In Romans, St. Paul says: “Let love be your only debt. Owe no one anything except the debt that binds us to love one another. If you love others, you have done all that the law demands. In the law there are many commands... but all of these are summed up in the single command that says, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’. Love does no harm to the neighbor. Hence, love is the fulfillment of God’s law.”
I feel you brother, can feel your honesty and heartfelt search. I'm fully with you. I've been following the same path as you, opening up to unconditional love and have found a very beautiful particular path to guide me, and I feel like I receive more beautiful witnesses to hearing the truth through everyone, the Spirit can reach us through all our brothers. You're totally onto it. Thank you for sharing ❤❤❤
Remember what Jesus said to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well - John 4 “Neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem, but those worship in Spirit and Truth’
hey man, I love your energy! I''d whished more people had a gentle and loving spirit like yours"! this brings me the thing I would like to say: not everyone is like this. there are selfish and evil people in this world. I would say the true religion is the one that can change an evil and selfish person into a loving person. I have never witnessed any religion do that, only Jesus Christ does that. if a religion teaches love, that is great. can it change someone''s nature though? complete change, not just some tweaking. I used to be a wicked and vile person, now I am known for my love for people. God has an identity and he chose to come in the form of Jesus christ, and in heaven he still welcomes us in the form of jesus christ, since he wants to identify with us and us to identify with him.
@MarcioW Well said. I think religion can give some people hope, healing, and support in their journey toward being more loving, kinder, better people. In my journey, I've met really genuinely kind and loving people from all spiritual and religious backgrounds. Even secular, non-religous, atheistic backgrounds. So I'm inclined to agree with you that "no religion" completely transforms someone. The soul has to be willing and seeking it. And in my experience, God (and through the more accessible/relatable form of Jesus) will use whatever's available in our lives to help us grow and become better, more loving people... once that soul desires healing and growth. For some people, they may find the guidance and support they need in a religion. But not necessarily. And it's certainly not required. Just an option, a vehicle, God can and sometimes does use. That's what I think, anyway. Thanks for your kind comment! It's great to meet you!
You are on the perfect path. After extensive research I found that all religious scriptures of all major religions have at least one passage that reveals the kingdom of god is in the hearts' of the righteous. Hence the ultimate path is to follow your heart which means following the implanted word that is commonly referred to as intuition and conscience. Without hearing the inner word and also doing as you are guided your religion is worthless. To become more able to receive inner guidance, become a Nazarene which is a Vegan. Coptic Christians and Seventh Day Adventists are two forms of Christianity that have held closely to the original teachings of Christ. Watch the new Documentary Christspiricy to discover what has been hidden by most organized religions.
There's a quote by Dr. Wayne Dyer that I love. "If prayer is us talking to God, intuition is God talking back to us." For me, heart guidance and intuition guidance are closely related. (The only difference is, intuition sometimes "knows" things supernaturally, that the heart can't/doesn't know yet. Otherwise, everything else is the same in my experience.) Our own conscience knows right from wrong, good from bad. We don't "need" an organized religious institution to teach us that. Maybe just remind us. ;) And help support us in tuning in, listening, and trusting that inner voice.
@@lovelightdavid Having written two books on intuition, conscience and the divine (god) consciousness that resides in the heart, what I've found is that the infallible voice comes from the heart. On the other hand Gut Intuition is fallible. Here are some notable quotes supporting the heart as the source of genius: The most celebrated architect of the twentieth century, Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), stated: “The heart is the chief feature of a functioning mind.” Albert Einstein expressed his reverence for heart intuition: “The state of mind which enables a man to do work of this kind [theoretical physics], is akin to that of the religious worshipper or the lover; the daily effort comes from no deliberate intention or program, but straight from the heart.” In my books I reference scientific studies that identified the source of the infallible voice is the heart. Going further I agree with the theory that consciousness is primary, it's the foundation of reality. Pure consciousness is god and there's no escaping the omnipresence of the One because that is all that there is. Max Planck was a proponent for consciousness creating matter. With a Nobel Prize for discovering energy quanta, he became the distinguished father of quantum theory. In 1931, The Observer, a famous British weekly, reported Planck’s viewpoint: "I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness." Later in his 1944 speech “The Nature of Matter,” Planck further explained how consciousness is present throughout everything: "There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter." Despite the omnipresence of consciousness, the One has distributed consciousness in a variety of forms and packets to form two grand illusions heaven (the astral spirit realm) and earth (the physical realm) as well as all of the characters, and things that appear in those realms. Together, all of this provides a grand mystery that we little humans will never fully comprehend. Luckily all we need to do is open and follow our hearts. I have a video on my channel that explains how to open one's heart. My books are free to download from my website.
