FFXIV Lore- Dungeon Delving into the Lost City of Amdapor

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 67

  • @NotTheWheel
    @NotTheWheel ปีที่แล้ว +39

    I'd like an expansion where we can connect with the Elementals more. As a White Mage at least it be interesting for me.

    • @SynodicScribe
      @SynodicScribe  ปีที่แล้ว +9

      They're certainly one of the least understood entities in FFXIV that's for sure!

    • @NotTheWheel
      @NotTheWheel ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@SynodicScribe and they have a deep lore to them we just never get to see them in a tangible way but they even took part in some wars if I'm not mistaken even as recent as the 6th astral era. To my understanding they became dormant after Dalamud fell. It be one of the more interesting expansion ideas to explore. (maybe introduce my beloved Beastmaster class as a Ranged DPS)

    • @SynodicScribe
      @SynodicScribe  ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@NotTheWheel You're right. After 2.0 their presence in the story has been minimal. And even when they do make an appearance the writers rarely paint them in a kind light despite all the good they've done.

    • @NotTheWheel
      @NotTheWheel ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SynodicScribe I imagine the Elementals to be very primordial and wild (ironic) because they are living nature. So they might be a bit more reactive than proactive in how they approach things. We also technically don't know what gives them power.. they aren't like Primals because it is not belief which gives them form, if anything they are rather formless but can also take form at will, nor are they constructs of Aether made through creation magicks. They do exist or we've seen minor ones out in the world floating about or the ents. Padjaal also are a mark of their influence on the world. Yet I don't suppose they have a connection to Hydaelyn so who knows what their power is composed of... perhaps sentient pure Aether?
      Whitemages in a sense take on a role not to dissimilar to the station of Shepards of the forest. Hence the trademark cane. By communing with nature we can curb their wild rushing behaviors.
      Not Evil... but certainly a chaotic and unpredictable source. Such is nature. (apologies for the long post)

    • @warllockmasterasd9142
      @warllockmasterasd9142 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@NotTheWheel Hmm they ain't really Dormant but they are significantly weaker than in the Past.
      The Tank role quest in Endwalker actually has the elementals play a part.
      so it's more like they are in a state of long-term recovery.
      They can though as shown back in HW, pull people safely from the life-steam.
      a Feat only an Unsundered Ascian was capable to our knowledge.

  • @Salt_Mage
    @Salt_Mage ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Always glad to see more Shroud lore covered. There’s much too little compared to the other main cities!
    One day I hope to have a proper in game delve into the Elementals, the Padjal, and Gelmorra.

    • @SynodicScribe
      @SynodicScribe  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Right? There are elezen still in Gelmorra for sure. It's not ALL destroyed caves and ruins.

    • @Salt_Mage
      @Salt_Mage ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@SynodicScribe Palace of the Dead will forever remain a huge tease in my book.

  • @zeekfarrongaming5302
    @zeekfarrongaming5302 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    The Lost City of Amdapor is still one of the coolest dungeons from the early days of ARR. I wouldn’t mind the lost city becoming its own explorable area at some point after the spores and fungus have been purified

  • @Wanderingsage7
    @Wanderingsage7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    It's weird, we've met just about every legendary figure in the known cosmology, except the Elementals.

    • @Runeknight101
      @Runeknight101 ปีที่แล้ว

      We've seen and heard from them especially in White mage job and some side quests. Yeah a lot was indirect but they're displayed in a certain Endwalker zone as well as cousins in Eureka.

  • @Wanderingsage7
    @Wanderingsage7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    There's one bit of speculation that the Amdaporians were trying to summon or create Sin Eater like beings to counter Mhach and their voidsent, mostly because of certain enemies in the Hard version of the dungeon. Which from a tactical veiw kinda makes sense, but im not sure if the timing adds up.

