't want the spiritual answer to why Africa is stricken with so much pain. God forgive us!
Consciousness is not "a mere epiphenomenon". It is the very water in which we swim.
There is no pragmatic difference between the objective and the subjective.
When we attempt to separate them we run into real trouble.
You anoy my something but it ok
Incredible that such "intelligent" people still have invisible daddies in the sky... with this woowoo as our fundamental Murican epistemology, we are so f'd...
I thought he was a Jesuit?!
this is a very sophomoric understanding of rogers. another example of peterson's mediocrity as a teacher and all of this obscure sophistry that he claims to reject is on full display here. as soon as he gets into real life examples it is just folk wisdom.
You realise that that is his whole point. Traditions passed down through stories that represent part of our reality, grounded in archaic, fundamental truths about the human psyche and our perception on what is real.
I think you most likely have a poor understanding of the subject, or you'd have at least tried backing yourself up in some way but in the interest of fairness I'm going to assume instead that you probably have your reasons whether you articulate them properly or not.
Have a wonderful day.
@@M4dM4n96if psychology is to be considered a science then the whole project should be elevating and moving it beyond folk wisdom. otherwise what's the point?
Because he's not teaching psychology here.
He's mapping out how the ancient stories are related to 'modern' works of fiction for the soul reason of showing that they weren't just superstition, they were inarticulated fact that have been built upon for millennia.
And then to really round it off he presents the scientific evidence in relation to these ancient facts.
All he is really doing is justifying his mode of thinking, allowing you to see his train of thought in a flowing narrative.
@@M4dM4n96 well, the title of the lecture is rogers and phenomenology. sounds like psychology teach in to me. furthermore, your description of what peterson is doing have nothing to do with rogers so why use him in the first place? unless he has a particular agenda to legitimize his project using famous authors (I think this is a reasonable opinion). the point of science is to either reject the theory, embrace the theory in light of new evidence or expand on the theory, something that marvin frankel does with rogers. peterson does neither, instead he forces rogers into his frame.
Its not about them being famous authors. They're the most recognised in their fields so of course he is going to expand on what they've revealed.
Also I just want to point out that I didnt mean he isn't teaching psychology in the lecture specifically, because obviously he is teaching psychology. What I meant was that he is attempting to explain that those ancient stories are not just folk wisdom, lore or tales.
The stories that he presents are supposed to show that the civilisations where these stories originated had already understood what the psychologists of the future were able to build upon, and prove, to a certain extent.
The point he is trying to make is that religion was humanity's first attempt at explaining our reality, and that those stories are much more important than we like to believe.
He expands on those stories and produces data to support their significance, just like a scientist is supposed to do.
Your focus being on Peterson using other peoples work to further an agenda, whilst supposedly getting it wrong, shows your intent and betrays your argument.
What do you actually disagree with here?
The advisement is frustrating , it disturbs the flow of the lecture and affects insights
This dude is massively egotistical
Look at how little he touches on the actual persons idea
He constantly uses his own examples in excessively verbose ways that seem more to be about playing with himself
No wonder he’s become an anti social justice celebrity
An accurate observation; I'm sure that he would agree that he is fairly highly narcissistic, which I think you mean when you say "egotistical". Your final comment is a non sequitur however.
Actually, the last comment is the exact opposite of non sequitur. It reveals the motivation and intent of the observation, and the bias of the observer.
sclemons -- non sequitur, sed praeqitur? It doesn't follow, it goes before☺
This dude is a professor teaching a class on psychology, not philosophy. Of course he's going to use his own examples and his own thought that's what the academic life is like
He often says "I've been thinking about this a lot" as though that makes it important, or that because he's struggled with it he's done the hard work for his followers.