This was the biggest WTF moment I've seen since the screwjob. They actually went with it. Holy shit. What sucks more is that now this WM isn't going to be remembered for DB's great victory, it's going to be remembered for Taker's defeat. Great show nonetheless, nobody was buried, people who claim Cena buried Wyatt can stick it up their ass. Congrats to Daniel Bryan. Overall awesome show. Thank you Taker.
Agree, I actually think the feud will make more sense and give it more legs in the long run with Cena winning. If Wyatt wins then he really has no reason to pursue Cena anymore. The whole storyline plot was Bray trying to make Cena snap, which was almost accomplished.
Brock Lesnar was the perfect man to beat the streak. 1. If a younger guy had done it, they would've gotten heat for the rest of their career for it. And not necessarily the right heat. Surely they'd have gotten legitimate heat, but it'd be mixed in with "go away" heat. 2. The Streak ending was never going to be about the guy beating was always going to be about Taker. A younger guy breaks the streak and suddenly it's a mere stepping stone in their career, while it's a massive event for Taker. 3. Brock can go away to let the heat die down a bit while Heyman cuts promos about it.
Awesome reaction video, GMW. Wrestlemania XXX was phenomenal. I was there in New Orleans to witness it. The atmosphere and the crowd was surreal. And that was a pretty decked out show too. I have a lot to say, but I really want to comment on The Streak.
Was at Mania and had a fucking blast. That opening segment with Rock, Hogan, Austin was unreal and Mania was a huge night for Bryan, Cesaro, and Brock. Other than the Divas I don't think there was a bad match on the card. The DBryan story and Taker streak ending really pulled the emotion strings and that's a good thing. Seen the last three Manias live and this was by far the best of the three. Side bar not went to ROH Friday Night and that was also a great show. Entertained through out and Elgin/Steen was unreal, and Jay Brisco is just a fucking beast.
And him dropping the streak made my respect level for him go up. I hope he's heading to the HOF next year and gets a new DVD where we hear his candid thoughts out of character.
You took the words right out my mouth I agree with you 100% on this video. After this video I subscribe to and added this vid to my favorites. Keep up the great work
dude you are probably the only guy i heard that has some sense every time i go to check what people think of a show the claim it sucks just because of 1 or 2 ending thay they didn't like and not the show as a whole
What a WrestleMania 30 event it was. The matches/the storytelling/shock value was very good. I damn sure never expected Brock was gonna end Taker's streak that was such a fucking shock by the WWE I couldn't believe it either. Cena/Bray Bryan/HHH & The Main Event WWE title triple threat were pretty damn good matches. I loved the opening too WrestleMania with Stone Cold/Hogan & Rock that was a cool ass moment. Overall I enjoyed WM 30 Great commentary GMW
The one way that I see the streak ending as being okay is because there is absolutely no opponent that could be more qualified to end it. Undefeated in high school, junior college champ, NCAA champ, UFC champ, youngest WWE champ, 3 time WWE champ, AJPW champ, etc… At the end of the day, he's 21-1. That's incredible. Compare that to Lesnar's 2-2 or Super Cena's 8-3. Taker's record is still epic.
If Bryan goes on from this point to hold the title 12 more times, never loses clean, has hot mid card acts built up to be fed to him and then crushes them down to the pre-show, main events 90% of the ppvs, defeats multiple 7 man factions alone, and is the central focus of every show for 10 year then I could see your point. Bryan had an awesome underdog story. He's 5'8" and 200 lbs. The deck was stacked against him. Cena is booked as the underdog in every match (even though that doesn't make any sense) and wins. I doubt the next 10 years of Bryan's career will be underdog stories or that he will be beaten into the ground with invincible booking.
I absolutely agree with you, I believe it was the Undertaker's call!!! Perhaps he thought he was breaking down, and just didn't kick out when he was supposed to... Taker is still one of the greatest of all time!!! Nothing will ever change that...
And also, what a better way to make this year memorable. Bryan getting his due, but also the end of the Streak. The 30th year of Wrestlemania is more important and historic than 22-0 would have been. And I'm sure Taker was ready to call it quits too.
