After some time and further consideration, thought I'd create some new builds based on this series to break out of almost always using some slight variant of the same set of skills. Limitations are no PvE skills (so heroes can also use). I also prefer for elites only to be used by the applicable primary profession: ~0:02:30 Regarding Dwayna's Touch.... After reviewing my original comments, tested and this does not work with Vow of Silence as I had suspected. A player running an Arcane Zeal healing support build could use this, but a hero is likely to run into the frontline. I can't see ever slotting save for some solo build.... ~0:10:03 Regarding Grenth's Grasp.... Being an elite enchantment, for me that means no teardown. No teardown means d-enchantments with benefits on the frontend and backenders must be of short duration/recharge. Since the elite's benefits are triggered on attack skills, that means at least 3 and likely just 2 working d-enchantments rather than my typical 2 and 3 respectively. After considering my Wind Prayers and Mysticism d-enchantment options, came down to Whirling Charge for spammable aoe cold damage and my go to Eremite's Zeal. First tested with just 2 attack skills, but the energy demands limited effectiveness. Ended up with.... Grenth's Grasp: Meditation, Victorious Sweep, Whiling Charge, Eremite's Zeal, Zealous Sweep (wasting the adrenaline), Mystic Sweep, Extend Extend Enchantments, Grenth's Grasp With so much enchantment hate in PvE, not sure where I would ever use this. ~0:12:11 Regarding Guiding Hands.... It seems as though warriors, rangers and assassins have far more tools to deal with blocking than does the dervish. Irresistible Sweep can easily deal with blocking stances, but what of enchantments? Twin Moon Sweep will get some hits in, but you'll have to have the adrenaline and does nothing to resolve the problem. I don't care about removing blind my backline or other options can deal with that. Even at 12 Wind Prayers, Guiding Hands gets me 2 hits. Now what? In the heat of battle I likely won't know the blocking source. Okay I consume Guiding, then remove with Irresistible, yet the blocking remains. I try Winds of Disenchantment (assuming I have a disposable d-enchantment active). Rending Touch if yet another disposable d-enchantment on hand. If using a hex strategy, the best bet is to abandon Wind and and go D/N for the appropriate hex. If using a condition strategy, your options are limited. Where is the dervish elite that makes all attacks unblockable? Rangers have a simple non-elite prep. ~0:13:30 Regarding Lyssa's Haste.... I suppose one could use with some other elites, but I was having energy concerns. Went back to my default elite.... Pious Renewal [Lyssa's Haste]: Extend Enchantments, Victorious Sweep, Lyssa's Haste, Eremite's Zeal, Pious Renewal, Irresistible Sweep/[Teardown Attack], [Open], [Open] Key here is to extend Lyssa's so that it lasts past it's recharge at the start. The window is small, so recast for aoe interrupt upon each recharge so it affects itself. Use Extend again if window missed. At first glance, one would use with Avatar of Lyssa, but the form already decreases recharge by 50%, so the 33% decrease from Lyssa's is wasted. My proposed build opens the elite slot. ~0:23:50 Regarding Natural Healing.... On this revisit, I see no practical use for this skill. My original comments considered use after the opposition stripped down all of your enchantments, but one should be better prepared in PvE than just a faster self heal out of it. Every derv elite is enchantment based to differing degrees. Seems that there are a handful of skills in each profession that are designed to be used when running a build opposite of the standard mechanics of that profession, but I don't see it for the derv. Next would be use by a D/x, but I only see enchantment based skills in this line so I don't see much value here for an unenchanted derv secondary other than Natural (which feels like a ranger skill to me). Guessing that this was envisioned to be best used is specific builds but those skills never materialized or were later changed. ~0:25:35 Regarding Onslaught.... Played around more with this and I can understand the attraction. A sleek, fast sports car that will surely be in the shop more than expected. The upsides are increased damage from auto attacks and