2 Year's Since Autism Diagnosis | Signs Of Autism

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  • 2 Year's Since Autism Diagnosis | Signs Of Autism
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    autism red flags,Autism spectrum in children,Kids with autism,Signs of autism,This is autism,What is autism,Autism signs,Autism improvement,Autistic toddler,Autism signs in toddlers,Autistic,Asd,autism spectrum,autism,autism diagnosis,autism spectrum disorder,autism symptoms,autism test,autism and speech,Autism signs 3 year old

ความคิดเห็น • 83

  • @JennyBelly1983
    @JennyBelly1983 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Hey! It’s so great to see where Emma is today! Trust, wait til’ she hits 5 & 6, a totally different child will keep emerging. My son is 5 now, & trust, he was a lot like Emma at 1 & 2. And the way he was & the things he would do then, he doesn’t today! Everything but his personality. My sons weakest area was speech, & still is. However, like Emma, he use to only script. All day everyday. And sing & count. Today he talks, I mean, talk talk talk talk! And actually ask us questions instead of us being the one to always ask questions. Always coming up to us asking & questioning us about any & everything. I would say his level of speech is about a 3-4 yr old. And mind you, my son does not receive any therapy & has not for anything. When I say to just constantly talk & talk & speak clearly to your Emma, & constantly give her the opportunity & force her to use her words, she WILL conquer! Trust!

    • @kivirfn4924
      @kivirfn4924 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      your tiktok account or insta plzzz

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That's what I been doing with my lil Emma it's honestly helping so much 💕

    • @anishabashir4362
      @anishabashir4362 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      So good to hear about how your son improved. Does he go to the primary school? And how does he communicate & play with other kids? Ans any stimming?
      My son stims sometimes and his speech is a problem.

    • @Emanu2018
      @Emanu2018 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Big hope to all of us thank you 😊

    • @JennyBelly1983
      @JennyBelly1983 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@anishabashir4362 No, he'll be in kindergarten this year. He just made 5. He communicates great! My sons stims are basically just scripting. And he use to script loud as if he were talking to someone. Basically like singing, or words from a movie etc. Today he still does that but its quiet & to himself. And he doesn't swim all the time. Sometimes he squints his face. But he's not a big stimmer or sensory kind of kid.