I...I....I cant believe it, it actually ended I couldn't watch Wrestlemania 30 anymore after that happend I lost my interest in Daniel Byran winning the title. Thank you Undertaker you always be my #1 idol.
You are right GMW, but i felt weird to see taker get pinned, but it was still a good show. Seeing Hogan, Austin and Rock in the ring at the same time gave me goosebumps.
***** Ye, taker had bad injury in the beggining of the match, but he said the outcome would still be the same. I don't like how it ended. But hey, it's his decision and i respect it.
Well paul heyman said brock did what he wants undertaker was knocked out and ref didn't know they was going fire him but the heat and reviews it got was the reason why he stayed could be lies but doubt it @PhilipTheBigOne
Now that The Undertaker's WrestleMania Streak has surprisingly ended,it'll be interesting to see if Sting actually does show up on tonight's Raw to see if the rumors of him in the WWE are true andif a WrestleMania 31 match with The Undertaker(even if it's a Triple Threat with Brock Lesnar) will happen(if at all). At least Daniel Bryan Finally won(and had a triumphant night).
I remember when I was younger, I would beg my dad to get the wrestlemania ppvs just so I could watch the undertakers match. He's always been my favorite and he always will be.
I think this basically confirms that we are going to see BROCK vs BRYAN probably at Summerslam or WM 31. (Most hated in WWE) Brock Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan (Most Loved in WWE).
Brock Lesnar's lazy ass pretty much got a Hall Of Fame spot handed to him. He was gone from WWE for 7 years, just like Rock, he left during his prime, and he came back but barely worked, he still hasn't wrestled at a Raw show, at least Batista wrestled at a Raw and SmackDown show. If anyone deserved to beat the streak, it's CM Punk and even Triple H(it would've made sense at the time), not Lesnar. Now either Taker's going to retire with his Streak broken or we'll see a rematch at WM31, which is sickening, WWE would have one more chance to rely on Taker. its a slap in the face to Taker, he worked his ass off for the company & never screwed up, or jumped ship like tons of guys have like Hogan, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, RVD & others. He didn't leave WWE & came back 5-10 years later like Rock & Brock did. If it was Taker's own decision, then this proves that The Undertaker is *The* Man, more than Hogan, Rock, Stone Cold, etc., I thought Taker & Lesnar never got along, yet Taker put Lesnar over big time. And someone give me a good reason why Cena had to win, because I bet no one can come up with a good reason. Bray should've won, but no, we'll have to wait until Extreme Rules for that.
Remember what happened to Miz after Mania 27? That's what would have happened to Wyatt if he had won last night. As far as Lesnar breaking the streak, that should have happened in 2003. The Streak was gimmicky and lame, and the more serious that people took it, the more of a human cartoon character Taker became.
4cHUSTLEMANIALUVMELZ . Option A will probably happen soon, now that Daniel Bryan is the most over guy on the roster. Possibly after his feud with Wyatt. Option B won't happen ever, and if there was a time for it to happen, it should have been in 2002 after Sting's WCW contract ran out. Option C shouldn't happen either as the streak has been a cheap gimmick for the last decade and Taker is clearly to old and hurt to perform as his match at Mania 30 proved.
***** Miz should have never even seen the WWE title, if anything he should have retired Edge for the World Title in 2011 and not Del Rio. Cena should have had his first match with Rock at Mania 27. Wyatt is convincing and has a great persona, eerily similar to Raven in 1995-1997. But he's young. Just over 25 to be exact. Way too early for him to go over someone ten years his senior like Cena. Early pushes don't do much for guys who aren't established. If Wyatt was five years older it would have made sense however.
4cHUSTLEMANIALUVMELZ . I agree. Its not that Miz isn't a good worker or anything, in fact he has a decent look. It's just that he lacks that It Factor that Cena, Wyatt, and Bryan have. If anyone is the B+ performer it's Miz. But let's be honest, if they didn't put so many asses in seats, Cena and Bryan would be Midcarders as well. I'm a big Wyatt fan. He will eventually put asses in seats, knows how to captivate an audience, knows how to cut a Raven like promo without using SAT words, and if he cuts some weight he'll have a decent look. Just his name on the marquee will put asses in seats five years from now. And he already knows how to talk ppl into a building.
