Thank you so much Paul! I came across your channel a few days ago and within a couple of days of trying not to hit with my arms, I have started to hit the golf ball like never before. I used to hit my 7i 120 yards and now I can see my 9i going 120yards. Huge thanks to you!! Would love to see some course management videos from you. Thanks again for your teachings.
Wow. Thanks so much for the support. So glad I could help. Great feeling when you are on track and seeing results. Stay focused. It can get exciting so people start swinging harder and harder and they lose it. Watch these:
Paul, great vid. Here's what many people don't understand (I was a shifter before i found your instruction). If you tell yourself turn hips to target from top of backswing, your mind knows it has to use the ground to turn. You get the shift FOR FREE. Tell yourself to turn (even without a club) and you will naturally squat to square and continue to turn through. All you need to do is think turn. It's magic. Thanks again!!
Distance took a little while. I think because my mind had to adjust. I was an upper body swinger. Fire the right arm guy. Didn't work lol. Tried Stack and Tilt. Couldn't hit the driver. So when I started with your method and bought your video series, you warned it takes a bit. It took 5 or 6 rounds to get distance jump. Accuracy improves immediately. Scores dropped and then, gradually I went up 2 clubs in distance.7 iron was 140 yards. Now 165. I urge people to stick with it. Don't bounce around to different instruction. It will come. Your mind has to figure how to generate power without your upper body. Thanks again!
So glad you worked on my technique and are seeing the results. Takes a little understanding and work but once you get it you have it for life. Your distance is great now so that makes the game easier. Yes, don't bounce around. If people are following me then they need to follow me. If someone else than only that person. We as teachers all have different ideas on the swing. I have been teaching the same thing since lesson 1 and know the results I get so that is why I do what I do. This doesn't mean that others techniques will mesh with mine so people have to be careful. Keep up the good work and thanks for the promo to others.
This is an amazing tip. I just tried it out in the backyard and what a difference in club speed with 0 increased power, heck I even took some power off and it felt faster than normal. I do have to say since I just started on Father’s Day this year, I’ve seen so many drills that say to do the lateral movement and that’s why I wasn’t hitting irons well. After watching your videos I found out I was too tight, so I never had the lag, and I never knew what people meant when they said get the hips out of the way quickly… until I did this drill and then the lightbulb went off. Thanks a bunch, Paul!
So glad you found this and tried it. Think about it. In all my years of teaching now 33 I can still take a look at my students swings and 80-90% are just facing the ball as they hit the ball so obviously the lateral is not working. Imagine if 80-90% were rotated so you could see the check. If the person wasn't quit shifting you tidy that up then but at least you can see the cheek. Truly mind boggling what is out there. I think outside the box. This is from standing there all these yearly analyzing "why" ams are not doing it and "why" pros do what they do. You watch in another few years they will all be telling them to turn. Seems like this keeps happening with my stuff.
Another great video. I just turn on the backswing, starting my left knee back then just concentrating, bringing my right heal up on downswing to turn hips toward target. I think this is basically it. Still fight the hitting impulse at times. Plan to see Paul in fall to get in-person diagnostics.
Glad you liked it. This is the main difference between pros and ams. Get this and your whole world changes. Everyone tried to hit sometimes. Don't get greedy. Be you and stop trying to be Rory.
I’ve been struggling with this, trying to shift and then turn. Can’t do it quick enough just like Paul says. I’ve been watching slow-mo swings of the pros and trying to copy their hips/legs. Thank you Paul!!
A great tip Paul. The problem that many of us have when rotating the hips is that we tend to move the upper body and come over the top. Your previous tip about keeping the head behind the ball stops this from happening Thanks
For sure. Need to turn off the arms and focus on the lower. If the upper moves that would cause the immediate shift to the forward leg which is not going to work for ams. Keeping the head back is a good way too. Glad you picked up on that.
Very good. Just take it one step at a time. If you feel like you are tightening up the arms again go back down to swinging at 50%. Take the arms back out then speed up the legs and hips for more power.
No doubt. To make people want this stuff instantly. Not that some don't get it right away but you need to do the work to get the pay off. Working on your swing is work. That is what I always say.
No doubt LFG! Too many people doing the same old thoughts and moves that will NEVER work. Got to get it in people's heads to do something different. If so, in not time they will hit it so much longer and straighter than they ever thought possible. Glad you're will me. I would be doing hundreds of these practice swings per day. Actually I do hundreds of practice swings per day. Really.