I have to agree with you. The latest cutting-edge scientific research has scientists saying that consciousness is actually the foundation of the universe -- and things like time, space, matter, and energy are emergent properties of that consciousness. I tend to call that super consciousness "God". :) Because they seem to have the same properties -- intelligent, omnipresent, creator of reality, etc. I didn't realize scientists have been suggesting this idea since the early 1900s. Thanks for sharing that! I also love how you distinguished between "gut intuition" and "heart intuition". One is physical, what the brain's own memories and the body's own unconscious perceptions quickly assess and determine about a given person, place, or thing -- the other, in my opinion, is spiritually-based. Heart intuition somehow "knows" things we can't possibly know otherwise. Heart intuition seems to transcend what the brain knows or body can perceive.
@@lovelightdavid God is an appropriate word to identify the One Who is All. However, since a lot of people link that word to a guy sitting on a throne in the clouds, it can be misleading. On the other hand, the properties ascribed to God include, omnipresent which means that God is present everywhere at the same time, omnipotent which means God has ultimate power and influence, omniscient which means that God knows everything that is known. Once the primacy of consciousness is understood, it's clear that God must be that all pervasive consciousness and not a old guy sitting on a throne in the clouds. With a One Who is All view of God, lots of things fall into place. However, when it comes to the bible, a close analysis reveals that the Lord Yahweh is a deity who is not the One Who is All, but a powerful wrathful spirit who has an important but diabolical role to play in the True God's plan. Certainly Yahweh is part of the One, but those who claim he is the creator are mistaken. Therefore, following our inner connection to the True God is the only way to avoid being lured onto a divisive life path. I may be over zealous about that, but the numerous miracles that have filled my life give me many reasons to believe I'm on a pious path. I don't claim to be perfect, far from it, I often make mistakes, but my inner guidance always comes to my rescue. Moreover, when I tune in and follow closely, the results are astonishing. My free to download books discuss this in detail with tools and techniques.
From birth I was a part of many mostly mainstream big religions growing up as a Foster Child being in God's hands, and without bias. I would read the Bible for myself, and then see what these religions would tell me were God's Doctrines and practices. However, I noticed when reading the Bible, and having these many different perspectives, it became easy for me to see that all these religions were NOT actually practicing what the Word said. They either didn't believe certain things, or they outright created new doctrines which the Bible didn't teach, or you would only get such a view by cherry picking and ignoring scripture. I then came upon the The Church of Jesus Christ, aka the Mormons. *It was the ONLY religion that actually fit what the Bible in Full said.* Not only that, but it's practices, how it did things actually helped create and train "Saints", for them ALL, not just "elites" like a Priest, or Preacher etc. like was common with other religions. To me that's exactly what a "True" religion would do. Also, one thing that attracted me is they behaved "normal".... that Godliness was simply part of their natural being. They didn't act "cultish" with rambling words to try and prove they were Godly, such as Jesus Jesus Jesus, etc. They were "normal".... but yet also a peculiar people whom most tried to actually live their faith, being part of the world but not of it. I even became anti-mormon and anti-religion for a couple of years in my late teens and early 20's, though while I didn't believe most anti-mormon claims against the Church, because I studied it and their claims, I did in my modern sensibility's came to not understand what I call my "big 3", and that was Plural Marriage, the Priesthood ban, and Women and the Priesthood. However, fortunately when I was humble enough to learn again, I restudied everything, quickly eliminated any other religion as even possibly being true, so I was back to the LDS Church. So, I studied anti-mormonism and compared it with LDS scholarship, and I quickly again verified even more that anti-mormonism did nothing but lie, just like Leftists lie about the Right and Issues, the "god" they serve was clearly no different in that belief system and behaviors against