Kristy Glass has a great fan base. I hope she comes back. Don't let the haters keep you down! Who cares if Michelle really even knits? Knitting takes time tp learn, period!
I really appreciate this information as I never knew why Kristy was cancelled….what she’d said or done and couldn’t find out on any social media. Thanks ladies!
Why does no one mention the magazine's culpability? They didn't insist that she be wearing knitwear on their cover? I don't see Michelle Obama as being responsible in the least if they didn't ask her to show her knits.
Vogue Knitting published their first publication in 1932....that's 89 x 12, or 1068 issues and 10 of those covers had a black woman on it. Just saying.
KG was mostly Questioning the editorial choices not criticizing Michele. The position of the photo was reversed, and she wasn’t wearing Knitting. KG works with a photographer. Wouldn’t the editor of Vogue knitting request that she show her work?I think she did mostly gift Knits. Knitting for her girls. There was nothing explaining what the actual injury to the individuals that came on so strong was. It was all pretty vague. KG runs a business.Even her religious choices Were criticized.She seemed pretty benign and not purposefully
Can we all just meditate on MICHELLE OBAMA for one second? She is the IMAGE of privilege. This is the former FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES... WIFE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. She's not a victim of being marginalized, systemic racism holding her down, crippled by white supremacists taking jobs from her or stealing seats in ivy league schools. She went to Princeton and Harvard! She is not a victim! Being called out for landing yourself on the coveted cover of Vogue Knit and not wearing something you knitted is ridiculous and if you want to talk about racial fragility, this is the PERFECT time. FURTHERMORE, attributing all criticism (unrelated to skin color) to racism is the absolute EPITOME of racism, because it completely strips the person of any personality or human attributes that can be praised or criticized and dismisses them as only a person of color. If you can't criticize Michelle Obama for not wearing knitwear on the cover of vogue knit magazine because she's black then you've successfully dismissed her as a knitter and chocked her up to "just a black person". The real racists here are the ones screaming racism
The only crime Kristy Glass committed was running afoul of her perceived in group. She had some near brushes with ostracism with the fireside chat video on inclusion, and her picture with the Fringe Co. bag and a knitted item created by a black designer. Sukrita and the color mustard, wanted her blood, but Kristy was temporarily immune due to her close friends who had her back. Friends who now are out with the long knives. The same women who watched her children play on knit nights, knitted with her, shared their lives with her have offered her up to the God Of Equity. The old warm orange hugs have run out for Kristy. The ideology is more important. The narrative must be preserved. The ones speaking out are terrified because they know they could be next. To have your livelihood destroyed, and your name dragged through the mud is horrible. And being frightened or pulling away from social media in the middle of a terror campaign is not fragile. If I were her I would lawyer up. All the way up. Defamation, slander and libel are crimes.
A photo of any celebrity wearing or holding something (s)he knit is a fair photo for a knitting magazine. Celebrity sans knitting? No. If Mrs O actually knits and was photographed wearing/holding her work, that would encourage more folks to take up the art. (You said that in the vlog and I agree). Those who tell others to buy/not buy on the basis of race, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or national origin are skirting close to, if not violating US federal law. Their actions smack of the Nazis warnings on Jewish owned storefronts telling potential customers to stay away. It is disgusting and tragic that the knitting world has come to this.
I might not know how to search properly, but a quick scan of the “knitting place we don’t go to” doesn’t appear to have any discussion about KG. Not even a front page warning to discuss or not discuss……
I understand the concerns of the BIPOC community and support that community even as much as i am able as a "white woman".Kristy definitely misspoke but I can't dismiss how much she has done to connect the knitting community everywhere and connected us to knitters, designers, indie dyers etc that we would never had known about. The interviews and backgrounds of so many interesting people was wonderful. i am also so sad how she's been attacked on so many levels and her business destroyed. I will miss watching with my morning coffee and honestly if u don't like her or support her, your choice is not to watch the videos. I think we all have very specific political views and they should have no platform on a knitting show.
@@mickiwhite4754 yes, they literally blocked me. Because a commenter was making hateful statements about white women as a collective group doing systemic racism. I called out that they were themselves perpetuating the racism by collectively singling out all white women, as if all white women are the enemy of blacks. They (Grocery Girls) and the original commenter said only white people can be racists, and that it's not possible for people who have "melaninized" skin to be racist, meaning people of color. *editor's note: all people have melanin* Anyway, I replied back that the Waukesha parade massacreist is black and called for violence against white people... specifically old white people, saying (and I quoted): “So when we start bakk knokkin white people TF out ion wanna hear it…the old white ppl 2, KNOKK DEM TF OUT!! PERIOD,” And then he proceeded to knock the old white people tf out by mowing them all down with his SUV along with a little white child too. I called that "racist violence" and Grocery Girls proceeded to block me. Go figure.
@@Knittingmylifeaway That is the most idiotic statement to come out of a “woke” mouth……..People of all color have the ability to hate and be bigots. These people are insane.
So, I totally disagree with cancelling KG, but I think you guys actually made more of a problematic argument about the MO situation than was originally meant. You turned it into a criticism of MO instead of an interesting observation on the part of the editors of VK. In my opinion it is a little strange MO was not wearing something knitted in the cover - it is not at all weird that she wasn’t featuring *her* knitting, as a newish knitter. Find me an article where the cover model of VK shows off their knitting.
I've thought so long and hard about weighing in on this but here goes. Regardless of what KGK did or said, whether it was meant in a mean spirited way or whether it was just an ignorant remark, Adella's response on TH-cam has made me sick to the stomach. Her deranged ramblings are an out and out malicious character assassination and she'll be lucky if Kristy Glass does not lawyer up in response. It was not a helpful response in any way and I would actively avoid purchasing from someone who thinks that is an acceptable way to behave.