Thanks for this timely video. At the range Sat and realized just how far behind in my downswing my hips were. So, just started thinking about the hips (not arms or wrists). Big difference in accuracy and distance! Then watched the U.S. Open full round on Sat and Sun, just watching the pros hips. They move very fast, but are never behind in the downswing. I need to work more, but am starting to see results. I do think that the most weight at address should be on the left foot. Maybe 60/40. Also, straightening out the trail leg slightly in the backswing is beneficial since it allows more shoulder turn. Your comments?
Paul's program more emphasizes traditonal even weight at address, an upper body coil load into right inner foot. Then touch the knees, turn belt buckle, push off right foot or turn hips, upper body follows naturally w soft arms, loose wrists. The objective is faster swing speed. I tried Saguto S&T, paid subs. It's good for not swaying and loading/rotating hips on backswing w right leg straight, but I felt it wasn't complete because he is not big on how to downswing rotate, the best you get is 'snapping the left knee' also had trouble doing S&T for driver. I find Paul's program really simple, easy to do but thorough and a complete package with literally hundreds of instruction videos, his short game instruction is phenomenal.
Yes, you need to be thinking about firing the hips. They are not going to move on their own unless your a little kid with no arms strength. Human nature is telling you to hit the ball and hit it hard: Then you need a trigger and think about applying it as you hit the top: I like 50/50 with the weight but you can kick the knee if you need to to get in motion. This would move the weight forward slightly before you go back. You can straighten the back leg a little too if you need to.
Thanks to Mr.Wilson I started with the slow loosy goosy swing that automatically creates the perfect ball contact. Took me a while but when the light went off it was over. I start my swing getting out of the golf cart walking slow and swinging really easy with a mild turn during the swing! This automatically creates the lag. I don't try to hit, the ball just gets in the way of the swing! Wilson is the only teacher that harps on this day in and day out.....Listen to this man!
Very good. You are doing exactly what I want you to do and you saw the result. Now, keep doing it. If you want a little more power then fire the legs and hips a little faster.
Exasperated often? 😂 I was at the range yesterday and nothing was working right. Out of 90 balls I hit maybe 5 well....with really low clubhead speeds. Lot's of chunks and thins, hooks and slices. My clubs are only 4 years old...can't blame them! I felt really tight during the whole session. this morning I remembered seeing you on I'm back! Your videos are inspiring me make the change. Thank you.
Yes I am. Your comment is exactly why. I am literally handing this to everyone on a silver platter and yet they don't do it or they think there is something better out there (there is not). Watch this one tip and tell me if anyone in the world would say they could do that and actually do it. Here you go: I can fix all of those other issues you are having in minutes. Just watch my other tips. Now stay with me.
I look forward to trying this, seems it's a big key. In essence, the error I seem to make is thinking I strike the ball at the same angle (with my hips) that I set up at! In essence, you should strike the ball closer 180 degrees (your belly button looking at the pin, almost?) to the line your hips make, rather than "staying in there" and hitting at 90 degrees to left/right hip line in setup. I have slow-mod pros (agree with you, look like a pro!) and they are really turned when they strike the ball, right elbow tucked. Am I correct, this also has the effect of KEEPING THE CLUB FACE straight toward the target for a longer period of time??
Well not 180 degree at impact but as much open as you can. Pros would be anywhere from 30 to 60+. Just do the drill I showed in the air and try to move them as much as you can. Yes, this will tuck the right arm and give you great contact. Video your swing too from down the line to see if your hips are open or not.
Thanks Paul...I have been working on better footwork, and this is definitely part of that. I do shift....but it's only a bump toward the target, and then I turn. Will try this with a little more determination at the range next time...
Well, after a good range session, I realize I don't really have a's just the feeling I'm getting while turning with a weight shift, and then the slight squat through impact..but no more swaying. Hitting very well today..thanks
Im pleased to say that thanks to you im hitting it long and straight, i showed my dad the technique too, unfortunatley hes beating me now and i dont like that
Im hitting further and dont know my yardages now lol. I went over the green a handful of times. Hes serial hero shot taker but this time it ended in him getting a freak birdie. His luck will soon run out. But yeah hitting out of the rough is a problem for me aswell. Thanks again!