other believers. I then focused on my big three issues, learned much more about them and came to understand that I simply did not have all the information to properly judge those issues. Then one day, it was like new brain cells were created, and God revealed the Church WAS literally True.... While before I had a more practical and scientific belief, with the spirit mingled in, I now had a SURE Testimony of this reality. Some 30 years later, it only keeps being proved more true. It is the ONLY "True and Living Gospel of Jesus Christ" on the earth. LDS follow Christ's words in Mark 9, Luke 9 etc. when it comes to other believers "not with us." So we accept all as brothers in Christ. Unfortunately, anti-mormons disobey Christ's Words in those verses, and he states very harsh words for those who don't follow him in his words in those verses. But, they are just another example of how other Christians don't actually follow the Bible as they believe. Nevertheless, while many won't accept us, unwilling to call us "Christian", we will accept them in good Faith.
Sincerely, I'm glad you found a good spiritual home. I'm not sure if you watched my whole video or not. I'm not anti-Mormon at all. Some of my friends are Mormon. And most Mormons I've met have been genuinely kind, loving people. But I also find equally kind, loving, generous people in ALL religions -- and even those who aren't religious at all. I think it's who we are and how we live that matters most -- not which organization we officially belong to or not. That's the message of this video. Love is what's real. Love is what's true. Love is what matters. :) The God I know isn't going to condemn someone to eternal punishment, just because they weren't baptized in the "right" building by the "right" people within their lifetime. Personally, I believe God looks at each of our hearts individually. We might disagree on this, and that's okay if we do. I'm just sharing from my own personal experiences and beliefs. :) If I'm reading and understanding your comment correctly, it seems you yourself are a kind, loving, compassionate, caring person. You're someone who wants to grow closer to God and become a better person over time. You're even willing to learn, explore, contemplate, and consider alternative points of view too, which I think is amazing and awesome! Most people refuse to do that. So you're doing amazing. Keep being kind and loving to all. Thanks for your thoughtful comment and sharing your personal story. Genuinely, I appreciate it!
You don't need religion to believe in God. Religions are man made. You can have a personal relationship with God without having to sign up for any religion because all of them are flawed
@Eric-ep9rd I agree. After extensive research into not only what religions teach and believe, but also their history, origins, and evolution over time, I too became convinced they're all just inventions made by humans, in an attempt to understand, interact with, and explain the spiritual side of reality that does exist. Often good and very well-meaning attempts. But inherently limited. If you're familiar with the metaphor, we're like multiple blind men all touching a different part of an elephant, each describing something seemingly completely different (the trunk, ears, body, legs, tail, etc), never realizing that no matter how "complete" and "accurate" we believe we are, we're still only seeing part of the picture.
As one who finds that, usually, churches prioritize unconditional love over correctness of doctrine, I'm curious what you make of the experience that David Alexander has had with Christianity (which makes up a substantial portion of the amount of churches (or, at least, church goers) in the world)? As found in videos such as this:
(Acknowledging that most, if not all, Christian churches are more likely to help someone be able to feel and to reciprocate love in general than they are to hurt the likelihood of said ability)
Personally, I've experienced a mix. Absolutely, some churches prioritize love, healing, unity, forgiveness, kindness, compassion, etc. Those are the great ones. Those I support. But I've also run into a few that were more concerned about "being right" and very much had a judgmental "us verses them" attitude. They used religion to feel superior to others. That's not love. But yeah, in my experience, I'd say "most" churches were more like what you've experienced. They may debate the nuances and details about some of their beliefs, but ultimately, their message and teaching is about love. And I think that's what's most important. Are they helping their members feel more love and be more loving overall? If so, they're a good one.
