Thank you for teaching this critical subject. My family stopped celebrating Easter and Christmas since 2008. We are proud of obeying God's ordained Feasts and commandments instead of man making pagan worships. Fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Because I told you to do those things in remembrance of me. I didn't say eat my flesh and drink my blood. I said get together and feast in remembrance of me. Here I am! Time to receive your King.
Thanksgiving for the LORD'S Saving Goodness. 1¶Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, For his lovingkindness endures forever. 2¶Let Yisra'el now say That his lovingkindness endures forever. 3Let the house of Aharon now say That his lovingkindness endures forever. 4Now let those who fear the LORD say That his lovingkindness endures forever.
Great information, there are many assemblys that celebrate sukkot in tents, I would love to do it, just it would be really hard for my old bones sleeping in the floor, even with inflatable mattress I still hurt, I watch how they get together, they put the celebration online. The importance of the information is that sometimes I don't know what to say of why we celebrate sukkot, thank you.
4Now let those who fear the LORD say That his lovingkindness endures forever. 5¶Out of my distress, I called on the LORD. The LORD answered me with freedom. 6The LORD is on my side. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?
Thank you, Brother Tom, for your teaching. I am blessed by your message. After the Summer Solstice comes the three summer months of Tammuz, Av, and Elul. Which of the seven feasts are you showing to be in these summer months? Exo 12:14 says that Passover is memorialized on the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Jesus ate the Passover meal on the memorial day of Nisan 15 with His Disciples, Mark 14:12. Doesn't the barley have to be waved on the 15th, the day after the Sabbath, so they could eat the first fruits of barley with the Passover meal? Jesus was alive and doing well on Nisan 16, as He gave the Lord's Supper to His Disciples during that night. Surely you know that the Greek text of Matt 28:1 is all about the 1st Sabbath in the counting of the Omer on Nisan 21, and has nothing to do with Sunday. For Jesus to be sinless, He must follow the law of Moses. Jesus ate the Passover according to the Law, which makes it obvious that the Jews of the day did not follow the law and observed the Passover on a "High," midweek, Sabbath. Jesus died on the "Jew's Day of Preparation." The Biblical Feast day for the Passover did not require a "Day of Preparation" per Exo 12:16. As to the calendar, any calendar that does not have the first fruits of barley on Nisan 15 is not a biblical calendar. To say it another way, any calendar that has a leap year, with an additional month, cannot have barley first fruits on Nisan 15. The Biblical Calendar of 52 weeks must have 364 days. See Jubilees chapter 6. The month of Tishri must parallel the month of Nisan so that the 15th to the 21st is a full calendar week from Sunday to the weekly Sabbath. Exo 12:42 calls for an all-night vigil. That is the only mention of a vigil in the Bible. Don't you think that would be the night the elect would know to be awake so Jesus would not come to them as a thief in the night?
On Long Island, NY, taking the train into Manhattan, you would see Succahs on people's balconies. I decorated the patio where I live this past Sukkot for the first time. Not a wonderful display and no palm branches but in my worship I am trying to honor Yahua.
Colossians 2:16-17 So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, (17) which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ. (NKJV) Apostle Paul's teaching here means, don't abandon the traditions, the Feasts, Sabbath, New Moon, Full moon...instead to keep them because they appoint to Christ (prophecy)
@@rocdajacableCorrect, and understand that this is not what Yahweh sent His Son JesusChrist to do; You been living on earth many years, you even fully aged, know not a cult when you see one????? Probably not, because all building worships are cults, and not what God wants us to do: But to Repent, turn from living in the course or cycle of this world, Romans 12:2, and to be not like our forefathers (2 kings 17), who practiced the traditions on the world, and worshipped them and served them.
SABBATH AND FEASTS DAYS OBSERVANCE: God had to get up from His Rest, after CREATION, to begin the work of SALVATION. He had to kill an animal, and that is working! Romans 15:8; 9:4-5; John 5:17-18; 19:30; Colossians 2; Hebrews chapters 3 and 4; Galatians 2:7; Ephesians 3:2; Colossians 1:25-26; 1 Corinthians 15; Amos 5:20-24; Luke 1:67-72. They had to preach on those days because those were the days that they could meet with the people. Jesus Christ worked on the sabbath days and that was one of the reasons why He was persecuted and crucified, by overzealous priests and scribes, who not only studied the Torah, but also taught it daily in the temple and on all feast days, but they were the ones that set a trap with the naked young man Mark 14:51-52, to ensnare and crucify Him. The Apostles were told to preach only to the Jews, Matthew 10:5, if they accepted His Lordship, otherwise, if he had to die, then this will bring everyone that wills, to Him John 12:32. Then He gave them a new order Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus Christ became the SABBATH for His people who now must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, John 4:24. Believers are led by the Spirit, He now lives inside of them, fellowshiping with them, leading them, interceding for them with the Father. As long as they're 2 or 3 in the NAME of. Jesus Christ, He is there in the midst of them, as their Emmanuel! Thus, it doesn't matter who established any days, they have no authority from the risen Lord. So, God Himself is looking for those who would simply believe in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior. The Apostle Paul even disputed with those who were making new Believers to obey the law! This teaching is not of the Lord. Let God be True! I'm very sure none of you do speak in tongues, for that, you need to ask for daily infilling and leading, and trusting Him to speak to the Lord on your behalf- you have human elders and who not, for that. No Holy Spirit, no Jesus Christ John 14:26; Romans 8:9; Acts 1:8. No one can observe any of the laws, and still honor God in Christ Jesus, by the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:4 (Galatians chapters 1-5, 2 Corinthians chapters 2-3). No grace, no hope of redemption at His return for His purchased possession. Think! (Those who are celebrating feast days, especiallygood Fridays to Easter days, are bringing to remembrance His cruel death burial and resurrection, to mind, yearly. He is not sitted in heavenly places for them). Hebrews 9:12. That is not the Jesus of the Scriptures!