That PPV incident with the refund was Night of Champions... The Battleground refunds were legit, because the stream died... Plus the ending was bullshit!!!
the streak ended caused McMahon said so just go watch Austin's podcast and you can hear McMahon saying he was the one who told Taker to end the streak.
Why be disappointed? This is professional wrestling: you go out on your back. I don't think an audible was called, I think this was always meant to be considering the importance of the streak. I always felt that Taker needed to end the streak to a veteran whose already had a legacy that goes with them. Whose to say that a Reigns or a Wyatt were to end the streak and then have a career ending injury next week and never live up to that potential? There is no shame in Taker losing to Brock Lesnar, a man who has accomplished a lot in such a short career in the WWE. He's beaten nearly every major star now except Austin (who he was booked to beat at one point in 02). The WWE owed Brock one after he came back 2 years ago and put over Cena and put over HHH at last year's Mania. It made sense. This opens up many more possibilities like Brock/Bryan down the road (remember, Brock wanted a title shot originally before the Taker match). Taker will always be remembered for winning 21 matches at WM in a row (sort of, he missed a couple). 21-1 is nothing to be ashamed of and will never be equaled. And honestly, I don't think Taker is quite done...I think if they do Sting/Taker next year, it gives Sting a better chance at winning. The only booking decision I didn't like was Cena winning. I agree with you...very disappointing.
Can you imagine Taker and Sting having good in ring chemistry? It's likely, but I would only want to see the Sting/Taker match if both men get in even better shape than they are now, it was hard to watch Taker being extremely exhausted and perform at a slow pace he's not known for against Lesnar. :/
WWE has so many factors to consider when making these shows. And remember WWE has to cater to a lot of demographics. So many people were upset and shocked by Lesnar winning. I saw some people leave! So with that in mind, would they have really had Cena AND Taker lose at Mania? That would have destroyed the hearts of the future generation of fans. So they needed to big babyface wins. Bryan and Cena were the two they chose. We older fans can take disappointment or the usual Cena win. But those kids woulda been crushed forever. And probably have stopped being fans. Lol.
Why is everyone mad? This, is probably Taker's call so you can't be pissed at WWE. Plus, if they had a new guy beat the Streak, do you really think that new guy would be able to get a proper pop? Everyone would boo the shit outta the guy that beat the streak, probably like they will do with Lesnar. This is the perfect chance, to have a new guy come in and say that "Lesnar broke the streak, but I'm the guy that can beat Lesnar". Hell, if they're serious about Cesaro or Reigns, this is the perfect chance to cement them as the next big top Babyface.
Wouldn't say a new guy break the streak, but a rising star. Someone who been in the business for a little while, but not really a NEW guy, y'know? I just don't think Brock, of all people, deserved it. He was really the only guy I didn't want to break the streak. I would have taken SUPER CENA over it -- though I wouldn't be happy about it either. Yeah, but it's Taker's call. I can respect that, even if I don't agree with it... I guess. Guess I'm more annoyed that a part-timer broke it. Then again, I never did really like Lesnar. Still, a mid carder, full time wrestler's career would have been made here. Meh, oh well. I just know I won't hear the end of this for a while.
WittyUsernameSA A part-timer, like Brock is just perfect because he has Heyman to get the heat for him while he's not on TV so, he's still getting the reaction without having to wrestle. You couldn't have Brock beat the Streak and then lose a match at the next PPV because that would kill his momentum and honestly, no one worth facing the Brock is either ready or free (involved in a storyline). They also just can't have him go through opponents like crazy until 'Mania 31 (Where I think he'll lose to a new guy) because that would kill his opponents' momentum as well. And if he went against jobbers...welt that would just be boring.
***** I think I get where you're going at. I mean, I can see the positives of this too. Granted, I haven't been staying up with WWE. I watch it on and off. I'm still stuck sometime in 2012 (still having to hear Heel Cole -- ugh.) So, who do you think Brock would face if he was in 31?
This Wrestlemania was soooo good, if anybody thought that it sucks is just a complainer that likes to complain. Only issue I had with the end of the Taker/Brock match was the delayed reaction, like they were waiting for a overturn or something.