adrenaline skills; however, this doesn't have any guaranteed benefits. Mass blind, weakness and/or miss hexes can counter the attack damage and/or slow adrenaline. Once you get to the backline, movement boosts aren't that material and can be countered with condition and/or hex snares. Adrenaline can be denied or slowed. Punishment hexes can burn you down in seconds. Your elite enchantment can be stripped. Granted, in PvE you'll know what you're facing and prepare, but usually the area will be heavy on one or more different counters. In contrast, Pious Renewal will be almost guaranteed aoe damage in a decent teardown build. Wounding Strike (if it hits and setup) is guaranteed +17 damage, bleeding and deep wound. Vow of Strength is guaranteed aoe damage as I understand it's functionality. I agree that Onslaught is extremely strong in an accommodating environment, but how many are there in PvE? Onslaught: Onslaught, Victorious Sweep, Zealous Renewal, Eremite's Zeal, [Open], Mystic Sweep, [Open], Extend Enchantments ~0:28:01 Regarding Pious Restoration.... Given the name, obviously designed to be used with Pious Renewal. With the teardown requirement, you're risking possibly losing Onslaught or other key enchantment. Looking for a cheap, disposable, quick recharge feeder d-enchantment in this line and just don't see it. Whirling Charge looks like the best candidate for damage plus heal and it's ready again soon enough. My observation really is that Earth Prayers has Signet of Pious Light, which can be used with Pious Renewal or with Vital Boon. There is no Wind equivalent to Earth's Vital. ~0:30:29 Reaper's Sweep [Rending Aura]: [Open], Victorious Sweep, Rending Aura, Eremite's Zeal, Zealous Renewal, Irresistible Sweep, Reaper's Sweep, [Open] ~0:35:28 Regarding Signet of Mystic Speed.... I don't readily see the material value in this. There's no slow cast enchantments in Wind and Faithful Intervention is cast pre-battle and has no duration. That leaves Arcane Zeal unless abandoning Scythe Mastery for Earth Prayers or a secondary profession line. No one would burn a slot to get Vital Boon off quick; therefore, this must be a counter to rupting Arcane Zeal or a self enchantment from another line. Works for 1 enchantment at 0 Wind, so there's that. There's some slow casting enchantments in Protection Prayers (namely Aegis). If this is to see any use, it should be a permanent buff until consumed (e.g. Signet of Strength). ~0:38:43 Regarding Signet of Pious Restraint.... Looking closer at this one. Obviously to be paired with Signet of Pious Restraint, but I don't see any damage over time in Wind that would really benefit from this. In Earth Prayers one could snare for Mystic Sandstorm, so why isn't the signet in that line. As it is, you are snaring for a teammate, most likely a backline ele nuker (assuming the hero hasn't already used them by the time you get the cripple inflicted). It is cheap and recharges every 5s if used correctly. Crippling Vow of Silence dervs does have it's place. ~0:43:07 Vow of Piety.... Following up on my original comments. This is useless in a teardown build. It worked great in testing slotted #7 in the Onslaught build above. On the other hand it's risky and limiting in a Vow of Silence build as it should stay on top of VoS if timed correctly, requiring two emergency teardown attack skills to get VoS off for healing. I tested with my proposed build and it didn't time right to renew. ~0:51:16 Regarding Zealous Vow.... Reviewing my original comments and other than my stating would never use, I'm believe my thinking was correct. Against heavy e-denial, this only costs 5e so you should be able to either cast going in or soon after the first wave of Energy Surges. That initial damage would fuel some adrenaline and faster auto attacking should get your energy pool back up to a useable level. Facing Quicksand, auto attacks should net +4 energy and attack skills +3. The strategy is using attack skills judiciously and lean more on increased auto attack speed and damage and e-manage enchantments.... Zealous Vow: ZV, Victorious Sweep, [Open], Eremite's Zeal, [Open], Zealous Sweep, Heart if Fury, [Open]
For Grenths Grasp to work you dont necessarily need a cold weapon. Using something that makes your attacks do cold damage (e.g. Grenths Fingers) does the job aswell adn allows you to use any weapon with it.