Paul, could you do some more videos on putting? Specifically, how you go about reading putts in an actual round and how to adapt and save a scorecard when three putts are happening due to playing greens that are faster/slower than courses you may be used to? My driver and irons were on point last week but I three putted 16 times on a course last week with my ball going way too far and then too short and left and right and basically everywhere but in the hole. Eventually, I was scared over every single putt and that wasn't a good feeling. Had I 2 putted instead of 3 putted those 16 holes, mathematically I could have turned a 92 into a 76. That's a big difference.
I may do some in the future. Problem is people ask for tips like this. I do them and no one watches them. Keep doing this and it brings down your whole channel. Also, I have over 80 short game tips on my membership site that people are paying for. So not sure if it's fair to them if I give everything away. As for putting, you need to practice ONLY short putts and long putts. 6 feet and in and outside 30 feet.
Great explanation. I did video my swing for the first time and guess what. I shifted and was facing the ball at impact. The ball went nowhere. I'm working on my turn!
Exactly. I can literally count on 1 hand how many people I have seen videoing their swings since 2010 at our course. Truly mind boggling as we have a camera in our pocket now. I really don't think people even know what they are doing because they never video their swings. Glad you see it and are going to start working on it. This is one of the main differences between pros and ams. Do these daily:
Paul, I hit my driver very straight but want more distance. I'm 66 and lost yards. I'm afraid I'll hurt myself turning faster. Thanks for your instructions. Bryan
Well if you don't turn faster you will never hit it longer so you need to learn how to do it. Start out slow and build it up. Too many people want their best right away so yes, people like that could hurt themselves. Follow these 2 drills for 30 days and you will hit it longer than you could ever imagine:
I agree that your method of thinking turn instead of thinking shift is better. What are your thoughts on pushing your belt buckle towards the target as you finish that turn (in other words creating extension)?
Need rotation. If you are jumping you are not turning. But there are pros who do it. I do it especially with driver. Annika does it. Watch: Some of it has to do with age and injuries. I have a bad back and have had serious right hip pain for years (better now). So for me to have a ton of side bend is tough. Nicklaus hitting driver is another one as well as Mike Dunaway (best driver of all time). So is it as big an issue as some are making it?
No doubt. I am handing everyone this stuff on a silver platter. So hitting the ball with the arms. Do daily practice swings working on the elements in my tips. This is the way to get it.
Greetings Paul, My question is why do you see so many people making videos about Ben Hogan and saying that his swing is often misunderstood? How do we know their interpretation is a correct one? What are your thoughts if any and if possible I would like to hear and see your interpretation of Ben's positioning! Thanks and I enjoy your Common Sense Approach!!!
There was only 1 Hogan. No one else does that swing. He was open at the top to fix his hook (see leading edge relative to his left forearm). I would think his line "I wish I had 3 right hands" messed up and continues to mess up a lot of people. With an open face you can think this. Square or closed you cannot. I love that he taught to turn the hips to hit it.
Hey I bought your program and I’ve adopted to the neutral grip but I’m having a hard time with getting my wrists to roll and get good contact. When I bow my wrist like a DJ I get solid contact and hit a power fade. I know you are against the bow and I’m not looking for a bandaid fix. If I’m able to get a good hip rotation would a bowed position be okay?
Why bow it if you don't have to? Do what you need to do. If you feel this is going to make you play to your potential then do it along with the body. If you are still shooting anything above about 82 then learn to not bow it. Get it? Some people see some good shots and think wow this is great golf when really, it is not. So determine what you think you can get to doing it. Can you get to single digits? This should be everyone's goal.
He starts out saying "this is with irons, this with driver"... then at 10:00 epiphany hits ! the same as a mid iron with the driver! hips are open and hands go thru impact a bit sooner
I took a protractor and his hips were 17 degrees open at impact. If you listen to Graves he also says people think Moe's hips were not open when really they were. The thing about Moe was he was not long just straight. I saw him many times.
If there is a shift, and some pros do shift, they do it DURING THE BACKSWING, not at the top. This way they don't have to concern themselves with shifting, just sequence, which includes rotation. Most amateurs do the opposite, they wait much too late to move toward the target. They try to do it in the downswing.