  • @Kitsune10060
    @Kitsune10060 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    my Main, the one who in my head cannon is the WoL, is actually "from" Gridania (she's adopted, why else would a Seeker live in the Black Shroud), so she grew up around the Elementals, and thus ... loosely understood what the Elementals where about. I say loosely cause she never put much thought into it past, 'don't piss them off, got it', and her disinterest in magics in the time before setting off to see the world kept her even further away from understanding them any deeper.
    Naturally in my head cannon, she also went to clear out Amdapor. both times. Which was the first time she had seen first hand just what the Elementals had been protecting every one from. it's one thing to hear about what some one is doing, it's another to see it first hand, due to having to tend to some of those duty's your self, and she would see no, major issue with consigning the ruins back to the forest, she would however stress the importance trying to collect and preserve some of that knowledge in those ruins to the Elder Seed Seer (Amdapor is a lvl 50 dungeon, so Operation Archon would have already successfully concluded by this time, thus she would have had some weight to her words at this point) as my WoL might have been the dumbest one in the room when she signed on with the Scions, she least picked up on the importance of history and the lessons it can teach thus the importance of maintaining such knowledge.(these days, she's still technically, the dumbest one in the room. But that's only cause Lyse isn't around anymore, more over, unlike Lyse, she can mostly keep up with whats being said and contribute. Kinda ...)

  • @Sov-Ryn15
    @Sov-Ryn15 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    So good to go back to know what is what after years of playing. I forget some lore at times.

    • @Sneedmeister
      @Sneedmeister ปีที่แล้ว

      Same here. The Lore is SO FUCKING THICCCCQQQQQ that i end up forgetting a lot of it. Maybe we both need to buy the Encyclopedia Eorzea volumes 1 & 2?

    • @Sov-Ryn15
      @Sov-Ryn15 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Sneedmeister I have the 1st - a gift from a friend. Been busy researching other topics for RP reasons

  • @Stephline13
    @Stephline13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    To answer the final question you posed - if the ruins and their knowledge was mine to decide the fate of? Study everything - not just the magic and the defences, but their way of life. What did the Ancient Amdapori eat? What fabrics did they wear? What stories did they tell each other, what toys did they make their children? They were more than just mages, after all - they were a people, and they once lived. Also, let's be realistic, the magic. If the aether of the Lost City can be purified and restored, that's valuable knowledge we could apply to other places where the seventh calamity has caused ruination to try and ease the issues there, not to mention further afield locations such as the First and possibly the Thirteenth once more stable inter-shard travel is able to establish itself. It would have to be slow, careful work both to ensure it's done thoroughly and to ensure the Elementals are able to trust it can be done properly and without people doing anything stupid with the results, but I believe it's possible.
    Also, dismantle the crap out of the defences instead of just leaving it to nature. Allag left their old shit just lying around everywhere and it's caused NO END of problems. We don't need more of that!

  • @jasonthomas7909
    @jasonthomas7909 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Yeahhhh gotta side with the elementals on this one. They're right to be conservative with who has access to such potent magic. And I mean, who better to make the call on who can access magic with such a deep tie to nature, than beings who are intrinsically linked to it?

    • @althelor
      @althelor ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Not only are they intrinsically tied to that field of magic, but they have personally seen what happens when it is used excessively and improperly. So when the elementals say a mage is not worthy to study this magic, you can be reasonably confident that they are correct.

    • @SneakyMuffin
      @SneakyMuffin ปีที่แล้ว +2

      To be devil's advocate, I think they may've overdone it a bit too much with such a blanket ban on White Magic, given all the good that healing magic that powerful could do.

    • @Salt_Mage
      @Salt_Mage ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The blanket ban was reasonable when you consider just how much energy from the land was required to counteract Black Magic

  • @Diamon_Boots
    @Diamon_Boots ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Ah, this place... I always liked the way it looked, but whew did I whipe a lot here, on multiple ocasions. Interested to learn more about it.

  • @roga5326
    @roga5326 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bro really hit us with 'And everything changed when the Fire nation attacked'

  • @silversoul0658
    @silversoul0658 ปีที่แล้ว

    But I thought the elementals are made of dynamis, being the feelings and life of the Twelveswood. It's for this reason the we cannot see them. >:O
    Joking, scribe. Good video as always!

  • @drarko91
    @drarko91 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    IDK if you address this topic before, like Mhach relies upon voidsent powers, could it be that Amdapor golems was some manner of sineaters precursors?

  • @bennettquiggins3292
    @bennettquiggins3292 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I really want more elemental/shroud lore in the game. alas
    thoughts on the statues being the same models as the sin eaters?