the catholic church has the weight of historical evidence to support it. it continues the sacrificial system of biblical judaism; the bread and wine offering, the incense offering and the Lamb of God. it is the one that promulgated the bible. whereas all other religions say that the original church defected, the catholic church have always taught that the promise of christ endures and protects the church because jesus is God. it is the most pervasive religion for the Lord's vineyard is the most fruitful. even the demons only attack the catholic church because the devil works to destroy what he does not already possess
I started going to a Unitarian Universalist church . They talked about love. Every week we say love is at the center. I feel every religion is one piece. Maybe there is not one right religion so I agree
4 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. 4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 5 They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. 6 We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.
Islam is the true religion-have you explored it? From what I understand, you identify as spiritual but not religious and are not part of any organized faith. The question is, why? What led you to move away from the religions you’ve explored? Write down the reasons or questions that caused you to reject them, and then study Islam with an open mind. I am confident that Islam can address 80% or more of those concerns. Its teachings provide clear answers to life’s big questions about purpose, morality, and the nature of God. Why not give it a chance?
you said morality, while your prophet has shown immorality. First and primary principal to choose the right decision, don't choose to follow a pedophile and war lord.
@@cerebralgeneratedimagery5785 God is real, Heaven is real, and Hell is real. This life is a test, and part of succeeding in it (50% of the "marks") is worshiping the Creator and accepting the Prophet Muhammad as the final messenger of God. In your video, you mentioned that all God wants from humans is to be good people, but that’s not entirely true. Worshiping and recognizing the Creator is a fundamental aspect of our purpose. I strongly encourage you to research Islam. My suggestion comes from a place of care and love for you-I see you as an intelligent and thoughtful person, and I want you to save yourself from the consequences of rejecting these truths. Please, take the time to learn with an open heart.
@@cerebralgeneratedimagery5785 God is real, Heaven is real, and Hell is real. This life is a test, and part of succeeding in it (50% of the "marks") is worshiping the Creator and accepting the Prophet Muhammad as the final messenger of God. In your video, you mentioned that all God wants from humans is to be good people, but that’s not entirely true. Worshiping and recognizing the Creator is a fundamental aspect of our purpose. I strongly encourage you to research Islam. My suggestion comes from a place of care and love for you-I see you as an intelligent and thoughtful person, and I want you to save yourself from the consequences of rejecting these truths. Please, take the time to learn with an open heart.
@@cerebralgeneratedimagery5785while Mormons believe in a false prophet whose claims are not recognized by either ISLAM or CHRISTIANITY, Islam is entirely different. Islam acknowledges all the prophets, including Jesus, Moses, and Abraham, as genuine messengers of God. It is founded on the belief that the Prophet Muhammad received the final revelation from God through Angel Gabriel, completing the message delivered by previous prophets. If you haven't yet done in-depth research on Islam, I encourage you to explore it. Islam and Mormonism are fundamentally different in their foundations, teachings, and historical claims. Understanding these differences might give you a clearer perspective. God is real, Heaven is real, and Hell is real. This life is a test, and part of succeeding in it (50% of the "marks") is worshiping the Creator and accepting the Prophet Muhammad as the final messenger of God. In your video, you mentioned that all God wants from humans is to be good people, but that’s not entirely true. Worshiping and recognizing the Creator is a fundamental aspect of our purpose. I strongly encourage you to research Islam. My suggestion comes from a place of care and love for you-I see you as an intelligent and thoughtful person, and I want you to save yourself from the consequences of rejecting these truths. Please, take the time to learn with an open heart.
In Romans, St. Paul says:
“Let love be your only debt. Owe no one anything except the debt that binds us to love one another. If you love others, you have done all that the law demands. In the law there are many commands... but all of these are summed up in the single command that says, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’. Love does no harm to the neighbor. Hence, love is the fulfillment of God’s law.”