If Taker felt this was how it was supposed to go, well at the end it is his choice and I respect it. It just seems like a shame that such an epic part of wrestling history ends in such a horrible match and to a man who is likely not a part of WWE's long term future. It was clear Taker can't go anymore. Giant dudes who are 49 rarely can. But with all the really amazing ways the streak could have ended or Taker could have retired, it just seems like a sad, anti climactic way for him to go out.
Brock Lesnar didn't deserve to beat the streak. - I'm still in shock, and that's the only sentence I've been able to form all night on the subject. He didn't deserve it. - Now, I'm open to anyone ending the streak, just anyone who can actually carry that momentum and be, you know, the biggest heel in the industry. Bray Wyatt was a viable candidate for that. Heck, even Cena, unfortunately, was a good candidate for that. When you want to end something so cherished and revered by the wwe universe, you end it with someone who'll actually be here next here next week. - Brock Lesnar, at one point of his career, could've been considered that guy. Go back to 2002-2003, he was the man: Winner of Royal Rumble 2003, main-evented Wrestlemania 19, beat the Rock for the title at Summerslam, it would've took some people years, even decades in the business to reach those accolades. Brock did it in only 2 years. - But now, Brock's a part-timer. He makes appearances, not full-length returns. Sure, Brock'll be here tonight for his obligatory gloating, but that'll be it. He'll be gone until the next big feud. Consider the heat extinguished.
The Streak ending was so bitter sweet. It just felt so... Off. But all in all he went out fighting and will forever in my opinion will be one of the greatest of all time.
I don't think undertaker will wrestle again. He shouldn't... The streak is what he had left and there would be an awkward vine if he fights another wrestlemania. 21-2? 22-1 but a loss in the middle? I could even see 21-1 and sting being the victor. Roman, Bray or someone new should end the streak.
Sting vs Undertaker is far overdue. They're both to old to put on a half-decent match. I'm sorry, but Undertaker vs Sting is a grand example of hype outweighing outcome
Why is this setting up a match with sting? That is stupid! Sting is nowhere close to undertaker. Maybe Taker is facing sting but knew it is better to loose to Brock than a joke like sting.
It was takers last match. Austin went out to the The Rock. I'm sure the rock won't wrestle anymore. The rock went out to john cena. Wrestlers like to lose on there final match. JBL, Cole , and King were very choked up and they knew he was done.
Maybe the Undertaker can pass his legacy on to a selected person who will carry the torch for the Undertaker well into the next millennia!!Somebody called Utaker,who goes on,beating all competition until its time to pass the torch once again
Brock cheated and changed the script, the undertaker was supposed to win, so Brock didn't really win shit, that is a fact and there is a video as proof showing it and that vince is going to fire Brock
This was the biggest WTF moment I've seen since the screwjob. They actually went with it. Holy shit. What sucks more is that now this WM isn't going to be remembered for DB's great victory, it's going to be remembered for Taker's defeat. Great show nonetheless, nobody was buried, people who claim Cena buried Wyatt can stick it up their ass. Congrats to Daniel Bryan. Overall awesome show. Thank you Taker.
Agree, I actually think the feud will make more sense and give it more legs in the long run with Cena winning. If Wyatt wins then he really has no reason to pursue Cena anymore. The whole storyline plot was Bray trying to make Cena snap, which was almost accomplished.
It almost seems like Bray Wyatt is the new age Undertaker. In other words, he seems like the old Ministry of Darkness Undertaker, but in modern times.
Brock Lesnar was the perfect man to beat the streak.
1. If a younger guy had done it, they would've gotten heat for the rest of their career for it. And not necessarily the right heat. Surely they'd have gotten legitimate heat, but it'd be mixed in with "go away" heat.
2. The Streak ending was never going to be about the guy beating was always going to be about Taker. A younger guy breaks the streak and suddenly it's a mere stepping stone in their career, while it's a massive event for Taker.
3. Brock can go away to let the heat die down a bit while Heyman cuts promos about it.
Great points. Glad somebody else gets it.
but the way, Wreslemania, for Undertaker for him was a Wrestlemania Screwjob, Vince screwed Bret
Vince screwed Taker
Awesome reaction video, GMW. Wrestlemania XXX was phenomenal. I was there in New Orleans to witness it. The atmosphere and the crowd was surreal. And that was a pretty decked out show too. I have a lot to say, but I really want to comment on The Streak.
