The Disney Remakes We Need

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 61

  • @zuch127
    @zuch127 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I definitely think another reason people don’t seem to like 3D as much is that they automatically perceive it as “Lazy,” because of the reasons you mentioned with models and stuff. Then when a 3D film like Spider-Verse comes along that is more varied than just base 3D, people perceive it as having more effort put behind it.
    I think 3D has the potential to be a lot better looking than 2D, just if the right amount of effort is put behind it. Because it is a reality that studios do use 3D as a cost cutting measure, since 2D is usually much more expensive, which does sometimes make the end product worse because of it. So I think if Disney took the time and budget that it would take to make a 2D or live action movie, and instead remade their classics in a 3D setting, it could make for some great versions of the films. Especially with movies like Snow White and Peter Pan, where large chunks of the plot really need to be fine tuned. And live action ain’t the way to do it
    Great video covering the topic, though. First time I’ve ever been mentioned in a patrons section for a channel!

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You know thats a good point, i hadn't really thought of.
      And you're welcome i thoight it was appropriate. Amd thank you for upping your pledge that means the world to me

  • @hispanicwitch4929
    @hispanicwitch4929 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I disagree strongly. :/ The reason is because we don't need any remakes at all. I don't care if they're in traditional 2D animation, 3D animation (if it's actually animation, more on that a few lines below) or live action. I don't want any remake at all. The problem with Disney is that Bob Iger is so used to buying stuff and remaking films and making sequels and spinoffs and reboots ... that he doesn't know to create new things or innovate. The greatest films in history were made taking a leap of faith, maybe using some previous source as inspiration, but that's about it. And I don't care if a film is in 2D, 3D or live action, if it looks and sounds appealing I will watch it. My personal problem with 3D nowadays is the focus on hyperrealism. I much preferred when 3D was more cartoony and imaginative, like in Wreckt-it Ralph, Ratatouille or The Incredibles, because, if it's so hyperrealistic, as Lightyear, what's the point of using animation AT ALL? Just make it in live action and be done with it. One thing I agree with you is that traditional 2D animation can perfectly well coexist and be combined with 3D elements: I'd have loved a style like Sergio Pablos' Klaus for Disney's Wish: traditional 2D animation aided with 3D for lighting, backgrounds or duplicates. I mean, if a small Spanish studio can create a visual masterpiece like Klaus, what the hell is Disney's excuse with Wish?
    TL;DR; no more remakes at all. Nor soulless, selfish and childish cashgrabs like Wish. Make actually good, interesting and heartfelt original films, in whatever medium available on the planet. If it is genuinely good and interesting, I will watch it, whever in traditional 2D animation, 3D animation (if it's not hyperrrealistic), live action or a combination of some of them. Nevertheless, very interesting take and good video.

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      You bring up a lot of good points, i wouldnt say remakes are inherently bad but i get your point. Wish on the other hand i personally found to have a lot of heart, yeah it was a corporate decision but i see so much in it.
      Its like that kid in school got straight Bs but was relatives to the A plus students. It tires so hard and its so close to sliding into place for a lot of people that i think it's good on its moral alone. Im even working on a script for it atm

  • @kittycheshire5099
    @kittycheshire5099 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    They should remake the stuff that is problematic and fix it. Give us a Pocahontas that doesn’t glorify John Smith’s lies and shows her as a child (historically accurate). Give us an Aladdin that actually shows Arab culture, not mixing together every brown culture together as if it is the same thing, and base it on real Islamic history and realist worship to fight Islamophobia. That could actually have a purpose. Hunchback of Notre Dame that accurately shows Romani culture, Sleeping Beauty where Aurora is given more screen time or more to do (maybe she can be dreaming or something), Mulan where they actually do their research. Fix the things that are actually issues, don’t double down on previous mistakes.

