I love your videos. So informative from your experience as a nurse and as a mom. I am so grateful for you talking about dental hygiene on little ones. As a registered dental hygienist I do see children as young as 2 with many cavities due to parents not knowing the importance of brushing, and or sending baby to bed with a bottle. Healthy primary/baby teeth are crucial for children as they are growing. Thank you for helping people be informed!
Awesome!! With my two youngest sons we made it to 15 months and 16 months. I felt good about that timeframe. I held on a little longer with my youngest son because I knew he'd be my last baby
There are so many wonderful things about extended breastfeeding! But I also agree with everything difficulty you shared! I feel so blessed to have had the nursing time with my littles! It was NOT easy with a variety of stumbling blocks that we worked through, but I thank God for that time (19 months, 18 months, 26 months, 25 months, & 28 months)! But I am also happy to be past that phase of being a mama! Thank you for all that you do! Smiles, Abby Smith
Really? Interesting to hear you say that..I'm white but my daughter's grandparents are asian (grandma japanese, grandpa vietnamese). We had to stay with them for a while after she was born, neither were so so supportive of my breastfeeding decisions. we have moved into our own home by now and i still breastfeed my daughter who is about 18 months) but they were soooo on my ass then when we were staying in their home about how my taking 6 week maternity leave wasn't "medically necessary"...i didnt let them pressure me into going back to work any earlier but ultimately i ended up quitting the job not too long after returning from leave because my employer made it nearly impossible to pump at work. my daughter's grandparents called me every variation of the word "selfish" i can think of 🤣 oh and i needed so much help from my partner...usually while i nursed or pump he would bring me something to drink and his parents started "disallowing" him from doing that sort of thing because seeing him do things for me they felt was "emasculating" 🙄
So glad I found this channel. My son is 21 months old as well and I'm in the process of weaning. He only has it when hes tired and getting ready for bed, but I'm having trouble stopping the "at bed time" nursing sessions. Hed love to stay on longer, but I'd be happy to be done by the time hes 2!
It’s such a personal thing . I stopped at 6 months with my twins and that was enough . I honestly can’t tell the difference between breast or formula fed babies or children . I think formula feeding mums need support that it’s ok too .
The difference between breastfed and formula is immunity benefits. My hospital has been certified as baby friendly and even in equipment I have to get a verification on breastfeeding knowledge. Breastfed babies tend to have better immune systems and are less at risk of other health concerns than formula fed babies.
I fully agree. My baby girl is 2 months and I breast feed and formula feed 2 to 3 times a day. I started formula feeding because she was born with jaundice and her pediatrician recommend it. I wanted to exclusively breastfeed and felt bad about supplementing then I stopped. I started again and now I'm more OK with it. I mainly give her formula once in the morning and once before bed. And if we go out I might give her formula because I don't feel comfortable breastfeeding in public
I’m glad I found your channel!!! I am getting ready to wean my 19 month old twins. I am having a hard time stopping and having the same sort of struggles. I look forward to your video on weaning. I feel like I am going to have to sleep train them all over again. 😜❤️
I stopped breastfeeding around 22 months because my daughter was getting a little aggressive. Not biting. But just aggressive. And then I was also pregnant and had hyperemesis.
I love this. I am currently nursing may 3rd who is 15 months old. We aren't ready to wean yet but I know she is going to want to continue once I'm ready. All of this is so true.
Your videos are so informative and I don't even have kids of my own. But the kids I do know, stopped breastfeeding when they were about nine months old. Your little girl is super cute! Hugs from Norway.
I nursed my daughter until she was not quite 2.5 years old. We both loved it from day one (truth!) and probably could have kept going for longer. I think of the experience fondly.
Oooof. Needed to hear this. I have so much guilt about wanting to ween. My son is 18 months, and I’m ready to be done. We currently only nurse in the morning. But I feel so bad cutting him off.
He'll be alright. It helped me to still spend time rocking my babies and giving them some warm milk. We were still able to have that quiet time together
Fearn and Tucker’s Angel Forever A) your reply makes NO sense at all. B) I don’t care about your opinions on how I choose to breastfeed or wean my child.
