From what I can understand (excluding the first few verses and a few near the end cause I'm too lazy to look up meaning of words other than what I already have) the song is about getting into creating music, creating what you think is a "twisted creation" and not knowing whether its good or not because it takes other's opinions for your music to be considered good. Therefore that gives new music creators doubts in the music they create. After that part you can either consider the next few verses about preparing your doubts and quaffing (drinking) down your bad thoughts as either encouraging (saying be brave and keep doing what you love regardless) or telling you to feel hopeless. I like to think its encouraging especially because near the end it says stuff like to transform endless anger (or frustration) to ecstasia (which I don't think actually means ecstasia along with everything in the song that ends with ia because according to google ecstasia is the dilation of a tubular structure and that just doesn't make any sense... so I'm just going with happiness) and to connect your nerves to the system of philosophia fantasia which I think in this case does include the ia in fantasia but not philosophia, which would be the philosophy of music with free form or in other words unique music usually using styles of multiple different forms of music. In simpler words I think the song is telling people who are having trouble creating their own music to not doubt themselves and to be unique by mixing different forms of music together.
I have made a little assumption about the meaning of this song, and this just might be me, and it's a little late because I have heard this song so many times! I feel as though it is focus on a person going on a trip through their own life's past up until their present point; their search for their purpose, and how confusing and hard it was and then the conclusion is realization that as long as you live you must keep searching. Some of the suffocated words having to do with the suffix "-pia" kind of give that impression. Utopia is a world that is revolving around the individual, so this is a song about "their" story. Euphoberia is an ancient species of millipede and the trail of cardioid refers to a very complex pattern they leave when they walk. This part refers to how complex their walk in life is. Twisted creation, heart disorientation, bemusment; all of which are referring to the new thoughts the sprout from all the questions they ask themselves, and how it leaves them even more confused. The next about merry go around, is also taking us back to the complex pattern of life, and how it leaves them feeling miserable, and how their decisions are being affected by it, these whirlwind of thoughts led the person almost to insanity (Quandary means problems making decisions in complex situations), therefore unable come to a conclusion or an answer. This part is my favourite part and also refers to how their are running out of time, and that they are trying to numb themselves from their thoughts "puss all the thoughts", "quaff them down", "eat them up", "prepare your doubts". However after, it takes about "Red sand flow out", this may refer that numbing their mind is actually killing them, they can't help but want to know, "Sweet mouth", sugary foods make you want to eat more, therefore stating she can't help but seek for answers for her complex questions. The next part refers to when you go to bed, and this is usually the time where you ponder the most. This part of the song refers to them crying themselves to sleep. The Florets are the head of flowers that burst open when the flower blooms; this is referring how they "let go" or "open up" and accept their situation in a negative way. (That the reality is, the more they question themselves the more they fall into despair) "there is no escape my dear", also coming back to the "cardioid" which I'll remind you was a complex mathematical shape. This is where the song becomes light-hearted, and the positive realization starts. They begin to realize that reality isn't that bad, and in this "the world goes through photosynthesia", it grows and changes, and it keeps things interesting, because no matter new questions will always arise and new answers to life, life keeps changing and that they realize they should "connect their nerves to Philosophiafantasia" Which is basically just keep searching for the meaning of life and walk in their purpose and in that right there is the meaning to their life. Such an amazing and beautiful song, as someone who love philosophy and psychology, and story writting after the 50th time I've listened to this, I had a whole story played in my mind. Wow! Anything thank you for all who read this! Hope it helps.
@Micheline Fong Why thank you! It's such an inspirational song I had to look more into it! Mili is one of my favourite artists. 😂 No one really understands my taste in music.
I like your lyrics in this video, it clears them even more now for me (as before I could only comprehend few of the words she sang). It also has good timing, keep it up! 😄
Step through the gate into Utopia Sink into a world of Melodia Black lace Euphoberia hurries away Tiny legs Leaves behind a track of cardioid Twisted creation Phosphorescent apparition Heart disorientation Bemusement Merry go ‘round and around Misery go ‘round and around Quandary go ‘round and around Merry go ‘round and around Tick-tock Time doesn’t stop Prepare your doubts Eat them up Quaff down The pass of thoughts Red sand flows out Sweet mouth The sky is painted in Lunacia Florets slashed open the rain of tears Misfortuna There is no escape, my dear The world undergoes Photosynthesia Transform endless anger to Ecstasia Connect your nerves To the system of Philosophiofantasia
i dont mean to be so off topic but does anybody know a way to log back into an instagram account? I was dumb lost my login password. I would love any help you can offer me.