Would never use Attacker's Insight. If I need blocking I will either use a stance or rely on my backline for related enchantments/weapon spells. If I want weakness, the backline will handle that too. Maybe in some solo build or in a small party, but would never waste a slot otherwise. Featherfoot Grace seems like another fail. Want more movement speed, bring a stance. Let the backline handle your conditions. If Dwayna's Touch could be used as a self-heal with Vow of Silence, that I'd have something. Since I assume it can't, I want my backline to handle healing and I certainly don't want to bother healing anyone else. I really wanted to use Grenth's Aura, but the lack of an end effect really killed it for me. Currently it's in the ex-girlfriend category, as we tried to make it but things just didn't work out. After hearing your comments and thinking about (e.g.) Empathy, she's looking better these days. Keep this as a reserve enchantment, get hit with Empathy, pop this until your friends can help you out. I still think it should have the same life steal on the end as it does on the start, the irritating thing that caused the breakup to start with. When in Wind Prayers it usually means I looking for cold damage or other common themes here. For my teardown build, Grenth's Fingers is one of the go to feeders for my #1 slot. Relieves my monks of some condition removal and forces opposing monks to deal with them even if I'm not using conditions on the team. My biggest problem is the 10 sec recharge. Earth Prayers has two A-List feeders with 6 sec recharge; the Wind Prayers' similar are on average longer. Rending Aura is the other candidate here. The effect on KD's foes is just a bonus if your team happens to do it, the conditional effect is the aoe cold and cracked armor. Crippled is a weak condition for PvE, so Grenth's Grasp is useless to me compared to the non-elite Fingers in a teardown. Because of Asuran Scan, I would only use Guiding Hands as a reserve enchantment in a very hex hostile area and blind can be handled in better ways. I would consider on a hero when expecting lots of blocking. As stated many times in this series, "if moving" conditional effects are too unreliable in PvE, so Harrier's Grasp fails. Same for Harrier's Haste. Lyssa's Haste is another in the line of ex-girlfriend skills. I played around with this early then lost interest, but I'm taking another look now that we're getting near closing time. This could work with my typical teardown build, by freeing the elite for something else than Pious Renewal. Would be really nice if this had a shorter or conditionally shorter recharge. The mass rupt could work to really mess with annoying mass mesmers and Vow of Silence dervs. The biggest problem is my strategic playstyle, namely building a team of hero builds than can be used with any profession. This means that the strategy can't rely on any skill on my own bar unless it can be effectively used by any class in an overall effective build. The rupts from this must be a bonus advantage to the overall strategy, not a essential part. Mystic Healing is getting a strong look. I would never use on my own bar or any frontline derv (let the backline provide the cake), but in a team that is using a lot of self enchantments and using other cheap enchantments with decent duration or longer for healing and protection, this looks like a real strong option for any caster/D for a mass cheap spammable support heal. I need to remember this one when I need lots of party healing (e.g. burning). I'm giving this one a 5 just on the promise. Mystic Twister is the wind version of Mystic Sandstorm. Twister is one and done damage, but foes can scatter from Sandstorm. These are my filler adrenaline slot when running wind or earth. If damage type is irrelevant, I typically run wind when I want damage but not inflict conditions; earth when I want damage with conditions. (Note that there are options for conditions in wind.) Natural Healing is not interesting since it's a self heal, but I can see some use in super enchantment hostile areas. Using no enchantments and taking more damage than usual, here's some relief. Just got a shatter spike, take this and back to the dog that bit you. Okay, we have to talk. Onslaught just isn't as pretty as you think she is, and I think she's been hanging around down at the docks looking for sailors. As a flash you can recast without any stoppage, but at 10e per pop for a relatively short duration enchantment, this is going to take some resources to fund along with your other skills. Yes, you can take more adrenaline skills, but this also takes your elite slot. I would much rather spec as D/W for non-elite adrenaline and ias, freeing up the rest of the bar for a different elite plus other stuff. Perhaps I should head down to the docks and take another test ride, but I can't see things improving