Most people's lives are like this now. We're working for nothing and most people won't even have a retirement at the end of it all. Why aren't people rioting?@@aliciaarrow315
My mum was in a similar situation in the 90s to the first woman. I remember my parents divorcing, my dad wouldn’t pay any maintenance because he was so bitter. Me and my brother had literally nothing, I remember waking up freezing every single morning through winter. Never any food in cupboards and always behind with what everyone else at school had. Just awful and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Luckily now grown up I have a well paid job and my family are comfortable
Said this a million times, workers have had their wealth continually bled out of them for decades while wages stagnated and dividends soared. The money is in the economic system and siphoned to the 1%.
It's also about the UK trying to get to net zero. It's not working and pushing up energy big time because there's nowhere to get it from. And sanctioning Russia by forcing them into conflict, the world's largest supplier, hasn't helped.
What is the world coming to? I feel for this family. They need support. What the woman said breaks my heart "if there is a war in this country, they will find money for it."
a well budgeted two income household does nto and should nto be struggling. HJow many families actually make a budget. Literally hardly no one. Two income family, even on minimum wage is plenty of money
@@nickd6468 with the current economy? No it isn't. My mum works as a teaching assistant and my dad works in a window factory. A year ago they had enough money to pay rent and bills, food and any other expenses, and still have money to use for un necessary stuff. Now though, my dad is working 50 hours a week despite his declining health, my mum has picked up a second job and they are still being bled dry just by the cost of energy and food bills which have doubled. It's no longer about budgeting, they're literally charging people ridiculous prices.
2 thirds of your council tax goes towards all council workers police and fireman and all the rest of them,think off them this Christmas,they won't go short,3ven better clap them when they on strike the rich are getting richer the poor are getting poorer.
Also the veterans who fought for this country. Was listening to one the other day. 21 years of service saved 5 lives. Now he can’t even get his pension because he has no address, begs on the street in Manchester. All while illegals live in posh hotels for free.
@@niblet112 yeap y I went back to drug dealing no help legally so f it a if caught what they going to do feed me in prison with the heating on all winter lol
@@carlbland yeah I can understand that. 3 hot meals a day and a warm bed vs freezing cold and sleeping on the street. Easy decision to make in that situation.
Excuse me? since when hasn't the working class had a cost of living crisis? It's only now the middle class are being affected, they now are up in arms about it
It’s been getting worse for years for the working class. We had about £800 a month ‘disposable’ after bills and food last year but now we’re lucky if there’s anything left at all! Gas and electric has more than doubled and we’re on direct debit. Food is going up constantly
We pay taxes. Welfare people should struggle. Your not meant to have an easy life on it. Working class and middle class are one and the same mate. Theres three classes now. Welfare, middle/working and wealthy. Thats it.
What an appalling situation for a so-called first world country to find itself in. Utterly heart-breaking, and I know just how some of them feel. It is not great to have your life turned completely upside down by circumstances beyond one's control. It is tough.
And yet refugees and migrants still want to go to the UK despite this crisis, when economic conditions in their own countries are probably way better. From the frying pan to the fire.
The UK Is not a first world country, it simply has a first world economy, theres a huge difference, the divide between the have and have nots is widening by the month.
It saddens me to see many of my ex-colleagues who fully capable being forced out of work replaced by less competent ones with higher salaries. The world is really going down the drain. So much unnecessary sufferings. When I was in school, we were told to write essays about overpopulation because what was the main concern. But it is clear now what really is the problem. Greedy politicians and unscrupulous thrillion dollar corporations that are lining their own pockets and enriching their friends. Funny they don't tell the students to write about that nowadays.
Happening in the USA. We send billions to Ukraine - a corrupt government - yet the nursing home patient installed in Washington DC gets money to their rich friends who pad their re-election campaign. They allow all the illegals to cross our southern border & use up charity moneys. The American middle class is being stabbed in the back.🇺🇸❤🇬🇧
It never sends any billions or anything close to that to any other country, unless it's investing in its own proxy wars, which the war in Ukraine is a typical example.
What's wrong with the government? Well, who put the people in the government, in the first place? It's the people. People get the government they deserve by electing the same politicians and bureaucrats over and over again yet expect a different results. Ridiculous.
@@ronnelacido1711 Many of the people who would have voted them out don't have a stable home, so they are not always on the electoral roll and so can not vote.
@@banana9106 agreed, it's a form of oppressing those who would fight back, while also harming everyone else and convincing everyone else it's necessary
Lack of knowledge and education when people voted for this type government. This is all was plant, it’s call globalization! This is not only in Australia it is happening all over the world.
Nice solid gold coach over there. I'm sure it isn't needed anymore. Bring back French rev justice. Then pl might have a chance. But unfortunately majority of ppl are asleep and believe everything their TV tells them.
We emigrated 20 years ago. It really was the best decision of our lives. Anyone with that option, who is trying to decide what's best, for them and their families, I say, Don't hesitate to do it! We will never return, that's for certain.
I left the UK two years ago for good,and whilst my primary reason was the corruption and decline at the hands of it's ruling class, I've now come to see that the population at large is just as bad. Things have happened in the UK over the last decade that would have many countries on the streets rioting and governments falling, but what do the British do? 'I don't know what I'm gunna do, It's all doom and gloom innit, ooh I've got a lot on at the min'. Even worse is that people still push nonsense about voting. No amount of voting is going to fix this. Centuries of serf mentality being bred into the population, along with a world view of accepting your place and not questioning authority, has been so successful it's near impossible to undo. The country is finished, people will be decomposing on the streets before Brits even consider 'causing a fuss.'
We're struggling here in America too so badly I can't even afford but a couple gifts for my little girl for Christmas and nothing for myself and my husband this year, no biggie, but he works, I'm disabled and my daughter has autism. The bills are outrageous the price of food is hard to buy I can barely afford the gas for our old car. All I can say is God bless us all it shouldn't have to take a war to help people and why aren't we helping our own with all the homeless and those needing help to get food and pay their bills why...😩🙏 Merry Christmas 🎄
My friend said it wasn't so bad there like the British stories. I tell him all about these videos from Britain. It's food and housing prices going up right? Not like in Britain....the gas, the water, electricity.
I grew up in Brighton, England during the forties and fifties. Times were terrible after the war and like the people interviewed my mother pawned everything in the home to put food on the table. I never thought I would see that type of poverty again in the Country. The government should be ashamed allowing the utility companies to cause this situation.
Powerful story and my heart bleeds out to all those families who are struggling. If the Government can send money aboard why can't they spend here in UK looking after these vulnerable families
nope - it should be called The Cost of Current Expectations crisis - too many people think they are entitled to live a life of luxurty. {Peo-ple smoke, pary, have tv's, contract phones, finance cars and other wasteful things and yet still moan.
I do think money for the war in a Ukraine is needed because Russia is a threat to Europe. The government need to make the rich pay more tax, go for non Doms, tax big energy giants more windfall and help those more in need.
My dear UK friends we here in the US are in the same boat. Our governments don’t give 2 bits about us. We’re working 2-3 jobs and still living paycheck to paycheck. We truly need a global revolution
@@Brandonhayhew sometimes violence is the only way. Our countries goverment have wasted OUR TAX on bullshit and other countries instead of helping its citizens for decades. We gave them enough time to change and talking nicely have gotten us nowhere, history has proven that time & time again.
