How To Twerk Dance For Beginners Step By Step | Easy Twerking Dance Tutorial
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ม.ค. 2025
- Have you ever wanted to learn how to twerk but you're a beginner? You've come to the right place. Nicole Steen will give you these easy beginner step by step moves to up your twerk game. Learn basic twerk moves like Shuffle Twerk, Up Down Twerk and Booty Pop. Beginner and advanced twerk dancers welcome here! Whatever your booty size is, let's twerk babe!
This is a 5 minute sample of Tone n Twerk dance workouts that you can access from our on-demand dance studio. Hip Shake Fitness is an online dance workout studio for women by women. As soon as you become a member you will access:
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Every Tone N Twerk workout starts with a strength training that tightens your glutes. Then loosen up and learn a fun twerk dance that will surely make you feel sexy. Intensify your dance workout with booty bands and weights. Here's the twerking all over the world (Twerken Lernen, Matutong Mag Twerk, Como Bailar Twerking)!
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🍑 How To Twerk • How To Twerk
🪑 Chair Dance • Chair Burlesque Dance
👠 Heels Dance • How To Dance In Heels
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Nicole / nicolesteenfitness
Jill / jilliandawn88
Charlene / charlene.dipaola
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Here so I can do the wap dance
Let's gooooo
dAs a wAP
Same here
I think the fact that I have to watch this means I'm hopeless.
awwww babe! We're all just trying to be a better version of ourselves. You got this!
McKenna Schneider same
McKenna Schneider girl i was thinking the same thing lol
Oh... I'm a lost case but I'll definitely try it hauahuahauahaua
Who u telling? I'm a 37 year black woman but we are not hopeless . We can do it.
The only thing that is twerking, that is my belly
S a m e
I’ve tried at least 20 times and I still can’t do it
I can feel you sis
I look like a vibrating cockroach
Chloe Arana it's alright babe no one's watching
Chloe Arana SAME😭😭💀
Chloe Arana lmfaoo 😂😂😂......that made me laugh so bad
Omg same.. 😂😂😂😭
best teacher ever ! the way she's not pushing them to go faster or anything, i'm so in love with this energy ma'ammm ✨
Thank you! Yes, we make sure you go on your own pace 💜
Thank you, May! Would love to have you join me on Zoom LIVE every week!! ❤️
Listen, I'm a 33-year-old straight guy and I'm twerking in my living room. This video helped my form a lot, thank you!!
@@dericardo9995 we love men who twerk! We support you and thank you for supporting us
@@Hipshakefitness omg thank you! I'll keep going! 😄
I think I just threw my lower back out!
That's how you do it!!! Keep twerking, babe!
Vicky Neil LMAO
U a grown ass woman
This is sooo funny. Smh
Im that asian girl in the back 🤦♀️
That means you're on fire!
Lol I was thinking that
Same. 😂💁
The girl in the pink isnt that bad!! I SEE U GIRL U KILLIN ITTTT
Exactly! She's on fire.
There at a two girls in pink
@@refi257 r/whoooosh
@@chlobotai This isn't reddit and they're technically both wearing pink.
Wow! I’ve only done this workout a handful of times and I’m already INFINITELY better at twerking!! 😭 thanks queens ❤️❤️❤️
Yasss twerk queen!
You're welcome, Gillian!! ❤️👏🏾🔥
My sis in the back 🤣🤣 I feel you gurl. We tryin’ that’s all that matters 😂🤣
Elaine yes girl
When I need a 😂 I read your comment 🤣🤣🤣
@@Hipshakefitness THE WAY THE CHANNEL RESPONDED LIKE “we know…We all start somewhere”
In the girl with the short black hair. 😂
@@livelaughlove0209 💀
I look like a rat having a seizure ;-;
you're too funny! that's how I feel when I dance w/ Nicole - Charlene
@@Hipshakefitness ksksks
don't worry, I do too
me too girl, me too...