I feel you brother, can feel your honesty and heartfelt search. I'm fully with you. I've been following the same path as you, opening up to unconditional love and have found a very beautiful particular path to guide me, and I feel like I receive more beautiful witnesses to hearing the truth through everyone, the Spirit can reach us through all our brothers. You're totally onto it. Thank you for sharing ❤❤❤
@@truethat1 Thank you! Welcome to my channel. It's great to meet you.
I appreciate the positive comment very much. Mahalo.
I am the Way and the Truth , and the Life. NO ONE comes to the Father but by ME( Jesus)
😂❤ oh well if he says
@@dirkjensen969 God says. So yes.
@@jsharp9735 thought you said Jesus said that
@@dirkjensen969 Jesus is God.
@@jsharp9735 read the quote dude
Unconditional love!❤
Exactly! You've got it! :)
Remember what Jesus said to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well - John 4
“Neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem, but those worship in Spirit and Truth’
hey man, I love your energy! I''d whished more people had a gentle and loving spirit like yours"! this brings me the thing I would like to say: not everyone is like this. there are selfish and evil people in this world. I would say the true religion is the one that can change an evil and selfish person into a loving person. I have never witnessed any religion do that, only Jesus Christ does that. if a religion teaches love, that is great. can it change someone''s nature though? complete change, not just some tweaking. I used to be a wicked and vile person, now I am known for my love for people. God has an identity and he chose to come in the form of Jesus christ, and in heaven he still welcomes us in the form of jesus christ, since he wants to identify with us and us to identify with him.
@MarcioW Well said. I think religion can give some people hope, healing, and support in their journey toward being more loving, kinder, better people.
In my journey, I've met really genuinely kind and loving people from all spiritual and religious backgrounds. Even secular, non-religous, atheistic backgrounds.
So I'm inclined to agree with you that "no religion" completely transforms someone. The soul has to be willing and seeking it. And in my experience, God (and through the more accessible/relatable form of Jesus) will use whatever's available in our lives to help us grow and become better, more loving people... once that soul desires healing and growth.
For some people, they may find the guidance and support they need in a religion. But not necessarily. And it's certainly not required. Just an option, a vehicle, God can and sometimes does use.
That's what I think, anyway. Thanks for your kind comment! It's great to meet you!
You are on the perfect path. After extensive research I found that all religious scriptures of all major religions have at least one passage that reveals the kingdom of god is in the hearts' of the righteous. Hence the ultimate path is to follow your heart which means following the implanted word that is commonly referred to as intuition and conscience. Without hearing the inner word and also doing as you are guided your religion is worthless. To become more able to receive inner guidance, become a Nazarene which is a Vegan. Coptic Christians and Seventh Day Adventists are two forms of Christianity that have held closely to the original teachings of Christ. Watch the new Documentary Christspiricy to discover what has been hidden by most organized religions.
There's a quote by Dr. Wayne Dyer that I love. "If prayer is us talking to God, intuition is God talking back to us."
For me, heart guidance and intuition guidance are closely related. (The only difference is, intuition sometimes "knows" things supernaturally, that the heart can't/doesn't know yet. Otherwise, everything else is the same in my experience.)
Our own conscience knows right from wrong, good from bad. We don't "need" an organized religious institution to teach us that. Maybe just remind us. ;) And help support us in tuning in, listening, and trusting that inner voice.
@@lovelightdavid Having written two books on intuition, conscience and the divine (god) consciousness that resides in the heart, what I've found is that the infallible voice comes from the heart. On the other hand Gut Intuition is fallible.
Here are some notable quotes supporting the heart as the source of genius:
The most celebrated architect of the twentieth century, Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), stated:
“The heart is the chief feature of a functioning mind.”
Albert Einstein expressed his reverence for heart intuition:
“The state of mind which enables a man
to do work of this kind [theoretical physics],
is akin to that of the religious worshipper or the lover;
the daily effort comes from no deliberate intention or program,
but straight from the heart.”
In my books I reference scientific studies that identified the source of the infallible voice is the heart. Going further I agree with the theory that consciousness is primary, it's the foundation of reality. Pure consciousness is god and there's no escaping the omnipresence of the One because that is all that there is.