  • @JennyBelly1983
    @JennyBelly1983 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    You guys mentioned how she’s struggling with communicating her wants. Please listen & work on this…… When she’s pulling you to the kitchen, you HAVE to, I mean HAVE to demand & force her to POINT!!!! Point point point point!!!! And only use words & phrase “Show me…..” “Point”. Stand there, look to her, tell her “eyes & ears” & point to your eyes. “Eyes & ears” you should use 24/7 with everything. Again, my son never received any kind of therapy. And look at him now! I am & have been his only therapist. Whenever my son wasn’t listening or giving eye contact or would drop his eye contact, I would immediately say “hey eyes & ears!” & would point to my eye. If still he was not lifting his head to look at me, I would lift his his head up with my finger to his chin & would say “hey eyes & ears!” If he was standing & whining trying to communicate something that he wanted, I would say “first, eyes & ears!” And if he didn’t look, I would kneel to his level & say “hey eyes & ears!” I’ve done said that phase at least a billion times lol, & by 3yrs old he knew exactly what that meant. And he would give me eye contact every time. And I noticed how much stronger his eye contact on his own would be. He’s 5 now, & his eye contact is amazing & so strong! When someone speaks to him he automatically looks & gives that strong good eye contact. And whenever he’s talking to us & isn’t looking, he still does it sometimes, I will interrupt him “look me in the eyes” & he will look & keep that eye contact. Only time I use “eyes & ears” now is when he’s intentionally not focusing. When he intentionally isn’t wanting to listen. When he was 2 & 3yrs old, I always demanded that he point & would ask him “Show me….” When he would become frustrated & whine, I never gave in. I would say 80 percent of the time I refused to give what he wanted or helped him show me what he wanted. And how I actually started to train him to understand how to actually communicate “show me” was putting out 2 options for everything. IE, pulling out 2 books or 3, pulling the jug of milk & the water, pulling out gold fish & peanutbutter ritz, pulling out chicken & rice with the veggies & the chicken nuggets & fries etc. And I would ask him “which one…….. point…… show me!” And I would get his little finger & point to the gold fish & then point to the ritz, & then let his finger go & say “okay, which one????? Point….. show me!!!” Sometimes he would get frustrated & whine, & I would say “hey! Eyes & ears!” & point to my eye, & would say it again “hey! Eyes & ears!” And he would look, & I would say “yeeeesss, good job!….. ok now look” & would point to the foods “which one????? Point….. show me!!!” And if he became frustrated again, I would say “hey, no no no, eyes & ears!!!” And he would look, maybe look back down, & I would say “no, eyes & ears!” & would lift his head up & say “show me…… point!!!” And if it got to this point, I would pick up both things & hold it up to him “point!” And sometimes at this point I would chose & ask “this????” And if I catch him looking down to the other one I would quickly lift it up “this????” And if he tried to grab either I would I say “no, point…..” & would grab his finger & make him point to it & would immediately give it to him. Work on that!!!! And when she masters this, she will automatically know to go into the kitchen & point at things, or when you ask her to “show me” she will be quick to understand what that means. And that will eventually turn into her actually asking you for things. You will find her one day coming to you with a pack of fruit snacks, or a fruit, or a book, or something that she wants you to open, or an empty cup of hers, & she will say “this”, which is her way of saying “I want this”. My son is 5 now, & he’s very independent. He will go into the fridge & make himself his own stuff lol He will make his own strawberry milk. He will come to me “mommy, open this! It’s too hard!” Lol referring to the cap of the milk jug. Or like, him running to me “mommy! I made a mess! I want paper towel!” Lol or like “mommy I’m hungry! I want chicken nuggets & fries!” & using please almost with anything given to him “mommy I want more ketchup”, I give it to him “thank you mommy” or “thanks” lol I’m always having conversations with him about everything. Like, if I ask him what he wants to do for the day, he will tell me “hmmmmm I don’t know” lol & then say stuff like “let’s seeee, I want to watch tv”
    or the iPad, or go outside. Sometimes he will turn the question around from wanting to do something to something he actually wants. Like, what do you want to do???? And he’ll say “no I want daddy” lol or sissy. Because both are at work & school lol When he’s sick, he tells me he’s sick & that he wants medicine or that he wants to lay down. He loves letters & numbers, so sometimes I will play games on the car ride home from dropping off his sister to school. I’ll ask him math questions. He’s great at math. And he will say “no mommy I don’t want to do math” lol. And he’s 5!!!! He went from 1-3 word sentences at the beginning of 4 yrs old to now 5 yrs old saying full on perfectly pronounced 3-6 word sentences!

    • @kivirfn4924
      @kivirfn4924 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      you are brilliant....hope yo teach my doughter lyk tht...but m still in depression phase,or denial...y me?? y my doughter...
      i knw i hv to work now...but m still lyk sitting back to watch n mourn y my doughter...may i get enough courage n do things rightly fir her...

    • @Fretube
      @Fretube 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Omg this is so good ! I will do this from now on. My weakness is I give up quickly when my son cries after asking him to point a couple of times.

    • @laurysevere2022
      @laurysevere2022 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi! Since he did not receive therapy, what did you do exactly to improve the back-and-forth conversation? Or to improve his expressive language skills overall?

  • @Caneihaveacupcake
    @Caneihaveacupcake 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    My niece and my sister had come to live with me in Dublin CA last year when we started recognizing that she was having signs of autism. She was only 1 years old at the time but I remember looking for reference videos and I found you guys. I truly believe that God led me to your channel. Emma and my niece Arie are so similar , from playing with mulch at the park to now sliding down the slides !! Seeing your parenting style and Emma’s growth encourages my sister in accepting my nieces diagnosis. I feel like I’ve watched Emma grow and evolve over the last year and it has truly touch me heart in a deep way. I pray that God continues to do a good work in her unto completion. She is so blessed to have a mom and dad like you guys. Sending love and prayers your way, in Jesus name ! ❤️

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This message got me in tears knowing how much you care for my lil one warms my heart ill be praying for your sister and your niece arie 💕

  • @AltaXo
    @AltaXo 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I get so mad at parents who tell their kids they talk too much or tell them to shut up bcuz I would do anythinggggg to have a conversation with my son. Like to know what’s his favorite color is or ask him what he would want to do for his bday 😩😭

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes we feel the same way 💕🙏

    • @AutismTwinsUs
      @AutismTwinsUs 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I used to get very upset wheb our George didn't talk, He was non verbal. He's now near 8 and is talking much more but mostly echolalia and scripting although he's improving. Never give up hope and keep working with them and you never know when those words will come x All the best of luck

    • @AltaXo
      @AltaXo 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AutismTwinsUs thank you! 😩❤️❤️