Agreed. The 2 minute long introduction of silent teeth licking, tongue pressed hard into her cheek, eyebrow furrowed facial contortions shows hate. While speaking on the phone to a very nice seeming gentleman (does he know he's on speakerphone being recorded and published?) she declared several times that she's "out here fighting white supremacists" but in every way she appears to be the hateful one, the aggressor. She has torn Kristy Glass APART, not for white supremacy, but for her personality, (such as being theatric, etc) for her color choices etc. If anything, I think Adella has done 2 things: 1) used her own racial fragility to bolster her PR and image, preying on people's fear of being racist against black people, forcing them to choose sides (her side) and 2) Used Kristy Glass as a stepping stool in order to accomplish this. I have learned more about the Black knitting community, given more money to Black yarn companies and designers etc than I would have ever known had they not been featured on Kristy Glass's channel, interviewed and exposed. That goes for many vendors of other races too, not just Black. What I'm trying to say is that Kristy Glass has done a great deal for Black fiber artists and we have ALL benefited. The HATE AND VITRIOL coming from people like Adella is EMBARRASSING. DISGUSTING. I do NOT believe Adella that specifically Kristy Glass has exhibited any racism toward her. I believe Kristy wouldn't want to be her friend, not based on her skin color, but based on her nasty, angry, negative, self pitying attitude and her teeth licking hissing way of calling Kristy out on whatever bullshit racism she believes Kristy exhibited. Only ONE race is allowed to completely categorize an entire collective demographic negatively: Black people can say any hateful thing as angrily as they want about white people, and for some reason, white women... but if a white woman asks why a knitter doesn't wear something knitted on the coveted cover of Vogue KNIT magazine... then she's racist against the knitter featured. Michelle Obama held one of the most prestigious titles in the world:First Lady of the United States Wife of the President of the United States. She's far from underprivileged, marginalized, broken by systemic racism
Can we all just meditate on MICHELLE OBAMA for one second? She is the IMAGE of privilege. This is the former FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES... WIFE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. She's not a victim of being marginalized, systemic racism holding her down, crippled by white supremacists taking jobs from her or stealing seats in ivy league schools. She went to Princeton and Harvard! She is not a victim! Being called out for landing yourself on the coveted cover of Vogue Knit and not wearing something you knitted is ridiculous and if you want to talk about racial fragility, this is the PERFECT time. FURTHERMORE, attributing all criticism (unrelated to skin color) to racism is the absolute EPITOME of racism, because it completely strips the person of any personality or human attributes that can be praised or criticized and dismisses them as only a person of color. If you can't criticize Michelle Obama for not wearing knitwear on the cover of vogue knit magazine because she's black then you've successfully dismissed her as a knitter and chocked her up to "just a black person". The real racists here are the ones screaming racism
As a yarn dyer and a straight, white female. I am honestly terrified to try and grow my business in this woke mob BS. I feel so undercut and diminished. I purposefully avoid all the drama. I keep politics and business out of my business and my business Instagram. I'm so glad you guys are here talking logic and sense!!! Thank you for this. I really appreciate you guys!
@@LizCanKnit its getting closer every day. Sooner or later, they'll do or say something and BAM, they're cancelled. But it may not be a BIPOC issue. It might be gay men that want then to stop drooling over them and objectifying them. Or their huge wall of incredibly expensive designer yarn will fall down and crush them.
@@jacquelinehutchinson6668 Oh if only those two would go away. What the world can do without is two privileged big mouth women pretending to be experts on race relations in a city with only 3.8% black people. They’ll jump into this mess for sure. They can’t help themselves….they’ll have to prove they are “anti-racist” regardless of facts. Maybe they’ll wear anti Kristy Glass t-shirts to prove they are serious :).
@@jacquelinehutchinson6668 The one will start crying…it will be like Gracie Hart on Miss Congeniality working herself up into a tizzy :) And maybe they’ll tell us to read a book…cuz you know that will solve everything if white people just read books written by black people who hate us for existing LOL
This video said all the things Ive felt but been way too scared to say. I wonder how many other liberal minded people like me also agree that the assasination of KG’s character has been hateful to no end. I 100% believe Adella - but Lolabean supporters INCLUDING Adella have commented on not just the root incidents, but on KG’s annoying personality and even Adella saying how she would never be on KGs show because of how gross the colors she wears are (hot pink, glitter, etc) and even calling KG “a fucking idiot” in one of her live videos. Like - isnt the issue her being racist? cause now the issue seems to be she doesnt fit your ideals and isnt the type of person you would be friends with because she has a loud personality and doesnt wear colors you like. You can not dig her style and just leave her be - we all bring different qualities into the world; I dont expect anyone to be just like me or like my style and the comments made about her have been unbelievably hateful but in the name of “doing what is right”. As a white person I am responsible to check my inherent judgments and fragility about race and stand up against it, but I am not responsible to absorb another race’s hate in response to their own fragility and pain. How is hating someone else a way to respond to the hate you feel? Call her out - fine! but stop being just as awful as you are saying she was. It is disgusting.
So I've watched the first part of the Supermarket Karens (thank you Neil) and they handled it better than I thought they would BUT - 8 black women on the cover since 1949. Underrepresentation, for sure. But we all KNOW that the early and mid parts of the 20th century were indeed an era that we're not proud of when considering inclusiveness and diversity - colour, sexuality, gender identification. The call to change has been heeded but the wheels move slowly and I do believe overt racism has to be bred out to some degree. The world is so much more mixed and globalised and I do think younger generations have a fundamentally different attitude to the older. But talk about twisting the facts - one black woman on the cover in 1993 and then not again until 2006 (tear up slightly and gaze at the camera). So..... that means that there has been seven of those eight black women on the cover of VK in the past 15 years. It may not be equal representation yet but by my reckoning, that is progress and reflects the slow move of society towards not marginalising people because of their race!
how was she not cancelled when everyone had to cancel working with her due to the situation? just because the word “cancel KG” wasn’t explicitly said does not mean that everyone is not cancelling her. Adella’s video comments are filled with people saying they won’t even buy Vogue Knitting magazines if Vogue doesn’t “cancel” working with her (among many other hateful things). Where is the moderator for those comments? All of this talk over KG turning off comments and not moderating when Adella’s IG has no moderator shutting down the hateful comments about KG’s kntting style, personality and even calls to not support anything she does.
Thanks for explaining things. Both of you have good insight as to what's going on. I'm white and go to knitting groups, my first question after your name is always what are you making? Even a swatch? Come on! I think my big fear is who's next in this lottery of cancel culture?
Although I’m not a particular fan of Kristy Glass, I am even less of a fan of bullying and harassment which she has been subjected to. Thanks for setting the record straight.
This is all such bulling! I refuse to buy yarn by the color of the owners skin. Stop the victim playing and own your business and product. If people like it they will buy it. I have gotten so sick of certain podcasters who podcast with all their fake crying, trying to make themselves feel better for kissing all the boboos from hurt feelings of certain ones that need to have their ‘safe’ place. We live in a imperfect world and everyone is not going to be forced to like everyone. We all don’t get trophies.
I’m so tired and over the woke knitting community. Hair triggers tempers, looking and seeking any and all supposed transgressions. They bleat about micro aggressions and tone policing and turn around and do those very same things! I’m not having any of it and am very intentional in my purchases.
I’ve watched countless KG videos and enjoyed some. I quit a couple years ago because she acted woke. KG is a perpetual aspiring actress. Does/did work in commercials arena and some very minor parts here and there. She loves to talk about those experiences. She has a video about her family and Mormon beliefs which gives some insight into KG the person. In my opinion her videos are KG the actress and done well if you like her style. I’ve tried to find out what sin she committed to get canceled, and I thank you for sharing. I subscribed to VK for decades until a year or so ago when it became so ridiculous in content and woke. We knitters know we wear our hand knits. Seems totally appropriate for one to ask to see said hand knits unless that knitter is of color and a former First Lady to one of the worst presidents except the current. But, that’s another discussion. KG has just lost her livelihood. I don’t see any of those frequenting her stage supporting her…. Little do they know they are next on the woke slaughter table. I say let them cancel each other until we are rid of the entire lot. Oh, The Grocery Girls are nauseating. Couldn’t get a full episode in. Thanks for your podcast! Hope DK heals quickly.
Yes! Kristy has been in the “business” for quite awhile now. Acting, singing, performing, and yes print publication are all in her purview. She has a skill set she brought to the knitting community which was appreciated before the conversation. Now this doesn’t mean I’m excusing any “predatory tactics” she may have used. Anything centered in the entertainment world is very “you scratch my back....” Maybe these green business folk didn’t understand the nature of the business. It’s cut throat. People don’t want to work for free. Business tactics aside, her assessment of the failure of VK to get its crap together and give a knitting First Lady a decent interview was spot on.