Max Planck was a proponent for consciousness creating matter. With a Nobel Prize for discovering energy quanta, he became the distinguished father of quantum theory. In 1931, The Observer, a famous British weekly, reported Planck’s viewpoint:
"I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness."
Later in his 1944 speech “The Nature of Matter,” Planck further explained how consciousness is present throughout everything:
"There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."
Despite the omnipresence of consciousness, the One has distributed consciousness in a variety of forms and packets to form two grand illusions heaven (the astral spirit realm) and earth (the physical realm) as well as all of the characters, and things that appear in those realms. Together, all of this provides a grand mystery that we little humans will never fully comprehend. Luckily all we need to do is open and follow our hearts. I have a video on my channel that explains how to open one's heart. My books are free to download from my website.
I have to agree with you. The latest cutting-edge scientific research has scientists saying that consciousness is actually the foundation of the universe -- and things like time, space, matter, and energy are emergent properties of that consciousness.
I tend to call that super consciousness "God". :) Because they seem to have the same properties -- intelligent, omnipresent, creator of reality, etc.
I didn't realize scientists have been suggesting this idea since the early 1900s. Thanks for sharing that!
I also love how you distinguished between "gut intuition" and "heart intuition". One is physical, what the brain's own memories and the body's own unconscious perceptions quickly assess and determine about a given person, place, or thing -- the other, in my opinion, is spiritually-based. Heart intuition somehow "knows" things we can't possibly know otherwise. Heart intuition seems to transcend what the brain knows or body can perceive.
@@lovelightdavid God is an appropriate word to identify the One Who is All. However, since a lot of people link that word to a guy sitting on a throne in the clouds, it can be misleading. On the other hand, the properties ascribed to God include, omnipresent which means that God is present everywhere at the same time, omnipotent which means God has ultimate power and influence, omniscient which means that God knows everything that is known. Once the primacy of consciousness is understood, it's clear that God must be that all pervasive consciousness and not a old guy sitting on a throne in the clouds. With a One Who is All view of God, lots of things fall into place. However, when it comes to the bible, a close analysis reveals that the Lord Yahweh is a deity who is not the One Who is All, but a powerful wrathful spirit who has an important but diabolical role to play in the True God's plan. Certainly Yahweh is part of the One, but those who claim he is the creator are mistaken. Therefore, following our inner connection to the True God is the only way to avoid being lured onto a divisive life path. I may be over zealous about that, but the numerous miracles that have filled my life give me many reasons to believe I'm on a pious path. I don't claim to be perfect, far from it, I often make mistakes, but my inner guidance always comes to my rescue. Moreover, when I tune in and follow closely, the results are astonishing. My free to download books discuss this in detail with tools and techniques.
From birth I was a part of many mostly mainstream big religions growing up as a Foster Child being in God's hands, and without bias. I would read the Bible for myself, and then see what these religions would tell me were God's Doctrines and practices. However, I noticed when reading the Bible, and having these many different perspectives, it became easy for me to see that all these religions were NOT actually practicing what the Word said. They either didn't believe certain things, or they outright created new doctrines which the Bible didn't teach, or you would only get such a view by cherry picking and ignoring scripture. I then came upon the The Church of Jesus Christ, aka the Mormons. *It was the ONLY religion that actually fit what the Bible in Full said.*
Not only that, but it's practices, how it did things actually helped create and train "Saints", for them ALL, not just "elites" like a Priest, or Preacher etc. like was common with other religions. To me that's exactly what a "True" religion would do.
Also, one thing that attracted me is they behaved "normal".... that Godliness was simply part of their natural being. They didn't act "cultish" with rambling words to try and prove they were Godly, such as Jesus Jesus Jesus, etc. They were "normal".... but yet also a peculiar people whom most tried to actually live their faith, being part of the world but not of it.