I am an exclusively pumping mom. So I just pump in order to feed since my baby did not latch very well. And right now we are at 11 months and I have frozen milk and I think that I'm going to begin to wean now and if my Supply goes away completely which I'm not sure it will, I will use the frozen milk all up until he is one at least and probably carry frozen milk further if I have more frozen milk left. It has always been very time-consuming to pump in order to feed and I'm kind of ready to start living my life off of a pumping schedule. But I still feel kind of bad because I feel like I should still provide that milk, but I think that will definitely make it to a year, which was ultimately my goal if he had actually latched, so I guess it's kind of what I had planned to do anyway
When we hit the year mark breastfeeding i would get super shakey , so this time around im going to be ready to wean around a year to avoid hypoglycemia
I did now know extended breastfeeding would be such a hassle! The longest I breast fed was my daughter for a year and 2 months. I’m now breastfeeding baby number 3 and he’s only 5 months. I can’t imagine ever wanting to stop, but i realize that it may not be so easy once he gets more vocal and mobile.
I’m certainly someone who thinks, ‘to each their own’ with subjects like this. But I honestly kno I will only want to, if I can, for about 6 months. My concerns with going longer is how difficult it will be to pump at work Monday-Friday, that my husband can’t feed the baby and also I don’t really want my child to remember breast feeding when they get older. But like i said, I do commend anyone for doing what they want to with something like this!
One way you could continue breastfeeding (IF you want) is to BF only at night after work or in thw morning. Don't think about pumping at all. Just find a time when you are home and available for your child and BF then ;) But as she said continue if you both want to.
Your daughter is so cute!! Your son too! Will you ever film a video about transitioning from one child to two children? I’m currently not pregnant but my husband and I are trying to decide whether or not we should have another baby.
I loved breastfeeding my girls. I was dedicated to infant lead weaning so the first nursed to 2.5 and the second 3.5. But this was a personal decision. Every person needs to decide what works best for them. When I tell people how long I nursed, most people’s reactions are so funny. They don’t understand that nursing a toddler is very different than nursing an infant.
I wanted to nurse my kids until 2 but got pregnant before they were two with both. My first was 20 months when we weaned and my second is 13months We haven’t totally weaned but definitely on the way, I’m 4 months pregnant now. My supply tanked at the 6 week pregnant mark which wasn’t a huge deal with my first but with my second he was not 1 yet so I had to allow a lot of cluster-feeding in order for him to be getting enough milk until he was over one. It’s became/has become super painful and I have a huge aversion to it. I’m hoping to be totally done in the next month. On the plus side this is my last pregnancy so it’s likely I’ll be able to nurse our last baby as long as he or she will like.
Breastfeeding a baby who has teeth is no problem. Breastfeeding a teething baby is terrifying! But once the teeth are established it's not uncomfortable at all. (In my experience anyway.)
Haha my rule of thumb is once the kid can talk, it's time to wean. If you wean them around that time, you won't have a 2 year-old child asking for your chi-chis in public or yanking on your shirt or relying on breastfeeding because they can't self-soothe.
Kind of off topic but related to another transition, when did you transition Mae from the crib to sleeping in a toddler bed or full size bed? I have an 18 month old sleeping in a crib so I have been thinking about this lately. He still fits in his crib but is a very active sleeper and is on the taller side.
We didn't transition her until close to three. She slept well in her crib and never tried to climb out. Since we brought a new baby home at 2.5 years old, we didn't want any added stress of new sleeping arrangements. I think every little one is different, but what we really liked about the toddler bed was the back was still a crib, so if she was having trouble staying in her bed we just flipped it around so the railing side was against the wall and she was in a crib again. We often did this for nap time because she had a hard time winding down.
Nurse Zabe you are a God send. I really appreciate the insight from a fellow mama. It will be interesting to see what ends up working for our little guy but I am definitely trying out what you have suggested. Thank you! 💕
I nursed my oldest until 3 and a half. My 2nd until 4. My youngest is still nursing and shes almost 3. I wanted to let them self wean but it wasn't going to happen. I quit nursing in public at about 18ish months. Because they are too wild.
Any advice on how to quit the night feeds, but keep bf? My daughter is almost 18 months now. The night nursing, up to 3 times, is very tiresome. Other than that I'm happy to continue till she's ready to self wean.