If they now ask how do we keep what He did for us in remembrance? The Communion! We put His death for us in remembrance, as often as we eat His flesh and drink His blood. That's our resurrection and life in Him. Luke 22:19; 1 Corinthians 11:23-32. We eat worthily, means that we accept His substitutional death, burial and resurrection. 1 Corinthians 15:3; 1 Peter 2:24; Romans 3:22-26, 5:6-8; 2 Corinthians 5:14-21; Galatians 1:4, 3 13-14; Isaiah 26:19; Romans 6:3-14 etc. Living for Him by faith, buried together in baptism, and risen together with His dead body, accepted in the beloved and made to sit with Him in God in heavenly live for Him in this life and not having to taste death, because He promised to return to redeem His purchased possession. That is the hope of every Believer!
The lulav kinda looks like a vegetation sword. The bound palm being the blade and the other trees being the hilt, willow possibly the handle. Tabernacles, to me, is camping with be honest, I hate camping, but camping with God is definitely doable.☺️❤ The Jews have paganized/sexualized all of God's feasts in some way or another with their Kabbalistic traditions, but they are STILL HIS feasts, unlike Saturnalia and Oestra. Thank you for this, teaching. Jesus Christ is God the Father manifested in the flesh. As he told the Pharisees, "If you do not believe that I Am, you will die in your sins." Jesus prayed in John 17:3 Now this is eternal life, that they may know YOU, the only true God (the Father), AND JESUS Christ whom you sent. In 1 John 2:22 we are told that "Christ" is the Father and Son. If you deny the Father and Son as Christ, then you are antichrist and you will die in your sins. In short, there is NO Trinity. The Trinity is as pagan as Christmas and Easter are. Passover 2024 is coming up and I'm here for it!☺️❤
Yearly Easter and Christmas celebrations bring to remembrance the sins of those who observe it year after year, as they have not accepted the once and for all sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, shedding His blood for the remission of their sins. And Christmas observance keeps Jesus as a babe in the manger. That is not living by grace through faith. It is works based, and totally denies the very Savior they're trying to celebrate. Hebrews chapters 8-10; Colossians 2.
Here is one question that you must consider, “Did anyone receive forgiveness for sins before Jesus was supposedly crucified and raised from the dead?” The answer is, “Yes”! So, since God already forgives the sins of a repentant person there is no need for something else. In the Ancient Near East, it was the common practice to sacrifice children to pagan gods in other societies. God wanted to draw a distinction between the pagans and his family that He was calling out of the world. When he tested Abraham at the binding of Isaac to follow his commands and at the same time set a precedent that teaches that human sacrifice is forbidden. . Israel was not to sacrifice children to Molech, a foreign deity. This was so important that God made a special command regarding the practice. And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. (Leviticus 18:21) This verse not only contains the command not to sacrifice children but it also teaches that doing this profanes the name of the Almighty instead of glorifying it. The following are two verses that also address the sacrifice of children in order to appease a god. They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind: (Jeremiah 19:5) And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin. (Jeremiah 32:35) These two verses present an interesting comment made by God himself. In the condemnation of the practice of sacrificing children, God actually says that he had never thought in his own mind that his family could fall so far as to sacrifice their own children. He actually says this twice. Now fast forward to a statement that John makes later in the New Testament. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Revelations 13:8) Is this what we are to believe? God indicated early on in the Hebrew Bible that He hates the sacrifice of children. He says in Jeremiah that He had never once thought that His own people would do this to their own children, but you are trying to tell me that before time began He knew that He would send His own son to die on a cross to appease Himself. In Genesis 22, God teaches Abraham that human sacrifice is an abomination. He later backs this up with the command for Israel not to sacrifice their children to Molech. Later in Jeremiah, He reiterates again that it is a terrible abomination when He recaps the history of His people. He goes on to state that this thing is so terrible that he couldn't even have conceived of this horrendous thing in His own mind. Yet, you are believing that later He does it to His own child to glorify Himself. Can you reconcile the reference in Leviticus18:21 to profaning God's name?