I love the Asian she’s me 😂😂😂 we are like wtf how do I do this. “OR YOU CAN GO SLOW “ 5:14 “
awww slow and steady wins the race - Charlene
Lmfao I'm also that Asian girl
The asian was literally me 😂
Here I am 3:30am , what level I'm I on well I'm in the Asian girl level
its ayt babe we still love ya
I'm even lower😂😭
For anyone that feels "hopeless" or thinks they'll never improve on your get good at twerking. Just know that your practice is helping and one day you'll be great, you're doing this for you and you'll improve at your own time and pace
LOVE the inspirational pep talk!! ❤️
Thank you so much for this
I've tried to learn these moves from SO MANY different videos, this is so much easier and so much fun (and good ab workout), THANK YOU!!!!
You are so welcome Alicia! You can get the full 30 minute workout on our site as well. You always get a 15 days free trial.
Thanks for working out with me, Alicia!! You can join me on my website for more of my workouts, and I also go LIVE on Zoom every week!! 🥰
@@Hipshakefitness can i ask u, 18usd/moth, what it mean?
*comes here as a joke* “what’s going on back there lil nikki? heyy” *happy i came here to bless my day😂”*
Lol! Glad you liked it.
This 😂😂
I needed that laugh! I am in tears!!!
Me: I'm working out
Friend; You're twerking!!
Me: I'm working out. SEE?
Friend: Why are we friends??
You can twerk if you want to. You'll make more friends 😉
That's true:)
These girls were twerking the restroom while my eyes popped out, and I'm just like. "WHOA" And the professor came in and she was like, "What are you three doing on the wall?!!"
Damn! This is boosting my self esteem through the roof, now I know what I'll be doing during this quarantine!
Yaaass FRAN. Quarantwerk queen!
AMAZING, Fran!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Great job!
How you feeling now?
The fact that I’m making everything in my room shake while I’m doin this
Isn’t that a good thing 🤣🤣
Ha facts🤣
2:28 'whats going on back there little nicki' made my day 😂
Lol It always makes me laugh when I do this workout too
Mom walked in and saw me twerking 😂 love this tutorial, super useful. Thanks ❤️
LOL. love it. Thanks, babe. Keep twerking.
What's going on up there nikkie hhhhhhh
What da fawk d
"Wellcome to our basic twerk workout"
They missed a pun!! It should be called a twerkout!!!
Either Babe, as long as you're twerking then keep it up!
I thought the same thing!
omg hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahhhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahhhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahhhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahhhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahhhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahhhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahhhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahhhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahhhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahhhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahhhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahhhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahhhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahahahahhahah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I had the same thought 😁😂
I thought the same damn thing.. I came to the comments to see if someone said it before me 😂😂😂
I'm pretty good at dancing at clubs but could never get working down. Glad I found this. Also really happy you're a black women instructing cause lord knows how many videos there are of white older instructors that don't know what they're doing either.
So glad you found the workout!! Way to go!! ❤️👏🏾🍑
*locks my door* *practices twerking*
Then open it up and let everyone see the twerk queen that you are 😉
I'm a boy why am I watching this
Oh right, I'm gay
LOL Go twerk that booty out
LMFAOOOO i love you
ItsMeYoshiie it’s alright
ItsMeYoshiie z
ItsMeYoshiie I’m a girl, why am I watching this
Oh yeah I can’t twerk and my friends can
Oh, my. You just taught me how to twerk. Thanks!
Sandra Salazar yaaaas! Welcome to the twerk party babe.
I wish you could twerk on me
I see you standing up for girls you don't even know
can we see?? upload a video
Great job, Sandra!! For more of my workouts, join me on Zoom every week!! ❤️🔥🍑
Coming from a girl who has no curves and barely a butt this video really helped me feel better about my posture and rhythm when I dance .thank u so much for making this video :))))
4 year's later, and this video..... STILL pop locking, and booty dropping! Thank you sooo much for this
Hell yes! Thanks for booty shaking with us all these years. Grateful for yah.
I could listen to her voice all day - it’s so awesome! You should start a podcast or narrate audiobooks haha. Great vid, too! Super fun
😂 Thanks, Emmy!!!
Whhhyyyyy do I become SO immobile once my hands are on my knees!?! Ugh.