@@paulwilsongolfYup, and the other thing I would say to the high and mid-handicapper is narrow the stance significantly. This would greatly reduce the need for any big shift. If Bobby Jones, who was the only player to EVER win the grand slam in a single year, can do it with a narrow stance, then so can every one else. And I noticed you use a narrow stance too. I recently changed to a narrower stance and it made a huge difference in rotation.
Well if you come over the top you would be shifting. I said to not to shift. Hit the top and turn. (secret tip)
You will leave the club behind if you fire the lower hard (which is what most people do because they never do anything easy). There is timing between the release and body rotation. If you only speed one of them up the timing will be off. Now most people always dwell on the negative. I see the positive in the shots. The person blow it right and they are upset when I am ecstatic. See the difference? I would be loving the fact the ball blew right cause it would tell me the person actually used this body. The release was late. So I would get them to remember that feeling. Then release it early a few times then add the body back in again. Boom dead straight in 5 mins. The difference between me and others is I don't guess, I get results in minutes and I see it differently. Watch me fix this guy and as you do as yourself if anyone in the world would say they could do it and actually do it. Then watch this one about timing:
Yeah, try getting average players to do that. Never going to happen. The are going to to top and try to hit with the arms. So as they near the top they make the shift now they are leaning left and hitting with arms. They only have 1/4 of a second to fire the lower and get their whole body tilting back by the time they hit the ball. This is never going to happen. Teach them something that actually gets them doing something. The problem when people see or tell people to do that is they are watching pros in slow motion. So they see how they do that and tell others that rarely practice to do it. As I said, this will never work for 90% of all golfers. If you were hitting a ball and getting to the follow through people would be shifting without even thinking about it. The piece they are missing is the TURN part. Get them turning then they are copying the rotation of pros at impact. If you have to tweak the shift then do it later.
Hi Paul. Thanks for responding. I wasn't expecting it. I have enjoyed your swing tips. There are so many different instructions on TH-cam, eg a lot of pros don't actually have their legs touched until way past impact. Some also advocate sinking at the start of the downswing....etc and a lot of pros do actually drop their heads a few inches as they come down. It's all very confusing. But thanks for your videos.@@paulwilsongolf
Yes, I know what's out there. I keep it simple. Let's get people to actually do things they can do and get some results. As they get better they can get more in depth if they need to. I say things differently because my students come from all over the world. They are only here for a few hours and in that time I need them hitting it better than they every have in their lives. Everything I teach is tested hundreds/thousands of times so I know what works and what people can handle. Just keep it simple and you will hit it better than ever.
Thank you so much Paul! I came across your channel a few days ago and within a couple of days of trying not to hit with my arms, I have started to hit the golf ball like never before. I used to hit my 7i 120 yards and now I can see my 9i going 120yards. Huge thanks to you!! Would love to see some course management videos from you. Thanks again for your teachings.
Wow. Thanks so much for the support. So glad I could help. Great feeling when you are on track and seeing results. Stay focused. It can get exciting so people start swinging harder and harder and they lose it. Watch these:
Paul, great vid. Here's what many people don't understand (I was a shifter before i found your instruction). If you tell yourself turn hips to target from top of backswing, your mind knows it has to use the ground to turn. You get the shift FOR FREE. Tell yourself to turn (even without a club) and you will naturally squat to square and continue to turn through. All you need to do is think turn. It's magic. Thanks again!!
Very good. This is exactly what I am saying. So glad you converted. How is your distance versus before?
Distance took a little while. I think because my mind had to adjust. I was an upper body swinger. Fire the right arm guy. Didn't work lol. Tried Stack and Tilt. Couldn't hit the driver. So when I started with your method and bought your video series, you warned it takes a bit. It took 5 or 6 rounds to get distance jump. Accuracy improves immediately. Scores dropped and then, gradually I went up 2 clubs in distance.7 iron was 140 yards. Now 165. I urge people to stick with it. Don't bounce around to different instruction. It will come. Your mind has to figure how to generate power without your upper body. Thanks again!
So glad you worked on my technique and are seeing the results. Takes a little understanding and work but once you get it you have it for life. Your distance is great now so that makes the game easier. Yes, don't bounce around. If people are following me then they need to follow me. If someone else than only that person. We as teachers all have different ideas on the swing. I have been teaching the same thing since lesson 1 and know the results I get so that is why I do what I do. This doesn't mean that others techniques will mesh with mine so people have to be careful. Keep up the good work and thanks for the promo to others.