I'm a food delivery driver (wholesaler to supermarket) and the amount of laziness of retailers ordering deliveries and then tacking the cost on to the customer is huge - years ago a small business would source their stock and get it to store in an effort to keep costs down, now they order it on the internet, get the truck in, and charge the customer extra.
Mary Elizabeth Truss is made for life, just another multi-millionaire who fancied their luck as PM and lost… ditto Cameron, May, Johnson and Sunak. It’s frightening to think who or what the Tories will stick in charge next
It's great to see a retrospective like this, it shows how long this has been a problem, the absolute failure of the government to address it, and the human cost of that. I hope the families are able to make it through
We all know the problem but I don't have the solution. I don't think anyone knows the solution other than scrap the current system of money and go back to government issued money but even that would cause problems of its own in the short term.
That lady who has already had a heart attack.....and, who says at the end of the day she is exhausted, but who cannot stop their brain so she can sleep....I know that feeling first hand. I feel so bad for her.
What a sad story, but even more sadder one of so so many more. This mum has done a wonderful job raising two very bright young girls. I am struggling myself too but would happily buy the family a big food shop or fill the car with fuel to help. I hope the human race can shine as we all look after those around us, trying not to leave anyone behind…
Filling the car tank won't solve the issue. Unfortunately, people will really have to start to remove the comfort of a car from their list, if they want to manage.
The government have NO IDEA how ordinary folk have to manage, most on mediocre wages, it's heartbreaking to see this amount of poverty, despite people cutting to the bone......Yet government send Huge amounts of money abroad, pay millions daily to keep unknown people in luxury compared to the tax paying public.... these truth stories are soul destroying 😢 💔
It’s called the Great Reset. Look into it. Most think it’s conspiracy theory. They have they’re own website. King Charles is the head of this plan. Wake up!
My elec alone has risen from approximately £1500 a year to nearly £4500. And my supplier is apparently the cheapest according to consumer watchdogs. WHO on earth can justify a three thousand pound increase on electricity alone?? I’ve had my gas capped because I can’t afford it, now just keeping my lights and fridge freezer on is crippling me! These are hard hard times and my heart goes out to all who are now left in desperate circumstances due to the horrendous price rise on everything we need just to live, and in a lot of cases survive🥺
The only way to solve this is not through voting or protests, neither work, but storming parliament and councils with guns at their heads. What is happening in England echos what happened in the lead up to the Russian 1917 Revolution.
Yup. Someone has just smashed my window which then broke my boiler as it was trying to heat the entire ciry. Its finished me. Its currently minus 8, i have no one and i have just a bed with blankets and a coat and wooly hat and a tub of meal replacement (to ration) with water over christmas. Theres no point any more
It's obscene that energy companies are allowed to rake in huge profits while people are in such dire circumstances. If the government wanted to do something about it, they could, but it's all about the business sector making profits rather than keeping the people they represent (reportedly) at a level of survival that is acceptable.
This is insane and i feel super sorry for all these residents. I live in Ontario Canada , it gets tough but this is too much. Even when i lived in Africa i didn't suffer that much.
@@taminy2051 I came from poverty. I WAS able to get a college education & move to the upper middle class with hard work. It can still be done in the USA. Please research what degrees offer the better jobs & higher salaries. I am grateful for my family & blessings. I donate to charities & give to those I see need help.✌🏽😎💕
Pretty impressed to finally see coverage like this coming from skynews. It’s time people start waking up to the fact the resources are there, they’re just not being shared amongst those without power.
My sister and I are in our 30’s and live in our parent’s house while we struggle to save for deposits on our own homes (as singletons, on full time exec pay, but we pay an equivalent of rent and extra for gas and electricity). We are all pretty much in agreement that our ‘Victorian setup’, as I call it, is definitely helping us to survive, as we all look for gaps in what our family needs and each fill it. Whereas our situation would be seen as unusual, now is somewhat envied when it comes to covering the cost of living crisis. We are literally going back to pre-war arrangements.
@@pumpkinpatch5 if you'd check among ethnic groups in the UK South Asians and the from the west indies did this until everyone got a house or would expand their house. Young people shouldn't be so quick to move out unless theirs abuse in the home.
@@crzune That’s so true! It’s kind of sad that we’ve now rejected the multi-generational house, as it would solve the housing crisis. For sure. But people want their own houses - single people, couples, families… so we continue to suffer.
@@pumpkinpatch5 Producing most of our food in greenhouses and converting our food crops to C4 would release vast amounts of agricultural land to plant trees which would remove CO2 from the atmosphere. We would need to harvest the wood and lock it away for hundreds of years so the logical solution would be to use the wood to build homes.
So whats a substitute for a fan heater? Central heating takes too long to heat up so more energy wasted turning the central heating on... PLEASE help advice 😩
@@VivianVee56 I can remember heating one room by kerosene.. but I can imagine that is not an option now, and neither will be wood and open fires... people are totally dependent on "the system", which is broken...
I'm sleeping in the living room on the couch because the heater in the bedroom is broken and I have the fan heater on now in the living room as I type. Just checked my meter its - 2 euro I only topped up by 25 yesterday. Crazy times ahead
The political decisions made over the last ten years and the politicians' own income and increase in revenue during the previous ten years should be reviewed. All unethical decisions that were made by individual politicians which benefitted themselves but injured the economy of the working class should be discussed publicly. This should be done globally and the individuals brought to trial for corruption.
Yes and they should be brought to account . They should all have to serve 2 year apprenticeships living on minimum wage and renting accommodation before they are allowed to become public servants.
The long cold winter only just began. There is so many people whose standard of living is just collapsing b4 their eyes. When we were telling people to prepare we were being laughed at and now all the predictions are coming to pass. The sad reality is that it is only the beginning. Thanks to prepping ahead of time, I am. staying afloat for now 🙏
It’s a joke , there’s no empathy in the world for those in need today , It makes me feel saddened for our future generations, the worse thing I’ve done since leaving school is work and give money to the tax man.
If only we all got the same amount MPs get a week...basic annual pay £84,144 so that's well over £1,500 a week.They could claim up to £5,480 for utility bills,council tax..ect.. for 2nd homes and that was in January 2022... God knows what they'll claim with costs today. They don't even have to pay for their meals in parliament it's paid by the taxpayers. No wonder they don't understand how desperately people are struggling 😕 😫
The mother of the two girls is only working part time - can she work a few more hours per week. I would love to work part time instead of full time, but cannot afford it.🤷🏽♂
I feel so sad and somehow responsible for this poor young woman and her daughter. Me& my wife were a bit down today as our landlord put up our rent by another £50 per month, just because he’s had to replace our gas boiler which was 16 years old and hasn’t worked for over 2 years. We’re both pensioners with usual health problems but we do scrape along by missing meals and eating anything cheap-usually soup. But this young woman& her girl are being robbed of a life by a so corrupt system. We’ve more or less had our lives but younger folk deserve much better than medieval living in the 21st century.
I kind of feel guilty that I am currently managing when others are on the verge of being made homeless. I got plenty of credits on the meters and enough food to live on for the next 3 or 4 weeks. I know others aren't so lucky.
I'm at braking point more then half my months wages goes on my rent alone. I work in retail so like many I'm on minimum wage which with the hours I work it comes to under £14k. I'm cold and hungry yesterday I had 4 small frozen Sausages and a few frozen Yorkshire puddings with a bit of veg and gravy I use a air fryer as it costs less to run. I don't know what to do and where to turn. I can't go and live back home
For food why not check out the Olio App, people in your community donate free food for people to pick up. I have been using it in the UK for 3 years. There is so much food waste.