@keleighmollak3622 No one ever received complete forgiveness of sins before the atoning death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The blood sacrifices of the bulls and goats partially COVERED their sins, until the shed blood of Jesus Christ washed them away, and they were resurrected as their graves were opened as God had promised in Ezekiel 37:12, in Matthew 27:51-52. We're only talking about ISRAEL, not the rest of the world. Israel was cast out of their promised land for this very reason, and they're still doing this very same thing everywhere they have been scattered, according to the word of God Deuteronomy 28:64-68; Jeremiah chapters 7-26; 42-44. They will be eventually pardoned, when Jesus Christ returns the second time, to destroy the system of this world. Micah 7:18-19; Revelation 21:1. Only Israel! The rest at this point in time has the opportunity to receive complete pardon and redeem- both Israel and whosoever would simply put their faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and abide in Him - not in any of these churches, till the end. Matthew 24:13
@keleighmollak3622 Romans 15:8-9. Jesus Christ came to fulfill God's promises to Abraham, as the promised Seed. Gentiles were granted adoption of sons of Abraham by their faith, by grace through the finished work of salvation. This undeserved mercy- Grace, was made available to all who believe. Jesus Christ then sent the Holy Spirit to confirm His presence in those who do believe, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. The early Gentile church, though professing Believers, were alienated from the Lord for lack of the Holy Spirit, the only sign of indwelling of the Lord Jesus Christ, by His Holy Spirit. Acts 19:1-7. Although these only went through the baptism of repentance by John, it doesn't confirm their new birth in Christ Jesus, since the time of Israel had elapsed, as they had rejected the Messiah. No one can use a piece of a new cloth to patch the old, nor put a new wine into old bottles. That's what all the churches at this time are doing with their different and various doctrines, which gives them all a Jesus Christ, other than the One who came and paid the price for the redemption and salvation of their souls. There's only One Jesus, and He's not found in churches, but inside individuals who accept His Lordship as Savior. 1 Corinthians 1:13-15;; 3:4-6! He then personally breathes into them John 20:22, to prepare them for the infilling and indwelling of the promised Holy Spirit John 14:26; Acts 1:8, which confirms their adoption into sons of God, sharing His image and likeness, just like Jesus Christ, until they grow up to the fullness of the stature of Christ, then, they're changed and taken up to be placed into the body of Christ, the Head, which will take them up to present them faultless before the presence of God the Father. That's what we need to be sure of at this time. Be in the word as you daily ask for the infilling and leading of the Holy Spirit. We get to deal with Him, by the shed blood of Jesus Christ, to get to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. Some seem not to know or have forgotten. Let everything be done decently and in order. He isn't an afterthought.
@keleighmollak3622 God is omniscient. He knows everything. He prepared a body for His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to come and feel in the flesh, all what man is going through, while He Himself remains sinless, meaning, He doesn't indulge in sin. Hebrews 4:15-16. So, He eventually was condemned as a sinner- study Mark 14:51, the story of the naked young man. 2 Corinthians 5:21. That was the reason Jesus's sweat were like drops of blood, when He got to the last sin He had to deal with that would condemn Him to shame, torture and consequently, a cursed death on the cross- simply because He was set up in the middle of the night, as He prayed, in the garden of Gethsemane, to be doing stuff the laws condemned with penalty of death, by stoning, but was cranked up to become death by crucifixion on the cross. Judas kissed him, not a peck in the cheek but a full blown kiss, in order to set him up, but he didn't know his act was just a distraction, the people that hired him, already prepared a worse scenario- using the young guy that fled into the night naked. Mark 14:51-52. Jesus Christ refused to tattle on him, nor did he ask them to go get him to speak for him, because He came for the very reason, to die for the undeserved, who, if and when they come to this realization, would immediately repent and accept the cleansing power of the blood that bought them. He even became their high Priest, who is touched by the feeling of their infirmity, understanding where they come from, but hoping they will come to Him and cast it all on Him, and take His Rest! He already made that call!!! Will you answer, will you imagine what they must have done to him, with such a charge, in that day and age? All just to make atonement for every sin conceivable, including what you're struggling with at this moment! Give it all to Him! Being mad at the preacher will not assuage your guilt and self- condemnation, and self torture and self hatred and self judgment. He already did it all- for YOU!!! Which of these religious leaders who abbet them ever promised to pray to God for them. How can the blind lead the blind? Anyone that has encountered God by the preaching of the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and still remain unconcerned and unrepentant, has already forfeited his mercy, and grace that bought him from the devil, who has the power of sickness, afflictions, terror, oppression, death and the grave. No escaping him. Let the love of God for you, in Christ Jesus, constrain you to listen, receive, accept, confess, believe and abide in His love, justification from all your sins, past, present and future, And live the new life purchased by the shedding of His blood, and by imputting God's righteousness that declared you "faultless, blameless ", before the presence of God, with whom you have to give an account, whether you like it or not! No excuses on that day, for God will definitely be Just and Righteous when He metes out judgment, and all mouths will be quiet!