with age. Pious Restoration is one the best options as a self heal when going solo or for bar compression in small parties. Neither of the wind signets seem of any real value. Can't be effectively used to fuel Symbolic Strike either. I can possibly see a backline support derv using Signet of Pious Restraint to snare for aoe ele damage or any derv against (e.g.) Vow of Silence dervs. (Okay, that last one really got me thinking.) Wiki says that heroes do not use Test of Faith, so this is for a player's bar alone. Seems very niche. Vow of Piety has been a fail for me. Since it moves to the top of the enchantment stack when it renews, you can't really use this in a teardown without a lot of awareness and care. (This is what I remember.) I can see this useful in a non-teardown build in a very enchantment friendly area where you and/or your team are spamming lots of short duration enchantments. Could be very useful perhaps in a Vow of Silence build, as it would renew each time you restart VoS, provide the bonus armor for protection, and provide some healing? Been awhile since I've used Whirling Charge. Looking with fresh eyes, I can't see this working well as a feeder since it will likely end before you have an applicable attack skill ready. On the other hand this can work as a damage bank. Pop this, target some foe in the middle of a mob, run and boom. With a short 6 sec recharge, it's effective without the speed boost. Looks like a nice pair with Vow of Piety above since it's removal doesn't require a teardown skill and has an inherent short duration. Winds of Disenchantment I like, but the 15 sec recharge limits it a bit. Other aoe damage skills that I would normally put in this slot will likely have shorter recharge, but when needing some additional enchantment removal is often the best option. Again another rare skill that can remove enchantments that can't be directly removed by normal means. I would never trust my e-management to something like Zealous Vow. The mobs have to be large and bunched, and it's effectiveness would fall as the battle progressed. I could possible see this vs. the undead in the Desolation since the mobs are large and they use Quicksand. The fact that this can be capped off of two Vabbi bosses suggest that this was meant to be used there and/or the Desolation.
After some time and further consideration, thought I'd create some new builds based on this series to break out of almost always using some slight variant of the same set of skills. Limitations are no PvE skills (so heroes can also use). I also prefer for elites only to be used by the applicable primary profession:
~0:02:30 Regarding Dwayna's Touch.... After reviewing my original comments, tested and this does not work with Vow of Silence as I had suspected. A player running an Arcane Zeal healing support build could use this, but a hero is likely to run into the frontline. I can't see ever slotting save for some solo build....
~0:10:03 Regarding Grenth's Grasp.... Being an elite enchantment, for me that means no teardown. No teardown means d-enchantments with benefits on the frontend and backenders must be of short duration/recharge. Since the elite's benefits are triggered on attack skills, that means at least 3 and likely just 2 working d-enchantments rather than my typical 2 and 3 respectively. After considering my Wind Prayers and Mysticism d-enchantment options, came down to Whirling Charge for spammable aoe cold damage and my go to Eremite's Zeal. First tested with just 2 attack skills, but the energy demands limited effectiveness. Ended up with....
Grenth's Grasp: Meditation, Victorious Sweep, Whiling Charge, Eremite's Zeal, Zealous Sweep (wasting the adrenaline), Mystic Sweep, Extend Extend Enchantments, Grenth's Grasp
With so much enchantment hate in PvE, not sure where I would ever use this.
~0:12:11 Regarding Guiding Hands.... It seems as though warriors, rangers and assassins have far more tools to deal with blocking than does the dervish. Irresistible Sweep can easily deal with blocking stances, but what of enchantments? Twin Moon Sweep will get some hits in, but you'll have to have the adrenaline and does nothing to resolve the problem. I don't care about removing blind my backline or other options can deal with that. Even at 12 Wind Prayers, Guiding Hands gets me 2 hits. Now what? In the heat of battle I likely won't know the blocking source. Okay I consume Guiding, then remove with Irresistible, yet the blocking remains. I try Winds of Disenchantment (assuming I have a disposable d-enchantment active). Rending Touch if yet another disposable d-enchantment on hand. If using a hex strategy, the best bet is to abandon Wind and and go D/N for the appropriate hex. If using a condition strategy, your options are limited. Where is the dervish elite that makes all attacks unblockable? Rangers have a simple non-elite prep.
