Since you spend so much time up at NRG, our AMGA guide put us on Maranatha at Sandstonia recently. I'd love to see that one - it's a fun 5.10c, though neither of us topped it. Would also love to see Fool Effect at Kaymoor. I think I led that one in 1997 but can't be sure. Coming back from a 27yr hiatus now that my 18yo son got into climbing. I like your clean, straightforward style, and your vids are fun and a bit inspiring.
Since you spend so much time up at NRG, our AMGA guide put us on Maranatha at Sandstonia recently. I'd love to see that one - it's a fun 5.10c, though neither of us topped it. Would also love to see Fool Effect at Kaymoor. I think I led that one in 1997 but can't be sure. Coming back from a 27yr hiatus now that my 18yo son got into climbing. I like your clean, straightforward style, and your vids are fun and a bit inspiring.