@@daviniarobbins9298 Not really an appropriate response to someone who is saying they are struggling to eat... "Oh I feel bad as I have loads of electric and gas and so much food".. Wtf
Thats what I thought. They must have some family. Do not know her personal situation, but she should move back home with her parents if required. If she was my daughter, would be a no brainer.
Living in Germany, the young mother would get basic supply, she would be poor, but her rent would be paid for, and the heating. That is inclosed in basic supply. She would only have to pay for electricity.
Where is her husband? Modern Women thought they could get rid of men, live "independently" like in the movies and be supported by the state. Surprisingly(!) there was a financial crisis and the state disappeared. Oh well.
@@BlackPrimeMinister Ironically, the nigerian couple are married and they seem to be struggling just as much. There may be a valid reason as to why she's single or the father isn't around.
So what we are saying is she can't afford the basics for her family and yet she can afford a dog. No doubt she has a Nissan Qashqai on the drive as well, Netflix and the latest i-phone.
That “little heater” uses 2000 watts to run at around 60-80p per hour however turning the gas on uses 4 x less! Energy education is key! We shower in the bathroom as the gas heat the water over the electric shower in on the on suite which uses 4x more money to heat the same water! Gas heated water is cheaper than electric!
Yea man I cringed when I saw that, actually she would be FAR better off heating a few hot water bottles, 5 minutes at 2000 watts to boil enough water for two bottles that keeps 2 people warm for 2 hours ish.
it would be very easy to introduce a form of rationing.. xx therm or KW hours at at "social rate" and above this the rate gets much higher.. but they won't want to even discuss this sort of option as they will not be able to maximize their profits..
Don't forget water. Does boogers have had millions of pounds worth of subsidies and our money and are in VAT as well while doing nothing to really invest in infrastructure and tipping sewage into our lakes and rivers and seas instead of doing what their contract dictate and honouring it. I might as well become a shareholder or CEO. They're the sods messing it up.
As strong as i thought i'm as a man i just can't watch news anymore and videos like this.I don't even know if i'm sad about it or angry.Or maybe both.We need to stand together and help each other.
People need to use a little more common sense and not get themselves in ridiculous positions. They're happy for the state to support them for free and then want more and do less.
@Res, Non Verba 🤣🤣🤣 the state is the reason we're in this mess. Most people lack common sense nowadays, that's kind of obvious but most people don't put themselves in this position. People who are working full time are in the same boat, so what did they do wrong?
@@resnonverba137 oh get a grip, seriously. People are working harder than most times in history in 2022 when we've had all these technological advances.
But this is what we voted for. We looked at Britain post 2008, and saw that it was good. We didn't want to change anything, not anything significant. Not anything that might affect us, and so it goes.
Agreed. While the government tears them apart financially and mentally they still have the mindset that the government is good and would never lie or do anything bad
In 1984 Band Aid released a charity single to raise money for those without food in Ethiopia, fast forward 39 years that same tune is being re released, called Food Aid, with different lyrics, to raise money to feed the people of this country, welcome to 2022. How has this country sunk so low? We've always had poverty, mostly associated with unemployment, now those in full time work struggle to live after paying accommodation and energy costs.
Why do they say that families "only got an open fire to stay warm?" I only burn wood and a bit of smokeless coal for heating, and it keeps the living room toastie in the evening at minimal cost.
I don't understand why there is such a desperation by the overseas population to jump on a boat, risking their lives, to arrive to a UK that is practically crumbling away???
because of organised crime. The people profiting from this are the smugglers. They do campaigns proclaiming the holy land, and they make the big bucks getting people over here. Many times those victims become slaves of the smugglers
I'm not even close to being British and this makes me sick. Seeing hardworking people struggle to survive, after spending a majority of their lives building somebody else's dreams and wealth.
@@zakjuly6721 Lovely bit of misinformation, the poor in the UK have been struggling for over a decade. Its now starting to hit the rest of the middle class.
I'm from a 3rd world country and it's shocking to me, how can we have similar problems with a first world country? .... with mine looking the more bearable?
The national and local governments could convert parks and empty lots into garden allotments and teach urban and suburban people how to grow their own vegetables and soft fruits. The climate in most of the UK is suitable for growing potatoes, carrots, turnips and cabbage. Local governments could set up canning centers so people could learn to preserve their excess harvest and hedge row fruits for winter. The government could make available free plans for constructing small chicken coops and rabbit hutches and provide pamphlets on small animal husbandry and butchering. Civilians in the UK grew/raised much of their food during WWII and could do so again with some training and initial assistance with seeds, poultry and rabbit breeding stock, hand tools and fence building materials.
And teach people how to forage. I had to do that whilst on lockdown in homeless hostels because I wasn’t on any benefits they only gave feee food to the people who were getting benefits
I feel sorry for the lady with the two girls, I hope their situation improves. On the other hand I don't understand the comments about "I don't go out, it's not a life". When I was growing up, my parents never "went out". We spent the evenings at home, together, talking, playing board games and reading together. We enjoyed each other's company and my parents enjoyed each other's company (that's why they got married), they wanted to spend time with each other, not in bars. And we did not feel this was not "life".
@@allykhan8594 Every nation is under pressure. Britain suffered more because the country was living well beyond its means before the 2008 crash and then came Brexit. Britain needs to get through this. This is an extreme correction. That is capitalism.
I feel sorry for people who are struggling. I know a little about hardship myself. I'm 61, and of ill health, living in a rat-infested social housing slum, with neighbours who want to kill me. I live on £149 per week. My landlord took me to court for complaining, and they're trying to have me sent to prison. I never harmed anybody or done anything wrong in my life. For 20 years I've sat on the floor with no heating. I'll probably die soon. I lost my brother to suicide, then my mother died, then my father. What's left of my family live in luxury. Friends have abandoned me. That little lot doesn't even scratch the surface! Life is hard. It's not for living, it's for enduring. I know it's a tad early, but Merry Christmas everybody! I'll be spending it alone, eating a frozen chicken breast while sitting on the floor!
40 yrs of bad management and corruption have lead to this. Both parties have done this but the lions share of the blame can be given to the Con's for what they've done over the last 12 yrs.
At least wages actually went up in line with inflation under labour. They even oversaw a recovery following the credit crunch, one forcibly removed from us when tory austerity became the order of the day
Heads up for those might not know .... Using electric Heater ....That is the most expensive way to try heat the home ....Those things cost a fortune to run ....
@@Homelessnomad fair point ..but i still think more expensive to try heat it with electric blower ... Cant beat Radiators of efficacy why we have them ... what happens end up turning on blower warms up a area and eat wont hold room cool down faster your end turning it on and off more .. Radiators pipes in house to he floors the walls hold the heat more longer if use radiators wont have to have it on for longer ...and wont have to keep turning on and off as often .... It like the difference in Air con and a Big Fan ....
So sad to hear this. I am from India and from a middle class. I am able to eat and order food every month. I was going to the UK next year for a job but after watching this, I might need to rethink my decision
I left Britain when I turned 21. It was the cold, gloomy weather and lack of jobs back in the 70s that did it. I didn't want to live where I couldn't afford heat or a hot shower after a childhood of always being cold.
After watching other european states and their handling of the crisis, the tories knew, they had to do something. They wouldnt have done something otherwise. And they did the smallest thing, they could, while shareholders and CEOs earned millions. Breadcrumps of the tables of the richest found their way to the poorest. And the tories selfesteem was astonishing. Probably even after the second ww, the UK was in better shape.