Your idea of Batista and Orton working together with the world titles is great. Awesome review man.
Was at Mania and had a fucking blast. That opening segment with Rock, Hogan, Austin was unreal and Mania was a huge night for Bryan, Cesaro, and Brock. Other than the Divas I don't think there was a bad match on the card. The DBryan story and Taker streak ending really pulled the emotion strings and that's a good thing. Seen the last three Manias live and this was by far the best of the three.
Side bar not went to ROH Friday Night and that was also a great show. Entertained through out and Elgin/Steen was unreal, and Jay Brisco is just a fucking beast.
And him dropping the streak made my respect level for him go up. I hope he's heading to the HOF next year and gets a new DVD where we hear his candid thoughts out of character.
You took the words right out my mouth I agree with you 100% on this video. After this video I subscribe to and added this vid to my favorites. Keep up the great work
dude you are probably the only guy i heard that has some sense every time i go to check what people think of a show the claim it sucks just because of 1 or 2 ending thay they didn't like and not the show as a whole
What a WrestleMania 30 event it was. The matches/the storytelling/shock value was very good. I damn sure never expected Brock was gonna end Taker's streak that was such a fucking shock by the WWE I couldn't believe it either. Cena/Bray Bryan/HHH & The Main Event WWE title triple threat were pretty damn good matches. I loved the opening too WrestleMania with Stone Cold/Hogan & Rock that was a cool ass moment. Overall I enjoyed WM 30 Great commentary GMW
The one way that I see the streak ending as being okay is because there is absolutely no opponent that could be more qualified to end it. Undefeated in high school, junior college champ, NCAA champ, UFC champ, youngest WWE champ, 3 time WWE champ, AJPW champ, etc… At the end of the day, he's 21-1. That's incredible. Compare that to Lesnar's 2-2 or Super Cena's 8-3. Taker's record is still epic.
If Bryan goes on from this point to hold the title 12 more times, never loses clean, has hot mid card acts built up to be fed to him and then crushes them down to the pre-show, main events 90% of the ppvs, defeats multiple 7 man factions alone, and is the central focus of every show for 10 year then I could see your point. Bryan had an awesome underdog story. He's 5'8" and 200 lbs. The deck was stacked against him. Cena is booked as the underdog in every match (even though that doesn't make any sense) and wins. I doubt the next 10 years of Bryan's career will be underdog stories or that he will be beaten into the ground with invincible booking.
I absolutely agree with you, I believe it was the Undertaker's call!!! Perhaps he thought he was breaking down, and just didn't kick out when he was supposed to...
Taker is still one of the greatest of all time!!! Nothing will ever change that...
OK, so apparently, the Undertaker got injured last night... Concussion & possible neck injury...
I believe this is the end...
And also, what a better way to make this year memorable. Bryan getting his due, but also the end of the Streak. The 30th year of Wrestlemania is more important and historic than 22-0 would have been. And I'm sure Taker was ready to call it quits too.
I...I....I cant believe it, it actually ended I couldn't watch Wrestlemania 30 anymore after that happend I lost my interest in Daniel Byran winning the title.
Thank you Undertaker you always be my #1 idol.
I felt ill when Undertaker was pinned.
You are right GMW, but i felt weird to see taker get pinned, but it was still a good show. Seeing Hogan, Austin and Rock in the ring at the same time gave me goosebumps.
No man, thing like this just isn't botched. This was spot on.
Because Taker WANTED Lesnar to beat him!!! Came out today as information!!!
***** Ye, taker had bad injury in the beggining of the match, but he said the outcome would still be the same. I don't like how it ended. But hey, it's his decision and i respect it.
It was first talked about 4 years ago... Taker first said he wanted Brock to end the streak then...