You must be a Trumper. Even still after all his lies and dishonesty? How can you bash the Obamas? They are honest and respectful. Not a name calling wife cheater.
Betty F. I live alone with an 18 yr old cat and trying to outlive my cancer! I am a knitter and I find joy in watching the Grocery Girls, Chelsea Purls, GG, etc that brings great content in their podcast! For your information MRS OBAMA will go down in history as one of our GREATEST FIRST LADIES!! What was my first clue of you being a racist. These black & brown crafters are just trying to inform us on how they are being treated which as a white woman I am sympathetic to their claims. I also have watched Kristy G for yrs which I enjoyed but I don’t know how what or who was treated. I will not watch this podcast again, (first time), because I feel an tinge of racism). Oh, yes, have you ever watched a great knit designer, JOJI L., she never wears her designs in her podcasts for personal reasons which I don’t find offensive!! 🌴😺😍❤️🙏🧶. Joan
So if you go on one of the Canadien Knitting Karens podcast, one of their sycophants says the Knitting Karen’s Podcast has the right to talk about whatever they want on their podcast and don’t have to keep it to “just knitting”. One of the sycophants told another commenter words to the effect “you’re not the content police”…….the irony the Knitting Karens should be allowed to say whatever they want…but that privilege isn’t extended to KG. Get out your sunglasses people because the hypocrisy is glaring!!
You know, in this whole thing (and I'm very outside the loop. I don't follow really any of the big names in knitting, at all.) But I've seen several people repost the exact same "recap" of the whole thing, and then several more people just doing general "I'm so bipoc friendly! I love Michelle! I love all black small business owners and they have it so bad and I support them", but absolutely no one actually had anything concrete to add to it! No screenshots, no personal experience, nothing outside of the "party line". It's so strange! (And I think I followed Kristy for a short while, but if I'm thinking of the right person, her style was very bright and bold, and just not really my style. So I stopped following her because her knitting just didn't appeal to me. I'm not gonna go follow her now in "support" or something, but if all she did was say "where's the knitting" than... 🤨 I'd like to see it too!
It goes far beyond the Michelle Obama comment which was the tipping point. It takes time and work to begin to understand the entire discussion & issue, and that’s not going to happen by reading a few posts. Ya gotta dig in and really listen, even when it makes one feel uncomfortable. This is Friday and I have been reading about personal experiences with KG from many people via Instagram posts, stories & live videos since Monday (when I first learned of the controversy). I have only experienced KG via her public persona of TH-cam & Instagram. However, the stories recounted are personal experiences and when someone says they have been hurt by actions of KG (or anyone, for that matter) I believe them. By-the-way, the owner of LolaBean Yarn Co is Adella, not Lola…
I've been listening too since it all happened. We want to know why everyone waited years and years if she was so bad. It doesn't make me uncomfortable, because I was raised to understand that everyone is different and we won't agree with everyone. The problem with social media is that everyone has this idea they are right, or better and that everything they have to say is valid and should be held in highest regard. Not true. People aren't all special snowflakes and we shouldn't have to endure their hissy fits when someone doesn't agree. Thanks for boosting our video and helping us earn more 👍
Great episode. You all said so much of what I think. But there was so much I didn’t know that was explained through this so thank you again! Let’s go Brandon!
I have so many questions. This is all news to me about Michelle Obama not wearing any knitwear, or showing any “work.” My question to everyone is, why hasn’t anyone reached out to Vogue Knitting to ask them why Mrs. Obama did not have any knitwear or work in her photo? It was Vogue Knitting who decides who or what goes on the cover, right? Honestly I have never even heard of Kristy Glass and I have been knitting now for about 5 years. Lol. And crocheting for over 20. Yeah both parties do stupid crap. Get rid of both of them, edit the constitution to include people of color, and pay Congress, the House and Senate minimum wage period.
I have. The problem is that this controversy has probably upped subscriptions and mentions. Why would they address the question when it has been so good for business?
I have so many thoughts here…. How dare she criticize anything the do with MO, even though KG didn’t criticize her directly. So stupid! They treat her like some kind of a messiah! The other thing… all of these influencers are putting out their reaction videos slamming KG and begging for followers and money directly. They have their PayPal, Kofi, etc right there in the post on their video. It’s all about POWER and MONEY! Tabitha is right. This was perfectly timed for Xmas buying season. Somebody did a video about white women tears and it was just disgusting. 🙄 so other people aren’t allowed to have feelings, only one demographic, got it!
I've never seen so many comments from people trying to fit as many clichés as they can into a paragraph. You are obviously part of the problem rather than the solution, and I'm sure the bipoc community won't shed any tears if you've unfollowed any of their accounts. It's not about money or power. You just don't get it.
You know I really resonate with this comment, but it also begs the question: When products are selling like hot cakes, it’s easy to really let’s ones hair down, and calling for others to avoid someone like the plague. But when the sales dry up, it’s hard not to cry over spilled milk, and scream “cat got your tongue??” at other dyers and designers. The reaction in response may not be the silver lining one was hoping for. They may say “go climb a tree”, or call you the spitting image of what you despise. And when it rains it sure does pour. But as long as the loudest voice in the room is dressed to kill, it’s hard to judge a book by its cover.
Have you questioned if the response to the problem has been just as problematic? There are school kids who commit suicide over the type of bullying KG is getting in response to her problem….it is hateful. I am in no way saying she cannot learn and improve, but the cultural response is to completely obliterate every ounce of a person until they have no shred of dignity left and then say “I am doing what is right for BIPOC” or “What are you talking about? I didnt cancel anyone”. People are afraid to ask the hate to stop because then they are automitcally a part of the problem- it is hypocrisy on every level.
I did like Glass's interviews in the early years. My favorite youtube shows when she meet people at festivals and asked them about what they knitted and you saw what they knitted. But when the Ravelry debacle went down, she went woke and I turned off. So... I just dont care, not my circus. So, as far as Buying just because you are a minorty or woke is nonsense. If your product is good, then that should be enough. Now days, the minute it mentions the correct version of woke culture pops up I walk. But I am in agreement, where is, or show us the knitting is valid.