I night weaned my son. Check out the book on Amazon “when the nursies go to sleep” about how the nursies are asleep at night. We also just slowly took away some night feeds one at a time over like 2 weeks.
I admire someone who wants to extend breastfeeding, but when you talk of ‘weaning a baby’ that would be a 6 month old onto solids. This child is not a baby, she’s a toddler and has teeth and I’m sure eats a healthy diet, she doesn’t need it other than comfort. There is no nutritional value now.
My daughter turned 18 months not that long ago and she still breastfeeding and she does the same pulling my shirt down and putting her hand in my shirt! 😅😂
I breastfed my daughter till 17 and half months. My son is still nursing like a newborn and he turned 2 in February. Im now over it cuz he alwaus wants to be on me. Never had a nursing strike either. He freaks out if I TELL HIM NO.
My son is 30 months and still nurses for his naps and night time. I wasnt planning on nursing this long but the first year was a struggle with tongue and lip.ties and so it took awhile to gain weight. He calls them milkies or milkers. Hope fully he will stop soon but we will see
Nursing until 2 years old? Nope. Once my baby starts getting to a year old, I'll be weaning them off the boob. I don't want to nurse past a year. I'll pump if its a good idea to keep them on breast milk until they reach a certain age but, that's about it.
Hi Elizabeth , my wife is breastfeeding and having difficulty getting our baby to move onto solids. When you ,emotion weaning here, was Mae on any solid foods at all or exclusively breastfeeding? I would be grateful for any advice you can give.
Zabey Baby 2015 Oh man, why do people have to be so weird about such a natural topic as feeding our children.. 😩🙄If you decide to re-upload or re-film it, i'll definitely be interested in watching it. :)
I have a question. My baby is exclusively breast fed and 5.5 mos. I would love to go as long as we can but how does my milk stay once solids are introduced? Also I wake him in the middle of the night bc I want to keep my milk. Is that necessary? Please help! Thank you for all your videos they have been awesome throughout my journey
I have a question. PLEASE REPLY I NEED ADVICE. My daughter is almost 16 Months old & still breast feeding( she won’t take a bottle. She only nurses from the right side & because of teething she’s been chewing on the nipple some time & now my nipple has sore blisters but she’s still breast feeding & it hurts soooo bad even if she’s not biting cuz the nipple is sore. What should I do?!!? PLEASE REPLY
I also only nurse on one side. My oldest did so, my youngest too. I highly recommend Purelan by Medela. It heels cracks or sore really fast. Also at 16 months u should talk to ur little one, say no if she chomps down too hard. Also try changing ur pose for bf, it may allow ur toddler to pull less. I'm not the author of the video, but hopefully my advice is useful for you. Or any other moms.
My girl just turned 1 and she has never had a nursing strike. I’ve been lucky though that she no longer wants to nurse in public or much through the day. She wants to nurse to sleep for naps and bedtime but will fall asleep without it as long as I’m not the one putting her to sleep. Her sleepy + mommy = boobies in her mind. I don’t mind it though. I’m having to go back to work so it will stop for naps since my husband will now be watching her during the day but I plan to continue her bedtime and middle of the night feeds until either I become averse to them or she no longer wants them
The baby only benefits the first year of breast feeding. That’s why the first year gives them the “best start”. After that their immune system doesn’t benefit from it anymore.
Until a year old, breastmilk has everything a baby needs. It's biologically natural to breastfeed. That's what our breasts are made for. Society has sexualized breasts. It's ok for you to have an opinion. But that's just down right rude. If it's so disgusting, then why would you watch a video, that clearly states it's about breastfeeding?
The first year of breastfeeding is the “best start” in a baby’s life. After that there is nothing extra to benefit from. Better immune system and less obesity and other health concerns than compared to formula babies. Formula babies are higher at risk for diabetes and weight problems.
it’s so great that more mums are doing extended breastfeeding
the stigma is so infuriating
One of the kids at the daycare I work at is weening right now and she constantly tries to climb into my shirt 😂😂
that’s so cute omg
That's so cute
“Why don’t you go read a book” 😂😂😂
Alana Greene oh my goodness I’ve been following you for years! Where have u been???
You haven’t made a video in so long I hope your ok!