@keleighmollak3622 Jesus Christ came and died for sins and sinners. Mark chapters 14-16; Isaiah 53 ( Research what is meant by " He was bruised...He was broken..., and you will understand the extent of what He went through for His alledged crime!) To actually understand who the runner in Mark 14, verse, one has to take the whole chapter into consideration. 1) Jesus had just finished with the last supper, He had just declared that one of His own would be betraying Him. What does the word "betray" mean? 2) He had just left in the middle of the night to go to the Mount of Olives, and went alone further with 3 of His desciples- to pray, and it is written that He began to be " sore amazed...and very heavy". What could trouble His soul to such an extent as to have to even ask His desciples to - a) sit here, close to Him, while He prays; b) letting them know the extent of and reason for the sorrow in his SOUL! and to still " tarry and watch" c) what could have made Him to plead with His Father to try and take away this cup- filled with wrath of God, especially for the impending trap that has been prepared for Him, leading to His final mission to end the cycle of sin which began in Genesis 3. d) why was it important for Him that His desciples "watch and pray?", and what could be so bad to make His and their flesh weak? Verses 32-38? Why would there have to be present, tge priests, scribes, elders, and a great multitude? Verse 43? What must they witness that would be so outrageous and abominable, that would demand immediate arrest and subsequent insult, maltreatment of Jesus Christ, that even His desciples wouldn't want to be associated with him? And suddenly, there appeared a "certain naked young man, simply clad with a linen cloth, left and fled naked? What was his role in the setup of Jesus Christ, in a remote place, in the middle of the night? What did they want to show concerning Jesus Christ? Why would even their witnesses not agree? Wasn't it because they didn't understand the depth of their satanic mind? This man claimed to be the Son of God, and the descendant of King David, and was now found in a blatantly staged compromising situation? Verse 61: Why was it important for them to ask about His status as " the Christ, the Son of the Most BLESSED?" Implying he was cursed? Funny, that was the only question He answered because it was the Truth! The Truth they were not willing to accept, instead smeared His reputation for the who world to see, since Jerusalem was teeming with people from all over for the feast of passover! The most admirable and regal thing about this is that Jesus Christ kept quiet, even when they condemned Him to death according to Leviticus 20:13, with all the false witnesses to corroborate their false accusations of blasphemous conduct and speech, spitting on and making fun of Him verses 55-65! Wow! He actually preferred to be condemned to death, rather than say anything that would condemn even the man that fled naked from the scene! He would have made them look for him and arrest him for lewd conduct and immoral act. But, didn't Jesus Christ come to seek and save the lost- even those who are called immoral and who commit abomination? This just proved how Jesus Christ paid for the punishment of every one, especially those who the scriptures condemned as committing abomination, they were the most beneficial of His condemnation and subsequent punishment and eventual cursed death on the cross of Calvary. Anyone who still tramples on His shed blood, after seeing what He did for them, by continuing in their pernicious ways, would have no more plea for sin. They will be looking forward to a fiery judgment on that day, but God will be Just and Righteous in judgment! He put the most needful for the last, He never overlooked anyone, no matter who they are or the nature of their sins, He paid for them all! Thus, the naked man clad with linen cloth in verses 51 and 52, the bait set up to implicate Jesus Christ and anyone associated with Him. I believe that Judas was blindsided with the appearance of this young man, and this made him regret ever colluding with these people, because that wasn't part of the agreement, and this got him to commit suicide!Let us remember that these people will do anything in order to get their way. They actually went to catch a woman committing adultery in the very act, John 8: 3-11 so that they can have something to trap Jesus. They have been looking for ways to get rid of Him, and this naked young guy was it! That would be the reason why Peter vehemently denying knowing Jesus Christ 3 times, and Jesus Christ was left alone to finish the work of salvation of the soul of man by paying the ultimate wages of sin: cursed death on the cross! He was buried, and He rose again from the dead on the 3rd day. So all who believe in Him should have justification from sin and would be imputed with the righteousness of God, by grace through faith in His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection, and will have everlasting life 1 Corinthians 15:51-58, when He presents them faultless before the presence of God the Father, with exceeding joy! Jude 24. Whosoever does not believe and abide till the end, Matthew 24:13, when He returns to take up all His purchased possession, 1Thesalonians 4:13-18, will be condemned to everlasting fire Isaiah 66:24. We all get to make informed choices and decisions, so God will be righteous and just when He judges, and every mouth will be stopped on that day! Romans 3:19; Acts 17:31; Psalm 96:13; Isaiah 11:4; Psalm 51:4.7! Crucify yourself with Christ and live forever. Galatians 2:20.
I think his arguments would be a lot stronger if he just acknowledged that God is “ok” with man made holidays There’s literally nothing in scripture against them. They’re only bad when there’s pagan sacrifices being made.
You can always spot the false sheep because they are always stuck on something. Such as 1. Feast days. 2.the name. 3. Lunar sabbaths. 4 . The flat earth. And so much more.
Show me where in Scripture a person is deemed a goat for believing these things. Also, you come to a video about the Feasts OF THE LORD (as He Himself put it) just to make a negative comment?
@@davidinchcliff4560 Hello! Indeed, but that does not mean we shouldn't keep them. The one who loves, obeys. Yeshua kept them, so should we. And Zachariah 14 clearly states that in the Millenium we will keep at least the feast of tabernacles, Sukkot (this year 2024 it started the 16th-17th of October). BTW, Paul kept the feasts as well, we see that in Corinthians. Shabat Shalom
Thank you for teaching this critical subject. My family stopped celebrating Easter and Christmas since 2008. We are proud of obeying God's ordained Feasts and commandments instead of man making pagan worships. Fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
It is because of the Torah that what Jesus has done on Calvary has so much meaning and the only way we can come to the Father
Thank you for the beautiful teaching
Because I told you to do those things in remembrance of me. I didn't say eat my flesh and drink my blood. I said get together and feast in remembrance of me. Here I am! Time to receive your King.
Deeply helpful even though I am Sabbath and mo'edeem keeper of some 10+ years🕎🕎thank you
Wonderful to hear. Blessings!
HalleluYah 🎉🎉🎉
Thanksgiving for the LORD'S Saving Goodness.
1¶Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, For his lovingkindness endures forever.
2¶Let Yisra'el now say That his lovingkindness endures forever.
3Let the house of Aharon now say That his lovingkindness endures forever.
4Now let those who fear the LORD say That his lovingkindness endures forever.