    • @AutismTwinsUs
      @AutismTwinsUs 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AltaXo believe me I’m not sure how old your child is but check out be of my oldest videos and my latest ones , I think it would give some hope xx

    • @SuperSeventeen1717
      @SuperSeventeen1717 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AutismTwinsUs Hi, just subscribed and wondered if you also went through regression?
      Haven't watched any videos as yet, will do so a little later tonight x

  • @JennyBelly1983
    @JennyBelly1983 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    And too, Like Emma, my son never played with anyone. Up until 3-4 yrs old my son never played with anyone. He’s always with his sister. But never played with her. Just parallel play. And he never played with an imagination, & never played with toys much but letters & play doh. However, he wouldn’t play with playdoh like it’s intended to be played with. He would only make letters with it lol He’s a genius, academically he’s the level of a 2nd grader. He would write & draw letters all day long. Cut little pieces of shapes out of paper & would write & draw letters. Would only play with his letter toys. Anything letters & numbers. But mid 4 yrs old, that all changed. Today he has an imagination. He issues playdoh like how it’s intended to be played with. He makes all kinds of things & food, & plays with the play doh machines. Will make things & pretend he’s eating lol Will give us some to things to eat. He just doesn’t write or draw letters. He actually draws & makes all sorts of different things with paper. And he plays with his sister now! All the time he’s looking for her & to play with her. Will talk with her while playing. All of that. He found a love for things outside of just letters & numbers. His favorite thing is roblox! He’s a little gamer lol & is obsessed with playing with his little roblox action figurines lol Give Emma 1-2 more years, watch!!!!

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks so much for all the advice I appreciate it
      How are you guys doing? Its been a while since we last talked

  • @williamfunggoldenoldiesfan6758
    @williamfunggoldenoldiesfan6758 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    It’s been 14 years since my autism diagnosis with a unique talent: I bravely called today’s music awful and bad and listened to the 1950s to 80s music and trying to know every single hit in the golden age of music

  • @Winter_Dream
    @Winter_Dream 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I love your channel, it has helped me so much in coming to terms with my 2,5 year old daughters autism, you two are so positive and proud and caring for your beautiful little girl and its just such a lovely thing to see.

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you so much that really makes me so happy
      Your definitely not alone we are here for you 🙏 thank you so much for being here 💕

  • @kingeldridgeroyal9722
    @kingeldridgeroyal9722 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I was diagnosed with autism at age 3. It took me a while to interact with the other kids. I was very shy and timid.

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      But look at you now.dojng amazing 🙏

    • @davidmay2535
      @davidmay2535 ปีที่แล้ว

      My 3 year old is diagnosed with autism. Can you tell me do u know was you talking a 3 and played with others kids ?

  • @williamvasquez7889
    @williamvasquez7889 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    In the short time that I subscribed to your channel, Emma improved alot. Those baby steps that she took/taking sure do add up. Great vlog👍! Love you all and God bless✝️❤️!

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you so much and god bless 🙏

    • @williamvasquez7889
      @williamvasquez7889 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      You’re very welcome and God bless you too✝️🙏🏼!

  • @pilgrimlearning9530
    @pilgrimlearning9530 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi there! It is amazing to listen to Emma's story! There are so many parallels to my son's story. He is nearly 7 now and we have also seen so much improvement! We have conversations now, all on his interests hehe. We use a range of supplements and do a Weston A Price diet with him and it has all helped. The age, as you say, is a big thing. They grow so fast and the struggles seem huge while you are in them, then when you look back a few months later then you are amazed that it has passed!

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That’s so amazing I love that he has conversations with you how amazing I can’t wait for lil Emma to do that with us 💕

  • @angelaruiz5323
    @angelaruiz5323 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You guys are doing a wonderful job and the improvements are noticeable. I love Emma’s singing ❤️ I agree about having a conversation with your child and wanting to know what they are thinking and how to help them? Thank You for sharing God bless you all

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      God bless and thank you so much we appreciate you 💕

  • @candimclane6739
    @candimclane6739 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You guys rock! So happy Emma is doing so well.Porter is saying"I want" ...He's fixing to turn 3 in a few days,and will be starting the Early Childhood school,4 days a week. These babies are so lived,and it certainly warms my heart when they have a new skill.L9ve you guys! MeMe🥰

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      How amazing he is doing great I love it 💕they are perfect lil angels 💕 we love you meme 🙏

  • @rosegray9933
    @rosegray9933 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Emma has come along way God Bless.She adorable hugs to Emma.