Saw a guy at our local recycling centre last week disposing of a Christmas tree. One of the operatives jokingly said 'is that from last year'? The man replied 'No, just decided no Christmas this year'
it is, but remember that sadly much of this is propaganda. A part time single mum has never ever been the way to have wealth. What could have happened to break up the relationship? Divorce is initiated much more often by the woman than by the man. If she chose to not have a man around and only work part time, how shocked should she truly be that finances are tight?
That woman said it best who said, "If there were war tomorrow they would find the money for it.". She understands everything.
War mongers
She did and she is working herself into the grave
Most people's lives are like this now. We're working for nothing and most people won't even have a retirement at the end of it all. Why aren't people rioting?@@aliciaarrow315
100% correct, there's always money for wars but never money to help us peasants put food on the table or heat in our homes!
They're printing money behind closed doors for these countries and that is causing the inflation. Simple economics.
My mum was in a similar situation in the 90s to the first woman. I remember my parents divorcing, my dad wouldn’t pay any maintenance because he was so bitter. Me and my brother had literally nothing, I remember waking up freezing every single morning through winter. Never any food in cupboards and always behind with what everyone else at school had. Just awful and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Luckily now grown up I have a well paid job and my family are comfortable
Did your mother try TO GET A JOB???????
@@bambinaforever1402 They often have jobs lol, but that doesn't mean it's enough.
Ho initiated the divorce?
O wow!!
Worked 3 jobs to support my 2 girls after leaving their Dad for constant cheating .He was career Army and paid $100 per month in support.
This is a cost of GREED crisis. The money is there. The profits are being made, this is a choice being made. Not a necessity to endure.
Said this a million times, workers have had their wealth continually bled out of them for decades while wages stagnated and dividends soared. The money is in the economic system and siphoned to the 1%.
It's also about the UK trying to get to net zero. It's not working and pushing up energy big time because there's nowhere to get it from. And sanctioning Russia by forcing them into conflict, the world's largest supplier, hasn't helped.
It’s time for revolution
@@yootaobe5536 exactly 💯
What is the world coming to? I feel for this family. They need support. What the woman said breaks my heart "if there is a war in this country, they will find money for it."
Yep. The UK found over a £Billion for the war .
7 plus million a day for economic migrants in hotels every single day and rising.
@@captainpugwash7174 yes so true... at the same time loads of British born homeless people are left on the streets!
She was right too.
@@LibraLou89 exactly, this is what I do not understand.
A two income household should not be struggling to pay for the basics. It's shameful
a well budgeted two income household does nto and should nto be struggling. HJow many families actually make a budget. Literally hardly no one.
Two income family, even on minimum wage is plenty of money
@@nickd6468 with the current economy? No it isn't. My mum works as a teaching assistant and my dad works in a window factory. A year ago they had enough money to pay rent and bills, food and any other expenses, and still have money to use for un necessary stuff. Now though, my dad is working 50 hours a week despite his declining health, my mum has picked up a second job and they are still being bled dry just by the cost of energy and food bills which have doubled.
It's no longer about budgeting, they're literally charging people ridiculous prices.
@@Nik-dc4ti don't reply there just trolls mate .
@@Nik-dc4ti Learn to grow your own food and stop paying council tax. That's a good start
We're doing just fine on 2 incomes, living no different to how it was in 2020 or 2021.
Now we have 2 classes. The truly needy, and the truly greedy.
And it will only get worse. But don’t worry over 100 billion sent to Ukraine already
@@dontamba4919 Russia doesn’t want world domination nato do. With the backing of the WEF and the great reset green agenda.
and tbe class diverting billions to Ukraine
Don't worry I'm sure there will be plenty of money for a coronation. Which the majority of sheep will cheer and support, because the TV tells them to.
2 thirds of your council tax goes towards all council workers police and fireman and all the rest of them,think off them this Christmas,they won't go short,3ven better clap them when they on strike the rich are getting richer the poor are getting poorer.
It breaks my heart to hear a young girl talking about being homeless and having nothing to eat. I am also disgusted that this is happening to them!
Own nothing a be happy is here in same positive as her world economic forum policy happening
Also the veterans who fought for this country. Was listening to one the other day. 21 years of service saved 5 lives. Now he can’t even get his pension because he has no address, begs on the street in Manchester. All while illegals live in posh hotels for free.
@@niblet112 yeap y I went back to drug dealing no help legally so f it a if caught what they going to do feed me in prison with the heating on all winter lol
@@carlbland yeah I can understand that. 3 hot meals a day and a warm bed vs freezing cold and sleeping on the street. Easy decision to make in that situation.
Excuse me? since when hasn't the working class had a cost of living crisis? It's only now the middle class are being affected, they now are up in arms about it
its even harder for the people at the bottom now tho. but yeah, only once the middle class get hit will anything change
@@kanedNunable Yeah, that's what i meant in a way lol
It’s been getting worse for years for the working class. We had about £800 a month ‘disposable’ after bills and food last year but now we’re lucky if there’s anything left at all! Gas and electric has more than doubled and we’re on direct debit. Food is going up constantly
Well said.
We pay taxes. Welfare people should struggle. Your not meant to have an easy life on it. Working class and middle class are one and the same mate. Theres three classes now. Welfare, middle/working and wealthy. Thats it.
What an appalling situation for a so-called first world country to find itself in. Utterly heart-breaking, and I know just how some of them feel. It is not great to have your life turned completely upside down by circumstances beyond one's control. It is tough.
And yet refugees and migrants still want to go to the UK despite this crisis, when economic conditions in their own countries are probably way better. From the frying pan to the fire.
it is being done purposefully & with intent
@@lw1zfog 💯🇬🇧
The UK Is not a first world country, it simply has a first world economy, theres a huge difference, the divide between the have and have nots is widening by the month.
We doing it for Ukraine 😀
It saddens me to see many of my ex-colleagues who fully capable being forced out of work replaced by less competent ones with higher salaries.
The world is really going down the drain. So much unnecessary sufferings. When I was in school, we were told to write essays about overpopulation because what was the main concern. But it is clear now what really is the problem. Greedy politicians and unscrupulous thrillion dollar corporations that are lining their own pockets and enriching their friends. Funny they don't tell the students to write about that nowadays.
Capitalism on steroids
How is it a country can send billions to other countries and not help their own 😢
it's called advertising
Happening in the USA. We send billions to Ukraine - a corrupt government - yet the nursing home patient installed in Washington DC gets money to their rich friends who pad their re-election campaign. They allow all the illegals to cross our southern border & use up charity moneys. The American middle class is being stabbed in the back.🇺🇸❤🇬🇧
It never sends any billions or anything close to that to any other country, unless it's investing in its own proxy wars, which the war in Ukraine is a typical example.
@@AA-uf3bl facts
One tip: Stop paying your TV licence, cancel it, unplug live TV and save yourself from the corporate greed bank!
whats with netflix ? will be ok ?
@@adredy only regular tv channels require license
Does iplayer require a tv license?
@@FarzanaKhan-vp4ct yes
@@FarzanaKhan-vp4ct i dont know
I am ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED for the ones that work and are in this situation. Or people who are severely disabled
I dont understand how we cant stand together. Why cant we storm the gates?
So sad that people have to choose between heating their house and buying food what's wrong with our government
What's wrong with the government? Well, who put the people in the government, in the first place? It's the people. People get the government they deserve by electing the same politicians and bureaucrats over and over again yet expect a different results. Ridiculous.