~0:13:30 Regarding Lyssa's Haste.... I suppose one could use with some other elites, but I was having energy concerns. Went back to my default elite....
Pious Renewal [Lyssa's Haste]: Extend Enchantments, Victorious Sweep, Lyssa's Haste, Eremite's Zeal, Pious Renewal, Irresistible Sweep/[Teardown Attack], [Open], [Open]
Key here is to extend Lyssa's so that it lasts past it's recharge at the start. The window is small, so recast for aoe interrupt upon each recharge so it affects itself. Use Extend again if window missed. At first glance, one would use with Avatar of Lyssa, but the form already decreases recharge by 50%, so the 33% decrease from Lyssa's is wasted. My proposed build opens the elite slot.
~0:23:50 Regarding Natural Healing.... On this revisit, I see no practical use for this skill. My original comments considered use after the opposition stripped down all of your enchantments, but one should be better prepared in PvE than just a faster self heal out of it. Every derv elite is enchantment based to differing degrees. Seems that there are a handful of skills in each profession that are designed to be used when running a build opposite of the standard mechanics of that profession, but I don't see it for the derv. Next would be use by a D/x, but I only see enchantment based skills in this line so I don't see much value here for an unenchanted derv secondary other than Natural (which feels like a ranger skill to me). Guessing that this was envisioned to be best used is specific builds but those skills never materialized or were later changed.
~0:25:35 Regarding Onslaught.... Played around more with this and I can understand the attraction. A sleek, fast sports car that will surely be in the shop more than expected. The upsides are increased damage from auto attacks and adrenaline skills; however, this doesn't have any guaranteed benefits. Mass blind, weakness and/or miss hexes can counter the attack damage and/or slow adrenaline. Once you get to the backline, movement boosts aren't that material and can be countered with condition and/or hex snares. Adrenaline can be denied or slowed. Punishment hexes can burn you down in seconds. Your elite enchantment can be stripped. Granted, in PvE you'll know what you're facing and prepare, but usually the area will be heavy on one or more different counters.
In contrast, Pious Renewal will be almost guaranteed aoe damage in a decent teardown build. Wounding Strike (if it hits and setup) is guaranteed +17 damage, bleeding and deep wound. Vow of Strength is guaranteed aoe damage as I understand it's functionality. I agree that Onslaught is extremely strong in an accommodating environment, but how many are there in PvE?
Onslaught: Onslaught, Victorious Sweep, Zealous Renewal, Eremite's Zeal, [Open], Mystic Sweep, [Open], Extend Enchantments
~0:28:01 Regarding Pious Restoration.... Given the name, obviously designed to be used with Pious Renewal. With the teardown requirement, you're risking possibly losing Onslaught or other key enchantment. Looking for a cheap, disposable, quick recharge feeder d-enchantment in this line and just don't see it. Whirling Charge looks like the best candidate for damage plus heal and it's ready again soon enough. My observation really is that Earth Prayers has Signet of Pious Light, which can be used with Pious Renewal or with Vital Boon. There is no Wind equivalent to Earth's Vital.
~0:30:29 Reaper's Sweep [Rending Aura]: [Open], Victorious Sweep, Rending Aura, Eremite's Zeal, Zealous Renewal, Irresistible Sweep, Reaper's Sweep, [Open]
~0:35:28 Regarding Signet of Mystic Speed.... I don't readily see the material value in this. There's no slow cast enchantments in Wind and Faithful Intervention is cast pre-battle and has no duration. That leaves Arcane Zeal unless abandoning Scythe Mastery for Earth Prayers or a secondary profession line. No one would burn a slot to get Vital Boon off quick; therefore, this must be a counter to rupting Arcane Zeal or a self enchantment from another line. Works for 1 enchantment at 0 Wind, so there's that. There's some slow casting enchantments in Protection Prayers (namely Aegis). If this is to see any use, it should be a permanent buff until consumed (e.g. Signet of Strength).