Great sermon
Esther revealead more! God bless you! Shalom!🙏👑🌹
Great information, there are many assemblys that celebrate sukkot in tents, I would love to do it, just it would be really hard for my old bones sleeping in the floor, even with inflatable mattress I still hurt, I watch how they get together, they put the celebration online. The importance of the information is that sometimes I don't know what to say of why we celebrate sukkot, thank you.
4Now let those who fear the LORD say That his lovingkindness endures forever.
5¶Out of my distress, I called on the LORD. The LORD answered me with freedom.
6The LORD is on my side. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?
Thank you, Brother Tom, for your teaching. I am blessed by your message.
After the Summer Solstice comes the three summer months of Tammuz, Av, and Elul. Which of the seven feasts are you showing to be in these summer months?
Exo 12:14 says that Passover is memorialized on the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Jesus ate the Passover meal on the memorial day of Nisan 15 with His Disciples, Mark 14:12. Doesn't the barley have to be waved on the 15th, the day after the Sabbath, so they could eat the first fruits of barley with the Passover meal? Jesus was alive and doing well on Nisan 16, as He gave the Lord's Supper to His Disciples during that night.
Surely you know that the Greek text of Matt 28:1 is all about the 1st Sabbath in the counting of the Omer on Nisan 21, and has nothing to do with Sunday.
For Jesus to be sinless, He must follow the law of Moses. Jesus ate the Passover according to the Law, which makes it obvious that the Jews of the day did not follow the law and observed the Passover on a "High," midweek, Sabbath. Jesus died on the "Jew's Day of Preparation." The Biblical Feast day for the Passover did not require a "Day of Preparation" per Exo 12:16.
As to the calendar, any calendar that does not have the first fruits of barley on Nisan 15 is not a biblical calendar. To say it another way, any calendar that has a leap year, with an additional month, cannot have barley first fruits on Nisan 15. The Biblical Calendar of 52 weeks must have 364 days. See Jubilees chapter 6. The month of Tishri must parallel the month of Nisan so that the 15th to the 21st is a full calendar week from Sunday to the weekly Sabbath.
Exo 12:42 calls for an all-night vigil. That is the only mention of a vigil in the Bible. Don't you think that would be the night the elect would know to be awake so Jesus would not come to them as a thief in the night?
Thank you. Yes ordained.
On Long Island, NY, taking the train into Manhattan, you would see Succahs on people's balconies.
I decorated the patio where I live this past Sukkot for the first time. Not a wonderful display and no palm branches but in my worship I am trying to honor Yahua.
Colossians 2:16-17
So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, (17) which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ. (NKJV)
Apostle Paul's teaching here means, don't abandon the traditions, the Feasts, Sabbath, New Moon, Full moon...instead to keep them because they appoint to Christ (prophecy)
Very interesting. Thank you for that perspective.☺️
@@TheBereangirl My pleasure.
Thank you for teaching the truth which most churches don't. God knows who the faithful servants are.
@@helenerickson2195 you're welcome.🥹 He truly does know who his little sheep are.❤️😭
What scripture says the three were pilgrimages?
I cant find the first part help!!! Please
Here it is!
@TorahClass thank You!!!!
Why so many adds
Matthew 15:3 Indeed why do you break the Torah of God by your tradition....
Pastors and Sunday school teachers ...
Further more in Matt 15:8
Yes good point, Matthew 15:8 and 9
@@rocdajacableCorrect, and understand that this is not what Yahweh sent His Son JesusChrist to do;
You been living on earth many years, you even fully aged, know not a cult when you see one????? Probably not, because all building worships are cults, and not what God wants us to do:
But to Repent, turn from living in the course or cycle of this world, Romans 12:2, and to be not like our forefathers (2 kings 17), who practiced the traditions on the world, and worshipped them and served them.
@user-Dayvid1 he came strictly to Restore the 2, Bazar Echad
Are you teaching traditions of men or Moshe Laws JC.. Shalom
God had to get up from His Rest, after CREATION, to begin the work of SALVATION. He had to kill an animal, and that is working!
Romans 15:8; 9:4-5; John 5:17-18; 19:30; Colossians 2; Hebrews chapters 3 and 4; Galatians 2:7; Ephesians 3:2; Colossians 1:25-26; 1 Corinthians 15; Amos 5:20-24; Luke 1:67-72.
They had to preach on those days because those were the days that they could meet with the people.
Jesus Christ worked on the sabbath days and that was one of the reasons why He was persecuted and crucified, by overzealous priests and scribes, who not only studied the Torah, but also taught it daily in the temple and on all feast days, but they were the ones that set a trap with the naked young man Mark 14:51-52, to ensnare and crucify Him.
The Apostles were told to preach only to the Jews, Matthew 10:5, if they accepted His Lordship, otherwise, if he had to die, then this will bring everyone that wills, to Him John 12:32. Then He gave them a new order Matthew 28:18-20.
Jesus Christ became the SABBATH for His people who now must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, John 4:24.
Believers are led by the Spirit, He now lives inside of them, fellowshiping with them, leading them, interceding for them with the Father. As long as they're 2 or 3 in the NAME of. Jesus Christ, He is there in the midst of them, as their Emmanuel!
Thus, it doesn't matter who established any days, they have no authority from the risen Lord.
So, God Himself is looking for those who would simply believe in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior.