Step through the gate into utopia Sink into a world of melodia Black lace Euphoberia hurries away Tiny legs Leaves behind a track of cardioid Twisted creation Phosphorescent apparition Heart disorientation Bemusement Merry go round and around Misery go round and around Quandary go round and around Merry go round and around Tick Tock Time doesn't stop Prepare your doubts Eat them up Quaff down The pus of thoughts Red sand flows out Sweet Mouth The sky is painted in Lunacia Florests slashed open the vein of tears Misfortuna, There is no escape My Deaaaaarrrrr HaaaaaaaaAA The world undergoes Photosynthesia Transform endless anger to Ecstasia Connect your nerves To the system of Philosophiofantasia *lalalalala*(my favorite part)
Several interpretations in the comments, some old, some new, so let me try it too: Step through the gate into utopia Sink into a world of melodia (Trying to calm down using music) Black lace Euphoberia hurries away Tiny legs Leaves behind a track of cardioid (Getting more nervous) Twisted creation Phosphorescent apparition (I'm a messed up creature) Heart disorientation Bemusement (I'm confused) Merry go round and around Misery go round and around Quandary go round and around Merry go round and around (Mentally struggling) Tick Tock Time doesn't stop (My time is running out) Prepare your doubts Eat them up (That's quite literal) Quaff down The pus of thoughts (Suicidal thoughts) Red sand flows out Sweet Mouth (I imagine myself dead) The sky is painted in Lunacia (There's moon in the sky) Florests slashed open the vein of tears (As I cut my wrists) Misfortuna, (Death) There is no escape My Deaaaaarrrrr HaaaaaaaaAA (Is inevitable) The world undergoes Photosynthesia (My vision is going dark) Transform endless anger to Ecstasia (As I'm finally calming down) Connect your nerves To the system of Philosophiofantasia (And as my soul leaves my body)
I recently found this game and for some reason, this is one of my top favorite songs,, I think it's the beautiful chaos aesthetic that's got me addicted to it!
To me the song is just talking about how the negativity and malevolent nature of humans makes it impossible for people to reach a utopian future and can only lead to an endless cycle of dystopian outcomes
For those who don’t get the meaning of the song: I think that’s the point ✌🏻🐶 Edit: it speaks about confusion, about the beauty of things not making sense, and the dread that comes with said beauty.
完全にぼっちで和訳したので様々な説や解釈違いあるかと思いますがどうぞ! 英語の()で囲まれてる部分の直前の英語は造語です。()の中に参考にした単語があります。 Step through the gate into Utopia その扉をくぐって理想郷へ踏み出せ Sink into a world of Melodia (Melodiousness) その旋律の世界に溺れろ Black lace 黒い紐のように Euphoberia hurries away. ヤスデが地を這い逃げてゆく (→Euphoberia armigeraというヤスデが石炭期に存在していたようです) Tiny legs 小さな脚で Leaves behind a track of cardioid カーディオイドの足跡をそこに残す (→カーディオイドとは正面の音だけを拾うマイクなどに使われる用語だそうです) Twisted creation ひねくれてねじ曲がった世界 Phosphorescent apparition 青白く光っている幻影 Heart disorientation 方向感覚を失い道に迷った心 Bemusement 困惑 Merry go ‘round and around メリーゴーランドが回って Misery go ‘round and around 苦痛や痛みも回って Quandary go ‘round and around 当惑したまま回って Merry go ‘round and around メリーゴーランドが回って Tick-tock チクタク Time doesn’t stop 時が止まることは無い Prepare your doubts 「貴方の疑惑を Eat them up 食べ尽くし Quaff down 貪り飲み尽くす準備をしなさい」 (→和訳的には「」で一括になります) The pass of thoughts 思考の膿を Red sand flows out 紅い砂は流れ出る Sweet mouth 愛らしい口 The sky is painted in Lunacia(Lunacy+ia) 空は狂気の色に染まった (→lunacy「狂気的な」と-ia「地形などにつく接尾」の組み合わせではないかと思ったのですがここは諸説あると思います) Florets slashed open the vein of tears 小さな花々は涙の脈を切り開いた Misfortuna(misfortune) 不幸 There is no escape,my dear 逃げ場なんてないんだ愛しい人よ (→この場合dearだけで名詞になります) The world undergoes Photosynthesia(photosynthesis) この世界は光合成を受けて Transform endless anger to Ecstasia(ecstasy) 終わりの無い怒りを狂喜に変える (→transformは他動詞なので「変形させる」、endlessは「絶え間なく」や「果てしなく」などの副詞ではなく「永遠の」という形容詞だったので次にくる名詞にかけましたが間違っていたらすみません) Connect your nerves 貴方の神経を繋ぐ To the system of Philosophio(philosophical)fantasia 哲学幻想曲の秩序のために。
first song to full combo on hard mode this is how much i like this song i mean i played it on vita and i thought only project diva is best rhythm but this is just something else
I know you asked this a while ago, but since no one cared to answer: There are many words in this song that are made up as a twist from other words, “Lunacia” is definitely from “Lunacy”, but in all honesty these words feel like they carry more meaning than the actual words. The best example is “Philosophiofantasia”, it’s a non-existing word but you can definitely tell what it means. This song is a very nice piece of poetry