Well paul heyman said brock did what he wants undertaker was knocked out and ref didn't know they was going fire him but the heat and reviews it got was the reason why he stayed could be lies but doubt it @PhilipTheBigOne
Now that The Undertaker's WrestleMania Streak has surprisingly ended,it'll be interesting to see if Sting actually does show up on tonight's Raw to see if the rumors of him in the WWE are true andif a WrestleMania 31 match with The Undertaker(even if it's a Triple Threat with Brock Lesnar) will happen(if at all). At least Daniel Bryan Finally won(and had a triumphant night).
I remember when I was younger, I would beg my dad to get the wrestlemania ppvs just so I could watch the undertakers match. He's always been my favorite and he always will be.
This was a great wrestlemania top to bottom.
This was the craziest PPV probably ever. I still can't get over what just happened
Good Mic Work gives his thoughts on a shocking and memorable #WrestleMania30
I think this basically confirms that we are going to see BROCK vs BRYAN probably at Summerslam or WM 31.
(Most hated in WWE) Brock Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan (Most Loved in WWE).
Brock Lesnar's lazy ass pretty much got a Hall Of Fame spot handed to him. He was gone from WWE for 7 years, just like Rock, he left during his prime, and he came back but barely worked, he still hasn't wrestled at a Raw show, at least Batista wrestled at a Raw and SmackDown show. If anyone deserved to beat the streak, it's CM Punk and even Triple H(it would've made sense at the time), not Lesnar.
Now either Taker's going to retire with his Streak broken or we'll see a rematch at WM31, which is sickening, WWE would have one more chance to rely on Taker. its a slap in the face to Taker, he worked his ass off for the company & never screwed up, or jumped ship like tons of guys have like Hogan, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, RVD & others. He didn't leave WWE & came back 5-10 years later like Rock & Brock did. If it was Taker's own decision, then this proves that The Undertaker is *The* Man, more than Hogan, Rock, Stone Cold, etc., I thought Taker & Lesnar never got along, yet Taker put Lesnar over big time.
And someone give me a good reason why Cena had to win, because I bet no one can come up with a good reason. Bray should've won, but no, we'll have to wait until Extreme Rules for that.
Remember what happened to Miz after Mania 27? That's what would have happened to Wyatt if he had won last night. As far as Lesnar breaking the streak, that should have happened in 2003. The Streak was gimmicky and lame, and the more serious that people took it, the more of a human cartoon character Taker became.
Option A will probably happen soon, now that Daniel Bryan is the most over guy on the roster. Possibly after his feud with Wyatt. Option B won't happen ever, and if there was a time for it to happen, it should have been in 2002 after Sting's WCW contract ran out. Option C shouldn't happen either as the streak has been a cheap gimmick for the last decade and Taker is clearly to old and hurt to perform as his match at Mania 30 proved.
Miz should have never even seen the WWE title, if anything he should have retired Edge for the World Title in 2011 and not Del Rio. Cena should have had his first match with Rock at Mania 27.
Wyatt is convincing and has a great persona, eerily similar to Raven in 1995-1997. But he's young. Just over 25 to be exact. Way too early for him to go over someone ten years his senior like Cena. Early pushes don't do much for guys who aren't established.
If Wyatt was five years older it would have made sense however.
I agree. Its not that Miz isn't a good worker or anything, in fact he has a decent look. It's just that he lacks that It Factor that Cena, Wyatt, and Bryan have.
If anyone is the B+ performer it's Miz. But let's be honest, if they didn't put so many asses in seats, Cena and Bryan would be Midcarders as well.
I'm a big Wyatt fan. He will eventually put asses in seats, knows how to captivate an audience, knows how to cut a Raven like promo without using SAT words, and if he cuts some weight he'll have a decent look. Just his name on the marquee will put asses in seats five years from now. And he already knows how to talk ppl into a building.
That PPV incident with the refund was Night of Champions... The Battleground refunds were legit, because the stream died... Plus the ending was bullshit!!!
the streak ended caused McMahon said so just go watch Austin's podcast and you can hear McMahon saying he was the one who told Taker to end the streak.