The Apostle Paul even disputed with those who were making new Believers to obey the law!
This teaching is not of the Lord.
Let God be True!
I'm very sure none of you do speak in tongues, for that, you need to ask for daily infilling and leading, and trusting Him to speak to the Lord on your behalf- you have human elders and who not, for that. No Holy Spirit, no Jesus Christ John 14:26; Romans 8:9; Acts 1:8.
No one can observe any of the laws, and still honor God in Christ Jesus, by the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:4 (Galatians chapters 1-5, 2 Corinthians chapters 2-3). No grace, no hope of redemption at His return for His purchased possession. Think!
(Those who are celebrating feast days, especiallygood Fridays to Easter days, are bringing to remembrance His cruel death burial and resurrection, to mind, yearly. He is not sitted in heavenly places for them). Hebrews 9:12. That is not the Jesus of the Scriptures!
If they now ask how do we keep what He did for us in remembrance? The Communion! We put His death for us in remembrance, as often as we eat His flesh and drink His blood. That's our resurrection and life in Him. Luke 22:19; 1 Corinthians 11:23-32. We eat worthily, means that we accept His substitutional death, burial and resurrection. 1 Corinthians 15:3; 1 Peter 2:24; Romans 3:22-26, 5:6-8; 2 Corinthians 5:14-21; Galatians 1:4, 3 13-14; Isaiah 26:19; Romans 6:3-14 etc. Living for Him by faith, buried together in baptism, and risen together with His dead body, accepted in the beloved and made to sit with Him in God in heavenly live for Him in this life and not having to taste death, because He promised to return to redeem His purchased possession.
That is the hope of every Believer!
so are christens getting raptured in the spring feasts
Excellent teaching. BUT, your teaching on the Lolav was right on by calling it tradition, the Lolav is NOT a COMMANDMENT. 😀
The lulav kinda looks like a vegetation sword. The bound palm being the blade and the other trees being the hilt, willow possibly the handle. Tabernacles, to me, is camping with be honest, I hate camping, but camping with God is definitely doable.☺️❤
The Jews have paganized/sexualized all of God's feasts in some way or another with their Kabbalistic traditions, but they are STILL HIS feasts, unlike Saturnalia and Oestra.
Thank you for this, teaching.
Jesus Christ is God the Father manifested in the flesh. As he told the Pharisees, "If you do not believe that I Am, you will die in your sins." Jesus prayed in John 17:3 Now this is eternal life, that they may know YOU, the only true God (the Father), AND JESUS Christ whom you sent. In 1 John 2:22 we are told that "Christ" is the Father and Son. If you deny the Father and Son as Christ, then you are antichrist and you will die in your sins. In short, there is NO Trinity. The Trinity is as pagan as Christmas and Easter are. Passover 2024 is coming up and I'm here for it!☺️❤
Of course you know why the easter bunny hides his eggs; he doesn't want anyone to know he's doing a chicken.
Yearly Easter and Christmas celebrations bring to remembrance the sins of those who observe it year after year, as they have not accepted the once and for all sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, shedding His blood for the remission of their sins. And Christmas observance keeps Jesus as a babe in the manger.
That is not living by grace through faith. It is works based, and totally denies the very Savior they're trying to celebrate. Hebrews chapters 8-10; Colossians 2.
Here is one question that you must consider, “Did anyone receive forgiveness for sins before Jesus was supposedly crucified and raised from the dead?” The answer is, “Yes”! So, since God already forgives the sins of a repentant person there is no need for something else.
In the Ancient Near East, it was the common practice to sacrifice children to pagan gods in other societies. God wanted to draw a distinction between the pagans and his family that He was calling out of the world. When he tested Abraham at the binding of Isaac to follow his commands and at the same time set a precedent that teaches that human sacrifice is forbidden. . Israel was not to sacrifice children to Molech, a foreign deity. This was so important that God made a special command regarding the practice.
And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. (Leviticus 18:21) This verse not only contains the command not to sacrifice children but it also teaches that doing this profanes the name of the Almighty instead of glorifying it.
The following are two verses that also address the sacrifice of children in order to appease a god.
They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind: (Jeremiah 19:5)
And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin. (Jeremiah 32:35)
These two verses present an interesting comment made by God himself. In the condemnation of the practice of sacrificing children, God actually says that he had never thought in his own mind that his family could fall so far as to sacrifice their own children. He actually says this twice. Now fast forward to a statement that John makes later in the New Testament.
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Revelations 13:8)
Is this what we are to believe? God indicated early on in the Hebrew Bible that He hates the sacrifice of children. He says in Jeremiah that He had never once thought that His own people would do this to their own children, but you are trying to tell me that before time began He knew that He would send His own son to die on a cross to appease Himself.
In Genesis 22, God teaches Abraham that human sacrifice is an abomination. He later backs this up with the command for Israel not to sacrifice their children to Molech. Later in Jeremiah, He reiterates again that it is a terrible abomination when He recaps the history of His people. He goes on to state that this thing is so terrible that he couldn't even have conceived of this horrendous thing in His own mind.
Yet, you are believing that later He does it to His own child to glorify Himself. Can you reconcile the reference in Leviticus18:21 to profaning God's name?
No one ever received complete forgiveness of sins before the atoning death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The blood sacrifices of the bulls and goats partially COVERED their sins, until the shed blood of Jesus Christ washed them away, and they were resurrected as their graves were opened as God had promised in Ezekiel 37:12, in Matthew 27:51-52.