Thank you so much for the support. I truly appreciate it.
This is an amazing tip. I just tried it out in the backyard and what a difference in club speed with 0 increased power, heck I even took some power off and it felt faster than normal.
I do have to say since I just started on Father’s Day this year, I’ve seen so many drills that say to do the lateral movement and that’s why I wasn’t hitting irons well. After watching your videos I found out I was too tight, so I never had the lag, and I never knew what people meant when they said get the hips out of the way quickly… until I did this drill and then the lightbulb went off. Thanks a bunch, Paul!
So glad you found this and tried it. Think about it. In all my years of teaching now 33 I can still take a look at my students swings and 80-90% are just facing the ball as they hit the ball so obviously the lateral is not working. Imagine if 80-90% were rotated so you could see the check. If the person wasn't quit shifting you tidy that up then but at least you can see the cheek. Truly mind boggling what is out there. I think outside the box. This is from standing there all these yearly analyzing "why" ams are not doing it and "why" pros do what they do. You watch in another few years they will all be telling them to turn. Seems like this keeps happening with my stuff.
Another great video. I just turn on the backswing, starting my left knee back then just concentrating, bringing my right heal up on downswing to turn hips toward target. I think this is basically it. Still fight the hitting impulse at times. Plan to see Paul in fall to get in-person diagnostics.
Glad you liked it. This is the main difference between pros and ams. Get this and your whole world changes. Everyone tried to hit sometimes. Don't get greedy. Be you and stop trying to be Rory.
Most online people are telling you to shift 😢.
Different feeling turning but what a difference.
Thank you Paul.
Yep, this is huge problem. My way you can do both in one move.
I’ve been struggling with this, trying to shift and then turn. Can’t do it quick enough just like Paul says. I’ve been watching slow-mo swings of the pros and trying to copy their hips/legs. Thank you Paul!!
This is what I have been missing all theses years .Thank you Paul🙏
Thank you it works
Glad you tried it. Keep doing it forever.
Wonderful to hear Paul! I've always been perplexed by shift PLUS the turn at impact, thank you for clarification.
Glad it was helpful! This is where most ams are going wrong. See the cheek and your whole world will change.
I love this video!!!
Great instruction! I love how you keep it simple!
Thanks so much! Simple is the key for sure.
A great tip Paul. The problem that many of us have when rotating the hips is that we tend to move the upper body and come over the top. Your previous tip about keeping the head behind the ball stops this from happening
For sure. Need to turn off the arms and focus on the lower. If the upper moves that would cause the immediate shift to the forward leg which is not going to work for ams. Keeping the head back is a good way too. Glad you picked up on that.
Paul is the best in my opinion
Thanks for the support. I appreciate it.
Great video as always and your right turn adds yardage 👍👍
Glad you liked it. Thanks.
@@paulwilsongolf I like all your videos I watch and rewatch since I started hinging and rehinging instead of trying to bash the ball with my arms
Very good. Just take it one step at a time. If you feel like you are tightening up the arms again go back down to swinging at 50%. Take the arms back out then speed up the legs and hips for more power.
"become addicted to doing that drill"
Best advice I've heard in years from any instructor.
No doubt. To make people want this stuff instantly. Not that some don't get it right away but you need to do the work to get the pay off. Working on your swing is work. That is what I always say.
First! LFG! make PW go viral 🎉 can’t wait to implement this in the tournament Saturday and sunday
No doubt LFG! Too many people doing the same old thoughts and moves that will NEVER work. Got to get it in people's heads to do something different. If so, in not time they will hit it so much longer and straighter than they ever thought possible. Glad you're will me. I would be doing hundreds of these practice swings per day. Actually I do hundreds of practice swings per day. Really.
Thanks for this timely video. At the range Sat and realized just how far behind in my downswing my hips were. So, just started thinking about the hips (not arms or wrists). Big difference in accuracy and distance! Then watched the U.S. Open full round on Sat and Sun, just watching the pros hips. They move very fast, but are never behind in the downswing. I need to work more, but am starting to see results. I do think that the most weight at address should be on the left foot. Maybe 60/40. Also, straightening out the trail leg slightly in the backswing is beneficial since it allows more shoulder turn. Your comments?