Hey Hun! Just focus. You can make it!!!
@@Hipshakefitness thank you!
Im good until the knees, then i look like the Asian. I definitely feel the burn in my bum today such a good workout!
when i put my hands on my knees, you would've mistaken me for a dog having a severe seizure :`)
Me: *Twerking*
Mum: What are you doing?
Me: umm... I'm dancing?
Mum: are you twerking?
Me: It's a kind of dance :l
It absolutely is a dance babe!
You know my mom is quite a culture mom or desi( in hindi it means cultural) , and I have to practice it in the bathroom because wherever i go my mom will find me
Sadly, I'm *just* like the Asian girl.
Me too😂😂😂
Marte W 😂😂
same, and I’m Asian 😂
I wish I was like her, her abs have to be tight as hell!
I just suddenly felt like i wanna learn how to twerk so bad and this really helped me + the fact that this was uploaded two years ago and you still reply to almost every comment is cool
So glad to hear this helped! We have lots more twerk videos for yah 💜
Thanks for working out with us, Zeina!! I hope you can join me for more of my workouts!! See my website and join me LIVE on Zoom!!
Everyone was like, just move your hips, not your back and so I was literally trying to do that and not use my back at all, this makes so much more sense
“Let your booty be l o o s e”
Lmao that has me dead
I love how candid this is, with the blond girl kinda getting it and the asian giving up but still having a good time lmao
Awww thanks. We try to keep it real
Dat Asian girl don’t know what she’s doing lmao
Kool Koyote 😂 right
Kool Koyote lmfao 😂😂
Keira Knight neither does the white girl bruh
The “what’s goin’ on back there little niki” had me rollinnn😂😂😂
lol us too!
Quarantine got me honing essential life skills
This. This is the one!
I came here to see if I could learn to do a dance move, and I got a work out, too! I did this like 5 times in a row, and fer real, my hips, and thighs are already burning, and I still have to do cardio today! lol Thank you! This video is awesome.
Yay! riotgurlTFP that's so great to hear. It's a good addition to your cardio for sure 🙌🏼
I wish I had your legs😂😂 I'm starting to go to the gym more often to loose a lot of weight, do you think u can do vids on loosing weight?
Alaina Griffin hi babe! There’s no secret. Workout + better diet. We have tons of workouts and recipes for ya! YOU can do this love. We believe you!!
Hip Shake Fitness Thank you❤ much appreciated!!! ILYSM❤💞
Hi Alaina!! Thanks for twerking with me! If you want more of my new workouts, check out the link in my Instagram Bio and website and go LIVE with me on Zoom!!
Twerking is literally the best form of exercise! It works you’re entire body I love it
Absolutely!! For more of my workouts, join me on Zoom every week!! ❤️❤️
@@NicoleSteenFitness sounds good :) feel free to email me
Best twerk turorial iven seen on TH-cam. Serious!!!! Thanks!!!!!!💖
sun&moon awwww thanks babe! That's means so much to us
@@Hipshakefitness thank YOU for bringing my inspiration back 💖🙏😘
Thank you for joining us!! If you want more of my new workouts, check out the link in my Instagram Bio and website and go LIVE with me on Zoom!! ❤️❤️❤️
thank you!!! im showing my kindergarten class and my mom this
Haha let’s gooo
Blud no 💀
Is it just me or do I not have a arch In my back ?
Try some stretching exercises
I have the opposite problem, I have to big arch to do anything properly😥
I don’t either, I did have a back injury though that’s probably why
I don't either
I walked in the living room and my mom was watching and trying to do this😂😂😂
I bet your Mom enjoyed it
Oh my goodness I'm glad I found you I need the extra help on building my booty and stomach tons . I don't know how to explain to you my booty look I think it's out of shape. I was so curious today to learn how to twerk
Welcome babe! We've got a lot more booty toning & twerking videos on our channel
So glad you found us!! Thank you for working out with me, Lakrystal!! I hope I was able to get you closer to your goals!! ❤️❤️
Out of all of the videos I've watched and tried, this one yielded the best results lol. And it was also the easiest. Thank you so much!❤
Ayyyyy! Which Twerk move challenged you? Learn more Twerk moves from Nicole here!
love the way she talks to the rhythm!