We're only talking about ISRAEL, not the rest of the world.
Israel was cast out of their promised land for this very reason, and they're still doing this very same thing everywhere they have been scattered, according to the word of God Deuteronomy 28:64-68; Jeremiah chapters 7-26; 42-44.
They will be eventually pardoned, when Jesus Christ returns the second time, to destroy the system of this world. Micah 7:18-19; Revelation 21:1. Only Israel!
The rest at this point in time has the opportunity to receive complete pardon and redeem- both Israel and whosoever would simply put their faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and abide in Him - not in any of these churches, till the end. Matthew 24:13
Romans 15:8-9.
Jesus Christ came to fulfill God's promises to Abraham, as the promised Seed. Gentiles were granted adoption of sons of Abraham by their faith, by grace through the finished work of salvation. This undeserved mercy- Grace, was made available to all who believe. Jesus Christ then sent the Holy Spirit to confirm His presence in those who do believe, with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
The early Gentile church, though professing Believers, were alienated from the Lord for lack of the Holy Spirit, the only sign of indwelling of the Lord Jesus Christ, by His Holy Spirit. Acts 19:1-7.
Although these only went through the baptism of repentance by John, it doesn't confirm their new birth in Christ Jesus, since the time of Israel had elapsed, as they had rejected the Messiah. No one can use a piece of a new cloth to patch the old, nor put a new wine into old bottles. That's what all the churches at this time are doing with their different and various doctrines, which gives them all a Jesus Christ, other than the One who came and paid the price for the redemption and salvation of their souls.
There's only One Jesus, and He's not found in churches, but inside individuals who accept His Lordship as Savior. 1 Corinthians 1:13-15;; 3:4-6!
He then personally breathes into them John 20:22, to prepare them for the infilling and indwelling of the promised Holy Spirit John 14:26; Acts 1:8, which confirms their adoption into sons of God, sharing His image and likeness, just like Jesus Christ, until they grow up to the fullness of the stature of Christ, then, they're changed and taken up to be placed into the body of Christ, the Head, which will take them up to present them faultless before the presence of God the Father.
That's what we need to be sure of at this time. Be in the word as you daily ask for the infilling and leading of the Holy Spirit. We get to deal with Him, by the shed blood of Jesus Christ, to get to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ.
Some seem not to know or have forgotten. Let everything be done decently and in order. He isn't an afterthought.
God is omniscient. He knows everything. He prepared a body for His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to come and feel in the flesh, all what man is going through, while He Himself remains sinless, meaning, He doesn't indulge in sin. Hebrews 4:15-16. So, He eventually was condemned as a sinner- study Mark 14:51, the story of the naked young man. 2 Corinthians 5:21.
That was the reason Jesus's sweat were like drops of blood, when He got to the last sin He had to deal with that would condemn Him to shame, torture and consequently, a cursed death on the cross- simply because He was set up in the middle of the night, as He prayed, in the garden of Gethsemane, to be doing stuff the laws condemned with penalty of death, by stoning, but was cranked up to become death by crucifixion on the cross.
Judas kissed him, not a peck in the cheek but a full blown kiss, in order to set him up, but he didn't know his act was just a distraction, the people that hired him, already prepared a worse scenario- using the young guy that fled into the night naked. Mark 14:51-52.
Jesus Christ refused to tattle on him, nor did he ask them to go get him to speak for him, because He came for the very reason, to die for the undeserved, who, if and when they come to this realization, would immediately repent and accept the cleansing power of the blood that bought them. He even became their high Priest, who is touched by the feeling of their infirmity, understanding where they come from, but hoping they will come to Him and cast it all on Him, and take His Rest! He already made that call!!!
Will you answer, will you imagine what they must have done to him, with such a charge, in that day and age? All just to make atonement for every sin conceivable, including what you're struggling with at this moment! Give it all to Him!
Being mad at the preacher will not assuage your guilt and self- condemnation, and self torture and self hatred and self judgment. He already did it all- for YOU!!!
Which of these religious leaders who abbet them ever promised to pray to God for them. How can the blind lead the blind?
Anyone that has encountered God by the preaching of the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and still remain unconcerned and unrepentant, has already forfeited his mercy, and grace that bought him from the devil, who has the power of sickness, afflictions, terror, oppression, death and the grave. No escaping him.
Let the love of God for you, in Christ Jesus, constrain you to listen, receive, accept, confess, believe and abide in His love, justification from all your sins, past, present and future, And live the new life purchased by the shedding of His blood, and by imputting God's righteousness that declared you "faultless, blameless ", before the presence of God, with whom you have to give an account, whether you like it or not! No excuses on that day, for God will definitely be Just and Righteous when He metes out judgment, and all mouths will be quiet!
Jesus Christ came and died for sins and sinners. Mark chapters 14-16; Isaiah 53 ( Research what is meant by " He was bruised...He was broken..., and you will understand the extent of what He went through for His alledged crime!)
To actually understand who the runner in Mark 14, verse, one has to take the whole chapter into consideration.
1) Jesus had just finished with the last supper, He had just declared that one of His own would be betraying Him.
What does the word "betray" mean?
2) He had just left in the middle of the night to go to the Mount of Olives, and went alone further with 3 of His desciples- to pray, and it is written that He began to be " sore amazed...and very heavy".