@@ronnelacido1711 Many of the people who would have voted them out don't have a stable home, so they are not always on the electoral roll and so can not vote.
@@ronnelacido1711 I couldn't have put it better myself x
@@banana9106 agreed, it's a form of oppressing those who would fight back, while also harming everyone else and convincing everyone else it's necessary
Lack of knowledge and education when people voted for this type government. This is all was plant, it’s call globalization! This is not only in Australia it is happening all over the world.
my heart breaks for these families across the uk
Your heart is not breaking, stop lying.
Australia is the same
we live in a world where a country will spend millions on one persons funeral while its population is starving. let that sink in.
7million a day housing migrants in hotel's
Nice solid gold coach over there. I'm sure it isn't needed anymore. Bring back French rev justice. Then pl might have a chance. But unfortunately majority of ppl are asleep and believe everything their TV tells them.
Everyone wants single payer healthcare system because nobody can afford an expensive
I had to regrettably leave the UK 10 years ago. Turns out, it was the best thing that happened
We emigrated 20 years ago. It really was the best decision of our lives. Anyone with that option, who is trying to decide what's best, for them and their families, I say, Don't hesitate to do it! We will never return, that's for certain.
I left the UK two years ago for good,and whilst my primary reason was the corruption and decline at the hands of it's ruling class, I've now come to see that the population at large is just as bad.
Things have happened in the UK over the last decade that would have many countries on the streets rioting and governments falling, but what do the British do? 'I don't know what I'm gunna do, It's all doom and gloom innit, ooh I've got a lot on at the min'.
Even worse is that people still push nonsense about voting. No amount of voting is going to fix this. Centuries of serf mentality being bred into the population, along with a world view of accepting your place and not questioning authority, has been so successful it's near impossible to undo. The country is finished, people will be decomposing on the streets before Brits even consider 'causing a fuss.'
Sadly true 👍 😞
Couldn't have said this better myself. Why are people in this country afraid of standing up?
Daniels daughter is such a strong pillar to her mum. She is so optimistic and very hopeful. I wish them well.
They are the reason i have the strength to carry on.
Unfortunately it's not just the UK. I have friends around Europe who say its really tough for them as well.
Not in France or Germany.
@@sutty8526 Also in Germany. Food banks here now have to send people away, because too many people for not enough food.
United States
Not in ireland
Abolish standing charges on utility bills and severely reduce Council tax too as it is just too much !!!!!
Councils are already in debt
@@TomNook. Thanks much!
Most of your council tax goes to westminster
Maybe also get people on benefits who refuse to work, when they know they're more than capable, to get a job.
no. get a job and stop sleeping with losers.
The stress has left people living in poverty with mental health issues!
Thank God my mental illness is not harming others
We're struggling here in America too so badly I can't even afford but a couple gifts for my little girl for Christmas and nothing for myself and my husband this year, no biggie, but he works, I'm disabled and my daughter has autism. The bills are outrageous the price of food is hard to buy I can barely afford the gas for our old car. All I can say is God bless us all it shouldn't have to take a war to help people and why aren't we helping our own with all the homeless and those needing help to get food and pay their bills why...😩🙏 Merry Christmas 🎄
They never meant to save anyone but make money. I’m sorry for your struggles. Mary Christmas 🎄
The government has helped people in this country
My friend said it wasn't so bad there like the British stories. I tell him all about these videos from Britain. It's food and housing prices going up right? Not like in Britain....the gas, the water, electricity.
Happy Christmas and pray to Jesus for help
American groceries are no comparison to British prices..
I grew up in Brighton, England during the forties and fifties. Times were terrible after the war and like the people interviewed my mother pawned everything in the home to put food on the table. I never thought I would see that type of poverty again in the Country. The government should be ashamed allowing the utility companies to cause this situation.
It is the woke "green" meddling govt that is the cause.
We need to prepare because next year is going to be hell for everyone. We need to make sure we stand together and not against each other
Next year is going to be very scary.
Powerful story and my heart bleeds out to all those families who are struggling. If the Government can send money aboard why can't they spend here in UK looking after these vulnerable families
they can do both. They just choose to not look after working people. Tories gonna tory.
They're not interested lol
@@girlgeeker5683 it's still not enough.
Government either taxes or borrows. There is no other option.
Gov r people's enemy but everyone's to thick to realise
This shouldn't be called the "cost of living crisis" this should be called the "cost of survival crisis"
It’s an emergency, not a crisis.
we doing it for Ukraine
nope - it should be called The Cost of Current Expectations crisis - too many people think they are entitled to live a life of luxurty. {Peo-ple smoke, pary, have tv's, contract phones, finance cars and other wasteful things and yet still moan.
@Nick D maybe proof read before spouting utter bollocks.
"Got money for wars, but can't feed the poor"
Tupac was a prophet, wish he was still with us
I do think money for the war in a Ukraine is needed because Russia is a threat to Europe. The government need to make the rich pay more tax, go for non Doms, tax big energy giants more windfall and help those more in need.
Nato is the threat not russia
That has always been the case. When there's a chance of a good war,it's break open the new cheque books!
My dear UK friends we here in the US are in the same boat. Our governments don’t give 2 bits about us. We’re working 2-3 jobs and still living paycheck to paycheck. We truly need a global revolution
The UK is doing worse than us
Yes. A revolution is needed.
@@jaynekittycat9252 a revolution of what? Violence that will lead us to nowhere
@@Brandonhayhew sometimes violence is the only way. Our countries goverment have wasted OUR TAX on bullshit and other countries instead of helping its citizens for decades. We gave them enough time to change and talking nicely have gotten us nowhere, history has proven that time & time again.
@@Brandonhayhew Not violence - but we need to rid ourselves of these politicians who lie, lie, lie - then are not held accountable.🤬
I'm a food delivery driver (wholesaler to supermarket) and the amount of laziness of retailers ordering deliveries and then tacking the cost on to the customer is huge - years ago a small business would source their stock and get it to store in an effort to keep costs down, now they order it on the internet, get the truck in, and charge the customer extra.
Liz Truss has an annual allowance of £115’000 for life, for 45 days as PM, so no cost of living crisis for her.
Hasn't she said that she won't be taking this payment? Could be wrong.
I hope she doesn't take it. Would not be right.
What people don’t understand is Liz truss handed military control over to nato. Yes are military now belong to nato leaders and not our own.
“It’s done”
Liz Truss text to US authorities after the bombing of the Nordstream pipelines.
The biggest ecological crime in human history.
Mary Elizabeth Truss is made for life, just another multi-millionaire who fancied their luck as PM and lost… ditto Cameron, May, Johnson and Sunak. It’s frightening to think who or what the Tories will stick in charge next
Painful to watch, what a mess this country has become...
I Watched two people carry a Xmas tree, they looked like they was struggling with it... lol
Yes, so many irreponsible people thinking the world owes them a favour.
We doing it for Ukraine
People voted for the Tories and Brexit. No sympathy.
@@Athleticmaleuk Corbyn was hardly a viable alternative. Quite agree re Brexit.
It's great to see a retrospective like this, it shows how long this has been a problem, the absolute failure of the government to address it, and the human cost of that. I hope the families are able to make it through
We all know the problem but I don't have the solution. I don't think anyone knows the solution other than scrap the current system of money and go back to government issued money but even that would cause problems of its own in the short term.