Paul's program more emphasizes traditonal even weight at address, an upper body coil load into right inner foot. Then touch the knees, turn belt buckle, push off right foot or turn hips, upper body follows naturally w soft arms, loose wrists. The objective is faster swing speed. I tried Saguto S&T, paid subs. It's good for not swaying and loading/rotating hips on backswing w right leg straight, but I felt it wasn't complete because he is not big on how to downswing rotate, the best you get is 'snapping the left knee' also had trouble doing S&T for driver. I find Paul's program really simple, easy to do but thorough and a complete package with literally hundreds of instruction videos, his short game instruction is phenomenal.
Yes, you need to be thinking about firing the hips. They are not going to move on their own unless your a little kid with no arms strength. Human nature is telling you to hit the ball and hit it hard:
Then you need a trigger and think about applying it as you hit the top:
I like 50/50 with the weight but you can kick the knee if you need to to get in motion. This would move the weight forward slightly before you go back. You can straighten the back leg a little too if you need to.
Oh my god. Thanks Paul. I have been taught to shift before turning. And I never see my cheek when I vdo my swing!
Thanks a lot Paul.
Got to rotate.
Another awesome tip. Turn, turn, big thanks Paul
Glad you liked it! This is main difference between pros and ams.
Thanks to Mr.Wilson I started with the slow loosy goosy swing that automatically creates the perfect ball contact. Took me a while but when the light went off it was over. I start my swing getting out of the golf cart walking slow and swinging really easy with a mild turn during the swing!
This automatically creates the lag. I don't try to hit, the ball just gets in the way of the swing! Wilson is the only teacher that harps on this day in and day out.....Listen to this man!
Very good. You are doing exactly what I want you to do and you saw the result. Now, keep doing it. If you want a little more power then fire the legs and hips a little faster.
Yes Paul .. this works 100%
It sure does. Glad you tried it.
Exasperated often? 😂 I was at the range yesterday and nothing was working right. Out of 90 balls I hit maybe 5 well....with really low clubhead speeds. Lot's of chunks and thins, hooks and slices. My clubs are only 4 years old...can't blame them! I felt really tight during the whole session. this morning I remembered seeing you on I'm back!
Your videos are inspiring me make the change. Thank you.
Yes I am. Your comment is exactly why. I am literally handing this to everyone on a silver platter and yet they don't do it or they think there is something better out there (there is not). Watch this one tip and tell me if anyone in the world would say they could do that and actually do it. Here you go:
I can fix all of those other issues you are having in minutes. Just watch my other tips. Now stay with me.
Thanks for the tips Paul
You're welcome.
I look forward to trying this, seems it's a big key. In essence, the error I seem to make is thinking I strike the ball at the same angle (with my hips) that I set up at! In essence, you should strike the ball closer 180 degrees (your belly button looking at the pin, almost?) to the line your hips make, rather than "staying in there" and hitting at 90 degrees to left/right hip line in setup. I have slow-mod pros (agree with you, look like a pro!) and they are really turned when they strike the ball, right elbow tucked. Am I correct, this also has the effect of KEEPING THE CLUB FACE straight toward the target for a longer period of time??
Well not 180 degree at impact but as much open as you can. Pros would be anywhere from 30 to 60+. Just do the drill I showed in the air and try to move them as much as you can. Yes, this will tuck the right arm and give you great contact. Video your swing too from down the line to see if your hips are open or not.
Thanks Paul...I have been working on better footwork, and this is definitely part of that. I do shift....but it's only a bump toward the target, and then I turn. Will try this with a little more determination at the range next time...
Just check if you see the cheek at impact. If not stop bumping. Do the drill in the air daily.
Well, after a good range session, I realize I don't really have a's just the feeling I'm getting while turning with a weight shift, and then the slight squat through impact..but no more swaying. Hitting very well today..thanks
Very good. Hope you are still doing it.
I love your passion, Steve. Let me know when you visit Down Under.
Thanks so much. I actually do want people to get it. I have a big following there.
Im pleased to say that thanks to you im hitting it long and straight, i showed my dad the technique too, unfortunatley hes beating me now and i dont like that
Very good. So tell me what needs improvement and I will get you beating him.