I was just wondering why I hadn't had seen any recent KG videos, particularly around the holidays, so I googled, and when you guys popped up, I immediately thought - uh oh. I shouldn't have watched, but I did. It just makes me so sad to witness the level of vitriol and pettiness on display here. So much like what you'd expect from middle schoolers, not adults. Anyway, I imagine you derive some type of pleasure from gossiping, and you have followers who enjoy your content, so I guess you probably feel validated by their support. I'm at an age where this is just so tiring; honestly I'm weary to the bones and sickened by the constant mocking, childish name-calling and insults. Unfortunately, this type of stuff doesn't really reflect well on folks who purport to be Christians (do unto others as you would have them do unto you, love others as you love yourself, are some of the lessons I remember from Christian Doctrine classes). In the coming days and months I'm sure we'll all learn more about what's been going on. Until then, I plan to withhold judgment
@@annepinkava Yes, I've enjoyed her Rhinebeck podcasts - they're great! She seems like a very sweet person, if possibly somewhat naive. Not sure about your other observation, but I'd appreciate hearing more. My comment was based on your conversations and comments from your supporters. Not just this one, but others also. Let me put it this way; I always think - what would my kids think if they heard me speaking this way? Is this language or behavior I'd want them to use or exhibit? Thanks for responding to me
@@politicallyincorrectknitters According to Merriam-Webster, it means being ": aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)." That sounds positive to me
Any white celebrity knitter could show their beginner projects being assured that Biden, Sharpton, BLM, Ocasio, Pelosi, et al would NOT ridicule it on a worldwide level just for the fun of it. Michelle Obama could NOT show her beginning projects without former leader of the free world T-rump, Banon, FoxNews, Tucker Carlson, Gaetz, Jordan, McConnell, et al all trashing it on a worldwide level for months and months with no let-up. You should all THANK her for NOT opening up the knitting community she's becoming a part of, to such a cruel, stupid, divisive circus. Especially since you would ALL then be saying: "Gee, didn't she KNOW T-rump would be DRAWN to our community and subject us to the same misogynist rants as he'd leveled against female US Soccer team, for example!??? Why did she SHOW him anything!?? She should've been more MEDIA SAVVY and just SPOKE about her knitting without fueling situation with VISUALS!!!" None of you walk in her shoes, so SHUT IT. You're in NO position to judge her.
I disagree. They have a right to their opinion. We just have to stop letting them shout us down until we slink away with our tail between our legs. People need to be able to have different views. DK
They don’t necessarily deserve to be canceled, but they have become incredibly tone-deaf and hypocritical. I used to love them in their early years….before they jumped on the woke bandwagon.
Why do advertisers insist on using blacks in 95% of their advertising, do they believe other races are less important, because that's the message viewers are getting.
@@recreationalknittingpodcast I disagree, I was raised and taught everyone is equally important, everyone should be treated with respect and everyone has the same rights.
Experienced knitters have NO memory whatsoever of NOT wanting to show our beginning projects, as enthusiastic as we were about them? Nobody wants to show stuff we LOVE, but realize is "not ready for primetime", and expose it to ridicule.. And risk having trolls take all the fun out of it for you before you've even gotten more projects under your belt. Stop with the "Show me your birth certificate, Obama! Prove you're whatever you say you are!" stuff.. She'll show her knitting when she's READY to show her knitting: accept that she LOVES her beginning and learning curve enough to take time to SPEAK about it, even though she's still bashful about exposing her own knitting to world. Also, NONE of you white knitters have to worry or concern yourselves with Biden, Sharpton, or BLM trashing your nascent projects: while you KNOW T-rump would be ALL OVER whatever Michelle had shown, along with FoxNews, Banon, Gaetz, Bobert, Marjory Taylor Green, as well as each and every one of their MAGA minions. So shut it.
I love to hear all perspectives on an issue. I just gotta say, ladies, this was really hard to listen to. Lots of privilege and a huge disconnect from the point. Sorry. I wasn’t impressed at all with the way y’all chose to come at this. I think you missed an opportunity here. This was passive aggressive and a lot of opinion. If you were going to discuss the issue maybe come with more references for your commentary. Maybe an unpopular observation. I am just saying how this came off in my opinion. I didn’t feel an unbiased news perspective here at all. Very clear biases. ✌🏻
@@politicallyincorrectknitters lol…I don’t know if she knits or crochets or anything, but she did make it a point to visit a yarn shop in DC eight months ago and the news was all over it.
why are you telling such bogus lies ? you truly do not know what you're speaking about.. kg getting "cancelled" is her being a coward and not being accountable for the shit she starting stirring. before you talk about anyone's business do some research ...if you knew lolabeanyarnco at all you would know that she sells out in minutes of her doing shop updates and can barely keep any of her other items in stock ...
So you really think the accusation against KG of being “racist” by questioning…“attacking”…MO/Vogue for not showing her knitwear is valid? Once someone is in the crosshairs of the liberal woke mob, there is little to nothing they can do or say that will stop them.
Two white women. In this environment. Judgy. At best. I want to know how you two feel so entitled. Lola is her daughter and is not her name. Say her name. Adella.
Kristy Glass has a great fan base. I hope she comes back. Don't let the haters keep you down! Who cares if Michelle really even knits? Knitting takes time tp learn, period!
I really appreciate this information as I never knew why Kristy was cancelled….what she’d said or done and couldn’t find out on any social media. Thanks ladies!
Thanks for explaining all this. Can someone tell me about the Grocery Girls and why they might be next?
Good to see you doing well DK. Thanks for letting us know what's going on. I'm out of the loop - but that's a good thing.
Why does no one mention the magazine's culpability? They didn't insist that she be wearing knitwear on their cover? I don't see Michelle Obama as being responsible in the least if they didn't ask her to show her knits.
Vogue Knitting published their first publication in 1932....that's 89 x 12, or 1068 issues and 10 of those covers had a black woman on it. Just saying.
Fruity Knitting is serious - no idle chit chat at all. Also Fleece and Harmony. They are the only ones I watch as the rest are full of chit chat.
KG was mostly Questioning the editorial choices not criticizing Michele. The position of the photo was reversed, and she wasn’t wearing Knitting. KG works with a photographer. Wouldn’t the editor of Vogue knitting request that she show her work?I think she did mostly gift Knits. Knitting for her girls.
There was nothing explaining what the actual injury to the individuals that came on so strong was. It was all pretty vague. KG runs a business.Even her religious choices
Were criticized.She seemed pretty benign and not purposefully
Can we all just meditate on MICHELLE OBAMA for one second? She is the IMAGE of privilege. This is the former FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES... WIFE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
She's not a victim of being marginalized, systemic racism holding her down, crippled by white supremacists taking jobs from her or stealing seats in ivy league schools. She went to Princeton and Harvard!
She is not a victim!
Being called out for landing yourself on the coveted cover of Vogue Knit and not wearing something you knitted is ridiculous and if you want to talk about racial fragility, this is the PERFECT time.
FURTHERMORE, attributing all criticism (unrelated to skin color) to racism is the absolute EPITOME of racism, because it completely strips the person of any personality or human attributes that can be praised or criticized and dismisses them as only a person of color.
If you can't criticize Michelle Obama for not wearing knitwear on the cover of vogue knit magazine because she's black then you've successfully dismissed her as a knitter and chocked her up to "just a black person".
The real racists here are the ones screaming racism
The only crime Kristy Glass committed was running afoul of her perceived in group. She had some near brushes with ostracism with the fireside chat video on inclusion, and her picture with the Fringe Co. bag and a knitted item created by a black designer. Sukrita and the color mustard, wanted her blood, but Kristy was temporarily immune due to her close friends who had her back. Friends who now are out with the long knives. The same women who watched her children play on knit nights, knitted with her, shared their lives with her have offered her up to the God Of Equity. The old warm orange hugs have run out for Kristy. The ideology is more important. The narrative must be preserved. The ones speaking out are terrified because they know they could be next. To have your livelihood destroyed, and your name dragged through the mud is horrible. And being frightened or pulling away from social media in the middle of a terror campaign is not fragile. If I were her I would lawyer up. All the way up. Defamation, slander and libel are crimes.
Asol-fricking-lutely. As I said in my own response Adella's youtube ravings are defamatory and have done untold damage to her own community.