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      That all sounds good, but im very curious on the mulan stuff cause im not exsactly sure what thats about.
      But thank you for this this is the kinda conversation starter i love in these kinda videos

    • @smartguy458
      @smartguy458 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I think most of that is easier said than done. Like with Pocahontas, it's already got some backlash for numerous reasons, and it would be hard to do a remake that's not just historically accurate, but also doesn't offend people of Native American descent. And for Sleeping Beauty, the thing about Aurora not having enough screen time, it would be hard to incorporate something like Aurora dreaming while under the sleeping curse because the whole story isn't just about Aurora, it's about everyone from Prince Phillip, the Good Fairies, Maleficent, and even Aurora's parents and Phillip's father because each play a role in the story. Not only that, but to make it all entertaining, relatable, and informative for fans of all ages, as well as pleasing to them can be a huge ask.

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @smartguy458 while thats true, i think that it could work if we cut some of the fat from the movie. We dont really need the drinking scene with the kings and in general giving a faster pace to everything would leave room for new things like dreams or new scenes all together

  • @icydazo6417
    @icydazo6417 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    if there was one Disney movie that deserves a Remake it would be the Black cauldron. just adapt all of Lloyd Alexander's work and make it a trilogy or whatever in theatres or Disney+. it could have been the company's lord of the rings

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah, thats an idea but why though? I saw that movie for the first time last year and im gonna be honest theres nothing there to come back to. I liked Elonwe but thats really it, LotR works because the story is so dence and made for a compelling set of smaller character archs in a larger film series. What do any of these characters want? The horn king wants power, he has it, tarn wants to be a hero but is so annoying i dont care if he gets to be one, the bard literally could be removed from the story and nothing would be lost and gurgy is just kinda there for the sacrifice moment. Its a movie that chased the idea of fantasy and stopped because don bloth left the project. I dont think theres much to really do with the idea beyond just making it better, but how would you even do that in this case?
      Im not trying to hate on the movie im just explaining why i think this movie in particular has little potential in my mind for 1 movie let alone 3

    • @icydazo6417
      @icydazo6417 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      well @@ThinkBoxChris, a guy can dream

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @icydazo6417 And thats fair, i dont wanna take that away from you my point was more just asking why more than anything

    • @icydazo6417
      @icydazo6417 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ThinkBoxChris on a quick side note, I want a remake of A Goofy Movie, but instead of a movie it’s a 30 second advertisement for Disneyland. Basically costumed versions of Goofy and Mac go on a road trip, but in stead of going to Powerline’s concert they end up at Disneyland

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @icydazo6417 why? What would that even accomplish

  • @ladypool1404
    @ladypool1404 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I would love to see a Sword in the stone remake about Merlin's past. Did he had a family? How he met Archimedes and became a sorcerer? This could start with his life then end when he met Arthur. Sounds like an interresting plot to me! Add some drama, action and comedy; i think i can made a good movie 🙂
    One about Atlantis when we saw Milo and his grandpa as well as the old man's adventure would be fun!

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That could be cute

  • @C.DWoods
    @C.DWoods 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Very hot take you have put out on the internet.

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Haha well yeah i knew that going in, and im gonna face the consequences whatever they may be

  • @liamfitzgerald1400
    @liamfitzgerald1400 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Very interesting take!

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you, i appreciate that

  • @DTiSthimself
    @DTiSthimself 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    8:26 THANK YOU! I’m tired of people pretending this movie is amazing

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I dont think people are pretending i think they genuinly believe it is, but i as to why im lost on

    • @ZazzelTheGamer
      @ZazzelTheGamer 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​​​​​@@ThinkBoxChris Homophobia. Puss In Boots came out when people started to all of sudden say "Disney is Pro LGBT" and when Puss in Boots came out and "lacked anything Queer" all of the homophobics came out from the wood works and started to praise the film.
      Just look at the earlier reviews on TH-cam, and comments and whatnot. All of them crapping on Disney, and saying DreamWorks is better simply because Disney is very slowly adding non straight and non white characters in thier films.
      People don't hate Disney because "they're making weak stories"
      They're simply having Disney because they're not as uptight anymore as the people who's complaining about them.
      Those people aren't even aware of the fact that DreamWorks is also prolgbt, they literally have an LGBT show that's been out for a while. But, as we all know, Homophobia never thinks.