I love your videos. So informative from your experience as a nurse and as a mom. I am so grateful for you talking about dental hygiene on little ones. As a registered dental hygienist I do see children as young as 2 with many cavities due to parents not knowing the importance of brushing, and or sending baby to bed with a bottle. Healthy primary/baby teeth are crucial for children as they are growing. Thank you for helping people be informed!
Awesome!! With my two youngest sons we made it to 15 months and 16 months. I felt good about that timeframe. I held on a little longer with my youngest son because I knew he'd be my last baby
There are so many wonderful things about extended breastfeeding! But I also agree with everything difficulty you shared! I feel so blessed to have had the nursing time with my littles! It was NOT easy with a variety of stumbling blocks that we worked through, but I thank God for that time (19 months, 18 months, 26 months, 25 months, & 28 months)! But I am also happy to be past that phase of being a mama! Thank you for all that you do! Smiles, Abby Smith
I'm an Asian and it's normal to breastfeed until 2 years for us if you can but I was so scared about all of this lmao so thank you!
Really? Interesting to hear you say that..I'm white but my daughter's grandparents are asian (grandma japanese, grandpa vietnamese). We had to stay with them for a while after she was born, neither were so so supportive of my breastfeeding decisions. we have moved into our own home by now and i still breastfeed my daughter who is about 18 months) but they were soooo on my ass then when we were staying in their home about how my taking 6 week maternity leave wasn't "medically necessary"...i didnt let them pressure me into going back to work any earlier but ultimately i ended up quitting the job not too long after returning from leave because my employer made it nearly impossible to pump at work. my daughter's grandparents called me every variation of the word "selfish" i can think of 🤣 oh and i needed so much help from my partner...usually while i nursed or pump he would bring me something to drink and his parents started "disallowing" him from doing that sort of thing because seeing him do things for me they felt was "emasculating" 🙄
So glad I found this channel. My son is 21 months old as well and I'm in the process of weaning. He only has it when hes tired and getting ready for bed, but I'm having trouble stopping the "at bed time" nursing sessions. Hed love to stay on longer, but I'd be happy to be done by the time hes 2!
i’m not a mom but i love your channel so much your so informative on a lot of things people don’t talk about, much love ❤️
It’s such a personal thing . I stopped at 6 months with my twins and that was enough . I honestly can’t tell the difference between breast or formula fed babies or children . I think formula feeding mums need support that it’s ok too .
Yes! As long as you feed your baby that's all that matters!!
The difference between breastfed and formula is immunity benefits. My hospital has been certified as baby friendly and even in equipment I have to get a verification on breastfeeding knowledge. Breastfed babies tend to have better immune systems and are less at risk of other health concerns than formula fed babies.
I fully agree. My baby girl is 2 months and I breast feed and formula feed 2 to 3 times a day. I started formula feeding because she was born with jaundice and her pediatrician recommend it. I wanted to exclusively breastfeed and felt bad about supplementing then I stopped. I started again and now I'm more OK with it. I mainly give her formula once in the morning and once before bed. And if we go out I might give her formula because I don't feel comfortable breastfeeding in public
obviously scientifically there is a difference even though you might not 'see' that directly.
@@becks5198 exactly
I’m glad I found your channel!!! I am getting ready to wean my 19 month old twins. I am having a hard time stopping and having the same sort of struggles. I look forward to your video on weaning. I feel like I am going to have to sleep train them all over again. 😜❤️
I stopped breastfeeding around 22 months because my daughter was getting a little aggressive. Not biting. But just aggressive. And then I was also pregnant and had hyperemesis.
You are a very informative, awesome youtuber!!!
I love this. I am currently nursing may 3rd who is 15 months old. We aren't ready to wean yet but I know she is going to want to continue once I'm ready. All of this is so true.
Your daughter is absolutely adorable. And you are so pretty too!! I just found out I’m having a girl and I’m so excited
Your videos are so informative and I don't even have kids of my own. But the kids I do know, stopped breastfeeding when they were about nine months old. Your little girl is super cute! Hugs from Norway.
I nursed my daughter until she was not quite 2.5 years old. We both loved it from day one (truth!) and probably could have kept going for longer. I think of the experience fondly.