No shit
Why be disappointed? This is professional wrestling: you go out on your back. I don't think an audible was called, I think this was always meant to be considering the importance of the streak. I always felt that Taker needed to end the streak to a veteran whose already had a legacy that goes with them. Whose to say that a Reigns or a Wyatt were to end the streak and then have a career ending injury next week and never live up to that potential? There is no shame in Taker losing to Brock Lesnar, a man who has accomplished a lot in such a short career in the WWE. He's beaten nearly every major star now except Austin (who he was booked to beat at one point in 02). The WWE owed Brock one after he came back 2 years ago and put over Cena and put over HHH at last year's Mania. It made sense. This opens up many more possibilities like Brock/Bryan down the road (remember, Brock wanted a title shot originally before the Taker match).
Taker will always be remembered for winning 21 matches at WM in a row (sort of, he missed a couple). 21-1 is nothing to be ashamed of and will never be equaled. And honestly, I don't think Taker is quite done...I think if they do Sting/Taker next year, it gives Sting a better chance at winning. The only booking decision I didn't like was Cena winning. I agree with you...very disappointing.
Can you imagine Taker and Sting having good in ring chemistry? It's likely, but I would only want to see the Sting/Taker match if both men get in even better shape than they are now, it was hard to watch Taker being extremely exhausted and perform at a slow pace he's not known for against Lesnar. :/
15:09 oh boy, if only we knew. If only we knew...
My God what a Wrestlemania !
Bryan's win was overshadowed by the streak ending....Sad moment...
The streak was a mistake to end because it benefited nobody and was a terrible match. Plus unlike Daniel Bryan this can never be fixed.
WWE has so many factors to consider when making these shows. And remember WWE has to cater to a lot of demographics. So many people were upset and shocked by Lesnar winning. I saw some people leave! So with that in mind, would they have really had Cena AND Taker lose at Mania? That would have destroyed the hearts of the future generation of fans. So they needed to big babyface wins. Bryan and Cena were the two they chose. We older fans can take disappointment or the usual Cena win. But those kids woulda been crushed forever. And probably have stopped being fans. Lol.
Why is everyone mad? This, is probably Taker's call so you can't be pissed at WWE.
Plus, if they had a new guy beat the Streak, do you really think that new guy would be able to get a proper pop? Everyone would boo the shit outta the guy that beat the streak, probably like they will do with Lesnar.
This is the perfect chance, to have a new guy come in and say that "Lesnar broke the streak, but I'm the guy that can beat Lesnar". Hell, if they're serious about Cesaro or Reigns, this is the perfect chance to cement them as the next big top Babyface.
I for one would not mind seeing Lesnar get beaten down by Reigns and the Shield.
Wouldn't say a new guy break the streak, but a rising star. Someone who been in the business for a little while, but not really a NEW guy, y'know?
I just don't think Brock, of all people, deserved it. He was really the only guy I didn't want to break the streak. I would have taken SUPER CENA over it -- though I wouldn't be happy about it either.
Yeah, but it's Taker's call. I can respect that, even if I don't agree with it... I guess. Guess I'm more annoyed that a part-timer broke it. Then again, I never did really like Lesnar.
Still, a mid carder, full time wrestler's career would have been made here.
Meh, oh well. I just know I won't hear the end of this for a while.
WittyUsernameSA A part-timer, like Brock is just perfect because he has Heyman to get the heat for him while he's not on TV so, he's still getting the reaction without having to wrestle.
You couldn't have Brock beat the Streak and then lose a match at the next PPV because that would kill his momentum and honestly, no one worth facing the Brock is either ready or free (involved in a storyline). They also just can't have him go through opponents like crazy until 'Mania 31 (Where I think he'll lose to a new guy) because that would kill his opponents' momentum as well. And if he went against jobbers...welt that would just be boring.
I think I get where you're going at. I mean, I can see the positives of this too.
Granted, I haven't been staying up with WWE. I watch it on and off. I'm still stuck sometime in 2012 (still having to hear Heel Cole -- ugh.)
So, who do you think Brock would face if he was in 31?
WittyUsernameSA Either Cesaro or Reigns since it seems that's who the WWE is most fond of.
This Wrestlemania was soooo good, if anybody thought that it sucks is just a complainer that likes to complain. Only issue I had with the end of the Taker/Brock match was the delayed reaction, like they were waiting for a overturn or something.