A photo of any celebrity wearing or holding something (s)he knit is a fair photo for a knitting magazine. Celebrity sans knitting? No. If Mrs O actually knits and was photographed wearing/holding her work, that would encourage more folks to take up the art. (You said that in the vlog and I agree). Those who tell others to buy/not buy on the basis of race, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or national origin are skirting close to, if not violating US federal law. Their actions smack of the Nazis warnings on Jewish owned storefronts telling potential customers to stay away. It is disgusting and tragic that the knitting world has come to this.
I feel we should have Cancel Bingo as a weekly game - who know who will be next!Thank you for shining some light on this.
I found so much of this unsettling. I appreciate your insight.
I might not know how to search properly, but a quick scan of the “knitting place we don’t go to” doesn’t appear to have any discussion about KG. Not even a front page warning to discuss or not discuss……
Which knitting place is that? Ravelry?
I understand the concerns of the BIPOC community and support that community even as much as i am able as a "white woman".Kristy definitely misspoke but I can't dismiss how much she has done to connect the knitting community everywhere and connected us to knitters, designers, indie dyers etc that we would never had known about. The interviews and backgrounds of so many interesting people was wonderful. i am also so sad how she's been attacked on so many levels and her business destroyed. I will miss watching with my morning coffee and honestly if u don't like her or support her, your choice is not to watch the videos. I think we all have very specific political views and they should have no platform on a knitting show.
And Grocery Girls are really at it today
@@mickiwhite4754 they blocked me.
@@Knittingmylifeaway seriously the Grocery Girls did??? Figures. I'm tired of their rants on what's supposed to be a knitting show
@@mickiwhite4754 yes, they literally blocked me.
Because a commenter was making hateful statements about white women as a collective group doing systemic racism.
I called out that they were themselves perpetuating the racism by collectively singling out all white women, as if all white women are the enemy of blacks.
They (Grocery Girls) and the original commenter said only white people can be racists, and that it's not possible for people who have "melaninized" skin to be racist, meaning people of color.
*editor's note: all people have melanin*
Anyway, I replied back that the Waukesha parade massacreist is black and called for violence against white people... specifically old white people, saying (and I quoted): “So when we start bakk knokkin white people TF out ion wanna hear it…the old white ppl 2, KNOKK DEM TF OUT!! PERIOD,”
And then he proceeded to knock the old white people tf out by mowing them all down with his SUV along with a little white child too.
I called that "racist violence" and Grocery Girls proceeded to block me. Go figure.
@@Knittingmylifeaway That is the most idiotic statement to come out of a “woke” mouth……..People of all color have the ability to hate and be bigots. These people are insane.
So, I totally disagree with cancelling KG, but I think you guys actually made more of a problematic argument about the MO situation than was originally meant. You turned it into a criticism of MO instead of an interesting observation on the part of the editors of VK. In my opinion it is a little strange MO was not wearing something knitted in the cover - it is not at all weird that she wasn’t featuring *her* knitting, as a newish knitter. Find me an article where the cover model of VK shows off their knitting.
I've thought so long and hard about weighing in on this but here goes. Regardless of what KGK did or said, whether it was meant in a mean spirited way or whether it was just an ignorant remark, Adella's response on TH-cam has made me sick to the stomach. Her deranged ramblings are an out and out malicious character assassination and she'll be lucky if Kristy Glass does not lawyer up in response. It was not a helpful response in any way and I would actively avoid purchasing from someone who thinks that is an acceptable way to behave.
I had the same reaction and thoughts.
I couldn’t agree more!
I agree 100%
Agreed. The 2 minute long introduction of silent teeth licking, tongue pressed hard into her cheek, eyebrow furrowed facial contortions shows hate. While speaking on the phone to a very nice seeming gentleman (does he know he's on speakerphone being recorded and published?) she declared several times that she's "out here fighting white supremacists" but in every way she appears to be the hateful one, the aggressor. She has torn Kristy Glass APART, not for white supremacy, but for her personality, (such as being theatric, etc) for her color choices etc. If anything, I think Adella has done 2 things:
1) used her own racial fragility to bolster her PR and image, preying on people's fear of being racist against black people, forcing them to choose sides (her side) and
2) Used Kristy Glass as a stepping stool in order to accomplish this.
I have learned more about the Black knitting community, given more money to Black yarn companies and designers etc than I would have ever known had they not been featured on Kristy Glass's channel, interviewed and exposed. That goes for many vendors of other races too, not just Black. What I'm trying to say is that Kristy Glass has done a great deal for Black fiber artists and we have ALL benefited.
The HATE AND VITRIOL coming from people like Adella is EMBARRASSING. DISGUSTING.
I do NOT believe Adella that specifically Kristy Glass has exhibited any racism toward her. I believe Kristy wouldn't want to be her friend, not based on her skin color, but based on her nasty, angry, negative, self pitying attitude and her teeth licking hissing way of calling Kristy out on whatever bullshit racism she believes Kristy exhibited.
Only ONE race is allowed to completely categorize an entire collective demographic negatively:
Black people can say any hateful thing as angrily as they want about white people, and for some reason, white women... but if a white woman asks why a knitter doesn't wear something knitted on the coveted cover of Vogue KNIT magazine... then she's racist against the knitter featured. Michelle Obama held one of the most prestigious titles in the world:First Lady of the United States
Wife of the President of the United States.
She's far from underprivileged, marginalized, broken by systemic racism
Can we all just meditate on MICHELLE OBAMA for one second? She is the IMAGE of privilege. This is the former FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES... WIFE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
She's not a victim of being marginalized, systemic racism holding her down, crippled by white supremacists taking jobs from her or stealing seats in ivy league schools. She went to Princeton and Harvard!
She is not a victim!
Being called out for landing yourself on the coveted cover of Vogue Knit and not wearing something you knitted is ridiculous and if you want to talk about racial fragility, this is the PERFECT time.
FURTHERMORE, attributing all criticism (unrelated to skin color) to racism is the absolute EPITOME of racism, because it completely strips the person of any personality or human attributes that can be praised or criticized and dismisses them as only a person of color.
If you can't criticize Michelle Obama for not wearing knitwear on the cover of vogue knit magazine because she's black then you've successfully dismissed her as a knitter and chocked her up to "just a black person".
The real racists here are the ones screaming racism
Interesting. I didn’t know any of this
Thanks for explaining what happened! Bottom line is that a knitter will gladly show their knitting. Knitting content should have been included.
That sounds like a gatekeeper, hun.
So much insanity. Babylon Bee is finding writing satire so much more difficult every day.
I know right! You can't make this stuff up! The more absurd the more true!
Gosh darn it missed another one imagine that😆
As a yarn dyer and a straight, white female. I am honestly terrified to try and grow my business in this woke mob BS. I feel so undercut and diminished. I purposefully avoid all the drama. I keep politics and business out of my business and my business Instagram. I'm so glad you guys are here talking logic and sense!!! Thank you for this. I really appreciate you guys!
Share you site here so we can support you if we like your product!
I mean. What is there to be scared of it you’re not racist, sexist etc? Ya know. I wouldn’t worry 🙂
@@TheSeattleStitcher exactly
I have questions.
OMG the grocery girls are so phoney baloney. Ugh. I feel the same way about KG. It's that whole "omgz I'm SO QUIRKY" thing.