From what I can understand (excluding the first few verses and a few near the end cause I'm too lazy to look up meaning of words other than what I already have) the song is about getting into creating music, creating what you think is a "twisted creation" and not knowing whether its good or not because it takes other's opinions for your music to be considered good. Therefore that gives new music creators doubts in the music they create. After that part you can either consider the next few verses about preparing your doubts and quaffing (drinking) down your bad thoughts as either encouraging (saying be brave and keep doing what you love regardless) or telling you to feel hopeless. I like to think its encouraging especially because near the end it says stuff like to transform endless anger (or frustration) to ecstasia (which I don't think actually means ecstasia along with everything in the song that ends with ia because according to google ecstasia is the dilation of a tubular structure and that just doesn't make any sense... so I'm just going with happiness) and to connect your nerves to the system of philosophia fantasia which I think in this case does include the ia in fantasia but not philosophia, which would be the philosophy of music with free form or in other words unique music usually using styles of multiple different forms of music.
In simpler words I think the song is telling people who are having trouble creating their own music to not doubt themselves and to be unique by mixing different forms of music together.
What an awesome way of interpretation!
Thank you for sparing us all the scientifical words.
Honestly that makes sence if you have ever played Deemo it makes sence
I thought about is suicide?
This interpretation motivates me. Thank you!
I don't know why but at 1:33 that one really strong note is so satisfying
I have made a little assumption about the meaning of this song, and this just might be me, and it's a little late because I have heard this song so many times! I feel as though it is focus on a person going on a trip through their own life's past up until their present point; their search for their purpose, and how confusing and hard it was and then the conclusion is realization that as long as you live you must keep searching. Some of the suffocated words having to do with the suffix "-pia" kind of give that impression. Utopia is a world that is revolving around the individual, so this is a song about "their" story. Euphoberia is an ancient species of millipede and the trail of cardioid refers to a very complex pattern they leave when they walk. This part refers to how complex their walk in life is. Twisted creation, heart disorientation, bemusment; all of which are referring to the new thoughts the sprout from all the questions they ask themselves, and how it leaves them even more confused. The next about merry go around, is also taking us back to the complex pattern of life, and how it leaves them feeling miserable, and how their decisions are being affected by it, these whirlwind of thoughts led the person almost to insanity (Quandary means problems making decisions in complex situations), therefore unable come to a conclusion or an answer. This part is my favourite part and also refers to how their are running out of time, and that they are trying to numb themselves from their thoughts "puss all the thoughts", "quaff them down", "eat them up", "prepare your doubts". However after, it takes about "Red sand flow out", this may refer that numbing their mind is actually killing them, they can't help but want to know, "Sweet mouth", sugary foods make you want to eat more, therefore stating she can't help but seek for answers for her complex questions. The next part refers to when you go to bed, and this is usually the time where you ponder the most. This part of the song refers to them crying themselves to sleep. The Florets are the head of flowers that burst open when the flower blooms; this is referring how they "let go" or "open up" and accept their situation in a negative way. (That the reality is, the more they question themselves the more they fall into despair) "there is no escape my dear", also coming back to the "cardioid" which I'll remind you was a complex mathematical shape. This is where the song becomes light-hearted, and the positive realization starts. They begin to realize that reality isn't that bad, and in this "the world goes through photosynthesia", it grows and changes, and it keeps things interesting, because no matter new questions will always arise and new answers to life, life keeps changing and that they realize they should "connect their nerves to Philosophiafantasia" Which is basically just keep searching for the meaning of life and walk in their purpose and in that right there is the meaning to their life.