@@daviniarobbins9298 crashing the economy with self imposed trade sanctions wasn't a smart move
Encourage more people to work
Promote family planning. Encourage people to have skills
Elderly and single mom's are the ones struggling the most. It sad
@@gladyssannahmthombeni6501 👍👍👍
Probably one of the best pieces of domestic reporting I've seen Sky news do for a while.
oops. hello
That lady who has already had a heart attack.....and, who says at the end of the day she is exhausted, but who cannot stop their brain so she can sleep....I know that feeling first hand. I feel so bad for her.
Feel sorry, Im working 6 days a week from 8am to 10pm and finding it hard to live, Fully exhausted and they saying worst just to come 😢
In the UK? I am working Monday to Friday from 9AM to 6PM and it's not THAT bad.
I am in Italy and I am doing three jobs to make ends meet. I thank God I have found these jobs as many are not so lucky.
What a sad story, but even more sadder one of so so many more. This mum has done a wonderful job raising two very bright young girls. I am struggling myself too but would happily buy the family a big food shop or fill the car with fuel to help. I hope the human race can shine as we all look after those around us, trying not to leave anyone behind…
Filling the car tank won't solve the issue. Unfortunately, people will really have to start to remove the comfort of a car from their list, if they want to manage.
Bless your heart ❤️
Where is Daddy to help?
@@nothereandthereanywhere they might need the car to get to work.
@@michaelmullin7941 they are always missing.
As a single mom raising two daughters alone, it is the same in the US. There’s barely enough to cover bills and food. Nothing is left after that. 😢
@Growseth Jones So true...
People need to pull together!
This is a global set up, aiming to create chaos
Same way in Canada. A one bedroom in Toronto is $2500k per month.
The government have NO IDEA how ordinary folk have to manage, most on mediocre wages, it's heartbreaking to see this amount of poverty, despite people cutting to the bone......Yet government send Huge amounts of money abroad, pay millions daily to keep unknown people in luxury compared to the tax paying public.... these truth stories are soul destroying 😢 💔
I'm sure they have a good idea
@@soopademus1 I doubt the billionaire Sunaks would last a day having to live like this
Who knows how much they send abroad. Maybe even the foreign aid ends up 'lost' on the way in some private bank account
It’s called the Great Reset. Look into it. Most think it’s conspiracy theory. They have they’re own website. King Charles is the head of this plan. Wake up!
They just don't care.
My elec alone has risen from approximately £1500 a year to nearly £4500. And my supplier is apparently the cheapest according to consumer watchdogs. WHO on earth can justify a three thousand pound increase on electricity alone?? I’ve had my gas capped because I can’t afford it, now just keeping my lights and fridge freezer on is crippling me! These are hard hard times and my heart goes out to all who are now left in desperate circumstances due to the horrendous price rise on everything we need just to live, and in a lot of cases survive🥺
Yeah it's rough
The only way to solve this is not through voting or protests, neither work, but storming parliament and councils with guns at their heads. What is happening in England echos what happened in the lead up to the Russian 1917 Revolution.
Texas 👈 warm and low cost of living.
Yup. Someone has just smashed my window which then broke my boiler as it was trying to heat the entire ciry. Its finished me. Its currently minus 8, i have no one and i have just a bed with blankets and a coat and wooly hat and a tub of meal replacement (to ration) with water over christmas. Theres no point any more
@@suedenim6590 no-one deserves to suffer so, don’t give up. There is help available where is it u live? U don’t have to give details, are u in the uk?
This in unbelievable, I’m so sorry for this lady and her daughter 😢
It's obscene that energy companies are allowed to rake in huge profits while people are in such dire circumstances. If the government wanted to do something about it, they could, but it's all about the business sector making profits rather than keeping the people they represent (reportedly) at a level of survival that is acceptable.
Energy companies are more powerful than the government
This is insane and i feel super sorry for all these residents. I live in Ontario Canada , it gets tough but this is too much. Even when i lived in Africa i didn't suffer that much.
I’m watching from South Africa 🙏🏾 I can’t complain
@@nosiphoradebe6297 Maybe the britains should go to south africa as migrants. 😅
No Thanks @@Bloodgod1980
The little girl will be a strong women I can see in her eyes. Pretty sure she will go through that and will be successful
Success depends more on luck and connections than on personal strength. Sadly.
I reckon she'll be stuck in that cycle for the rest of her life. Most people born into poverty stay in it.
@@taminy2051 I came from poverty. I WAS able to get a college education & move to the upper middle class with hard work. It can still be done in the USA. Please research what degrees offer the better jobs & higher salaries. I am grateful for my family & blessings. I donate to charities & give to those I see need help.✌🏽😎💕
Pretty impressed to finally see coverage like this coming from skynews. It’s time people start waking up to the fact the resources are there, they’re just not being shared amongst those without power.
Families are going to have to start sticking together. Problem is my generation can't even afford to start one. I shudder to think of my old age.
In this crisis we need the nuclear family and extended family like the 1850's
My sister and I are in our 30’s and live in our parent’s house while we struggle to save for deposits on our own homes (as singletons, on full time exec pay, but we pay an equivalent of rent and extra for gas and electricity). We are all pretty much in agreement that our ‘Victorian setup’, as I call it, is definitely helping us to survive, as we all look for gaps in what our family needs and each fill it. Whereas our situation would be seen as unusual, now is somewhat envied when it comes to covering the cost of living crisis. We are literally going back to pre-war arrangements.
@@pumpkinpatch5 if you'd check among ethnic groups in the UK South Asians and the from the west indies did this until everyone got a house or would expand their house. Young people shouldn't be so quick to move out unless theirs abuse in the home.
@@crzune That’s so true! It’s kind of sad that we’ve now rejected the multi-generational house, as it would solve the housing crisis. For sure. But people want their own houses - single people, couples, families… so we continue to suffer.
@@pumpkinpatch5 Producing most of our food in greenhouses and converting our food crops to C4 would release vast amounts of agricultural land to plant trees which would remove CO2 from the atmosphere. We would need to harvest the wood and lock it away for hundreds of years so the logical solution would be to use the wood to build homes.
being alive is expensive i’m not even having a good time
Damn! That statement hit me hard.
If anyone has a fan heater …. Get rid of it…. It burns energy so fast
So whats a substitute for a fan heater? Central heating takes too long to heat up so more energy wasted turning the central heating on... PLEASE help advice 😩
all electric heating is expensive... fan heater is no different to any other electric heater...
@@VivianVee56 I can remember heating one room by kerosene.. but I can imagine that is not an option now, and neither will be wood and open fires... people are totally dependent on "the system", which is broken...
@@milesinnz unfortunately the majority of the houses hasnt got open fires anymore .
I'm sleeping in the living room on the couch because the heater in the bedroom is broken and I have the fan heater on now in the living room as I type. Just checked my meter its - 2 euro I only topped up by 25 yesterday. Crazy times ahead
The political decisions made over the last ten years and the politicians' own income and increase in revenue during the previous ten years should be reviewed. All unethical decisions that were made by individual politicians which benefitted themselves but injured the economy of the working class should be discussed publicly. This should be done globally and the individuals brought to trial for corruption.
Yes and they should be brought to account . They should all have to serve 2 year apprenticeships living on minimum wage and renting accommodation before they are allowed to become public servants.
Bless Daniella and her Daughters, sound such a lovely family, I hope they are all doing as well as can be x
This little girl is so smart and understanding for her age bless 🙏 its so hard for us all
2:57 what? She must be pushing 60!