The Grocery Girls are probably next. The “smiling while white” is blatant racism now.
@@LizCanKnit its getting closer every day. Sooner or later, they'll do or say something and BAM, they're cancelled. But it may not be a BIPOC issue. It might be gay men that want then to stop drooling over them and objectifying them. Or their huge wall of incredibly expensive designer yarn will fall down and crush them.
@@jacquelinehutchinson6668 Oh if only those two would go away. What the world can do without is two privileged big mouth women pretending to be experts on race relations in a city with only 3.8% black people. They’ll jump into this mess for sure. They can’t help themselves….they’ll have to prove they are “anti-racist” regardless of facts. Maybe they’ll wear anti Kristy Glass t-shirts to prove they are serious :).
@@celticheart5933 They would eat their own young if it would keep them relevant
@@jacquelinehutchinson6668 The one will start crying…it will be like Gracie Hart on Miss Congeniality working herself up into a tizzy :) And maybe they’ll tell us to read a book…cuz you know that will solve everything if white people just read books written by black people who hate us for existing LOL
This video said all the things Ive felt but been way too scared to say. I wonder how many other liberal minded people like me also agree that the assasination of KG’s character has been hateful to no end. I 100% believe Adella - but Lolabean supporters INCLUDING Adella have commented on not just the root incidents, but on KG’s annoying personality and even Adella saying how she would never be on KGs show because of how gross the colors she wears are (hot pink, glitter, etc) and even calling KG “a fucking idiot” in one of her live videos. Like - isnt the issue her being racist? cause now the issue seems to be she doesnt fit your ideals and isnt the type of person you would be friends with because she has a loud personality and doesnt wear colors you like. You can not dig her style and just leave her be - we all bring different qualities into the world; I dont expect anyone to be just like me or like my style and the comments made about her have been unbelievably hateful but in the name of “doing what is right”.
As a white person I am responsible to check my inherent judgments and fragility about race and stand up against it, but I am not responsible to absorb another race’s hate in response to their own fragility and pain. How is hating someone else a way to respond to the hate you feel? Call her out - fine! but stop being just as awful as you are saying she was. It is disgusting.
This is the slippery slope we are on, Dear.
Social justice has nothing to do with equality but more revenge. When are white liberals going to wake up and recognize this?
So I've watched the first part of the Supermarket Karens (thank you Neil) and they handled it better than I thought they would BUT - 8 black women on the cover since 1949. Underrepresentation, for sure. But we all KNOW that the early and mid parts of the 20th century were indeed an era that we're not proud of when considering inclusiveness and diversity - colour, sexuality, gender identification. The call to change has been heeded but the wheels move slowly and I do believe overt racism has to be bred out to some degree. The world is so much more mixed and globalised and I do think younger generations have a fundamentally different attitude to the older. But talk about twisting the facts - one black woman on the cover in 1993 and then not again until 2006 (tear up slightly and gaze at the camera). So..... that means that there has been seven of those eight black women on the cover of VK in the past 15 years. It may not be equal representation yet but by my reckoning, that is progress and reflects the slow move of society towards not marginalising people because of their race!
@jacqueline hutchinson. Supermarket Karens….that made me almost choke on my tea :). Love it :)
This is all so sad and such a waste of everyone’s precious time. The canceling war has to stop. Love you two, great content as usual.
It's so much deeper than this. She wasn't cancelled.
Could you please elaborate? What's the deeper part?
No? What do you call it when a mob rakes someone over the coals?
how was she not cancelled when everyone had to cancel working with her due to the situation? just because the word “cancel KG” wasn’t explicitly said does not mean that everyone is not cancelling her. Adella’s video comments are filled with people saying they won’t even buy Vogue Knitting magazines if Vogue doesn’t “cancel” working with her (among many other hateful things). Where is the moderator for those comments? All of this talk over KG turning off comments and not moderating when Adella’s IG has no moderator shutting down the hateful comments about KG’s kntting style, personality and even calls to not support anything she does.
The knitting community is losing it’s mind? And in other news water is wet :).
That's it? A question? I thought it was something serious. Had no idea it happened.
That’s called a puff piece … wasn’t it just to talk about her book.
Thank you for going into this.
Thanks for explaining things. Both of you have good insight as to what's going on. I'm white and go to knitting groups, my first question after your name is always what are you making? Even a swatch? Come on! I think my big fear is who's next in this lottery of cancel culture?
Although I’m not a particular fan of Kristy Glass, I am even less of a fan of bullying and harassment which she has been subjected to. Thanks for setting the record straight.
This is all such bulling! I refuse to buy yarn by the color of the owners skin. Stop the victim playing and own your business and product. If people like it they will buy it. I have gotten so sick of certain podcasters who podcast with all their fake crying, trying to make themselves feel better for kissing all the boboos from hurt feelings of certain ones that need to have their ‘safe’ place. We live in a imperfect world and everyone is not going to be forced to like everyone. We all don’t get trophies.
I’m so tired and over the woke knitting community. Hair triggers tempers, looking and seeking any and all supposed transgressions. They bleat about micro aggressions and tone policing and turn around and do those very same things! I’m not having any of it and am very intentional in my purchases.
As soon as an adult starts talking about micro-aggressions you need to just smile and walk away or avoid that person
@@brianmeen2158 amen to that!
I’ve watched countless KG videos and enjoyed some. I quit a couple years ago because she acted woke. KG is a perpetual aspiring actress. Does/did work in commercials arena and some very minor parts here and there. She loves to talk about those experiences. She has a video about her family and Mormon beliefs which gives some insight into KG the person. In my opinion her videos are KG the actress and done well if you like her style.
I’ve tried to find out what sin she committed to get canceled, and I thank you for sharing. I subscribed to VK for decades until a year or so ago when it became so ridiculous in content and woke.
We knitters know we wear our hand knits. Seems totally appropriate for one to ask to see said hand knits unless that knitter is of color and a former First Lady to one of the worst presidents except the current. But, that’s another discussion.
KG has just lost her livelihood. I don’t see any of those frequenting her stage supporting her…. Little do they know they are next on the woke slaughter table. I say let them cancel each other until we are rid of the entire lot.
Oh, The Grocery Girls are nauseating. Couldn’t get a full episode in.
Thanks for your podcast! Hope DK heals quickly.
Yes! Kristy has been in the “business” for quite awhile now. Acting, singing, performing, and yes print publication are all in her purview. She has a skill set she brought to the knitting community which was appreciated before the conversation. Now this doesn’t mean I’m excusing any “predatory tactics” she may have used. Anything centered in the entertainment world is very “you scratch my back....” Maybe these green business folk didn’t understand the nature of the business. It’s cut throat. People don’t want to work for free.
Business tactics aside, her assessment of the failure of VK to get its crap together and give a knitting First Lady a decent interview was spot on.
You must be a Trumper. Even still after all his lies and dishonesty? How can you bash the Obamas? They are honest and respectful. Not a name calling wife cheater.
Wow the brain washing is strong with you. The Obama's are no where near perfect.
@@politicallyincorrectknitters no. Far from perfect. But he respects women. And as of today no report of rape or other violence against women.