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @ZazzelTheGamer thank you thats exsactly what ive been trying to get at with this stuff, but saying it outloud just gets you yelled at by these people. Seriously this is the energy we need more adays

    • @ZazzelTheGamer
      @ZazzelTheGamer 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​@@ThinkBoxChris People never like to speak the truth, that is why.
      When I heard everyone complaining about Strange World, I went to see it for myself to see what the fuss was about.
      Finished the film... and I was like "Tf was the fuss about?"
      It was literally just simple cute movie about a family going on an adventure. Loveable characters, loveable creatures, what was there to hate, as I thought?
      It couldn't have been the _gay_ character why people were mad, right?
      Turns out it was that alright. The first time Disney (literally anyone) made a LGBT character, in a very, very innocent light where they simply just had a crush on another person, with every single person around them not mentioning the fact that the character is "gay" is _literally what people have been asking for years!_ and it was added in a perfect family film, like what else was there you wanted?
      I swear, any time it comes to making gay characters, you need to know your way around. Because once the homophobics get thier hands on it, it's over. Thankfully Owl House has a very strong fan base, so anytime there is something gonna stir up with the homophobics, they blast them down.

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @ZazzelTheGamer honest couldn't agree more. I talk alot about this in the disney ranking video too, but in general homophobic stuff seeps into the way people make things and it ends up making them worse.

  • @cake_0078
    @cake_0078 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3


  • @DTiSthimself
    @DTiSthimself 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I want to just talk about remakes in general worry remake a good movie that was already good I think remix should be focused on things didn’t work but had good concepts, but I know they won’t do that
    Cuz money is the only thing that matters

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I mean its a gamble either way, for example between pikmin 1 for a remake or mario sunshine for a remake do you thknk nintendo eould do at this point? Money talks and ip recognition helps things stay afloat to fund newer stuff later

  • @pumkin610
    @pumkin610 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Disney can retire. They did their amazing thing, now I don't think they can, or that a copy paste of the old format would even work in the modern day.

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Whys that though? I mean i liked a large majority of their newer stuff and like i said thos idea would breath new life into older stuff

    • @pumkin610
      @pumkin610 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ThinkBoxChris They seem to produce flops a lot, it's really hit or miss so I've lost faith in them. Perhaps they just don't have the kind of content I would want, and they never will, and that's not their fault.

    • @digitalzealot7026
      @digitalzealot7026 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Why? What about all the new storytellers who may work for the company?

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @pumkin610 Then why say they should retire? Like i dont love a lot of dreamworks stuff but i dont say they should stop.
      I also find that the newer stuff has more heart then their older movies, like i love the first 10 but they really have pacing issues and the 90s films are decent enough but they were still hit or miss for me. I can onestly say that besides raya and the last dragon ive enjoyed the recent stuff to one degree or another, idk if youve seen my disney ranking video but if you havent id say go watch it so you get a better grasp on what i mean.

  • @tropicalcoast02
    @tropicalcoast02 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This take at 8:07 is… uhh… umm…
    So, I wanna be clear I respect your opinion and I think your criticisms can hold weight (I said I think because I don’t know how to feel about it), my problem is that I don’t understand your explanation on why people like the movie. I thought the reason people like The Last Wish is because it has a good story, it was entertaining, and the messages conveyed throughout the story were beautiful, not because of what you said in this section. Now, I don’t have twitter or seen too many reviews of the movie so I could be wrong. But I have seen yt reviews and comments on said reviews and thought I got the gist on what most people were liking about the movie. Again though, I could be wrong, so is really true that that’s the reason why it’s liked and I was just stranded in a land of illusions?

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The story is actually pretty mid and theres not much more besides "dont fear death" but those elements i listed in the video are the reasons behind why they talk up the movie. They like the animation and like the badguy and so make the movie seem better than it is. It does have a realistic look at a panic attack but other movies have that so i count that as neutral point albeit neutro in a positive way

    • @tropicalcoast02
      @tropicalcoast02 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ThinkBoxChris Y’know, given this perspective that is new to me, both about the movie and the people who talk about it, I’ve seen that you might be right about the movie, I loved the story but after watching the video and reading this reply it’s got me thinking if it was always mid (not saying I was one of those people you were talking about, I just thought it was good until now), and as for those kind of people you were talking about… you might be leading me out of the land of illusions if it’s true.