We do too. Makes it easier to follow 💜
Thank you!! ❤️❤️
At first I thought it was satire but than I really thought about it and you really can work out a lot of muscles with this style of work out. My hips are tired just watching lol
damn her body is my goal! so strong 💪🏼!
Body goals!!!
Thank you!! For more of my workouts, join me on Zoom every week!! ❤️
Thank you so much to Hip Shake Fitness and Nicole Steen. I thought twerking was not for me. But then I found the front booty pop twerk and now my life has changed.
Yuusss front booty pop like nobody's watching! Get it twerk queen 👑
So happy you found this, Daniela!! ❤️❤️❤️
I’m glad Nicole is doing it. She’s fun
Thanks, Sophia!! 🥰
Wow u r grt teache💖 thank for ur video its really 😘😘🤗helpful love from India 💜❤🥰😘
You are so welcome, Deeksha!! Love to you in India! ❤️❤️❤️
I’m following step by step and I literally look like I’m having some kind of manic episode. I don’t get what I’m not doing right 😒😂 but the video is very good and the instructor is funny asf it’s just user error apparently
awww thanks so much babe! Just keep practicing and remember it's all in the ankles.
You got this Rocky!! 👏🏾 I am proud of you for pushing yourself. The more you practice, the better you'll get.
“Manic episode” LMFAO omg
I’m dying. Me too😩me too….
You're the best keep going 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’m gonna frickin cry you just taught me how to twerk
😍Yes! Twerk queen in the house!
Yessss, Kaylee!! Way to go!
thank you i am a beginner and now can twerk really goodly
Yay!! Great job, Seb!!! 👏🏾👏🏾
Ok but this woman made me feel very comfortable 💙❤️
LOVE to hear it!
Thank you so much for twerking with me, Sejal!! I hope I was able to get you closer to your goals!! ❤️❤️
I love her energy💞
Her energy is THE best
Thank you, Jamyia!! I am always working on more videos!! You can join me for more on Zoom every week and see my site for more of my workouts! 🥰❤️
Quarantine is lit since I've been learning to twerk
Yasss! Quarantwerk Team
you're an amazing teacher, for real tho
Thank you so much, Amel!! ❤️
Ohh I need this ...want to loose weight by twerk workout..goal this 2020..
Shengmea yessss girl!! Join our virtual dance studio ❤️❤️
What is that awesome music playing in the background? It's perfect for booty bouncing.
I'm so sorry babe, but we recorded this way back in 2018 so we don't quite remember the track we used for the background music.
Omg I finally found out how to do it right, I tried doing that for soooooo long, I feel like I'm about to twerk everywhere nowwww
You better twerk everywhere! lol
Yessss!!! Great job!
After 52 hundreds of years. Im finally going to learn how to twek. Thanks for posting.
Lizabeth Duran you got this babe!
Thanks for working out with us, Lizabeth!
Okay but who is this instructor!? She is stunning and so talented.
Right? Get to know your new fave Nicole Steen!
Hi Jordan!! Thank you so much!! If you want more of my new workouts, check out the link in my Instagram Bio and website and go LIVE with me on Zoom!!
Guys listen to this lady right here, this actually works. It works.
Thanks for joining me, Lindokuhle!!
she's a good teacher
She really is!
Thank you!! You can join me on my website for more of my workouts, and I also go LIVE on Zoom every week!! 🥰
@@NicoleSteenFitness I will most definitely join you for workouts! I've been searching for something fun and fresh, lately, too!
Holy moly I never I'd be able to get it. This was amazing. What great content
So glad you could twerk with us babe!
Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️ You can join me on my website for more of my workouts, and I also go LIVE on Zoom every week!! 🥰
“Whats goin on lil nickie?? Haaaaay”
I love thissss
Thanks babe!