Oooof. Needed to hear this. I have so much guilt about wanting to ween. My son is 18 months, and I’m ready to be done. We currently only nurse in the morning. But I feel so bad cutting him off.
He'll be alright. It helped me to still spend time rocking my babies and giving them some warm milk. We were still able to have that quiet time together
Fearn and Tucker’s Angel Forever A) your reply makes NO sense at all. B) I don’t care about your opinions on how I choose to breastfeed or wean my child.
Fearn and Tucker’s Angel Forever 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Okay then.
@Fearn and Tucker’s Angel Forever
You were a dirty animal once too then.
I am an exclusively pumping mom. So I just pump in order to feed since my baby did not latch very well. And right now we are at 11 months and I have frozen milk and I think that I'm going to begin to wean now and if my Supply goes away completely which I'm not sure it will, I will use the frozen milk all up until he is one at least and probably carry frozen milk further if I have more frozen milk left. It has always been very time-consuming to pump in order to feed and I'm kind of ready to start living my life off of a pumping schedule. But I still feel kind of bad because I feel like I should still provide that milk, but I think that will definitely make it to a year, which was ultimately my goal if he had actually latched, so I guess it's kind of what I had planned to do anyway
This is a really old comment but for future you might want to check into the Willow pump. It's wearable and hands-free.
When we hit the year mark breastfeeding i would get super shakey , so this time around im going to be ready to wean around a year to avoid hypoglycemia
I did now know extended breastfeeding would be such a hassle! The longest I breast fed was my daughter for a year and 2 months. I’m now breastfeeding baby number 3 and he’s only 5 months. I can’t imagine ever wanting to stop, but i realize that it may not be so easy once he gets more vocal and mobile.
Lol that thumbnail reminded me when my oldest was breastfeeding 😂 he used to go looking in the shirt also...
I’m certainly someone who thinks, ‘to each their own’ with subjects like this. But I honestly kno I will only want to, if I can, for about 6 months. My concerns with going longer is how difficult it will be to pump at work Monday-Friday, that my husband can’t feed the baby and also I don’t really want my child to remember breast feeding when they get older. But like i said, I do commend anyone for doing what they want to with something like this!
One way you could continue breastfeeding (IF you want) is to BF only at night after work or in thw morning. Don't think about pumping at all. Just find a time when you are home and available for your child and BF then ;) But as she said continue if you both want to.
Your daughter is so cute!! Your son too! Will you ever film a video about transitioning from one child to two children? I’m currently not pregnant but my husband and I are trying to decide whether or not we should have another baby.
in Turkey we are always advised to breastfeed for 2 years if possible
I’m so glad I’m not alone. Did you make a video on the weaning process? I can’t find it on your channel so quickly.
I nursed my son until 2.7 and I relate. Nursing baby number two now!
You don’t have to breastfeed. You don’t have to want to breastfeed. That’s fine. It’s fine.
I’m my culture if you can talk, have teeth you need a cup. But I will see how far I can breastfed with my lil one. Thanks you the support and help
Thank you for being so lovely and informative! The best 2in1 out there
I loved breastfeeding my girls. I was dedicated to infant lead weaning so the first nursed to 2.5 and the second 3.5. But this was a personal decision. Every person needs to decide what works best for them. When I tell people how long I nursed, most people’s reactions are so funny. They don’t understand that nursing a toddler is very different than nursing an infant.
I watched this a year ago. Now my son is over 2 and I’m still breastfeeding. 😭
Any luck on weaning ? I want to wean soo bad.
Ugh , mine is too😭 2 1/2 now pregnant with baby #2 and my nipples are extremely painful!!
Breastfeeding at night doesnt cause cavities as a good latch means the nipple and milk completely bypass the teeth and doesnt sit on them.
I have my daughter latched on now and she will be 3 in October 🤓
Your daughter is so cute! Thanks for the informative video!
I wanted to nurse my kids until 2 but got pregnant before they were two with both. My first was 20 months when we weaned and my second is 13months We haven’t totally weaned but definitely on the way, I’m 4 months pregnant now. My supply tanked at the 6 week pregnant mark which wasn’t a huge deal with my first but with my second he was not 1 yet so I had to allow a lot of cluster-feeding in order for him to be getting enough milk until he was over one. It’s became/has become super painful and I have a huge aversion to it. I’m hoping to be totally done in the next month. On the plus side this is my last pregnancy so it’s likely I’ll be able to nurse our last baby as long as he or she will like.