Betty F. I live alone with an 18 yr old cat and trying to outlive my cancer! I am a knitter and I find joy in watching the Grocery Girls, Chelsea Purls, GG, etc that brings great content in their podcast! For your information MRS OBAMA will go down in history as one of our GREATEST FIRST LADIES!! What was my first clue of you being a racist. These black & brown crafters are just trying to inform us on how they are being treated which as a white woman I am sympathetic to their claims. I also have watched Kristy G for yrs which I enjoyed but I don’t know how what or who was treated. I will not watch this podcast again, (first time), because I feel an tinge of racism). Oh, yes, have you ever watched a great knit designer, JOJI L., she never wears her designs in her podcasts for personal reasons which I don’t find offensive!! 🌴😺😍❤️🙏🧶. Joan
So if you go on one of the Canadien Knitting Karens podcast, one of their sycophants says the Knitting Karen’s Podcast has the right to talk about whatever they want on their podcast and don’t have to keep it to “just knitting”. One of the sycophants told another commenter words to the effect “you’re not the content police”…….the irony the Knitting Karens should be allowed to say whatever they want…but that privilege isn’t extended to KG. Get out your sunglasses people because the hypocrisy is glaring!!
The cancel mob is ridiculous. I unsubscribed to all of the wokesters in the knitting community a while ago.
No one is being cancelled. ... fyi
@@stuntalicious Tell that to Kristy Glass
Glad I found your podcast. I was wondering what Kristy had said. Now I think this is rediculous. Where is her knitting?
You know, in this whole thing (and I'm very outside the loop. I don't follow really any of the big names in knitting, at all.) But I've seen several people repost the exact same "recap" of the whole thing, and then several more people just doing general "I'm so bipoc friendly! I love Michelle! I love all black small business owners and they have it so bad and I support them", but absolutely no one actually had anything concrete to add to it! No screenshots, no personal experience, nothing outside of the "party line". It's so strange!
(And I think I followed Kristy for a short while, but if I'm thinking of the right person, her style was very bright and bold, and just not really my style. So I stopped following her because her knitting just didn't appeal to me. I'm not gonna go follow her now in "support" or something, but if all she did was say "where's the knitting" than... 🤨 I'd like to see it too!
Oh you're gonna have Knitty McPurly? I love Devin!
Thank you for this ❤️
It goes far beyond the Michelle Obama comment which was the tipping point. It takes time and work to begin to understand the entire discussion & issue, and that’s not going to happen by reading a few posts. Ya gotta dig in and really listen, even when it makes one feel uncomfortable. This is Friday and I have been reading about personal experiences with KG from many people via Instagram posts, stories & live videos since Monday (when I first learned of the controversy). I have only experienced KG via her public persona of TH-cam & Instagram. However, the stories recounted are personal experiences and when someone says they have been hurt by actions of KG (or anyone, for that matter) I believe them. By-the-way, the owner of LolaBean Yarn Co is Adella, not Lola…
I've been listening too since it all happened. We want to know why everyone waited years and years if she was so bad. It doesn't make me uncomfortable, because I was raised to understand that everyone is different and we won't agree with everyone. The problem with social media is that everyone has this idea they are right, or better and that everything they have to say is valid and should be held in highest regard. Not true. People aren't all special snowflakes and we shouldn't have to endure their hissy fits when someone doesn't agree. Thanks for boosting our video and helping us earn more 👍
Great episode. You all said so much of what I think. But there was so much I didn’t know that was explained through this so thank you again!
Let’s go Brandon!
You are rude and disrespectful.
You are precious 🙄
@@carolynnadey56 how so?
Thank you for this conversation. You have raised many great questions for thought.
I have so many questions. This is all news to me about Michelle Obama not wearing any knitwear, or showing any “work.” My question to everyone is, why hasn’t anyone reached out to Vogue Knitting to ask them why Mrs. Obama did not have any knitwear or work in her photo? It was Vogue Knitting who decides who or what goes on the cover, right? Honestly I have never even heard of Kristy Glass and I have been knitting now for about 5 years. Lol. And crocheting for over 20. Yeah both parties do stupid crap. Get rid of both of them, edit the constitution to include people of color, and pay Congress, the House and Senate minimum wage period.
I have. The problem is that this controversy has probably upped subscriptions and mentions. Why would they address the question when it has been so good for business?
@@politicallyincorrectknitters lol. Sad but true. And thanks for responding!
What on earth do you mean “edit the Constitution to include people of color”?? This is utter nonsense.
@@DillyDahlia says YOU. I said what tf I said.
@@Yvva74 Typical double-standard hypocrite. Have a great night!
I canceled my subscription because of it.
I am sorry to see this craft niche following the same fate as the “makeup “ sector…
MO must knit Molly Weasley style. Magically!
Now tell everyone MO is really a man and sit back and watch the knitaverse implode lol
At least it's not Hillary Clinton! That evil woman scares me! 😟
They want you to pay them for their "emotional labour". 🤣
I have so many thoughts here….
How dare she criticize anything the do with MO, even though KG didn’t criticize her directly. So stupid! They treat her like some kind of a messiah!
The other thing… all of these influencers are putting out their reaction videos slamming KG and begging for followers and money directly. They have their PayPal, Kofi, etc right there in the post on their video. It’s all about POWER and MONEY! Tabitha is right. This was perfectly timed for Xmas buying season.
Somebody did a video about white women tears and it was just disgusting. 🙄 so other people aren’t allowed to have feelings, only one demographic, got it!
Hi! Can you please let me know who did the video you mentioned? White woman tears. Thank you!
I've never seen so many comments from people trying to fit as many clichés as they can into a paragraph. You are obviously part of the problem rather than the solution, and I'm sure the bipoc community won't shed any tears if you've unfollowed any of their accounts. It's not about money or power. You just don't get it.
You know I really resonate with this comment, but it also begs the question: When products are selling like hot cakes, it’s easy to really let’s ones hair down, and calling for others to avoid someone like the plague. But when the sales dry up, it’s hard not to cry over spilled milk, and scream “cat got your tongue??” at other dyers and designers. The reaction in response may not be the silver lining one was hoping for. They may say “go climb a tree”, or call you the spitting image of what you despise. And when it rains it sure does pour. But as long as the loudest voice in the room is dressed to kill, it’s hard to judge a book by its cover.
Have you questioned if the response to the problem has been just as problematic? There are school kids who commit suicide over the type of bullying KG is getting in response to her problem….it is hateful. I am in no way saying she cannot learn and improve, but the cultural response is to completely obliterate every ounce of a person until they have no shred of dignity left and then say “I am doing what is right for BIPOC” or “What are you talking about? I didnt cancel anyone”. People are afraid to ask the hate to stop because then they are automitcally a part of the problem- it is hypocrisy on every level.
I did like Glass's interviews in the early years. My favorite youtube shows when she meet people at festivals and asked them about what they knitted and you saw what they knitted. But when the Ravelry debacle went down, she went woke and I turned off. So... I just dont care, not my circus. So, as far as Buying just because you are a minorty or woke is nonsense. If your product is good, then that should be enough. Now days, the minute it mentions the correct version of woke culture pops up I walk. But I am in agreement, where is, or show us the knitting is valid.
Why are Americans so mean? And the racism...😳, without even knowing they are racist.