Her tutorial is really amazing
Thanks, Babe!! ❤️
Woahhhh it worked although I cant do moves like her but I did far better than before and now i am like why i had not watched it before
Yessss, Surabhi!! Way to go!! 👏🏾👏🏾
It is great! Thank you very much for teaching me how to twerk😚
Luisa Kern you're very welcome babe!!
You should show me how good you can twerk that booty girl
Great job, Luisa!! If you want more of my new workouts, check out the link in my Instagram Bio and website and go LIVE with me on Zoom!! ❤️👏🏾🔥
that was a legit workout
Way to go!! 👏🏾👏🏾
😭😭😭❤I can do ittttttt!!!!
Yes you caaaaaaannn
You got this, Misha!!
I’ve been having back problems every since covid started so hopefully this helps the soreness
Ive been tryna twerk for years n literally this video instant helped me !
Yay! So glad to hear it
That's so great, Klieauna!! Way to go!!
“It’s not about how big your booty is”
What if I have nO booty?
Step by step babe, How about twerking for 5 mins everyday. Try it!
Hip Shake Fitness my butt is invisible-but I will try it
@@TheDemarie09 send me a pick I'll be the judge of that 🍑
kenken121 kenken121 stop it
@@kenleywhite4909 lmao gift
Omg thx now am kinds doing it and getting better at it
If I didn’t watch ur video I would be suck at twerking
Thx again ❤️❤️❤️
Yaaaas Babe! Keep twerking ❤️❤️❤️
Wanna show me how good you are girl? I'll judge 1 out of 10
You're so welcome!! thanks for working out with me! ❤️🍑👏🏾
I am watching this during quarantine to be ready for my boyfriend after this pandemic
Yaaaass babe! Get it
Nicole is such an inspiration. Inside out!
Agreed 100%
Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for the video! I’m sorry but that “what’s going on back there little Nicki” took me out 😂🤣🤣be blessed!
LOL so good, Thanks for twerking with us
❤️ Thanks for twerkin with me!!
this taught me alot!
me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@PepoVro i learned more tho
@@jamesmulloy9870 noooooo!!!!!!!!!!
Yay!! So glad I was able to help you reach your goals!! Thank you for joining us, James!!
Wow this is high energy workout, loving all the moves!
Thank you! For more of my workouts, join me on Zoom every week!!
I'm learning with these videos!♡♡♡
Yay!! Thank you so much for working out with me! I am so glad I was able to get you closer to your goals!! Way to go, Dove!
Am glad I saw this video need to learn how to twerk....
Yasss. Go babe, go!
So glad you found us, Maite!! ❤️
Omg sooo fun.!!! But my legs are killing me.!!! Lol 😅😅
Yesss, Stacy- Get it!!
How have I only just discovered this after 16 months in lockdown!
🥰🥰 You're welcome!!
You actually know how to teach it, thank you for the video, helped a lot!
Thanks Babe! More videos soon! Stay tuned.
You are welcome, Gareema!! ❤️❤️❤️
i love this!! you’re a great instructor. so positive and funny
Thanks, Ally!! If you want more of my new workouts, check out the link in my Instagram Bio and website and go LIVE with me on Zoom!! ❤️❤️❤️
OMG I have to watch this on repeat!
My brother walked in while I was doing the second one lol AWKWARD
Perfect videos for beginners. Fitness goals! Kudos everyone
Aw thanks babe. We appreciate it
Great job!! Come and join me for my weekly Zoom workouts!! 🥰
u helped me so much for real i couldn't do it and now i can easily twerk!!
That's what we like to hear! Get it, twerk queen!
Yay!! Thank you so much for working out with me! I am so glad I was able to get you closer to your goals!! Great job!
You killed my legs sis omg
🥰🥰 You're welcome, Kat.
@@NicoleSteenFitness 🤧💕
Wow😲 its a amazing tutorial 👌👌👌👌
Thank you, Shahbaz!! If you want more of my new workouts, check out the link in my Instagram Bio and website and go LIVE with me on Zoom!!
@@NicoleSteenFitness your welcome ☺️
My lord the ✨ ENERGY✨
I just got inspired to practice this every day 💪🏼🔥
We're happy to hear this!
Yessss!!! Great job, Janeth!