    • @warllockmasterasd9142
      @warllockmasterasd9142 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I guess it has to with their light aspects.
      since the Sin-eaters are voidsent, just made of Light instead of Void.

  • @acgearsandarms1343
    @acgearsandarms1343 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Personally, I would purge the ruins of the city of any dangerous elements and have it be a restored as a place for settlement, as both another key location for Gridania to hold as a strategic position and to help take in more people who want to be residents. Of course this is entirely dépendant on whether or not it can be reclaimed entirely and fixed.

    • @SynodicScribe
      @SynodicScribe  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It would likely look grand as an extension of Gridania proper!

    • @mikoto7693
      @mikoto7693 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SynodicScribe Or maybe it could be another housing zone.

  • @williamedward1666
    @williamedward1666 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’d use and learn from the ruins myself. Amdapor was that shining city on a hill for a reason, and it isn’t as though they asked Mhach to start the war.

  • @whitegale4374
    @whitegale4374 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This dungeon really looks like it was inspired by Nausicaä

  • @dustinhatfield8373
    @dustinhatfield8373 ปีที่แล้ว

    Woo another Synodic Scribe video! Ive been looking forward to this one as war of the magi is my favorite lore from ffxiv. Before i watch though, i just thought earlier today of a question i wanted to ask you next time you uploaded a video friend!
    I was under the impression that dynamis was an explanation for limit breaks when i first learned of it but youve mentioned several times that it isnt. If thats the case though, during Endsinger, why does she say "Dynamis!? No Matter." After you use a tank LB3 to survive her first party wipe mechanic?

    • @SynodicScribe
      @SynodicScribe  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I'll likely be explaining this forever.
      Recall the place we fought the Endsinger within. Ultima Thule. This location was almost entirely made of Dynamis, and as such it was the only power we could draw upon. Whilst upon the Source, we draw upon aether, makes sense as our characters are aetherial beings. I'm more surprised how many people took the word of a depressed flock of birds at the end of the universe as gospel. Honestly if this keeps up then I may need to find another game to cover the lore in. Cause if one word in a trial undoes years of lore in people's minds instead of encouraging them to ask questions, then I really need to rethink my life. lmao

    • @dustinhatfield8373
      @dustinhatfield8373 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SynodicScribe no it wasnt that one word for me, i had already made the conclusion that they were using dynamis to explain limit breaks before reaching that trial from when dynamis first gets explained in elpis, since it was a speech option to make that connection in that initial cutscene. Sure emet-selch dismisses the idea immediately but at the time i had just assumed he wouldve done that even if it were true just because he didnt care for us at that time lol.
      I have been watching you for a long time and trust you know your shit and thats specifically why i wanted to ask you what this could've meant. I know its a joke but i certainly hope you dont give up on ffxiv lol. Though if you ever did branch out to other games im sure id watch them too.
      Thanks for taking the time to answer my question!

    • @SynodicScribe
      @SynodicScribe  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@dustinhatfield8373 The problem is the Limit Breaks are used by the characters in Elpis whilst shouting "Mine is the Aether!" The books publish for FFXIV say it's aether, other characters have talked about and shown how drawing upon Aether can create a limit break. Yet a brand new, never explained energy comes into play and everyone suddenly forgets about all that data. Never asking questions like. "How would a mage not notice that aether wasn't being consumed during their limit break if it was Dynamis all along?"
      Simply put, Dynamis can't have been undiscovered for thousands of years, if it was that power/important to a Limit Break. Someone would've notice. Yet no one ever did. Not even Radz-at-han knew for sure. They had an "idea" it existed, yet could never prove it. But if things like Limit Breaks were that obvious from the start, literally everyone would've known.

    • @DragonGirl408
      @DragonGirl408 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SynodicScribe My personal guess is that it's somehow a mix of the two, both magic and dynamis working in tandem with each other would make limit breaks that much more difficult to describe.

    • @dustinhatfield8373
      @dustinhatfield8373 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SynodicScribe that's an excellent point i failed to notice. Thanks again! Herrs.hoping they dint just drop dynamis as a concept after ew and find ways to further explore it now that zodiark is gone and not there to hold its affect back. And this videos content was incredible as always too!

  • @mikoto7693
    @mikoto7693 ปีที่แล้ว

    What I would do with Amdapor, once safe, would be to seal it off and restrict access to trusted archaeological and scholarly teams only, to learn and preserve.