If Taker felt this was how it was supposed to go, well at the end it is his choice and I respect it. It just seems like a shame that such an epic part of wrestling history ends in such a horrible match and to a man who is likely not a part of WWE's long term future. It was clear Taker can't go anymore. Giant dudes who are 49 rarely can. But with all the really amazing ways the streak could have ended or Taker could have retired, it just seems like a sad, anti climactic way for him to go out.
Sting vs Taker, 2 men with nothing to lose.
You are spot on
21-1 :'(
Well I am going to mania 31 because it's my home in nor cal and of course undertaker had to lose this year......
Without Undertaker
WW3 is nothing
I ain't watching unless he is back
I've watched 4 8 years
It needed to end, you can't have sting debuting for one fucking match and ending the streak
The best Wrestlemania in over ten years.
Cena winning was the only thing pissing me off but I wont let him get to me. The show was still very good. #WM30
Congrats Daniel Bryan, thank you Undertaker, and please come back Chris Jericho!
Brock Lesnar didn't deserve to beat the streak.
- I'm still in shock, and that's the only sentence I've been able to form all night on the subject. He didn't deserve it.
- Now, I'm open to anyone ending the streak, just anyone who can actually carry that momentum and be, you know, the biggest heel in the industry. Bray Wyatt was a viable candidate for that. Heck, even Cena, unfortunately, was a good candidate for that. When you want to end something so cherished and revered by the wwe universe, you end it with someone who'll actually be here next here next week.
- Brock Lesnar, at one point of his career, could've been considered that guy. Go back to 2002-2003, he was the man: Winner of Royal Rumble 2003, main-evented Wrestlemania 19, beat the Rock for the title at Summerslam, it would've took some people years, even decades in the business to reach those accolades. Brock did it in only 2 years.
- But now, Brock's a part-timer. He makes appearances, not full-length returns. Sure, Brock'll be here tonight for his obligatory gloating, but that'll be it. He'll be gone until the next big feud. Consider the heat extinguished.
Brock should have never respond Undertaker at answer in backstage with Vince McMahon
They are just lying the streak never ended he just got better than Brock lesnar 22-0
The Streak ending was so bitter sweet. It just felt so... Off. But all in all he went out fighting and will forever in my opinion will be one of the greatest of all time.
The Shield vs Brock Lesnar for JUSTICE
because my butt is hurt
sting.... holy shit
I just hate the fact way they let Brock end it that made me mad stupid idea point blank should have been for a guy to get over
I don't think undertaker will wrestle again. He shouldn't... The streak is what he had left and there would be an awkward vine if he fights another wrestlemania. 21-2? 22-1 but a loss in the middle? I could even see 21-1 and sting being the victor. Roman, Bray or someone new should end the streak.
Sting vs Undertaker is far overdue. They're both to old to put on a half-decent match. I'm sorry, but Undertaker vs Sting is a grand example of hype outweighing outcome
Why is this setting up a match with sting? That is stupid! Sting is nowhere close to undertaker. Maybe Taker is facing sting but knew it is better to loose to Brock than a joke like sting.
It was takers last match. Austin went out to the The Rock. I'm sure the rock won't wrestle anymore. The rock went out to john cena. Wrestlers like to lose on there final match. JBL, Cole , and King were very choked up and they knew he was done.
I think Undertaker losing definitely sets up a match with Sting. Taker would not have lost if that weren't the case.
The streak shouldn't have ended. Undertaker should have won and retire the streak.
That was Taker's decision. If he thought The Streak should've ended, who are we to say he was wrong.
wow first viewer
It feels like the price for the fans getting Daniel Bryan as champion was the streak ending.
Easy top 3 best mania of all time, shock value!!!!!!!!!!
still cant believe taker lost
Maybe the Undertaker can pass his legacy on to a selected person who will carry the torch for the Undertaker well into the next millennia!!Somebody called Utaker,who goes on,beating all competition until its time to pass the torch once again
I still can't believe that we live in a world where undertaker is 21-1. I hope I'm dreaming
Brock cheated and changed the script, the undertaker was supposed to win, so Brock didn't really win shit, that is a fact and there is a video as proof showing it and that vince is going to fire Brock
I'll think of it this way:
Undertaker (age 25-44) 17-0
Oldertaker (age 45+) 4-1
someone better could of ending the streak