  • @AutismTwinsUs
    @AutismTwinsUs 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I remember when you guys had a couple hundred subs and I've enjoyed watching all your videos since then. Both been amazing for Emma and she's made some great strides forward x keep it up guys xx

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you so much I appreciate you guys support 💕

  • @814cookiemonster
    @814cookiemonster 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    She's so pretty 😍😍😍, Emma you have wonderful parent's.God bless you all 🍀

  • @sharonsteelman6330
    @sharonsteelman6330 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Emma has come a long way since I've been watching. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter 🥰😍

  • @lisadenbleyker2266
    @lisadenbleyker2266 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    My two kiddos have been trying the broccoli sprout also that you recommended and it might be the aging and aba/therapies, but they have been really improving a lot with communication and what not.

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That makes me so happy it seems like a lot of you guys are trying it and seeing so much results 🙏🥰 that really makes me so happy 😀

  • @aliciab4098
    @aliciab4098 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I just want you to know that since you mentioned broccoli sprouts we have tried it for my daughter as well and her speech and communication have gotten better as well. Some of it just may be age and us working with her but she has gotten better at answering yes/no questions and is stringing more words together. She seems like she will be conversational soon. I hope it’s coming. I hope Emma gets there too.

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      That’s so amazing I am so happy to hear 💕 yay to your baby girl keep us updated 🙏

  • @weedatabraiz6858
    @weedatabraiz6858 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do you allow her to watch cartoon
    And if you do how many hours you give her ?

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      We do let her watch cartoons we don't put a time limit how ever she only has to watch in the morning and she gets home from school for a lil She has school in the mornings and then Aba therapy in the after noon

  • @jessicakika527
    @jessicakika527 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    communication is our things too. thank you for being open .

  • @tyreesetjjoyner1995
    @tyreesetjjoyner1995 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Much prayers and love to you

  • @thaladiescorner9989
    @thaladiescorner9989 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    You guys are great parents, and I have seen mayor improvement in her. Such a cutie! Btw I would love to still have the part 2 with Anthony’s dad 😊

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I know I need to ask questions so I can do a new one we just went to see him this weekend ill do a q&a questions for him

    • @thaladiescorner9989
      @thaladiescorner9989 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@raisingautism8214 yes that would bw great ☺️

  • @weedatabraiz6858
    @weedatabraiz6858 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks alot
    My daughter is 3 years old she is just like Emma
    I was just wondering that should I give her cartoons or not

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah I don't think there is anything wrong with it don't have her in the tv all-day but once in a while it's ok

    • @weedatabraiz6858
      @weedatabraiz6858 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@raisingautism8214 thanku
      Best of luck with emma she's so cute 😍

  • @Kris-zb6eu
    @Kris-zb6eu 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Emma improved sooo much!...great job Emma!...also you parents are amazing!.. My son is a year younger, November baby too. He also got diagnosed around the same age. He also sings throughout the day 😊 so much similarities. 😊

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      How cute I love that 💕has he starter pre school yet?

    • @Kris-zb6eu
      @Kris-zb6eu 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@raisingautism8214 hopefully will start this year, just waiting for signs that i can say he's ready 😊 or i am ready 😅 makes me anxious actually...but seeing how your Emma is doing, makes me hopeful, thanks to your videos. 🥰

  • @swethareddy2781
    @swethareddy2781 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    What age did Emma start ABA?

  • @Sublime_37
    @Sublime_37 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    What age did you get her diagnosed?

  • @neal2606
    @neal2606 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Our daughter just turned 4 and a lot of similarities with Emma. We wish we could get our daughter to color more

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That's so cute that they are so similar and they are the same age

    • @neal2606
      @neal2606 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@raisingautism8214 wish we were closer and they could meet up and play

  • @jh9685
    @jh9685 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Have you guys tried PECS (picture exchange communication system) for communication? She sounds just like my daughter (my daughter is almost 3 is diagnosed) and PECS worked great for her to be able to communicate what she wants.

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      We are doing more pecs now we tried it when she was 2 and it didn't work but now we are we trying pictures with aab

    • @raisingautism8214
      @raisingautism8214  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @jh9685
      @jh9685 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      That’s great! If she’s hand leading you to the cupboard/fridge that’s an attempt at communication and I think I saw in another video her identifying flash cards- I have a feeling she’s gonna pick this up quickly. For my daughter it was her favorite snack (cheese doodles) that made it click for her which lead to functional speech. Sending you well wishes from NJ!

  • @aleksandra2984
    @aleksandra2984 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Emma made a huge progress! 😊

  • @CrestwoodRocks
    @CrestwoodRocks 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Best Weekend Wishes