Such an amazing and beautiful song, as someone who love philosophy and psychology, and story writting after the 50th time I've listened to this, I had a whole story played in my mind. Wow! Anything thank you for all who read this! Hope it helps.
@Micheline Fong Why thank you! It's such an inspirational song I had to look more into it! Mili is one of my favourite artists. 😂 No one really understands my taste in music.
Very close, unfortunately it has been revealed, this song is someone in her dark last moments, the final verse describes her suicide
Damn i completely forgot bout this Mili song and then i found it again. Mili vocal is really unique, just passing it i remember her songs
I like your lyrics in this video, it clears them even more now for me (as before I could only comprehend few of the words she sang). It also has good timing, keep it up! 😄
TealSpark you memorized it?
Step through the gate into Utopia
Sink into a world of Melodia
Black lace
Euphoberia hurries away
Tiny legs
Leaves behind a track of cardioid
Twisted creation
Phosphorescent apparition
Heart disorientation
Merry go ‘round and around
Misery go ‘round and around
Quandary go ‘round and around
Merry go ‘round and around
Time doesn’t stop
Prepare your doubts
Eat them up
Quaff down
The pass of thoughts
Red sand flows out
Sweet mouth
The sky is painted in Lunacia
Florets slashed open the rain of tears
There is no escape, my dear
The world undergoes Photosynthesia
Transform endless anger to Ecstasia
Connect your nerves
To the system of Philosophiofantasia
i dont mean to be so off topic but does anybody know a way to log back into an instagram account?
I was dumb lost my login password. I would love any help you can offer me.
Why do people always make these posts? We can see the lyrics on screen. This comment says and contributes nothing
@@D3THL0CKE dude its a 4 years old comment sheeeesh
Misfortuna, there is no escape, my dear... Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa a a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...........
Step through the gate into utopia
Sink into a world of melodia
Black lace
Euphoberia hurries away
Tiny legs
Leaves behind a track of cardioid
Twisted creation
Phosphorescent apparition
Heart disorientation
Merry go round and around
Misery go round and around
Quandary go round and around
Merry go round and around
Time doesn't stop
Prepare your doubts
Eat them up
Quaff down
The pus of thoughts
Red sand flows out
Sweet Mouth
The sky is painted in Lunacia
Florests slashed open the vein of tears
There is no escape
My Deaaaaarrrrr HaaaaaaaaAA
The world undergoes Photosynthesia
Transform endless anger to Ecstasia
Connect your nerves
To the system of
*lalalalala*(my favorite part)
such a cute voice
I don't know... There is something so beautiful and creepy about this song... I love it!
okay... who else loves the art style of this game? It's gorgeous! 1:30 to the end.... omg
Several interpretations in the comments, some old, some new, so let me try it too:
Step through the gate into utopia
Sink into a world of melodia
(Trying to calm down using music)
Black lace
Euphoberia hurries away
Tiny legs
Leaves behind a track of cardioid
(Getting more nervous)
Twisted creation
Phosphorescent apparition
(I'm a messed up creature)
Heart disorientation
(I'm confused)
Merry go round and around
Misery go round and around
Quandary go round and around
Merry go round and around
(Mentally struggling)
Time doesn't stop
(My time is running out)
Prepare your doubts
Eat them up
(That's quite literal)
Quaff down
The pus of thoughts
(Suicidal thoughts)
Red sand flows out
Sweet Mouth
(I imagine myself dead)
The sky is painted in Lunacia
(There's moon in the sky)
Florests slashed open the vein of tears
(As I cut my wrists)
There is no escape
My Deaaaaarrrrr HaaaaaaaaAA
(Is inevitable)
The world undergoes Photosynthesia
(My vision is going dark)
Transform endless anger to Ecstasia
(As I'm finally calming down)
Connect your nerves
To the system of
(And as my soul leaves my body)
I knew it! When i heared the goblin slayer opening, the voice feels familiar.
Who is Mili? Impossible to find something about this artist... Awesome and strange beauty in voice.