The long cold winter only just began. There is so many people whose standard of living is just collapsing b4 their eyes. When we were telling people to prepare we were being laughed at and now all the predictions are coming to pass. The sad reality is that it is only the beginning. Thanks to prepping ahead of time, I am. staying afloat for now 🙏
Next week will be mild
It’s a joke , there’s no empathy in the world for those in need today , It makes me feel saddened for our future generations, the worse thing I’ve done since leaving school is work and give money to the tax man.
If only we all got the same amount MPs get a week...basic annual pay £84,144 so that's well over £1,500 a week.They could claim up to £5,480 for utility bills,council tax..ect.. for 2nd homes and that was in January 2022... God knows what they'll claim with costs today. They don't even have to pay for their meals in parliament it's paid by the taxpayers. No wonder they don't understand how desperately people are struggling 😕 😫
I know exactly how this lady feels..
its never ending
The mother of the two girls is only working part time - can she work a few more hours per week. I would love to work part time instead of full time, but cannot afford it.🤷🏽♂
How can I gift this brave woman something to make Christmas bearable?
Try contacting the broadcaster or try social media. Fair play to u and God bless
Problem is there are literally thousands more just like her.
@@hectorlamar806 I know and it's utterly terrible.
Length of rope
Thats what i was thinking.
I feel so sad and somehow responsible for this poor young woman and her daughter. Me& my wife were a bit down today as our landlord put up our rent by another £50 per month, just because he’s had to replace our gas boiler which was 16 years old and hasn’t worked for over 2 years. We’re both pensioners with usual health problems but we do scrape along by missing meals and eating anything cheap-usually soup. But this young woman& her girl are being robbed of a life by a so corrupt system. We’ve more or less had our lives but younger folk deserve much better than medieval living in the 21st century.
I kind of feel guilty that I am currently managing when others are on the verge of being made homeless. I got plenty of credits on the meters and enough food to live on for the next 3 or 4 weeks. I know others aren't so lucky.
Here in Germany, the landlord would have to pay for repairs of the heating and he cant put the rent up, or otherwise I would go to court.
I'm at braking point more then half my months wages goes on my rent alone. I work in retail so like many I'm on minimum wage which with the hours I work it comes to under £14k. I'm cold and hungry yesterday I had 4 small frozen Sausages and a few frozen Yorkshire puddings with a bit of veg and gravy I use a air fryer as it costs less to run. I don't know what to do and where to turn. I can't go and live back home
For food why not check out the Olio App, people in your community donate free food for people to pick up. I have been using it in the UK for 3 years. There is so much food waste.
@@daviniarobbins9298 Not really an appropriate response to someone who is saying they are struggling to eat... "Oh I feel bad as I have loads of electric and gas and so much food".. Wtf
Where is the father, the grandparents , aunts and uncles of the 2 intelligent wise young girls ….how very very sad.
Thats what I thought. They must have some family. Do not know her personal situation, but she should move back home with her parents if required. If she was my daughter, would be a no brainer.
@@rimedrihen6054 yeah 2 incomes would be better than 1 at least until everything get sorted out
Experiencing the same
I never had any family to help when I was single parenting, it’s very common sadly.
Shush 🤫 We’re supposed to believe she’s a hero who isn’t responsible for any of her own terrible decisions, like leaving her husband probably.
Living in Germany, the young mother would get basic supply, she would be poor, but her rent would be paid for, and the heating. That is inclosed in basic supply. She would only have to pay for electricity.
I Watched two people carry a Xmas tree, they looked like they was struggling with it... lol
Where is her husband? Modern Women thought they could get rid of men, live "independently" like in the movies and be supported by the state. Surprisingly(!) there was a financial crisis and the state disappeared. Oh well.
@@BlackPrimeMinister Ironically, the nigerian couple are married and they seem to be struggling just as much. There may be a valid reason as to why she's single or the father isn't around.
In USA and UK that's called socialism.
@@thisguy73 Perhaps socialism isn't actually bad???
Even the dog looks worried.
I'm wondering how she can afford to feed him too.
I have no words 🤣
So what we are saying is she can't afford the basics for her family and yet she can afford a dog. No doubt she has a Nissan Qashqai on the drive as well, Netflix and the latest i-phone.
Dog will always get food
It's called self sacrifice
That “little heater” uses 2000 watts to run at around 60-80p per hour however turning the gas on uses 4 x less! Energy education is key! We shower in the bathroom as the gas heat the water over the electric shower in on the on suite which uses 4x more money to heat the same water! Gas heated water is cheaper than electric!
Yea man I cringed when I saw that, actually she would be FAR better off heating a few hot water bottles, 5 minutes at 2000 watts to boil enough water for two bottles that keeps 2 people warm for 2 hours ish.
Penny a minute on a small fan heater.
Yeah, agreed. I heat my home with the gas central heating because it is way cheaper
Just get a log burner and a solar rig
Stop relying on and complying with a failed system. Be self sufficient .
It's time for the people to make a stand. Electric and Gas companies are having billions in profits. They are the ones who have done this.
it would be very easy to introduce a form of rationing.. xx therm or KW hours at at "social rate" and above this the rate gets much higher.. but they won't want to even discuss this sort of option as they will not be able to maximize their profits..
Well said, my opinion too.
By design, we would not lower our consumption voluntary, and decision is made, lower emissions to be fit for 55 :), but who cares.
Don't forget water. Does boogers have had millions of pounds worth of subsidies and our money and are in VAT as well while doing nothing to really invest in infrastructure and tipping sewage into our lakes and rivers and seas instead of doing what their contract dictate and honouring it. I might as well become a shareholder or CEO. They're the sods messing it up.
‘To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all’ - Oscar Wilde 🤔
Its pretty bad in Australia too. Big business dont care, as long as they get their profits thats all they care about
As strong as i thought i'm as a man i just can't watch news anymore and videos like this.I don't even know if i'm sad about it or angry.Or maybe both.We need to stand together and help each other.
People need to use a little more common sense and not get themselves in ridiculous positions. They're happy for the state to support them for free and then want more and do less.
@Res, Non Verba 🤣🤣🤣 the state is the reason we're in this mess. Most people lack common sense nowadays, that's kind of obvious but most people don't put themselves in this position.
People who are working full time are in the same boat, so what did they do wrong?
@@resnonverba137 oh get a grip, seriously. People are working harder than most times in history in 2022 when we've had all these technological advances.
But this is what we voted for. We looked at Britain post 2008, and saw that it was good. We didn't want to change anything, not anything significant. Not anything that might affect us, and so it goes.
But we made a huge change in 2016? We are and will be feeling the shockwaves from it for years to come
@@Me0wish I feel no sympathy for people who truly voted on self inflicted sanctions. Karma
The UK people place too much faith in the government.
Agreed. While the government tears them apart financially and mentally they still have the mindset that the government is good and would never lie or do anything bad
They don’t understand the government are corporations. All they care about is making money
@@jpminor8783 The unfortunate truth. People need to start waking up and understanding who the true enemy is.
Since when?
@@Sython6 since 51 million took a experimental jab without asking one question.
In 1984 Band Aid released a charity single to raise money for those without food in Ethiopia, fast forward 39 years that same tune is being re released, called Food Aid, with different lyrics, to raise money to feed the people of this country, welcome to 2022. How has this country sunk so low? We've always had poverty, mostly associated with unemployment, now those in full time work struggle to live after paying accommodation and energy costs.
Why do they say that families "only got an open fire to stay warm?" I only burn wood and a bit of smokeless coal for heating, and it keeps the living room toastie in the evening at minimal cost.
Same in South Africa and all over the world.