Im hitting further and dont know my yardages now lol. I went over the green a handful of times. Hes serial hero shot taker but this time it ended in him getting a freak birdie. His luck will soon run out. But yeah hitting out of the rough is a problem for me aswell. Thanks again!
great info and very eye opening
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks.
Paul, could you do some more videos on putting? Specifically, how you go about reading putts in an actual round and how to adapt and save a scorecard when three putts are happening due to playing greens that are faster/slower than courses you may be used to? My driver and irons were on point last week but I three putted 16 times on a course last week with my ball going way too far and then too short and left and right and basically everywhere but in the hole. Eventually, I was scared over every single putt and that wasn't a good feeling. Had I 2 putted instead of 3 putted those 16 holes, mathematically I could have turned a 92 into a 76. That's a big difference.
I may do some in the future. Problem is people ask for tips like this. I do them and no one watches them. Keep doing this and it brings down your whole channel. Also, I have over 80 short game tips on my membership site that people are paying for. So not sure if it's fair to them if I give everything away. As for putting, you need to practice ONLY short putts and long putts. 6 feet and in and outside 30 feet.
Great explanation. I did video my swing for the first time and guess what. I shifted and was facing the ball at impact. The ball went nowhere. I'm working on my turn!
Exactly. I can literally count on 1 hand how many people I have seen videoing their swings since 2010 at our course. Truly mind boggling as we have a camera in our pocket now. I really don't think people even know what they are doing because they never video their swings.
Glad you see it and are going to start working on it. This is one of the main differences between pros and ams.
Do these daily:
Paul, I hit my driver very straight but want more distance. I'm 66 and lost yards. I'm afraid I'll hurt myself turning faster. Thanks for your instructions. Bryan
Well if you don't turn faster you will never hit it longer so you need to learn how to do it. Start out slow and build it up. Too many people want their best right away so yes, people like that could hurt themselves. Follow these 2 drills for 30 days and you will hit it longer than you could ever imagine:
Thanks Paul! I'll work on it 😊
I agree that your method of thinking turn instead of thinking shift is better. What are your thoughts on pushing your belt buckle towards the target as you finish that turn (in other words creating extension)?
Need rotation. If you are jumping you are not turning. But there are pros who do it. I do it especially with driver. Annika does it. Watch:
Some of it has to do with age and injuries. I have a bad back and have had serious right hip pain for years (better now). So for me to have a ton of side bend is tough. Nicklaus hitting driver is another one as well as Mike Dunaway (best driver of all time). So is it as big an issue as some are making it?
Man I just love this. Paul can we think shoulder turn from the top. Does the shoulder turn simultaneously turn the hips?
Nope. Don't need to think shoulders. They will follow if you fire the lower.
@@paulwilsongolf ok thanks Paul
Paul is so exasperated with my swing 🌼
No doubt. I am handing everyone this stuff on a silver platter. So hitting the ball with the arms. Do daily practice swings working on the elements in my tips. This is the way to get it.
Greetings Paul,
My question is why do you see so many people making videos about Ben Hogan and saying that his swing is often misunderstood? How do we know their interpretation is a correct one? What are your thoughts if any and if possible I would like to hear and see your interpretation of Ben's positioning! Thanks and I enjoy your Common Sense Approach!!!
There was only 1 Hogan. No one else does that swing. He was open at the top to fix his hook (see leading edge relative to his left forearm). I would think his line "I wish I had 3 right hands" messed up and continues to mess up a lot of people. With an open face you can think this. Square or closed you cannot. I love that he taught to turn the hips to hit it.
It’s true thank You
It sure is. This is a huge difference yet few ams are even working on it.
Paul good drill to do at home
For sure. This is the best way to get it. Daily practice swings at home.
Hey I bought your program and I’ve adopted to the neutral grip but I’m having a hard time with getting my wrists to roll and get good contact. When I bow my wrist like a DJ I get solid contact and hit a power fade. I know you are against the bow and I’m not looking for a bandaid fix. If I’m able to get a good hip rotation would a bowed position be okay?
Why bow it if you don't have to? Do what you need to do. If you feel this is going to make you play to your potential then do it along with the body. If you are still shooting anything above about 82 then learn to not bow it. Get it? Some people see some good shots and think wow this is great golf when really, it is not. So determine what you think you can get to doing it. Can you get to single digits? This should be everyone's goal.