  • @hasseo195
    @hasseo195 ปีที่แล้ว

    What i wonder.
    One white mage stone is in this big tree in the dark forest, or?
    At the end of the gridania start story are the bird people attacking this tree, to take the crystall inside of the tree.
    Did they really wanted the white mage stone?
    Or was there other crystall?^^

  • @Switch-2501
    @Switch-2501 ปีที่แล้ว

    Running an FF14 DnD campaign is SO much easier with lore videos like this ;)

  • @MaydaTiger
    @MaydaTiger ปีที่แล้ว

    we ever got a reason why the amdapori golems looked like sineaters of the first?

    • @SynodicScribe
      @SynodicScribe  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No. We're never given a clear reason.

  • @StellariumSound
    @StellariumSound ปีที่แล้ว

    Blood lily needs blood.

  • @goldtoothslair3052
    @goldtoothslair3052 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't know what I would do with the ruins. I would just allow the Forest to reclaim it for the simple fact I hated going through that place plus after going through there it made me realize that shadowbringers is a completely lazy expansion since literally most of the enemies that we faced it there are literally carbon-copy enemies that we have to face in shadowbringers

  • @Max44321
    @Max44321 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Elementals really just sat back, watched the war brewing and then had the gall to be upset at everyone else while they did nothing to stop it. I hope we get to beat them down the line.

    • @SynodicScribe
      @SynodicScribe  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Goodness, such a narrow and violent way to look at things.

    • @Salt_Mage
      @Salt_Mage ปีที่แล้ว

      Eldritch primordial beings that avoided the affairs of mortal men chose to stay out of mortal conflict had the perfectly justified response of "what the F, mortals?" when said mortals caused a calamity, you mean?

  • @madambutterfly1997
    @madambutterfly1997 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Explain the undead white mages and black mages in the city itself

    • @femthingevelyn
      @femthingevelyn ปีที่แล้ว +2

      can't voidsent possess dead bodies? also considering everything about mach, I wouldn't be surprised to learn they would stoop to a little necromancy in the capital city of their sworn enemy

    • @Gloomdrake
      @Gloomdrake ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@femthingevelynyeah, Ashkin aren't especially weird when there are Voidsent, since the line between Ashkin and and Voidsent is very thin

    • @SynodicScribe
      @SynodicScribe  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Oh that's easy. Necrotic Magic fuckery.

  • @Fantasygod930
    @Fantasygod930 ปีที่แล้ว

    the black-and-white Mages in the city are very bad at being black and white Mage the white Mages don't heal their allies while the black mage's don't spend their abilities and switch from fire to ice all they do is melee you and do 1 spell that's it no wonder why that War lasted for so long and I am confused of black and white magic causing the flood of water should it been caused by something watery instead of black and white magic

    • @fireninja404
      @fireninja404 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      the reason for a flood of water I think is not because of an excess of water. I think the white mages drained the air, earth, and white aether, black mages drained the ice, fire, lightning, and black aether, leaving only water left in abundance

    • @Salt_Mage
      @Salt_Mage ปีที่แล้ว +2

      As far as I recall, alternating between Astral Fire and Umbral Ice states is a modern Thaumaturgic practice that we as the WoL adapted to use with Black Magic proper.

    • @Gloomdrake
      @Gloomdrake ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@Salt_Magealso the mages in question are dead. Whatever is reanimating them prolly can't use their bodies to their full potential

  • @Sneedmeister
    @Sneedmeister ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm of the opinion that "consigning the ruins to nature" is highly irresponsible. Motivated individuals could still very well access the buildings buried beneath the trees and dirt and potentially find valuable information.
    Obviously the best answer would have been to ACTIVELY DESTROY the ruins, secure all found knowledge, and lock the dangerous stuff away. Just going "meehhhh not my problem, let nature keep it" is an abandonment of responsibility and duty.

    • @Gloomdrake
      @Gloomdrake ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Any attempt to destroy the city risks letting the spores escape

    • @Salt_Mage
      @Salt_Mage ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Gloomdrake Not to mention that the Elementals sat through a literal war of increasingly powerful magecraft. Why would the Elementals believe it safe to magically nuke a city near their home?