Maharishikaa | Why should I have children, in this horrible world?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ส.ค. 2022
  • 'Should I have children?' - Against the idea of having children, Angeliki Karachaliou asks the Maharishikaa why she advises women to have children. A fascinating discourse with many questions being answered around this highly debated topic, as more and more women are choosing to not have children. Clarity emerges for Angeliki, as she is inspired to make the decision that's right for her.
    #Maharishikaa #Parenthood #TruthImpulse
    Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:
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ความคิดเห็น • 55

  • @farhana2120
    @farhana2120 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    For years, I postponed the whole family "thing". Life was kind of full and there were lots going on, and I thought I had time. Maharishikaa pushed me. It took about 7 years from the time I first heard this to the time I actually had a child. I did it mostly because I wanted to have the experience of surrender. When the child came, I loved him more than I knew what love was. And each day that went by, I loved him more and more. Even when it's tough or challenging as a mother, I only go back to love. My whole life has changed. How I live in this world, how I see the world, who I am in this world - how I connect with others. And all from this well of love that came with the child. They bring the well! At one moment, I said to myself, "This is what Maharishikaa meant when she said to have the child." It's the best thing I've ever done. It's the highlight of my life. I would go so far as to say, that even all the "spiritual" experiences pales to holding the baby for the first time and looking into its eyes. The everything that is there. Maharishikaa inspired me to have this experience which I hold so precious. Most precious. So yes to babies! Jai Maharishikaa! Jai!!

  • @Nomind152
    @Nomind152 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I am sorry but I see many women who gave birth and have a bigger ego than ever ! I personally don't have children and I adore them I just think that sometimes God gives to each of us not more than what we can bear... it's possible to transcend without having given birth i feel that in my personal experience with nature, I needed to write this because too many times women who are not mothers are stigmatised and it hurts but thank you very interresting video. I also feel that adopting is selfish and can cause trauma to the child especially when raised in a total different country and culture, orphanages many times can do a better actions to them... And the end of your video got me confused not to say angry about your confidence in telling that lady what is best for her and whether to have or not to have a child !

  • @atis9061

    I rarely disagree with Maharishikaa. I am not disagreeing with her point but I am disagreeing with her stance. I met a man yesterday who had 16 children! He barely knew half of them. This is what's going on in the world. People are having children just because they can and not responsibly. It is an act of narcissism for many people. It would be interesting if people would have to apply for the right to have a child, which is a tremendous (perhaps the most) act a human being can undertake. Think of it this way: perhaps you can adopt a child who was brought into this world and thrown away? There are many ways of bonding and support.

  • @tiobi6633

    To be honest, having children is one of the most effective sadhana. Oh, it is. They become your guru - in a way. They just become the reflection of your ego, showing every single aspect of it, like a direct slap in the face. They'll show you all your conditions (by picking up all of your own gestures, way of talk, behave, etc.) and once you see that, and actually SEE what is happening (how the conditions pass on, how ego is created in front of you), you can face it. And oh, they will bring down your ego for sure, you actually WILL surrender to them - because of the unconditioned love they having towards you, and because ego will be trapped behind those golden bars :D In this perspective, they are our gurus for sure :D

  • @brucewayne2184
    @brucewayne2184 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Simply I didn't want my family, so why would I want to create another family? I don't want to do it, that's all.

  • @Infinitynow696

    The premise here is that having children is more natural than not having children which is already a judgement call. No human should have the right to make such a powerful call it is a personal thing depending on each individual. I have given a lot to many without having to have a child. I have known so many parents who are not givers. I have met many mothers who regret motherhood and don't want more children. We are our own Gurus, gain knowledge from listening to others, but we are all souls who can discern what is best for ourselves.

  • @Ellenweiss1

    I am one of those clear exceptions. I always knew from my soul that I would not have children. What a fascinating interaction between this brave seeker and Maharishikaa! And now I am 62 and very loving and maternal although with no children, I knew my path from sooo young. And this conversation moved me deeply, very deeply. And I try to be a mother in my way wherever I go. And my songs are my children.

  • @tangotangoh
    @tangotangoh ปีที่แล้ว +11

    This is beautiful. I have 3 fantastic sons, aged 24, 22 and 18, and now undergoing marriage tribunal and divorce process. This explains what we are experiencing. Thank you.

  • @awoman907
    @awoman907 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    What a blessing for women to hear this message from a great master 🥰

  • @ghyogi1

    This is funny.Most women got K.O. and had a baby without this "deep wisdom".People are not catlle to breed mandatory it is ridiculous

  • @lillyvanegmond1359
    @lillyvanegmond1359 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Very inspiring to hear for me as a young woman.

  • @henkverhaeren3759
    @henkverhaeren3759 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Thanks for speaking truth so clear and direct great master 🙏

  • @melsam6025

    I hope this Guru somehow connects with me for my spiritual growth. I'm 53 now so no question to have children

  • @miteshthakkar6533
    @miteshthakkar6533 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    i really love Maharishikaa for her forthrighness, fearlessness and deep care and concern for saying things that ruffle feathers but there is so much solidity in what is being said and its bringing so much sense and clarity, its amazing,

  • @karin-ve
    @karin-ve ปีที่แล้ว +14

    When my three children were small I experienced them as a kind of a barometer of my ego, resp. of how solidly I was tuned in to the Soul within. 1:1 their reactions were catching me whenever I wavered, whenever I gave in to ego. To me that was - and still is - like an anchor. A reason (actually three sweet reasons) why to constantly remind myself of tuning in, getting in touch with the guidance within. There is no way of giving in to what I would describe as spiritual laziness. Now that the kids are older I see how much confidence they have, how clear they are about certain things. Be it drugs or their approach to other people around them. Is it an ideal family picture that we are living in? I doubt very much so. But following Maharishikaa Preeti's guidance has brought us closer to such an "ideal". Little by little. And for sure closer to "real".

  • @user-je1tc4lw8j
    @user-je1tc4lw8j ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Simply breathtaking. Beautiful.

  • @melsam6025

    I can resonate how much my mother love and care for us. So sad she did not met a spiritual master like you to guide her. Otherwise she definitely got enlightened instead of just depressed and worried because of her children

  • @angystathatou1997
    @angystathatou1997 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Beautiful teachings... thank you!

  • @Swati_1112
    @Swati_1112 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Marriages don't work for everyone. Having a child is a choice. There are so many beings already there . 'infants' having babies is always a bad idea . People who can barely take care of themselves have kids in hurry and they can't take care of either them or themselves. My mom is a very good example of "egotistical" person inspite of two kids . She cares about herself and really is more focused on making money than anything else. I love her for her independence but she doesn't have motherly presence whatsoever. It's okay. Also my father is like that . It's like the whole family is dsyfunctional 😂.

  • @michaelramesar5220

    Please tell your friends and families to come and experience the divine mother shakti in human form. Jgd the yogi Raj