@@paulwilsongolf Yeah, I've developed a flat wrist now. Even with a flat wrist and a neutral grip my miss is now a hook to the left.
You need to fire the lower body way way way faster. The wrists affect spin. The body is direction. Watch:
He starts out saying "this is with irons, this with driver"... then at 10:00 epiphany hits ! the same as a mid iron with the driver! hips are open and hands go thru impact a bit sooner
The epiphany hits ... nice. Gotta like when that happens.
Moe Norman would be the exception yes?:)
I took a protractor and his hips were 17 degrees open at impact. If you listen to Graves he also says people think Moe's hips were not open when really they were. The thing about Moe was he was not long just straight. I saw him many times.
If there is a shift, and some pros do shift, they do it DURING THE BACKSWING, not at the top. This way they don't have to concern themselves with shifting, just sequence, which includes rotation. Most amateurs do the opposite, they wait much too late to move toward the target. They try to do it in the downswing.
Exactly. I know my students and what they can actually do versus watching a pro in slow mo then trying them to do that (which will never happen).
@@paulwilsongolfYup, and the other thing I would say to the high and mid-handicapper is narrow the stance significantly. This would greatly reduce the need for any big shift. If Bobby Jones, who was the only player to EVER win the grand slam in a single year, can do it with a narrow stance, then so can every one else. And I noticed you use a narrow stance too. I recently changed to a narrower stance and it made a huge difference in rotation.
Turn without going over the top?
Well if you come over the top you would be shifting. I said to not to shift. Hit the top and turn. (secret tip)
I try to do this all of the time but my timing is always off a bit and I get frustrated but I will persist
Hook 10 in a row first then start adding hips. Watch:
I like firing the hips
Very good. This is the key.
Why do people say, you'll leave the club behind if you rotate too fast (I'm not saying it). But most people say that
You will leave the club behind if you fire the lower hard (which is what most people do because they never do anything easy). There is timing between the release and body rotation. If you only speed one of them up the timing will be off. Now most people always dwell on the negative. I see the positive in the shots. The person blow it right and they are upset when I am ecstatic. See the difference? I would be loving the fact the ball blew right cause it would tell me the person actually used this body. The release was late. So I would get them to remember that feeling. Then release it early a few times then add the body back in again. Boom dead straight in 5 mins. The difference between me and others is I don't guess, I get results in minutes and I see it differently. Watch me fix this guy and as you do as yourself if anyone in the world would say they could do it and actually do it.
Then watch this one about timing:
Just push the lead heel into the ground at the top. Hips will open.
Seen countless people do this and not turn.
I don't think the pros drink beer while they play...maybe I should try that as well.
Well, be careful out there.
I think you are supposed to shift before you complete the backswing.
Yeah, try getting average players to do that. Never going to happen. The are going to to top and try to hit with the arms. So as they near the top they make the shift now they are leaning left and hitting with arms. They only have 1/4 of a second to fire the lower and get their whole body tilting back by the time they hit the ball. This is never going to happen. Teach them something that actually gets them doing something. The problem when people see or tell people to do that is they are watching pros in slow motion. So they see how they do that and tell others that rarely practice to do it. As I said, this will never work for 90% of all golfers. If you were hitting a ball and getting to the follow through people would be shifting without even thinking about it. The piece they are missing is the TURN part. Get them turning then they are copying the rotation of pros at impact. If you have to tweak the shift then do it later.
Hi Paul. Thanks for responding. I wasn't expecting it. I have enjoyed your swing tips. There are so many different instructions on TH-cam, eg a lot of pros don't actually have their legs touched until way past impact. Some also advocate sinking at the start of the downswing....etc and a lot of pros do actually drop their heads a few inches as they come down. It's all very confusing. But thanks for your videos.@@paulwilsongolf
Yes, I know what's out there. I keep it simple. Let's get people to actually do things they can do and get some results. As they get better they can get more in depth if they need to. I say things differently because my students come from all over the world. They are only here for a few hours and in that time I need them hitting it better than they every have in their lives. Everything I teach is tested hundreds/thousands of times so I know what works and what people can handle. Just keep it simple and you will hit it better than ever.
Pros they do shift before backing top...
Yeah no kidding. What are you doing? TURN don't think SHIFT. Video it.
Dummy here. LFG?
Let's F*****G Go.
Dought! Lol