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @tropicalcoast02 dont take this as gospel this is just how i see the duscourse given that the same people were madat turning red for being a girl getting her first period that it points to the fact the last wish came off more "masculine" and thats why they were applauding

    • @tropicalcoast02
      @tropicalcoast02 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ThinkBoxChris I won’t, it’s just that this perspective of yours is making me think a little more, that’s all. And I thank you for that. :)

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @tropicalcoast02 thank you i appreciate that, and im glad i could help you

  • @ozvuchkibilla
    @ozvuchkibilla 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you, for your video! Finally someone who doesn't shit on 3D because of nostalgia. I love 2D animation, but we've gotta admit, it's old-fashioned. No one cares what weebs or animation nerds say, technology is gonna change, like when cel animation was replaced by xerox and then digitally painted animation.
    As for Wish, I'm so upset that people just sh¡t on this amazing movie for being 3D. The studio tried a new animation style, just like you asked, it made a new original movie, just like you asked, and you're still ungrateful because it wasn't 2D and didn't tie the scrapped concepts that don't work with the plot of the movie into it. Oh, of course, we can't forget homophobes(who have nothing to complain about, but still complain) and racists.
    When Puss in boots or spiderverse did the 3D with 2D elements it was "revolutionary", but when Wish did it it's "unimaginative and boring".
    I do like puss in boots, I just hate the aggressive fan base.

    • @ozvuchkibilla
      @ozvuchkibilla 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You could say: *This is the thanks they get?*

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Honestly couldn't agree more, people simply have a stick up their ass for no reason about it and it tuines the perception of things along with all the baggage of said racists.
      What do the homophones have to complain about though?

    • @ozvuchkibilla
      @ozvuchkibilla 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ThinkBoxChris nothing, honestly, they just throw the word "woke" and call it a day.

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @ozvuchkibilla im really sick of that term, its like mary sue it's lost all meaning at the end of the day

  • @171QA
    @171QA 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Wish needs to be remade into a better film. That's the only Disney film that needs to be fixed.

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Why? Ive seen a lot of videos on this and they either werent paying attention to the movie, lied, or are mad its not 2d and made up things to be angey it. Wish is not perfect but ill go to bat for it on its own merit its a good movie

    • @ozvuchkibilla
      @ozvuchkibilla 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You mean a fan service movie with an unneeded romance and a villain couple? Yeah, no, thank you.

  • @coolfireboy6673
    @coolfireboy6673 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I dont like the prince of egypt at all. I never cared for the songs in that movie. I also hate how it ends abbruptly out of nowhere. Sinbad is worse in my opinion though.
    My favorite movie from dreamwork is Boss baby. It is so hilarious!

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  หลายเดือนก่อน

      I personally dont get either movie but i can understand that perspective.
      I still say shrek 2 is their peak

    • @coolfireboy6673
      @coolfireboy6673 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Why don't you like Puss in boots the last wish? Will you make a video explaining why?
      I haven't seen the movie yet but it looks cool

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @coolfireboy6673 ill probably make a video on it eventually

  • @slenderfan-101j.g.4
    @slenderfan-101j.g.4 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    we need a remake to little mermaid 2,
    that movie deserves-NO, NEEDS a 2nd chance,
    i want to see more of melody

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Yeah i agree melody is such a good character and her voice is so pretty. That movie gets more Hate then it deserves

    • @slenderfan-101j.g.4
      @slenderfan-101j.g.4 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      someone with profound knowledge and objective understanding who understands this movie 😉😁👍

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @slenderfan-101j.g.4 thank you i appreciate that. Its just a good movie its on par with the original and has a good thematic resson to exsit and i like that

    • @slenderfan-101j.g.4
      @slenderfan-101j.g.4 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i only wish that the animation budget was bigger and the runtime longer,
      the animation quality felt (somehwat) underwhelming compared to mulan 2 (and that movie was just plain bad, but had better animation somehow)
      and the movie's runtime was rather on the short side,
      it should have been 90-105 minutes long (but that's just my opinion)

    • @ThinkBoxChris
      @ThinkBoxChris  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @slenderfan-101j.g.4 the reason it was shorter was probably due to keeping it out of theaters as they have a minimum run time