I was just wondering why I hadn't had seen any recent KG videos, particularly around the holidays, so I googled, and when you guys popped up, I immediately thought - uh oh. I shouldn't have watched, but I did. It just makes me so sad to witness the level of vitriol and pettiness on display here. So much like what you'd expect from middle schoolers, not adults. Anyway, I imagine you derive some type of pleasure from gossiping, and you have followers who enjoy your content, so I guess you probably feel validated by their support. I'm at an age where this is just so tiring; honestly I'm weary to the bones and sickened by the constant mocking, childish name-calling and insults. Unfortunately, this type of stuff doesn't really reflect well on folks who purport to be Christians (do unto others as you would have them do unto you, love others as you love yourself, are some of the lessons I remember from Christian Doctrine classes). In the coming days and months I'm sure we'll all learn more about what's been going on. Until then, I plan to withhold judgment
Thanks for tuning in! I'm glad you at least like Kristy enough to extend grace you won't to strangers.
@@annepinkava Yes, I've enjoyed her Rhinebeck podcasts - they're great! She seems like a very sweet person, if possibly somewhat naive. Not sure about your other observation, but I'd appreciate hearing more. My comment was based on your conversations and comments from your supporters. Not just this one, but others also. Let me put it this way; I always think - what would my kids think if they heard me speaking this way? Is this language or behavior I'd want them to use or exhibit? Thanks for responding to me
Woke is a negative thing? When did that happen?
According to urban dictionary
The act of being very pretentious about how much you care about a social issue
@@politicallyincorrectknitters According to Merriam-Webster, it means being ": aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)." That sounds positive to me
It's so sad that you didn't get one thing right in this video.
White privileged ignorance.
I think the trolls are here.
Their comments boost our video. It's all good 😉
Any white celebrity knitter could show their beginner projects being assured that Biden, Sharpton, BLM, Ocasio, Pelosi, et al would NOT ridicule it on a worldwide level just for the fun of it.
Michelle Obama could NOT show her beginning projects without former leader of the free world T-rump, Banon, FoxNews, Tucker Carlson, Gaetz, Jordan, McConnell, et al all trashing it on a worldwide level for months and months with no let-up.
You should all THANK her for NOT opening up the knitting community she's becoming a part of, to such a cruel, stupid, divisive circus. Especially since you would ALL then be saying: "Gee, didn't she KNOW T-rump would be DRAWN to our community and subject us to the same misogynist rants as he'd leveled against female US Soccer team, for example!??? Why did she SHOW him anything!?? She should've been more MEDIA SAVVY and just SPOKE about her knitting without fueling situation with VISUALS!!!"
None of you walk in her shoes, so SHUT IT. You're in NO position to judge her.
Nobody's judging MO.
GG, Adella and the Grocery Girls are the biggest shit stirrers. They all need to be cancelled
I disagree. They have a right to their opinion. We just have to stop letting them shout us down until we slink away with our tail between our legs. People need to be able to have different views. DK
I don’t want them cancelled. I want them to fade into irrelevance because they are completely tone deaf.
No one should be cancelled.. STFU
They don’t necessarily deserve to be canceled, but they have become incredibly tone-deaf and hypocritical. I used to love them in their early years….before they jumped on the woke bandwagon.
Why do advertisers insist on using blacks in 95% of their advertising, do they believe other races are less important, because that's the message viewers are getting.
Because since the dawn of time it’s been white white white. There are other types of families. Smdh
@@recreationalknittingpodcast I disagree, I was raised and taught everyone is equally important, everyone should be treated with respect and everyone has the same rights.
@@shestant6403 and systematic racism doesn’t exist. /s Yeah. I know that too.
Experienced knitters have NO memory whatsoever of NOT wanting to show our beginning projects, as enthusiastic as we were about them?
Nobody wants to show stuff we LOVE, but realize is "not ready for primetime", and expose it to ridicule.. And risk having trolls take all the fun out of it for you before you've even gotten more projects under your belt.
Stop with the "Show me your birth certificate, Obama! Prove you're whatever you say you are!" stuff..
She'll show her knitting when she's READY to show her knitting: accept that she LOVES her beginning and learning curve enough to take time to SPEAK about it, even though she's still bashful about exposing her own knitting to world.
Also, NONE of you white knitters have to worry or concern yourselves with Biden, Sharpton, or BLM trashing your nascent projects: while you KNOW T-rump would be ALL OVER whatever Michelle had shown, along with FoxNews, Banon, Gaetz, Bobert, Marjory Taylor Green, as well as each and every one of their MAGA minions.
So shut it.
Oh my.
She seems like the typical Karen best to ignore her and keep it moving 🤷
This is so tone deaf it’s offensive.
Thanks for your opinion. You are entitled to yours, just like we are. Thank God we are Americans and still have free speech. 😉
What? Sorry, I could t hear you.
By the way Deplorable Knitter, your jealousy is showing.
Not sure what exactly you are referring to. At the time of taping i was just a few days out of a major surgery, so maybe that is what you are seeing.
I love to hear all perspectives on an issue. I just gotta say, ladies, this was really hard to listen to. Lots of privilege and a huge disconnect from the point. Sorry. I wasn’t impressed at all with the way y’all chose to come at this. I think you missed an opportunity here. This was passive aggressive and a lot of opinion. If you were going to discuss the issue maybe come with more references for your commentary. Maybe an unpopular observation. I am just saying how this came off in my opinion. I didn’t feel
an unbiased news perspective here at all. Very clear biases. ✌🏻
Where’s Kamala’s knitting?
Good question 🤔
@@politicallyincorrectknitters lol…I don’t know if she knits or crochets or anything, but she did make it a point to visit a yarn shop in DC eight months ago and the news was all over it.
@@sandraponte3121 Her step daughter knits or crochets, maybe it's for her.
@@politicallyincorrectknitters I so wish to see more of Kamala knitting...
@@annepinkava oh, ok…thanks for clarifying 😊
and too your coomentators, talk about the adults in this thing ...don't speak on people children ..not cool
The girl who interviewed her was 14? And cowmentators would have been funnier.
You call yourself a deplorable knitter. Your name doesn't make you sound friendly or likeable.
Surely you know of Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment?
People don't get sarcasm anymore 😒
why are you telling such bogus lies ? you truly do not know what you're speaking about.. kg getting "cancelled" is her being a coward and not being accountable for the shit she starting stirring. before you talk about anyone's business do some research ...if you knew lolabeanyarnco at all you would know that she sells out in minutes of her doing shop updates and can barely keep any of her other items in stock ...
So you really think the accusation against KG of being “racist” by questioning…“attacking”…MO/Vogue for not showing her knitwear is valid? Once someone is in the crosshairs of the liberal woke mob, there is little to nothing they can do or say that will stop them.
all these lies on here never got canceled she shut down her own platforms ....stop with the b.s.
You guys don't make sense.
Hahaha. You people are too funny. Pick pick pick.
Two white women. In this environment. Judgy. At best.
I want to know how you two feel so entitled.
Lola is her daughter and is not her name. Say her name. Adella.
Say her name. Hahahaha
@@MooseCall so disrespectful
Is this slam poetry? Or haiku?
@@recreationalknittingpodcast She's not the fucking queen.
@@MooseCall No she is not. She does, however, have a name. So disrespectful
Deplorable is the perfect name! 👎