I even became anti-mormon and anti-religion for a couple of years in my late teens and early 20's, though while I didn't believe most anti-mormon claims against the Church, because I studied it and their claims, I did in my modern sensibility's came to not understand what I call my "big 3", and that was Plural Marriage, the Priesthood ban, and Women and the Priesthood.
However, fortunately when I was humble enough to learn again, I restudied everything, quickly eliminated any other religion as even possibly being true, so I was back to the LDS Church.
So, I studied anti-mormonism and compared it with LDS scholarship, and I quickly again verified even more that anti-mormonism did nothing but lie, just like Leftists lie about the Right and Issues, the "god" they serve was clearly no different in that belief system and behaviors against other believers.
I then focused on my big three issues, learned much more about them and came to understand that I simply did not have all the information to properly judge those issues. Then one day, it was like new brain cells were created, and God revealed the Church WAS literally True.... While before I had a more practical and scientific belief, with the spirit mingled in, I now had a SURE Testimony of this reality.
Some 30 years later, it only keeps being proved more true. It is the ONLY "True and Living Gospel of Jesus Christ" on the earth.
LDS follow Christ's words in Mark 9, Luke 9 etc. when it comes to other believers "not with us." So we accept all as brothers in Christ. Unfortunately, anti-mormons disobey Christ's Words in those verses, and he states very harsh words for those who don't follow him in his words in those verses. But, they are just another example of how other Christians don't actually follow the Bible as they believe. Nevertheless, while many won't accept us, unwilling to call us "Christian", we will accept them in good Faith.
Sincerely, I'm glad you found a good spiritual home. I'm not sure if you watched my whole video or not. I'm not anti-Mormon at all. Some of my friends are Mormon. And most Mormons I've met have been genuinely kind, loving people.
But I also find equally kind, loving, generous people in ALL religions -- and even those who aren't religious at all. I think it's who we are and how we live that matters most -- not which organization we officially belong to or not. That's the message of this video. Love is what's real. Love is what's true. Love is what matters. :)
The God I know isn't going to condemn someone to eternal punishment, just because they weren't baptized in the "right" building by the "right" people within their lifetime. Personally, I believe God looks at each of our hearts individually.
We might disagree on this, and that's okay if we do. I'm just sharing from my own personal experiences and beliefs. :)
If I'm reading and understanding your comment correctly, it seems you yourself are a kind, loving, compassionate, caring person. You're someone who wants to grow closer to God and become a better person over time. You're even willing to learn, explore, contemplate, and consider alternative points of view too, which I think is amazing and awesome! Most people refuse to do that. So you're doing amazing. Keep being kind and loving to all. Thanks for your thoughtful comment and sharing your personal story. Genuinely, I appreciate it!
You don't need religion to believe in God. Religions are man made. You can have a personal relationship with God without having to sign up for any religion because all of them are flawed
@Eric-ep9rd I agree. After extensive research into not only what religions teach and believe, but also their history, origins, and evolution over time, I too became convinced they're all just inventions made by humans, in an attempt to understand, interact with, and explain the spiritual side of reality that does exist.
Often good and very well-meaning attempts. But inherently limited.
If you're familiar with the metaphor, we're like multiple blind men all touching a different part of an elephant, each describing something seemingly completely different (the trunk, ears, body, legs, tail, etc), never realizing that no matter how "complete" and "accurate" we believe we are, we're still only seeing part of the picture.
As one who finds that, usually, churches prioritize unconditional love over correctness of doctrine, I'm curious what you make of the experience that David Alexander has had with Christianity (which makes up a substantial portion of the amount of churches (or, at least, church goers) in the world)? As found in videos such as this:
(Acknowledging that most, if not all, Christian churches are more likely to help someone be able to feel and to reciprocate love in general than they are to hurt the likelihood of said ability)
Personally, I've experienced a mix. Absolutely, some churches prioritize love, healing, unity, forgiveness, kindness, compassion, etc. Those are the great ones. Those I support.
But I've also run into a few that were more concerned about "being right" and very much had a judgmental "us verses them" attitude. They used religion to feel superior to others. That's not love.