The government were too busy giving 100k of taxpayers money to liz truss for her 1 month of pure devastation 😂
This Tory government is a dangerous liability.
I wish I could get in contact with these families & help them financially
Me too. I'm not rich but could give a bit to help. The working class help each other.
What a disgrace this Tory government is
How can they handle there money properly when they don’t make enough to pay all there bills
I know me too, I try to donate to the local food bank and donate to The Trussell Trust.
People need to just stop voting tory
I don't understand why there is such a desperation by the overseas population to jump on a boat, risking their lives, to arrive to a UK that is practically crumbling away???
Free stuff
because of organised crime. The people profiting from this are the smugglers. They do campaigns proclaiming the holy land, and they make the big bucks getting people over here. Many times those victims become slaves of the smugglers
There is probably a need for “oversea’s” capital to boost the crumbling economy😂.
They get put up in Hilton hotels.
Still better than what they are running from
I'm not even close to being British and this makes me sick. Seeing hardworking people struggle to survive, after spending a majority of their lives building somebody else's dreams and wealth.
Hardworking? If the majority were hardworking, they wouldn't be in the situation they are in.
we doing it for Ukraine
@@zakjuly6721 Doing what for Ukraine?
@@zakjuly6721 Lovely bit of misinformation, the poor in the UK have been struggling for over a decade. Its now starting to hit the rest of the middle class.
I'm from a 3rd world country and it's shocking to me, how can we have similar problems with a first world country? .... with mine looking the more bearable?
Only way forward is a full scale revaluation and the power has to come back to us the ppl
the government needs to stop sending money to help others and help it's own people who are in dire need
The national and local governments could convert parks and empty lots into garden allotments and teach urban and suburban people how to grow their own vegetables and soft fruits. The climate in most of the UK is suitable for growing potatoes, carrots, turnips and cabbage. Local governments could set up canning centers so people could learn to preserve their excess harvest and hedge row fruits for winter. The government could make available free plans for constructing small chicken coops and rabbit hutches and provide pamphlets on small animal husbandry and butchering. Civilians in the UK grew/raised much of their food during WWII and could do so again with some training and initial assistance with seeds, poultry and rabbit breeding stock, hand tools and fence building materials.
They're not going to do anything. They don't give two bits.
Wonderful suggestions!!
And teach people how to forage. I had to do that whilst on lockdown in homeless hostels because I wasn’t on any benefits they only gave feee food to the people who were getting benefits
I feel sorry for the lady with the two girls, I hope their situation improves.
On the other hand I don't understand the comments about "I don't go out, it's not a life". When I was growing up, my parents never "went out". We spent the evenings at home, together, talking, playing board games and reading together. We enjoyed each other's company and my parents enjoyed each other's company (that's why they got married), they wanted to spend time with each other, not in bars. And we did not feel this was not "life".
Exactly. I didn't understand that either. We always just enjoyed each other's company at home.
This is most families 👪 right now
England going back to dark age
We are helping people around the world it’s time to put our people first for once
stop voting tory then.
The are plenty of jobs here, I don't get it
Expenditure is currently £1.05 Trillion. Welfare is about £270 billion and benefits £80 Billion according to nso.
@@allykhan8594 Every nation is under pressure. Britain suffered more because the country was living well beyond its means before the 2008 crash and then came Brexit. Britain needs to get through this. This is an extreme correction. That is capitalism.
I feel sorry for people who are struggling. I know a little about hardship myself.
I'm 61, and of ill health, living in a rat-infested social housing slum, with neighbours who want to kill me. I live on £149 per week. My landlord took me to court for complaining, and they're trying to have me sent to prison. I never harmed anybody or done anything wrong in my life. For 20 years I've sat on the floor with no heating. I'll probably die soon. I lost my brother to suicide, then my mother died, then my father. What's left of my family live in luxury. Friends have abandoned me.
That little lot doesn't even scratch the surface! Life is hard. It's not for living, it's for enduring.
I know it's a tad early, but Merry Christmas everybody! I'll be spending it alone, eating a frozen chicken breast while sitting on the floor!
A crisis created by those that hold the strings...
Its gonna sound nuts but use blankets instead of curtains - it creates a heaviness to keep the cold out.
It does
Especially wool blankets
think were now moving into the time where we might start seeing gift cards in shops for energy providers.
They kinda do that already with British Gas, u can gift ppl credit to their prepay meters
40 yrs of bad management and corruption have lead to this. Both parties have done this but the lions share of the blame can be given to the Con's for what they've done over the last 12 yrs.
At least wages actually went up in line with inflation under labour. They even oversaw a recovery following the credit crunch, one forcibly removed from us when tory austerity became the order of the day
It's heartbreaking, honestly! I did a video on my channel about the cost of living crisis. Though approached the same topic differently
This made me cry.
Easily touched then
@@Robert-tl2vg ☕
The Royal Family should give money to their people!
Losing a father is tough for some families and can lead to hardship.
Heads up for those might not know ....
Using electric Heater ....That is the most expensive way to try heat the home ....Those things cost a fortune to run ....
What if your apartment block doesn’t us Gas?
@@Homelessnomad fair point ..but i still think more expensive to try heat it with electric blower ...
Cant beat Radiators of efficacy why we have them ...
what happens end up turning on blower warms up a area and eat wont hold room cool down faster your end turning it on and off more ..
Radiators pipes in house to he floors the walls hold the heat more longer if use radiators wont have to have it on for longer ...and wont have to keep turning on and off as often ....
It like the difference in Air con and a Big Fan ....
So sad to hear this. I am from India and from a middle class. I am able to eat and order food every month. I was going to the UK next year for a job but after watching this, I might need to rethink my decision
Stay in india bro its harsh here in uk
Don't move to the UK. This country is finished.
I left Britain when I turned 21. It was the cold, gloomy weather and lack of jobs back in the 70s that did it. I didn't want to live where I couldn't afford heat or a hot shower after a childhood of always being cold.
There is no room here
If only we had an extra £350.000.000 per week to sort this situation out!
These people will not be grateful.
We give more to Ukraine
A lot more
And bills for illegal visitors
It makes me feel sad that the young daughter has concerns of her mom’s financial situation. That’s not what some one her age should be doing.
At least she wont grow up to become another spoiled snowflake, sometimes hardship can be beneficial for a person's development and worldview
After watching other european states and their handling of the crisis, the tories knew, they had to do something. They wouldnt have done something otherwise.
And they did the smallest thing, they could, while shareholders and CEOs earned millions.
Breadcrumps of the tables of the richest found their way to the poorest. And the tories selfesteem was astonishing.
Probably even after the second ww, the UK was in better shape.
Saw a guy at our local recycling centre last week disposing of a Christmas tree. One of the operatives jokingly said 'is that from last year'? The man replied 'No, just decided no Christmas this year'
Why throw away a tree? Another environmental waste
So sad
@@kamsavesmoney I did the same
And during this crisis, MPs took a wage increase......all in it together
F me!! This is so disturbing. The middle class has been completely wiped out.
12 years of Tory austerity more like
And they plan to make it worse.
They will still get voted in come 2024.
@Kwenda yes but labour are worse
it is, but remember that sadly much of this is propaganda.
A part time single mum has never ever been the way to have wealth. What could have happened to break up the relationship? Divorce is initiated much more often by the woman than by the man. If she chose to not have a man around and only work part time, how shocked should she truly be that finances are tight?
@@truth.speaker Well said. Some people go through life with no foresight or planning, and expect everyone else to pick up the tab.