What could trouble His soul to such an extent as to have to even ask His desciples to - a) sit here, close to Him, while He prays;
b) letting them know the extent of and reason for the sorrow in his SOUL! and to still " tarry and watch"
c) what could have made Him to plead with His Father to try and take away this cup- filled with wrath of God, especially for the impending trap that has been prepared for Him, leading to His final mission to end the cycle of sin which began in Genesis 3. d) why was it important for Him that His desciples "watch and pray?", and what could be so bad to make His and their flesh weak? Verses 32-38?
Why would there have to be present, tge priests, scribes, elders, and a great multitude? Verse 43?
What must they witness that would be so outrageous and abominable, that would demand immediate arrest and subsequent insult, maltreatment of Jesus Christ, that even His desciples wouldn't want to be associated with him?
And suddenly, there appeared a "certain naked young man, simply clad with a linen cloth, left and fled naked?
What was his role in the setup of Jesus Christ, in a remote place, in the middle of the night?
What did they want to show concerning Jesus Christ?
Why would even their witnesses not agree? Wasn't it because they didn't understand the depth of their satanic mind?
This man claimed to be the Son of God, and the descendant of King David, and was now found in a blatantly staged compromising situation?
Verse 61: Why was it important for them to ask about His status as " the Christ, the Son of the Most BLESSED?" Implying he was cursed?
Funny, that was the only question He answered because it was the Truth! The Truth they were not willing to accept, instead smeared His reputation for the who world to see, since Jerusalem was teeming with people from all over for the feast of passover!
The most admirable and regal thing about this is that Jesus Christ kept quiet, even when they condemned Him to death according to Leviticus 20:13, with all the false witnesses to corroborate their false accusations of blasphemous conduct and speech, spitting on and making fun of Him verses 55-65!
Wow! He actually preferred to be condemned to death, rather than say anything that would condemn even the man that fled naked from the scene! He would have made them look for him and arrest him for lewd conduct and immoral act.
But, didn't Jesus Christ come to seek and save the lost- even those who are called immoral and who commit abomination? This just proved how Jesus Christ paid for the punishment of every one, especially those who the scriptures condemned as committing abomination, they were the most beneficial of His condemnation and subsequent punishment and eventual cursed death on the cross of Calvary. Anyone who still tramples on His shed blood, after seeing what He did for them, by continuing in their pernicious ways, would have no more plea for sin.
They will be looking forward to a fiery judgment on that day, but God will be Just and Righteous in judgment!
He put the most needful for the last, He never overlooked anyone, no matter who they are or the nature of their sins, He paid for them all!
Thus, the naked man clad with linen cloth in verses 51 and 52, the bait set up to implicate Jesus Christ and anyone associated with Him. I believe that Judas was blindsided with the appearance of this young man, and this made him regret ever colluding with these people, because that wasn't part of the agreement, and this got him to commit suicide!Let us remember that these people will do anything in order to get their way. They actually went to catch a woman committing adultery in the very act, John 8: 3-11 so that they can have something to trap Jesus. They have been looking for ways to get rid of Him, and this naked young guy was it! That would be the reason why Peter vehemently denying knowing Jesus Christ 3 times, and Jesus Christ was left alone to finish the work of salvation of the soul of man by paying the ultimate wages of sin: cursed death on the cross! He was buried, and He rose again from the dead on the 3rd day. So all who believe in Him should have justification from sin and would be imputed with the righteousness of God, by grace through faith in His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection, and will have everlasting life 1 Corinthians 15:51-58, when He presents them faultless before the presence of God the Father, with exceeding joy! Jude 24.
Whosoever does not believe and abide till the end, Matthew 24:13, when He returns to take up all His purchased possession, 1Thesalonians 4:13-18, will be condemned to everlasting fire Isaiah 66:24.
We all get to make informed choices and decisions, so God will be righteous and just when He judges, and every mouth will be stopped on that day! Romans 3:19;
Acts 17:31; Psalm 96:13; Isaiah 11:4; Psalm 51:4.7!
Crucify yourself with Christ and live forever. Galatians 2:20.
I think his arguments would be a lot stronger if he just acknowledged that God is “ok” with man made holidays
There’s literally nothing in scripture against them. They’re only bad when there’s pagan sacrifices being made.
You can always spot the false sheep because they are always stuck on something. Such as 1. Feast days. 2.the name. 3. Lunar sabbaths. 4 . The flat earth. And so much more.
Show me where in Scripture a person is deemed a goat for believing these things. Also, you come to a video about the Feasts OF THE LORD (as He Himself put it) just to make a negative comment?
@extranjerasabiduria777 none of those are salvational issues. It's a distraction from present truth
@@davidinchcliff4560 Hello! Indeed, but that does not mean we shouldn't keep them. The one who loves, obeys. Yeshua kept them, so should we. And Zachariah 14 clearly states that in the Millenium we will keep at least the feast of tabernacles, Sukkot (this year 2024 it started the 16th-17th of October). BTW, Paul kept the feasts as well, we see that in Corinthians. Shabat Shalom
@extranjerasabiduria777 we are still in the day of atonement and we won't be in the next feast day until heaven.
@@davidinchcliff4560 1) When was Yom Teruah, then?
2) We will live on Earth during the Millennium and we will celebrate Sukkot (at least)