Breastfeeding til two yo is NOT an extension it's within the normal/natural interval. #WHOguidelines#
I think she means that in America it's somewhat rare
The child benefits from breastfeeding the first year. After that there isn’t a whole lot to benefit the body.
The hardest thing is get accepted by family members who think formula is better than breastfeeding.
She said noooo this video is all about me now!! Lmao so adorable (she was talking to the camera)
In my personal opinion I would stop once the baby has teeth.
Breastfeeding a baby who has teeth is no problem. Breastfeeding a teething baby is terrifying! But once the teeth are established it's not uncomfortable at all. (In my experience anyway.)
Teeth don’t matter. Really!
Some babies are born with teeth 🤷🏻♀️
Most babies get teeth at 6 months
Haha my rule of thumb is once the kid can talk, it's time to wean. If you wean them around that time, you won't have a 2 year-old child asking for your chi-chis in public or yanking on your shirt or relying on breastfeeding because they can't self-soothe.
Kind of off topic but related to another transition, when did you transition Mae from the crib to sleeping in a toddler bed or full size bed? I have an 18 month old sleeping in a crib so I have been thinking about this lately. He still fits in his crib but is a very active sleeper and is on the taller side.
We didn't transition her until close to three. She slept well in her crib and never tried to climb out. Since we brought a new baby home at 2.5 years old, we didn't want any added stress of new sleeping arrangements. I think every little one is different, but what we really liked about the toddler bed was the back was still a crib, so if she was having trouble staying in her bed we just flipped it around so the railing side was against the wall and she was in a crib again. We often did this for nap time because she had a hard time winding down.
Nurse Zabe you are a God send. I really appreciate the insight from a fellow mama. It will be interesting to see what ends up working for our little guy but I am definitely trying out what you have suggested. Thank you! 💕
I nursed my oldest until 3 and a half. My 2nd until 4. My youngest is still nursing and shes almost 3. I wanted to let them self wean but it wasn't going to happen. I quit nursing in public at about 18ish months. Because they are too wild.
Agreed about babies being too wild! I nursed my daughter until 22 months when I found out I was pregnant.
Breastfeeding till that age is more about your needs than the child's!
Any advice on how to quit the night feeds, but keep bf? My daughter is almost 18 months now. The night nursing, up to 3 times, is very tiresome. Other than that I'm happy to continue till she's ready to self wean.
I night weaned my son. Check out the book on Amazon “when the nursies go to sleep” about how the nursies are asleep at night. We also just slowly took away some night feeds one at a time over like 2 weeks.
I admire someone who wants to extend breastfeeding, but when you talk of ‘weaning a baby’ that would be a 6 month old onto solids. This child is not a baby, she’s a toddler and has teeth and I’m sure eats a healthy diet, she doesn’t need it other than comfort. There is no nutritional value now.
My daughter turned 18 months not that long ago and she still breastfeeding and she does the same pulling my shirt down and putting her hand in my shirt! 😅😂
I breastfed my daughter till 17 and half months. My son is still nursing like a newborn and he turned 2 in February. Im now over it cuz he alwaus wants to be on me. Never had a nursing strike either. He freaks out if I TELL HIM NO.
My daughter is 17 months and I’m not sure she’s ever gonna wanna wean and I just don’t have the heart to wean her myself 😂😭
Mine is 4 years old and still doesn't want to wean. But she never asks for it in public, only when going to sleep or in the mornings when waking up.
Did you make a weaning video? I’m struggling with weaning my two year old.
My son is 30 months and still nurses for his naps and night time. I wasnt planning on nursing this long but the first year was a struggle with tongue and lip.ties and so it took awhile to gain weight. He calls them milkies or milkers. Hope fully he will stop soon but we will see
thats disgusting. help them by giving them proper nutrients
Jenna Cowart bitch you’re disgusting fuck off
Nursing until 2 years old? Nope. Once my baby starts getting to a year old, I'll be weaning them off the boob. I don't want to nurse past a year. I'll pump if its a good idea to keep them on breast milk until they reach a certain age but, that's about it.