~0:38:43 Regarding Signet of Pious Restraint.... Looking closer at this one. Obviously to be paired with Signet of Pious Restraint, but I don't see any damage over time in Wind that would really benefit from this. In Earth Prayers one could snare for Mystic Sandstorm, so why isn't the signet in that line. As it is, you are snaring for a teammate, most likely a backline ele nuker (assuming the hero hasn't already used them by the time you get the cripple inflicted). It is cheap and recharges every 5s if used correctly. Crippling Vow of Silence dervs does have it's place.
~0:43:07 Vow of Piety.... Following up on my original comments. This is useless in a teardown build. It worked great in testing slotted #7 in the Onslaught build above. On the other hand it's risky and limiting in a Vow of Silence build as it should stay on top of VoS if timed correctly, requiring two emergency teardown attack skills to get VoS off for healing. I tested with my proposed build and it didn't time right to renew.
~0:51:16 Regarding Zealous Vow.... Reviewing my original comments and other than my stating would never use, I'm believe my thinking was correct. Against heavy e-denial, this only costs 5e so you should be able to either cast going in or soon after the first wave of Energy Surges. That initial damage would fuel some adrenaline and faster auto attacking should get your energy pool back up to a useable level. Facing Quicksand, auto attacks should net +4 energy and attack skills +3. The strategy is using attack skills judiciously and lean more on increased auto attack speed and damage and e-manage enchantments....
Zealous Vow: ZV, Victorious Sweep, [Open], Eremite's Zeal, [Open], Zealous Sweep, Heart if Fury, [Open]
For Grenths Grasp to work you dont necessarily need a cold weapon. Using something that makes your attacks do cold damage (e.g. Grenths Fingers) does the job aswell adn allows you to use any weapon with it.
This is true, but I generally prefer to use a cold weapon, since that means I don't have to spend a skill slot on a skill to make me deal cold damage.
Would never use Attacker's Insight. If I need blocking I will either use a stance or rely on my backline for related enchantments/weapon spells. If I want weakness, the backline will handle that too. Maybe in some solo build or in a small party, but would never waste a slot otherwise. Featherfoot Grace seems like another fail. Want more movement speed, bring a stance. Let the backline handle your conditions.
If Dwayna's Touch could be used as a self-heal with Vow of Silence, that I'd have something. Since I assume it can't, I want my backline to handle healing and I certainly don't want to bother healing anyone else.
I really wanted to use Grenth's Aura, but the lack of an end effect really killed it for me. Currently it's in the ex-girlfriend category, as we tried to make it but things just didn't work out. After hearing your comments and thinking about (e.g.) Empathy, she's looking better these days. Keep this as a reserve enchantment, get hit with Empathy, pop this until your friends can help you out. I still think it should have the same life steal on the end as it does on the start, the irritating thing that caused the breakup to start with.
When in Wind Prayers it usually means I looking for cold damage or other common themes here. For my teardown build, Grenth's Fingers is one of the go to feeders for my #1 slot. Relieves my monks of some condition removal and forces opposing monks to deal with them even if I'm not using conditions on the team. My biggest problem is the 10 sec recharge. Earth Prayers has two A-List feeders with 6 sec recharge; the Wind Prayers' similar are on average longer. Rending Aura is the other candidate here. The effect on KD's foes is just a bonus if your team happens to do it, the conditional effect is the aoe cold and cracked armor. Crippled is a weak condition for PvE, so Grenth's Grasp is useless to me compared to the non-elite Fingers in a teardown.
Because of Asuran Scan, I would only use Guiding Hands as a reserve enchantment in a very hex hostile area and blind can be handled in better ways. I would consider on a hero when expecting lots of blocking. As stated many times in this series, "if moving" conditional effects are too unreliable in PvE, so Harrier's Grasp fails. Same for Harrier's Haste.