But yeah, in my experience, I'd say "most" churches were more like what you've experienced. They may debate the nuances and details about some of their beliefs, but ultimately, their message and teaching is about love.
And I think that's what's most important. Are they helping their members feel more love and be more loving overall? If so, they're a good one.
the catholic church has the weight of historical evidence to support it. it continues the sacrificial system of biblical judaism; the bread and wine offering, the incense offering and the Lamb of God. it is the one that promulgated the bible. whereas all other religions say that the original church defected, the catholic church have always taught that the promise of christ endures and protects the church because jesus is God. it is the most pervasive religion for the Lord's vineyard is the most fruitful. even the demons only attack the catholic church because the devil works to destroy what he does not already possess
I started going to a Unitarian Universalist church . They talked about love. Every week we say love is at the center. I feel every religion is one piece. Maybe there is not one right religion so I agree
@@coralaub566 Sounds like you found a great church!
4 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. 4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 5 They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. 6 We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.
None of them
....none of them comport to the facts of reality.
Islam is the true religion-have you explored it? From what I understand, you identify as spiritual but not religious and are not part of any organized faith. The question is, why? What led you to move away from the religions you’ve explored?
Write down the reasons or questions that caused you to reject them, and then study Islam with an open mind. I am confident that Islam can address 80% or more of those concerns. Its teachings provide clear answers to life’s big questions about purpose, morality, and the nature of God. Why not give it a chance?
Everything wrong with Mormonism is equally or more wing with Islam
you said morality, while your prophet has shown immorality.
First and primary principal to choose the right decision, don't choose to follow a pedophile and war lord.
@@cerebralgeneratedimagery5785 God is real, Heaven is real, and Hell is real. This life is a test, and part of succeeding in it (50% of the "marks") is worshiping the Creator and accepting the Prophet Muhammad as the final messenger of God. In your video, you mentioned that all God wants from humans is to be good people, but that’s not entirely true. Worshiping and recognizing the Creator is a fundamental aspect of our purpose.
I strongly encourage you to research Islam. My suggestion comes from a place of care and love for you-I see you as an intelligent and thoughtful person, and I want you to save yourself from the consequences of rejecting these truths. Please, take the time to learn with an open heart.
@@cerebralgeneratedimagery5785 God is real, Heaven is real, and Hell is real. This life is a test, and part of succeeding in it (50% of the "marks") is worshiping the Creator and accepting the Prophet Muhammad as the final messenger of God. In your video, you mentioned that all God wants from humans is to be good people, but that’s not entirely true. Worshiping and recognizing the Creator is a fundamental aspect of our purpose.
I strongly encourage you to research Islam. My suggestion comes from a place of care and love for you-I see you as an intelligent and thoughtful person, and I want you to save yourself from the consequences of rejecting these truths. Please, take the time to learn with an open heart.
@@cerebralgeneratedimagery5785while Mormons believe in a false prophet whose claims are not recognized by either ISLAM or CHRISTIANITY, Islam is entirely different. Islam acknowledges all the prophets, including Jesus, Moses, and Abraham, as genuine messengers of God. It is founded on the belief that the Prophet Muhammad received the final revelation from God through Angel Gabriel, completing the message delivered by previous prophets.
If you haven't yet done in-depth research on Islam, I encourage you to explore it. Islam and Mormonism are fundamentally different in their foundations, teachings, and historical claims. Understanding these differences might give you a clearer perspective.
God is real, Heaven is real, and Hell is real. This life is a test, and part of succeeding in it (50% of the "marks") is worshiping the Creator and accepting the Prophet Muhammad as the final messenger of God. In your video, you mentioned that all God wants from humans is to be good people, but that’s not entirely true. Worshiping and recognizing the Creator is a fundamental aspect of our purpose.
I strongly encourage you to research Islam. My suggestion comes from a place of care and love for you-I see you as an intelligent and thoughtful person, and I want you to save yourself from the consequences of rejecting these truths. Please, take the time to learn with an open heart.