Same! When I have a baby I will wean them around 6-8 months
Hi Elizabeth , my wife is breastfeeding and having difficulty getting our baby to move onto solids. When you ,emotion weaning here, was Mae on any solid foods at all or exclusively breastfeeding? I would be grateful for any advice you can give.
Is the part 1 -video still on your channel? I can't seem to find it. :S
Stella Annie I was getting a lot of creepy comments on that video, so I made it private. 😬😩
Zabey Baby 2015 Oh man, why do people have to be so weird about such a natural topic as feeding our children.. 😩🙄If you decide to re-upload or re-film it, i'll definitely be interested in watching it. :)
@@ridhoabduh1768 what the fuck
I have a question. My baby is exclusively breast fed and 5.5 mos. I would love to go as long as we can but how does my milk stay once solids are introduced? Also I wake him in the middle of the night bc I want to keep my milk. Is that necessary? Please help! Thank you for all your videos they have been awesome throughout my journey
I have a question. PLEASE REPLY I NEED ADVICE. My daughter is almost 16 Months old & still breast feeding( she won’t take a bottle. She only nurses from the right side & because of teething she’s been chewing on the nipple some time & now my nipple has sore blisters but she’s still breast feeding & it hurts soooo bad even if she’s not biting cuz the nipple is sore. What should I do?!!? PLEASE REPLY
I also only nurse on one side. My oldest did so, my youngest too. I highly recommend Purelan by Medela. It heels cracks or sore really fast. Also at 16 months u should talk to ur little one, say no if she chomps down too hard. Also try changing ur pose for bf, it may allow ur toddler to pull less. I'm not the author of the video, but hopefully my advice is useful for you. Or any other moms.
Patricia Essien aww thank you sweetheart. Thanks so much for the help ❤️❤️❤️
My baby will be 3 in May 2021 and we are still nursing. Idk when we will stop. When he’s ready I guess. It’s hard for me to stop.
Your baby is so so cute
Amanda Mays nope.
Kiomi66 troll
you are lovely, I think it should be 18 months personally
Nursing gymnastics. That wasn't fun. Can't forget the cartwheels while latched... 😂🤣
I’m at 2.5 years now....help
My baby calls it
Booogas. There’s big booga and the other one lol
My girl just turned 1 and she has never had a nursing strike. I’ve been lucky though that she no longer wants to nurse in public or much through the day. She wants to nurse to sleep for naps and bedtime but will fall asleep without it as long as I’m not the one putting her to sleep. Her sleepy + mommy = boobies in her mind. I don’t mind it though. I’m having to go back to work so it will stop for naps since my husband will now be watching her during the day but I plan to continue her bedtime and middle of the night feeds until either I become averse to them or she no longer wants them
When your child has a mouth full of teeth and can eat solid food it is time to let go. The reason these kidd ate so messed up niw.
I could never breast feed. I'm so selfish and I just can't get myself to do it.
I just find it disgusting that people let their 4 year olds suck their tits
kiwi owo me toooo......
The baby only benefits the first year of breast feeding. That’s why the first year gives them the “best start”. After that their immune system doesn’t benefit from it anymore.
My dentist told me it wouldn’t cause any issues? 😖
The nipple pinch. She needs to pinch my other nipple to fall asleep. It's the WORST.
Lol she’s cute
Breast feed till there 5 and will go to Harvqrd, magic
thats awful. men are equal in parenting
thats disgusting. how is she getting nutrients
Until a year old, breastmilk has everything a baby needs. It's biologically natural to breastfeed. That's what our breasts are made for. Society has sexualized breasts. It's ok for you to have an opinion. But that's just down right rude. If it's so disgusting, then why would you watch a video, that clearly states it's about breastfeeding?
The first year of breastfeeding is the “best start” in a baby’s life. After that there is nothing extra to benefit from. Better immune system and less obesity and other health concerns than compared to formula babies. Formula babies are higher at risk for diabetes and weight problems.
Ignorant tat. If its disgusting, then get off her channel. You don't show up and be rude and uncultured.
@@gratitudebnps no need to be rude to her. She is aloud to have an opinion even if you don’t like it.