Douglas Edu MILI is a group of Artists.
Jamie Ward Thank you! Do you know how can i find something more about It?
Douglas Edu check their youtube channel
Mad Rabbit Thank you
Douglas Edu
Just check MILI Bandcamp
I recently found this game and for some reason, this is one of my top favorite songs,, I think it's the beautiful chaos aesthetic that's got me addicted to it!
I think this songs a metaphor for not letting yourself get happy because it's just a merry go round of misery.
Still don't understand the meaning of this song 😅
Lilinette Schiffer death, literally, death is the meaning
Same here
To me the song is just talking about how the negativity and malevolent nature of humans makes it impossible for people to reach a utopian future and can only lead to an endless cycle of dystopian outcomes
아 노래 넘 취적네여! 영상올려주셔서 감사해요♡ 앞으로도 이런 좋은 영상 많이 올려주세영! 영어를 못해서 한국어로 적네요ㅠ 양해부탁드려여 존경해여!!
i love this song, but does anyone else freak out at the baby cry at 1:04 ?
More like a jumpscare,but the song is still perfect :)
Here from Library of Ruina, thanks for the Mili lyrics!
0:12 - 0:24 is my favorite part :3
For those who don’t get the meaning of the song: I think that’s the point ✌🏻🐶
Edit: it speaks about confusion, about the beauty of things not making sense, and the dread that comes with said beauty.
Yay! Nice! Just earned a new sub
This was the first Deemo song I ever played, and I was such a noob!
Step through the gate into Utopia
Sink into a world of Melodia (Melodiousness)
Black lace
Euphoberia hurries away.
(→Euphoberia armigeraというヤスデが石炭期に存在していたようです)
Tiny legs
Leaves behind a track of cardioid
Twisted creation
Phosphorescent apparition
Heart disorientation
Merry go ‘round and around
Misery go ‘round and around
Quandary go ‘round and around
Merry go ‘round and around
Time doesn’t stop
Prepare your doubts
Eat them up
Quaff down
The pass of thoughts
Red sand flows out
Sweet mouth
The sky is painted in Lunacia(Lunacy+ia)
Florets slashed open the vein of tears
There is no escape,my dear
The world undergoes Photosynthesia(photosynthesis)
Transform endless anger to Ecstasia(ecstasy)
Connect your nerves
To the system of Philosophio(philosophical)fantasia
I haven't played the game in years... I remember this was one of my favorite songs
I love her voice. Cute but oddly chilling at the same time
This song is one of my favorite
Love this song
Best DEEMO song
_Prepare, your doubts, eat them u-_ *_aaaaaAAAAAAA_*
I heard this song ounce. Not from deemo. Once I found the game I unlocked it and joyfully looked up the lyrics for now I know what its called
Please do a Nine Point Eight!
Charleen Nguyen don't know if you still want it or haven't found it... but Mili has a lyric video of 9.8 in her channel
first song to full combo on hard mode this is how much i like this song i mean i played it on vita and i thought only project diva is best rhythm but this is just something else
This can be the same as the chaos language
내최애곡 정말 몇년만에 다시 들은듯
Never heard of these words buy they are beautiful.
...Why does this song remind me of myself?
2nd fave
I'm sure who is singing is Mili
Edit: it is, and you can see it in the song name .-.
Why are there so many big words :(
What is philisophiofantasia????? 😳
Mili do the Goblin Slayer's Opening .-. if you want
これはゲーム全体で私のお気に入りの曲の1つです 😅
I have idea, but this song reminds me of Steins Gate
What is it with mili and depressing songs?
노래는 좋다
가사는 말을 하지말자;;
@@大好きりんご-l1d いえいえです(*^^*)
Love the song but adding ia on words doesn't make it a new word
I think the point of the song is for it to not make sense. Someone commented a really good interpretation of this
What’s lunacia?(im brazilian)
I know you asked this a while ago, but since no one cared to answer:
There are many words in this song that are made up as a twist from other words, “Lunacia” is definitely from “Lunacy”, but in all honesty these words feel like they carry more meaning than the actual words. The best example is “Philosophiofantasia”, it’s a non-existing word but you can definitely tell what it means. This song is a very nice piece of poetry
Probably just another made up words to make the song sounds beautiful. Just like the Chaos language
Legendary song...💖 God damn i miss deemo😔🖤