Lyssa's Haste is another in the line of ex-girlfriend skills. I played around with this early then lost interest, but I'm taking another look now that we're getting near closing time. This could work with my typical teardown build, by freeing the elite for something else than Pious Renewal. Would be really nice if this had a shorter or conditionally shorter recharge. The mass rupt could work to really mess with annoying mass mesmers and Vow of Silence dervs. The biggest problem is my strategic playstyle, namely building a team of hero builds than can be used with any profession. This means that the strategy can't rely on any skill on my own bar unless it can be effectively used by any class in an overall effective build. The rupts from this must be a bonus advantage to the overall strategy, not a essential part.
Mystic Healing is getting a strong look. I would never use on my own bar or any frontline derv (let the backline provide the cake), but in a team that is using a lot of self enchantments and using other cheap enchantments with decent duration or longer for healing and protection, this looks like a real strong option for any caster/D for a mass cheap spammable support heal. I need to remember this one when I need lots of party healing (e.g. burning). I'm giving this one a 5 just on the promise.
Mystic Twister is the wind version of Mystic Sandstorm. Twister is one and done damage, but foes can scatter from Sandstorm. These are my filler adrenaline slot when running wind or earth. If damage type is irrelevant, I typically run wind when I want damage but not inflict conditions; earth when I want damage with conditions. (Note that there are options for conditions in wind.)
Natural Healing is not interesting since it's a self heal, but I can see some use in super enchantment hostile areas. Using no enchantments and taking more damage than usual, here's some relief. Just got a shatter spike, take this and back to the dog that bit you.
Okay, we have to talk. Onslaught just isn't as pretty as you think she is, and I think she's been hanging around down at the docks looking for sailors. As a flash you can recast without any stoppage, but at 10e per pop for a relatively short duration enchantment, this is going to take some resources to fund along with your other skills. Yes, you can take more adrenaline skills, but this also takes your elite slot. I would much rather spec as D/W for non-elite adrenaline and ias, freeing up the rest of the bar for a different elite plus other stuff. Perhaps I should head down to the docks and take another test ride, but I can't see things improving with age.
Pious Restoration is one the best options as a self heal when going solo or for bar compression in small parties. Neither of the wind signets seem of any real value. Can't be effectively used to fuel Symbolic Strike either. I can possibly see a backline support derv using Signet of Pious Restraint to snare for aoe ele damage or any derv against (e.g.) Vow of Silence dervs. (Okay, that last one really got me thinking.)
Wiki says that heroes do not use Test of Faith, so this is for a player's bar alone. Seems very niche.
Vow of Piety has been a fail for me. Since it moves to the top of the enchantment stack when it renews, you can't really use this in a teardown without a lot of awareness and care. (This is what I remember.) I can see this useful in a non-teardown build in a very enchantment friendly area where you and/or your team are spamming lots of short duration enchantments. Could be very useful perhaps in a Vow of Silence build, as it would renew each time you restart VoS, provide the bonus armor for protection, and provide some healing?
Been awhile since I've used Whirling Charge. Looking with fresh eyes, I can't see this working well as a feeder since it will likely end before you have an applicable attack skill ready. On the other hand this can work as a damage bank. Pop this, target some foe in the middle of a mob, run and boom. With a short 6 sec recharge, it's effective without the speed boost. Looks like a nice pair with Vow of Piety above since it's removal doesn't require a teardown skill and has an inherent short duration.
Winds of Disenchantment I like, but the 15 sec recharge limits it a bit. Other aoe damage skills that I would normally put in this slot will likely have shorter recharge, but when needing some additional enchantment removal is often the best option. Again another rare skill that can remove enchantments that can't be directly removed by normal means.
I would never trust my e-management to something like Zealous Vow. The mobs have to be large and bunched, and it's effectiveness would fall as the battle progressed. I could possible see this vs. the undead in the Desolation since the mobs are large and they use Quicksand. The fact that this can be capped off of two Vabbi bosses suggest that this was meant to be used there and/or the Desolation.